The «No. 113RequisitionBill»cause came from an unrest of small scale.
Before the federationis very early, existedto immigrate, at that timealsopermitted the laborimmigrant, somepeopleare thinkingmustarrive atthiscountryin the foreignpoor people who the federationlooked for the opportunity.
联邦很早之前就存在移民了,当时还允许劳工移民,一些人想着要在联邦寻找机会的外国穷人来到了这个国家。Theycame the laterdiscovery, the federationdoes not seem likesuch that theyhear, hereis not a heaven, insteadis the hell.
The federalentrepreneur, the merchant, the employer, the attitudetotheseimmigrants was quite at that time bad, often a more brutaloppressionwill exploittheseimmigrants.
当时联邦的企业家,商人,雇主,对这些移民的态度比较恶劣,往往会更残酷的压迫剥削这些移民。Comparesin the convenience that the nativelooks for the work, laborimmigrantstoownworktreasuring, even iftheyknow the treatment that oneselfreceiveisunfair, is unreasonable, theymostlydo not dareto disclose.
相较于本地人找工作的便利性,劳工移民们对自己的工作更加的珍视,即便他们知道自己所受到的待遇是不公平的,不合理的,他们大多也不敢声张。Does not dareto resort to the law, theyare afraidlose the work, thatwill letthem and theirfamily memberthoroughdespairs.
更不敢诉诸于法律,他们害怕丢掉工作,那会让他们和他们的家人彻底的绝望。Except that the capitalistexploitsthemin the oppression, local workerstotheirattitudesalsoverybad.
The onceimmigrantlaborafterreceiving the local workercreated obstaclesto cause the conflict, the conflictto proliferatequickly, because the placepolice station the manpowerwas insufficient, causingmanyinjured, tragedy that severalpeopledied.
有一次移民劳工在受到本地工人刁难之后引发了冲突,冲突很快扩散开,地方警察局因为人手不够,致使了多人受伤,数人死亡的惨剧。Thiscasetriggered a discussion that hasabout the law enforcementpopulationissue.
The police officerquantities of federalmostpolice stationspeopleimagineare much smaller , the policeare notoneare goodto work, manypeoplewould ratherbe the pipeliner not to be the police.
联邦绝大多数警察局的警员数量都比人们想象中的少得多,警察并不是一个好工作,很多人情愿当管道工也不愿意当警察。Recruits the manpowerdifficultly is almost allpolice stationcommon problems, the especiallysomequitechaoticcity, was more difficultto recruitenoughmanymanpower.
招募人手困难几乎是所有警察局共同的问题,特别是一些比较混乱的城市,就更难招募到足够多的人手了。Withoutenoughlaw enforcement officials, whenarises suddenlycertain scaleunrestand otherissues, will appearas beforeis unable to control the situationpromptly the issue.
如果没有足够的执法人员,一旦突发一定规模的骚乱等问题时,依旧会出现无法及时控制局势的问题。ThereforeCongressundersolutionin every wayapprovedthisrequisitionbill, whenfaced withsomedangeroussuddencolonycases, the placepolice stationcanrely onthisrequisitionbill, requisitionaverage person who someare willingto coordinate the law-enforcing departmentslaw enforcement.
于是在多方的解决之下国会通过了这个征调法案,当面临一些具有危险性的突发群体性案件时,地方警察局可以凭借这个征调法案,征调一些愿意配合执法部门执法的普通人。Theseaverage peoplerequisitioncanlegallyuseto havein this periodandafter the guns of registration, canuse the guns that the policeprovide, andin the lines of sight at leasttwolaw enforcement officials, haslaw enforcementpower that is equal to the law enforcement officials.
The simplepointif necessary, the average personcanbe a guest performerlaw enforcement officialsto enforce the law, andhasmostpowers.
After thisbillis passed , the number of times of usingalmostcansay that does not haveonetime, butthisdoes not hinderitto exist.
The federationhasmanybillsisthis, becausesomeisolatedeventwas legislatedto pass, but after passing, has not usedagain.
联邦有很多法案就是这样,因为某一件孤立事件被立法通过,但通过之后就再也没有用过。Peopledid not fear that thesebillswere not used, theyare only afraidhave the samematteragain, will violatewith the previoussamemistake!
