BC :: Volume #12

#1167: The skill of fox

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Is planning worker trade union leaders this time of more supporter also to watch the television, they look at Lynch to say such reply, the head of everyone humming sound. 正在筹谋更多支持者的工人工会领导者们此时也在看电视,他们看着林奇说出这样的回答,每个人的脑袋都嗡嗡的。 The capitalists said unexpectedly when...... increases the relaxation time also includes the work the length is...... a good deed? 资本家居然说……增加休息时间并且计入工作时长是……一件好事? Association president flexure of worker trade union scratched the head not many hair, the inflammation on scalp makes some leather meals float, no one notices this, even if noticed, will not care. 工人工会的会长挠了挠头上不多的头发,头皮上的炎症让一些头皮屑飘洒了下来,没有人注意到这点,就算注意到了,也不会在意。 This was not one day two days of things. 这不是一天两天的事情了。 Perhaps this we can make Lynch stand us time......”, he cracks a joke same said these words. “也许这一次我们可以让林奇站在我们这边……”,他开玩笑一样的说出了这句话。 These people...... in the surface around him are smiling, some innermost feelings actually meanings move. 在他周围的那些人……表面上在笑着,内心却有些意动。 Looked that he then must say anything......” “看他接下来要说什么……” Some people proposed. 有人提议道。 In the room falls into to the peace, Lynch and self-confident smiling in television, sit in his opposite have not been ready obviously. 房间里又陷入到安静当中,电视中的林奇和自信的笑着,坐在他对面的莫莫显然也没有做好准备。 She looked like by anything was scared such, she also turned the head to say this facing the camera is not our script, Mr. Lynch every did not need these things one time, therefore I was also very surprised explanation. 她就像是被什么东西吓着了那样,她还转头面对着摄像机说出了“这不是我们的剧本,林奇先生每一次都不需要那些东西,所以我也很惊讶”的解释。 Really does not have the script, without the stage itself/Ben, the Lynch interview has the randomness and accidental/surprised very much, this will also be his talk show one of the paid attention reasons. 是真的没有剧本,没有台本,林奇的访谈很具有随机性和意外性,这也是他的访谈节目会被人关注的原因之一。 Some media think that Lynch this indeed flattered the audience, but also gave the program to increase the risk, once he said some were not so appropriate, might cause the heavy loss of program very much. 有一些媒体认为林奇这样的确讨好了观众,可是也给节目本身增加了风险,一旦他说了一些不那么合适的话,很有可能造成节目的严重损失。 But likes his person, really likes, especially these general public. 但喜欢他的人,是真的喜欢,特别是那些普通民众们。 In this moment, he no longer is a label character, is not rich person Lynch, is not philanthropist Lynch, but people like exuberant boy. 在这一刻,他已经不再是一个标签人物,不是“大富翁林奇”,不是“慈善家林奇”,只是一个人们喜欢的“率性小子”。 The audience look that always makes the anger that the person is unable to suppress then not have the demeanor withdraws from the program unkind host expression, immediately smiled. 观众们看着总是让人无法抑制的愤怒然后没有风度退出节目的“刻薄主持人”莫莫的表情,顿时笑了起来。 Actually the love of lower class people hates to be very simple, is very direct, they like upwardly, just, the sunlight, does not like uglily these, evil, gloomy. 其实社会底层民众的爱恨很简单,也很直接,他们喜欢向上的,正义的,阳光的,不喜欢那些丑陋的,邪恶的,阴暗的。 Lynch conforms to all factors that they like, in addition his humorous style of speaking, is very difficult not to like him. 林奇符合他们所喜欢的一切因素,加上他幽默的谈吐,很难让人不喜欢他。 Naturally, after people see he defeated that unkind woman, looks like the warrior to defeat the Evil Dragon such to start to cheer. 自然,当人们看见他战胜了那个刻薄的女人后,就像是勇士击败了恶龙那样开始欢呼。 Recovers, good, can discuss, why you thought this is a good deed?” 莫莫回过神来,“好吧,能谈一谈,为什么你觉得这是一件好事呢?” Lynch spreads out both hands, some movements, „the sufficient physical strength and energy, can make the work more effective.” 