BC :: Volume #12

#1178: By the application method of words and expressions

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The family of three in house is trembling in the basement, the husband is comforting oneself wife and child unceasingly, all. 房屋的一家三口正在地下室中瑟瑟发抖,男主人不断安慰着自己的妻子和孩子,一切都会好的。 They have not only eaten meal to the present from yesterday afternoon, has not drunk water, no one manages them! 他们从昨天下午到现在不仅没有吃饭,更没有喝水,没有人来管他们! They were stranded by these people here, what is more fearful is the person needs the metabolism, but they were actually bound the hands and feet, fixes on the pipeline of basement. 他们就被那些人困在了这里,更可怕的是人是需要代谢的,可他们却被绑住了手脚,固定在地下室的管道上。 As parents, although is very awkward, but the demand of physiology is not able to control, they drew in the pants, the child also drew, this made them very uncomfortable. 作为父母,尽管很尴尬,但生理的需求是控制不住的,他们都拉在了裤子里,孩子也拉了,这让他们都非常的难受。 Hungry, thirsty, the psychological attack that as well as is suffering made them fill desperately, this point not like in the soap opera developed, the kidnapped person can several days and several nights not eat and drink does not draw does not scatter! 饥饿,口渴,以及正在遭受的心理打击让他们都充满了绝望,这一点也不像电视剧中演的那样,被绑架的人可以几天几夜不吃不喝不拉不撒! The gate of basement opened suddenly, the skin slightly was black woman to walk, just entered the basement, on holding one's nose fan fan, exclusion of face. 地下室的门突然开了,皮肤略黑一些的女人走了进来,刚走进地下室,就捏着鼻子扇了扇,一脸的嫌弃。 May think the person who black stone in not the far place, she also can only brace oneself, under I need you to coordinate, if you can coordinate, your wife and child, can live, can you understand my meaning?” 可想到黑石的人就在不远的地方了,她也只能硬着头皮进来,“等下我需要你配合一下,如果你能配合,你的妻子和孩子,就能活下来,你能听懂我的意思吗?” The husband gawked, nods again and again, I will coordinate, but...... I need clean, moreover they also need some water and food, clean clothes.” 男主人愣了一下,连连点头,“我会配合的,只是……我需要清洁一下,而且他们也需要一些水和食物,还有干净的衣服。” The skin slightly black woman enters side the man, solves his string, does not have the issue, we do not want to harm anybody, but needs a place to rest temporarily.” 皮肤略黑的女人走进男人身边,去解他的绳子,“没问题,我们不想要伤害任何人,只是需要一个地方暂时休息。” So long as you coordinate, after we leave, you are safe, some people will not be injured in this matter, got it?” “只要你配合,等我们离开后,你们就是安全的,不会有人会在这件事里受伤,明白了吗?” The men nod again and again, I will coordinate!” 男人连连点头,“我会配合的!” Quick two people go upstairs, in the bathroom, the man somewhat took off awkwardly the clothes that drew trousers, the skin slightly black woman has not left, in the bathroom, urged him unceasingly. 很快两人上了楼,在浴室中,男人有些尴尬的脱掉了拉了一裤的衣服,皮肤略黑的女人没有离开,就在浴室中,不断催促他。 Likely a woman so should not be shy, that thing I have seen at least dozens, you do not need for your...... ashamed, goes in oneself a bit faster washes cleanly.” “别像个娘们那样羞涩,那玩意我见过了最少几十根,你没必要为你的……羞愧,快点进去把自己洗干净。” Damn, the appearance of your excrement can gives absolutely me the impression most profound man!” “见鬼,你一屁股屎的模样绝对会是给我印象最深刻的男人!” She is complaining, venting, looks that the man washed the clean oneself body to change the clothes. 她抱怨着,发泄着,看着男人洗干净自己的身体换上了衣服。 But she, was in front of man to change the man wife's clothes, the build disparity of both sides was not quite fortunately big. 而她,也当着男人的面换了男人妻子的衣服,还好双方的体型差距不太大。 Men is eating the bread, is drinking the milk, while listens to the skin slightly black woman speech. 男人一边吃着面包,喝着牛奶,一边听皮肤略黑的女人说话。 We are the couples, I am an immigrant, without child, in house, only then both of us, this is very simple, right?” “我们是夫妻,我是移民,没有孩子,房子里只有我们两个人,这很简单,对吗?” Do not cause other anything mistake, after waiting for the matter to end , do not handle the matter that made itself regret well!” “别弄出其他什么差错,等事情结束之后,你们都会好好的,别做让自己后悔的事情!” Told simply after several, they sit in the living room static waiting. 