BC :: Volume #12

#1177: Walking in

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Questioning, interrogation, interrogation, inquisition by torture, interrogating and torturing, these are completely different treatment ways. 盘查,审问,审讯,刑讯,拷问,这些都是完全不同的对待方式。 Most of the time the average person can contact also questioned, may be in the street, or in law enforcement. 大多数时候普通人能接触到的也只是盘查了,有可能是在街头,或者在执法机关中。 These law enforcement officials look that you make to eat the appearance of person, inquired about your some conventional issues. 那些执法人员会看着你做出要吃人的样子,询问你一些常规性的问题。 Such as your some time where, who can damn for you show that you have not lied, whose relations you with how and so on. 诸如“你某个时间段在什么地方”,“谁能他妈的为你证明你没有说谎”,“你和谁的关系怎么样”之类的。 They will not punch you, on will not make you say the measure of truth, but with seeming like very vicious expression is staring you. 他们不会揍你,更不会上一些让你说真话的措施,只是用看上去很凶狠的表情瞪着你。 Then interrogated, the issue becomes more careful, has the attitude that the possibility you did not coordinate to make the interrogation personnel go wild, then they made some not to conform to the inappropriate action that in the federal law enforcers law enforcement handbook mentioned. 然后就是审问,问题会变得更加细致,有可能你不配合的态度会让审问人员抓狂,然后他们做出一些不符合联邦执法人员执法手册中提及的不合适的举动。 But this process relative security, the maximum deterrent force came from few physical clashes, moreover this physical clashes cannot be too serious. 但这个过程还是相对安全的,最大的威慑力来自于少量的肢体冲突,而且这种肢体冲突不会太严重。 Arrived the interrogation stage, the law enforcement officials have grasping of certain extent to the law that you were against, they even had the key evidence. 到了审讯阶段,执法人员对你所触犯的法律已经有了一定程度的掌握,他们甚至掌握了关键证据。 But they must do, is to make yourself open the mouth to acknowledge crime that you commit. 而他们要做的,就是让你自己开口承认你所犯下的罪行。 In this case the issue will have very obvious pointedness, in view of several issue repeated interrogations. 在这种情况下问题会有非常明显的针对性,会针对某几个问题反复的盘问。 And they may beyond pressure that in limbs will bring, but also massive increase pressure, will make for example wearily, will make fear and other ways, making you think that you had been finished, saying will compare did not say that will be better. 并且他们有可能会在肢体方面施加的压力之外,还大量的增加心理压力,比如说制造疲劳,制造恐惧等方式,让你认为你已经完蛋了,说出来比不说会更好。 Actually when arrived here, all also in control, you not because you will close your mouth by inhuman the treatment. 其实到这里时,一切都还在“控制”之中,你不会因为你闭上你的嘴巴就遭到非人的待遇。 But if you think that the inquisition by torture and interrogates and tortures also similarly, then you made a mistake, is completely mistaken. 可如果你认为刑讯和拷问也差不多,那么你就错了,大错特错。 If front three methods of obtaining the truth also preserve the human nature, then the inquisition by torture and interrogating and torturing, do not have humane existence. 如果说前面三种获得真相的方法还留存着人性,那么刑讯和拷问,就已经没有人性的存在了。 The first three ways seem also retaining each other both sides as the bottom line of human, final two types, completely lost. 前三种方式似乎还保留着彼此双方作为人类的底线,最后两种,也都完全丧失了。 They to get the answer use all methods, in the television these give the object who interrogates and tortures to retain the basic dignity are completely one type...... very funny approach. 他们会为了得到答案使用一切方法,电视中那些给拷问的对象保留基本的尊严完全是一种……很滑稽的做法。 They must do psychologically, in physiology, even is the soul level thoroughly destroys a person, but did not make him / her / it die, confesses content that all they were interested. 他们要做的就是从心理上,生理上,甚至是灵魂层面彻底摧毁一个人,但又不让他/她/它死掉,坦白出一切他们感兴趣的内容。 This does not feel better, is not everyone can insist, only then these intentions the martyrs of states and people can insist finally. 