BC :: Volume #12

#1180: Report

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Charlie( younger sister) was rescued consciousness is very sober, even the body has not received the too serious injury. 查理(妹)被救出来的时候意识还很清醒,甚至身体都没有受到太严重的伤害。 She was cut away an ear, tore one side nostril, but also captured several teeth. 她被切掉了一只耳朵,撕裂了一边的鼻孔,还拔掉了几颗牙齿。 The finger was cut two, some some place of also components damages body secret, or were ripped. 手指被切了两根,身上隐秘之处还有一些零件有些损伤,或者被割掉。 Can see the scar face is an expert, the method that he begins is very cunning, the safety of not hurting to receiving punishment, gave the receiving punishment biggest physiology pain and psychological pain simultaneously. 看得出疤脸是一个老手,他动手的方法很刁钻,不会伤害到受刑者的生命安全,同时又给了受刑者最大的生理痛苦和心理痛苦。 When Charlie( younger sister) comes out, saw to lie down the group of people on stretcher. 查理(妹)出来时,看见了躺在担架上的这伙人。 The remaining live people are not many, the scar face, that skin slightly black woman, two middle-aged men, others in the initial 30 seconds were making into the screen. 剩下的活人已经不多了,疤脸,那个皮肤略黑的女人,还有两个中年男人,其他人都在最初的三十秒里被打成了筛子。 The bullet, the ricochet, no place is safe, the person who even if these four live, is still depending upon them companion help, lives. 子弹,跳弹,没有什么地方是安全的,即便是这四个活下来的人,也是依靠着他们的“同伴”帮助,才活下来的。 Charlie( younger sister) visits them, turned around to hold the manager of black stone security, with filling the blood threads, the eyes of some hyperemia looks at the opposite party, must save them, regardless of how much money, I left!” 查理(妹)看着他们,转身抓住了黑石安全的主管,用充满了血丝,还有一些充血的眼睛看着对方,“一定要救活他们,无论多少钱,我出!” Her hand effort makes the arm of manager feel very much somewhat tightly, if not know that relations, certainly will think that they possibly are one group. 她的手很用力让主管的胳膊都感觉到有些紧,如果不知道彼此之间的关系,一定会觉得他们可能是一伙的。 But the manager knows that Charlie( younger sister) reason of such request, he nods, under his hint, a field personnel staff following doctor leaves together. 但主管知道查理(妹)这么要求的原因,他点了点头,在他的示意下,一名外勤员工跟着医生一起离开。 The customers must revenge, this matter issue is not quite big. 客户要报仇,这件事问题不太大。 Naturally procedural possibly a little issue, but above wants to come to solve. 当然手续可能有一点问题,不过想来上面会解决。 Afterward the house-owner whole family looked for from the storage room, is somewhat pale except for the complexion of house-owner mister, the child of house-owner madame and house-owner received frightened. 随后房主一家人被人们从储藏室里找了出来,除了房主先生的脸色有些苍白,房主夫人和房主的孩子只是受到了一些惊吓。 They is thanking various aspects regarding their help, while in front of coming late media, relates with bitterness these people cruel tyrannical. 他们一边感谢着各方面对于他们的“帮助”,一边在来迟的媒体面前,痛诉这些人的残忍暴虐。 District police station chief assistant stands before the flashing light and camera to everyone explained that the police department in the role that in this action plays, in not far away, local Deputy Director Federal Bureau of Investigation denounced severely the inaction of police, what kind of help while emphasized Bureau of Investigation to provide for the investigation. 地区警察局局长助理站在闪光灯和摄像机前向大家说明警察部门在这次行动中起到的作用,就在不远处,地区联邦调查局副局长一边痛斥警察的不作为,一边强调调查局为破案提供了怎样的帮助。 The agents of secure Commission leaving the stage silently, the glory seems these two in this moment, different organizations that as well as they represent. 安委会的特工已经默默的退场,荣耀在这一刻似乎属于了这两人,以及他们代表的不同机构。 Actually is not. 其实并不是。 The manager of black stone security used there is no news that can disclose was perfunctory the local medium, but this do not say on behalf of black stone safely really nothing. 黑石安全的主管用了“没有什么可以透露的消息”敷衍了地方媒体,可这不代表黑石安全真的没有什么要说的。 