BC :: Volume #12

#1183: Last

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Every day will have many things to happen. 每天都会有很多的事情发生。 Some people were born, some people died. 有人出生,有人死亡。 Some people harvested the love, some people just ended a sentiment. 有人收获了爱情,有人刚刚结束一段感情。 Everyone is the lead in this world, is the supporting role in this world, is performing the different scripts, is sensing the different psychological courses. 每个人都是这个世界的主角,又都是这个世界的配角,上演着不同的剧本,感悟着不同的心理历程。 Whom no one was short of not to go on living, if present, that was only this person does not want to open suddenly. 没有谁少了谁就活不下去,如果有,那只是这个人一时间没有想开罢了。 Mr. Truman is paying attention to the advancement of discussion, Charlie( younger sister) is only thinking attains the decree of special pardon as soon as possible, Mr. Wycliffe is thinking how to use in the hand the existing advantage to level the matter. 特鲁曼先生关注着会谈的进程,查理(妹)只想着尽快拿到特赦令,威克利夫先生则想着如何利用自己手中现有的优势把事情摆平。 But Lynch, then had returned to Sabine City. 林奇,则已经回到了塞宾市 The election of federal city congressman is the residential direct election, according to many of size as well as resident population of city, the congressman who elects the different quantities. 联邦城市议员的选举是市民直选,根据城市的大小以及常住人口的多少,推选出不同数量的议员。 This also means that the congressmen in small city meet are relatively few, but the congressmen in big city quite many. 这也意味着小城市的议员会相对较少,而大城市的议员则会相当的多。 Probably Bupen this city, in each election people at least need to check more than ten to twenty people in dozens lists. 像是布佩恩这座城市,每一次选举中人们至少要在数十份名单中勾选十几到二十几人。 The big city has the advantage of big city, once will select the power in hand to be bigger, the level that can contact will also be higher. 大城市有大城市的好处,一旦选中手中的权力会更大一些,能接触到的层次也更高一些。 At least, the big capitalist in big city, the capitalist with remote countryside city, is completely the different concepts. 至少,大城市的大资本家,和偏僻乡下城市的资本家,完全是不同的概念。 But the small city has the advantage of small city, the city congressman who has a look at federal these long-term reappointment, the opportunity happened in the small city. 但小城市并非没有小城市的好处,看看联邦那些长期连任的城市议员,机会都发生在小城市。 The political environment and standpoint of small city are quite pure, so long as a little energy, has big opportunity victory and reappointment slightly. 小城市的政治环境和立场比较单纯,只要稍微有点能量,就有很大的机会胜选和连任。 The term of municipal councilman is two years, longest can the unlimited reappointment, the city congressmen in some places are this city important economic pillar, these people do are 10-20 years of normalcy of. 市议员的任期为两年,最长可以无限期的连任下去,有些地方的城市议员本身就是这个城市重要的经济支柱,这些人一干就是10-20年的很正常。 This Congressman Sabine City in the direct election, there is a person of Lynch comparison attention time, Catherine. 这一次塞宾市议员直选中,有林奇比较关注的人,凯瑟琳 Election this week, but also is left over the last speech, after this speech ended, faces the time of public opinion answer paper. 选举就在本周,还剩下最后一场演讲,这场演讲结束之后,就是面对民意答卷的时刻。 Regardless how a politico said again of pleasant to hear, will not have any influence on him, only then the public opinion is the key. 无论一名从政者说得再怎么好听,都不会对他本身造成任何的影响,只有民意才是关键。 You said of pleasant to hear matter that but the people are not convinced also happened frequently, how to try to please the people, wins the people, becomes the ability that the federal politicians must master. 你说的好听但民众们不买账的事情也经常发生,如何取悦民众,取信民众,就成为了联邦政客们必须掌握的能力。 Everyone has own method, some people attend various politics class programs, some person and the voter has many interactions, the method of everyone is different, only same possibly is their goals. 