林奇摊开双手,有一些动作,“只有足够的体力和精力,才能让工作变得更加有效率。” „The rest good worker, does not have the strength the worker who continues to work to work in the assembly line with one simultaneously.” “一名已经休息好的工人,和一名已经没有力气继续工作的工人同时在流水线上工作。” I believe the worker who full rest can make the qualified product, but perhaps these to the pinnacle worker, he have also been able to make many products exhaustedly, but I believe definitely will have is the scrap.” “我相信有充分休息的工人能够做出更多合格的产品,而那些已经疲惫到极致的工人,也许他也能做出很多产品,但我相信其中肯定会有很多是废品。” Therefore I said that this is a good deed, the workers more relaxation times make them be able full is rested, spiritually, on the body, then invests into the work , isn't this good deed?” “所以我说这是一件好事,给工人们更多的休息时间让他们能够充分的得到休息,精神上的,身体上的,然后再重新投入到工作里,这不是好事吗?” Listens is very earnest, she also nods unceasingly, looks like many audience such before television, especially these working classes. 莫莫听的很认真,她也不断的点头,就像是电视机前的很多观众那样,特别是那些工人阶级。 They to oneself wife, the child, the unceasing nod are approving the channel, Mr. Lynch said right, he said not wrong.” 他们对着自己的妻子,孩子,不断的点头赞通道,“林奇先生说的没错,他说的一点也没有错。” When I am exhausted, I meet the making a mistake thing frequently, for example when afternoon to evening.” “当我疲惫的时候,我经常会弄错东西,比如说下午到晚上时。” But I will rarely make a mistake to noon work in the morning, because I can gather the attention, Mr. Lynch really understands us very much!” “但我上午到中午的工作很少会出错,因为我能够集中注意力,林奇先生真的很了解我们!” The Lynch words flash won many assembly line approval of workers, they thought that Lynch in this moment, is they stands. 林奇的一番话一瞬间就得到了很多流水线上的工人们的赞同,他们觉得林奇在这一刻,是和他们站在一起的。 This is a very strange feeling, possibly in probably different standpoints friend? 这是一种很奇怪的感觉,可能像是不同立场中的“知己”? For example some generals of ancient times differed not many opponents to serve with the formality to these, to express to the respect of opposite party's command capability in war. 比如说古代的一些将军会对那些和自己相差不多的对手施以礼节,以表示对对方在战争中指挥能力的尊敬。 This approval spanned the camp and enemy and ourselves relates, it is pure, noble! 这种认同跨越了阵营和敌我关系,它是纯粹的,高尚的! Even if Lynch is a capitalist, but they are only the workers in factory. 哪怕林奇是一个资本家,而他们只是工厂里的工人。 Is nodding, sounds like very reasonable, but you said, you aren't afraid other these entrepreneurs, the manufacturer attack you?” 莫莫点着头,“听起来似乎很有道理,可你这么说,你不害怕其他那些企业家,工厂主攻击你吗?” The Lynch hear laughs, he pulled out the cigarette, after hinting and obtaining permission, selected one. 林奇听完哈哈大笑,他掏出了香烟,在示意并且获得莫莫的许可之后,点了一根。 Even smokes, still unusual has the demeanor and makings, he also placed on the cigarette box the tea table intentionally, that type vertical is putting, the upfront such places toward the camera. 即便是吸烟,也非常的有风度和气质,他还故意把香烟盒放在了茶几上,那种垂直放着,正面朝着摄像机那样摆放。 Saw cannot bear is shouting to the lens outside, „, the director is not , did this fellow advertising expenditure hand over?” 莫莫看到了忍不住对着镜头外喊道,“嘿,导演在不在,这个家伙广告费交了没?” Outside lens some people of direct reactions: You is a director.” 镜头外有人直接回答道:“你就是导演。” Looks at that person outside lens, the people before television cannot see, but they can feel the expression of that person. 莫莫看着镜头外的那个人,电视机前的人们看不见,可他们能感觉到那个人的表情。 Helpless! 无奈! I?”, After she obtained the affirmative answer, she looks at Lynch, this in our shooting plans, you cannot pay the advertising expenditure.” “我是吗?”,在她得到了肯定的答复之后,她看着林奇,“这个不在我们的拍摄计划中,你得把广告费交一下。” Lynch the cigarette in the hand, with the trademark of coal time toward the camera, he said later every time throughout with a smile, this did not need the advertising expenditure.” 