BC :: Volume #12

#1168: Another progress on production

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Looks that Lynch opened the eye to speak the nonsense, Mr. Wodelike could not stretch again, he thought that Lynch was too interesting. 看着林奇睁着眼睛说着鬼话,沃德里克先生再也绷不住了,他觉得林奇太有意思了。 More interestingly he was expected that people's response, this seems like watching a farce, the most outstanding actor, the most splendid script, can the most splendid content, how not to smile? 更有意思的是他预料之中人们的反应,这就像是在看一部滑稽剧,最出色的演员,最出色的剧本,最出色的内容,怎么能让人不笑? Saiwei shakes the head, I am not quite clear.” 赛维瑞拉摇了摇头,“我不太明白。” Mr. Wodelike sees oneself daughter, he likes such atmosphere very much, as a father, teaches to give own child own experience and knowledge, he will be a father will be proud for himself. 沃德里克先生看着自己的女儿,他很喜欢这样的气氛,作为一个父亲,把自己的经验和知识传授给自己的孩子,他会为自己身为一位父亲骄傲自豪。 He said a moment ago anything......”, he planned to repeat Lynch these words, may fear oneself cannot bear smile, is only the chuckle beckoning with the hand, ok, I did not go to repeat these words, was rests probably and issue of efficiency.” “他刚才说了什么……”,他本打算重复林奇那些话,可又怕自己忍不住笑出来,只是轻笑着摆了摆手,“好了,我不去重复那些话,大概就是休息和效率的问题。” You know that he is disclosing a news, if to the workers enough relaxation time, they can definitely be quick and good completes the daily work task......” “你知道吗,他在透露一个消息,如果给工人们足够的休息时间,他们肯定能又快又好的完成每天的工作任务……” Saiwei has not responded, what issue this does have?” 赛维瑞拉还没有反应过来,“这有什么问题吗?” Mr. Wodelike is nodding, you have not definitely gone to the lowest level factory, you definitely do not know, our factory is allows the defective rate to exist, a technology content higher product, the permitted defective rate is bigger.” 沃德里克先生点着头,“你肯定没有去过最底层的工厂,你也肯定不知道,我们的工厂是允许有次品率存在的,科技含量越高的产品,允许的次品率越大。” Some probably top technical productive work, technical force that because the production technology can control limited to us at present, the defective rate may over 90%!” “像是一些顶尖的科技生产工作,因为生产技术受限于目前我们能控制的技术力量,次品率有可能超过百分之九十!” Even is 99%, so long as can produce one in each start assembly line or several quality products successfully produces even.” “甚至是百分之九十九,只要在每一次开动流水线能生产出一件或者几件合格品就算是成功的生产了。” „The floor ordinary factory is also same, even if most does not have the factory of technique content, defective rate still about 10%.” “底层的普通工厂也是一样,就算是最没有技术含量的工厂,次品率也在百分之十左右。” In addition the factory or the local different standards, in fact the qualified rate not like you see, each is qualified.” “加上工厂或者地区不同的标准,实际上合格率并不像你看见的那样,每一个都是合格的。” Mr. Wodelike arrived at this time, thorough smiles, do not despise the scrap, you must know that the factory made a unqualified commodity, not only lost the raw material is so simple.” 沃德里克先生到了这个时候,才彻底的笑完,“别小看废品,你要知道工厂生产了一个不合格的商品,不只是损失了原材料这么简单。” It made the factory lose day, loses expense that day of various types of machineries started, can also be able not to include the start-up debugging fee/spent.” “它让工厂损失了一天的时间,损失了一天各种机械开动的费用,可以也可以不包括启动调试费。” Except for these, it loses in a big way, is the artificial expense.” “除了这些,它损失最大的,就是人工费用。” Possibly is only a second quality item of ten points money, but on this second quality item, it made these capitalists lose above at least 100 dollars!” “可能只是一个十分钱的次品,但就这一个次品来说,它让那些资本家们损失了至少一百块钱以上!” These years in the industrial reform the biggest direction is the improvement qualified rate, cuts the defective rate.” “这些年来工业改革中最大的方向就是提升合格率,降低次品率。” Matter that these scientists and advanced mechanical as well as advanced production methods cannot achieve, because if can make the worker rest for one hour to achieve every day......” “那些科学家和先进的机械以及先进的生产方法都做不到的事情,如果因为能让工人每天休息一个小时就能做到……” Mr. Wodelike could not bear smile again, that this was this century greatest industry invention!” 