BC :: Volume #12

#1166: This is a good deed

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Factory district in industrial Fuhuayuan and traditional sense has very significant difference, simple, solid, is here all.” “产业孵化园和传统意义上的工厂区有着非常明显的区别,简单,结实,就是这里的一切。” At the same time walks, Lynch looks at these construction that is under construction, while mentioned here construction with Anna. 一边走,林奇一边看着那些正在施工的建筑,一边和安娜提及这边的建造情况。 Most enterprises will hatch here, but they will not take root here, I did not determine whether you can understand my meaning......” “大多数的企业会在这里孵化,但它们不会在这里扎根,我不确定你是否能明白我的意思……” Lynch looked at Anna one eyes, this time Anna has understood completely Lynch can same tell her with the teacher today usually her own the knowledge that is difficult to master, is not he wants to teach her purely. 林奇看了安娜一眼,此时的安娜已经完全明白了林奇今天能和导师一样告诉她很多平时她自己很难掌握的知识,不是他单纯的想要教导她。 He is dealing with the photography, the camera lens is always taking a snapshot the words that the Lynch profile and he spoke, Anna becomes the background board. 他是在应付拍摄,摄像机镜头始终在抓拍林奇的侧脸和他说的话,安娜成为了背景板。 She selected under one, acknowledged own ignorance, this made Lynch smile gently. 她点了一下头,承认了自己的无知,这让林奇笑得更温柔了。 „At the beginning of an enterprise starts an undertaking often to the location requirements of work and production is not strict, any location can provide the work to them, or condition of production.” “一个企业创业初期往往对工作和生产的场地要求并不严格,任何一块场地都能够给他们提供办公,或者生产的条件。” But with enterprise the maturity of technology, the maturity of industry, the maturity of structure, its need more specialized office and production plant.” “但随着企业的技术的成熟,产业的成熟,结构的成熟,它就需要更加专业的办公场所和生产工厂。” When they had such scale, they will move from here, establishes to belong to their offices and production plants in other places.” “当它们具备了这样的规模时,它们就会从这里搬出去,在其他地方重新建立属于他们自己的办公场所和生产工厂。” Here looks like a giant incubator, possibly stays these present in a idea merely, an idea of creativity, hatches a qualified entrepreneurial company.” “这里就像是一个巨大的孵化箱,把那些现在可能仅仅停留在一个构思,一个创意的想法,孵化成一个合格的创业型企业。” Here will provide for Bupen at least is not lower than 1500 jobs, if some technical threshold low intensive processing or the manufacturing enterprises, may provide more jobs.” “这里会为布佩恩提供至少不低于一千五百个工作岗位,如果有一些技术门槛较低的密集型加工或生产企业,可能会提供更多的工作岗位。” Its true function is not the pure provision job is so actually simple, the enterprise that each success hatches often takes to the job of society by far in this number, this is the true value that it has.” “它真正的作用其实并不是单纯的提供工作岗位这么简单,每一个成功孵化的企业往往带给社会的工作机会远胜于这个数字,这才是它存在的真正价值。” Lynch walked to stop the footsteps, these seemingly structurally simple building becomes a broad background wall in his back at this time, on his face brought to make one be able to feel his heart inspiration strength the smile. 林奇走着走着停住了脚步,那些看似结构简单的建筑物此时在他的背后成为了一幅恢弘的背景墙,他脸上带着令人能感受到他内心鼓舞力量的笑容。 „The progress of society needs various development, the thing that we possibly can achieve is not many, can only be some people provides the fund, location, but I hope that our work are valuable, meaningful.” “社会的进步需要多方面的发展,我们可能能做到的东西不是很多,只能为一些人提供资金,场地,但我希望我们的工作是有价值,有意义的。” I hope that more enterprises can be born from here, promote the progress of federal society, enhances the life of people.” “我希望有更多的企业能从这里诞生,推动联邦社会的进步,提高人民的生活。” So long as can achieve this point, making money, to me is unimportant!” “只要能做到这一点,赚不赚钱,对我来说已经不是那么的重要了!” The photographers have tears streaming down the face...... 