BC :: Volume #12

#1174: Paroxysmal incident

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In the lounge in station, Charlie( younger sister) looks at the four people in spacious lounge and lounge, she somewhat curious asking, „do you only have four people?” 车站的休息室中,查理(妹)看着空旷的休息室以及休息室内的四个人,她有些好奇的问道,“你们只有四个人吗?” Has been smiling with the clerk who she exchanges, what are you worried about?” 一直在和她交流的业务员笑了笑,“你在担心什么?” Charlie( younger sister) not hesitant, she now is customer, she spent, moreover she also knows money that oneself spend wants many several times compared with the normal order, she after not spending so much money, but also puts in great inconvenience to itself. 查理(妹)没有犹豫,她现在是“客户”,她花钱了,而且她也知道自己花的钱比正常的订单要多几倍,她不会在花了这么多钱之后,还委屈自己。 The domineering attitude restarts the ascension in the safe range, she looks at this clerk, I thought that you could not protect me, if only had four people.” 强势的态度在安全的范围内重新开始升腾,她看着这名业务员,“我觉得你们保护不了我,如果只有四个人的话。” The clerks looked at the surroundings, please feel relieved, we are specialized......” 业务员看了看周围,“请放心,我们是专业的……” Meanwhile, in the conference room of Bupen international affairs department, Mr. Truman drew in the five fingers to knock two desktops with the knuckle, he reiterated that asked everyone to be able rest assured that we were specialized!” 与此同时,在布佩恩国际事务部的会议室中,特鲁曼先生收拢五指用指关节叩击了两下桌面,他重申道,“请大家放心,我们是专业的!” He was saying, looked to these gentlemen in room, this was regarding global development committee the sixth discussion, Frat has not stood the slowing advancement, but does not represent their anything not to do. 他说着顿了顿,看向了房间里的这些先生们,这是围绕“世界发展委员会”的第六次会谈,盖弗拉没有站出来拖慢进程,但不代表着他们什么都不会做。 They in secret were possible and certain countries reached some agreements, proposed the issue that some opposing opinions and need to solve, attempted to increase some work loads by this to the federation. 他们私底下可能和某些国家达成了一些协议,提出了一些反对意见和需要解决的问题,以此来尝试着给联邦增加一些工作量。 Actually they are also good, Federal Government, Mr. Truman, everyone knows that this ugly small method actually cannot play any role. 其实他们自己也好,联邦政府,特鲁曼先生也罢,大家都知道这种丑陋的小手段其实起不到任何的作用。 Finally it will pass, but disgusting person matter...... it, not only a wicked interest, its satisfied in fact is injured party psychological demand. 最终它还是会通过的,但恶心人这种事……它不只是一种恶趣味,它满足的实际上是“被害者”的心理需求。 Sounding a little makes people not clear probably, what psychological demand can the injured party have? 听上去好像有点让人不明白,被害者还能有什么心理需求? Actually also has, in some cases that in the federation has solved, many victims become uses/gives Hai the partner finally, or routine withstands is exerted the injury the behavior. 其实也是有的,在联邦已经侦破的一些案件中,不乏受害者最终成为了施害者同伙,或者习惯性的去承受被施加伤害的行为。 This is a psychological demand, they can through certain suggestions, complete in this process, what regardless of their final demand is safe, is other anything, the entire process will make one feel surprisedly, sometimes will also seem somewhat frightened. 这就是一种心理需求,他们可以通过某些暗示,来完成这个过程中,无论他们最终需求的是安全,还是其他什么,整个过程都会令人感觉到惊讶,有时候也会显得有些惊悚。 The diplomacy is also, increases to the federation may not prevent the global development committee to establish troublesome finally, may to covering a native of Flat, can see the federal person to have a headache about them is very satisfied. 外交也是,给联邦增加麻烦不一定能阻止世界发展委员会最终的成立,可对盖弗拉人来说,能看见联邦人头疼他们就已经很满足了。 But the standpoints of these small countries are the same, they extremely in not creating obstacles for federal person, they receive some advantage that Frat promised, for example trade order anything, is responsible for own benefit slightly, that is all. 