林奇随后把香烟拿在手里,每时每刻和黑金时代的商标始终朝着摄像机,他笑着说道,“这样就不需要广告费了。” You are really parsimonious!” “您真吝啬!” Lynch shakes the head, you are more like the capitalist compared with me......”, he was saying stopped, returned to the issue, I did not fear any attack, you know, I had a company, is called the black stone safely......” 林奇摇了摇头,“你比我更像是资本家……”,他说着停顿了一下,“回到刚才的问题,我并不惧怕任何攻击,你知道,我有一家公司,叫做黑石安全……” People outside the television screen smiled in a soft voice, everyone knows that this is a military company, they aggression Mali Luo. 电视屏幕外的人们又轻声笑了起来,大家都知道这是一个军事公司,他们正在“侵略”马里罗。 The federal person is very contradictory to the black stone security present behavior, on the one hand they know that this behavior is not correct, but very excited. 联邦人对黑石安全现在的行为很矛盾,一方面他们知道这种行为不怎么正确,但同时又非常的兴奋。 The exciting reason lay in they can invade others finally, this reason was very absurd! 兴奋的原因在于他们终于能侵略别人了,这种理由本身就很荒谬! But this can understand, was constrained ruthlessly, was at least ten years of conservatism federation to multiply a very painful mood from the bottom of the heart, they do not dare to take risk excessively. 但这可以理解,被压抑得太狠了,长达至少十年的保守主义让联邦人打心底滋生了一种很痛苦的情绪,他们不敢过分的冒险。 Because they do not know when oneself will offend anyone, this feeling was too bad. 因为他们不知道自己什么时候就会得罪什么人,这种感觉太糟糕了。 Obviously is some small and weak countries, can internationally accuse the federation to shirk the responsibility, but then Federal Government must stand to actually to have no influence apology of direct relation with the federation. 明明是一些弱小的国家,都能在国际上指责联邦逃避责任,而当时的联邦政府还要站出来向和联邦其实没有任何直接关系的势力道歉。 This type was being constrained the angry present obtained the eruption, looked like continuously the bullied person suddenly starts to counter-attack, even bullied others on own initiative. 这种被压抑着的愤怒现在得到了爆发,就像是一直被人欺负的人突然开始反击了,甚至主动欺负别人。 They know that does that is incorrect, but...... is crisp! 他们知道这么做是不对的,但……就是爽啊! As from desire lifeform, right not to not to mention, crisp most important! 只是作为从于欲望的生物,对不对暂且不说,爽最重要! Can invade other countries the bosses in company, will be afraid the attack? 一个能够侵略其他国家的公司的老板,会害怕攻击吗? Only if these people do not want to live will attack him! 除非那些人不想活了才会攻击他! Public opinion, problem-making in business, may not give you a fist.”, Also added. “舆论,生意上的刁难,不一定要给你一拳。”,莫莫又补充道。 Lynch nods, this is an issue, but if the efficiency of workers doesn't reduce?” 林奇点了点头,“这是一个问题,但如果工人们的效率不降低呢?” Looks at bewildered expression, Lynch explains, I think the full rest can enhance the operating efficiency of worker, I support to give them more relaxation times.” 看着莫莫一脸茫然的表情,林奇解释起来,“我认为充分的休息能够提升工人的工作效率,我支持给他们更多的休息时间。” I respect everyone 's demand, but I also hope that I can be respected.” “我尊重每个人的诉求,但我也希望我能被人们尊重。” I am willing to satisfy some ideas of people, but does not hope oneself by malicious treatment, anything relative.” “我愿意满足人们的一些想法,可也不希望自己被恶意的对待,任何事情都是相对的。” I will support to everyone more relaxation times, and includes in the middle of these time the man-hour, then workers whether should also formulates a standard for their production or the work?” “我会支持给大家更多的休息时间,并且把这些时间计入工时当中,那么工人们是否也应该为他们的生产或者工作制定一个标准?” „The good intentions that at least I offer had not been disappointed, and we obtain the result that we wanted.” “至少我释放的善意没有被辜负,并且我们双方都得到了我们想要的结果。” They obtained more relaxation times, and does not deduct from wages.” “他们得到了更多的休息时间,并且不扣工钱。” However our productive work plan, does not have any change.” “而我们的生产工作计划,没有任何的变化。” Some people think that this view, isn't it right?” “有人会认为这种说法,它不对吗?” Falls into to the ponder, she is not that silly gold/metal Tian( low intelligence quotient, golden hair, chest big appearance delightful), she is one is very intelligent, has the female of independent thought. 