BC :: Volume #12

#1186: Fair university

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Does not know many people to for today's election quarrel, even breaks ties, but this is the federation. 不知道又有多少人要为今天的选举争吵,甚至是绝交,但这就是联邦。 In the evening, in Dacaoping of lakeside villa area, is placing many tables, above piled up with various types of fine food. 晚上,在湖畔别墅区的大草坪上,摆放着许多的餐桌,上面堆满了各种精美的食物。 If there is an average person here, they will certainly exclaim in surprise that here gathered such many public celebrities unexpectedly. 如果有普通人在这里,他们一定会惊叹这里居然聚集了如此之多的社会名流。 The local area, outside area, in the state, Mr. Adelaide came personally, but all these for last calling out the names of those who voted link. 本地的,外地,州内的,就连阿德莱德先生都亲自过来了,而这一切都是为了最后一个唱票环节。 People regarding by the television in lawn, look that the tally clerk takes from the ballot box tickets, then demonstrates to the camera, later sang above effective voting content. 人们围绕在草坪上的电视旁,看着计票员把一张张票从投票箱里取出来,然后展示给摄像头,随后唱出上面的有效投票内容。 Arid, tasteless, but is also soul-stirring, perhaps this is the politics, is very boring to most people, was full of the game of attraction to the small number of people. 枯燥,乏味,但又惊心动魄,或许这就是政治,一个对大多数人来说很无聊,对少数人充满了吸引力的游戏。 Catherine looked at Lynch, „are you anxious?” 凯瑟琳偏头看了一眼林奇,“你紧张吗?” Lynch shakes the head, from the beginning on the matter of being doomed, why is anxious?” 林奇摇了摇头,“从一开始就注定的事情,为什么要紧张?” Catherine thinks, because of the uncertainty, I do not know people can vote for me, what to do if I did fail to be elected?” 凯瑟琳想了想,“因为不确定性,我不知道人们会不会为我投票,如果我落选了怎么办?” Lynch turns the head to visit her, on the face has the temperate smile, you will not fail to be elected, felt relieved.” 林奇转头看着她,脸上带着温和的笑容,“你不会落选的,放心好了。” Although elects is classified as the free spiritual symbol, but in fact we know, it that does not imagine like people does not have the slight loophole.” “虽然选举被冠以自由的精神象征,但实际上我们都知道,它并不像人们想象得那么没有丝毫的漏洞。” You only need to complete to greet the applause now and cheer were enough, other does not need to think.” “你现在只需要做好迎接掌声和欢呼就足够了,其他的不需要多想。” In a city the biggest ticket warehouse is a factory, the strength of working class perhaps be only at this time, can manifest. 一个城市内最大的票仓就是工厂,工人阶级的力量也许只有在这个时候,才能体现出来。 Lynch fortunately, is not good with the relations of worker trade union, at least in this city is this. 林奇非常不凑巧的,和工人工会的关系不错,至少在这座城市里是这样。 His domestic workshop plan not direct and production unit of most foundation consults, but gave the worker the trade union the duty subcontract, the worker trade union must certainly pull out some advantage, but this is unimportant. 他的家庭作坊计划并不直接和最基础的生产单位接洽,而是把任务转包给了工人工会,工人工会肯定要从中抽一些好处,可这不重要。 These domestic workshops think oneself have not owed, the worker trade union thinks oneself have not owed, Lynch also thinks that he has not owed. 那些家庭作坊认为自己没有亏,工人工会认为自己没有亏,林奇也认为他没有亏。 He uses compared with usually less money, obtained the similar quality things not saying that but also increased itself on social responsibilities, had over ten thousand families to work for him in Sabine City, but who can also have the social responsibilities compared with him? 他用比平时更少的钱,得到了质量相同的东西不说,还增加了自己身上的“社会责任感”,在塞宾市有上万个家庭为他工作,还能有谁比他更有社会责任感了? In addition he position in local capitalist, with Governor this state and so on politician's relations, this makes him have many friends. 加上他在本地资本家中的地位,和本州州长之类政客的关系,这让他有很多的朋友。 When he stands in the Catherine election address scene, in fact this election has about with the Catherine part, has determined. 当他站在凯瑟琳的竞选演讲现场时,实际上这场选举有关于和凯瑟琳的这一部分,就已经确定了下来。 