而那些小国家的立场则相同,他们不会太过于刁难联邦人,他们只是拿到了盖弗拉许诺的一些好处,比如说贸易订单什么的,稍稍为自己的利益负责,仅此而已。 Primary cause that until now the global development committee had not been established, is these similar many small issues has not solved. 到现在为止世界发展委员会还没有成立的主要原因,就是这些类似的很多小问题没有解决。 For example, some countries hope that the headquarters of this global development committee can place own country, has the country of this idea at least to have 45. 比如说,有些国家希望这个世界发展委员会的总部能放在自己的国家,有这种想法的国家至少有四五个。 Also somewhat thinks that for the process of federal currency weighting , the federation should also give member nation more advantage in the mutual trade, for example reduces tariff of both sides, increases equipment that can exit|to speak, provides the transfer or the partnership opportunity of sensitive technology. 还有些认为在为联邦货币加权的过程中,联邦也应该在相互的贸易中给予成员国更多的好处,比如说降低双方的关税,增加更多可以出口的设备,提供敏感技术的转让或合作机会。 These things are actually not the matter, finally can be solved, but various names were too many, discussion that always has. 这些事情其实都不是什么事情,最终都能得到解决,但各种名目太多了,总有开不完的会谈。 What this solution is some small countries hopes that can federation to help them develop the industrial the issue, now has 23 countries to express willingness to join this global development committee, this also lets Federal Government unusual rousing. 这一次解决的是一些小国家希望能够让联邦人帮助他们发展工业的问题,现在已经有二十三个国家表示愿意加入这个世界发展委员会,这也让联邦政府非常的振奋。 But following is some...... goes begging the issue. 但随之而来的则是一些……乞讨问题。 For example certain does not have the small country of industrialization foundation also to realize the foundation industrialization, they have no means that that can only seek help from the federation. 比如说某些不具备工业化基础的小国家也想要实现基础工业化,他们自己没有什么办法,那就只能求助于联邦。 The chip of exchange is they will agree to «Treaty» on most provisions. 交换的筹码是他们会同意《条约》上大多数的条款。 Issue that a financial group can solve, but it solves in the discussion, regarding these issue Mr. Truman considered that had not considered, gave the affirmative answer. 一个财团就能解决的问题,可它还是得在会谈上解决,对于这些问题特鲁曼先生考虑都没有考虑,就给了肯定的答复。 Moreover he said not wrong , helping other national development basic industries, the federal person is indeed specialized. 而且他说得一点也没有错,帮助其他国家发展基础工业,联邦人的确是专业的。 As for developing whether the basic industries must rely on the persistent blood supply of federation, that was another issue. 至于发展起来的基础工业是否要依赖联邦的持续供血,那就是另外一个问题了。 After all they have not talked about these during the discussion, but the pure hope can realize the basic industries the idea. 毕竟他们没有在会谈中谈到这些,只是单纯的希望能实现基础工业的想法而已。 On the representative faces of several small countries showed the satisfactory smile, their these national majority are the resources countries, or animal husbandry country. 几个小国家的代表脸上露出了满意的笑容,他们这些国家大多数都是资源型国家,或者农牧业国家。 The national main industry commodity dependence imports, this makes them lack the initiative most times, was always grasped the weakness. 国家主要的工业商品依靠进口,这让他们在很多时候缺少主动权,总是被人拿住了弱点。 For example some country once to international bidding a thermal power plant, until now this set backward thermoelectricity generation core technologies, but also grasps in others' hand. 比如说某个国家曾经向国际招标了一个火力发电厂,到现在为止这套已经落后的火力发电核心技术,还掌握在别人的手里。 When the thermoelectric power station has the problem, they have to spend a lot of money, inviting the initial contractor to solve the problem. 每当火电站出现问题时,他们就得不得不花费很多的钱,邀请最初的施工方来解决问题。 Sometimes east they come to do west to do, the components did not trade one to solve, the charge can actually be scary. 有时候他们只是来东搞搞西搞搞,零件都不换一个就解决了,收费却能吓死人。 A country to international supply components of rough machining, in the entire assembly line has some consumables, the techniques of manufacture of these consumables have been stressed by the technical exporter firmly in the hand. 