莫莫陷入到沉思当中,她不是那种傻金甜(低智商,金发,胸大长相甜美),她是一个很聪明,有独立思想的女性。 She thought that in Lynch these words is hiding the trap, but her careful read, did not think that had what issue, because instead Lynch generous and benevolent, making her suddenly have a very excitement. 她觉得林奇这些话里面藏着陷阱,可她仔细的品读,又不觉得有什么问题,反而因为林奇的“慷慨”与“仁慈”,让她突然有一种很激动的心情。 She thought that Lynch is a trustworthy person, if there is any issue and he discusses, may have very big harvest. 她觉得林奇是一个值得信任的人,如果有什么问题和他谈的话,或许会有很大的收获。 He is also very temperate, can graceful processing each matter, be the brothers of working class! 他也很温和,能优雅的处理每一件事情,更是工人阶级的兄弟! Includes these workers before TV screen, is the words that Lynch spoke applauds, these people who especially drink, they are pointing at Lynch in television excitedly to their family members, or is telling to other anything people sound. 就包括电视机屏幕前的那些工人们,也纷纷为林奇说的话叫好,特别是喝了酒的那些人,他们激动的指着电视中的林奇向他们的家人,或者向其他什么人大声诉说着。 Some people can understand them, can understand their difficulties and demands, can satisfy them! 有人能够理解他们,能够明白他们的苦衷和诉求,也能满足他们! Many people are watching this issue of program, Mr. Wodelike is also looking, he even also in loud smiling. 很多人都在看这一期节目,沃德里克先生也在看,他甚至还在大声的笑。 As his such great person already rarely initiative reveals this intense mood expression, even he very happy time, he will still be maintaining oneself demeanor, smiling with closed lips, then supplemented that is very funny. 作为他这样的大人物已经很少会主动的流露出这种强烈的情绪表达,即便他很高兴的时候,他也会保持着自己的风度,抿着嘴笑,然后补充一句“很好笑”。 This is not false, is not false, but he manages to oneself mood, as well as turn of expression. 这不是虚伪,不是假,只是他对自己的情绪管理,以及表达方式。 Only then has experienced many people, can so control own mood, but at this moment, he could not control. 只有经历过很多人的,才能如此的控制着自己的情绪,但是这一刻,他控制不住了。 His loud smiling of temper tantrum, making his wife and his daughters some not clear looks at this man. 情绪失控的他大声的笑着,让他的妻子和他的女儿都有些不明白的看着这个男人。 Is so funny?”, His wife asked. “有这么好笑吗?”,他的妻子问道。 Their family of three also and many ordinary household such, sit on the sofa before television watches the television program. 他们一家三口也和很多普通家庭那样,坐在电视机前的沙发上看着电视节目。 This sofa is very big, is very comfortable, is very luxurious, side also has the maid to be long and steward, as well as more than ten servants are providing the service for them. 只是这个沙发很大,很舒适,很奢华,旁边还有女仆长和管家,以及十多个佣人在为他们提供服务。 Except for these, they and ordinary families, no difference. 除了这些,他们和普通的家庭,没什么区别。 Mr. Wodelike smiled the tears to come out, on the side of him received the face-cloth from the maid long hand, is wiping tears, while said that naturally, he was too interesting!” 沃德里克先生笑得眼泪都出来了,他一边从女仆长的手中接过面巾,一边擦着眼泪,一边说道,“当然,他太有意思了!” What Saiwei sat in one side as if thought, was because he did deceive everyone?” 赛维瑞拉坐在一旁似乎想到了什么,“是因为他骗了所有人吗?” Deceives?”, Mr. Wodelike smiled similarly, he folding the good face-cloth lost on the tray, „, he did not deceive, he view that used everyone to accept.” “骗?”,沃德里克先生笑得差不多了,他把叠好的面巾丢在托盘上,“不,他不是骗,他只是用了每个人都能接受的说法而已。” This is he most interesting place, he was in front of everyone to say most fearful words, can actually make almost every people think that he was a good person.” “这就是他最有趣的地方,他当着所有人的面说着最可怕的话,却能让几乎每一个人都觉得他是一个好人。” He is the natural actor!” “他是天生的演员!”
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