BC :: Volume #12

#1171: The entire world is looking for me

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A person, does have the possibility thoroughly complete disappearance from this world? 一个人,有没有可能彻底的从这个世界上完全的消失? Driving that hides, wasn't discovered? 主动的那种,藏匿起来,不被人发现? The strict sense has the possibility, but few people can achieve. 严格意义上来说是有可能的,但很少有人能做到。 For example hides on some isolated island, perhaps the disagreement/not with contact, may be able to achieve for a lifetime to hide oneself. 比如说藏在某个孤岛上,一辈子不和外界接触,或许有可能能做到把自己隐藏起来。 But in most situations, if not leave the human society, is very difficult to hide itself. 可大多数情况下,如果不离开人类社会,就很难隐藏自己。 The check, the access record of bank, including various types of bills, these constituted the information network layer upon layer, so long as there are enough much money, manages to work with the specialized person, was very easy to be found. 支票,银行的存取记录,包括各种票据,这些都构成了层层的信息网络,只要有足够多的钱,和专业的人士来主持工作,就很容易被人找到。 In the world the professional hunters have own message source, when they caught after Charlie( younger sister) the cheating status fake card maker, obtains the passage ticket that she purchased from the customs. 世界上职业的猎人都有自己的情报来源,当他们抓到了为查理(妹)做假身份的假证制作者之后,从海关得到了她购买的船票。 Afterward found the city that she lived in seclusion. 随后更是找到了她隐居的城市。 There is nothing greatly, so long as the person lives in this world, would leaving some traces. 这没有什么了不起,人只要活在这个世界上,总会留下一些痕迹。 If there is an obligation of benefit, that could not keep. 如果有利益的驱使,那就更藏不住了。 Charlie( younger sister) this time both hands holds oneself arm to move out of place unceasingly back and forth, weather obviously hot, she seems like in the ice cold cold wind soon is frozen stiff such, the complexion turns white slightly, some body slightly shivering. 查理(妹)此时双手不断抱着自己的胳膊来回错动,天气明明已经热了起来,她却像是在凌冽的寒风中快要冻僵那样,脸色微微发白,身体略有一些颤抖。 She is not the woman who a anything does not understand, otherwise not possible and her elder brother does such big matter to come, she is very intelligent, has seen many magnificent scenes, knows how to deal with these. 她不是一个什么都不懂的女人,否则也不可能和她的兄长搞出这么大的事情来,她很聪明,也见过很多的大场面,更知道如何应对这些。 After she arrived at the federation, immediately raises the investment immigrant to apply to the federal authority with own false status. 她来到了联邦之后立刻用自己的假身份向联邦当局提起了投资移民申请。 Putting on make-up can change an outward appearance of person effectively, as an investment immigrant, after these people of immigration office is impossible to make Charlie( younger sister) went to the washroom to remove completely and takes a bath, accept the severe inspection discernment status. 化妆能够有效的改变一个人的外观,作为一名投资移民,移民局的那些人不可能让查理(妹)去洗手间脱光了并洗个澡后接受严苛的检查辨别身份。 When the fake passport when she and have seemingly does not have the too big disparity, the immigration office approved her foreigner status. 当她和自己持有的假护照看起来没有太大差距时,移民局就认可了她的外国人身份。 Sometimes federal large-scale development international presence actually also few years, relation between the immigration offices and each countries does not imagine like people are so obvious. 联邦大规模的开展国际业务其实也没几年,移民局和各个国家之间的联系有时候不像人们想象中的那么明显。 Some countries refuse to provide their passport distinguish method to the federal person, will look like Federal Government also to have the choice to disclose outward how to distinguish the federal passport the genuine and fake. 一些国家拒绝提供他们的护照辨识方法给联邦人,就像是联邦政府也会有选择向外透露如何辨别联邦护照的真假。 Among especially hostile forces, rashly disclosed these sensitive information, brings very big trouble for the immigration and internal and external journey inspection. 特别是敌对势力之间,贸然的把这些敏感信息透露出去,会为移民和境内外出行检查工作带来很大的麻烦。 