还有一个国家向国际供应一种粗加工的零件,整个流水线中有一些消耗品,这些消耗品的制造技术一直被技术出口国牢牢抓在手里。 Once in a while, they must spend a lot of money, purchases the spare parts of some actually not valuable consumption nature to place in the assembly line, maintains the production. 每隔一段时间,他们就必须花费很多的钱,购买一些其实并不值钱的消耗性质的零配件放在流水线上,保持生产。 Massive profits were taken away by the foreign enterprise, this lets them is hating these foreigners, while urgent wants to realize the foundation industrialization the advancement. 大量的利润被外国企业拿走,这让他们一边痛恨着这些外国人,也一边迫切的想要实现基础工业化的进程。 At least, some simple things, they can make, rather than anything must depend upon the foreigner. 至少,一些简单的东西,他们自己就能制造,而不是什么都要依靠外国人。 Lynch sits in the last position, is reading some materials in hand, he is pondering over probably to October about, all things can come to an arrangement also establish. 林奇坐在最后一个位置,看着手中的一些材料,他琢磨着大概到十月份左右,所有的事情就能谈妥并且成立。 Looks that these were still saying diplomats of various demands, Lynch lifted the wrist/skill, looked at the watch in wrist/skill, is not far from 11 points. 看着那些还在说着各种诉求的外交官们,林奇抬起了手腕,看了看手腕上的手表,离十一点已经不远了。 In the weekend as soon as finished, the strike of entire federation also ended, this strike is actually more like a demonstration, the employers and employeeses did not have the thorough opposition, moderate leeway. 周末一结束,整个联邦的罢工也就随之结束了,这次罢工其实更像是一种示威,劳资双方还没有彻底的对立,还有缓和的余地。 But this is the worker trade union need. 而这就是工人工会需要的。 The working classes are impossible really to give up the present work, again the capitalists is possible really to let the factory shutdown, the entity industry do not make them not have the means to leave the worker long-term work suspension developed. 工人阶级们不可能真的放弃现在的工作,资本家们也不可能真的让工厂停摆,实体产业的再度发达让他们没办法离开工人长期的停工。 Therefore the when representatives of worker trade union like the past best day, changed the formal dress, in the hand was taking the briefcase, appeared in the office, or in workshop. 于是工人工会的代表们像以往最好的日子时那样,换上了正装,手里提着公文包,出现在办公室,或者车间里。 They are responsible for on behalf of the working class and capitalist negotiate, jointly discussed the result and working classes negotiations of, in this process, the worker trade union manifested its function and value again, and therefore got the interests of many being able to see. 他们负责代表工人阶级和资本家谈判,又把谈判的结果和工人阶级们共同商量,在这个过程中,工人工会再一次体现了它的作用和价值,并且因此获得了很多看不见的利益。 Has the invisible advantage, for example prestige, workers the approval of again to worker trade union. 有无形的好处,比如说声望,工人们对工人工会的重新认可。 Has the visible advantage, for example bill, vehicle, house...... 有有形的好处,比如说钞票,车子,房子…… Seemed like the strike to finish, actually had the negotiations of dispute with the benefit, just started. 看上去罢工结束了,其实和利益有所纠葛的谈判,才刚刚开始。 However strikes and demonstrates is not is the fault, at least after the strike parade ended, the public security in each city obtained the increase of certain extent. 不过罢工和游行示威也不是全都是坏处,至少罢工游行结束之后,各个城市的治安都得到了一定程度的提升。 Has the sociologists to study this issue specially, as long as has held the place of parade, after the parade ended, the public security will obtain the increase of certain extent. 有社会学者专门研究过这个问题,但凡举行过游行的地方,在游行结束之后,治安都会得到一定程度的提升。 Said in this scholar's report, this situation main cause is demonstrating, the police will display quite weak, thus has a very subtle psychology to change. 在这个学者的报告中称,这种情况主要的诱因是在游行示威中,警察们会表现得相当无力,从而产生一种很微妙的心理变化。 In order to retaliate oneself the distress and incompetent in demonstration, they to various public security cases and criminal cases intensifies the crackdown effort after the parade. 