BC :: Volume #12

#1175: All for justice

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Sits on the vehicle, Mr. Truman lit cigarette, two people have not spoken. 坐在车上,特鲁曼先生点了一根烟,两人都没说话。 The information that obtained a moment ago, the station had the internecine strife, caused thirty injured, had about less than ten dead, this in the federation is very serious case. 刚才得到的情报,车站发生了火拼,造成了三十几人受伤,大约有不到十人死亡,这在联邦已经算是非常非常严重的案件了。 The faction internecine strife, has not made is bigger than at least the criminal syndicate internecine strife to look for no one's place, rather than in person most places. 就连帮派火拼,都没有闹得这么大过至少黑帮火拼会找个没有人的地方,而不是在人最多的地方。 And the side is the employee of Blackstone Security Company, throws down the corpse clue that from another side, should be the international mercenary of illegal immigration. 其中有一方是黑石安全公司的员工,从另外一方丢下的尸体线索来看,应该是非法入境的国际雇佣兵。 This was also the staff informed Lynch, and requested him to go to the reason of presidential palace together, he was one of the litigants. 这也是工作人员通知了林奇,并且要求他一同前往总统府的原因,他是当事人之一。 Everyone is thinking all the way own matter, the international affairs department is not quite far from the presidential palace, after the car(riage) stop, two people get out. 一路上每个人都在想自己的事情,国际事务部离总统府不太远,当车停稳之后,两人下了车。 Mr. Truman stands in the vehicle door place, one is hand-held the scrubbing clean vehicle roof, is drawing the vehicle door single-handedly, he looked at the surroundings, finally looks to Lynch, what idea do you have?” 特鲁曼先生站在车门处,一手扶着洗刷干净的车顶,一手拉着车门,他看了看周围,最后看向林奇,“你有什么想法?” Lynch closes, while said that this was the terror attack......” 林奇一边关门,一边说道,“这是恐怖袭击……” Terrifying...... attack?”, Mr. Truman also closed/pass the vehicle door later, curls the lip, sounds has the tune very much.” “恐怖……袭击?”,特鲁曼先生随后也关了车门,撇了撇嘴,“听起来很有腔调。” Actually two people have not been regarded as a matter this matter, but was considering this sudden matter, can for the present the matter that handles, provides some benefits. 其实两人都没有把这件事当作是一回事,而是在考虑这件突然发生的事情,能不能够为现在他们正在做的事情,带来一些好处。 Lynch a few words reminded him, in his mind has a fuzzy general outline to this matter, but sudden of too time, is not so clear. 林奇的一句话提醒了他,他的脑海内对这件事已经有了一个模糊的大概的轮廓,不过时间发生的太突然,还不那么清晰。 When two people enter the president's office, Mr. President is standing before the window looks that the gardener in courtyard prunes the vegetation to make the scenery. 等两人进入总统办公室时,总统先生正站在落地窗前看着院子里的园丁修剪植被造景。 He hears the sound, turns around to visit two people, later moves toward own chair. 他听见声音,转身看着两人,随后走向自己的椅子。 This news was really bad, a I morning good mood to be destroyed cleanly, what situation was?”, Mr. President looked to Lynch. “这个消息真的是太糟了,我一早上的好心情都被破坏得干干净净,到底是什么情况?”,总统先生看向了林奇 The news that he obtains in a hurry obtains Lynch are more , but also is only some. 他得到的消息比林奇仓促之间得到的多一些,但也只是一些。 From the local police station and Federal Bureau of Investigation, the news that the peaceful commission obtains is two groups of people in the internecine strife, after leaving behind some corpses, respectively the internecine strife ended. 从当地警察局和联邦调查局,还有安委会得到的消息是两伙人在火拼,各自留下了一些尸体之后火拼结束了。 The robbers died five, the black stone security died three. 劫匪死了五个,黑石安全这边死了三个。 The position that originally the black stone security only then injured, they choose is good, easily defensible, threw an grenade to go in until the opposite party. 本来黑石安全这边只有一人重伤,他们选择的位置不错,易守难攻,直到对方丢了一个手雷进去。 