BC :: Volume #12

#1189: Reserve[ this chapter by: Old practice gentleman- names in addition -7 /?]

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Cannot make the headquarters of global development committee establish in the Baylor Federation native place!” “不能让世界发展委员会的总部建立在拜勒联邦本土!” These words were Frat's diplomat in exchange in secret said that he thinks, once the global development committee established in the federal native place, will become one of the federal branch offices, rather than an international organization. 这句话是盖弗拉的外交官在私底下的交流中说的,他认为一旦世界发展委员会建立在联邦本土,就会成为联邦的分支机构之一,而不是一个国际性的机构。 Their these member nation is a member nation, rather receives the Federal Government international policy immobilization country. 他们这些成员国与其说是成员国,倒不如说是受到联邦政府的国际政策钳制的国家。 Isn't the fact this? 事实可不就是这样吗? The advantage that this nation manages will expand the federal person's power and influence at global development committee, some member Congress's deviation federations naturally, finally the federation said that anything is anything, this does not conform to at present interest demand of each national in international affairs. 本邦管理的优势会扩大联邦人在世界发展委员会中的权势,一部分成员国会自然而然的偏向联邦,最后联邦说什么就是什么,这不符合目前各个国家在国际事务中的利益诉求。 Everyone expressed the support, approved the view of Diplomat Frat, and agreed that during the following discussion, the establish place issue, collaborates to exert pressure on the federal person. 大家都对此表示赞同,认可了盖弗拉外交官的说法,并且同意在接下来的会谈中,就成立地点问题,联起手来向联邦人施压。 What makes one somewhat unable to think, the federal person made the concession in this issue on own initiative. 只是让人有些想不到的是,联邦人在这个问题上主动作出了让步。 We currently initially plan to establish the headquarters of global development committee in Sydow Russ, we know that Sydow Russ is one consistently maintains the neutral country, it is not partial to any standpoint.” “我们目前初步打算将世界发展委员会的总部建立在赛多拉斯,我们都知道赛多拉斯是一个始终保持中立的国家,它不偏向任何立场。” This to our follow-up management, the work, provided very appropriate environment!” “这对我们后续的管理,工作,提供了非常合适的环境!” Sydow Russ is only a small country, now the international situation changes very quickly, Sydow Russ also has in fact related Federal Government in secret, hopes that can promote all -round cooperation of both sides. 赛多拉斯只是一个小国家,现在国际局势变化得非常快,赛多拉斯实际上私底下也联系过了联邦政府,希望能增进双方的全方位合作。 Without the means that the time becomes too quickly, on the day before Frat world, is one's turn the federation to start gradually to catch up vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered now, in addition the Defeated nation Alliance is saving the strength to prepare the Second World War, Sydow Russ also flusters. 没办法,时代变得太快,前一天还是盖弗拉纵横世界,现在轮到了联邦开始逐渐发力,加上战败国联盟正在积攒实力准备第二次世界大战,赛多拉斯也慌。 Many people think that the Second World War definitely will break out, but scale of eruption, affected country, when the First World War the belligerent country are more than! 很多人都认为第二次世界大战必然会爆发,而爆发的规模,波及的国家,将会比第一次世界大战时参战国更多! Even has the possibility world to be affected by the war, when the time comes did not have what neutrality not neutral standpoint. 甚至有可能全球都会被战争波及,到时候就不存在什么中立不中立的立场了。 The war is unreasonable, to supplement various resources, even is the population, only then the aggression is most appropriate, fastest, most effective way. 战争是不讲道理的,为了补充各种资源,甚至是人口,只有侵略才是最合适的,最快速,最有效的办法。 Also had nothing compared with a neutral small country simpler method that the aggression has not stuck together again. 再也没有什么比侵略没有抱团的中立小国更简单的方法了。 Before looking at everyone, is in the share of neutral country, Sydow Russ wants to be intimate with the federation, if can solve the security problem to be better. 