In the weekend, presented the polling stationinsomeSabine Citysquares, many peoplestartto line upvery early in the morning.
The federalperson, the middle and lower level of federalsociety, possiblyis the entire worldis especially biggestto the enthusiasm of politicalelection, onegroup of people who alsomostinvest, especiallyelection.
联邦人,特别是联邦社会的中下层,对政治选举的热情可能是全世界最大的,也是最投入的一群人,特别是大选。When the presidential year, is various activities of voterto become the federationto be liveliest, most commonactivity.
The capitalistwill slacken the requesttoworkersinthis moment, theyevencanshut downto participate invariouselectionin the non-weekendsituation.
就连资本家都会在这一刻放松对工人们的要求,他们甚至可以在非周末的情况下停工去参加各种推选活动。Becausesomepeoplevoteto the samefamouscandidatebecome the friend , some friendevenfamily members, becausesupports the differentcandidatesto attack brutally.
有些人因为投票给同一名候选人成为了朋友,也有一些朋友甚至家人,因为支持不同的候选人大打出手。This is actually very mysterious, is very difficultothercountriesto imagine.
这其实很神奇,也很难让其他国家的人去想象。Perhapsonly then the federaltalentwill havesuchfeeling, because of the municipal councilman, to the president, through the voter and ballot, elects.
他们是这么认为的。Possiblychooses the timesense of participation of president is not strong, thenelects the municipal councilman, elects the mayor, thissense of participation was very strong.
可能选总统的时候参与感还没有那么强,那么选市议员,选市长,这种参与感就很强了。Theireachticketwill decide whether a politicianhas the opportunityto realizeownaspiration and ideal, whocanbecomenext„great person”, was decidedbythemcompletely.
他们的每一票都会决定一名政客是否有机会去实现自己的抱负和政治理念,谁能成为下一个“大人物”,完全由他们决定。This is actually a verysophisticatedsystem, people'sdeepparticipationsatisfiedthembyunimportant person the hope of angle of viewparticipationbigevent.
Everyone will have a heroicdream, everyone thinks that ownthatticket, is an essentialticket.
每个人都会有一个英雄梦,每个人都会认为自己的那一票,将是关键的一票。Looks overin the entirefederalsocial system, actually many similarthings, letsomeaverage people, as ifsometimes, had the opportunity of decisiongreat persondestinyat leastto seem likethis.
纵观整个联邦社会体制中,其实有很多类似的事情,让一些普通人,似乎在某些时候,也具备了决定大人物命运的机会至少看起来是这样。Does not have anysocietyisabsolutelyfair and just, the federalsociety is also so, inthisinstate that advocatesis long livefreely, the life of people are not necessarily satisfying, happy.
没有什么社会是绝对公平公正的,联邦的社会也是如此,在这个崇尚着自由万岁的国度中,人们的生活未必就是令人满意的,幸福的。Intheirlifeis facing all kinds ofissues and troubles.
The narrow and smallhouse, the embarrassedfinancial situation, the discouragingworkprospect, hastoo all kinds ofthingsto sufferthem.
狭小的房子,窘迫的财务情况,令人担忧的工作前景,有太多各种各样的东西折磨着他们。Theyalsoneedto vent, needsto be satisfied, otherwisetheylike a bomb, bangunder the pressurestackwill explode the heavenunceasingly.
The politiciansknow, the capitalistsalsoknow.
政客们知道,资本家们也知道。Thereforehasvarioustypes of inexpensivefoodto satisfytheminmanyhighstarchesandfoodinexpensivemake the blood boil of tallYougaosugarto the fooddesiresupermarket!
于是就有各种廉价的食品来满足他们对食物的欲望超级市场中很多高淀粉和高油高糖的食物廉价的令人发指!For example the popcorn, thesesweetbuys the cornto the price of greasythingpeopleandvariousmaterialdoesis more inexpensive.
