BC :: Volume #12

#1169: Beeper

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Ordered confusion!” “有序的混乱!” The Bupen street also has the workers of these strike demonstrations, when they put on them to work the uniform/subdue to indicate oneself status, according to slow movement of route of stipulation on street. 布佩恩的街头也有这些罢工游行示威的工人们,他们穿着他们工作时的制服来表明自己的身份,按照规定的路线在街上缓慢的移动。 This was photographed by many cameras, and is quick „the Baylor Federation big strike the news will spread over the whole world. 这一幕被很多摄像机都拍摄了下来,并且很快“拜勒联邦大罢工”的新闻就会传遍整个世界。 Negotiators who after all now the many countries send, but also in positive held talks on the settlement of global development committee. 毕竟现在多国派来的谈判人员,还在积极的就世界发展委员会的相关内容进行磋商。 Reporter who they accompany and so on, capture exactly this. 他们随行的记者之类的,恰好的捕捉到了这一幕。 Not everyone has seen the strike of federal person, compares in their cognition the strike of disorder, the strike of federal person obviously very ordered. 并不是所有人都见过联邦人的罢工,相较于他们认知中无序的罢工,联邦人的罢工显然非常的有序。 They do not destroy the store and vehicles that passed by, even does not spit everywhere, no one is brandishing the fist while is having various types of alcoholic beverages, does not have the violent confrontation and so on picture. 他们不破坏路过的商店和车辆,甚至都不随地吐痰,也没有人一边挥舞着拳头一边喝着各种酒精饮料,更不存在暴力对抗之类的画面。 This so-called, ordered confusion! 这就是所谓的,有序的混乱! All are under control. 一切都在控制之中。 Lynch carried the wine glass to take back the vision, he turned around to arrive at the desk to sit down, speaks thoughtlessly saying that then gave the police station chief to make a phone call, made the work suggestion to them, do not make the parade route enter the town center.” 林奇端着酒杯收回了目光,他转身走到了办公桌边坐下,随口说道,“回头给警察局局长打一个电话,给他们提点工作建议,不要让游行路线进入市中心。” They were too scary, will affect the job morales of our staff.” “他们太吓人了,会影响我们员工的工作情绪。” Anna recorded this information in the notebook, later left the room. 安娜在笔记本上记录了这条信息,随后离开了房间。 In the room has a husband of seemingly unusual gentleman, he has the appropriate measuring appliance, the makings also very good. 房间里有一名看上去非常绅士的先生,他有着得体的仪表,气质也非常的好。 He is the professor of state university, by the request of Lynch, was done the research in some technical, after several years of unceasing advancement, had the achievement today. 他是库里南州立大学的一名教授,受林奇的委托,做了一些技术方面的研究,经过几年的不断推进,在今天有了成果。 Lynch returns the attention to the room, he looks at the professor, „after enables we had a look at me to spend so much money , to obtain anything!” 林奇把注意力重新放回到房间里,他看着教授,“那么让我们看看我花了这么多钱之后能得到什么东西吧!” The professor is nodding, making the assistant place on Lynch front table the suitcase, after opening, in some very complex things, in most, there is a circuit wafer of palm of the hand size. 教授点着头,让助手把手提箱放在了林奇面前的桌子上,打开后里面有一些非常复杂的东西,在最中间,有一个巴掌大小的电路板。 It and existing that seemingly stupidly greatly thick is not quite same, seems like exquisite, precise, interesting. 它和现有的那种看起来傻大粗的不太一样,看起来更加的小巧,精密,有趣。 The professor reorganized own clothes, arrived at the table, is Lynch explains various parameters of this little thing. 教授整理了一下自己的衣服,走到了桌子边上,为林奇说明这个小东西的各项参数。 A Lynch hear of earnestness of , look like him really to understand these parameters to be the same with the significance of parameter representative. 林奇听的很认真,就像是他真的能听懂这些参数和参数代表的意义一样。 When the professor said was similar, he licked the lip, we in the process of research need through making a plan, a goal, conduct the repeated attempt to promote the progress of technology.” 