BC :: Volume #12

#1170: Disclosed the news

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Processes the work in hand, Lynch optional reads the latest newspaper. 处理完手中的工作,林奇随意的翻看起最新的报纸。 Newspaper p. 1 besides introducing big strike, p. 2 revolves these days the main time. 报纸第一页除了介绍大罢工之外,第二页还是围绕着这段时间主要的时间进行的。 The page layout of half introduced the negotiation process of global development committee, moreover page layout, then records silver case latest progress. 半边的版面介绍了世界发展委员会的谈判进程,而另外版面,则记录着“白银案件”的最新进展。 After Federal Bureau of Investigation and other cooperation of organizations, had investigated thoroughly most participants, at present the federation has not begun to these participants internationally, but some domestic people...... cannot run away. 经过联邦调查局等多个机构的合作,已经查清了大多数参与者,目前联邦还没有对国际上的那些参与者动手,但国内的一些人……是跑不掉的。 In list of one skewer of more than 30 people, Lynch saw several very familiar names. 在一串三十多人的名单中,林奇就看见了其中的几个很熟悉的名字。 The person who plays the stock, basically lives in Bupen. 玩期货的人,基本上都住在布佩恩 If plays is very big, then inevitable has certain fame in this not big city. 如果玩的很大,那么必然在这个不大的城市中有一定的名气。 Looks that these had once met in certain salons, or had heard opposite party certain the people of deeds are ruled as malicious speculation silver price to cause the market to receive violation now, but must be under investigation, sighing of Lynch sympathizes with very much. 看着这些曾经在某些沙龙上见过面,或者听说过对方某些事迹的人如今被裁定为“恶意炒作白银价格致使市场受到侵害”而要接受调查,林奇就很同情的叹了一口气。 Actually to the capital market, Federal Government does not have actively interferes with the power of market behavior. 其实对资本市场来说,联邦政府是不具备主动干涉市场行为的权力的。 These people hype silver-white is a free behavior of market, they indeed do somewhat excessive, from some perspective. 这些人炒作白银本身就是一种市场的自由行为,他们的确做的有些过分,从某方面来说。 But their behaviors do not have the issue. 可他们的行为本身没有问题。 Stores up the cargo to cause the cargo price to rise, when there are enough many profits sells the cargo that in the hand stores up to seek money again, isn't this capitalist at the matter that at the beginning of the capital development most often handles? 囤积货物致使货物价格上涨,等有了足够多的利润时再出售手中囤积的货物牟利,这不就是资本家在资本发展初期最常做的事情吗? Why Federal Government recognized that this operation is illegal? 联邦政府凭什么认定这一次的操作是违法的? If they think that this operation is illegal, then behavior majority in the federal market are illegal! 如果他们认为这次操作是违法的,那么联邦市场上的行为大多数都是违法的! However no one discussed these things, because six big line of fates, some big capitalists, financial group, fate. 但是没有人谈这些事情,因为六大行下场了,还有一些大资本家,财团,也下场了。 Federal Government in some sense is not a leader, it by these big capital advanced the onstage role, when these big capital, for outside not that appropriate plate intervenes a plundering benefit appropriate reason to oneself, therefore had the intervention of Federal Government. 联邦政府在某种意义上并不是主导者,它只是被这些大资本推到了前台的“角色”,当这些大资本为了给自己不那么合适的盘外干预掠夺利益一个合适的理由,所以就有了联邦政府的干预。 The days of these people will not feel better, they not only lost most properties, will also lose the following freedom. 这些人的日子不会太好过,他们不仅输掉了大多数的财产,还会输掉接下来的自由。 Facing their, is very likely dozens years, and even several hundred over a thousand years of imprisonments. 面对他们的,很有可能是几十年,乃至几百上千年的监禁。 The federal highest procurator generals office Union was close to 1000 victim's family members recently, here refers in particular to these, because invested the silver, and when silver falls suddenly had the committing suicide thought and puts in the bereaved of action. 