BC :: Volume #12

#1184: In the future will be so far, accompanies me to have a look[ this chapter by: Code person small virtue- names in addition -6 /?]

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Station of Lynch on toward the stage, he becomes the focus that everyone vision follows. 林奇往台上一站,他就成为了所有人目光追随的焦点。 The first university department of journalism professors as an observer, look at Lynch from the angle of observer, is unable to suppress the feeling in the innermost feelings continually multiplying, envies, envy. 前大学新闻系教授作为一个旁观者,从旁观者的角度看着林奇,无法抑制自己内心中不断滋生出的感慨,还有羡慕,嫉妒。 This is the talent. 这就是天赋。 Yes, it is a talent ability. 是的,它是一种天赋能力。 Even he did not speak, is standing, the vision of people will rush to him, visits him. 即便他不说话,就只是站着,人们的目光都会涌向他,看着他。 Enviable talent. 令人羡慕的天赋。 Young, charming, sunlight, self-confident, he compares any actor to be skilled in the performing skill. 年轻,帅气,阳光,自信,他比任何演员都更精通演技。 Actually she before receiving Lynch hires, has studied this young people, but also time participates in the program his several or expresses own opinion to take the case to say in public places. 其实她在受林奇雇佣之前,就研究过这个年轻人,还把他的几次参加节目或者在公众场合发表自己的意见作为案例去讲。 How he is very clear makes one like itself. 他很清楚如何让人更喜欢自己。 According to the different communities, he has the different plans, for example now. 根据不同的群体,他有不同的方案,就比如说现在。 His wear not that official, is only one slightly obviously casual clothes, is not very official, but no one in this moment will think that he puts on should not. 他的穿着没有那么的正式,只是一套稍显休闲的衣服,不够正式,但没有人会在这一刻觉得他这么穿是不应该的。 Especially when he stands after on the stage said this quickly is my hometown these words, people will not think so. 特别是当他站在台上之后很快说出“这是我的家乡”这句话之后,人们就更不会这么觉得了。 They only think Lynch puts on is more casual , because he has not treated as the bystander here person, here is his hometown, here person is his family member. 他们只会认为林奇穿的随便一些,是因为他没有把这里的人当作外人,这里是他的家乡,这里的人都是他的“家人”。 Lynch the lines from a perspective of scholar is a little disgusting, but this disgusting lines add on his semblance undeniably, the smile, the attitude, all became very natural. 从一名学者的角度来说林奇的台词有点恶心,但不可否认这句恶心的台词加上他的外表,笑容,态度,一切都变得很自然了。 Young people, return own hometown, what wrong can this have? 一个年轻人,回报自己的家乡而已,这能有什么错? She sighs, somewhat rejoiced, if Lynch takes part in government, perhaps without the Catherine anything matter, would have no her anything matter. 她叹了一口气,又有些庆幸,要是林奇去从政,也许就没有凯瑟琳什么事情了,也就没有她什么事情了。 Teaching half a lifetime news was specialized, contacts is the current affairs and politics, she also hopes that can break through in this aspect...... 教了半辈子新闻专业,接触到的都是时事政治,她也希望能在这方面有所突破…… Her looks at Catherine, another girl who made one envy. 她偏头看着凯瑟琳,另外一个令人嫉妒的女孩。 This world, really looks like such that people said that is the young people! 这个世界,真的就像是人们所说的那样,属于年轻人! This time Lynch was not clear that university department of journalism professors have the activities of so many innermost feelings, he is transmitting oneself idea to everyone. 此时的林奇并不清楚那个大学新闻系教授有这么多内心的活动,他只是向大家传递着自己的想法。 I am clear about you compared with these big capitalists, what or we need is anything!” “我比那些大资本家清楚你们,或者说我们需要的是什么!” He is brandishing the arm, is pointing at the sky, „a more relaxed burden, yes, I know, we cannot, because went to school by own child, crashed the entire family's finance, I do not have unkindly that.” 