BC :: Volume #12

#1187: The score decides all

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Looks that Catherine puts on the occupation to install to start gradually to like the work of municipal councilman, and after integrating, Lynch left. 看着凯瑟琳穿上职业装开始逐渐地喜欢市议员的工作,并且融入进去之后,林奇就离开了。 The work of congressman is not so concrete, Catherine because of promoting educational reform victory, her main operating region is education. 议员的工作并不那么具体,凯瑟琳因推动教育改革胜选,她主要的工作范围就是教育方面。 The no differences of other Sabine City current educational systems and entire federal places . Moreover the local area does not have the university, her work is relatively more relaxed. 塞宾市目前的教育体系和全联邦其他地方的没有什么区别,而且本地没有大学,她的工作相对轻松一些。 So long as mediated contradiction between the student and school, solved the demand of school, processed some issue from now on or gives the mayor to process on the line directly. 只要调解一下学生和学校之间的矛盾,解决一下学校的诉求,把一些问题自己处理过后或者直接交给市长处理就行了。 If this occupation is a bit like anything, perhaps like a deputy mayor. 如果说这个职业有点像什么,也许像一个副市长。 Her work in oneself perform the authority in the range, helping the mayor solve these quite special work. 她的工作就是在自己行使职权的范围内,帮助市长解决这些比较专项的工作。 Actually the congressman is not good to work as, the place that is not good to work as lies in the municipal councilman is one losing money work. 其实议员并不好当,不好当的地方在于市议员是一个“亏本”的工作。 The municipal councilman has the demand of operating time, every year at least needs to work many days. 市议员有工作时间的需求,每年至少需要工作多少天。 Because the wages are quite low, many municipal councilmen in fact hold a concurrent post. 因为工资比较低,很多市议员实际上都是兼任的。 These people have other dignified work, Catherine colleague mostly is the attorney, the teacher, the business owner, these failed candidates are also so. 这些人有着其他体面的工作,凯瑟琳的“同事”大多都是律师,教师,企业主,那些落选者也都是如此。 The congressman to them, is a status. 议员对他们而言,就是一层身份。 The Sabine City city is not big, does not have the specially obvious social conflicts, when the work of local municipal councilman long can not be less than 90 days for every year. 塞宾市城市不大,也没有特别明显的社会矛盾冲突,所以本地市议员的工作时长为每年不得少于九十天。 How then to judge that this person is working? 那么如何判断这个人是不是在工作呢? Referred to people being able to find the congressman in the office, can say that they are working. 就是指人们在办公室里能找到议员,就可以说他们是在工作了。 Each representative office entrance has a sign, above besides having the name of congressmen, when their work is long. 每个议员办公室门口都有一个牌子,上面除了有议员们的姓名之外,还有他们的工作时长。 Every week the week several arrive at the week several, several points to several points. 每周周几到周几,几点到几点。 Catherine has an advantage compared with others, she does not have other part-time employments, she even can work behind first three months to be on leave to oneself directly, this work cannot offer many wages in any case. 凯瑟琳比其他人有一个优势,她没有其他的兼职工作,她甚至可以工作完前三个月后面直接给自己休假,反正这份工作开不出多少工资。 However her staff did not suggest that she does, Lynch is also. 不过她的幕僚不建议她那么做,林奇也是。 Lynch suggested that her as far as possible work some time, every week about four days, calculate like this in a year has 200 days of operating times. 林奇建议她尽可能地多工作一段时间,每周四天左右,这样算下来一年里有两百天的工作时间。 She was short of lots of experiences compared with the person who these political families came out, the young people of these political families since the infancy period, will contact such matter frequently. 她比那些政治世家出来的人少了很多的经验,那些政治世家的年轻人从孩提时期开始,就会经常接触到这样的事情。 When they display certain political talent, their parental or uncle aunt and so on, will lead them to attend various events. 