BC :: Volume #12

#1188: Adviser

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

In the office of Mr. President, two people had discussed some time, Mr. President also gradually understands that understands the core of Lynch this fair university. 总统先生的办公室里,两人已经讨论了一段时间,总统先生也逐渐的明白理解林奇这种公平大学的核心。 Indeed, studies from some perspective is the same, if you are not willing to try hard to work, why the capitalist does want to provide the wage to you? 的确,从某种角度来说学习和工作是一样的,如果你不愿意努力的工作,那么资本家为什么要给你发放薪水? This looks like the university, if you school not diligently, why you can enter the university to study, thus obtains compared with others higher start environment? 这就像是大学,如果你不努力的学校,凭什么你就能进入大学学习,从而获得比别人更高的起步环境? Fair university pursue is fair, it is unfair from some perspective, because not all students deeply love the learn/study. 公平大学追求的就是公平,从某方面来说它又不公平,因为并不是所有的学生都是热爱学习的。 Some many students from going to elementary school starting from first day, is drifting along, has mixed the high school to graduate, these person of this whole life do not have the opportunity to enter the university to study, even if educational reform truly success. 有很多学生从上小学的第一天开始,就在混日子,一直混到高中毕业,这些人这辈子都没有机会进入大学学习,哪怕教育改革真正的成功了。 Afterward Lynch also talked about the idea of preparatory course university, this is to the student last opportunity that some awaken suddenly, only has two years, longest not over three years. 随后林奇又谈到了预科大学的想法,这是给一些突然间醒悟的学生最后一个机会,只有两年,最长不超过三年。 In Lynch looks like at present federation content of under the educational system, if a person is willing to spend two years of earnest studies, can study to high third-grade all contents from the elementary school first grade. 林奇看来目前联邦的教育体系下的内容,一个人如果愿意花两年的时间认真的学习,从小学一年级到高三年级所有的内容都能学进去了。 So long as their result reached the standard of university enrollment, they can enter the university by the college freshman qualifications, accepts the higher level knowledge the baptism. 只要他们的成绩达到了大学录取的标准,他们就能以大学新生的资格进入大学,接受更高级知识的洗礼。 If cannot achieve, then also can only return to the original life path, looks for a physical strength to live, accepts silently from capitalist's exploitation oppression. 如果达不到,那么也只能回到原本的生活轨迹上,找一份体力活,默默接受来自于资本家的剥削压迫。 They have the opportunity, but they are not willing to grasp. 他们不是没有机会,只是他们自己不愿意把握而已。 Sometimes the person unusual contradiction, without fair and just they always urge that fair fair arrives at their sides a bit faster. 有时候人非常的矛盾,在没有公平公正的时候他们总是呼吁公平公正快点来到他们的身边。 When fair appeared when their side fairly, they hopeful fair can arrive under their bodies fairly. 等公平公正出现在了他们身边时,他们有希望公平公正能到他们身下。 the coffee of going, Mr. President writes to draw in front book, these are the important essential factors that he records, later when the formulation educational reform measure can be useful. 喝着外卖的咖啡,总统先生在面前的本子上写写画画,这些都是他记录的重要要素,随后在制定教育改革措施的时候能用得上。 The words sentence that some inside also Lynch said sometimes, spoke to be useful. 里面还有一些林奇说的话的句子,有时候演讲能用得上。 You felt, if in the following educational reform, we increase to as a new standard the score the educational system, can have some of our unexpected issues?” “你觉得如果在接下来的教育改革中,我们把分数作为一个新的标准增加到教育体系中,会不会产生一些我们预料不到的问题?” Because we never have to cross like this!” “因为我们从来都没有这样过!” Perhaps breaks conventional will bring the considerable progress to our enterprise, but may also make people stand in our opposites.” “打破常规也许会给我们的事业带来长足的进步,但也有可能让人们站在我们的对立面。” From the elementary school to the high school to the existing university system , the federation excessively has not pursued again counts this concept excessively. 