BC :: Volume #12

#1182: A little careless

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Generally, like scar face group in the person who in the bullet storm lives reluctantly, mostly 1-2 days later, because injury excessive death. 一般情况下,像疤脸这伙在子弹风暴中勉强活下来的人,大多都在1-2后因为伤势过重死亡了。 But this difference, Charlie( younger sister) wants not to count the price saves them, the federal top medical team and medical technology displayed its value quickly. 但这次不同,查理(妹)愿意不计代价的救他们,联邦顶级的医疗团队和医疗技术很快就发挥了它的价值。 Under over a million medical expenses, four people lived unexpectedly, this simply is the medicine miracle! 上百万的医疗费用下,四个人居然都活了下来,这简直就是医学奇迹! Allocated the body of everyone little saying that had 200,000-300,000, this has not included the supporting cost that following had. 平摊到每个人的身上少说都有200,000-300,000,这还不包括后续存在的维持费用。 This fully manifested the value of money with the fact, some people said that money could not buy the life, wear a look of perhaps at this time scar face and the others and Charlie( younger sister) can ridicule visits them. 这完全用事实体现出了金钱的价值,有人说金钱买不到生命,也许这个时候疤脸等人和查理(妹)可以面带嘲弄的看着他们。 What was needless saying that but looks, made them awkward sufficiently. 什么都不用说,只是看着,就足以让他们尴尬。 Yes, money, can buy the life. 是的,金钱,可以买到生命。 Only then people facing time of this day can realize, perhaps money cannot change the lifeform definitely senilly, and died this irreversible process, but it can maximum make you live some time compared with the normal condition. 只有人们面对这一天的时候才能意识到,金钱也许不能改变生物必然会衰老并且死亡这个不可逆的过程,但它可以最大限度的让你比正常情况多活一段时间。 Money can also buy the love, has a look at side these wealthy men the young girl boy, you thought why they will fall in love with an old person? 金钱还能买到爱情,看看那些富翁身边年轻的女孩男孩,你觉得他们为什么会爱上一个年纪大的人? Because of money? 因为钱吗? No, because of love, simple love! 不,是因为爱,简单的爱! Really loves! 真爱! Money is not multipurpose, may with multipurpose not have the too big disparity actually. 金钱不是万能的,可和万能其实也没有太大的差距了。 This attack seemingly already, as the deaths of these raiders, were grasped, has ended. 这场“袭击”看上去好像已经随着这些袭击者的死亡,被抓,已经落幕了。 Secret engineer who actually just the opposite, the federation starts to press for payment this attack case, this made 24 country diplomats who joined the discussion also tense. 其实恰恰相反,联邦开始追索这件袭击案的幕后策划者,这让正在参加会谈的二十四国外交官又紧张了起来。 In the two days time , the country expressed willingness to join this global development committee, to promote the development of the world, the peaceful advancement, contributes an own strength. 就在这两天时间里,又有一个国家表示愿意加入这个世界发展委员会,为推动世界的发展,和平的进程,贡献自己的一份力量。 We absolutely not because the performer was seized and killed, the idea that gives up tracing to the source, we not only need trace to the source, but must investigate more responsibility!” “我们绝对不会因为执行者被抓捕和击毙,就放弃溯源的想法,我们不仅要溯源,还要追究更多的责任!” Gentlemen, the negotiations are the correct way, the terror attack is not, we will absolutely not have the principle lets off any to attempt individual who uses the terror attack to achieve the demand or the influence.” “先生们,谈判是正确的方式,恐怖袭击不是,我们绝对不会没有原则的放过任何一个企图使用恐怖袭击达成诉求的个人或势力。” I also hope among us, will not have such person!” “我也希望在我们之间,不会有这样的人!” In the words of Mr. Truman is passing some threats faintly, strong, is offensive, may sit in table nearby people, included Frat's diplomat, remains silent at this moment. 特鲁曼先生的话里隐隐透着一些威胁,强硬,具有攻击性,可坐在桌子边上的人们,包括了盖弗拉的外交官,在这一刻都保持着沉默。 The view of Mr. Truman from some perspective has no issue, if there is anything to demand, has what idea, can definitely discuss. 从某方面来说特鲁曼先生的说法没有任何的问题,如果有什么诉求,有什么想法,完全可以谈。 