当他们表现出一定的政治天赋时,他们的父母或者叔叔婶婶之类的,就会带着他们出席各种活动。 Contacts various government affairs since childhood, after waiting to go to school, can enter the student association to conduct ahead of time practice, after their true entering duties, immediately can manifest and disparity between average person. 从小就接触各种政务,等上了学之后又能进入学生会进行提前“实习”,等他们真正的入职之后,立刻就能体现出与普通人之间的差距。 Sometimes you have to acknowledge that power recovers the power, wealth is richer, poor poorer reasonable. 有时候你不得不承认权者愈权,富者愈富,贫者愈贫是有道理的。 The child of politician can also be the politician, the child of capitalist can also be a capitalist, but by the child of exploiter, will also continue to be exploited. 政客的孩子还会是政客,资本家的孩子还会是资本家,而被剥削者的孩子,还会继续被剥削。 Possibly, this is the educational reform plan can obtain the reason of great support, after all regarding the social middle and lower level, changes they pattern only , the relatively inexpensive gentle way, learned/studied. 可能,这就是教育改革方案能获得大力支持的原因吧,毕竟对于社会中下层来说,唯一改变他们自身格局,又相对廉价平和的方式,就是学习了。 Catherine need many exercises, then more works. 凯瑟琳需要更多的锻炼,那么就更多的去工作。 She does not need to worry that money issue, Lynch some are the money. 她不需要担心钱的问题,林奇有的就是钱。 After returning to Bupen, Lynch looked for by Mr. President, he actually also cares to the matter of educational reform very much, worries very much. 回到了布佩恩之后林奇就被总统先生找了过去,他其实对教育改革的事情也很在意,也很着急。 This is actually very normal. 这其实挺正常的。 He took office already for one -and-a-half years, the relations between the year in compromising Federal Government each departments, placed on some important people on one's own side the important post. 他就职已经一年半了,前一年时间在调和联邦政府各个部门之间的关系,把一些重要的自己人安插到重要的岗位上。 This inside involved too many secret benefit transportation and transactions, you took away others position, must give others some corresponding compensations. 这里面涉及到了太多的幕后利益输送和交易,你拿走别人一个位置,就要给别人一些相应的补偿。 Now the entire Federal Government frame basically establishes, he must do anything. 现在整个联邦政府的框架基本上确立下来,他也得干点什么事情了。 Quick that the time passes, his victory had almost passed half of time, if not make anything, it is very likely people think that he is the president who...... will only lie to the voter. 时间过的很快,他胜选已经差不多过了一半的时间,如果再不做点什么,很有可能人们会认为他是一个……只会欺骗选民的总统。 Usually he is always grinning, actually his heart is also anxious, he does not want to become a joke, under the so good aspect, the president who the even/including reappointment cannot achieve. 平时他总是笑嘻嘻的,其实他内心也急,他不想成为一个笑话,一个在如此好的局面下,连连任都做不到的总统。 The educational reform, becomes him to seek to continue as the most appropriate weapon, regardless of he achieves what degree, the people will support him, because he really did, doing is good to discuss separately. 教育改革,就成为了他谋求连任最合适的武器,无论他做到什么程度,民众都会支持他,因为他真的去做了,做得好不好另说。 Coffee that the familiar office, familiar difficult drinks. 熟悉的办公室,熟悉的难喝的咖啡。 I had called going!”, Mr. President comforted Lynch one with a smile. “我已经叫了外卖!”,总统先生笑着安慰了林奇一句。 Sometimes these are idling egg sore people really idle, they will always be staring among the hot water, when among the hot water had the new coffeemaker, when or the hand rubs the coffeemaker, at their meeting jumps down on the media that flees attacks Mr. President and presidential palace crazily. 有时候那些闲着蛋疼的人们是真的闲,他们总是会盯着热水间,当热水间有了新的咖啡机,或者手磨咖啡机时,他们就会上跳下窜的在媒体上疯狂攻击总统先生和总统府。 Blamed Mr. President the money of taxpayer, used, in enjoyed on. 责怪总统先生把纳税人的钱,用在了享受上。 