就比如说爆米花,那些甜到腻人的玩意的价格比人们自己买玉米和各种材料自己做还要廉价。Somepeoplesaid that thisis the miracle of industry, large-scaleproductionandindustrialsupply chaincost reduction, butin factitis onlyentire„plan” a part.
The sweet tastedrink that the soap operas of variousbody wastefart, in the coordinationhardlywantadds on the highsugar and oil the inexpensivefood.
A familyonlyneedsto spend2-3dollars, canenjoywhole eveningsatisfaction!
一个家庭只需要花上2-3块钱,就能享受一整晚的满足!Itis not necessarily joyful, butis certainly satisfying!
它不一定是快乐的,但一定是令人满足的!Lies downon the sofa, looks the television that the purchasetelevision programoffersfree of chargeorbought the televisionto offer the content service of certaindeadlinefree of charge, canlet the personsatisfiedthingtheseagainforces in the mouth.
躺在沙发上,看着购买电视节目免费赠送的电视或者买了电视免费赠送一定期限的内容服务,再把那些能让人得到满足的东西塞进嘴里。Theyloudsmiling, will sometimes also burst into tears, theyare very poor, butmostdoes not lackisaltogether the sentiment, thispossiblyistheyonlyrichthing.
他们会大声的笑着,有时候也会流泪,他们很穷,但最不缺的就是共情,这可能是他们唯一富有的东西。Food and simpleentertaining fashionletthemto forgetsomeworries and angers, in additioninmainstream media„tolerant”and„great”and otherelements, peoplealreadynotthateasyanger.
食物和简单的娱乐方式让他们能遗忘掉一些烦恼和愤怒,加上主流媒体中的“宽容”、“伟岸”等元素,人们已经不那么容易愤怒了。If the demand on physiology and mood of thesemostsimplesatisfiedlower level of the societypeople, thengivesthem the voting rightsagain, from the psychology, the spiritand even the soullevelgivesthemgreatlyto satisfy!
如果说这些只是最浅显的满足社会下层人们的生理和情绪上的需求,那么再把投票权给他们,就是从心理,精神乃至灵魂层面给予他们巨大的满足!Brings the stabilitysatisfiedly, thisis the mysteriousformula.
满足带来稳定,这就是神奇的公式。When the federationpresents a badpolitician, for example when formerpresident.
当联邦出现一名糟糕的政客,比如说前任总统时。Makes the voters who the formerpresidentmounts the stagenot makethrough„voting”toofiercely, becausethisistheirchoices, theyonlyawkwardapologizesto the surroundingperson, tellsthem„for a whileto let slip”, electedmistakenly the person.
通过“投票”让前任总统上台的选民们不会闹得太厉害,因为这是他们的选择,他们只会尴尬的向周围的人道歉,告诉他们自己“一时失手”,选错了人。If possible, theirwill not givethisidiot the ballotnexttime.
如果有机会的话,他们下一次再也不会把选票给这个蠢货。So long asthese words saying fromtheirmouthsas iftheyreallydo not vote, allsuch astheywill imaginesuch happened.
这些话从他们的口中说出来的时候仿佛只要他们真的不投票,一切就会如他们所想象的那样发生似的。Butthesehave not voted to elect the voters of formerpresident, will then obtain the great victorysuchto point at the colleague of oppositionpolitical standprobably, friend, evenis the nose of family member, is sayingthemwhen casting the ballotsexcitedly, nowstupid.
而那些没有投票选举前任总统的选民们,则会像是获得了巨大胜利那样指着对立政治立场的同事,朋友,甚至是家人的鼻子,说着他们在投票时有多兴奋,现在就有多愚蠢。As if there is possibilityregularoccurrenceparadeatfederalanything, the vegetarian, the women's rightssporter, the working class.
似乎在联邦任何事情都有可能经常性的发生游行,素食主义者,女权运动者,工人阶级。Butsomepeopleby„voter”thisstatusfrequentinitiationdemonstration, this will be very rarely mysterious.