人们不怕这些法案不被用到,他们只害怕再发生相同的事情,会犯和上一次同样的错误!Hadthisrequisitionbill, the staff of black stonesecurityhad the law enforcementpowerlegitimatelyreasonably.
有了这个征调法案,黑石安全的员工就合法合理的具备了执法权。AfterMr.Truman'sexplanation, Lynchshows a faint smile, „thiswas just good, will not cause the repugnance of people......”
经过特鲁曼先生的解释,林奇微微一笑,“这样刚刚好,也不会引起人们的反感……”Mr. Presidentselectedunderone, dialedto telephone, laterLynchalsowent to the lounge, healsoneedssays this managers in matterandcompany, lettheirpromptadjusting policy.
总统先生点了一下头,拨打了一通电话,随后林奇也去了休息室,他也需要把这件事和公司的主管们说一下,让他们及时调整策略。Intime that Lynchleaves, Mr. Presidentlooks atMr.Truman, „thismatter does, whatnegativeeffecthaveto the discussion?”
在林奇离开的时间里,总统先生看着特鲁曼先生,“这件事情的发生,对会谈有没有什么负面的影响?”HeandMr.Truman'srelationsare very good, at leasthethought so that hehas supported the work of Mr.Truman.
他和特鲁曼先生的关系很不错,至少他是这么觉得的,他一直非常支持特鲁曼先生的工作。Mr.Trumanselectedunderone, butonfaceactuallynothingsad, „some, listened to the Lynchwordsa moment ago, Ithink that wecanusethismatter.”
特鲁曼先生点了一下头,不过脸上倒是没有什么忧愁,“有一些,刚才听了林奇的话,我认为我们可以把这件事利用起来。”„Somepeoplediscussedin the destruction, nowwhoslows the speed, whohad the possibilitiesandthese people are onegroup......”
“有人在破坏会谈,现在谁拖慢速度,谁就有可能和这些人是一伙的……”Mr. Presidentgawked, „inthemreallyhassuchperson?”
总统先生愣了一下,“他们中真的有这样的人吗?”Mr.Trumanshrugs, „otherperson of Iam indefinite, butFrat...... you know,he must always not exposed touscrossis better.”
特鲁曼先生耸了耸肩,“其他人我不确定,但盖弗拉……你知道,他总是见不得我们过的更好。”„Moreoveryoudo not needto worry that thiswill become a trouble, perhapsitto us, is a good deed, at leastittoldus, is notwerelaxes.”
“而且你不需要担心这会成为一个麻烦,或许它对我们来说,也是一件好事,至少它告诉了我们,还不是我们放松的时候。”„Inoursurroundings, as beforeonegroup of people, frequentlyattemptsto overthrowus!”
“在我们的周围,依旧有一群人,时时刻刻的企图打倒我们!”„Thisattackproposedoneto awaketous, westartedto be vigilantthesepeople, thiswas a good deed, from the other aspect.”
“这一次的袭击给我们提了一个醒,我们开始警惕这些人,这是一件好事,从另一面来看。”Mr. Presidenttouchesoneselfchin, „mayIbe worried that somepeople will therefore be discontented.”
总统先生摸了摸自己的下巴,“可我担心有些人会因此不满。”Mr.Truman the chuckle, in the smilehas a contemptuousattitude.
The black stonesecurityin the northernattack, encirclinginsecurebeautifulSyriaareashowedbrutal and uncertainty of war.
黑石安全在北方的进攻,在安美利亚地区的围剿都说明了战争的残酷性以及不确定性。Butmeanwhile, thisalsomakeshim the situation in the world toclearer, mostcountries that lookstheyonlyshoutsatthis time, theywill not braveby„implication” the riskgoesreallyto makeanything.
可同时,这也让他对世界的局势看的更清楚,绝大多数国家在这个时候他们只会嚷嚷,他们不会冒着被“拖累”的风险去真的做些什么。Theywill only shout propaganda, protest!
他们只会喊话,抗议!Saw clearly the actual situation of thesecountriesto letMr.Trumanin the foreign politicsalsoeven morestrong, refused to accept?
看清了这些国家的虚实让特鲁曼先生在对外策略上也愈发的强硬,不服?Ok, makes war.