联邦最高检察署最近联合了接近一千名受害者家属,这里特指那些因为投资了白银,并在白银暴跌时产生了轻生念头并付诸于行动的死者家属。 These people gathered Union to sue these to cause the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of tragedy, had these domestic organization. 这些人聚集起来联合起诉那些导致了悲剧发生的幕后黑手,其中就有这些国内的“机构”。 Once Federal Government the fate, definitely will handle very smoothly all things, had these victims, the court accepted their lawsuit, then investigates, seizing and so on, had the adequate legal support. 联邦政府一旦下场,肯定会把所有的事情都做得很通顺,有了这些受害者,法院接受了他们的诉讼,那么调查,抓捕之类的,就有了足够的法律支持。 When Lynch is reading this news slowly, a thin and tall old person is also reading this newspaper. 就在林奇慢慢品读着这条新闻的时候,一名瘦高个的老人也在读这份报纸。 His complexion is very ugly, pit of the stomach ache suddenly makes him have to the small medicine bottle in fast pulling out pocket, forces in two solid medicament the mouth. 他的脸色很难看,心窝突然间的疼痛让他不得不快速的掏出口袋里的小药瓶,将两颗固体药剂塞进口中。 After saying the silver crashes, he always has the angina pectoris phenomenon, the doctor said that he needs to set level with the mood, reduces anxiously and so on negativity. 自称白银崩盘之后,他就总是发生心绞痛现象,医生说他需要放平和情绪,减少焦虑之类的负面情绪。 The point is that he lost three hundred million, 90% are others' money, how can he set level with? 可问题是,他输了三个亿,其中百分之九十是别人的钱,他怎么能够放平和? Mr. Wycliffe......” “威克利夫先生……” The gate of room opened, two makings very aggressive people walked, these two looked is not affable. 房间的门开了,两个气质很凶悍的人走了进来,这两人一看就不怎么好惹。 Both people are very short hair, the first person seemingly has 40 -year-old high and low appearance, on the face has several scars of knife wound, the two sides cheeks have big scabs in the same position. 两个人都是很短的头发,第一个人看起来有四十岁上下的模样,脸上有好几处刀疤,两边的脸颊在相同的位置都有一个很大的伤疤。 Seemed like once had anything to penetrate their two sides cheeks to be the same directly. 看起来就像是曾经有什么东西直接穿透了他们两边的脸颊一样。 He is standing, gives people a very intense constriction. 他只是站着,就给人一种很强烈的压迫感。 Another person seems like the age is also similar, the skin is slightly blacker, on the face no scabs, his look is very special. 另外一个人看起来年纪也差不多,皮肤稍微黑一些,脸上没有什么伤疤,他的眼神却很特别。 His look is very indifferent, looks to Mr. Wycliffe, looks to the look of companion, is very indifferent, does not seem like looking at living similar, is more like looking at a dying thing, any thing. 他的眼神很冷漠,无论是看向威克利夫先生,还是看向同伴的眼神,都很冷漠,不像是在看一个活生生的同类,更像是在看一个死物,一个什么东西。 Two people walk, had about 56 meters position to stop to Mr. Wycliffe. 两人走进来,离威克利夫先生还有大约五六米的位置停住了。 I need you to help me look this person, I obtain the news finally, she went to the federation......” “我需要你们帮我把这个人找出来,我最后得到消息,她前往了联邦……” Old person's assistant held the tray to walk, inside is putting Charlie( younger sister) picture, other materials and information and so on. 老人的助手托着托盘走了过去,里面放着查理(妹)的相片,还有一些其他的资料和信息之类的。 On the face was the scabs fellow takes up the picture and material looked, exchanged through the look with person, they are fixing a price. 脸上都是伤疤的家伙拿起照片和资料看了看,和身边的人通过眼神交流了一下,他们正在定价。 They are in this world the leader of quite famous hunter team, right, hunter. 他们是这个世界上比较出名的猎人团队的首领,没错,猎人。 The object who they hunt is not always these animals, if naturally some people are willing to spend the high price to make them hunt and kill the animal, they are not do not do, so long as money enough on line. 他们狩猎的对象从来都不是那些动物,当然如果有人愿意花大价钱让他们去猎杀动物的话,他们也不是不做,只要钱足够就行。 These person of main work assassinate and kidnapping, they do not seem like other hunter teams, sometimes will also meet the bodyguard and so on work. 