The people of worker trade union will make these families have a deviation with not the illegal method in the voting, these capitalists will tell the worker oneself choice of their. 工人工会的人会用不违法的方法让那些家庭在投票上有所偏向,那些资本家会告诉他们的工人自己的选择。 Perhaps the workers will not comply in the manufacturer completely, the enterprise owner, whose ticket the opinion of big capitalist casts, but most people, will do. 也许工人们并不会完全遵从于工厂主,企业老板,大资本家的意见去投谁的票,可大多数人,还是会那么做。 This does not violate the free spirit, this is one type in following blindly that the long-term exploitation oppresses to multiply. 这并不违背自由的精神,这是一种在长期剥削压迫中滋生出的盲从。 No one will revolt, naturally revolts does not have the significance, instead will lose the work. 没有人会反抗,当然反抗也没有意义,反而会丢掉工作。 Had the so big base number, in addition the significance of educational reform, has the child mostly, and these children did not have the family that the high school graduates, will cast the ticket to Catherine. 有了如此大的基数,加上教育改革的意义,大多数有孩子并且这些孩子还没有高中毕业的家庭,都会把票投给凯瑟琳 When starts to call out the names of those who voted hand of Catherine on tight grabs the hand of Lynch, until last. 开始唱票时凯瑟琳的手就紧紧的抓着林奇的手,直到最后一张。 The mayor appears in the lens, he represents the Sabine City politics hall, announced list of following some time municipal councilman, Catherine is first impressively! 市长出现在镜头里,他代表塞宾市政厅,宣布了接下来一段时间里市议员的名单,凯瑟琳赫然名列第一! No suspense. 没有任何的悬念。 The sky of earliest possible time lakeside villa area when the result comes out was dyed gorgeous colored by the smoke and fire, in the peaceful lawn suddenly becomes lively, people were saying unceasingly thinks highly words of pleasant to hear congratulates, the side that arrives at Catherine and she shakes hand, and commended her victory. 当结果出来的第一时间湖畔别墅区的天空被烟火染成了绚丽的彩色,安静的草坪上突然变得热闹起来,人们不断说着恭维贺喜的好听话,一个个走到凯瑟琳的身边和她握手,并且称赞她的胜出。 A stone falls to the ground, the strength that Catherine long breathing a sigh of relief, share of she has not discovered entered her body, start made her the spirit to be abundant. 一块石头落了地,凯瑟琳长长的舒了一口气,一股她自己都没有发现的力量进入了她的身体,开始让她变得精神充沛。 In completed the social etiquette of mutual congratulations after most people, Lynch gave her teacher and staff Catherine, before that university department of journalism professor. 在和大多数人完成了互相道喜的社交礼仪之后,林奇凯瑟琳交给了她的导师兼幕僚,那位前大学新闻系教授。 He, then arrived at the one side, stood with Mr. Adelaide in one. 他自己,则走到了一旁,和阿德莱德先生站在了一起。 Congratulates you, Lynch.”, Mr. Adelaide held up the wine glass with a smile, two people bumped. “恭喜你,林奇。”,阿德莱德先生笑着举起了酒杯,两人碰了一下。 Lynch sipped one, takes back the cup, thanked you to help her speak some words.” 林奇抿了一口,收回杯子,“感谢你们帮她说了一些话。” The politics forever is very interesting, very ingenious thing, the governor talked about himself in certain semiopen situations in the approvals for example to some Catherine ideals, enough made one pay attention to her, and without harming self-interest, supported her. 政治永远都是非常有趣,非常巧妙的东西,比如说州长在某些半公开的场合谈到自己对凯瑟琳一些政治理念上的认同,就足够让人关注她,并在不损害自己利益的情况下,支持她。 This type help not totally rich can solve, but also needs very big influence. 这种“帮助”并不是完全地有钱就能解决的,还需要有很大的势力。 The governor can help, even if said such 1-2, to the help of Catherine victory is very big. 州长能帮忙,哪怕只是说上那么1-2,对凯瑟琳胜选的帮助都是非常大的。 Mr. President has also raised the matter of educational reform, perhaps we can find one to be appropriate our road from her body.” Makes the stop slightly, he also said that issue about university......” “总统先生也提过教育改革的事情,也许我们能从她的身上找到一条合适我们的路。”稍作停顿,他又说道,“只是关于大学的问题……” Has issue about university in the educational reform that Catherine mentioned, to an average person fairer university, it will be different from the current public university and private university. 