The federationhas not attended the First World Warin any case, the battle efficiencyalsomaintainsrelativelycomplete, becauseevenwere manysomemilitary equipment, hasquiteconsiderablewarstrength.
反正联邦没有参加第一次世界大战,战斗力还保持的相对完整,甚至因为多了一些军事装备,具备着相当可观的战争实力。Resists the country that thesejustcangasp for breathreluctantlyby the completenational strength and warstrength, Mr.Trumanthought that thisis not the issue.
以完整的国力和战争力去对抗那些刚刚能勉强自己喘气的国家,特鲁曼先生觉得这不是问题。Thisworry, istheseforeigners.
该担心的,是那些外国人。Sawfrom the face of Mr.Truman the thing that oneselfwant, Mr. Presidentrelaxes, „thisbest, ifthere is any issueto informmepromptly, Ido not wantto become the person who lastknows the truth!”
Some affirmation and confirmation of president, allthingsbecameare easier.
有了总统的肯定和确认,所有的事情都变得更加容易起来。Are large quantities of the staffandthisstaff who are on leavestartstoward the citygathering of accident, at the same timesomelines of sightalsonoticethissmall towncity.
大批正在休假的员工和本部员工开始朝着事发的城市汇聚,与此同时一些视线也注意到这个小城市里。At this time, in the house in citytown center, Charlie( younger sister) was hung.
The house-ownerwhole familyalsotied up, the reason that theycanescape by lucklies in the scarfacehopes that theycananswer the telephone, ordeals withsomevisiting.
房主一家人也被绑了起来,他们能够幸免的原因在于疤脸希望他们能接听电话,或者应对一些探视者。Now the entirecityduring the martial law, inthemseveral people are also injured, is very difficultto escape, can only hide.
The scarfacelooksseveralpeople that in the roomis wrapping up, the complexioncannot say that isattractiveoris unattractive, in briefverytranquil.
疤脸看着房间里正在包扎的几人,脸色说不上来是好看还是不好看,总之非常的平静。Diedfivepeople, inhisunexpected.
死了五个人,在他的意料之外。Hehas heard the staff who black stonesecurityhashowelite, cancompare favorably with the army of PengJieaoempire, thiswordshedoes not believe.
他一直听说黑石安全的员工有多么的精锐,可以媲美彭捷奥帝国的陆军,这种话他始终是不信的。Has not attendedmanywars, in the historyexcept for the federation of slaughterindigenousalsonopraiseworthywar history, howpossiblyto train the powerfulsoldier.
一个没有参加过多少次战争,历史中除了屠杀土著也没有什么值得称赞的战争历史的联邦,怎么可能培养出强大的士兵。Nowheexperienced, fivecompanionsthereforelost the poor life, healsorealized that the presentissuehasthornilyhow.
现在他见识了,五名同伴因此丢了小命,他也意识到现在的问题有多么的棘手。TheyheldCharlie( younger sister), butmay notescape.
The atmosphere in roomis somewhat depressing, after alldiedfivecompanions, everyonecooperatedso manyyears, least45years, mosttenyears, diedin the federation, manyare somewhat sad.
The scarfacedresseswound on the arm, stood, the stride( younger sister) walkstowardCharlie.
疤脸包扎好自己胳膊上的伤口,站了起来,大步朝着查理(妹)走去。Hissound of footstepsalarmedthesealsoto be at the companions in sorrowfulmood, theyvisithim.
他的脚步声惊动了那些还处在悲恸情绪中的同伴们,他们看着他。Saw onlyhimto arrive atCharlie( younger sister) front, thenfought with the fistsonherlower abdomen.
只见他走到了查理(妹)面前,然后一拳打在了她的小腹上。Both handstied upCharlie who is hanging( younger sister) the whole personto shiverfiercely, starts the gastric disorder, the vomit.
双手被拴着吊起来的查理(妹)整个人都剧烈的颤抖了一下,紧接着开始反胃,呕吐。Herboth legsalsoinunceasingrun-up, after thisis the fiercehit , the performance of convulsion, sheappears the unusualpain, the complexion is also very pale.
她的双腿还在不断的抬高,这是剧烈撞击后痉挛的表现,她显得非常的痛苦,脸色也很苍白。Retchedfor quite a while, anythinghas not spat, for these dayssheindeedhad not eatenmanythings, has been in the middle of the fear, noappetite.
