BT :: Volume #9

#808: The dry flame sorcery main body said

At night like black ink, the stellar scintillation, the bright moonlight hangs in the sky, the bright moonlight sprinkles to the land, but falls when a Imperial Capital long street, the moonlight became the purple, as if put on a light purple gauze for here. 黑夜如墨,星光闪烁,明月高悬在天空,皎洁的月光洒向大地,但落在皇都一条长街时,月光成了紫色,仿佛为这里披上了一层薄薄的紫纱。 Outside the purple gauze, the cold wind sweeps away, the dead twigs and withered leaves send out xi xi su su the sound, distant shadow tree dances vaguely, such as told the secret to the night. 紫纱外,寒风横扫,枯枝败叶发出窸窸窣窣的声响,依稀间远方树影婆娑,如向黑夜诉说隐秘。 But in the purple gauze, the cold wind howls, pursues the form that is backing up together rapidly, as if contaminated the imposing manner of superior side, challenges the night. 而在紫纱内,冷风呼啸,追击着一道急速倒退的身影,仿佛沾染了优势方的气势,向黑夜挑战。 The form that muddy land blasting open of long street, that backs up falls to the ground, delimits two long traces in the ground, beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m) single-handed according to place, this stands firm the figure. 长街的泥地炸裂,那倒退的身影落地,于地面划出两道长长的痕迹,在数十丈外单手按地,这才稳住身形。 Under the purple moonlight, obviously this person that mysterious female, she before this moment no longer is, like that calm, the mask on face has had the crack, in the eye reveals the quiet glow, stares in the moonlight turns toward her to take a step Xu Qing. 紫色的月光下,可见此人正是那位神秘女子,此刻的她不再是之前那般从容,脸上的面具已出现裂缝,目中露出幽芒,凝望月光里向着她这边迈步走来的许青 Passed on a message you once to seize Scarlet Mother Godsource, in Imperial Academy you acted not many, I felt am not clear, now moonlight because of you, but the look changes, it seems like that the rumor was real.” “传言你曾夺过赤母神源,之前在太学内你出手不多,我感受还不清晰,如今月光因你而色变,看来传言是真。” The Xu Qing expression is usual, he in moonlight, such as in own state, as moves toward the female, his all around purple intent rises sharply, the exaggeration world, the attack eight sides, formed a Horror god shadow, swallows all, is only left over the moonlight like the water, sprinkles the land. 许青表情如常,月光里的他,如走在自己的国度,随着走向女子,他四周紫意大涨,渲染天地,侵袭八方,形成了一尊恐怖的神影,吞噬一切,只剩下月光如水,洒满大地。 But, is this, my interest is bigger.” “不过,越是这样,我的兴趣就越大。” Acts previous time, does not want to bring in some unnecessary trouble because of me in the star emperor sect exposition, therefore has not launched secret art, but this time......” “上一次出手,因我不想在星帝宗暴露引来一些不必要的麻烦,所以没有展开秘法,而这一次……” In the female both eyes dim light, presented the monster different shadow impressively, a left eye baby rolled up, right eye old woman rickets, the respective powder the aura, gathered is forming a strange strength together, the implication life and death, ascended on his body. 女子双目幽光内,赫然出现了妖异之影,左眼一个婴儿蜷缩,右眼一个老妪佝偻,各自散出气息,汇聚在一起形成一股怪异之力,蕴含生死,在其身上升腾。 In its behind, formed the black and white two colors, melts respectively fan-shaped, about the distribution, each other revolving, affects world magical law(s), shakes world natural law(s), the imposing manner is astonishing. 更是在其背后,形成了黑白两色,各化扇形,分布左右,彼此旋转,牵动天地法则,撼动世界规则,气势惊人。 Xu Qing in the eye, experiences the fluctuation at this war for the first time. 许青目中,在此战第一次出现波动。 On the same day in Xingdi divided outside the sect, he felt aura bizarre existence(s) of opposite party, resembled the god non- god, resembled to cultivate/repair, this matter aroused his interest at that time, now battles again, this felt obviously. 当日于星帝分宗外,他就感受到对方的气息诡异,似神非神,似修非修,此事当时就引起了他的关注,如今再次交战,这感觉更为明显。 Idle talk are many.” “废话不少。” Under the Xu Qing tranquil opens the mouth, the right hand lifts wields, all around purple moonlight is instantly radiant, such as changed to the essence, becomes the light of bunch of long spear/gun, goes toward that mysterious female instantly. 许青平静开口,右手抬起一挥之下,四周的紫色月光刹那璀璨,如化作了实质,成为了一束束似长枪之光,向着那神秘女子刹那而去。 Looks from afar, moonlight several tens of thousands of, approach from eight sides, the rapidness of speed, exceeds the lightning, covers all positions, making that mysterious female evade not to be possible to evade. 