BC :: Volume #12

#1179: Textbook-based rescue[ this chapter by: cold Yuye sad- names in addition -5 /?]

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If some people know oneself had been murdered, can not attend to shouting abuse of demeanor. 如果有人知道自己已经“被遇害”了,一定会不顾风度的破口大骂。 The people in room regarding black stone security in charge of saying words, suitable...... is unable to describe their dog's bark sound with the language in any case. 房间里的人们对于黑石安全的主管说出的话,相当的……反正无法用语言形容他们内心的犬吠声。 Sometimes actually they also know, this perhaps is the best solution, they also often come across similar matter. 其实有时候他们也知道,这或许就是最好的解决办法,他们也经常遇到类似的事情。 Kidnaps case that the hostage is everyone most is not willing to face forever, sometimes law enforcement officials played running around in circles, a hostage has not rescued not to say finally, even the law enforcement officials died much. 劫持人质永远都是大家最不愿意面对的案子,有时候执法人员会被耍的团团转,最终一个人质都没有救下来不说,连执法人员都死了不少。 The media will report that wantonly incompetent of law enforcement officials and team, seemed this group of incompetent people killed all hostages. 媒体更会大肆的报道执法人员和团队的无能,仿佛就是这群无能的人害死了所有人质。 But the media and people never know that this hands tied feeling, attacks cannot attack, the passive defensive is not good, you must look after the life of hostage. 可媒体和民众们永远都不知道这种束手的感觉,进攻不能进攻,被动防御也不行,你得照顾人质的死活。 If not consider the hostage issue, any hijacker lives under the accurate heart of sniper is about 30 seconds. 如果不考虑人质问题,任何劫持犯在狙击手的准心下都活不过三十秒。 Almost all directors in this process have had an idea, the hostage absolutely is not the shield of gangsters recklessly unseemly behavior, sometimes therefore had some accidents/surprises, can forgive. 在这个过程中几乎所有主事者都有过一种想法,人质绝对不是匪徒们肆意妄为的盾牌,所以有时候发生了一些意外,也是可以原谅的。 These forever are accident/surprise, is the situation, rather than like the present, the first upfront resistance of both sides has not happened, the whole family was murdered. 只是那些永远都是“意外”,是突发情况,而不是像现在这样,双方的第一次正面对抗都还没有发生,一家人就遇害了。 The people of secure Commission purse the lips, this is your work, I will not meddle, but I will report truthfully.” 安委会的人抿了抿嘴,“这是你们的工作,我不会插手,但我会如实上报。” As soon as they took a stand, solved troublesome to others, as the home most important safety mechanism, they thinks that this method was not at least illegal, that had no issue. 他们一表态,给其他人解决了麻烦,作为国内最重要的安全机构,他们认为这种方法是至少不违法,那就没有什么问题。 Is appropriate is a different matter, some people will not therefore receive to scold that is most important, even they think, how come across similar matter to process. 合适不合适是另外一回事,不会有人因此受到责难才最重要,甚至他们都想到了以后自己遇到类似的事情怎么处理。 The manager of black stone security selected under one, takes up the walkie-talkie, starts to get ready to attack. 黑石安全的现场主管点了一下头,拿起步话机,开始准备进攻。 At this time, what surprising people somewhat was the room master appeared unexpectedly, he is driving to drive out of the garage, this let the person unusual accident/surprise. 就在这个时候,令人有些意外的是房主人居然出现了,他开着车从车库中驶出,这让人非常的意外。 They think that the house-owner person should strictly be controlled, has not thought that unexpectedly can also go out. 他们以为房主人应该被严格的控制着,没想到居然还能外出。 Because of the appearance of house-owner person, acted to be stopped temporarily. 因为房主人的出现,行动被暂时停止了下来。 The house-owner person had not realized, seemingly does not have the slight mighty waves community, in fact has been full of the murderous intention. 房主人也没有意识到,看上去没有丝毫波澜的社区,实际上已经充满了杀机。 He is driving, was pondering should report to the police, is thinking the matter is preparing the community time, was blocked. 他开着车,思考着自己该不该报警,想着事情正准备出社区的时候,被拦了下来。 