BC :: Volume #12

#1172: Blade sharply otherwise

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

This is one has not entered the time of informationization by far, all also preserve as the ultimate medium with paper. 这是一个远远还没有进入信息化的时代,一切都还以“纸张”作为终极媒介进行保存。 This also means that the difficulty of interstate deposit imagines people are much more difficult than! 这也就意味着跨州存取的困难远比人们想象中的要难得多! Meanwhile, this also represented, so long as Charlie( younger sister) uses her these already legally account number, she will be discovered by the hunters. 同时,这也代表了只要查理(妹)使用她那些已经“合法”的账号,她就会被猎人们发现。 Takes the money, will be the use check, the bank will notify the bank account to communicate and ensure the customer will indeed have enough much money in the bank, will carry out the transaction to reconcile. 无论是取钱,还是使用支票,银行都会通知开户银行进行沟通,确保客户在银行中的确有足够多的钱,才会进行交易撮合。 In order to hide oneself whereabouts Charlie( younger sister) has not signed the cross-region license agreement, this also means that she cannot go round this issue. 为了隐藏自己的行踪查理(妹)没有签跨区授权协议,这也意味着她始终绕不开这个问题。 In the bank that she opens a bank account some people betrayed her information, and has betrayed her information! 她开户的银行里有人出卖了她的信息,并且会一直出卖她的信息! Without a doubt, for money. 毫无疑问,是为了钱。 During Charlie( younger sister) fell into to be in a dilemma, if she must use the money in bank, the information will definitely leak out. 查理(妹)陷入到了两难之中,她如果要用银行里的钱,信息肯定就会泄露出去。 If she does not use the money in bank, then she already not how much money available. 如果她不用银行里的钱,那么她已经没有多少钱可用了。 Hides narrow and small, is sending out the stink, on the wall is in the mold mark pubs, looks in the pocket not many cash, Charlie( younger sister) the complexion was uglier. 躲藏在狭小的,散发着臭味,墙壁上都是霉菌斑痕的小旅馆中,看着口袋里不多的现金,查理(妹)的脸色更难看了。 She runs after the previous house realized that own whereabouts exposed, naturally behind not will go to that two not to live in the house. 她从上一个房子跑出来之后就意识到自己的行踪暴露了,自然也不会去后面那两个没住过的房子。 She roams about outside, money becomes even more is also important. 她在外面流浪,钱也变得愈发重要起来。 Beforehand she absolutely not possible to below 10,000 funds such careful is buckling the use every minute, at that time she looks to bring in money this thing, being lower than 10,000 cannot be the money, does not match to be called as for money. 以前的她绝对不可能对一万块以下的资金这么仔细的扣着每一分的用处,在那个时候的她看来钱这个东西,低于一万就不能算是钱,也不配称作为钱。 She must for her past superficial and ignorant apology, money only enough she in hand continues to treat less than one week of time here. 她要为自己过去的浅薄和无知道歉,手里的钱只够她在这里继续待上不到一周的时间。 But one week later what to do? 可一周之后怎么办? Leaves? 离开? Goes? 去哪? In the evening, Charlie( younger sister) decision goes out to make money, she knew some girls before, accepts a job offer high-level. 晚上,查理(妹)决定出去赚点钱,她以前认识一些女孩,高级应招。 When pays up each time, these girls can gain to several hundred over a thousand every night, she thought that oneself makings are good, the stature is also very good. 每次结账时,这些女孩每晚都能赚到几百上千块,她觉得自己的气质不错,身材也很好。 Even gains less than so many, half should no issue. 就算赚不到这么多,一半应该没有什么问题。 She according to oneself to being engaged in these business the understanding of person, bought a leather skirt in some second hand goods stalls, in the evening appeared in the street. 她按照自己对从事这些生意的人的理解,在一些旧货地摊上买了一条皮裙,晚上出现在了街头。 The transaction of second-hand commodity was much better compared with the past, in the pocket of people poured into strength, this made their consumption desires increase again. 二手商品的交易比前一段时间好多了,人们的口袋里重新灌注了“力量”,这让他们的消费欲望再次增加。 