凯瑟琳提及的教育改革里有一个关于大学的问题,一个对普通人更加公平的大学,它将有别于目前的公立大学和私立大学。 It will not seem like another two university such, mainly depends upon the interest and letter of recommendation of student enrolls, in such fair university, the result will become more important. 它不会像是另外两种大学那样,主要依靠学生的兴趣爱好以及推荐信进行录取,在这样公平的大学中,成绩将会变得更重要。 It has an appropriate proportion, so long as crossed the proportion, proved oneself the achievement and level in learn/study, can enter in the middle of the university. 它有一个合适的分数线,只要过了分数线,证明了自己在学习上的成就和水平,就能进入大学当中。 This is a good idea, but...... it is also only the idea, it has not become the reality. 这是一个不错的想法,但……它还只是想法,它还没有成为现实。 Mr. Adelaide this visiting goal, besides representative oneself congratulates Catherine to be able the victory, what is main is Lynch discusses the issue of university. 阿德莱德先生此次造访的目的,除了代表自己来恭喜凯瑟琳能够胜选之外,主要的还是和林奇谈大学的问题。 The university can also be regarded as an achievement of local cultural work, moreover is very high-level that. 大学也可以看作是一个地区文化工作的成果,而且还是非常高级的那种。 Original this state long to continuing does not hold anything to hope, he has continued as some time, in the state to the director of governor the fast losing interest. 本州长对连任已经不抱什么希望了,他已经连任过相当一段时间,州内对州长的主政正在快速的失去兴趣。 People are tire of old, they want to know, if changes a governor whether can the state bring some changes to York, but this will also facilitate the governor to become the unusual difficulty in reappointment. 人们都是厌旧的,他们想知道如果换一个州长是否能给约克州带来一些改变,而这也促成了州长在连任方面会变得非常的困难。 Leaves his time is not many, if he does not make anything to attempt to change the current aspect, then he best start to consider where under oneself stands. 留给他的时间已经不多了,如果他再不做什么去尝试改变目前的局面,那么他最好开始考虑自己下一站去什么地方。 Congress, or other where. 国会,或者其他什么地方。 But Lynch proposed that wants the newly-built university, brought the favorable turn to all these. 林奇提出要新建一所大学,给这一切都带来了转机。 Once there is a new university to establish, and this enrollment way of new university is different from the enrollment way of existing public university enrollment way and private university, student loans that in addition Lynch mentioned, he can definitely do one by these again. 一旦有新的大学成立,并且这所新大学的录取方式有别于现有的公立大学录取方式和私立大学的录取方式,加上林奇提到的助学贷款,他完全可以凭借这些再干一任。 Two years looks very short, is actually very also long, two years of he can save more political forces, can calm sells itself a good price in the party. 两年的时间看上去很短,其实也很长,有两年的时间他就能积蓄更多的政治力量,可以从容的把自己在党内卖个好价钱。 Moreover two years can let him to a local controlling force again stair, this helps his damn nephew gain many political legacy, thus there is an opportunity to walk high. 而且两年的时间能让他对本地的控制力再上一个台阶,这有助于他那该死的侄子获取更多的“政治遗产”,从而有机会走得更高。 Lynch has not avoided, I have started, if as expected, before the state elects can establish.” 林奇没有回避,“我已经开始着手了,如果不出意外的话,在州选之前就能成立。” This answer lets Mr. Adelaide relaxing of ruthlessly, he was a little anxious, some when body perspiration, relax now thought that some are not quite comfortable. 这个答案让阿德莱德先生狠狠的松了一口气,他有点紧张了,身上有些汗,现在放松下来时才觉得有些不太舒服。 If there is any need our place, calls us momentarily, can provide a good matter of up-going channel regarding this type for the people, we are willing a more positive coordination.” “如果有什么需要我们的地方,随时给我们打电话,对于这种能够为民众们提供一条上升通道的好事情,我们愿意更积极的配合。” Lynch nods, you thought that this news was announced by me, by the governor was announced that is better?” 林奇点了点头,“你觉得这个消息是由我来宣布,还是由州长来宣布更好呢?” Mr. Adelaide smiles, „, if Ms. Catherine does not mind......” 