等教授说的差不多了,他舔了舔嘴唇,“我们在研究的过程中需要通过制定一个计划,一个目标,进行反复的尝试来推动技术的进步。” We took the goal your initial request, in the research and development of technical stage are completed, we also obtained this......” “我们把你最初的要求作为了目标,所以在技术阶段的研发完成时,我们也得到了这台……” The professor smiles, used a very fashionable word, prototype.” 教授笑了笑,用了一个很时髦的词,“原型机。” Looks at this thing, Lynch nods slightly, why doesn't demonstrate?” 看着这个玩意,林奇微微颔首,“那么为什么不演示一下呢?” Can the hand of professor according to the telephone, I make a phone call?” 教授的手按在了电话上,“我可以打一个电话吗?” After obtaining the Lynch affirmative answer, the professor dialed a number, crossed probably less than 30 seconds, in the box the buzzer on that circuit wafer made a sound suddenly. 在得到林奇肯定的答复后,教授拨通了一个号码,过了大概不到三十秒的时间,突然间箱子里那块电路板上的蜂鸣器响了起来。 Sound continuously, after making a sound approximately also more than ten seconds, complete subsides. 连续不断的响,响了大约也有十几秒之后,才完全的平息下来。 Only needs several firing towers, can cover entire Bupen, Mr. Lynch, could not find the situation of person, quick must vanish!”, On the face of professor was full of a gloss of change time. “只需要几座发射塔,就能覆盖整个布佩恩,林奇先生,找不到人的情况,很快就要消失了!”,教授的脸上充满了一种改变时代的光泽。 This is seeks man-machine the value. 这就是“寻人机”的价值。 Now this society most fearful is not people must face some troublesome work or other anything matter, but when needed, could not find the person who needs. 现在这个社会最可怕的不是人们要面对一些麻烦的工作或者其他什么事情,而是在需要的时候,找不到需要的人。 This unusual troubled, lacks the effective motion contact method to keep many accidents/surprises from obtaining prompt making up. 这就非常的麻烦了,缺少有效的移动联系方式让很多意外无法得到及时的弥补。 Seeks the emergence of man-machine, will change this situation. 寻人机的出现,将会改变这种情况。 The professor is very clear its commercial value, but he is also clear, such thing only then in the hand of Lynch, valuable. 教授很清楚它的商业价值,但他也同样清楚,这样的东西只有在林奇的手里,才是有价值的。 It in other most people's hand, remains to teach in oneself hand for example as before, does not have any commercial value of development. 它在其他大多数人的手中,比如说依旧留在教授自己的手中,根本不具备任何开发的商业价值。 First did not discuss that patent ownership issue of Lynch request development, even he can solve these, he does not have the fund to go to the further development and operation, builds the firing tower in the nation merely, is not a simple matter. 先不谈林奇委托开发的专利归属问题,就算他能解决这些,他也没有资金去进一步的开发和运作,仅仅是在全国建立发射塔,就不是一件简单的事情。 This has involved the national security, moreover must be very rich. 这已经牵扯到了国防安全,而且还得很有钱。 Compared with these, on the contrary is he researcher status to people like him, has value some. 比起这些,反倒是他“研究者”的身份对他这样的人来说,更有价值一些。 Once seeks the market of man-machine to be developed, the detonation, will also be paid attention to by the society as him of research and development. 一旦寻人机的市场被开发,引爆,作为研发者的他也将会受到社会的关注。 The scholars study the knowledge, studies various state-of-art science and technology and theories, is not really must promote the progress of human civilization. 学者们研究知识,研究各种尖端科技和理论,并不是真的要推动人类文明的进步。 This is only they seeks the one way of personal interest, that is all. 这只是他们谋求个人利益的一种方式而已,也仅此而已。 The huge prestige, the huge benefit, is he best income. 巨大的声望,巨大的利益,就是他最好的收入。 Lynch looks at this crude beeper not too many changing countenance, he is shaking the head slightly, it made a sound got up......” 林奇看着这个简陋的寻呼机没有太多的动容,他微微摇着头,“它只是响了起来……” The professor gawked, later explained that „the call that a moment ago I made a small-scale control tower launch the electric wave, thus it received the signal, started to sound.” 教授愣了一下,随后解释起来,“刚才我拨打的电话让一个小型的塔台发射了电波,从而它接收到了信号,开始鸣叫。” Holder only needed to telephone to go to the company at this time, can obtain a news from operator there......” “持有者只需要在这个时候打电话去公司,就能从接线员那里得到口讯……” Very simple, but very practical commercial plan, Lynch somewhat accidental/surprised looked taught two, never expected that this fellow also knew to the matter in commercial operation unexpectedly. 