They cannot afford the brand-new thing, but the second-hand commodity is very easy. 他们买不起全新的东西,但二手商品却很容易。 In the York state, has the special place to be engaged in such trade, in the place outside York state, does not have the special trade collection and distribution center, in some streets and lanes, some people are peddling. 在约克州,有专门的地方从事这样的贸易,在约克州之外的地方,没有专门的贸易集散地,不过在一些街头巷尾,也有人在兜售。 These place the stolen goods that the commodity majority in stall are to rob or steals, they will sell by a very low price. 这些放在地摊上的商品大多数都是抢劫或者盗窃来的赃物,它们会以一个很低的价格进行销售。 Majority can sell out, only then a few possibly no one wants, finally these no one wants either entered the trashcan, either more inexpensive entered the antique store. 大多数都能被卖掉,只有少数可能没有人要,最终这些没人要的要么进入了垃圾箱,要么更廉价的进入了古董店。 Charlie( younger sister), in that under the vendor strange look of seems like the thief, pays money, the opposite party gets money also held on her hand, making her whole body have the goosebumps! 查理(妹)在那个看起来像是小偷的摊主古怪的眼神下,付了钱,对方找钱的时候还拉住了她的手,让她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩! In the evening, she changed the leather skirt, arrived at the street, found a quite bright place to stand. 晚上,她换上了皮裙,来到了街头,找了一个比较明亮的地方站着。 Looks that her appearance almost all people know she makes anything, wears the leather skirt, is engaged in the body transaction. 看着她的打扮几乎所有人都知道她是做什么的,穿着皮裙,从事皮肉交易。 Some quick people stared at her. 很快就有人盯上了她。 40 -year-old middle-aged male, on the arm of pushing up the sleeves are the thick pilis, in his hand is carrying a beverage bottle, high and low is taking a look at Charlie( younger sister). 一个四十来岁的中年男性,捋起袖子的胳膊上都是浓密的体毛,他手里拎着一个酒瓶,上下打量着查理(妹)。 Quick he showed the satisfactory smile, wants to hug her conveniently, she avoided. 很快他就露出了满意的笑容,随手就想要来搂她,她躲开了。 That middle-aged man gawked, later haha laughs, you thought that I don't have money?” 那个中年男人愣了一下,随后哈哈的大笑起来,“你觉得我没钱?” Charlie( younger sister) has not spoken, but her look acknowledged this point. 查理(妹)没有说话,可她的眼神承认了这一点。 The men pulled out a bill of ten money currency values, looks, this is anything, if you want it, best tell me fiercely your suo......!!” 男人掏出了一张十块钱面额的钞票,“瞧,这是什么,如果你想要它,最好告诉我你嗦……有多厉害!!” Charlie( younger sister) angry words did not even talk clearly, „do you feel my value ten dollars?” 查理(妹)愤怒的都连话都说不清楚了,“你觉得我就值十块钱?” The men visit her, in the innocent eye is glittering many why, he looked at the surroundings, looked at the liquor in hand, I think that I drank, finally you drink many that.” 男人看着她,无辜的眼睛里闪烁着很多的为什么,他看了看周围,又看了看手中的酒,“我以为我喝多了,结果你才是喝多的那个。” Here is the places of ten dollars, the young girl......” “这里就是十块钱的地方,小妞……” Finally Charlie( younger sister) ran away, ten dollars...... she cannot bear this. 最终查理(妹)逃走了,十块钱……她受不了这个。 A person cried some little time, the boss in the pub also wants to come to comfort her in this period, even proposed can replace the room charge with some transaction the idea. 一个人在小旅馆中哭了好一会,期间老板还想进来安慰她一下,甚至主动提出了可以用某种交易来代替房费的想法。 The most real world the most real evil intention, the demonstration of scarlet fruits in her front, she collapsed. 最真实的世界把最真实的恶意,赤果果的展示在了她的面前,她崩溃了。 After considering to be very long, she a call...... 在考虑了很久之后,她拨打了一个电话…… Time Lynch of around 10 : 00 pm has prepared to sleep, he is depending to sit, in the bedhead is reading the book in hand. 晚上 10 点多的时候林奇已经准备睡觉了,他正靠坐在床头翻看着手中的书。 The book is the treasure house of knowledge, is the human progressive steps, anybody needs of reading, he is also. 书是知识的宝库,是人类进步的阶梯,任何人都有看书的必要,他也是。 