沃德里克先生再一次忍不住笑了起来,“那么这就是本世纪最伟大的工业发明!” Yes! 是的! In this century, and even in human industrial civilization developing process one of the greatest inventions! 本世纪,乃至人类工业文明发展过程中最伟大的发明之一! Sees through behind these nonsense indifferent and brutal Mr. Wodelike who Lynch said that the flash that wants to understand could not bear smile. 一眼就看穿了林奇说的那些鬼话背后的冷漠与残酷的沃德里克先生,想明白的一瞬间就忍不住笑了起来。 He thought that Lynch is the natural capitalist...... not, he should be the politician, he should not waste oneself ability! 他觉得林奇就是天生的资本家……不,他应该去当政客,他不应该浪费自己的才能! Saiwei gradually understood, „is your meaning...... has possibility this to become the counter-attack method of this strike?” 赛维瑞拉逐渐的明白了过来,“你的意思是……有可能这会成为这次罢工的反击方法?” Mr. Wodelike thinks, selected under one, shakes the head, is uncertain, not everyone can understand this approach the significance and value, moreover sometimes people restless are not for some reason, they are only want one purely noisily noisy.” 沃德里克先生想了想,点了一下头,又摇了摇头,“不一定,并不是所有人都能明白这种做法的意义和价值,而且有时候人们闹腾并不是为了某个理由,他们只是单纯的想要闹一闹。” Mr. Wodelike change to the entire society grasps very accurate, in the great depression period, starts to recover the period to the present economy, the working class made too many concessions in the front of capitalist. 沃德里克先生对整个社会的变化抓得非常精准,在大萧条时期,到现在经济开始复苏时期,工人阶级在资本家的面前做了太多的让步。 This is also under the time trend the inevitable result, the federation has 60 million people, but the society possibly can only provide 35 million jobs, this means that many people have not worked. 这也是时代趋势下必然的结果,联邦有六千万人,但社会可能只能提供三五百万的工作岗位,这就意味着很多人没有工作。 In addition the bankruptcy of enterprise, many benefits faults, in order to continue work many people ready for any sacrifice. 加上企业的倒闭,很多福利断层,为了能继续工作很多人都豁出去了。 Voluntarily requests to reduce the work the wage, increases the work when is long, they made too many concessions. 主动要求降低工作的薪水,增加工作的时长,他们做了太多的让步。 Now economic upturn, the workers always the idea, they want to fish a point to come back, then noisy one noisy, making the manufacturer, the entrepreneur understand own demand. 现在经济好转了一些,工人们心里始终有一个想法,他们想要捞一点回来,那么闹一闹,让工厂主,企业家明白自己的诉求。 The worker trade union must show own existence significance and value, under various factors, finally facilitated this forthcoming strike. 工人工会也必须展现一下自己的存在意义和价值,在多方面的因素下,最终促成了这次即将上演的罢工。 Regardless of Lynch answer whether has ability that solves this strike reason, will strike will definitely conduct, their cores contradictory actually will not be these issues that they will ask, but will be the attitude issue of employers and employeeses. 无论林奇的“答案”是否具备解决这场罢工理由的能力,罢工都必然会进行,他们的核心矛盾其实根本就不是他们提出的那些问题,而是劳资双方的态度问题。 These, Saiwei did not understand, she is the princess of financial group, she does not understand in this complex relations. 这些,赛维瑞拉并不了解,她是财团的公主,她不懂这里面复杂的关系。 This also makes Mr. Wodelike have to laugh, and heartfelt commendation Lynch genius. 这也让沃德里克先生不得不大笑,并且由衷的称赞林奇的天才之处。 He took a stand, at least his factory some people will not strike, simultaneously he has not only lost oneself benefit, instead may save many expenditures, this bastard is really a devil. 他表态了,至少他的工厂不会有人罢工,同时他不仅没有损失自己的利益,反而有可能节省更多的开支,这个混蛋真是一个魔鬼。 Mr. Wodelike does not even need to consider to understand, once in Lynch mouth standard birth, to the workers absolutely is a nightmare. 