但很少会有人以“选民”这个身份经常的发起游行示威,这很神奇。This, is the federalgame rule, everyone deepin the rule, becomes a part of rule.
It looks like this morning!
Around 6 : 00, these one year are possibly leastmustafterpeople who 7 : 30 get out of bed, around 6 : 00 a pointhas gotten out of bed.
六点多,这些可能一年时间以来最少都要在七点半以后起床的人们,六点多一点就已经起床了。Not onlygot out of bed, theyalsobrought the breakfastto go to the squareto line upto wait for the voting.
不仅起床了,他们还带着早餐来到了广场上排队等着投票。Eighto'clock, the polling stationstartsto work, the police of being ready with the rifle firingprotectin the surroundings of polling station, if the presidential yearpossiblyalsohas the militiamaninsomeswing states.
八点钟,投票站开始工作,端着枪的警察们就守护在投票站的周围,如果是大选年在一些摇摆州可能还有民兵。Hasto rob the store, hasto rob the bank, naturallyalsohasto rob the polling station.
有抢劫商店的,有抢劫银行的,自然也有抢劫投票站的。„Hi, whom do youplanto elect?”
A youngboysawto line up, the similarlyyounggirl, walkedon own initiative.
一名年轻的男孩看见了正在排队的,同样年轻的女孩,主动走了过去。Boyflexure the hair, is somewhat shy, helikedthisgirlbeing very long, two peoplehave also been togetheralone, has almost become the male and femalefriend, onlymissedsomepeopleto bring to lightthisrelationsfinally.
The girllooks that in the look of boyalsofilledhappily.
女孩看着男孩的眼神里也充满了甜蜜。Twopeople are also the high schoolschoolmates, after high schoolgraduation, startsto work, the boydoes very laboriousworkin a factory.
两个人也是高中同学,高中毕业后开始打工,男孩在一家工厂里干一些很辛苦的工作。Becauseyoung, is willingto endure hardship, althoughworksverytired, butlives can also pass.
The girlis the service personin a restaurant, the wagesare quite low, the service personwage of restaurant is very often low, they a daylike the worker in factorywill not dotento12hoursfully.
The restaurantoperatesall daybusiness houroftensuchseveralhours, the restaurant ownerto the service peoplelowesthourly wage, wants, theymustfind the wayto gain the tip.
餐厅经营一整天的营业时间往往就那么几个小时,餐厅老板给服务员们最低的时薪,想要更多,他们就得想办法赚小费。Now the situation of society...... obvious, wantsto gain the tipeasilynotthat.
现在社会的情况……显而易见,想要赚小费也不是那么的容易。No matterbutliveshowfatiguesome, so long astheywill have the timein the same place.
可不管生活多么的令人疲惫,他们只要有时间就会在一起。Watches the television, watches the movie, orgoesto take a walk, theyareinpeopleeyesveryhappyonepair, a pair that also can definitely get married.
The girlthinks,„Iplanto chooseCatherineand......”, shealsosaid the names of severalpeople.
女孩想了想,“我打算选凯瑟琳和……”,她又说了几个人的名字。Sabine Cityis a smallcity, according tofederationrelevant provision in the electoral law, the number of municipal councilmanwill defer to a total populationdecision of city.塞宾市是一座小城市,根据联邦的选举法中的相关规定,市议员的数量将按照一个城市的人口总数决定。Somesmallplacesare possible, only thenseveralmunicipal councilmen, butalsohas over a hundredpeople of municipal councilmanteams of Bupensuchbigcity.
有些小地方可能只有几名市议员,但也有布佩恩这样大城市的上百人的市议员团队。Until nowsomesoundssuggested that reforms the municipal councilmansystem, for examplethatfunnyaccording to the total populationdecidesmanycongressmen, can the administrative areaplanaccording tocitydecide.