一个很简单但很实用的商业策划,林奇有些意外的多看了教授两眼,没想到这个家伙居然对商业运作方面的事情也知道一些。 Lynch thinks, asks, you know, once we promote according to my initial idea, I estimated that the entire federal at least 5 million people will purchase this little thing.” 林奇想了想,问道,“你知道,一旦我们按照我最初的想法进行推广,我预计全联邦至少有五百万人会购买这个小东西。” How then we in 5 million people, distinguish machine that someone has?” “那么我们如何在五百万人之中,分辨出其中某一个人持有的机器?” Changes a view, we only need in people to 5 million person to send the signal that this letting it sounds, how do other machines avoid accepting?” “换一种说法,我们只需要给五百万人中的一个人发送这种让它鸣叫的信号,其他机器如何避免接受?” I do not hope 5 million people hit to serve the telephone simultaneously, then to our work, is a disaster.” “我可不希望五百万人同时打服务电话,那对我们的工作来说,是一场灾难。” Professor somewhat awkward flexure scratched the head, he feels that now the entire head is giving off heat, the thick hair also made his unusual was uncomfortable. 教授有些尴尬的挠了挠头,他现在感觉整个脑袋都在发热,厚厚的头发也让他非常的不舒服。 Has done similar experiment in the laboratory, however integer of experiment......, only then less than five machines. 在实验室里做过类似的实验,但是实验的个数……只有不到五台机器。 Their initial ideas are the signals of launch different frequency correspond the different frequencies the receivers to achieve to look for the object, but...... 他们最初的想法是发射不同频率的信号去对应不同频率的接收器来做到寻找对象,可…… Now Lynch mentions 5 million suddenly, all of a sudden what to do this makes him...... not know should! 现在林奇突然提到五百万,这一下子让他……不知道该怎么办! Does not wait for the professor to think that other what good resolving idea, Lynch also said that besides must solve this problem, had better be able add on an installment of demonstration......” 不等教授想到其他什么好的解决思路,林奇又说道,“除了要解决这个问题之外,最好能加上一个显示的装置……” Afterward Lynch talked about the dotmatrix display packing, the professor unusual accident/surprise, because he had not heard has what laboratory, has similar research results. 随后林奇谈到了点阵式显示方法,教授非常的意外,因为他没有听说过有什么研究室,有类似的研究成果。 This idea very interesting, it can solve many problems that we need to solve, by the way, patent in whose hand?” “这个构思非常的有趣,它能解决我们需要解决的很多问题,顺便问一句,专利在谁的手里?” Lynch very tranquil saying, in my hands......” 林奇很平静的说道,“在我的手里……” The professor somewhat was surprised and accidental/surprised, but quick felt relaxed, research project incessantly of Lynch perhaps subsidization. 教授原本还有些惊讶和意外,但很快就释然了,林奇也许资助的研究项目不止一个。 Many wealthy men are interested in the science and technology very much, they heard some idea, some creativity, will put out the check to fill in a big number happily. 很多富翁对科技很感兴趣,他们只是听说了某种构思,某种创意,就会开心的拿出支票填写一个大数字。 This situation actually very common, people who this also why these do the state-of-art science and technology like the reason of federal wealthy man they having money, natural, but also makes them trust very much easily. 这种情况其实非常的常见,这也是为什么这些搞尖端科技的人们喜欢联邦富翁的原因他们有钱,大方,还很容易就让他们信任。 The person who actually carries out the scientific research mostly, some such feelings, they proposed may realize, may be a wrong idea, some people will invest. 其实大多数搞科研的人,都有这样的感觉,他们只是提出了一个有可能实现,也有可能是一个错误的想法,就会有人来投资。 They would thinking that the fool in rich man are many, but they are not clear, the investments of these research regarding the rich man will not make them feel the anxiety. 他们总会觉得有钱人中的傻子很多,但他们并不清楚,对于有钱人来说这些研究的投资并不会让他们感觉到肉疼。 They looked like the average person to spend a dollar to fund one to change the project research of the world science and technology pattern, that was only „a dollar, to them, that anything was not. 