这些人主要的工作就是刺杀和绑架,他们不像是其他猎人团队,有时候还会接保镖之类的工作。 They always do not meet these, in their words, money are not many, but also is very dangerous. 他们从来都不接这些,用他们自己的话来说,钱不多,还很危险。 The quick two people through the tacit understanding and some slight performance, gave oneself answer. 很快两个人通过默契和一些细微的表现,给出了自己的答案。 2 million, Mr. Wycliffe.”, The scar face said own request. “两百万,威克利夫先生。”,疤脸说出了自己的要求。 The thin and tall old person knits the brows, I remember that our beforehand transactions 200,000, you turned ten times.” 瘦高个老人皱了皱眉,“我记得我们之前的交易才二十万,你翻了十倍。” The scar face put the picture with a smile, you want us to go to the federation, there may not seem like some small country, they have very perfect safety mechanism and intelligence agency, to us is the most dangerous place.” 疤脸笑着把照片放了回去,“你要我们去联邦,那里可不像是某个小国家,他们有非常完善的安全机构和情报机构,对我们来说是最危险的地方。” Next I heard that this woman is a buried treasure, she distributes the deposit in Entire world Bank has billions even is tens of billions.” “其次我听说这个女人是个宝藏,她分布在全世界银行里的存款有几十亿甚至是上百亿。” In the front of these money, 2 million are not many, Mr. Wycliffe.” “在这些钱的面前,两百万并不多,威克利夫先生。” On the scar face face has a light ridicule, „, moreover you can contact with us, means that your person could not find her.” 疤脸脸上有着一种淡淡的嘲弄,“而且你能联系我们,就意味着你的人找不到她。” Mr. Wycliffe does not have the anger, he was only listens to the explanation peacefully, nod of approval, I gave you 3 million, before the end of the year, found her, is living bring her.” 威克利夫先生没有愤怒,他只是安静的听完了解释,认可的点了点头,“我给你们三百万,年底之前找到她,把她活着带来。” The scar face took up the picture on tray, other materials, thanked your generous, Mister, perhaps could not want so to be long you to have the good news.” 疤脸重新拿起了托盘上的照片,还有其他资料,“感谢你的慷慨,先生,也许要不了那么久你就会有好消息。” Mr. Wycliffe selected under one, he also warned, easiest not to have her idea, I did not fear that told you some truth, her body had the key that I wanted, but key two, did you understand my meaning?” 威克利夫先生点了一下头,他还警告了一句,“你们最好别打她的主意,我不怕告诉你们一些实话,她身上有我要的钥匙,但钥匙有两把,你们明白我的意思?” The scar face gawked, later nods, I understand, felt relieved, for our reputations I will not act unreasonably.” 疤脸愣了一下,随后点头,“我明白,放心好了,为了我们的名声我不会乱来。” Afterward two people left here. 随后两人就离开了这里。 When sits returns to own vehicle, the companion of scar face asks him, you believe that old thing said?” 坐回到自己的车上时,疤脸的同伴问他,“你相信那个老东西说的吗?” He refers to the things of two keys, now outside hearsay are many, some people said that Charlie brother and sister pit everyone, they have gained the number at the wealth of 10 billion computations. 他是指两把钥匙的事情,现在外面的传闻很多,有人说查理兄妹坑了所有人,他们早就赚到了数以百亿计算的财富。 Who can find this to the brother and sister, even if anyone, can obtain this wealth! 谁能找到这对兄妹,哪怕是其中的任何一个人,都能获得这笔财富! Countless people are crazy, the world's most famous mercenary group is looking for these two people. 无数人都在疯狂,世界上最出名的雇佣兵团体都在寻找这两个人。 The team of scar face is also looking for Charlie brother and sister. 疤脸的团队也在寻找查理兄妹。 Scar face is driving, while is silent. 疤脸一边开着车,一边沉默着。 The vehicle crossed an intersection, he asked that how didn't letter/believes, believe how?” 车子过了一个十字路口,他才反问道,“信怎么样,不信又怎么样?” He found time to turn the head to look at his companion, that was only rich women's watch, I do not believe that we could not beat open her mouth.” 他抽空转头看了一眼自己的同伴,“那只是一个有钱的女表子,我不相信我们敲不开她的嘴。” If, her value 3 million.” “如果是真的,她值三百万。” „If false, we draw cash, is such simple!” “如果是假的,我们自己去拿钱,就是这么简单!” At the wealth of hundred million computations, makes them do this ticket thorough retirement sufficiently, regarding people of retired, prestigious anything, is unimportant. 