一直以来都有声音建议对市议员体系进行改革,比如说不要那么滑稽的按照人口总数来决定有多少名议员,可以按照城市的行政区规划来决定。Butthistouched the interests of manymunicipal councilman, evenwas the interest of parties, thereforereformedcannotpass.
但这触及到了很多市议员的利益,甚至是党派的利益,所以改革一直没有能通过。According tocurrentmeansSabine Cityaltogetherwill be borneightmunicipal councilmen, participates in the campaignhasto be close to20people, 2/3people can only run together.
The boyslisten toseveralnames that the girl said that knitting the brows, „is the person who supports the educational reform.”
The girlnods, „don't youcare about the educational reformproblem?”
女孩点了点头,“难道你不关心教育改革问题吗?”„If the educational reformcanarriveearlier, perhapswe can also go to college, thencanhave a higherbeginning, has a betterlife.”
“如果教育改革能早点到来,也许我们也可以上大学,然后就能有更高的起点,有更好的人生。”„Althoughwecannot catch up......”, girl'sfacewas redder, „mayourchildrenbe able to catch up, thistous, to them, is very important.”
The boyshave not listened to the girlwords„ourchildren”thiskeyword, hisattentionconsistentlyrevolveseducational reform, andput forward the differentviews.
男孩没有听出女孩话里“我们的孩子”这个关键词,他的注意力始终围绕着教育改革方面,并且提出了自己不同的看法。„Educational reform is very indeed important, butIthink that the social security systemandprovidesmuch the opportunity of work more importanttopresentus.”
“教育改革的确很重要,但我认为社会保障制度和提供更多工作的机会对现在的我们来说更重要。”„IheardMr. Presidentonceto plan that reduced30years of pensionpaymentage limitsto20years, youknow that whatthisdoes mean?”
“我听人说总统先生曾经打算把三十年的养老保险缴纳年限降低到二十年,你知道这意味着什么吗?”Does not wait for the girlto reply, the boysaidoneselfidea, „thismeans that wecansavetenyears of expense, enjoyedothersto pay the treatment that 30yearscanenjoyin the past.”
不等女孩回答,男孩就说出了自己的想法,“这意味着我们可以省下十年的费用,享受着过去别人缴纳了三十年才能享受的待遇。”„Weevencanattemptto rise the files, butnow the resistanceis very big, ifwecanmakecongressionalmorepoliticiansfeelourstrength, perhapsthismatterwhenweare livingcansucceed.”
The choice and girl of boyare different, girlsomewhatunbelievablevisitshim, „Iwill thinkyourchoice same as me......”
The boysare frowning, „educational reformanythingwas too remote, child who eventhis yearis born, especiallyto us.”
男孩皱着眉头,“教育改革什么的太遥远了,就算是今年诞生的孩子,特别是对我们来说。”„Onemore than tenyearslaterevenis20yearslatercanbenefitourpolicies, is far less thanto changecomesnowimportantly!”
“一个十几年后甚至是二十年后才能惠及我们的政策,远不如改变现在来得重要!”Twopeoplestartto debate unceasinglyfor this reason, everyone hasownidea, oneselftruth, the girllooks at the boyfinally, a disappointment of face, „bids good-bye, althoughwedid not have the realstart, butithad finished!”
两个人开始为此争论不休,每个人都有自己的想法,自己的道理,最终女孩看着男孩,一脸的失望,“分手吧,虽然我们还没有真正的开始,但它已经结束了!”Looks that the girltraded a teamto line up, the boystartedto questiononeselfweremade the mistake the time, stoodturns aroundto visithimin a front30-year-oldgentleman.
The smile, „youare doingwear a look ofright, young people!”
面带着微笑,“你做得对,年轻人!”„Ifthesepeoplecanchange the presentworking conditions, givesus the opportunities of manybeing promoted, perhapsdoes not need the educational reform, wecanmakeourchildrenenjoy the higher education!”
The boysgripped the fist, hedid not feeloneselfwere wrong.
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