沃德里克先生甚至都不需要考虑就会明白,一旦林奇口中的“标准”诞生,对工人们来说绝对是一场噩梦。 For example everyone each production cycle has a minimum defective rate, if will make many second quality items to be fined, even was the dismissal. 比如说每个人每个生产周期都有一个最低的次品率,如果生产了更多的次品就会被罚款,甚至是开除。 Lynch shifted part very much ingeniously second quality item the second quality item loss that the responsibility, the worker produced is borne by factory, now in these a large number will be undertaken by the worker, and overall defective rate will drop. 林奇很巧妙的转移了一部分“次品”的责任,原本工人生产出来的次品损失由工厂自己承担,现在这些中相当一部分会由工人承担,并且总次品率会下降。 This also means that reduction of factory production cycle, the raw material and other expenditures reduce. 这也意味着工厂生产周期的缩短,原材料等各项开支降低。 In the workers thinks that Lynch gives the thing that they wanted, after they also return Lynch trust, they will discover oneself damn planted. 在工人们认为林奇给予了他们想要的东西,他们也回报林奇“信任”后,他们就会发现自己他妈的栽了。 Moreover without the place reasons things out, all by „, for the work of highly efficiency starts, then they have no reason to oppose these things. 而且还没地方说理去,一切都是以“为了更高效率的工作”开始的,那么他们就没有理由反对这些事情。 The federal capitalists actually the workers to the qualified rate not too strong request that produce, so long as deliberately did not make the second quality item as far as possible on the line. 联邦的资本家们其实对工人们生产出来的合格率没有太强硬的要求,只要尽量不刻意去生产次品就行了。 But after this matter, possibly the matter becomes will be quite difficult to do, but...... lets him do what he pleases, Mr. Wodelike was responsible for happily on the line! 但经过这次事情之后,可能一些事情会变得比较难搞,但……管他呢,沃德里克先生负责高兴就行了! In television could not find the view of Lynch to have any issue, she slightly crossed this to let she a little helpless question and answer. 电视中的莫莫始终找不到林奇的说法有任何的问题,她就略过了这个让她有点不知所措的问答。 Said that you do support workers' demand?”, She summarizes the inquiry. “这么说你支持工人们的诉求?”,她总结性的提问。 Lynch purses the lips, summary reply, what I support is the progress of production model.” 林奇抿了抿嘴,总结性的回答,“我支持的是生产模式的进步。” It looks like has not asked anything, had not replied that anything is the same! 就像是没有问什么,也没有回答什么一样! Is the idle talk of idle talk! 都是不是废话的废话! Some following issues tend gentle simple, realized again from Lynch domineering that type is unable to resist directly. 接下来的一些问题就趋于平和简单,莫莫再次从林奇身上体会到了那种无法直接对抗的强势。 Therefore she very rare in program that oneself lead, slowed down the rhythm. 所以她很少有的在自己主导的节目中,放缓了节奏。 Actually she does not think, but she does not hope oneself asked were too many, says were too many, wrong were too many. 其实她也不想,只是她不希望自己问的太多,说的太多,错的太多。 Does not hope that in some future one day, this will become own black history. 更不希望在未来某一天,这会成为自己的黑历史。 The program broadcasts unusual is successful, tonight creates the annual reception to record, naturally this also and Lynch is the lead of current period has the relations. 节目播出的非常成功,今天晚上更是创造了年度收视纪录,当然这也和林奇是本期的主角有关系。 Many people, these big capitalists, they do not like on the program either, almost always does not beam with joy at any program. 很多人,那些大资本家们,他们要么不喜欢上节目,几乎从来都不在任何节目上露脸。 Either bad, often was saying some unpleasant jokes are to mainly make the people not quick joke of grass-root. 要么就性格恶劣,经常说着一些令人不快的笑话主要是令底层社会的民众不快的笑话。 Therefore compares with these people, Lynch was more popular. 所以和这些人比起来,林奇就受欢迎多了。 He will participate in the records of some programs once for a while, he displays sincerely, never hidden oneself joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness very much, dared to tell the truth. 他会时不时的参加一些节目的录制,他表现得很率真,从来不隐藏自己的喜怒哀乐,也敢于说真话。 