The information that in brief each place reports summarizes in together, formed an initial simple internecine strife impression. 总之各个地方汇报过来的情报总结在一起,形成了一个最初的简单的火拼印象。 This makes Mr. President very unhappy, this is the vicious cases of federal domestic rare casualty so many people, this will make him very distressed! 这让总统先生非常的不快,这是联邦国内少有的死伤这么多人的恶性案件,这会让他非常的狼狈! Even is Congress, will look for his trouble! 甚至是国会,也会找他的麻烦! Mr. Truman also looks to Lynch, Lynch is not anxious, he has not sat down, „can I first make a phone call to know the situation?” 特鲁曼先生也看向林奇,林奇一点也不紧张,他没有坐下,“我能先打一个电话了解一下情况吗?” Mr. President silent several seconds, then selected under one. 总统先生沉默了几秒,然后点了一下头。 Afterward Lynch telephones in the lounge, the master sergeant meets. 随后林奇在休息室里打了电话,上士接的。 A quick more specific detailed situation from the mouth of master sergeant, enters in the ear of Lynch. 很快更加具体详细的情况从上士的口中,进入林奇的耳朵里。 In the morning when 10 0.3 15,( younger sister) mounts to Charlie goes to the train of transport hub already not long time, more than ten militants suddenly attacked the waiting room. 上午十点三十五分,离查理(妹)登上前往交通枢纽的火车已经没有多久的时间时,十多名武装分子突然袭击了候车室。 This action has eight people of security groups to go, has half in public, has half in the hidden place. 这次行动有一个八人的安全小组前往,有一半在明处,有一半在暗处。 The company chiefses when appraising this action have not adjusted high, until now, no one its rank have launched the militant attack in the federal native place specially, this also makes their inertia thinks that these time also as usual, is assassinates at most or launches the attack in person few places. 公司主管们在评估这个行动时没有把它的级别调整得特别高,到现在为止,都没有人在联邦本土发动过武装袭击,这也使得他们惯性的认为这一次也和往常一样,顶多就是刺杀或者在人少的地方发动袭击。 Has not thought the opposite party launched the attack in the station directly, and used the heavy firepower and grenade, caused the losses outside plan. 可没想到对方直接在车站发动了袭击,并且使用了重火力和手雷,造成了计划之外的损失。 What is more troublesome was Charlie( younger sister) is also lost, after that group of people threw the grenade to clean up the staff who in the lounge resisted,( younger sister) took away Charlie directly. 更麻烦的是查理(妹)也被弄丢了,那伙人丢了手雷清理掉休息室里抵抗的员工后,直接把查理(妹)带走了。 Now the company has dispatched an action squadron to go to the scene of the accident, looks for the customer, as well as looks for these raiders. 现在公司已经派遣了一个行动中队前往出事地点,寻找客户,以及寻找那些袭击者。 After Lynch hear thinks, this is a deliberate terror attack, we must guarantee that the personal safety of customer, this is we must achieve.” 林奇听完之后想了想,“这是一起有预谋的恐怖袭击,我们一定要确保客户的人身安全,这是我们必须做到的。” I heard that our customer is the federal legitimate citizen, and some legitimate documents and certificates, right?” “我听说我们的客户是联邦的合法公民,并且有合法的证件和证明,是吗?” The master sergeant gawked, said hastily, „, she just obtained its citizenship through the investment immigrant......” 上士愣了一下,连忙说道,“是的,她刚刚通过投资移民取得了本国的公民身份……” I who how she obtains did not care that is the matter of immigration office, so long as she is its citizen, by law and charter protection on line.” “她怎么取得的我不关心,那是移民局的事情,只要她是本国公民,受法律和宪章保护就行了。” Adjusts high the rank of this matter, arranging the manager to stare to the scene, has the progress to inform me momentarily.” “把这件事的级别调整到最高,安排主管到现场去盯着,有进展随时通知我。” After Lynch made the telephone call, smoked cigarette in the lounge, then pushes the door. 林奇挂了电话之后在休息室中又吸了一支烟,然后才推门而出。 Clarified?”, Mr. President looks at Lynch. “弄清楚了?”,总统先生看着林奇 Lynch nods, deliberate, in view of the terror attack of our country citizen, Mr. President, I thinks that this case and discussion possibly have the relations.” 