以亿计算的财富,足以让他们干完这一票彻底的退休,对于退休的人们来说,声望什么的,根本不重要。 A vehicle fierce acceleration, fast disappearance in stream of vehicles. 车子猛的一加速,快速的消失在车流当中。 In the villa in not far away, Mr. Wycliffe is telling the steward, orders several for him the federal passage ticket. 在不远处的别墅中,威克利夫先生则正在吩咐管家,为他订购几张去联邦的船票。 Now outside creditor compels very anxiously, he must go out to hide. 现在外面的债主逼得很急,他也得出去躲一躲。 Right, he is a renowned investor, by is not always good to cope is well-known, but this does not mean he facing these creditors time is not good to cope. 没错,他是一个著名的投资人,历来以“不好对付”闻名,但这不意味着他面对那些债主的时候也不好对付。 That is only relative. 那只是相对的。 Strength that too if he displays, he can spend to hire the person today to look for Charlie( younger sister), tomorrow others can spend to hire the person to tie up from here him. 如果他表现的太强硬,今天他能花钱雇人去寻找查理(妹),明天人家就能花钱雇人把他从这里绑。 Money that he owes were too many, these people have not begun to him now, first he had explained the situation. 他欠的钱太多了,那些人现在还不对他动手,一来是他已经说明了情况。 Charlie( brother) in his hands, so long as catches Charlie( younger sister), their both capital and interest can take carry back. 查理(兄)在他的手里,只要抓到查理(妹),他们连本带利都能拿回来。 Next he is not that type revolts against the ability no one, really compelled anxiously, his anything matter could be done. 其次他也不是那种连反抗能力都没有人的,真逼急了,他什么事情都做得出来。 However no matter what, the best way first hides now, is having a look to be able money to remain while convenient. 不过不管怎么样,现在最好的办法就是先躲一躲,顺带着看看能不能把钱剩下来。 As for Federal Government said that can arrest these international speculators? 至于联邦政府说要抓捕那些国际的炒家? This words say that was good, no one will really take seriously. 这种话说一说就行了,没有人会真的当真。 These by the federation is called as criminal the person, often is top rich and powerful people in some countries, offends so many countries all of a sudden, Federal Government not this boldness! 要知道,这些被联邦人称作为“罪犯”的人,往往都是一些国家中的顶级富豪,一下子得罪这么多国家,联邦政府没有这种魄力! Besides these reasons, some of his also other things must be done. 除了这些原因之外,他还有一些其他事情要做。 The thin and tall old person supported the sofa both sides arm rests to stand, he carried the drinking glass to arrive at the glass curtain wall, is looking at the scenery of out of the window. 瘦高个老人支撑着沙发两侧的扶手站了起来,他端着水杯走到了玻璃幕墙边,望着窗外的风景。 Since the silver crashes, his a body day is inferior for day, he does not know that the silver crashes with own body goes bad to have what relations. 自从白银崩盘之后他的身体一天不如一天,他不知道白银崩盘和自己的身体变坏有什么关系。 May look at more and more frequent angina pectoris, besides the need more advanced treatment team provides the advanced state-of-art effective therapeutic schedule for him, he also needs to make the arrangement for the matter that can have by some chance. 可看着越来越频繁的心绞痛,除了需要更先进的治疗团队为他提供先进尖端有效的治疗方案之外,他还需要为万一会发生的事情做好安排。 The federation is a good place, rich, safe, and is powerful. 联邦是一个好地方,富有,安全,并且强大。 With Charlie( younger sister) whereabouts by person exposure bit by bit, more and more individuals or the team, starts to rush to the federation, this also made Federal Government feel a pressure. 随着查理(妹)行踪被人一点一点的曝光,越来越多的个人或者团队,都开始涌向联邦,这也让联邦政府感觉到了一点压力。 After all now is also at global development committee negotiations stage, if what happened, to the federation, lost face too! 毕竟现在还处在“世界发展委员会”的谈判阶段,万一发生了什么事情,对联邦来说,就太丢人了!
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