他们就像是普通人拿出一块钱去资助了一场有可能改变世界科技格局的项目研究而已,那只是“一块钱”,对他们来说,那什么都不是。 Sighing with emotion Lynch is rich , after being willful, the professor starts to record some ideas that Lynch is talking about earnestly. 感慨着林奇有钱,也任性之后,教授开始认真的记录着林奇谈到的一些想法。 He talked about a signal explanation mechanism, this method has utilized on the television, but must this decoder miniaturization, not be that easy. 他谈到了一种信号的解读机制,这种方法已经运用在了电视上,但要把这种解码器小型化,并不是那么的容易。 Once enables the signal decoder also to realize the miniaturization, after the microminiaturization, the lots can welcome the change. 一旦让信号解码器也能实现小型化,微型化之后,很多东西都会迎来改变。 The professor absent-minded between thinks future that he cannot see clearly, is somewhat absent-minded, as if he is doing is promoting the world progressive matter, but he himself does not see clearly. 教授恍惚之间想到了一个他看不清的未来,有些恍惚,似乎他正在做着推动世界进步的事情,可他自己又看不清楚。 In finally, Lynch gave him a check, and signed a new request research contract, the goal is very simple, only has one, that is a beeper. 在最后,林奇又给了他一张支票,并且签订了一份新的委托研究合约,目标很简单,只有一个,那就是寻呼机。 The professor brings being filled with likes to come, walks actually...... actually also good, at least he attained a new check, to him, this is the biggest harvest. 教授带着满心的欢喜而来,不过走的时候却……其实也还好,至少他拿到了一张新的支票,对他来说,这就是最大的收获。 The professor walks, Lynch makes Anna register a communication corporation. 教授一走,林奇就让安娜去注册一家通讯公司。 The federal financial rule is throughout brutal, the small business that cannot fight with all might will be doomed to be annexed, even after rounds of round of brutal eliminations, had enough scale, must accept the big financial group, exploiting of big capital forces. 联邦的金融规则始终都是残酷的,拼杀不出来的小企业注定会被吞并,就算经过了一轮轮残酷的淘汰,有了足够的规模,又要接受大财团,大资本势力的盘剥。 The teams that out of the window parades are still continuing, the workers hoist the slogan to accuse the capitalist's to their exploitation and oppressions. 窗外游行的队伍们还在继续,工人们高举着标语指责着资本家对他们的剥削与压迫。 But they actually never know, the capitalist exploits and oppresses among the capitalists mutually, the ratio to their, is more fearful! 可他们却永远都不会知道,资本家对资本家之间互相剥削和压迫,比对他们的,更可怕! Once beeper true was researched and developed, and after the listing, quick must accept the investment and listing, even if today's Lynch must comply with the federal the capital game rule. 一旦寻呼机真正的被研发出来并且上市之后,很快就要接受投资和上市,哪怕是今天的林奇也必须遵从联邦的资本游戏规则。 This company will become a successful template, it first ejects a concept, then puts out the prototype, attracts several rounds of investments, finally puts out the end product...... 这家公司将会成为一个成功的模板,它先抛出一个概念,然后拿出原型机,吸引几轮投资,最终拿出成品…… The concrete thing truly did not have was studied, it possibly is Lynch starts to make money. 具体的东西还没有真正的被研究出来,它可能就已经为林奇开始赚钱了。 As for can make how much money, entirely depends on Lynch to make how much money. 至于能赚多少钱,完全取决于林奇想要赚多少钱。 He carries the wine glass, the tip of the toe decreases, the boss chair transferred, making him take a fresh look to out of the window. 他端起酒杯,脚尖减低,老板椅转了一圈,让他重新看向了窗外。 These people in out of the window for each month can many with more than ten money wages, or little works a half hour of going all out shouting. 窗外的这些人为了每个月能多拿十几块钱工资,或者少工作半个小时拼了命的呼喊。 He sits in having the room of air conditioning is tasting the good good wine, will enter in his account every time richly. 他只是坐在有空调的房间里品尝着上好的美酒,每时每刻都会有钱进入他的账户里。 It seems like the life as if really inequality, but actually, it is fair, is only its fair is brutal. 看上去人生似乎真的不公平,但其实,它是公平的,只是它的公平是残酷的。
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