Moreover the people are also very clear, is actually the person of black stone security is leading this case, the black stone regarding most people actually does not seem like a private company safely completely. 而且民众们也很清楚,其实是黑石安全的人在主导这个案子,对于大多数人来说黑石安全其实并不完全像是一家私人公司。 Its special nature always makes people unconscious thinks that it possibly is a semi-official organization, people have a very strong confidence to the black stone safely! 它特殊的性质总是让人不知不觉的认为它可能是一种半官方的机构,人们对黑石安全有一种很强烈的信心! They cannot say why will have such feeling, but has. 他们说不上来为什么会有这样的感觉,但就是有。 1 : 00 pm, the black stone security headquarters issued a press conference. 下午 1 点,黑石安全总部发布了一场新闻发布会。 The spokesman stands in the front of media, on the face brings like the spring breeze same smile, today's weather is good!” 新闻发言人站在媒体的面前,脸上带着如春风一样的笑容,“今天天气不错!” He stands after the platform, reorganized document on a platform, then raised the head to start to say the content of today's release conference. 他站在讲台后,整理了一下讲台上的文件,然后抬头开始说着今天发布会的内容。 First, we assisted the federal law enforcement mechanism/organization to find and arrest these terrorists, confirmed that before these person and a kidnapping case had the relations.” “第一,我们协助联邦执法机关找到并抓捕了那些恐怖分子,同时也证实这些人和之前的一起绑架案有关系。” Second, we encountered the customer that in the attack process was lost to look in the station, the life symptom was steady, mood also very steady.” “第二,我们在车站遭遇袭击过程中走失的客户已经找了回来,生命体征平稳,情绪也非常的平稳。” Mr. Lynch is watching the speech on televised speech later statement of Mr. President, the black stone has the duty safely, there is a necessity to coordinate Federal Government around the world, pointed attack terrifying enterprise and terrorist.” 林奇先生在观看完总统先生的电视演讲之后表态,黑石安全有义务,也有必要配合联邦政府在全世界范围内,针对性的打击恐怖事业和恐怖分子。” Here we warned that these attempt through the national government that some wrong ways achieve the demand, the company influence or individual, corrects your erroneous lines as soon as possible!” “在这里我们警告那些妄图通过一些错误的方式来达成诉求的国家政府,公司势力或个人,尽早纠正你们的错误路线!” Then is the question and answer time......” “接下来是问答时间……” Whish all reporters raised the hand, according to the convention, the spokesman aimed at a media reporter who has had the cooperation. 哗的一下所有的记者都举起了手,按照惯例,新闻发言人指向了一名有过合作关系的媒体记者。 This choice is also a potential rule, will have in the cooperation enterprises often to have some tacit understanding, least will not make one unable to get out, relative will also be safe. 这种选择也是一种潜在的规则,有过合作的企业之间往往会存在一些默契,最少不会让人下不来台,相对的也安全一点。 Arrived may leave some opportunities finally to these not familiar media, even if the issue asks cunning, can still to end the question and answer at the time forcefully. 到最后有可能会留一些机会给那些不熟悉的媒体,即便问题问的过于刁钻,也能以时间到了强行结束问答。 The blonde beautiful woman reporter won again. 金发美女记者再一次获得了胜利。 Looks that beautiful woman reporter, many reporters show the expression that had no alternative, they only hope that the blonde beautiful woman reporter can ask valuable. 看着美女记者站起来,很多记者都露出了无可奈何的表情,他们只希望金发美女记者能问点有价值的。 Perhaps was...... today's blonde beautiful woman reporter is somewhat young, making her have some own ideas, she when the inquiry like her these blonde seniors, did not inquire that some not only will not make people think embarrassed, and can show the company value and prestigious issue. 也许是……今天的金发美女记者有些年轻,让她有了一些自己的想法,她在提问时不像她的那些金发前辈们,询问一些既不会让人觉得难堪,又可以彰显公司价值和威信的问题。 She asked a relatively sensitive question. 她问了一个相对敏感的问题。 