Blocks his inquires his young field personnel of that black stone security. 拦住他的还是询问他的那名黑石安全的年轻外勤。 Mister, we met.” “先生,我们又见面了。” The house-owners are somewhat awkward, is a little anxious, he has not made the decision to speak the truth, very much he deals with selected under one, „, we had just met.” 房主有些尴尬,也有点紧张,他还没作出决定到底要不要说实话,他很应付的点了一下头,“是的,我们刚刚才见过面。” He is saying shrugging, but also flips the wrist/skill, the rich limbs activity must increase the performance of persuasive power, I plan revolutions one......” 他说着耸了耸肩,还翻了翻手腕,丰富的肢体活动是要加大说服力的表现,“我打算出去转一圈……” He had not said that must go to work, because he must come back, he without leaving found the excuse for oneself. 他没有说要去上班,因为他还要回来,他在没有离开的时候就为自己找好了说辞。 The performance of this coordination in some sense is also the victim psychology seeks altogether the one distortion demand of sentiment, he leads into himself in the victim status that needs to coordinate unable to extricate oneself. 这种配合的表现从某种意义上来说也是受害者心理谋求共情的一种扭曲诉求,他把自己带入了需要配合的受害者身份中无法自拔。 Is good because, he has exposed with these people, perhaps otherwise also really made him conceal the truth. 好在,他和那些人已经暴露了,不然说不定还真让他瞒了过去。 Very sorry, Mister, however our bosses want to discuss in your house with you things of these guests......” “很抱歉,先生,但是我们的上司想和你谈一谈你房子里那些客人的事情……” Next second, house-owner person subconscious must step on the accelerator, the muzzle that may present, lets his full head sweat, then raised both hands. 下一秒,房主人下意识的要去踩油门,可紧接着出现的枪口,让他满头的大汗,然后举起了双手。 Your behavior will make us think that you and guest in your room is one group, yes?”, The young people opened the vehicle door with a smile, „, if I am you, I will not do that.” “你的行为会让我们认为你和你房间里的客人是一伙的,明白吗?”,年轻人笑着拉开了车门,“如果我是你,我就不会这么做。” Within a half hour, the house-owner is driving to return to the house. 半个小时之后,房主开着车回到了房子里。 He thought that in own these less than 24 hours of time are this whole life most exciting one day, yes, he first coordinated these terrorists he to watch the speech fragment of president. 他觉得自己这二十四小时不到的时间里是这辈子最刺激的一天,是的,他先是配合了那些恐怖分子他观看了总统的演讲片段。 Then now becomes the just envoy, he said the situation in house, and they indicated to the direction, so long as their honest according to reaching an agreement comes, this three people, will not suffer any danger and injury! 然后现在又成为了正义使者,他把房子里的情况都说了一遍,并且对方向他们表明,只要他们老老实实的按照商量好的来,这一家三人,都不会遭遇任何危险和伤害! The after door of garage falls, the skin slightly black woman opened the door of connection garage, looked at one vigilantly, later relaxes. 车库的门落下来之后,皮肤略黑的女人打开了连通车库的门,警惕的看了一眼,随后松了一口气。 From the car(riage) trunk, they found a lot of beef and vegetables, some biscuits and so on. 从车后备厢里,他们找到了大量的牛肉和蔬菜,还有一些饼干之类的。 The coordination of house-owner person also made the scar face they relax slightly vigilantly, when he hoped that their family can trade a place was tying up, the scar face quickly agrees. 房主人的配合也让疤脸他们稍稍放松了警惕,所以在他表示希望他们一家人能换一个地方被拴着的时候,疤脸很快就同意了。 Although the house-owner person hopes that can close them in the building two bedrooms, but the scar face had not agreed. 尽管房主人希望能把他们关在楼二的卧室里,但疤脸没有同意。 The whole families, shut in the storage room. 一家人,被关进了储藏室中。 Storage room compared with the bedroom securities of two buildings, if their three people jump the window to escape will bring very big trouble, even if they do not jump the window, can still convey certain information by the window outward. 储藏室比二楼的卧室安全,万一他们三人跳窗逃跑会带来很大的麻烦,就算他们不跳窗,也能透过窗户向外传达某些信息。 What is opposite was the storage room is very safe. 相反的是储藏室就很安全了。 Narrow and small, airtight, dark, even if they shout the sound unable to pass on loudly. 狭小,密闭,幽暗,哪怕他们大声的呼喊声音也无法传出去。 