However has no meeting of minds on the manufacture some scared, that obviously is inappropriate. 但是谈不拢就制造一些恐慌,那显然是不合适的。 Some people looked to Frat's diplomat, the latter somewhat shamed angry stared. 有人看向了盖弗拉的外交官,后者有些羞恼的瞪了回去。 The heaven, he is Frat's diplomat, he himself does not believe this is the matter that the aristocrats handle. 老天,他可是盖弗拉的外交官,他自己都不信这是贵族们做出来的事情。 They will not do that this is too easy to lose control. 他们不会这么做,这太容易失控。 Looks at exchanges in other person of looks, Mr. Truman knows that the pressure gave enough, then started the content that continued the beforehand these not to come to an arrangement about. 看着其他人眼神中的交流,特鲁曼先生知道压力给够了,然后开始继续之前那些没有谈妥的内容。 Possibly really felt the attitude of federal person, the small issue that some did not come to an arrangement about , the gradual start became less crowded, concessions. 可能是真的感受到了联邦人的态度,一些始终谈不妥的小问题,也逐渐的开始松动,让步。 They realized, if at this time with this terror attack contamination, perhaps will make them faced with some greatly troublesome. 他们意识到如果这个时候和这场恐怖袭击沾染上,也许会让他们面临一些大麻烦。 Treats in the attitude of this matter they to feel from the federal person, the federal person was really angry. 从联邦人对待这件事的态度上他们就能够感觉到,联邦人是真的生气了。 Also may be is false, but they must seriously looks. 也有可能是假的,但他们得当真的看。 The speed of discussion sped up slightly, but at the same time Charlie( younger sister) is also resting, after signing several contracts and paid entire, by the federal official carries off. 会谈的速度稍稍加快了一些,而与此同时查理(妹)也在休息,签订了几份合约并支付全款之后,被联邦的官员带走。 She is not actually anxious, Lynch has discussed with her, she only needs to confess content that the federal person is interested, while convenient the special details of confessing other criminals were OK. 她倒是不怎么紧张,林奇已经和她谈过了,她只需要供述联邦人感兴趣的内容,顺带着交代一些其他犯罪分子的具体情况就可以了。 But she, will obtain the special amnesty of federal president, remitted her past crime. 而她,将会得到联邦总统的特赦,赦免她过去的罪行。 Naturally, this does not mean that her really responsibility does not need to undertake, she also needs to pay is not lower than 20 million expenses, for comforting and aiding a bereaved family, compensation, some victim's family members. 当然,这不意味着她真的一点责任都不需要承担,她也需要支付不低于两千万的费用,用于抚恤,赔偿,一些受害者家属。 And she, once accepted the special amnesty, starting from her remitted that moment, this whole life cannot leave the federation. 并且她一旦接受了特赦,从她被赦免的那一刻开始,她这辈子都不能离开联邦。 Occurred from matter had passed for three days, at this time luxurious cruise approaching shore slowly. 距离事情发生已经过去了三天,此时一艘豪华游轮缓缓的靠岸。 Mr. Wycliffe brings his team to disembark. 威克利夫先生带着他的团队下了船。 Although he owed a lot of money in this silver event, but should have the manner that to have. 虽然他在这次白银事件中亏了不少钱,可该有的派头还是要有的。 The people are very realistic, is very superficial, this is lessons that Mr. Wycliffe this most lifetime learns. 人都很现实,也很肤浅,这就是威克利夫先生这大半辈子总结出来的一条经验。 They will not really inquire into that you have how much money, when they through the thing observation of surface, your clothing, the private car, will only face the expense attitude for example. 他们不会真的去探究你还剩下多少钱,他们只会通过表面的东西观察,比如说你的着装,座驾,还有面对花销时的态度。 So long as you can support these situations, then congratulates you, no one will despise you. 只要你能把这些场合撑起来,那么恭喜你,没有人会小看你。 The luxurious cruise and entire team are the certificates, his unceasing to the release signal, he and past was no different, and he had the means to come back money chase. 豪华的游轮和整个团队就是证明,他不断的向外界释放信号,他和过去没有什么不同,并且他有办法把钱追回来。 This makes behind him these investors repress to tear into shreds his impulsion, static waiting. 这让他背后的那些投资者都按捺住要撕碎他的冲动,静静的等待着。 