林奇点了点头,“一场有预谋的,针对我国公民的恐怖袭击,总统先生,我认为这件案子和会谈可能有关系。” Mr. President by Lynch a few words doing head humming sound, he thinks from the beginning this is an ordinary internecine strife, but...... seems like the nature to be somewhat different now. 总统先生被林奇一句话给搞得脑袋嗡嗡的,他一开始以为这就是一场普通的火拼,可现在……似乎性质有些不同了。 His expression also became enforced, selected under one, said.” 他的表情也变得严肃了起来,点了一下头,“说下去。” Lynch starts to state own viewpoint. 林奇开始陈述自己的观点。 We know the importance of discussion, it, not only pure can play the organization of adjustment trade and currency relationship, it in fact is ‚Area Sol embryonic form......” “我们都知道会谈的重要性,它并不只是单纯的能起到一个调节贸易和货币关系的组织,它实际上更是‘索尔’的雏形……” Mr. President lifted the hand, was sorry, breaks, ‚is Area Sol what meaning?” 总统先生抬起了手,“抱歉,打断一下,‘索尔’是什么意思?” „Area Sol is I to one description of country the global development committee covers, in country that in this alliance covers, federal Sol will become the second legitimate currency of being next to they domestic currency, even is parallel.” 索尔是我对世界发展委员会覆盖的国家的一种形容,在这个联盟覆盖的国家内,联邦索尔会成为一种仅次于他们本国货币的第二种合法流通货币,甚至是并行。” „The federal Sol utilization ratio is higher, the weighting is heavier, the thing that we can buy are also more......” “联邦索尔的使用率越高,加权越重,我们能买到的东西也就越多……” These were a little complex to Mr. President, he lowered the head to think a meeting, then shakes the head, continued.” 这些对总统先生来说有点复杂了,他低着头想了一会,然后摇了摇头,“继续说下去。” „The country that federal Sol can circulate legitimately, is called ‚Area Sol, in this region we can through macroscopic to the currency adjustment, plays controls the goal of these national trade and even politics.” “联邦索尔能够合法流通的国家,都叫做‘索尔’,在这个区域内我们可以通过宏观的对货币的调整,起到控制这些国家贸易乃至政治的目的。” At this time Mr. Truman inserted a mouth, for example the bank adjusting policy raised the federal Sol deposit interest rate, raised the interest of loan and loan, or operated in turn, we can control the markets of more country.” 这个时候特鲁曼先生插了一句嘴,“比如说银行调整策略提高联邦索尔的存款利率,加高拆借和贷款的利息,或者反过来操作,我们就可以对更多国家的市场进行控制。” Actually why the president does not understand what is heard adjusts the deposit interest rate and borrows loan interest such behavior, can control the markets of other countries, but he is a president, he is not the economist. 其实总统还是听不明白为什么调整存款利率和拆借贷款利息这样的行为,就能够控制其他国家的市场,但他是总统,他不是经济学家。 He does not need anything to be able, the person who he only needs the meeting helped him work on the line. 他不需要什么都会,他只需要有会的人帮他做事就行了。 Mr. President selected under one very much earnestly, I think that I ravelled, this seems very indeed serious, some people are provoking us!” 总统先生很认真点了一下头,“我想我弄明白了,这看起来的确很严重,有人在挑衅我们!” Lynch shakes the head, is not the provocation, Mr. President, this is the terror attack!” 林奇摇了摇头,“不是挑衅,总统先生,这是恐怖袭击!” I obtained the news a moment ago, these people come from the overseas, they in this important time node, made such a scary attack case.” “我刚才得到消息,这些人都来自于境外,他们在这个重要的时间节点,制造了这样一起骇人的袭击案。” Attempts to make the terrifying mood the way to destroy the federal person strong will , the will of struggle, free will!” “妄图以制造恐怖情绪的方式摧毁联邦人坚强的意志,斗争的意志,自由的意志!” I think that these terrorists are very likely to come from some people in silver Alliance, or receives......”, Lynch smiles, the smiled expression is very subtle, the flash in Mr. President and head of Mr. Truman, appears Frat this name. “我认为这些恐怖分子极有可能来自于白银联盟中的一些人,或者受到……”,林奇笑了笑,笑的表情很微妙,一瞬间在总统先生和特鲁曼先生的脑袋里,就浮现出“盖弗拉”这个名字。 