这不好受,不是所有人都能坚持下来,只有那些心怀着国家和人民的先烈才能坚持到最后。 The firm will, the tenacious mind, ordinary human could not have withstood this. 没有坚定的意志,强韧的心灵,普通的人类承受不了这个。 Charlie who was hung( younger sister) cut and bruised, has continued one in view of her inhuman general suffering in the evening. 被吊起来的查理(妹)遍体鳞伤,针对她的非人一般的折磨已经持续了一晚上。 If not afraid this woman dead a violent death suddenly, the method that perhaps she receives will be more, but is only this, she has almost not soon seemed like a person. 如果不是害怕这个女人突然暴毙,也许她受到的手段会更多,但只是这样,她几乎已经快要不像是一个人了。 The atmosphere in room becomes constraining, the scar face needs to rest, this is a good news, gives opportunity that Charlie( younger sister) relaxed. 房间里的气氛变得更加的压抑,疤脸需要休息,这是一个好消息,给了查理(妹)松了一口气的机会。 She can clench the teeth now, for not dead. 她能咬紧牙关到现在,就是为了不死。 She knows to hurt, knows the pain, but after she said clearly, what kind of fate will face. 她知道疼,知道痛苦,可她更清楚说出来之后自己会面对怎样的下场。 Only can support by hard and stubborn effort, she also hopes that the reaction energy of federal person is quicker. 只能硬撑,她也希望联邦人的反应能更快一些。 In the dim ray, Charlie( younger sister) cannot insist again, obscure going off. 昏暗的光线中,查理(妹)再也坚持不住,昏昏的睡去。 Her both arms do not have the consciousness. 她的双臂早就没了知觉。 But at this time, the actions of scar face these people, are gradually appearing their place of stupidity. 而此时,疤脸这些人的所作所为,正在逐渐的显现出他们的愚蠢之处。 That night 8 o'clock, the stair of Mr. President stand on presidential palace, were in front of many media to say these keywords that Lynch said that immediately initiated the entire federal society panic-stricken and were furious. 当天晚上八点钟,总统先生站在了总统府前的台阶上,当着众多的媒体的面说出了林奇说的那些关键词,顿时引发了整个联邦社会的惊恐和震怒。 These foreign military forces unscrupulous enters the federal within the boundaries, attacks the federal citizen, the injury, their goals are to create a social atmosphere of menace, forcing Federal Government to lower the head, thus obeys in certain requests that they set, especially political requirement! 这些境外的武装势力肆无忌惮的进入联邦的境内,对联邦公民进行攻击,伤害,他们的目的就是为了营造一种社会恐怖气氛,逼迫联邦政府低头,从而服从于他们提出的某些要求,特别是政治要求! This is one type obvious, despicable, attempts to challenge the terrorism of existing social order! 这是一种明显的,卑劣的,妄图挑战现有社会秩序的恐怖主义! Mr. President brandishes the fist to tell the entire federal people, the federation will not compromise, the federal person will not compromise, they will attack with heavy blows, destroy all attempt to harm the federal people, the injury federation terrorist and secretly pulling strings! 总统先生挥舞着拳头告诉全联邦民众,联邦不会妥协,联邦人不会妥协,他们将重拳出击,摧毁所有妄图伤害联邦民众,伤害联邦的恐怖主义分子和幕后指使者! With an actually not too long speech, federal people said one's blood bubbles up to the brim, but this is not the end of this matter influence. 随着一番其实并不算太长的演讲,联邦民众们被说的热血沸腾,但这不是这件事影响力的终结。 Because of the next day, the major cities erupted the parade again. 因为在第二天,各大城市都再次爆发了游行。 All happen...... is smooth, the worker trade union and capitalists held the urgent discussion, later obtained the agreement of capitalist, large numbers of workers start to conduct the parade for counter- international terrorism. 一切都发生的……非常柔滑,工人工会和资本家们进行了紧急的磋商,随后得到了资本家的同意,大批的工人开始为“反国际恐怖主义”进行游行。 They walk in the street, is hoisting the slogan, actually they leave very with the core and essence of this matter, what they enjoy is a pleasant sensation that dares to counter-attack, and wants to insist. 他们走在街头,高举着标语,其实他们和这件事的核心与本质离得很远,他们享受的是一种敢于反击的快感,并且想要坚持下去。 From us protested that” is going to attack to us with heavy blows, these changes had very dire overall impact on the federal society. 从“我们抗议”到“我们将要重拳出击”,这些变化给联邦社会带来了非常可怕的整体影响。 