他挥舞着手臂,指着天空,“更轻松的负担,是的,我都知道,我们不能因为让自己的孩子上学,就压垮了整个家庭的财务,我没有那么的刻薄。” „The present loan possibly only has 35 years of maximum deadline, this was too heavy.” “现在的贷款可能只有三五年的最大期限,这太沉重了。” We after paying these bills, is very difficult to spend so much money to submit to also various types of loans, this was too difficult to each of us.” “我们在支付了那些账单之后,已经很难拿出那么多钱来归还各种贷款,这对我们每个人来说都太难了。” I will change these!” “我会改变这些!” New, most people are qualified, and school expense inexpensive university “一所新的,大多数人都有资格进入,并且学费低廉的大学” One lasted ten years, 15 years even is 20 years of student loans!” “一份长达十年,十五年甚至是二十年的助学贷款!” Perhaps later will have, I and Catherine idea is the same.” “也许以后会有更多,我和凯瑟琳的想法是相同的。” We are the victims under existing education system, we compared with anybody hope that its change, looks like such that Catherine said a moment ago, perhaps on the day of our also being able to achieve makes everyone welcome.” “我们都是现有的教育体制下的受害者,我们比任何人都更希望它的改变,就像是刚才凯瑟琳说的那样,也许我们还做不到让所有人都迎来这一天。” But at least, here, in our hometown, we can make it realize......” “但至少,在这里,在我们的家乡,我们能让它实现……” We are changing the history!” “我们正在改变历史!” We are creating the future!” “我们正在创造未来!” A successful election address, Catherine some opponents described certainly all these with „a shameless despicable speech. 一场成功的竞选演讲,当然凯瑟琳的一些对手用“一场无耻卑鄙的演讲”来形容这一切。 Because Lynch appeared, he has almost become a Sabine City flag, especially the black stone aviation starts to conduct the selected location to put up a factory in the local area, and intends part of factories place Sabine City the time, everyone incomparably is believing this big boy firmly. 因为林奇出现了,他几乎已经成为了塞宾市的一面旗帜,特别是黑石航空开始在本地进行选址建厂,并且有意将一部分工厂放在塞宾市的时候,所有人都无比坚定的信仰着这个大男孩。 His domestic workshop saves the family that many local area need to help in the great depression period, now puts up a factory in the local area, but must change the antenatal in local and even the state. 他的家庭作坊在大萧条时期救了很多本地需要帮助的家庭,现在又在本地建厂,还要改变本地乃至州内的教育环境。 Let this person appear in the election address is the biggest fraud! 让这种人出现在竞选演讲上就是最大的舞弊! But they also can only say at heart, sees Lynch when next time, they must wipe the clean palm sweat to bend the waist to put out a hand with the smile of flattering, revealing can shake hand with Mr. Lynch is my being honored such expression. 但他们也只能在心里说一说,下一次见到林奇时,他们还要擦干净手心的汗水用略带着谄媚的笑容弯着腰伸出手,露出“能和林奇先生握手是我的荣幸”这样的表情。 The speech 1 : 00 pm time conducted the television relay, quick people knew these two young people ambition. 演讲晚 1 点时候进行了电视转播,很快人们就知道了这两个年轻人的“野心”。 Must construct the matter of university not to disclose regarding Lynch to the outside, that night, the mayor telephoned to hope that one side can see with Lynch, but Lynch at that time not spatial. 对于林奇要建大学的事情一直没有对外透露,当天晚上,市长就打电话希望能和林奇见一面,不过林奇当时没有空。 He is jogging. 他正在跑步。 Jogs to the health of body has the help......”, Lynch and Catherine jog in the park, runs, he while said. “慢跑对身体的健康有帮助……”,林奇凯瑟琳在公园中慢跑,一边跑,他一边说。 He has been used to jogging, some Catherine slightly asthmas, but Lynch has not stopped saying that makes her rest a meeting, but encourages her to continue to run. 他已经习惯了慢跑,凯瑟琳稍微有些气喘,但林奇没有停下来说让她休息一会,而是鼓励她继续跑下去。 „After you took office, your work will be getting more and more busy, you will discover that in the so tranquil city so many things need you to be done unexpectedly.” “等你就职之后你的工作会越来越忙,你会发现如此平静的城市中居然有那么多的事情需要你做。” Any time, anything, you did not have the opportunity to manage your health like the past with ease.” “任何时间,任何事情,你没有机会像过去那样轻松的管理自己的健康了。” You must pull out the time movement, jogs well, in the morning before getting up or the evening sleeps .” “你得抽时间运动,慢跑不错,早上起来或者晚上睡觉之前都可以。” Running that Catherine pants in his side, „are you...... usually also this?” 