看着大家以前都是中立国的份上,赛多拉斯想要和联邦多亲近亲近,要是能解决安全问题就更好了。 Happen, this be established global development committee is a turning point, once places Sydow Russ this organization, means the change of its standpoint. 正好,这次成立世界发展委员会就是一个契机,一旦把这个组织放在赛多拉斯,就意味着它立场的改变。 Perhaps it can also maintain the status in neutral country, meanwhile can establish the relations with this stable alliance. 也许它还能保持着中立国的身份,同时还能和这个稳固的联盟搭上关系。 Can put down as for this good deed falls white/in vain? 至于这种好事会不会平白落下? That is almost the not possible matter, in fact also has many work in the back of this matter, for example both sides signed some agreements in secret, the provision. 那几乎是不可能的事情,实际上在这件事的背后还有更多的工作,比如说私底下双方签订了一些协议,条款。 And included Sydow Russ to provide a deepwater port to the federation stationed in the warship, meanwhile will construct the military installation on the deepwater port land, including but not limited to, airport and supply depot. 其中包括了赛多拉斯将会提供一个深水港给联邦驻扎军舰,同时还会在深水港周围的土地上修建军事设施,包括但不限于机场和补给仓库。 The diplomat who the concessions of federal person let Frat thought that in this possibly has the plot, but the matter has not been one's turn him to go to think, under the force of certain extent, everyone chose the approval on own initiative. 联邦人的让步让盖弗拉的外交官觉得这里面可能有阴谋,但事情已经轮不到他去多想,在一定程度的强迫下,大家还是主动选择了赞同。 At least, this establishing is better than because of the federal native place, not? 至少,这比建立在联邦本土更好,不是吗? Matter determines, was only left over with some inaugural meeting related things, Federal Government dispatched one work team to go to Sydow Russ to carry out the initial work. 事情一确定下来,就只剩下和成立大会相关的一些事情了,联邦政府派遣了一个工作组前往赛多拉斯进行前期的工作。 They will first rent or purchase a building as the temporary office of global development committee, simultaneously constructs a brand-new construction again. 他们会先租用或者购买一栋建筑物作为世界发展委员会的临时办公场所,同时再建造一栋全新的建筑。 Meanwhile Peng Czech Republic Austria Group also announced that a similar international commercial trade organization, the atmosphere of sticking together opposition becomes again tight. 与此同时彭捷奥集团也宣布成立了一个类似的国际商业贸易组织,抱团对立的气氛变得再一次紧张起来。 This time, both sides also not that quick disputes in the actual war, they will first resist in the business. 只是这一次,双方还不会那么快的在实际的战争中较量,他们首先会在商业上进行对抗。 Most people think that this is Federal Government highlights the federal position in the international community again, occupies the one upward performance of key position. 大多数人都认为这是联邦政府在国际社会中再一次凸显联邦地位,占据重要位置的一种向上表现。 Some authoritative organizations did the third quarter poll, in these poll, the popularity of Mr. President reaches as high as 65% at present, and will also have the possibility that continues to rise. 有一些权威机构做了第三季度的民意调查,在这些民意调查中,目前总统先生的支持率高达百分之六十五,并且还会有持续走高的可能。 If he really can complete the educational reform, continued does not have on an issue. 如果他真的能够完成教育改革,连任就一点问题都没有了。 Meanwhile, in the federal safety mechanism, the scar face confession that was rescued. 与此同时,在联邦的安全机构中,被救回来的疤脸交代了。 Because he injury excessive stupor some time, revived recently, hospital has cared about his health very much, allows the people of peaceful commission to interrogate him until this day. 他因为伤势过重昏迷了一段时间,最近才苏醒过来,医院方面一直很在意他的身体健康,直到这天才允许安委会的人对他进行审讯。 The medical group's in treating the issue of patient health attitude is very strong, the people of peaceful commission when the scar face just revived proposed must interrogate their ideas, unexpectedly was declined by the hospital directly. 医疗集团在对待病人健康的问题上态度很强硬,安委会的人在疤脸刚苏醒过来时就提出了要审讯他们的想法,居然被医院直接回绝了。 The reason is the situation of patient is unstable, may because the interrogation will cause some unknown problems, therefore rejected. 