每个人都有属于自己的方法,有人参加各种政治类节目,有人和选民有更多的互动,每个人的方法都不同,唯一相同的可能就是他们的目的。 I am somewhat anxious!”, Catherine sits before the makeup mirror, a make-up artist is doing the final adjustment for her. “我有些紧张!”,凯瑟琳坐在化妆镜前,一名化妆师正在为她做最后的调整。 She seems very actually mature, the 20-year-old girl adds on the occupation to install with the professional makeup, seeming like bigger the age that she is more practical. 她看起来其实挺成熟的,20多岁的女孩加上职业装和职业妆,看起来比她实际的年纪更大一些。 People are sometimes very strange, they always think that the young people have the working zeal, often said that must give the young people more opportunities, after all the young people will be the future of this society. 人们有时候很奇怪,他们总是觉得年轻人更有干劲,常常说要给年轻人更多的机会,毕竟年轻人就是这个社会的未来。 Whom however when really to chose to come for own future is responsible , is also partial in the senior citizen. 但是真的到了选择谁来为自己的未来负责时,又偏向于老年人。 Their views will change in this moment, thinks that these old people have experienced many things, they have a maturer experience, more stories, only then these talents can grasp each choice. 他们的看法又会在这一刻发生变化,认为那些年纪大的人经历过很多的事情,他们有更成熟的经验,更多的阅历,只有这些人才能把握好每一次的选择。 Therefore when the election speech, the Catherine appearance for a part will be maturer, is partial in the rationality and intellectuality work place woman, rather than a young girl. 所以在选举演讲时,凯瑟琳的扮相会更成熟,偏向于理性且知性的职场女士,而不是一个年轻的女孩。 Goal visits her, unusual satisfaction, you all contemporaries do well compared with I have seen, impeccable, knows?” 身边的目标看着她,非常的满意,“你比我见过的所有同龄人都做得更好了,无可挑剔,知道吗?” What should be anxious is your opponent, rather than you, you only need to get on the stage with smile on the face, then beat them to be good calmly!” “应该紧张的是你的对手,而不是你,你只需要面带笑容的走上台,然后从容的击败他们就行了!” Actually from the beginning they know the probability of victory is very big, greatly, may really arrive at these many are somewhat disturbed. 其实从一开始她们都知道胜选的概率很大,非常大,可真走到了这一步多少还是有些忐忑。 Even if there is the support of mayor and governor, Lynch some policies promote, finally must look at the attitude of residents. 即便有市长和州长的支持,还有林奇的一些政策推动,最终也要看市民们的态度。 Catherine must win these people, they will check her name in the following voting. 凯瑟琳必须取信这些人,他们才会在接下来的投票中勾选她的名字。 With approaching of time, the first university department of journalism professor, opened the room gate, time arrived, this/should you arrived!” 随着时间的临近,前大学新闻系教授,拉开了房间门,“时间到了,该你登场了!” Catherine deeply inspires, cheers up, sets out to walk toward out of the door. 凯瑟琳深吸了一口气,振作精神,起身朝着门外走去。 As she enters the stadium, many residents cheer. 随着她进入体育场,不少市民都欢呼起来。 Sits people on stand and she is greeting, she is also responding to everyone unceasingly. 坐在看台上的人们和她打着招呼,她也不断的回应着大家。 The politicians must always display them and average people have being intimate with how, there are how remotely, among them possibly is only away from several distances, this whole life has no opportunity of speech face-to-face. 政客总是要表现出他们和普通人有多么的亲近,又有多么的遥远,他们之间可能只隔着几步的距离,这辈子却没有什么面对面说话的机会。 Catherine stepped onto the center of stadium, this is the Sabine City stadium, is Sabine City and even in the York state one of the best stadiums, its current property rights belong to Lynch. 凯瑟琳走上了体育场的中心,这是塞宾市体育场,也是塞宾市乃至约克州内最好的体育场之一,它目前的产权属于林奇 Looks that on the stand was close to sit half of audience, Catherine thought that was not very easy. 看着看台上接近坐了一半的观众们,凯瑟琳觉得很不容易。 