简单的吩咐了几句后,他们就坐在客厅静静的等待着。 About after more than ten minutes, some people sounded the door. 大约十多分钟后,有人敲响了房门。 The skin slightly black woman stood, making the man take the lead, two people opened the door in the threshold to buddhism place. 皮肤略黑的女人站了起来,让男人走在前面,两人在玄关处打开了门。 Opens the gate flash in the man, he felt that had anything to arrive on own waist, he knows that certainly was a spear/gun. 在男人打开门的一瞬间,他就感觉到有什么东西抵在了自己的腰上,他知道,那一定是枪。 This also makes him a little anxious. 这也让他有点紧张。 Out of the door is standing three field workers who wear the black stone uniform/subdue, in two people of hands are raising the weapon, the muzzle toward below, in the car(riage) of not far away roadside, two policemen. 门外站着三名穿着黑石制服的外勤人员,两人手中提着武器,枪口朝下,在不远处路边的车里,还有两名警察。 They are only some type supervisor, two policemen were responsible for the questioning work of entire community, their existences, are these Blackstone field personnel law enforcement valid guarantees. 他们只是某种“监工”,两名警察负责了整个社区的盘查工作,他们的存在,就是这些黑石外勤执法合法性的保证。 What stands in first is one 20 years old, looks very energetic , makes one have the favorable impression young people very much. 站在第一位的是一名二十来岁,看起来很精神,也让人很有好感的年轻人。 Good morning, Mister, the madame, you also knows we present the reason here......” “早上好,先生,还有夫人,想必你们也知道我们出现在这里的原因……” The men felt the muzzle on waist to arrive at itself, he selected under one hastily, „, caught anyone......” 男人感觉到腰上的枪口抵了抵自己,他连忙点了一下头,“是的,抓什么人……” The young people looked up his one eyes, said with a smile, you do not need to be anxious, the mister......”, he looked at one toward the room, this was your wife, right?” 年轻人抬头看了他一眼,笑着说道,“你不需要紧张,先生……”,他朝着房间里看了一眼,“这是你的妻子,是吗?” The house-owners selected under one, „, my wife, immigration.” 房主点了一下头,“是的,我的妻子,移民。” Your children?” “你们的孩子呢?” We...... do not have the child.” “我们……没有孩子。” Good, what person did you see yesterday?”, The young people supplemented some characteristics, seems like the danger, including people are injured, in brief does not seem like the person of average person.” “好吧,昨天你们见到什么人了吗?”,年轻人紧接着补充了一些特征,“看起来危险的,其中有人受伤,总之不像是普通人的人。” The house-owners shake the head, „, I a day was not working yesterday, got off work after by the evening, comes back.”, His profile, seems like inquiring his wife slightly. 房主摇了摇头,“不,我昨天一天都在工作,到了晚上下班后才回来。”,他微微侧脸,似乎是在询问他的“妻子”。 The skin slightly black woman also shakes the head, was sorry, my is not healthy, has been sleeping, has not noticed these things.” 皮肤略黑的女人也摇了摇头,“抱歉,我身体不舒服,一直在睡觉,没有注意到这些事情。” On the young face were many some smile, was OK, thanked you to coordinate very much, the mister also had this woman, if there is any issue, promptly the warning call.” 年轻人脸上多了一些笑容,“可以了,很感谢你们能配合,先生还有这位女士,如果有任何问题,及时拨打报警电话。” Has turned around in the young people, the house-owner also starts to close the door, that young people then asked suddenly, yesterday evening sports match did you look?” 就在年轻人已经转身,房主也开始关门的时候,那个年轻人突然回头问了一句,“昨天晚上的球赛你看了吗?” The house-owner person gawked, he watched the sacrifice eight sports matches, but at this time to send the person walks, he is nodding saying that yes, unusual......”, he has not given a more further description, reserved some spaces. 房主人愣了一下,他看了个祭八球赛,但此时为了打发人走,他点着头说道,“看了,非常的……”,他没有给出更进一步的描述,保留了一些空间。 The young people turn around again, his closing door gently, relaxes. 年轻人再次转身,他轻轻的关上房门,松了一口气。 The skin slightly black woman also relaxes, you do very well, you and your family member, because your choice lived!” 皮肤略黑的女人也松了一口气,“你做得很好,你和你的家人因为你的选择活了下来!” But they do not know, they have exposed. 可他们不知道,他们已经暴露了。 