摄影师泪流满面…… What is not affected was, is the Lynch back sunlight is too dazzling! 不是感动的是,是林奇背后的阳光太刺眼了! In Baylor Federation, capital to cut down on cost and expenditures, they when the photography soap opera and so on content of long plot, will use photography while the way of broadcast conducts. 拜勒联邦,资本为了节约成本和开支,他们在拍摄电视剧之类长剧情的内容时,会采用一边拍摄一边播放的方式进行。 Some people said that this is for a better contact audience's response, thus any audience reached certain compromise in plot and other aspects, can be the fusion. 有人说这是为了更好的接触到观众们的反应,从而任何观众在剧情等方面达成某些“妥协”,也可以是融合。 But in fact, its goal is to save the cost. 但实际上,它的目的就是为了节约成本。 If the viewing ratio does not attain a designated standard, if the advertising agent is not willing for this theme delivery advertisement, if...... 如果收视率不达标,如果广告商不愿意为这个题材投放广告,如果…… Too many uncertainty let these soap operas or the programs can make the producer know that before the broadcast whether it can cater to the demand of market, the capitalists produce various soap operas not for the energetic entertainment and demand of rich people, they for take out money from the pocket of advertising agent, that is all. 太多的不确定性让这些电视剧或者节目在播放之前就能让制片方知道它是否能够迎合市场的需求,资本家们制作各种电视剧不是为了丰富民众的精神娱乐与需求,他们只是为了从广告商的口袋里掏钱,仅此而已。 Therefore photography while the way of broadcast appears conforms to the capital very much the demand, the anthology and program that once photograph were not accepted by the market, then this dramatic team definitely will give rise to some problems. 所以一边拍摄一边播放的方式就显得很符合资本的需求,一旦拍摄的剧集和节目不被市场所接受,那么这个剧组必然会发生一些问题。 For example filmed in the process to have the accident/surprise, the adhesive tape of photography is stolen to lose, some people sent the anonymous letter and threw in a bullet to the dramatic team...... 比如说拍摄过程中发生了意外,拍摄的胶带被盗窃遗失,有人寄了匿名信给剧组并附赠了一颗子弹…… Has too many methods to make a photographing dramatic team stop, and complete termination follow-up shooting plan. 有太多的方法能够让一个正在拍摄的剧组停下来,并且完全的终止后续拍摄计划。 Sometimes people only saw the nervous same obstruction photographies of certain associations, actually without thinking of perhaps this is a script? 有时候人们只看见了某些协会的神经质一样的阻挠拍摄,却没有想到也许这本身就是一个剧本呢? In brief this method is very good, everyone can accept, this also caused in Saturday night 10 o'clock, new season «Dream-chaser» broadcast early. 总之这种方法很好,大家都可以接受,这也导致了在周六晚上十点钟,新一季的《追梦人》就早早的播放了。 Lynch the volume, starts from the morning before sunrise, when the clock aims at five points, Lynch wakes up from the sleep. 正是林奇的这一集,从早上天不亮开始,时钟指向五点时,林奇就从睡梦中醒来。 In alleviates after five minutes of affable music he gets out of bed the later fretful mood, he starts to carry out the clean-up of personal hygiene, then changes the clothes, conducted a half hour of exercise in the gym. 在经过五分钟舒缓的音乐缓解他起床之后的焦躁情绪后,他开始进行个人卫生的清理工作,然后换上衣服,在健身房里进行了半个小时的锻炼。 Six points, he starts to enjoy the breakfast, and starts work that pretreats a day of traveling schedule and some have not processed. 六点,他开始享用早餐,并且开始预处理一天的行程和一些没有处理完的工作。 Seven o'clock, he has gone by car to go to the company to start to work. 七点钟,他已经坐车前往公司开始工作了。 All these pictures relax in a very simple way to the audience, when the audience look the Lynch such typical federation dream-chaser gets up compared with them also early, most people remain silent. 