The vision of husband somewhat despairs, this and situation in plan is not quite same, he wanted to say anything again, but finally remained silent. 男主人的目光有些绝望,这和计划中的情况不太一样,他本想要再说点什么,可最终还是保持了沉默。 In the plan, he to these people said that he will find the way to let the family member and he is closed together in the bedrooms in two buildings, this only needs two sniper's rifles, can help them defend the entrance. 计划中,他对那些人说他会想办法让家人和他一起被关在二楼的卧室里,这样只需要两杆狙击枪,就能帮助他们守住门口。 But some present change of situation, he except for the pray, anything cannot achieve. 可现在的情况有些变化,他除了祈祷,什么都做不到。 He does not dare to say with scar face these people, they had been surrounded, sometimes will not be fantasizing like these floor that the education has not completed as middle class him the opposite party can let off itself. 他更不敢和疤脸这些人说,他们已经被包围了,作为一个中产阶级有时候他不会像那些连教育都没有完成的底层那样幻想着对方能放过自己。 However this has any good news, as a result of the leak-proof quality of storage room, therefore the scar face allows them to untie both hands. 不过这不是没有什么好消息,由于储藏室的密封性,所以疤脸允许他们解开双手。 Enters the storage room, the house-owner places the entrance the things of some metals, then seeking with utmost effort to the rope and so on, ties down the door knob, fixes with behind rack in the same place...... 一进入储藏室,房主就把一些金属的东西放在门口,然后尽一切可能的寻找到绳索之类的,把门把手缠住,和身后的架子固定在一起…… Meanwhile, the sniper in observation had not discovered that the situations in two buildings have anything to change, several rooms no one enters as before, later gave the control center the news report. 与此同时,在观察位的狙击手并没有发现二楼的情况有什么变化,几个房间依旧没有人进入,随后把消息汇报给了指挥中心。 The manager who promotes the commander gave a hand signal of prayer painfully, we also made contribution!” 晋升指挥官的主管沉痛的做了一个祷告的手势,“我们也尽力了!” Is man requests to go back, this is a warrior, for him prayed that is also respects him for the courage that the family member can be ready for any sacrifice. 是男人自己要求回去的,这是一名勇士,为他祈祷也是敬重他为了家人能豁出去的勇气。 No one refuted his words, he silent a meeting, took up the walkie-talkie, started!” 没有人反驳他的话,他沉默了一会,拿起了步话机,“开始吧!” The scar faces and others in room in big mouth is eating the beef, their these may anytime and anywhere the person who the poor life discards are not always the vegetarian. 房间里的疤脸和其他人正在大口的吃着牛肉,他们这些随时随地都有可能把小命丢掉的人从来都不是什么素食主义者。 They advocate is the satisfied desire, the appetite, or other. 他们崇尚的就是满足欲望,食欲,或者其他的。 Loudly stuttered the feeling of beef is too good, moreover ate food also to help their wounds restore. 大口吃着牛肉的感觉太棒了,而且进食也有助于他们的伤口恢复。 In several people sit when living room was discussing what to do then must, suddenly the room broadcast the glass shatter sound everywhere, in room fast had the thick smoke! 就在几人坐在客厅里讨论着接下来要怎么办的时候,突然房间到处都传来了玻璃破碎的声音,紧接着房间里快速的起了浓烟! Is the smoke shell, the hunters in room responded in a flash, the scar face drew out the spear/gun to throw off front table, hid after the table. 是烟雾弹,房间里的猎人们一瞬间就反应了过来,疤脸拔出枪就掀翻了面前的桌子,躲在了桌子后。 The front door was hit with a heavy dashing sound, the sunlight outside the room shining that flash , the exchange of fire starts! 大门随着一声沉重的冲撞声被撞开,在屋外阳光照射进来的那一瞬间,交火就开始了! Firepower of both sides is very fierce, does not have any keeps the hand. 双方的火力都很猛,没有任何的留手。 The view of house-owner person was they hides anything in the basement, should be Charlie( younger sister), the house-owner person when a activity has not seen that woman in description. 房主人的说法是他们把什么东西藏在了地下室里,应该就是查理(妹),房主人在一层活动的时候没有看见描述中的那个女人。 Therefore from the beginning arranges the fight time, focused on one. 所以一开始布置战斗的时候,就把重点放在了一层。 Unretentive attack. 毫无保留的进攻。 They found this group of people time, the manager gives Lynch to telephone, can Lynch regarding eat this order, did not care. 