阿德莱德先生笑了笑,“如果凯瑟琳女士不介意的话……” She will not mind!” “她不会介意!” Regarding present Catherine, she announced the income that this news brings she cannot eat up completely, this looks like to a small tadpole whale, it uses all time and strengths in eating, cannot eat this whale. 对于现在的凯瑟琳来说,她宣布这个消息所带来的收益她完全吃不下,这就像是给一条小蝌蚪一条鲸鱼,它把所有的时间和力量都用在吃上,也吃不掉这只鲸鱼。 Benefit that it can provide, are not many, even instead because she announced that this news, making some people be disgusted. 它能带来的好处,并不多,甚至反而会因为她宣布这条消息,让一些人心生反感。 Would some people thinks , if not Lynch spends, you certainly not that dazzling. 总会有人这么想如果不是林奇花钱,你一定不会那么的耀眼。 Therefore instead might as well sell to the governor this favor, seemingly announced that who announced it, who can make very profound positive/direct impression before the people. 所以反而不如把这个人情卖给州长,看上去好像只是宣布,可谁来宣布它,谁就能在民众面前留下非常深刻的正面印象。 Catherine does not lack, but the governor lacks this, in the governor hand also has the political forces that Catherine needs, this is a transaction. 凯瑟琳不缺,但州长缺这个,同时州长手里又有凯瑟琳需要的政治力量,这就是一场交易。 After Catherine victory, arrives takes office also several days, here had a process of connection, the municipal councilman of failing to be elected must finish some work, these required the time. 凯瑟琳胜选之后到上任还有几天的时间,这里有一个交接的过程,落选的市议员要把一些工作结束掉,这些都需要时间。 On in this period of time, the governor stood, expressed took turn the process stable affirmation to each region municipal councilman, mentioned Catherine and her educational reform idea and plan. 就在这段时间里,州长站了出来,表达了对各地市议员交替过程稳定的肯定,同时也提到了凯瑟琳和她的教育改革想法和计划。 Meanwhile, he announced, was extended a project that officially to establish by the plan of Catherine. 同时,他宣布,由凯瑟琳的计划延伸出的一个项目正式的成立了。 The York state is going to establish a completely new university, this university is different from the traditional public or private university, so long as studies the outstanding high-school student, almost can enter this in the university to study. 约克州将要成立一个全新的大学,这个大学不同于传统的公立或者私立大学,只要学习优秀的高中生,几乎都可以进入这所大学中学习。 Even the result of some students are slightly poor, but they are willing to study, especially now high two, the high three students, still possibly have. 就算有些学生的成绩稍微差一点,但是他们愿意学习,特别是现在就已经高二,高三的学生们,也不是没有可能。 In the high school to this universities, some preparatory course university, the academic record the students who are not enough the satisfied university to enroll can try the application to study in the preparatory course university. 在高中到这所大学之间,还有一些“预科大学”,学习成绩不足以满足大学录取的学生们可以尝试着申请在预科大学进行学习。 When their result met the need of university, can apply to transfer schools. 当他们的成绩满足了大学的需求时,就可以申请转学。 Governor time with these is unable to investigate that the materiality glossary, and slurred time described all these, he gave people an accurate concrete program content, as well as accurate time. 州长这一次没有用那些无法追究具体性的词汇,以及模糊不清的时间去描述这一切,他给了人们一个准确具体的项目内容,以及一个准确的时间。 Flash of this news in the York state aroused the enormous echo, but all these also under the operation of governor, changed to his political capital. 这条消息在约克州内一瞬间就激起了极大的反响,而这一切也都在州长的操作下,化作了他的政治资本。 He starts to seek continues again. 他开始谋求再一次连任。 These things of York state start the outward diffusion, quick Mr. President also knew. 约克州发生的这些事情开始向外扩散,很快总统先生也知道了。 He to educational reform unusual being interested, after he roughly understood this the enrollment way of new university, could not bear makes a phone call to ask that to Lynch when he came back. 他对教育改革非常的感兴趣,当他大致的了解了一下这所新的大学的录取方式之后,忍不住给林奇打了一个电话问他什么时候回来。 He has wanted to understand impatiently is more, this following can also promote the educational reform for him in the nation, provides very valuable help! 他已经迫不及待的想要了解更多,这后续也能为他在全国推动教育改革,提供非常有价值的帮助!
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