This also caused around the presidential palace cafe business to be exceptionally irritable, every day had lots of people to need in the presidential palace to work, after they finished very intensive work to sit down need one cup of coffee to console itself, they do not certainly hope that was the dog shit same flavor. 这也导致了总统府周围的咖啡馆生意异常火爆,每天都有大量的人需要在总统府内工作,当他们结束了高强度的工作坐下后需要一杯咖啡慰劳自己时,他们一定不希望那是狗屎一样的味道。 Subscribes goes, becomes quickest will should better not let the approach that the people boil. 订外卖,就成为了最快最好又不会让民众们沸腾的做法。 Actually every so often in presidential palace practice the work of graduate trainee, promising everyone subscribes the coffee to take the work of coffee. 其实很多时候在总统府实习的毕业实习生的工作中,就有为大家订咖啡取咖啡的工作。 Lynch interpolated slightly pushing toward the table the coffee, doesn't matter, I do not like drinking the coffee.” 林奇把咖啡稍稍往桌子内推了推,“没关系,我不太喜欢喝咖啡。” Is contrary to convictions very much!”, Mr. President appraised one, said with a smile, actually I am also.” “很违心!”,总统先生评价了一句,笑着说道,“其实我也是。” After making the stop, slightly he started the core of this talk, he does not have so many time and Lynch circles, then simple chatted, ate meal again, then thorough discussed. 稍作停顿之后他开始了这场谈话的核心内容,他没有那么多的时间和林奇兜圈子,然后浅显的聊一聊,再去吃顿饭,然后深入的谈一谈。 He is federal Mr. President, the work is busy, arrived busily almost did not have the time of personal life. 他是联邦的总统先生,工作是忙碌的,忙碌到几乎没有了私人生活的时间。 I read the York state governor's report, and report of Catherine, I am interested in this fair university very much, can say with me?” “我看了约克州州长的报告,以及凯瑟琳的报告,我对这个公平大学很感兴趣,能和我说说吗?” Mr. President is very temperate, he is an old person, is not all old people is very temperate, perhaps this is Mr. Truman likes his place. 总统先生很温和,他是一个老人,不是所有老人都很温和,或许这就是特鲁曼先生喜欢他的地方。 Temperate, is not testy, was convinced easily, at least works for him cannot by the bad temperament influence mood. 温和,不易怒,容易被说服,至少为他工作不会被坏脾气影响心情。 Lynch selected under one, simultaneously asked Mr. President, you think that which requirements the fair university should meet?” 林奇点了一下头,同时反问总统先生,“你认为公平的大学应该具备哪些条件?” The strategy of talk, Mr. President starts to ponder, probably more than ten seconds, enrolls more grass-root people?” 谈话的策略,总统先生开始思考起来,大概十几秒的时间,“录取更多的底层民众?” Said floor this word is not fresh from the mouth of Mr. President, was not accidental, because the society was divided the class inevitably. 从总统先生的口中说出“底层”这个词并不新鲜,也不意外,因为社会必然是分阶层的。 So long as still has some unified rule, definitely revolves a ruling circles gradation layer upon layer, the federal person not to plan to eliminate the social class, the grass-root people will therefore not feel offended, they also acknowledged, oneself are lower level, the floor. 只要还存在某种统一的统治,就必然会围绕着统治阶层一层层的分级,联邦人也不打算消灭阶级,底层民众也不会因此就觉得被冒犯,他们自己也承认,自己就是下层,底层。 Lynch shakes the head, made a mistake, Mr. President, what fair need is measuring, can make us provide the content of rod in certain aspects.” 林奇则摇了摇头,“错了,总统先生,公平需要的是一个度量,一个可以让我们在某些方面提供标尺的内容。” School is the learn/study place, if there is any thing, can provide relatively fair measuring for everyone, then it certainly is the academic record.” “学校是学习的地方,如果有什么东西,是能够为大家提供一个相对公平的度量,那么它一定是学习成绩。” Studied the good student and learn/study not good student only needs to read their examination papers on the line.” “学习好的学生和学习不好的学生只需要看他们的试卷就行了。” Capitalist family's children not because his family how rich, his beginning total score compared with others many dozens points.” “一个资本家家庭的孩子不会因为他的家庭多么的富有,他的卷面总分就比别人多几十分。” Same, child who was born in the ordinary household, not because his father is only the ordinary workshop worker, his examination paper compared with others few dozens points.” “相同,一个出生于普通家庭的孩子,也不会因为他的父亲只是普通的车间工人,他的卷子就比别人少几十分。” „The family of capital, rich family, poor family, what kind of family background regardless of these students have, in the score, they are equal.” “资本的家庭,富有的家庭,贫困的家庭,无论这些学生有着怎样的家庭背景,在分数上,他们都是平等的。” Mr. President understands probably nod of what resembles, interviews and recommends the part, can it affect this fair?” 