从小学到高中再到现有的大学体系中,联邦从来都没有过多地追求过分数这个概念。 While at elementary school is this, while at high school is this, in university is this. 小学时是这样,中学时是这样,大学时是这样。 This also caused many families to think that the interview and interest were bigger than the learn/study the distortion values, many sports special skill student is depending upon them in the talent that sports displayed, entered various universities. 这也导致了很多家庭认为面试和兴趣大于学习的扭曲价值观,很多体育特长学生依靠着他们在体育方面表现出的天赋,进入了各所大学。 Some drawing, or have other talent student the trip of university to also relatively to be how relaxed. 一些绘画,或者有着其他怎样天赋的学生的大学之旅也相对轻松一点。 Recently even some schools when choosing the civilian university student will take these handsome charming and youth pretty graduate as the interview condition, absorbed some gene for the university outstandingly! 最近甚至有些学校在挑选平民大学生时会把那些英俊帅气和青春靓丽的毕业生作为面试条件,为大学吸纳一些优秀的“基因”! Regardless of they choose the method way of student how absurdly, making one be flabbergasted, the score in these forever was most common! 但是无论他们挑选学生的方法方式多么的荒唐,令人咋舌,在这些中分数永远都是最不起眼的! Some people can say that all scores are very low can enter a school through the interview as before, some people each branches are the high scores, was actually eliminated. 有些人可以说所有分数都很低依旧能通过面试入学,有些人每一科都是高分,却被刷了下来。 Now increases with the score as the new rule of only admittance condition, some people will definitely complain, or thinks this is the failure of educational reform, Mr. President was a little worried. 现在增加以分数作为唯一入学条件的新规则,肯定会有些人抱怨,或者认为这是教育改革的失败,总统先生有点担心。 What this/should worry is these students and their guardians, Mr. President, limited fair that we provide has taken care of most people.” “该担心的是那些学生和他们的家长,总统先生,我们提供的有限的公平已经照顾到了大多数人。” So long as they can conscientiously learn/study, rather than thinking how can goes to bed with cheering squads or four ranks, they have very big probability to enter the school.” “只要他们能够认真的学习,而不是想着怎么才能和拉拉队长或者四分位上床,他们就有很大概率进入学校。” University is not the drifting along place, there is in the place of top talent for federal training, the consequence that lets not be willing the person who tries hard to take is not willing to try hard, making the person who is willing to try hard shoulder the construction federation the responsibility, this is biggest fair!” “大学不是混日子的地方,那里是为联邦培养中高端人才的地方,让不愿意努力的人去承担不愿意努力的后果,让愿意努力的人担负起建设联邦的责任,这就是最大的公平!” Lowering condition and standard constantly, is to these person biggest shame diligently!” “一味的放低条件和标准,是对那些努力的人最大的羞辱!” A talk continued for 40 minutes, generally speaking Mr. President was convinced by the idea of Lynch, he can first arrange to conduct earlier period's various investigations, for example makes the panel of educators of Congress first move to do the point cloud data to come out. 一场谈话持续了四十分钟,总体来说总统先生被林奇的想法说服了,他可以先筹备进行前期的各种调查,比如说让国会的教育委员会先动起来搞点数据出来。 Then looks at the result of York state response. 然后再看约克州反应的结果。 Actually Frat Imperial family school is one takes the score as the standard place, is the third estates, only then the learn/study best person, can enter there. 其实盖弗拉皇家学院就是一个以分数为标准的地方,其中很多都是平民阶级,只有学习最好的人,才能进入那里。 Naturally the aristocrat has many, the price that but the aristocrats go is very big, must spend a lot of money, these money were used in the project research of various projects. 当然贵族有不少,但贵族们进去的代价很大,要花很多的钱,这些钱则被用在了各种项目的立项研究上。 Frat Imperial family school makes Frat maintain the fearful sci-tech competition strength in the last time, under the federal funds until the new times promotes the advance in technology, has to balance. 