为了报复自己在游行示威中的狼狈和无能,他们会在游行之后对各种治安案件和刑事案件加大打击力度。 The police who in these two Tian Street performs duties indeed are also many, these dishonest people also hid, waited for the air/Qi of police to disappear, took to the streets again. 这两天街上执勤的警察也的确多,那些不老实的人们也都藏了起来,等着警察们的气消了,再重新上街。 The time of shortly discussing must end, Lynch has started to pack the thing, the present discussion core is to wrangle and demands the advantage, he did not care to this very much. 眼看着会谈的时间就要结束了,林奇已经开始收拾东西,现在的会谈核心就是扯皮和索要好处,他对这个不是很关心。 The industrial facilities of some help small national construction foundations however raised a moment ago, should some people be interested. 不过刚才提起的帮助一些小国家建设基础的工业设施,应该会有人感兴趣。 This is a big order, the financial groups the support to Federal Government fully manifests , in process that promotes the global development committee. 这又是一笔大订单,财团们对联邦政府的支持完全体现在了推动世界发展委员会的过程中。 Including usually is called most will look for trouble Congress, has not spoken an idle talk in this entire event, has not requested Mr. Truman or certain personnel explains the situation to Congress, and creates obstacles. 连平时被称作为“最会找麻烦”的国会,在这次整个事件中都没有多说一句废话,更没有要求特鲁曼先生或者某些人员到国会去说明情况,并且加以刁难。 The federal capitalists can see the obvious advantage, is good to them, they will not stop, and who dares to stop, who is everyone's common enemy. 联邦的资本家们能看见明显的好处,对他们有好处,他们就不会阻拦,并且谁敢阻拦,谁就是大家共同的敌人。 Frat used mistakenly the strategy from the beginning, they looked for these small countries to give the approach that the federation put to trouble is too childish, might as well give some big financial group the benefit directly. 盖弗拉从一开始就用错了策略,他们找那些小国家来给联邦添麻烦的做法太孩子气了,不如直接把利益让给某个大财团。 Then makes the financial group make a move from Congress, the public hearing goes on is 20-30, will could drag to next year to go this discussion. 然后让财团从国会方面出手,听证会一开就是20-30场,说不定能把这个会谈拖到明年去。 Has not experienced the evil! 都是没经验害的! Sits in chief Mr. Truman looks that Lynch has tidied up own briefcase, his corners of the mouth on select slightly, should be angry, but sees so lazy Lynch, almost smiles to make noise. 坐在首席的特鲁曼先生看着林奇已经收拾好了自己的公文包,他嘴角微微上挑,本应该生气,但看见如此懒怠的林奇,也差点笑出声来。 At this time, two people walked, a person arrived at the Lynch side, bends over, is speaking intimate conversation in his ear. 就在这个时候,有两个人走了进来,一个人走到了林奇的身边,弯腰低头,在他耳边说着悄悄话。 A person arrived at the side of Mr. Truman, is speaking in his ear, as if said is a matter. 还有一个人走到了特鲁曼先生的身边,也在他的耳边说着话,似乎说的都是一回事。 A moment ago,...... the city station had the armed internecine strife......” “就刚才,……市车站发生了武装火拼……” Mr. Truman and Lynch looked at each other one, he knits the brows, ahead of time announced the discussion end. 特鲁曼先生和林奇对视了一眼,他皱了皱眉,提前宣布了会谈结束。 Afterward two people fast departures, look at the back that two people leave, many diplomats do not know that had anything, mutually inquiring. 随后两人快速的离开,看着两人离开的背影,很多外交官都不知道发生了什么,互相打听着。 Two people do not have the office of Mr. Truman, but went to the presidential palace directly, this matter will interrupt the discussion the advancement , because it alarmed Mr. President! 两人没有回特鲁曼先生的办公室,而是直接去了总统府,这件事情之所以会打断会谈的进程,就是因为它惊动了总统先生! Mr. President now very uncomfortable , some anxious, what are more is in the face is unattractive. 总统先生现在非常的不爽,也有一些不安,更多的还是脸面上不好看。 The diplomatic corps of so many countries gather when the federation, had such matter, he first thinks is own face. 这么多国家的外交使团汇聚在联邦时,发生了这样的事情,他首先想到的就是自己的脸面。 How people will appraise him, he does not dare to imagine, this may become him to be in power the big scandal of period! 人们会怎么评价他,他已经不敢想象了,这有可能会成为他执政时期的大丑闻!
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