If really can take carry back money, then they are still the graceful gentlemen, but if cannot take carry back, they will turn into the wild animal. 如果真的能把钱都拿回来,那么他们依然是优雅的绅士,可如果拿不回来,他们就会变成野兽。 On the road, Mr. Wycliffe heard the federation had some matter, but too has not thought many. 在来的路上,威克利夫先生听说了联邦发生了一些事情,但没有太多想。 Even thinks, does not have the means that his body needs the federal advanced medical technology to provide the help. 就算想,也没办法,他的身体需要联邦先进的医疗技术提供帮助。 Meanwhile, he also quietly toward federal transfer fund. 同时,他也正在悄悄的往联邦转移资金。 If by some chance he cannot bring back these money, he must live, not? 万一他拿不回那些钱,他总得生活,不是吗? Does not have money that the truth investment loses money to want his old person to undertake all these, he is only an initiator, he is also a victim. 没道理投资亏损的钱要他一个老人来承担这一切吧,他只是一个发起人,他也是受害者。 After the foot steps the federal the land, that share special mood as if flash explodes in the body, some will in the land transmitting bit by bit swamps into his body. 脚踏上联邦的土地后那股子特殊的情绪仿佛一瞬间就在身体里爆炸开,大地中传来的某种意志一点一点的涌入他的身体。 He has come the federation, does not like this sluggishness very much, timid, spiritless and greedy country. 他来过联邦,不是很喜欢这个懒散,胆小,懦弱又贪婪的国家。 At least before was this. 至少以前是这样。 Weak Federal Government, with greedy capitalists. 软弱的联邦政府,和贪婪的资本家们。 But now he starts to like here, here has the strong military power, Frat is much more open, very suitable rich man to care for the aged. 但现在他开始喜欢这里,这里有强大的军事实力,又比盖弗拉开放得多,很适合有钱人养老。 These want to tear into shreds his person, must think over, here is the federation, here has here order. 那些想要撕碎他的人,也得掂量一下,这里是联邦,这里有这里的秩序。 Before arriving the federation to settle down temporarily Mr. Wycliffe who returned to him, after investment nature the house of buying, immediately makes his team collect some recent news, is quick he to discover, this time goes to the federation, as if...... was somewhat careless. 来到联邦暂时定居的威克利夫先生回到了他以前作为投资性质的买的房子里之后,立刻让他的团队去搜集最近的一些消息,很快他就发现,这次前往联邦,似乎……有些草率了。 Scar face may not disclose us, his mouth in this line is very hard.”, The steward tries to make Mr. Wycliffe put with ease with the way of comfort, is only the effect is not quite good. “疤脸不一定会透露出我们,在这一行里他的嘴很硬。”,管家试图用安慰的方式来让威克利夫先生放轻松,只是效果不太好。 Mr. Wycliffe has known happened in the past few days attack case, moreover he reported from these media in issue that has discovered some truth. 威克利夫先生已经知道了发生在前些天的袭击案,而且他从那些媒体报道出来的问题中,就已经发现了一些事情的真相。 Scar face these people are not because of his order, so works oneself to death kidnaps Charlie( younger sister), is not. 疤脸那些人并不是因为他的命令,就如此卖命的去绑架查理(妹),不是。 They do not have such being responsible , the mercenary, the hunter, how is casual calls these people, their goals are for money, is not always the responsibility. 他们没有那么的负责,雇佣兵,猎人,随便怎么称呼这些人,他们的目的都是为了钱,从来都不是责任。 They so work oneself to death attacks and kidnaps Charlie( younger sister), the goal of core is to pry open Charlie( younger sister) the mouth. 他们如此卖命的去袭击并绑架查理(妹),核心的目的就是想要撬开查理(妹)的嘴。 Now in the international community is spreading some news, for example in this 100 billion silver cases almost most investors lose seriously, but not everyone is this. 现在国际社会中都流传着一些消息,比如说这次千亿白银案中几乎大多数投资者损失惨重,但并不是所有人都是这样。 Charlie brother and sister have started producing goods secretly, these can check the transaction record, silver when 77 dollars they ended in the hand clear all silver, approximately income several billions! 查理兄妹早就开始偷偷的出货,这些都是能查到交易记录的,白银在十六七块钱的时候他们就清完了手中所有的白银,大约收益数十亿之多! This sum of money was shifted fast by them, now where only then their two people know. 这笔钱被他们快速的转移走,现在在什么地方只有他们两个人知道。 