Yesterday evening sports match was delayed some time by the speech of Mr. President, if he watched the sports match, will certainly not say that caught anyone”, but was catches terrorist. 昨天晚上的球赛被总统先生的演讲耽误了一段时间,如果他看了球赛,就一定不会说“抓什么人”,而是“抓恐怖分子”。 The young people are giving a hand signal in the process of departure to the police vehicle, the police in car(riage) gawked, took up the intercom to start to request reinforcements, here nearby Blackstone field personnel and police officer, the Bureau of Investigation detective, Agent secure Weihui gathered toward here. 年轻人在离开的过程中对着警车做了一个手势,车中的警察愣了一下,紧接着拿起了对讲机开始求援,在这里附近的黑石外勤和警员,调查局探员,安委会特工朝着这边汇聚而来。 The skin slightly black woman definitely does not know, these people when conducting touch platoon, first step inhabitant material that attained the community service company. 皮肤略黑的女人肯定不知道,这些人在进行“摸排”时,先一步拿到了社区服务公司的住户资料。 For the community service company the inhabitant in better service community, they will record simply some, will not offend the inhabitant privacy the family information. 社区服务公司为了更好的服务社区内的住户,他们会记录一些简单的,不会冒犯到住户隐私的家庭信息。 For example in a house is occupied by many people, is the whole family and so on simple information. 比如说一个房子里住着多少人,是不是一家人之类的简单信息。 In these information, in this family is occupied by the family of three, the child, this is also the service company provides the basis of free milk for the inhabitant. 在这些信息中,这个家庭里住着一家三口,有一个孩子,这也是服务公司为住户提供免费牛奶的依据。 The house also exists has child's information, for example the ball in courtyard, a family that does not have the child will not put a rubber ball to come to oneself not to look in the courtyard happily. 房屋本身也存在一些有孩子的信息,比如说院子里的球,一个没有孩子的家庭是不会在院子里放着一个皮球来给自己找不痛快的。 In addition immigration wife and does not have child obviously to not on excuse, this inhabitant definitely has the issue. 加上一个“移民妻子”和“没有孩子”明显对不上的说辞,这个住户绝对有问题。 Is the problem that regardless of it has the black stone safely the issue that wants to solve, they will not let off this issue. 无论它存在的问题是不是黑石安全想要解决的问题,他们都不会放过这个问题。 The scar face walked from the storage room, he looked at a timid man, the smile on face is more discomforting than the threat, you do very well, won our preliminary trust, I want us to be able after this matter ended becomes the friend, did you say?” 疤脸从储藏室那边走了出来,他看了一眼怯懦的男人,脸上的笑容比恐吓还要令人不安,“你做得很好,取得了我们的初步信任,我希望我们能在这件事结束之后成为朋友,你说呢?” What can the men besides saying yes also make? 男人除了说“是”还能做什么? The scar face also consciousness until now outside the so very intensive raid, even if they left here, was still very difficult to run. 疤脸也意识到如今外面如此高强度的搜捕,他们即便离开了这里,也很难跑出去。 Might as well stay some time simply here temporarily, when the companions recovered, matter that then considers to leave. 不如就干脆在这里暂时停留一段时间,等同伴们把伤养好了,然后再考虑离开的事情。 And these days, they can continue to interrogate and torture Charlie( younger sister), attempts to dig out them to want the information from her mouth. 并且这段时间里,他们可以继续拷问查理(妹),从她口中尝试着挖出他们想要信息。 Even if really cannot dig, but can also lose to Mr. Wycliffe trades tail. 就算真挖不出来,还能丢给威克利夫先生换来尾款。 But they hide these days here, needs the eating and drinking rubbish, following will be very good to solve, eats will become the major problem. 但他们隐藏在这里的这段时间,需要吃喝拉撒,后面的很好解决,吃会成为大问题。 They cannot purchase the food, can only make the owner in this house do, this needs the coordination of house owner, then eases antagonistic mood of both sides appropriately, obviously was the schoolwork that he must do. 他们不能自己去购买食材,只能让这个房子的主人去做,这就需要房子主人的配合,那么适当的缓解双方的对立情绪,显然就是他必须做的功课了。 Scar face silent a meeting, looks to the woman, belt/bring his wife and child take a bath, eat a thing, we are not the unprincipled people.” 