这一切的画面都以一种非常简单的方式放松给观众们,当观众们看着林奇这样典型的联邦追梦人起的比他们还早的时候,大多数人都保持着沉默。 In some people brains thinks capitalist for money to oneself may be really ruthless the thought that naturally, in behind this also has shortly to own drive, this mood continues less than ten minutes. 还有一些人脑子里想到了“资本家为了钱对自己可真狠”的念头,当然,在这背后还有短暂的对自己的激励,这种情绪持续不到十分钟。 Lynch in television screen is working throughout, he does not process various types of documents, answered various types of telephones, naturally when answered the telephone in the screen did not have the sound. 电视屏幕中的林奇始终在工作,他不是处理各种文件,就是接听各种电话,当然接听电话时屏幕里是没有声音的。 Will prompt under of screen, after the permission photography of Mr. Lynch, but the sound was not authorized to broadcast, therefore the sound made shield processing. 在屏幕的下方会提示,经过林奇先生的许可拍摄,但声音不被授权播放,所以声音做了屏蔽处理。 Looks at the Lynch unceasing work, the unceasing work, the unceasing work...... the audience will have some were puzzled, is this life of Lynch? 看着林奇不断的工作,不断的工作,不断的工作……就连观众们也会有一些困惑了,难道这就是林奇的生活吗? Life that his imprudent private life, his nightlife, he squanders money? 他不检点的私生活呢,他的夜生活呢,他挥霍无度的生活呢? From dawn to dusk, can only see he very laborious and earnest work, has almost does not have any one minute to rest. 从早到晚,都只能看见他非常辛苦且认真的工作,几乎没有任何一分钟是休息的。 Especially at noon, when other staff enjoys the lunch when rest, Lynch is still eating the simple sandwich in the office, is telephoning to communicate the content of work. 特别是中午,当别的员工一边享用午餐一边休息时,林奇还在办公室里吃着简单的三明治,打着电话沟通工作方面的内容。 Starting from 5 : 00 am, by evening's 1 o'clock, 80% time uses in operation, but he only will rest every day for four hours, few relaxation time of fragmentation, this constituted a federal top rich and powerful people all day work and life in addition. 从早上 5 点开始,到晚上一点钟,有百分之八十的时间用在工作中,而他每天只会睡四个小时的时间,加上碎片化的少量休息时间,这构成了联邦顶级富豪一整天的工作和生活。 People, especially the poor people are interested in the life of rich man, they always want to understand that through various methods how the rich man lives, are their life dirty, or pleasantly surprised. 人们,特别是穷人们对有钱人的生活非常感兴趣,他们总是想要通过各种方法去了解有钱人是怎么生活的,他们的生活是不是肮脏,或者令人惊喜的。 When really shows the life of rich man to them, they feel somewhat aridly. 可真的把有钱人的生活展现给他们时,他们却觉得有些枯燥。 In a worn-out small room, the family of four pushes on the sofa, a little girl points at Lynch in television to ask her parents, why this person has been working, he does not watch the television, does not go out to play, doesn't rest?” 一个破旧的小房间里,一家四口挤在沙发上,一个小女孩指着电视中的林奇问她的父母,“为什么这个人一直在工作,他不看电视,不出去玩,不休息吗?” She replied every month after the silence with 321 five fathers, „, because he was the rich man......” 她每个月拿三百二十一块五十分的父亲在沉默后回答道,“因为他是有钱人……” The little girls understood these words probably, seems like has not understood, she is elaborating oneself idea, „, if the life of rich man is this, I do not hope oneself turn into the rich man!” 小女孩像是听懂了这句话,又像是没听懂,她只是阐述着自己的想法,“如果有钱人的生活就是这样,我可不希望自己变成有钱人!” The program is still continuing, broadcast Lynch to inspect his industrial Fuhuayuan, these words that some he spoke, these things gave audience very big shock. 节目还在继续,其中也播放了林奇去视察他的产业孵化园,有他说的那些话,这些东西给了观众们很大的震撼。 Some people thought that Lynch is really great, looks like for several years ago such that he said that he after oneself wealthy, will help more people become rich. 有些人觉得林奇真的非常了不起,就像是几年前他说的那样,他会在自己富裕了之后,也会帮助更多的人变得富有起来。 