Besides these people, various becoming known silver ore miners also become the beneficiary, the transaction on -hand merchandise to a certain extent, is quicker than the stock, is prompt. 除了这些人之外,各大白银矿矿主也成为了受益者,现货的交易从某种程度上来说,比期货更快,更及时。 These silver have in the warehouses in major international commercial harbors, any time, anybody, so long as is rich, can buy these things. 那些白银就存在各大国际贸易港的仓库里,任何时间,任何人,只要有钱,就能买走这些东西。 5 : 00 am, is 3 : 00 am, so long as there is a demand, a contract, telephones, these things can change hands. 无论是早上 5 点,还是凌晨 3 点,只要有需求,一份合约,一通电话,这些东西就能易手。 The initial stage of silver avalanche, these silver ore Lord used some differences of information, undercuts the price to undersell on own initiative, their behaviors in fact also become promoter who promotes the silver fast avalanche. 白银雪崩的最初阶段,这些银矿主们利用了一些信息差,主动压低价格抛售,他们的行为实际上也成为了推动白银快速雪崩的推手。 Besides these people, most financial investors, owed. 除了这些人外,大多数金融投资者,都亏了。 Has the authoritative organization to count to obtain a result, in the process of this silver avalanche, over 80 billion federal Sol was evaporated! 有权威机构统计得出一个结果,在这次白银雪崩的过程中,有超过八百亿联邦索尔被蒸发一空! And is wounded seriously, is silver Alliance, with some foreign investors. 其中受创最严重的,就是白银联盟,和一些国际投资者。 Reviewed the entire silver to fry to be close to from 2-3 20 the processes, truly makes money was Charlie brother and sister, now the people in the world are looking for them. 反观整个白银从2-3块炒到了接近二十的这个过程中,真正赚到钱的就是查理兄妹,现在全世界的人都在找他们。 Charlie( brother) grasps in the hand of Mr. Wycliffe, presents not the irrecoverable earliest possible time he to lead to go to the Charlie brother and sister's den at the matter personally. 查理(兄)就掌握在威克利夫先生的手里,在事情出现无法挽回的第一时间他就亲自带队前往查理兄妹的老巢。 Finally only held one, if possible even/including Chali( brother) to leave out again late. 结果只抓住了一个,如果再迟一点可能连查理(兄)都会漏掉。 But Charlie( brother), is behind him these investors also keeps a patience, believes reason that he can recover the loss. 而查理(兄),就是他背后的那些投资者还留着一份耐心,相信他能追回损失的原因。 Knows that must collect the person who Charlie( brother) and Charlie( younger sister) can open the ultimate buried treasure to be miserable, this caused scar face group of people to think that held Charlie( younger sister) to receive money. 知道要凑齐查理(兄)和查理(妹)才能开启终极宝藏的人少得可怜,这就导致了疤脸这伙人以为抓住查理(妹)就能拿到钱。 This lets Mr. Wycliffe unusual angry and helplessness, I do not trust them......” 这让威克利夫先生非常的愤怒且无奈,“我不信任他们……” Steward hears word, can only shut up. 管家闻言,只能闭上嘴。 Present aspect very bad, but also has the opportunity, moreover opportunity in his hands. 现在的局面非常的坏,但也不是没有机会,而且机会就在他的手里。 World any bank, they goal extremely, is to make the customer forget money finally in their bank, and according to various legal legitimate uses is as for holding this sum of money. 世界任何一家银行,他们最终极的目标,就是让客户把钱遗忘在他们的银行里,并且根据各种法律合法的使用乃至于占有这笔钱。 For example the federal six big lines, the attitude toward the anonymous account are all speak by the proof. 比如说联邦的六大行,他们对匿名账户的态度就是一切都以凭据说话。 Without the proof, even the owner of account, still can only save, cannot take. 没有凭据,即便是账户的拥有者,也只能存,不能取。 In the world all banks are this, now opens one of the buried treasure keys, that hangs to fall, in his hands. 世界上所有的银行都是这样,现在开启宝藏的钥匙之一,那个吊坠,就在他的手中。 If Charlie( younger sister) wants to spend this sum of money, she must coordinate with Mr. Wycliffe. 如果查理(妹)想要拿出这笔钱,她就必须和威克利夫先生配合。 He requests not many, attains the qualification, and interest of this sum of money, at least he can confess the past this matter! 他要求不多,拿到本钱,以及这笔钱的利息,至少他能把这件事交代过去!
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