The entire stand can support 30,000 people also to watch, not can be filled is actually very normal, this is not in the weekend, is not holiday, can some so many people come to be actually rare at these times. 整个看台可以支持三万人同时观看,坐不满其实很正常,这不是周末,不是休息日,能在这样的时候有这么多人来其实已经非常难得了。 Other congressmen, the city congressmen including other areas will rent some small locations in the speech, even the small location does not rent, direct open-air speech. 其他议员,包括其他地区的城市议员在演讲时都会租用一些小场地,甚至小场地都不租用,直接露天演讲。 This at least can make their front place be filled with the person, thus proves their values. 这样至少能让他们面前一块地方挤满了人,从而证明他们的价值。 Today can come so many people, is these new ideas that and Catherine disseminates these days has relations- educational reform. 今天能来这么多人,也是和凯瑟琳这段时间宣传的那些新的想法有关系-教育改革。 Also when only then the educational reform can so many to be at the non- holiday, accumulation here. 也只有教育改革才能让这么多人在非节假日时,聚集在这里。 The pedestrian on today's Sabine City possible road will tail off, the person who because these have not worked, rushed to here. 今天的塞宾市可能路上的行人都会变少一些,因为那些没有工作的人,都跑到了这里来。 Arrived at the stadium most, Catherine stands after the tribune, she is smiling with closed lips, is tilting the head slightly, thanked everyone to find time, I am still thinking in inside, if outside no one what to do.” 走到了体育场的最中间,凯瑟琳站在演讲台后,她抿着嘴笑着,略微歪着头,“感谢大家能抽空过来,我在里面的时候还在想,万一外面没有人怎么办。” The prologue that flatters very much, actually doesn't she possibly know outside situation? 很讨好的开场白,其实她怎么可能不知道外面的情况? Came many people, what situation, some people told her specifically unceasingly. 来了多少人,具体什么情况,都有人不断的告诉她。 What she needs is only one is not so intense, very temperate can pull closer people to relate, affable mood prologue. 她需要的只是一个不那么激烈,很温和的能拉近人们关系,舒缓情绪的开场白。 When the after laughter of people good intentions continues to meet, she also reorganizes on the tribune some speeches and is used to remind the watch of her time, with other anything. 等人们善意的笑声持续了一会之后,她也整理好了演讲台上一些演讲稿和用来提醒她时间的手表,和其他什么。 I know that everyone pays attention to the education very much, this is also my very matter of concern, if in fact you have enough many understanding of me, definitely knows that we experienced anything.” “我知道大家都很关注教育,这也是我非常关注的问题,事实上如果你们对我有足够多的了解,就一定知道我们都经历了什么。” Some audience said these things immediately, she and Lynch, because does not have money, cannot go to college. 有些观众顿时说出了那些事情,她和林奇因为没有钱,上不了大学。 She is nodding, perhaps the senior politician's speech does not like being disturbed, but to the politician of lower class, with the voter interaction perhaps is one of means they flatter the voter. 她点着头,高级政客的演讲或许不喜欢被人打扰,但是对社会底层的政客来说,和选民互动也许是他们讨好选民的办法之一。 Yes, you said right, because is poor, we cannot go to college.” “是的,你们说得对,因为贫穷,我们上不起大学。” At that time I and Lynch idea was, must some people make anything, at that time we wanting to pin on others' body, but the fact told us, even if we are praying every day, finally cannot change all these.” “当时我和林奇的想法就是,总得有人做点什么,当时我们把希望寄托在别人的身上,可事实告诉我们,即便我们每天都在祷告,最终也改变不了这一切。” Cannot go to college, cannot go to college as before.” “上不了大学,依旧上不了大学。” However this also becomes me to stand today one of the powers here, education, with educational reform!” “而这也成为了我今天站在这里的动力之一,教育,和教育改革!” Quickly shifts to the core of speech through the simple several words is mostly the fundamental mode of speech, actually the voters do not want to chat with the politicians completely. 通过简单的几句话迅速转向演讲的核心是大多数演讲的主要方式,其实选民们也不是完全想要和政客们聊天。 Occasionally exchanges several to strengthen the relation, but has chatted, that is the waste time. 