They are challenging our dignity, tests our bottom line, if we leave alone, perhaps or the cold treatment, will cause their further attack our national territory and people.” “他们在挑战我们的尊严,试探我们的底线,如果我们放任不管,或者冷处理,也许会使得他们进一步的攻击我们的国土和人民。” Mr. President, this is not together the internecine strife, this relates to the federation war whether internationally can stand firm!” “总统先生,这不是一起火拼,这是关系到联邦在国际上是否能站稳脚跟的战争!” I suggested makes the safety mechanism conduct the investigation at the same time, temporary gives Blackstone Security Company internally the power that coordinates to enforce the law, I will assemble most staff, coordinates the action of authority, as soon as possible holds these terrorists, uncovers the secret engineer.” “我建议让安全机构进行侦破的同时,也临时性的给予黑石安全公司在国内配合执法的权力,我将调集大多数员工,配合政府部门的举措,尽快的抓住那些恐怖分子,揪出幕后的策划者。” Each words that Mr. President head humming sound, Lynch spoke he can understand, but each few words are what meaning, his is not clear. 总统先生脑袋还是嗡嗡的,林奇说的每句话他都听得懂,但是每一句话到底是什么意思,他一句也不清楚。 Was good found a meeting because of him, you said, this was some people of premeditation and plans.” 好在他找到了一个自己会的,“你是说,这是有人预谋和策划的。” Without a doubt, Mr. President.”, The reply of Lynch is very simple, filled let the strength that the person believed. “毫无疑问,总统先生。”,林奇的回答很干脆,也充满了让人相信的力量。 Their goals are the destruction discuss, the manufacture terrifying atmosphere, forcing Federal Government to bow to some international forces!” “他们的目标就是破坏会谈,制造恐怖氛围,逼迫联邦政府向一些国际势力低头!” Mr. President silent a meeting, looks to Mr. Truman, the latter selected under one slightly , indicating that approved of the view of Lynch. 总统先生沉默了一会,看向特鲁曼先生,后者微微点了一下头,表示赞同了林奇的看法。 From the perspective of Mr. Truman, the view of Lynch actually does not have any improper, looks like them to know soon when such that Lynch said. 从特鲁曼先生的角度来看,林奇的说法其实没有什么不妥的,就像是他们认识不久时林奇说的那样。 The federation needs unceasing forwarding, overthrows on the line of advance enemies. 联邦需要不断的向前,打倒前进路上一个又一个敌人。 Only the unceasing acquired victory, the federation will be getting better and better. 只有不断的获得胜利,联邦才会越来越好。 If one day, does not have the enemy when this world, a that manufacture enemy was good! 如果有一天,在这个世界上已经不存在敌人时,那就制造一个敌人好了! Will talk about actually exposes many issues now, the position of federal in international community is not very high, perhaps they defeated the invincible navy of Frat empire in the naval battle. 会谈到现在其实暴露了很多的问题,联邦在国际社会中的地位还不够高,也许他们在海战中打败了盖弗拉帝国的无敌海军。 But everyone seemed to think that is an accident/surprise, looked like hangover later disturbing the disposition to have the child, all were only the coincidences! 可每个人似乎都觉得那就是一场意外,就像是宿醉之后的乱性有了孩子,一切都只是巧合! These people do not believe that the federal person can defeat to cover a native of Flat in the next war as before, and these people believe that the federation and between Frat definitely will have a war. 这些人不相信联邦人依旧可以在下一次战争中战胜盖弗拉人,并且这些人坚信联邦和盖弗拉之间必然会有一场战争。 Looked the person who fading federation are many, but they rarely display. 看衰联邦的人并不少,只是他们很少表现出来。 Perhaps, can draw support from this opportunity, brings some pressures to these people. 或许,可以借助这个机会,给这些人施加一些压力。 Mr. President pondered some little time, he referred to Lynch, law enforcement power is impossible to give you a private enterprise, but we can use......”, he looks to Mr. Truman, „is that No. several bill coming?” 总统先生思考了好一会,他指了指林奇,“执法权不可能给你一个私人企业,但是我们可以动用……”,他看向特鲁曼先生,“那个几号法案来着?” Mr. Truman reminded hastily, 113!” 特鲁曼先生连忙提醒道,“一一三!” Yes, «No. 113 Requisition Bill»......” “是的,《一一三号征调法案》……”
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