凯瑟琳气喘吁吁的跑在他的身边,“你……平时也是这样吗?” Lynch selected under one, „haven't you watched that program that a while ago put?” 林奇点了一下头,“你没看前段时间放的那个节目吗?” Yes.”, Catherine is nodding, on the face the somewhat strange smile, I think that is the script and exercise, your real every day is so busy?” “看了。”,凯瑟琳点着头,脸上有些奇怪的笑容,“我以为那是剧本和演习,你真的每天都那么忙碌吗?” Lynch shakes the head, „, the relative relaxedness, will not have the time to take an afternoon nap most of the time every day.” 林奇摇了摇头,“也不会,大多数时候都相对的轻松,每天还有时间睡午觉。” All industries are more relaxed toward the high place, because the concrete matter was handled by the specific person, you now are that specific person.” “所有的行业越往高处越轻松,因为具体的事情都由具体的人去做了,你现在就是那个‘具体的人’。” If you can become the governor, the senator even is a president, you understand that the daily work is some acquaintances sits together meets, then signs in some documents, is thinking how gets off work later to treat with courtesy, or rest time where goes to take vacation.” “如果你能成为州长,参议员甚至是总统,你就会明白每天的工作就是和一些熟人坐在一起开开会,然后在一些文件上签签字,想着下班之后怎么应酬,或者休息的时候去什么地方度假。” Catherine looks at the sky of distant place, has such several seconds, sounds very remote, I seem to the present am having a dream to be the same.” 凯瑟琳看着远处的天空,有那么几秒钟时间,“听起来很遥远,我到现在都像是在做梦一样。” The Lynch footsteps slowed down, remote?” 林奇的脚步放慢了一些,“遥远?” No, not.” “不,一点也不。” Four years passed by, Catherine, next four years later you are a mayor, or in state senate.” “四年过去了,凯瑟琳,下一个四年之后你就是市长,或者在州参议院里。” „The next four years, had the possibility you to have again campaigned for the governor, or attained the opportunity of parliament member.” “再下个四年,有可能你就具备了竞选州长,或者拿到国会议员的机会。” Perhaps by that time, each of us, is going to welcome important opportunity a time.” “到了那个时候,我们每个人,或许都将要迎来一次重要的机会。” He stopped the footsteps, received the towel from the Austin hand, is cleaning the sweat on her face to the girl. 他停下了脚步,从奥斯汀手中接过毛巾,给女孩擦拭着她脸上的汗水。 Whatever the girl Lynch is cleaning on her face, the sweat on neck, because the movement presents the health ruddy cheek to be somewhat charming, she looks at Lynch, what opportunity?” 女孩任由林奇擦拭着她脸上,脖子上的汗水,因为运动呈现出健康的红扑扑的脸蛋有些娇羞,她看着林奇,“什么机会?” Lynch is cleaning on later, the sweat on face, said with a smile, war.” 林奇随后擦拭着自己头上的,脸上的汗水,笑着说道,“战争。” We walk.” “我们走一走。” He threw the towel to Austin, bringing Catherine to walk. 他把毛巾丢给了奥斯汀,带着凯瑟琳走了起来。 In the future will definitely happen to affect the world setup again the war, you know that only then the war is fair.” “未来必然会再一次发生影响世界格局的战争,你知道吗,只有战争是公平的。” Because the bullet cannot choose its goal, civilians, aristocrat, politician, soldier, even is a president, where it does not care about himself from shoot, where must shoot.” “因为子弹不会挑选它的目标,无论是平民,贵族,政客,军人,甚至是总统,它不在乎自己从什么地方射出去,又要射进什么地方。” War will also bring more opportunities to the politicians, each can affect the decision of war, after the war ended obtains the settlement.” “战争也会给政客们带来更多的机会,每一项能够影响到战争的决策,都将会在战争结束后获得清算。” Some people will therefore profit, some people will therefore lose something.” “有些人会因此受益,有些人会因此失去一些东西。” Also only then during war special, our surrounding societies, the whole world, will give up some prejudices.” “也只有在战争这个特殊的时期,我们周围的社会,整个世界,才会放弃一些偏见。” People not because you are a female