Spokesman, in the afternoon good......”, both sides first said a hello in a friendly way, she raised oneself issue, I noticed you saying that a moment ago the black stone security will assist Federal Government globally to crack down on the terrifying enterprise and terrorist.” “发言人,下午好……”,双方先友好的打了一个招呼,紧接着她就抛出了自己的问题,“我刚才注意到你说黑石安全会协助联邦政府在全球范围内打击恐怖事业和恐怖分子。” This means the black stone security has taken the lead the opening fire power, and obtained domestic law enforcement or is equal to the law enforcement power the privilege?” “这是不是意味着黑石安全已经具备了率先开火权,并获得了境内执法或者等同于执法权的特权?” Who is the terrorist, what is the terrifying enterprise, who can conclude?” “谁是恐怖主义分子,什么是恐怖事业,谁能断定?” The issues of a series of ejection make the peers somewhat excited, these issues are quite indeed sensitive, is very valuable, they look that the blonde beautiful woman reporter thought for the first time golden hair...... not necessarily is an idiot. 一连串抛出的问题让同行们有些兴奋,这些问题的确比较敏感,也很有价值,他们看着金发美女记者第一次觉得金发……也不一定都是蠢货。 The spokesman selected the brow tip, he looks at a press woman was hanging the tag, a little, but can see clearly her name. 新闻发言人挑了挑眉梢,他看了一眼女记者挂着的胸牌,有点远,但还是能够看得清她的名字。 Afterward he pondered a meeting, said with a smile, issue is a much less......” 随后他思考了一会,笑着说道,“问题有点多……” This reply made some reporters smile, obviously was an issue, turned out several issues, the spokesman may be unable to answer all issues, but must have quick-witted. 这句应答让一些记者笑了起来,明明是一个问题,结果变成了好几个问题,新闻发言人不一定要能回答所有的问题,但一定要有急智。 Regardless of the reporter proposed how impolite issue, cannot display the feeling that type was compelled sharply soon to explode, that is not good, that will make everyone look at the joke. 无论记者提出怎样无礼的问题,都不能表现出那种被逼急了快要爆炸的感觉,那不行,那会让所有人看笑话。 Of spokesman deals very well made the sensitive issue initiate the tense atmosphere that to relax, he spread out the hand, „, but the woman had the privilege!” 发言人的一句应对很好的让敏感问题引发的紧张气氛放松了一些,他摊开手,“但女士有特权!” His eye rolls downward, lifts the hand to start the document that turns these people unable to see, then replied one by one 他眼睛向下滚动,抬手开始翻弄着那些人们看不见的文件,然后逐一回答道 „The first issue, the black stone security is a security company, our primary businesses are safe, rather than attack.” “第一个问题,黑石安全是一家安全公司,我们主要的业务是安全,而不是进攻。” Any military action before we establish, will conduct very strict security evaluation, regarding some unnecessary order, we will not easily establish.” “任何军事行动在我们确立之前,都会进行非常严格的安全评估,对于一些不必要的订单,我们不会轻易的确立。” „The proactive attack of especially does not have any reason, these will not happen on our bodies.” “特别是没有任何理由的主动进攻,这些都不会发生在我们的身上。” „The second issue, as for the issue of domestic law enforcement power, if this woman reads the news slightly, should understand, the president special approval the special requisition bill, is coordinated the police to carry out the law-enforcement work by the staff of black stone security.” “第二个问题,至于境内执法权的问题,如果这位女士稍稍看一看新闻,就应该明白,总统特批了特殊征调法案,由黑石安全的员工协同警察进行执法工作。” He held up a finger, looks to everyone, please note, is the coordination, our unit of fit, the main body or the local police of law enforcement, this is the fact!” 