Stands came from the diplomats in other countries after leaves of window these, they look that the angry federal person is brandishing the fist, makes them feel a terrible thing from inside to outside. 站在一扇扇窗户之后的那些来自其他国家的外交官,他们看着愤怒的联邦人挥舞着拳头,由内而外的让他们感觉到一种可怕的东西。 This country, imagines compared with them, fearful! 这个国家,比他们想象中的,更加的可怕! This is the first time that Federal Government and federal person displayed the so intense aggressivity, they requested to find these to make the terrorist of massacre, the request found these secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, they requested to kill these people! 这是联邦政府和联邦人第一次表现出如此强烈的攻击性,他们要求找到那些制造了惨案的恐怖分子,要求找到那些幕后黑手,他们要求杀死那些人! Also some people lift this are being a war poster, at this time, these diplomats just now Gangcha realizes, retained the federation of complete strength in the First World War, compared with internationally any country, any influence, longs for the war! 还有人举着“这是一场战争”的标语牌,也就在这个时候,这些外交官们才刚刚察觉到,在第一次世界大战中保留了全部力量的联邦,比国际上任何国家,任何势力,都更加渴望战争! Yes, they are longing for the war. 是的,他们正在渴望战争。 When First World War is far away self- denial that the war brings, starts to be reexamined after the policy change in entire country, they long for successfully, longs for winning, longs for becoming the lead in the world. 第一次世界大战时远离战争带来的自我否定,在整个国家的政策改变之后开始被人们重新审视,他们渴望成功,渴望胜利,渴望成为世界的主角。 It seems like this with is very probably far, but it that the life of average person leaves is very in fact near. 看上去这好像和普通人的生活离的很远,可实际上它很近。 Various opportunities that the more further intervention international affairs bring, quick from upper capital group, political group, interest group, through way full integration of decomposition to the entire society. 更进一步的干预国际事务带来的各种机会,很快就会由上层资本团体,政治团体,利益团体,通过分解的方式充分的融入到整个社会中。 More branch offices are born, more external assignment opportunities, more being promoted opportunities, more jobs...... 更多的分支机构诞生,更多的外派机会,更多的升职机会,更多的工作机会…… All these, are having the fearful function to the work living conditions of each average person! 这一切,都对每一个普通人的工作生活环境产生着可怕的作用! Some countries were this sudden parade the deep shock and awe , some people of whole bodies were icy cold. 有些国家为这突然爆发的游行所深深的震慑了,也有人浑身冰凉。 The federation, displays compared with it, fearful! 联邦,远比它表现出来的,更加的可怕! Compared with people of these war-weariness, here people long for the war! 比起那些厌战的人们,这里的人们更渴望战争! Mr. President, Mr. Truman, as well as other cabinet members is appreciating this parade. 总统先生,特鲁曼先生,以及其他内阁阁员都在欣赏着这场游行。 They are very clear, this was these years several foreign military actions wins unceasingly, the military equipment continuously renewed the change that brought about. 他们都很清楚,这就是这几年来几次对外军事行动不断取胜,军事装备不断更新所带来的变化。 People no longer dread about the war, instead filled with the confidence and anticipation. 人们对战争不再畏惧,反而充满了信心和期待。 Truman first stirred up trouble the wine glass to think Lynch and he had said words, the federal person needs to win, some people need to pay, if this were the prosperous times, then all such as Lynch hoped! 特鲁曼先生端着酒杯想到了林奇和他说过的话,联邦人需要胜利,也有人需要付出,如果这就是盛世的话,那么一切都如林奇所愿! He is thanking everyone, oneself are born in a very good age, and therefore multiplied another type, lets hope that he trembled unceasingly. 他感谢着所有人,自己诞生在一个很好的年代,并且也因此滋生出了另外一种,让他不断战栗的渴望。 He longs for becoming steerage in this country, he longs for bringing this country to move toward a new peak. 他渴望成为这个国家的掌舵者,他渴望带着这个国家走向一个新的巅峰。 In wine glass amber brown liquid unceasing flood the ripples, that ripples collide to the cup wall, shot. 酒杯里琥珀色的液体不断的泛起涟漪,那一道道涟漪碰撞到杯壁,又弹了回来。 His hand, in slight shivering, he carries wine glass to drink the strong liquor in cup completely. 