偶尔交流几句能加强彼此之间的联系,但一直聊天,那就是浪费时间。 Everyone hopes that the efficiency of politicians can, chat and say high obviously the idle talk is not one of them. 所有人都希望政客们的效率能更高一点,显然聊天和说废话不在此列。 People start to applaud, this is they cares. 人们纷纷开始鼓掌,这才是他们关心的。 I thought what at that time is unfairest is anything, is some people takes a letter of recommendation, the arithmetic topic will not do together, without proving oneself, can obtain the enrollment of good university, and obtains the full scholarship.” “我当时觉得最不公平的是什么,就是有些人拿着一封推荐信,连一道算术题都不会做,更没有证明自己,就能获得名牌大学的录取,并且获得全额奖学金。” This is very unfair, I am angry, regarding this silent.” “这很不公平,我曾经愤怒过,也对此沉默过。” Beforehand I, possibly do not have such ability, but now, was the time changes.” “以前的我,可能不具备这样的能力,但现在,是时候做出改变了。” I cannot make the entire federation change, but I can make Sabine City here situation have some changes, I hope that people in other places first forgive my selfish, here is my hometown.” “我不能够让全联邦都发生改变,可我能让塞宾市这里的情况发生一些改变,我希望其他地方的人们先原谅我的自私,这里是我的家乡。” If I can succeed here, then I will be attempting promote the successful the pattern of experience and success, making more people therefore profit!” “如果我能在这里获得成功,那么我会尝试着把成功的经验和成功的模式推广出去,让更多的人因此而受益!” Then is some concrete actions, actually it of educational reform has no special content. 接下来就是一些具体的举措,其实教育改革的本身没有什么特殊的内容。 Nothing but is lets more people to go to school, can go to school, but was such a seemingly simple issue puzzled federal many years. 无非就是让更多的人能上学,能上得起学,可就是这么一个看上去很简单的问题困扰了联邦很多年。 Until now it also as before is an issue. 直到现在它也依旧是一个问题。 People are listening earnestly, this related to each of them's own interests, they compared with any time in the past earnest. 人们认真的听着,这关系到了他们每一个人的切身利益,他们比以往任何时候都更加的认真。 Which family/home can not have a child, seduction that who can refuse to go to college? 谁家能没有一个孩子呢,谁又能拒绝上大学的诱惑呢? Goes to college, means to work in this time, means that has the opportunity to enter the middle class, means that realizes the federal dream, even if only a small part. 上大学,在这个时代就意味着好工作,意味着有机会进入中产阶级,意味着实现联邦梦,哪怕只是一小部分。 Atmosphere gradual is warm, because she said sounds may become the fact. 气氛逐渐的热烈起来,因为她说的听起来更有可能成为事实。 Threshold lower society university as well as more tolerant student loans, if can realize these, then the educational reform in Catherine mouth is not the issue. 门槛更低的社会大学以及更宽容的助学贷款,如果能实现这些,那么凯瑟琳口中的教育改革根本就不是什么问题。 Even they, their children, can profit in this transformation. 甚至他们这些人,他们的孩子,都能够在这一次变革中受益。 As such cordial atmosphere the appearance of Lynch, was pushed to the high tide. 这样热烈的气氛随着林奇的出现,被推向了高潮。 I do not know that you must come.”, Catherine also surprised and pleasantly surprised looks at Lynch, she really does not know. “我不知道你要来。”,凯瑟琳也惊讶且惊喜的看着林奇,她是真的不知道。 After two people hugged one next, Lynch arrived at the tribune, he looked at these audience, on the face has the young people practical joke same smile, I have not told her......” 两人拥抱了一下之后,林奇走到了演讲台边,他看了看那些观众,脸上带着年轻人恶作剧一样的笑容,“我没有告诉她……” Simple a few words on baffling smiled, the role of individual charm too was sometimes big. 只是简单的一句话就让人莫名其妙的笑了起来,有时候个人魅力的作用真的太大了。 He holds the tribune, is maintaining that sunlight smile, I know that some people can realize in these that the suspicion she said a moment ago, but I come here goal, tells you, it will certainly become the reality!” 他扶着演讲台,保持着那阳光的笑容,“我知道有人在怀疑刚才她说的那些能不能实现,而我来这里的目的,就是告诉你们,它一定会成为现实!”
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