think that you do not have to become the qualifications of federal important person.” “人们不会因为你是一名女性就认为你不具备成为联邦要员的资格。” People not because you are a female, thinks that you do not have the qualifications to walk high.” “人们也不会因为你是一名女性,就认为你没有资格走得更高。” In that time, the ability was most important, so long as you were able, then you definitely met walking of does not have any hindrance to be higher.” “在那种时候里,能力才是最重要的,只要你有能力,那么你必然会没有任何阻碍的走得更高。” If you like looking at the history, understands, each large-scale war eruption, some people will take a completely different life journey.” “如果你喜欢看历史,就会明白,每一次大规模的战争爆发,都会有些人走上一条完全不同的人生道路。” Our future, in this war!” “我们的未来,就在这场战争中!” Catherine very earnest is listening, also has 78 years, somewhat remote......” 凯瑟琳很认真的听着,“还有七八年,有些遥远……” 78 years later she over 30 years old is, regarding were 24-year-old him, this was too far. 七八年后她就三十多岁了,对于刚刚24岁的他来说,这真的太远了。 The Lynch tone somewhat is different, only remains for 78 years, our time are very tight.” 林奇的口吻却有些不同,“只剩七八年,我们的时间很紧迫。” Only then to the governor, or parliament member this degree can have the opportunity to make you display your ability.” “只有到州长,或者国会议员这个程度才能有机会让你去展现你的能力。” Too low words, even if your idea is correct, will not affect the policy of country, when the position is high enough is good.” “太低的话即便你的想法是正确的,也不会影响到国家的政策,只有位置足够高时才行。” We must try hard, Catherine.” “我们都得努力,凯瑟琳。” The Catherine expression somewhat confuses, why can we such diligently?” 凯瑟琳的表情有些迷惑,“为什么我们要这么努力?” Lynch turns head to visit her, the smile on face is somewhat mischievous, you did not think that we arrive in this world with great difficulty, what thing can leave behind a point to leave to this world?” 林奇扭头看着她,脸上的笑容有些顽皮,“你不觉得我们好不容易来到这个世界上,总要给这个世界留下一点什么东西才能离开吗?” I do not like the mediocre ordinary life, no one knows that you have come, no one knows that you walked, they do not even know that this world had you to exist.” “我不喜欢庸碌普通的人生,没有人知道你来过,也没有人知道你走了,他们甚至都不会知道这个世界曾经有你存在过。” I do not like, I want people to remember me, ten years, hundred years, even after is longer, when later these young people, like once us.” “我不喜欢,我要人们记住我,十年,百年,甚至更久之后,当以后的那些年轻人,像曾经的我们那样。” Sits in the classroom, opens the book, read our name from the book, we have made deeds, this is living, real sense that as well as went on living.” “坐在教室中,翻开书,从书上读到我们的名字时,我们做过的事迹,这才是活着,以及活下去的真正意义。” Lynch stops the footsteps, he is holding the hand of Catherine, I always do not force anybody, to you are this.” 林奇停下脚步,他拉着凯瑟琳的手,“我从来都不强迫任何人,对你更是这样。” If you thought that this is very boring, you can choose to finish, I will not blame you, will only support you.” “如果你觉得这很无聊,你可以选择结束,我不会怪你,只会支持你。” Catherine thinks, if putting down here matter, she will be confused about the future. 凯瑟琳想了想,如果放下这边的事情,她对未来会更迷茫。 She does not know oneself must make anything. 她也不知道自己要做什么。 Is an ordinary woman, marries an ordinary man, has 2-3 ordinary children, then mediocre life? 做一个普通的女人,嫁一个普通的男人,生2-3个普通的孩子,然后庸碌的过完一生? Before perhaps she thought that this was very good, but with these two years' some changes, she to these slowly had no interest. 以前也许她觉得这很好,但随着这两年的一些变化,她对这些慢慢的就没了兴趣。 She is instead shaking the hand of Lynch, raises head to visit him, „, if that is the place that you want, no one accompanies you, you definitely did not mind that I do accompany you to have a look?” 她反握着林奇的手,仰头看着他,“如果那是你想要去的地方,又没有人陪你的话,你肯定不介意我陪你去看看?”
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