盖弗拉皇家学院让盖弗拉在上一个时代中保持着可怕的科技竞争力,直到新时代下联邦资本推动科技进步,才有所平衡。 The state that is initiated by the York state the educational reform has started to initiate to discuss across the country, the people's and attention regarding other enthusiasms are much higher than things of education. 由约克州发起的州内教育改革已经开始在全国范围内引发了一些讨论,人们对于教育的热情和关注比其他事情高得多。 This relates a family's future. 这关系一个家庭的未来。 In the society also some so-called educationists start the frequent appearance before the media, talked at length them to the view of educational reform. 社会上也有一些所谓的教育学家开始频繁的出现在媒体面前,大谈特谈他们对教育改革的看法。 Some people support the educational reform that Catherine proposed very much, thinks that interview system and recommendation system, was the federation is most decayed, most fearful, most backward academic clique system. 有些人很支持凯瑟琳提出的教育改革,认为面试制度和推荐制度,是联邦最腐朽,最可怕的,最落后的学阀制度。 But also some people thought that such reform is not good, if everyone turned into the bookworm, this world this/should how fearful! 但也有人觉得这样的改革并不好,如果每个人都变成了书呆子,这个世界该多么的可怕! Look, method that they counter-attack such does not have the persuasive power. 瞧,他们反击的方法都那么的没有说服力。 The attention of lower class is paying attention to something of educational reform, that is close to their life to them. 社会底层的注意力都在关注着教育改革的一些事情,那对他们来说更接近他们的生活。 Social middle and upper level social class, then focused on discussing. 社会中上层阶级,则把注意力放在了会谈上。 Perhaps is the speeches of a series of tough stance Federal Government gives, moving these participants, the advancement was advanced enormously. 也许是联邦政府发表的一系列强硬态度的演讲,“打动”了这些参与者,进程被极大的推进了。 No one wants to become to create obstacles for international peace enterprise advancement small number of people, does not want, therefore becomes the attacked target. 没有人想要成为“刁难国际和平事业进程”的少数人,更不想要因此成为被打击的目标。 In early August, the global development committee some regulations has determined, inaugural meeting that remains, with choice station. 在八月初,世界发展委员会所有的章程都已经确定下来,剩下来的只有成立大会,和挑选驻地了。 Choice has the federal advantage in the federation, but chooses in other neutral countries also has other advantages of choice.” “选择在联邦有联邦的好处,但是选择在其他中立国也有其他选择的优势。” In the room, some people or sit in or the stand, was discussing a following important matter, that is this global development committee, where establishes. 房间里,一些人或坐或站,讨论着接下来的一个重要事情,那就是这个世界发展委员会,到底在什么地方成立。 Some many people proposed that places the headquarters in the federation, originally with the Lynch ditch through Mr. Truman as if also has the convinced vacillation, therefore everyone sat in one. 有不少人提议把总部安置在联邦,原本和林奇沟通过的特鲁曼先生似乎也有一些被说服的动摇,于是大家又坐在了一起。 A secretary of Mr. Truman said, looked to Lynch. 一名特鲁曼先生的秘书说完,就看向了林奇 Two people relate well, is matter that everyone knows. 两个人关系不错,是大家都知道的事情。 Lynch looks at everyone with a smile, looks at me to do?” 林奇笑着看着大家,“都看我干什么?” Everyone smiles, they are sometimes very strange, Lynch is very obviously young, words that but he spoke, done matter , makes one have to believe. 大家都笑了笑,有时候他们自己也很奇怪,林奇明明很年轻,可他说的话,做的事,又让人不得不信服。 This is very contradictory, why they will also analyze Lynch to have such ability, but always cannot get any answer. 这很矛盾,他们也会分析为什么林奇会有这样的能力,可总也得不到任何的答案。 Perhaps this is being partial of God, making him not need process to have experience, but also so accurate, enviable envy. 或许这就是天主的偏爱吧,让他不需要“经过”就能拥有“经验”,还如此的准确,令人羡慕嫉妒。 Smiled a meeting, Mr. Truman threw cigarette to him, chatted, we have not determined now, but the time are not much.” 