理由是病人的情况还不稳定,有可能会因为审讯造成一些未知的问题,所以拒绝了。 They treat money the attitude to be earnest, therefore treats the attitude of patient, especially earnest. 他们对待钱的态度是认真的,所以对待病人的态度,也格外的认真。 If the people died, which they from do make these expensive medical services to be used? 人要是死了,他们从哪去弄那些昂贵的医疗费用来? When the scar face basically belongs to half healthily condition, the people of peaceful commission obtained can interrogate his permission, but the time cannot over a half hour. 当疤脸基本上属于“半康健”状态时,安委会的人得到了可以审讯他的许可,但时间不能超过半个小时。 The process of interrogation, is simpler than the imagination. 审讯的过程,比想象中要简单。 When the scar face sits the wheelchair was advanced interrogates, he has not thought must resist. 当疤脸坐着轮椅被推进审讯时,他就没有想过要抗拒。 He is not certain the backbone backbones of what secret organization, he is a hunter, a free mercenary, drawing cash the management is his work, he will not always have many to be loyal to the customer. 他又不是某些什么秘密组织的中坚骨干,他就是一个猎人,一名自由的佣兵,拿钱办事就是他的工作,他从来都不会对客户有多少忠诚。 But he also has oneself idea and demand, he knows that Charlie( younger sister) had been rescued. 但他也有自己的想法和诉求,他知道查理(妹)已经被救走了。 She when being been kidnapping received the torture, he to the present still remembers that Charlie( younger sister) was full of the hate look, as well as her those words you will regret!” 她在被绑架期间受到了酷刑,他到现在还记得查理(妹)充满了怨恨的眼神,以及她的那句话“你会后悔的!” It is no doubt that he has regretted. 不用说,他已经后悔了。 Wish makes me open the mouth to be very easy, so long as you can protect my family member, you want to know anything, I said anything.” “想要让我开口很容易,只要你们能保护我的家人,你们想知道什么,我就说什么。” He is first wakes up and suits is interrogated, like this made him have and federal person discusses the foundation of condition. 他是第一个醒来并且适合被审讯的,这样让他具有了和联邦人谈条件的基础。 He actually does not have so many requests, he knows that oneself is impossible to evade the sanction of federal law, now can make him have only worry, is his family member. 他其实没有那么多的要求,他知道自己不可能逃避联邦法律的制裁,现在唯一能让他有所顾虑的,就是他的家人。 The people are the parents live, the scar face is also, because the poverty and other reasons he took this road. 人都是爹娘生下来的,疤脸也是,因为贫困等原因他走上了这条路。 He knows that the fearful function of money, he only thought that does not make the family member be involved now. 他知道金钱的可怕作用,他现在唯一的念头,就是不让家人受到牵连。 I need to ask for instructions......”, an agent of peaceful commission stood, later went to other room dial telephones. “我需要请示一下……”,一名安委会的特工站了起来,随后去了其他房间拨打电话。 The scar face in this process will cough once for a while, his left side lobe of the lung was penetrated from the above by the ricochet. 在这个过程中疤脸时不时就会咳嗽一声,他的左侧肺叶被跳弹从上方击穿了。 Lucky, without the heart that the wound arrives, in addition Charlie( younger sister) wants not to count the price saves them, he lived. 运气不错,没伤到的心脏,加上查理(妹)愿意不计代价的救他们,他活了下来。 However the damage of lungs does not have the means solution in a short time, and even was good, he often will still cough, this will follow his life. 但是肺部的损伤短时间里没办法解决,并且就算好了,他也会不时的咳嗽,这会伴随他一生。 He is a little anxious, does not know that insane woman when he treats whether has made anything, can only place hopes in her not to do with enough time. 他有点紧张,不知道那个疯女人在他治疗期间是否已经做了什么,只能寄希望于她还没有来得及那么做。 Agent secure who Weihui leaves quickly came back, he sits in another side of table, silent a meeting, in principle we agree to your request, but the bad news, I heard that the black stone took over a job safely.” 很快离开的安委会特工回来了,他坐在桌子的另外一边,沉默了一会,“原则上我们同意你的要求,但是有一个坏消息,我听说黑石安全接了一份工作。” Content was to find your family members, moreover they had embarked......” “内容是找到你们这些人的家人,而且他们已经出发了……” Hand tight gripping of scar face became the fist, the knuckle issued the sound in the huge strength role, but loosened immediately. 