疤脸沉默了一会,看向女人,“带他的妻子和孩子去洗个澡,吃点东西,我们不是坏人。” Afterward spent one stack of money, about 300-400 appearances, forced in the hand of man, these days you or your wife help us purchase food, if some people asked, said you plan to hold a party, understood?” 随后更是拿出了一沓钱,大约有300-400的样子,塞进了男人的手中,“这段时间你或者你的妻子去帮我们采购食物,如果有人问,就说你们打算办个派对,懂了吗?” Purchases too much food perhaps to bring to the attention of certain people all of a sudden, the office sends to obviously is a very appropriate excuse. 一下子采购太多的食物说不定会引起某些人的注意,办派对显然就是一个非常合适的借口。 The vehicle can enter the garage directly, nearby person does not know that they bought many things, this can hide here to occupy the real situations of many. 车子可以直接进车库,附近的人不会知道他们买了多少东西,这样就能隐藏这里居住了很多人的真实情况。 The men looked at money, he does not know that should receive. 男人看了看钱,他不知道该不该收。 Taking, us is needing each other to trust.”, The woman supplemented, possibly was good that two people coordinated a moment ago, the man finally money Zhuang. “拿着吧,我们需要彼此信任。”,女人补充了一句,可能是两人刚才配合的不错,男人最终把钱装了起来。 This made on the scar face face many some sincerity smile, he patted clapping, ok, the danger relieved......” 这让疤脸脸上多了一些真心的笑容,他拍了拍手,“好了,危险解除了……” Meanwhile, other outside inhabitants by dispersal quietly. 与此同时,外面其他的住户正在被悄悄的疏散。 Thank produces the community inhabitant to the private pursue, this let among each and every family some vegetation blocking each other lines of sight, they in the front courtyard can the life of very direct-viewing visible each other front courtyard, regarding the backyard, the window of house and so on, lack very good viewpoint. 感谢中产社区住户对私密性的追求,这让家家户户之间都有一些植被遮挡彼此的视线,他们除了在前院能够很直观的看见彼此前院的生活外,对于后院,房屋的窗户之类的,缺少很好的观察点。 They cannot see, in the backyard, these average people are leaving. 他们看不见,在后院里,那些普通人正在离开。 After dozen minutes, opposite in house that house that in the scar face they hide, has arranged a small-scale control center. 十几分钟后,在疤脸他们隐藏的房子对面的那栋房子里,已经布置了一个小型的指挥中心。 Black stone security in charge , the police station head, the deputy director of Bureau of Investigation, the manager of peaceful commission, came. 黑石安全的主管,警察局的负责人,调查局的副局长,安委会的主管,都来了。 What this time encircling main is responsible is the person of black stone security, their staff died, in addition this matter was equal to endangering the prestige of black stone security to a certain extent, they must make a move to be good. 这次“围剿”主要负责的是黑石安全的人,他们的员工死了,加上这件事从某种程度上来说等于危及了黑石安全的信誉,他们必须出手才行。 Considering Mr. Lynch and Mr. President, relations of military and Ministry of Defence very good, is the special adviser of peaceful commission, in addition the specialization of black stone security, therefore the local government agreed makes the black stone lead safely. 考虑到林奇先生和总统先生,军方和国防部的关系都非常的不错,又是安委会的特别顾问,加上黑石安全的专业性,所以地方政府同意了让黑石安全来主导。 Now the personnel arrange almost, can launch the attack momentarily, but still has a problem, what to do that is the average person in that house. 现在人员布置得差不多,随时可以发动进攻,但还存在一个问题,那就是那栋房子里的普通人怎么办。 From the table of information could see that here has the family of three to live, now only sees the husband, without a doubt the mistress and child were certainly grasped. 从信息表上看得出这里有一家三口居住,现在只看见了男主人,毫无疑问女主人和孩子一定被抓了。 If the storm, these people may treat as the hostage the family very much. 如果强攻的话,那些人很有可能把这一家人当作人质。 If such holding under duress confrontation time, cannot be solved fast, if were found out by secret inquiry also to disclose by the media, very passive. 一旦发生这样的挟持对峙时间,不能快速的解决,万一被媒体探知并且透露出去,就会非常的被动。 The black stone security head after silent met, said, I believe that this family of three has been murdered......” 现场的黑石安全负责人在沉默了一会之后,说道,“我认为,这一家三口已经遇害……”
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