笑了一会,特鲁曼先生丢了一支烟给他,“谈谈吧,我们现在还没有确定下来,但时间不多了。” In the room is using the cold air/Qi, in having the room of air conditioning smokes is not a good deed, here cold wind does not circulate, the gusty area is only responsible for blowing of outward, smokes to following has minimal impact. 房间里吹着冷气,在有空调的房间里吸烟可不是一件好事,不过这里的冷风不循环,风口只负责往外送风,吸烟对后续的影响不大。 He ignites the smoke, attracted one, „, if sets up the headquarters of this development committee in the federation, nothing but strengthened the power of federal to our advantage at development committee.” 他点着烟,吸了一口,“如果把这个发展委员会的总部设立在联邦,对我们的好处无非就是加强了联邦在发展委员会中的权力。” We can rely on the regional convenience and advantage, some policies or directions of better whole world development committee.” “我们可以凭借着地域性的便利和优势,更好的掌控世界发展委员会的一些政策或方向。” Everyone nods in abundance, they also think. 大家纷纷点头,他们也是这么想的。 The global development committee without a doubt, is the organization of international environment next very powerful, if can control in the hand of federal person, then to the federal person absolutely is a very good news. 世界发展委员会毫无疑问,是国际大环境下一个很强力的机构,如果能控制在联邦人的手里,那对联邦人来说绝对是一个很好的消息。 But places us also some issues to need to solve, important initiator of federal at as global development committee, the important control country, this organization also in our national territory, it has excessively deep federal aura now.” “但是放在我们这边也有一些问题需要解决,联邦作为世界发展委员会中重要的发起人,重要的控制国,现在这个机构又在我们的国土上,它就会有着过分深厚的联邦气息。” In other words, it will be regarded as a Federal Government foreign organization to process, then we should undertake should divide equally to the operational cost of each country?” “换句话来说,它会被当作是一个联邦政府的对外机构来处理,那么我们是不是应该承担原本应该均摊给各个国家的运营费用?” „Should we are responsible for the daily life and work of their dispatch personnel?” “我们是不是应该为他们的派遣人员的日常生活和工作负责?” Even because sometimes we in global development committee image extremely in three-dimensional, in certain can gain the benefit at the matter, instead must avoid.” “甚至有时候因为我们在世界发展委员会内的‘形象’太过于立体,在某些可以争取利益的事情上,反而要回避。” Otherwise will be questioned its fairness!” “否则就会被人质疑它的公平性!” The federal person wants to turn into one global development committee federal agency, but it is not a federal agency, once turns into the appearance that they wanted, must avoid in some relations. 联邦人想要把世界发展委员会变成一个“联邦机构”,但是它本身并不是一个联邦机构,一旦变成了他们想要的样子,就必须在一些利益问题上进行回避。 Strives for these profits, will make the member nation produce discontentedly to us.” “争取这些利润,会让成员国对我们产生不满。” Does not strive for these profits, this does not conform to us to promote the global development committee member establish goal.” “不争取这些利润,这又不符合我们推动世界发展委员成立的目的。” Therefore I think that it places domestic not that appropriate, if it establishes in the neutral area, we can give up the appropriate benefit requesting to gain more advantage as the method of demand.” “所以我认为它放在国内不那么的合适,如果它在中立地区成立,我们可以以放弃适当的利益作为诉求的手段要求获得更多的好处。” „It is not internally good, because we draw back do not have to draw back!” “在国内就不行,因为我们退无可退!” People, in the world other governments will be staring at us!” “民众,世界上其他政府都会盯着我们!” Lynch changed a sitting posture, actually this matter does not absolutely need to consider, but some federal person blind optimism, he must remind now slightly. 林奇换了一个坐姿,其实这种事情根本没必要考虑,但现在有些联邦人盲目的乐观,他得稍稍提醒一下。 Federal person such mysterious, on the blind pessimistic road, on the busy optimistic road, is always very not extreme. 联邦人就是这么的神奇,不是在盲目悲观的路上,就是在忙碌乐观的路上,总是很极端。
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