他们找到这伙人的时候,现场的主管就给林奇打了电话,林奇对于能不能吃到这份订单,一点也不关心。 Having, the nature is good, after all no one will dislike money to be many. 有,自然好,毕竟没有人会嫌钱多。 No, no matter, has this sum of money his position and wealth will not have very big change. 没有,也无所谓,有没有这笔钱他的地位和财富都不会发生很大的变化。 Simply speaking, goes about something with a free hand, the prestige of black stone security, far Charlie( younger sister) whether is living, whether can receive this order more important. 简单来说,就是放手去做,黑石安全的声誉,远比查理(妹)是否活着,是否能接到这笔订单更重要。 Had the support of boss, everyone nature worry does not have. 有了老板的支持,大家自然一点顾虑都没有。 This preparation very full, lets these irregular troops, understands anything is called fight. 这一次准备的非常的充分,让这些非正规军,明白了什么叫做“战斗”。 Outside room at least 50-60 people, many heavy weapons, a direct alignment building unceasing strafe, hits to be spatial till all bullets. 屋外至少有50-60人,其中还有不少重武器,直接对准一楼不断的扫射,直到所有子弹打空为止。 Federal alone house basically is the wooden structure, the wooden structure also means that its wall is very easy to be shot through. 联邦这种独栋的房子基本上都是木质结构,木质结构也意味着它的墙体很容易被射穿。 In a twinkling entire looked like crashed into ammunition purgatory such, bullet that flew everywhere randomly, fatal ricochet. 霎时间整个一层就像是坠入了弹药炼狱那样,到处都是乱飞的子弹,还有致命的跳弹。 If did not consider that Charlie( younger sister) is also living by some chance, they have even thought erases from the map this building simply directly is better. 如果不是考虑到万一查理(妹)还活着,他们甚至想过干脆直接把这个建筑物从地图上抹掉更好。 Tells them at the rich experience that the northern fight brings, erases a building the price sweeping clear a price of building is much smaller. 在北方战斗带来的丰富经验告诉他们,抹掉一个建筑的代价比清扫一个建筑的代价小得多。 However currently speaking, sufficed! 不过就目前来说,也够了! The scar face is holding the head, crawls on the ground, the courage that he raised the head now continually did not have. 疤脸抱着头,匍匐在地上,他现在连抬头的勇气都没有了。 Everywhere is the bullets, the companion was foul-mouthed a moment ago, now does not have the sound. 到处都是子弹,刚才还有同伴在骂骂咧咧,现在已经没有了声音。 So intense fight only continued for one minute, the entire house as if had some problems, seems like may collapse anytime. 如此激烈的“战斗”只持续了一分钟时间,整个房子似乎都出现了一些问题,看起来好像随时都有可能坍塌。 Afterward, the combatants of black stone start to enter. 随后,黑石的战斗人员开始进入。 They put on to arm the explosion-proof personnel of tooth to stand in first, then the ordinary militants stood in behind, bit by bit advanced to inside. 他们穿着武装到了牙齿的防爆人员站在了第一位,然后普通的武装人员站在后面,一点一点的向里面推进。 In the living room, they discovered this group of people...... 在客厅时,他们发现了这伙人…… Fortunately, the house-owner whole family lived unexpectedly by luck, they do not know that should thank anyone. 值得庆幸的是,房主一家人居然侥幸活了下来,他们都不知道应该感谢谁。 The bullet storm also made the storage room come under the fierce attack, but junks in the storage room were too fortunately many. 子弹风暴也让储藏室受到了猛烈的攻击,但幸运的是储藏室里的杂物太多了。 These penetrated one or the bullets of two walls after bumping into these junks, had lost the penetrating power. 那些穿透了一层或者两层墙壁的子弹在碰到这些杂物之后,已经失去了穿透力。 The bullet that except that the thigh of house-owner person was shot by an accident/surprise hits a target beside, others had not been injured. 除了房主人的大腿被一颗意外射进来的子弹射中之外,其他人都没有受到伤害。 Charlie( younger sister) was also discovered, in the basement, can say this is a very successful rescue, is completely the textbook rank! 查理(妹)也被发现,就在地下室中,可以说这是一场非常成功的营救行动,完全是教科书级别的! The quick news disseminated, the media knew, the people knew, Mr. President also knew. 很快消息就传播了出去,媒体们知道了,民众们知道了,总统先生也知道了。 Naturally, Mr. Lynch also knew! 当然,林奇先生也知道了!
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