Passport simulation that Charlie( younger sister) in hand has is very high, after all spent a lot of money, the background is a real passport, the person but who manufactures the fake card moved the original picture, the picture mounts stamped Charlie of 1/4 entire steel seals( younger sister). 查理(妹)手中持有的护照仿真度很高,毕竟花了很多钱,底子就是一个真护照,只是制作假证的人揭掉了原来的相片,把重新加印了四分之一全钢印的查理(妹)的相片黏上去而已。 Seemingly does not have the difficult several processes, before spending Charlie( younger sister), federal Sol expense. 只是这么看起来没有多难的几道工序,花了查理(妹)以前联邦索尔的费用。 Federal Government welcome any to help the federation move toward the great international friend, quick Charlie( younger sister) the examination passed, here is mainly examines in her bank account whether has the adequate fund, she was qualified. 联邦政府欢迎任何来帮助联邦重新走向伟大的国际友人,很快查理(妹)的审查就通过了,这里主要是审查她的银行账户里是否有足够的资金,她合格了。 Therefore she used less than one week of time to attain one set of federal document, including social security number, starting from this moment she was a legitimate federal person. 于是她用了不到一周时间拿到了一整套联邦的证件,包括社保号,从这一刻开始她就是一个合法的联邦人。 Flaw that whole set operation has almost does not have any, she invested a small place textile mill that will soon go bankrupt, the local government is also regarded as the important members of different social classes her. 整套操作几乎没有任何的破绽,她投资了一个小地方的即将破产的纺织厂,当地政府也把她看作是重要的社会成员。 Afterward she through the attorney fictionalized several relative the status , indicating that these relative plans go to her, to let this rich foreigner can continue to stay in the local area, the local immigration office gave some convenience. 随后她通过律师虚构了几个“亲戚”的身份,表明这些亲戚打算来投奔她,为了让这位有钱的外国人能继续留在当地,当地的移民局给了一些便利。 Without seeing person, established four status information. 在没有看见人的情况下,就建立了四份身份信息。 Afterward Charlie( younger sister) with these four legitimate, by the federal law the status information of protection and acknowledgment, purchased the different houses in the different cities respectively, she lives in these houses. 随后查理(妹)用这四份合法的,受联邦法律保护和承认的身份信息,分别在不同的城市购买了不同的房子,她就住在这些房子里。 Once in a while, will change a house to live, in some city, in some house will not stay absolutely too for a long time. 每隔一段时间,就会换一个房子居住,绝对不会在某一个城市,某一个房子里停留太长时间。 She always a sense of crisis, she feels these hunters, was getting more and more near to her. 她始终有一种危机感,她觉得那些猎人,离她越来越近了。 Until this moment. 直到这一刻。 The slight sound of footsteps transmits from her head through the wood floor, sometimes will have some dust to decline from the slit of plank. 轻微的脚步声通过木地板从她的头上传来,有时候还会有一些灰尘从木板的缝隙中落下来。 Some people entered in this house, moreover...... absolutely is not the good person. 有人进入了这栋房子里,而且……绝对不是什么好人。 The footsteps of opposite party are very light, has not knocked on a door, if were not she sees a car(riage) to stop accidentally in not far away, the person in car(riage) gets out to walk toward here to walk, she may be hit. 对方的脚步很轻,没有敲门,如果不是她无意中看见有一辆车停在了不远处,车中的人下了车步行朝着这边走来,她可能会被撞个正着。 Was good discovered because of her, then hid promptly. 好在她发现了,然后及时的躲了起来。 Two bodyguards who she employs have not sent out to present a wee bit sounds continually, the big probability has died. 她雇用的两名保镖到现在连一丁点的声音都没有发出,大概率已经死了。 These people are look her, she believes this point. 这些人是来找她的,她坚信这一点。 Above floor, several person who is grasping the weapon inspected the entire house quickly, finally they determine here no one. 在地板之上,几名手持着武器的人很快把整栋房子都检查了一遍,最终他们确定这里没有人。 Is an empty house......”, the scar face crossed out an address in own notebook, he looked remaining, also two addresses, hope that can a little harvest.” “又是一个空房子……”,疤脸在自己的笔记本上勾掉了一个地址,他看了看剩下的,“还有两个地址,希望能有点收获。” A dark-skinned girl pulled out one packet of smoke from the pocket, selected one, this women's watch was too sly, we have possibly alarmed Federal Government......” 