And is also long leads, cultivates the behavior temperately, is big rich and powerful people who the federal floor walks, frequently is caring about floor all! 并且长得也帅,做人温和,是联邦底层走出去的大富豪,时时刻刻关心着底层的一切! For example that Fuhuayuan in program, even if most does not have the floor assembly line worker of culture, still understands the unique element of this Fuhuayuan. 就比如说节目中的那个孵化园,就算是最没有文化的底层流水线工人,也明白这个孵化园的特殊之处。 Before it perhaps, does not have the company that establishes to turn probably, only exists in people imagines the factory to become the reality, it direct or indirect, provides large number of jobs for the society. 它会把一个个也许以前不具备成立的公司变成可能,把一个个只存在于人们想象中的工厂变成现实,它会直接或者间接的,为社会提供大量的工作岗位。 But all these, because of love of Lynch to everyone! 而这一切,都是因为林奇对大家的爱! How noble sentiment! 多么高尚的情操啊! In final of program, asked that Lynch did have anything to the audience saying that Lynch seriously pondered a meeting, expression also gradual became must be earnest. 在节目的最后,莫莫问林奇有没有什么想要对观众们说的,林奇认真的思考了一会,表情也逐渐的变得认真起来。 If diligently, the ideal forever is not only the fantasy.” “如果不努力,理想永远都只是幻想。” If we strive for success the struggle, even if the ideal cannot immediately come true, but at least we and distance between ideal, will go a step further.” “如果我们拼搏奋斗,即便理想不能立刻成真,但至少我们和理想之间的距离,会更进一步。” Every one step puts together, will be in the future!” “每一步加在一起,就是未来!” „Before the television , no matter knew, or did not know my person, I only have an advice to everyone “电视机前不管认识,或者不认识我的人,我对大家只有一句忠告” Do not let trample our life lazily!” “别让懒惰践踏了我们的人生!” Starts to applaud, some staff start to applaud, even some audience before television also start to applaud. 莫莫开始鼓掌,一些工作人员开始鼓掌,连电视机前的一些观众也开始鼓掌。 Regardless of this rousing, how long this excitation energy continues, but at least at this moment, they are full of the working zeal now, this was enough! 无论这种振奋,这种激励能持续多久,但至少现在这一刻,他们是充满干劲的,这就足够了! The television broadcast, immediately evokes a social livelier discussion, should to the workers more relaxation times, and present operating time structure is whether reasonable, becomes the focus of discussion. 电视播出之后立刻引起了社会更热烈的讨论,到底应不应该给工人们更多的休息时间,以及现在的工作时间结构是否合理,成为了讨论的焦点。 Some media do not seem to dislike the matter is too big, but also collected an information of big pile of recent years industrial accidents, enumerated the weary work to the hidden danger and danger that the productive work brings. 一些媒体似乎不嫌事情太大,还搜集了一大堆近年来生产事故的信息,列举了疲劳工作对生产工作带来的隐患和危险。 It will not only carry off the health of workers is as for the life, will make the capitalists lose the money. 它不仅会带走工人们的健康乃至于生命,也会让资本家们损失一大笔钱。 After all under the federal law, has the accident/surprise at work, the factory needs to shoulder the responsibility! 毕竟按照联邦的法律,在工作时发生意外,工厂是需要承担责任的! The attention of society intensified the savings of strength, quick, the first wave of big strike started. 社会的关注加剧了力量的积蓄,很快,第一波大罢工开始了。 With the beforehand does not have any difference, in the weekend of each month's second week, starts to conduct the big strike parade. 和以前没有任何区别,在每个月第二周的周末,开始进行大罢工游行。 Parade lasted three days, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday. 游行为期三天,周五,周六,周日。 People lift up high me to rest or weary industrial accident are many the slogan to shout loudly the slogan demonstration on the street, if in them in some manpower does not take the beer and fried chicken, that was better! 人们高举着“我要休息”或“疲劳生产事故多”的标语在街上高喊着口号示威,如果他们中的一些人手里不拿着啤酒和炸鸡,那就更好了!
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