At that time also some people think this is only Lynch caters to the view of populace, he will not really do, he is only a false villain. 当时还有人认为这只是林奇迎合大众的说法,他不会真的那么做,他只是一个虚伪的小人。 But after this phase of program broadcast, many people were silent, exerts in the silent resurgence, because Lynch said in the television program. 可当这一期的节目播放之后,很多人都沉默了,又在沉默中兴奋起来,因为林奇在电视节目中说。 Anybody, any idea, is valuable, so long as these values have the possibility of realization, he can be willing to help everyone realize everyone 's dream. 任何人,任何想法,都是具有价值的,只要这些价值有实现的可能,他会愿意帮助大家去实现每个人的梦想。 He will try to do, when Lynch lies down on the bed extinguished the bedside lamp, the picture returns to the telecast hall. 他会尽全力地去做,当林奇躺在床上熄灭了床头灯的时候,画面转回到演播大厅中。 As the director, is the host of question and answer link, she sat with Lynch in one. 莫莫作为总导演,同时也是问答环节的主持人,她又和林奇坐在了一起。 Actually when photographing this content, is always provoking Lynch with the instep, is good is recorded because of these, will not broadcast. 其实在拍摄这段内容时,莫莫总是用脚背在撩拨林奇,好在这些都没有被录下来,更不会播放出来。 We could see that your work is very busy, are you this?” “我们看得出你的工作很忙碌,你一直是这样吗?” Very ordinary issue, Lynch selected under one, I like working, I want while I also young time, makes a money.” 很普通的问题,林奇点了一下头,“我喜欢工作,我想要趁着我还年轻的时候,多赚一点钱。” You know, the present social competitiveness is very big, perhaps many people think that I am very rich, but only I was clear, I not like richness that people imagine.” “你知道,现在的社会竞争力很大,也许很多人认为我很有钱,但是只有我自己清楚,我并不像人们想象的那么有钱。” I am also owing the bank the money not.” “我还欠着银行一大笔钱没有还。” Naturally I will have the rest time, each for half a month, I to myself a day of vacation, will do the matter that point want to handle.” “当然我也会有休息的时候,每半个月,我会给自己一天假期,去做一点自己想做的事情。” Cracks a joke saying, you compared with I have seen anybody diligently, some social last present people think that the work in factory was too serious, but compares with your work, they seem more relaxed.” 莫莫开玩笑似的说道,“你比我见过的任何人都更努力,社会上现在有一些人认为工厂里的工作太沉重了,可是和你的工作比起来,他们似乎更轻松一些。” Lynch also cracks a joke probably same replied, „, therefore I said from the beginning, money that I made were more than them.” 林奇同样像是开玩笑一样的回答道,“所以我一开始就说了,我赚的钱比他们多一点。” This is a joke, cold joke, but the federal person likes this. 这是一个笑话,冷笑话,但联邦人喜欢这个。 After people responded, they started to laugh, this was also Lynch most has the place of person charm. 在人们反应过来之后,他们开始大笑,这也是林奇最有个人魅力的地方。 He can always win over distance between him and average person with some humorous ways, cold joke, humorous, self-ridiculed, these things composed one to seem like very accessible Lynch. 他总是能够用一些幽默的方式来拉拢他和普通人之间的距离,冷笑话,幽默,自嘲,这些东西组成了一个看起来很容易接近的林奇 Issue gradual becomes must be somewhat incisive, this is her style. 莫莫的问题逐渐的变得有些尖锐起来,这才是她的风格。 „When recently in the market some people at the discussion must the time of midday rest includes the work long, and lunch break cannot be lower than one hour.” “最近市面上有些人在讨论要把午休的时间计入工作时长中,并且午休时间不能低于一个小时的时间。” I notice some of some of your also factories, as an entrepreneur, how you to view this issue?” “我注意到你也有一些工厂,作为一名企业家,你怎么看待这个问题?” Lynch seems like in earnest listening attentively and ponder, after she raised this issue, Lynch waited for several seconds, then replied, this was a good deed.” 林奇看上去在认真的倾听和思考,等她抛出了这个问题后,林奇等了几秒,然后回答道,“这是一件好事。”
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