If as expected, he will rest after 15 minutes probably, the ringtone that may resound suddenly, broke the peace in bedroom. 如果不出意外的话,他大概会在十五分钟后休息,可突然间响起的电话铃声,打破了卧室中的宁静。 He answers the telephone, in the tepid tone does not have the slightly disturbed unhappiness. 他接起电话,不温不火的语气里没有丝毫被打扰的不快。 Listens sound that in the telephone is broadcasting, later some expression slightly changes of Lynch, this is a big order, why doesn't meet?” 听着电话中传来的声音,随后林奇的表情稍稍有些变化,“这是一笔大订单,为什么不接?” After making the telephone call, Lynch read the book in hand, shakes the head with a smile. 挂了电话之后林奇看了看手中的书,笑着摇了摇头。 He returns the book to the table on, this was one recently very hot book, «How the name was called Becoming Millionaire», bestseller. 他把书放回到桌子上,这是一本最近非常火的书,名字叫做《如何成为千万富翁》,畅销书。 Its author was a millionaire of new promote, he from the asset less than 5000, surpassed himself 1 million processes to write down to the asset. 它的作者是一名新晋的百万富翁,他把自己从资产不足五千,到资产超过一百万的过程写了下来。 Sold formed the huge reputation effect, many people took it as for „the secrets of wealthy man, so long as read passes itself also to become the millionaire. 一发售就形成了巨大的口碑效应,很多人把它称作为“富翁的秘笈”,只要读通了自己也能够成为百万富翁。 It is said some people according to do, has duplicated successfully part that he writes, this also makes the enthusiasm of market warmer. 据说有人按照他写的那么做,已经复制成功了一部分,这也使得市场的热情变得更加热烈。 The unceasing second edition, has become at present one of the federal ten big bestsellers. 不断的再版,已经成为了目前联邦十大畅销书之一。 Lynch cannot bear curiously, bought a itself/Ben, he wants to study the experiences of others. 林奇也忍不住好奇,买了一本,他想要学习一下其他人的经验。 The author of this book, is the lead in story, a farmer who at first sells the agricultural product, he in selling the process of agricultural product discovered some opportunities. 这本书的作者,也是故事中的主角,起初只是销售农产品的一名农夫,他在销售农产品的过程中发现了一些商机。 Gradual the small scale planter retail, turned into the purchase agricultural product to increase price to wholesale again, the part that saw until Lynch, he has completed round of financing, bought more farms, and started to construct the marketing channel. 逐渐的把小规模种植零售,变成了收购农产品再加价批发出去,直到林奇看到的这部分,他已经完成了一轮融资,买下了更多的农场,并且开始建设销售渠道。 In his cognition, five years, he will become a millionaire. 在他的认知中,不出五年,他将会成为一名千万富翁。 But his deeds, will become a benchmark in commercial, a standard! 而他的事迹,也会成为商业上的一个标杆,一个标准! From the perspective of average person reader, this book indeed has the quality of being worth looking at very much, unceasing breaks the present predicament, unceasing with victory change. 从普通人读者的角度来说,这本书的确很有看头,不断的打破现在的困局,不断的用胜利改变局面。 But from slightly high point a perspective of merchant, this story has too many coincidences, has not seemed like the coincidence the coincidence to it, is more like a script. 但从一个稍微高一点的商人的角度来看,这个故事有太多的巧合,巧合到它已经不像是巧合了,更像是一种剧本。 Selling the agricultural product can sell the millionaire, the millionaire, the secret not in his agricultural product and sales way, in him and anyone is at friend matter. 卖农产品能卖成百万富翁,千万富翁,秘诀不在他的农产品和销售方式上,在他和什么人是朋友这件事上。 Lynch has seen many similar commercial miracles, builds up from the common level, possibly sells the onion, possibly sells the tomato, may be sells the potato. 林奇见过很多类似的商业奇迹,从毫不起眼的层次起家,可能是卖洋葱的,可能是卖番茄的,也有可能是卖土豆的。 Their achievement a business empire, anything that but this business empire and they sell from the beginning, relations do not have. 他们都成就了一个商业帝国,但是这个商业帝国和他们一开始卖的什么东西,一点关系都没有。 In other words, even if they sell the cow dung from the beginning, they same can an achievement business empire! 换句话来说,就算他们一开始是卖牛粪的,他们一样能够成就一个商业帝国! However...... people like looking, the life must a little hope, not? 