他举起了一根手指,看向所有人,“请注意,是协同,我们只是配合单位,执法的主体还是地方警察,这就是事实!” „The third issue as well as following issue, actually yesterday speech of Mr. President already very explicit told us.” “第三个问题以及接下来的问题,其实昨天总统先生的演讲已经非常明确的告诉了我们。” If some people attempt or through the manufacture attack innocent people, to kill and destroy the manufacture terrifying atmosphere, attempts to force the benefit of Federal Government and people are damaged, satisfiedly the organization that or achieves their despicable political objectives, personally, is the terrorism and terrorist.” “如果有人企图或者正在通过制造袭击无辜民众,以杀伤和破坏制造恐怖氛围,妄图迫使联邦政府和人民的利益受损,或满足达成他们卑劣的政治目的的组织,个人,都属于恐怖主义和恐怖分子。” Regarding these people, my reply and was the same a moment ago, once discovered, we report the Federal Government relevant authority immediately, and resolutely attacks, does not tolerate!” “对于这些人,我的回答还是和刚才一样,一旦发现,我们将会立刻上报联邦政府相关部门,并且坚决打击,绝不纵容!” Invited everyone, some especially internal and external influences, do not underestimate our determination.” “请大家,特别是境内外的一些势力,不要低估了我们的决心。” Peace is very rare, who undermines the peace, who is our enemies!” “和平很难得,谁破坏和平,谁就是我们的敌人!” Started to applaud at peaceful the scene reporter a moment later, the replies of some strengths, what is more important was these replies grabbed hold of the psychology of everyone. 在安静了片刻之后现场的记者纷纷开始鼓掌,很有力量的回答,更重要的是这些回答抓住了每个人的心理。 The heart of federal person is in a process of rapid change, they long for displaying the strength, the words of black stone security spokesman, agreed with their innermost feelings. 联邦人的内心正处于一种快速变化的过程中,他们渴望展现力量,黑石安全新闻发言人的话,契合了他们的内心。 Does not need to suspect, after the television reported that quick will initiate in the society the positive echo. 不用怀疑,电视报道出去之后,很快就会引发社会上积极的反响。 Some following issue relative gentle, majority revolve the black stone security the business, federal rich and powerful people who as well as that was rescued. 接下来的一些问题都相对的平和,大多数都围绕着黑石安全的业务,以及那名被营救出来的联邦富豪。 When people know that she has not signed any safeguard agreement with the black stone safely, reaches the intention merely, after the black stone does everything possible safely she rescues, to the black stone safely increased a halo. 当人们知道她还没有和黑石安全签订任何一份保障协议,仅仅只是达成意向,黑石安全就想尽办法把她救出来之后,又给黑石安全增加了一圈光环。 Reliable, and is trustworthy! 可靠,且值得信赖! After the press conference ended, the blonde beautiful woman reporter returned to the newspaper office, she on the foundation of black stone security report, joined the contents of some questions and answers, gave the editor-in-chief the manuscript. 新闻发布会结束之后,金发美女记者回到了报社,她在黑石安全通稿的基础之上,加入了一些问答的内容,把稿件交给了主编。 She just entered the duty shortly, she always thinks that the ignores black stone develops safely like this is not a good deed. 她刚刚入职没多久,她总是觉得放任黑石安全这样发展下去不是一件好事。 Perhaps she is plot view, she thought that behind this definitely has what plot, therefore today's inquiry is very impolite. 也许她本身就是一个阴谋论调者,她觉得这背后肯定有什么阴谋,所以今天的提问很不客气。 Moreover from, on the other hand, the news curriculum of university taught her, if wanted as soon as possible became famous in this domain, has own column, the best way was shocking! 而且从另外一方面来说,大学的新闻课程教会了她,如果想要尽快的在这个领域内出名,具有自己的专栏,最好的办法就是耸人听闻! To make one feel reasonable frightened, they will feel oneself saw the truth, thus starts to follow some reporter, becomes the death loyal powder of this reporter. 要有道理的使人感觉到惊悚,他们就会觉得自己看见了真相,从而开始跟随某一个记者,成为这名记者的死忠粉。 This was her professor said that professor resigned afterward, it is said took part in government to be the staff of anyone, was somewhat a pity. 这是她的大学教授说的,后来那名教授辞职了,据说从政去做了什么人的幕僚,有些可惜。 Waited for about dozen minutes, the editor-in-chief raised the head, cast off the presbyopic glasses, nod of showing neither approval nor disapproval. 等了大约十几分钟,主编抬起头,摘掉了老花镜,不置可否的点着头。 In her thinks that the editor-in-chief will commend when this news release, or to it has what view, the editor-in-chief suddenly looks up her, placed the news release one side. 就在她以为主编会称赞这篇新闻稿,或者对它有什么看法时,主编突然抬头看着她,把新闻稿放在了一边。 You were dismissed......” “你被开除了……”
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