The scarfaceis pinchingherchin, askedher, „wediedfivepeople, ifyoudo not wantto try, bestsay the account number that yousaved money!”
疤脸捏着她的下巴,问她,“我们死了五个人,如果你不想试一试,最好把你存钱的账号都说出来!”Charlie( younger sister) closelyis nipping the jaw, shesomewhatviciouslooks at the scarface, shehad not said.
查理(妹)紧紧咬着牙关,她有些狠毒的看着疤脸,她没有说。Sheis very clear, onceoneselfdo not have the use valuetime, wasdied.
她很清楚,一旦自己没有利用价值的时候,就是自己死亡的时候。Nowforgivingfederalperson, especiallyLynchasone„confession”, the wealth on herhaving, shehas the power of going on living.
But once sherelented, shelost the power.
可一旦她松口了,她就丧失了权力。„It seems likeyouas if unable to understandmywords!”, The scarfacegot angry the pinnacle, heripped openCharlie( younger sister) clothes.
“看起来你似乎听不懂我的话!”,疤脸怒到了极致,他一把撕开查理(妹)的衣服。At this timeis the summer, everyoneputs on is very frail......
此时正值夏天,大家穿的都很单薄……Exposed the bodyinair unable to stimulate the desire of people, theyhad just experienced the life and death, the pain of but alsoinwithstanding the companiondying, intheireyesdid not have the desire, only thenhated.
The scarfacepulled outhisdagger, pressed firmly between the fingersCharlie( younger sister) part, „Ihave seen very hardperson, butthesepeopleopen the mouthfinally.”
疤脸把他的匕首拔了出来,捏住了查理(妹)的一部分,“我见过很多很硬的人,但这些人最终都还是开了口。”„Personwould the exhaustedfrailtime, wecanattemptto be innumerable, so long asyoulaxonetime, youwill lose.”
“人总会有疲惫脆弱的时候,我们可以尝试无数次,但只要你松懈了一次,你就会输。”„Resistanceis pointless, ifIamyou, Isaynow.”
“抵抗是没有意义的,如果我是你,我现在就说出来。”Charlie( younger sister) is clenching teethto close the eye, the nextsecond, eng, looked like the fellow who inthesebutcher shopssold the beefto slice off a scrapto bring the beef of boastingwith the knifeto be the same.
查理(妹)咬着牙闭上了眼睛,下一秒,eng的一声,就像是那些肉铺上卖牛肉的家伙用刀子削掉了一小块带着牛皮的牛肉一样。Fierce and ache of heartrendingenlarges the whole bodyfromoneinstantaneously, herbody surfaceproliferates the beads of sweatin a twinkling.
剧烈且钻心的疼痛瞬间从一点放大到全身,她的身体表面霎时间遍布汗珠。Sheis nipping the jawtightly, did not say a word.
她紧咬着牙关,一言不发。Inherinnermost feelingshas a weaksoundto persuadeher
她的内心中有一个软弱的声音在劝说她Then, said!
说吧,说吧!So long as said that will not be painful!
只要说出来,就不会痛苦了!Butherreasonthroughoutfirmlygets the winning side, toldherclearly, whensheopened the mouth, whenshewill die.
The scarfacelooksCharlie( younger sister) unyieldingdoes not make noise, hesilent a meeting, pressed firmly between the fingersherear, „mypatienceis limited, perhapsisnexttimeyournose, the lip, the tongue......”
疤脸看着查理(妹)硬气的不出声,他沉默了一会,捏住了她的一只耳朵,“我的耐心是有限的,也许下一次就是你的鼻子,嘴唇,舌头……”Charlie( younger sister) wickedlooks at the scarface, „youwill regret that youwill pay the pricefor this reason, yourfamily member.”
查理(妹)恶狠狠的看着疤脸,“你会后悔的,你会为此付出代价的,还有你的家人。”„Iwill look forthem, withsame means that theirmaltreatmentslethal!”
“我会把他们一个一个找出来,用相同的办法,把他们一个个虐待致死!”„No, Iwill not killthem, Iwill letthemcontinuouslyin the pain, forever!”
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