一个皮肤黝黑的女孩从口袋里掏出了一包烟,点了一根,“这个女表子太狡猾了,我们可能已经惊动了联邦政府……” Yes, sly, deceitful, is they to Charlie( younger sister) appraisal. 是的,狡猾,奸诈,就是他们对查理(妹)的评价。 In each house the bodyguards in some different companies, to find her, these hunters surely need first to clean up the bodyguard. 她每一个房子里都有不同公司的保镖,为了找到她,这些猎人肯定需要先清理掉保镖。 But after each they got rid of the bodyguard, time will discover, in house radically no one. 可每一次他们干掉了保镖之后就会发现,房子里根本没有人。 Afterward they understood, more and more security companies start to trace them, simultaneously Federal Government possibly also acted. 随后他们就明白了,越来越多的保安公司开始追查他们,同时联邦政府可能也行动了起来。 These bodyguards come from the different companies, to these companies, this is guards their prestige the life-and-death fight. 这些保镖都来自不同的公司,对这些公司来说,这就是捍卫他们声誉的生死之战。 If ignores group of people leave, perhaps in the market will spread them unable to protect the employer, revenges the hearsay that continually cannot achieve. 如果放任这伙人离开,说不定市面上就会流传着他们无法保护雇主,连报仇都做不到的传闻。 By that time, they did not say that and black stone competed safely, makes a joint guaranty the share estimate in present hand unable to achieve. 到了那个时候,他们不说去和黑石安全竞争了,连保住现在手中的份额估计都做不到。 Before soon, them also with the gang internecine strife, should be these security companies. 在不久之前,他们还和一伙人火拼了一场,应该就是那些保安公司的。 As they search many can the low point, bump into the bodyguard who more needs to clean up, will offend more security companies, this is very troublesome. 随着他们搜索越多的可以低点,碰到越多需要清理掉的保镖,就会得罪越多的保安公司,这很麻烦。 The scar face looked at a present address, raised the head, rubbish, goes to the next address......” 疤脸看了一眼下一个地址,抬起头,“别废话了,去下一个地址……” The group removed quickly peacefully, listens Charlie who these person of footsteps are walking away gradually( younger sister), the flash had one type in the feeling of miracle in the disaster surviving. 一行人很快就安静的撤了出去,听着这些人脚步渐渐走远的查理(妹),一瞬间就有了一种在灾难里存活下来的奇迹之感。 She is praying, gods who who all she knows thank and does not know. 她祈祷着,感谢所有她知道的和不知道的神明。 Her leg is a little soft, sits in the small space that under the floor opened. 她的腿有点软,坐在了地板之下开辟出来的小空间里。 About 15 minutes, some slight sounds of footsteps transmit from the different places suddenly, Charlie( younger sister) gawked, in the heart criticized to keep. 大约十五分钟左右,突然间又有一些轻微的脚步声从不同的地方传来,查理(妹)愣了一下,心中暗骂不停。 The scar face led the person to defend a meeting in the surroundings, after more than ten minutes, again coming in quietly, they must guarantee that here had no place is they have not obtained by search. 疤脸带着人在周围守了一会,等了十多分钟后再一次悄悄的进来,他们得确保这里没有什么地方是他们没有搜到的。 Transferred, the arrangement of many small detail have not changed, after this also means they leave, indeed no one. 转了一圈,很多小细节的布置都没有发生变化,这也意味着他们离开之后,的确没有人来。 Seeming like here is really an empty house......”, the scar face sighs, we walk.” “看起来这里真的是一个空房子……”,疤脸叹了一口气,“我们走吧。” This time, Charlie( younger sister) has not believed that their speeches, she has hidden in this small space, until...... next day. 这一次,查理(妹)没有相信他们的说话,她一直藏在这个小空间里,直到……第二天。 Next morning her suspicious drills from compartmented, later observed a surrounding situation, left here under the cover of dim light of night. 第二天一大早她偷偷摸摸的从隔间中钻出来,随后观察了一下周围的情况,在夜色的掩护下离开了这里。 She has felt that urgent sensation of asphyxia, these people left her to be really getting more and more near, but she as if...... no good way. 她已经感受到了那种紧迫的窒息感,这些人离她真的越来越近了,可她似乎……没有什么太好的办法。 She has also thought looks for Federal Government to provide the asylum, but she now or the Federal Government most wanted terrorist, the Charlie brother and sister's international warrant for arrest is hanging on the Federal Bureau of Investigation call-board. 