总统先生像是明白了什么似的点了点头,“那么面试和推荐部分呢,它会不会影响到这个公平?” Lynch asked back again, why we must have a high opinion of the interview and recommendation, if a child can attain the good letter of recommendation, for example your, or wants to enter a school through the interview, I will recommend them to go to the private school.” 林奇再一次反问,“为什么我们要倚重面试和推荐,如果一个孩子能拿到好的推荐信,比如说你的,或者想要通过面试入学,我会推荐他们去私立学校。” Goes to school in the fair school wastes their true talents, Mr. President, everyone has the different talents.” “在公平学校上学只是浪费他们真正的天赋而已,总统先生,每个人都有不同的天赋。” Some person life have the ability of learn/study, some people life on incomparable wealth , some people of life later, stands in summit.” “有些人一生下来就有学习的能力,有些人一生下来就无比的富有,也有人一生下来,就站在的山巅。” Lets anyone, works, perhaps this is fair.” “让什么人,去做什么事,或许这就是公平。” Mr. President clearly became aware probably, he is nodding to approve of saying of Lynch, you said is very right, if they have that big skill, can definitely go to the Holy Peace Society colleges, does not need to go to the fair colleges.” 总统先生像是明悟了过来,他点着头赞同林奇的说道,“你说的很对,如果他们有那么大的本事,完全可以去圣和会院校,没必要去公平院校。” He deeply inspires, slightly throwing out the chest mouth, if we establish the standard of admittance to only refer to the score as the condition, can be too harsher.” 他深吸了一口气,略微挺起胸口,“不过如果我们把入学的标准设置为只参考分数作为条件,会不会太苛刻了一些。” As far as I know, now education content relative slow of domestic most high schools, if requests the too high score, possibly most children cannot go to college.” “据我所知,现在国内大多数高中的教育内容都相对的缓慢,如果要求太高的分数,可能大多数孩子都上不了大学。” This in fact is also the erroneous zone of this time people, many people think to go to college, can be good to work, actually this idea is wrong. 这实际上也是这个时代人们的一个误区,很多人认为上大学,就能有一份好工作,其实这种想法本身就是错的。 Also many university student are not good to work, goes to college during the becoming reconciled work no inevitable relation. 也有不少大学生没有一份好工作,上大学和好工作之间没有什么必然的联系。 The university gave people more high start the opportunity, rather than inevitably. 大学只是给了人们更多高起步的机会,而不是必然。 Mr. President, fair, does not mean all people being equal, if everyone were equal, then the university also lost its value.” “总统先生,公平,不意味着人人平等,如果人人都平等了,那么大学也就失去了它的价值。” „The labor of duty of student studies, if they learn/study cannot learn, why can also go to the university?” “学生的本职工作就是学习,如果他们连学习都学不好,为什么还要去大学?” Compared with the expensive school expense, I wants them to save to invest this sum of money into the process of improvement life.” “比起昂贵的学费,我更愿意他们把这笔钱节省下来投入到改善生活的过程中。” Fair that we can provide, gives them relative fair.” “我们能提供的公平,就是给他们一个相对的公平。” Lets the person who is willing to study , to continue to study.” “让愿意学习的人,继续学习。” „The person who is not willing to study, keeps off beside the university as before.” “把不愿意学习的人,依旧挡在大学之外。” We know that the university is the way of most inexpensive change home environment, but even it again how inexpensive, is still valuable( has condition)’!” “我们都知道大学是最廉价的改变家庭环境的途径,可就算它再怎么廉价,也是‘有价(有条件)’的!”
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