他的手,在轻微的颤抖,他端起酒杯一口把杯中的烈酒饮尽。 Taste that the iced strong liquor bring will not be hard to swallow at first, when enters in the abdomen the heat that ascends made the person whole body be full of the strength! 加了冰块的烈酒起初不会带来难以吞咽的口感,等进入腹中时升腾起的热让人浑身都充满了力量! Meanwhile, the staff of over a hundred black stone securities had entered the accident city. 与此同时,已经有上百名黑石安全的员工进入了事发城市。 Under the influence of requisition bill, they can have the weapon now publicly, and to them thinks that the suspicious goal conducts the interrogation, to them thinks that the suspicious building seraches the investigation. 在征调法案的影响下,他们现在可以公开持有武器,并对他们认为可疑的目标进行盘问,对他们认为可疑的建筑物进行调查和搜查。 As a result of the short speech of Mr. President for this case qualitative, the state court of appeal authorized much blank search warrant and warrant of arrest directly. 由于总统先生的短暂演讲为这件案件定性,州法院直接批准了大量的空白搜查令和逮捕令。 From the process, this does not gather the custom obviously, but in special has the special means that and Congress also plans to take this event as the prototype , to promote a new bill legislation, when the approximate content is to have terror attack, the law enforcement agency can bypass the complex judicial link relatively, conforms to simplicity processing. 从过程上来说,这显然是不合规矩的,但在特殊的时候有特殊的办法,并且国会也拟以这次事件为原型,推动一个新的法案立法,大致的内容是发生“恐怖袭击”时,执法机构可以相对绕过复杂的司法环节,从简处理。 After waiting for the case investigation, complements the procedure again. 等案件侦破之后,再补全手续。 In brief, the staff of black stone security enters in such special way to the line of sight of people for the first time, they no longer are foreign aggression, but is protects the people life and property safety angel! 总之,黑石安全的员工第一次以这样特别的方式进入到民众的视线中,他们不再是对外“侵略”的一员,而是保护民众生命和财产安全的天使! Very early in the morning, the scar face wiped a face, revives from the deep sleep, the sunlight is never specially thick window curtains exosmosis passes, today is a fine weather. 大清早,疤脸抹了一把脸,从沉睡中苏醒过来,阳光从不是特别厚的窗帘外渗透进来,今天是个好天气。 He arrives at the window, gently tucks in a small part, looked at one toward outside, the whole person becomes anxious. 他走到窗户边上,轻轻的撩起一小部分,朝着外面看了一眼,紧接着整个人都变得紧张起来。 He is clapping the palm of the hand, is calling the name of companions, and weapon palate. 他拍着巴掌,喊着同伴们的名字,并把武器上膛。 In a moment ago, him saw the person of black stone security. 就在刚才,他看见了黑石安全的人。 They are standing in diagonally opposite inhabitant main house gate about siwushi meters away, moreover a family was beaten open the gate by them incessantly, this made the scar face feel a fear. 他们就在斜对面大概四五十米外的一个住户家门口站着,而且不止一个家庭被他们敲开了门,这让疤脸感觉到了一阵恐惧。 Quick people revive, they after very intensive fight, many received some wounds yesterday, rests sank compared with the past. 很快人们就苏醒了过来,他们昨天经过高强度的战斗,多少又受了一些伤,睡的比以往沉一些。 What's wrong?”, Some people asked. “怎么了?”,有人问道。 The scar face pinches the waist to stand in the room, „the person of black stone pursued, possibly we exposed, first thinks the means to deal with the current aspect.” 疤脸掐着腰站在房间里,“黑石的人追来了,可能我们暴露了,先想办法把目前的局面应付过去。” You tidy up the room, others transfer the leaning hall, comes out the house-owner belt/bring, then by......”, his 11 of vision on the remaining these companion faces has swept. “你们把屋子收拾一下,其他人转去偏厅,把房主带出来,然后由……”,他的目光在剩下的这些同伴脸上一一扫过。 No seems like the average person, is a whole face is not affable, his some headaches selected the only female, person who deals with the black stone by you and they together.” 没有一个看起来像是普通人,一个个都是满脸的“不好惹”,他有些头疼的点了点唯一的女性,“由你和他们一起去应付黑石的人。” If by some chance cannot deal with, begins directly!” “万一应付不过去,直接动手!”
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