她也想过找联邦政府提供庇护,可她现在还是联邦政府的通缉犯,查理兄妹的国际通缉令就悬挂在联邦调查局的公告板上。 She looked for Federal Government to discuss the cooperation at this time, she did not determine that these people will help her, after the value that can see her on presses out is spatial, throws into the prison. 她这个时候去找联邦政府谈合作,她不确定那些人会帮助她,还是把她身上能看见的价值榨空之后,丢进监狱里。 Her aimless is hiding everywhere, the security company that provides the bodyguard sees the bodyguard not to answer, later comes to examine. 她漫无目的的到处躲藏着,提供保镖的安全公司见保镖没有答复,随后派人前来查看。 When they saw two bodyguards to sit after the sofa are twisted and broken the neck, first reports to the police. 当他们看见两名保镖坐在沙发上被人拧断了脖子之后,第一时间就报了警。 Because this is a homicide, therefore besides having beside the criminal group police of sub-bureau, Federal Bureau of Investigation detective. 由于这是一起凶杀案,所以除了有分局的刑事组警察之外,还有联邦调查局的探员。 Two groups of person some do not cope, is standing separatedly. 两伙人有些不太对付,分开站着。 The after detectives of Bureau of Investigation arrive the scene examined a foundation information, first knits the brows, I remember that other states also had similar matter these days.” 调查局的探员到了现场查看了一下基础信息之后,第一时间就皱了皱眉,“我记得其他州这段时间也发生了类似的事情。” Bodyguard was killed in the room of employer, the employer is missing.” “保镖被杀死在雇主的房间里,雇主失踪。” His partner selected under one, aiding in an investigation that sent in the day before yesterday, you think that this cases and these cases are the gang do?” 他的搭档点了一下头,“是的,前天才发来的协查,你认为这起案件和那些案子是一伙人做的?” The detective who first spoke selected under one, whether or not the gang did, first this one of the possible directions including the investigation.” 最先说话的探员点了一下头,“无论是不是一伙人做的,先把这个列入调查的可能方向之一。” Afterward in two people a person returned to Federal Bureau of Investigation, starts to examine to the aiding in an investigation case lead that other states send , the censors discovered a very interesting content here. 随后两人中的一人回到了联邦调查局,开始对其他州发来的协查案件线索进行审查,审查人员在这里发现了一条很有趣的内容。 Master who almost every has the bodyguard killed house, became the woman of federal citizen to have the relations with one through the investment immigrant a short time ago. 几乎每一个有保镖被杀害的房子的主人,都和一个前不久通过投资移民成为联邦公民的女士有关系。 Federal Bureau of Investigation first notified in this discovery the system, later the higher authority gives the affirmation that they inferred, and issued the new warrant for arrest. 联邦调查局第一时间把这个发现通报了系统内,随后上级给予了他们推断的肯定,并且发出了新的通缉令。 The ever emerging homicide made the entire series case have some brand-new speculations, had the possibility employer is not murdered, even the employer might is a killer. 不断出现的凶杀案让整个系列案件有了一些全新的推测,有可能雇主并没有遇害,甚至雇主有可能就是杀手。 To protect the employer, or found the employer to explain that the questionable point in case, woman of Federal Bureau of Investigation to all employer and that investment immigrant, issued aids in an investigation to issue a warrant for arrest / blue warrant for arrest. 无论是为了保护雇主,或者找到雇主来解释案件中的疑点,联邦调查局对所有雇主和那名投资移民的女士,发布了协查通缉/蓝色通缉令。 Aids in an investigation to issue a warrant for arrest not to seem like a second-level warrant for arrest or other anything, it in view of the protection warrant for arrest that the evidence and witness issue. 协查通缉不像是一二级通缉令或者其他什么的,它是针对证据和证人发布的保护性通缉令。 If one second-level and red by seizing or striking to kill issuing a warrant for arrest of construction, then aids in an investigation to issue a warrant for arrest issuing a warrant for arrest centered on protection. 如果说一二级和红色是以抓捕或者击杀构建的通缉,那么协查通缉就是以保护为核心的通缉。 No matter but what warrant for arrest, in brief Charlie( younger sister) the new status also becomes famous! 可不管是什么通缉令,总之查理(妹)的新身份也出名了!
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