不过……人们喜欢看,生活总得有点希望,不是吗? Lynch is thinking lay down, turned out the bedside lamp, before long he falls into to the dreamland. 林奇想着躺了下来,拉灭了床头灯,不一会他就陷入到梦乡之中。 Next morning, Lynch getting up washing early, he must deal with an all day work. 第二天一大早,林奇早早的起来洗漱,他还要应付一整天的工作。 Sat alone in boredom a night of Charlie( younger sister) almost to fall asleep several times, she supported. 枯坐了一夜的查理(妹)好几次差点睡着,她都撑了下来。 She does not dare to rest, yesterday evening the boss in hotel knocked twice doors, this makes her be a little afraid. 她不太敢睡,昨天晚上旅馆的老板来敲了两次门,这让她有点害怕。 Around 8 : 00 am, some people knock on a door again, she has been stranded is not good, spoke thoughtlessly to ask, who was outside?” 早上 8 点多,再次有人敲门,她已经困的不行了,随口问了一句,“是谁在外面?” The sound that outside broadcasts, makes her spirit inspire. 紧接着外面传来的声音,就让她精神一振。 Yesterday you call us, the management agrees to receive your order, we before fulfilling order, needs to sign some contracts......” “昨天你给我们打了电话,管理层同意接下你的订单,我们在履行订单之前,需要签订一些合约……” Charlie( younger sister) in hand takes a knife, hid after behind, opened a small slit the gate at the same time. 查理(妹)手里拿着一把小刀,藏在身后,一边把门打开了一条小缝隙。 Out of the door is standing two people wear very special uniform/subdue, black bottom white side, the chest is hanging triangle chest emblems of some mysteries. 门外站着的两人穿着非常特别的制服,黑底白边,胸口挂着一个有些神秘感的三角形胸徽。 She has seen these uniforms/subdue and these chest emblems, numerous sighing, she opened the door. 她见过这些制服和这些胸徽,重重的叹了一口气之后,她打开了房门。 You came finally!”, Joyful is almost is from the heart, was good!” “你们终于来了!”,喜悦几乎是发自内心的,“太好了!” Come in!” “请进!” Two people entered in the room, sized up, had not thought that here has what illness, they before soon, is the average person, 两人进了房间里,四下打量了一下,也没有觉得这里有什么不适,他们在不久之前,也都是普通人, After two people sit down, one of them put out some documents , said that „after yesterday we telephone, I gave the executive the news report.” 两人坐下后,其中一人拿出了一些文件,同时说道,“昨天我们通完电话之后,我就把消息汇报给了公司高层。” Executive fed back to me three types of contracts, how to choose specifically, was decided by you.” “公司高层反馈给我了三种合约,具体怎么选择,由你决定。” Charlie( younger sister) selected under one, she now is not so sleepy, I somewhat could not wait.” 查理(妹)点了一下头,她现在不那么困了,“我有些等不及了。” The staff smile, put out, this is a plan, we will protect your personal safety, until helping you arrives in the place that you assign, the time will not be longest over 45 days.” 工作人员笑了笑,拿出了其中一份,“这是一种计划,我们会保护你的人身安全,直到帮你抵达你指定的地点,时间最长不会超过四十五天。” We will arrange a complete action group, is 18 people came to provide all -around safety service for you.” “我们会安排一个完整的行动小组,也就是十八个人来为你提供全方位的安全服务。” We will use the most advanced weapon, safest vehicle, formulation stablest route, and will also have another group of people to coordinate momentarily.” “其中我们会使用最先进的武器,最安全的载具,制定最稳定的路线,并且还会有另外一组人随时策应。” This choice will collect fees according to the time, every day when 50,000, duty conclusion are not most over 2.25 million.” “这种选择将会按时间收费,每天五万块,任务结束时最多不会超过二百二十五万。” Staff could not bear grinning, this price...... real his mother was much higher, turned two times to continue compared with the normal order. 工作人员自己都忍不住咧了咧嘴,这价格……真他妈高得离谱,比正常的订单翻了两倍不止。 If the ordinary normal order, the protection duty of this rank, zenith many 15,000. 如果是普通的正常订单,这种级别的保护任务,一天顶多就一万五千块。 He does not know how the company thinks, he is only truthfully these information, passes on to the present customer. 他不知道公司怎么想的,他只是如实的把这些信息,转告给眼前的客户。
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