疤脸的手紧紧的攥成了拳头,指关节在巨大的力量作用下发出了声音,但随即又松开了。 He lowers the head, I pleaded to make my youngest younger brother go on living, this was the only condition!” 他低着头,“我恳求让我年纪最小的弟弟活下去,这是唯一的条件!” That agent stood, I asked for instructions, the issue should not be big, if you also had other family members.” 那名特工又站了起来,“我去请示一下,问题应该不大,如果你还有其他家人的话。” Actually this matter developed this moment everyone to know the whole story of matter, continued to interrogate the value of scar face does not lie in making him confess that is who incited him in the back, but was needs him to coordinate. 其实这件事发展到这一刻大家都已经知道了事情的原委,继续审讯疤脸的价值并不在于让他供出是谁在背后指使他,而是需要他配合。 Probably like this is subject to the case that the international community pays attention, its value does not lie in the case, but is the influence that it can make, with it value in political. 像是这样备受国际社会关注的案件,它的价值并不在于案件本身,而是它能够制造的影响力,和它在政治方面的价值方面。 What sometimes people need is not the true truth, they need is close to the psychology demand answer! 有时候人们需要的并不是真正的真相,他们需要的只是接近自己心理需求的“答案”! Let a person who made the terror attack announced an answer, this may Federal Government announce that was easier than to obtain the faith of people. 让一个制造了恐怖袭击的人来宣布一个答案,这可比联邦政府自己宣布更容易得到人们的信赖。 The quick telephone connects that side Lynch, does not want too many to comply regarding this simple request Lynch. 很快电话就连通到林奇那边,对于这个简单的要求林奇没有想太多就答应了下来。 The agents of secure Commission had good news to return to the interrogation chamber, the scar face says the matter that all he knew immediately. 安委会的特工带着“好消息”回到了审讯室里,疤脸立刻说出了所有他知道的事情。 secure Commission besides this matter, before him some activity also unusual being interested, he kidnapped in the all over the world for example before, attack, assassination and other activities. 安委会除了这件事之外,对他以前的一些活动也非常的感兴趣,比如说他之前就在世界各地进行绑架,袭击,刺杀等活动。 Although why the scar face is not clear the federal person the matter to be interested to these pasts have had, but his very coordination the matter said all have handled. 疤脸虽然不清楚为什么联邦人对这些过去发生过的事情那么感兴趣,可他还是非常配合的把所有自己做过的事情都说了出来。 Together simple, interrupts the small request of goal bridge of the nose, a big case that involved the slaughter, he said. 无论是一起简单的,打断目标鼻梁的小委托,还是一宗涉及到了屠杀的大案子,他都说出了出来。 Thinks to go on living, the missing homeland person goes on living, must coordinate, this point when he just contacted this line was very clear. 想自己活下去,想家人活下去,就得配合,这一点在他刚接触这一行的时候就很清楚了。 The mercenaries, where has what to believe and standpoint? 雇佣兵,哪有什么信仰和立场? Perhaps some people have, but this person definitely is not the scar face. 也许有人有,但这个人肯定不是疤脸。 He used three days of time, are massive he to remember, the matter that is also willing to say on own initiative revealed completely. 他用了三天时间,才把大量他能记住,也愿意主动说出来的事情完全吐露。 These contents were reorganized the file evacuation to return to the peaceful commission, later some materials gather a higher level. 这些内容被整理成档案后送回到安委会,随后一些资料就汇聚到更高的层面。 Had the handling result about scar face also to decide, he will attain the punishment over 500 years by terror attack crime and other charges, when there are when needed him to stand, he may reappear in the front of people. 有关于疤脸的处置结果也决定了下来,他会以恐怖袭击罪等罪名获刑五百年以上,当有什么时候需要他站出来的时候,他才有可能重新出现在人们的面前。 In the confession of scar face had a person to bring to the attention of peaceful commission, this person was Mr. Wycliffe, because he before soon, just entered a country. 疤脸的交代中有一个人引起了安委会的注意,这个人就是威克利夫先生,因为他就在不久之前,刚刚入境。
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