远远一看,月光数万道,从八方逼近,速度之快,超越闪电,笼罩一切方位,使那神秘女子避无可避。 The crisis moment, this mysterious female pupil contraction, both hands lift formed hand seals instantaneously, wields outward fiercely, immediately its behind black and white two colors fan-shaped, such as the wing covers it generally. 危机关头,这神秘女子瞳孔收缩,双手瞬间抬起掐诀,向外猛地一挥,顿时其背后黑白两色扇形,如翅膀一般将其笼罩。 Thunders the reverberation, the spears/guns of all moonlight, have the potential of sure-kill, accumulated the prestige of destruction, all falls. 轰鸣回荡,所有月光之枪,带着绝杀之势,蕴着毁灭之威,全部落下。 The black and white double fan vibrates unceasingly, although stopped all, among may come from the impact of moonlight to make the female spout the blood, but, she was prevents this to strike eventually. 黑白双扇不断震动,虽阻拦了一切,可来自月光的冲击还是让其内的女子喷出鲜血,不过,她终究是阻挡住了这一击。 Xu Qing in the eye reveals swiftly and fiercely, the body to/clashes forward, back's third God state forms instantly, fierce body standing erect vault of heaven, along with the Xu Qing same place, close to mysterious female. 许青目中露出凌厉,身体向前一冲,背后第三神灵态刹那形成,狰狞之身屹立苍穹,随许青一起,临近神秘女子。 Also at this time, from black and white fan-shaped, spreads the sound of women's. 也正是在这个时候,从黑白扇形内,传出女子之音。 Arteries three spirits, the three spirits quench nine gods, nine gods refine the main body, this is...... the dry flame sorcery main body said!” “一脉化三魂,三魂淬九神,九神炼本尊,此为……枯炎妖法本尊道!” The female voice spreads instantly, its above Nihility reverberation stuffy thunder, three illusory mountain peaks, unexpectedly from Nihility baseless. 女子声音传出的刹那,其上方虚无回荡闷雷,三座虚幻的山峰,竟从虚无凭空而出。 three mountains is not normal, but hangs upside down in the day, mountain peak to place. 三山并非正常,而是倒挂在天,山尖向地。 A mountain is all over the body incorruptible, the color is blue, contains the endless cold air. 一山通体冰霜,颜色蓝白,蕴含无尽寒气。 A mountain scarlet like blood, obviously the innumerable skeletons, the corpse sea is dreadful. 一山赤红如血,可见无数骸骨,尸海滔天。 mountain Yanshi like the fire, exaggerates the backdrop, is full of the unsurpassed dignity. 一山炎石如火,将天幕渲染,充满无上威严。 Appeared moment, three mountains falls suddenly, toward Xu Qing here, comes, its aura felt the ancient feeling. 出现的一刻,三山骤然落下,向着许青这里,呼啸而来,其气息充满了古老之感。 This is what Divine Ability ! Is full of ancient intent......” “这是什么神通!充满古意……” The Xu Qing complexion sinks, under the intention moves, many soul silk run out from its within the body, by third God state of midair, wove first God state and second God state rapidly. 许青面色一沉,心念一动之下,更多的魂丝从其体内冲出,在半空的第三神灵态旁,飞速编织成了第一神灵态与第二神灵态 Takes a broad view to look, in purple moonlight, Xu Qing three God state, unprecedented at the same time appearance. 放眼看去,紫色月光里,许青的三个神灵态,前所未有的同时出现。 If before trading cut to kill Bai Xiaozhuo, Xu Qing cannot achieve this point, his soul silk quantity is unable to support, only has now 2 million soul silk, can let his same time, three shapes, complete formation. 若换了斩杀白萧卓前,许青是做不到这一点的,他的魂丝数量无法支撑,唯有如今二百万的魂丝,才可以让他同一时间,将三个形态,全部形成。 Appeared moment, such as three God, become trigonometric form to cover Xu Qing in center, with Xu Qing formed hand seals moves respectively, drops three mountains to go toward the sky. 出现的一刻,如三尊神灵,成三角型将许青笼罩在正中,各自随着许青掐诀而动,向着天空落下三山而去。 heterogeneity spreads at once, all around is fuzzy, purple moon is rich. 一时之间异质蔓延,四周模糊,紫月浓郁至极。 Next flickers, the first shape fist of Xu Qing falls on the frost mountain massif, this mountain thunders, second God state arrives, close to the second mountain, the black poisonous fog twinkling attack, changes to the giant demon, swallows ruthlessly. 下一瞬,许青的第一形态一拳落在冰霜山体,此山轰鸣间,第二神灵态到来,临近第二山,黑色毒雾瞬息侵袭,化作巨大魔头,狠狠吞噬。 Then, third God state lifts up high purple moon, changes to the stars, falls in the flame rocky mountain. 接着,第三神灵态高举紫月,化作星辰,落于炎石山。 World look changes, blustery, the three mountains shock of midair, cracks appear instantly, spread completely, until under a loud sound, is split up, collapses. 天地色变,风起云涌,半空的三山剧震,一道道裂缝刹那出现,蔓延全部,直至在一声巨响下,四分五裂,崩溃开来。 They are illusory, at this moment with the disruption, returns to Nihility, does not see the signs, but if carefully looked, can see...... when they dissipate, seven pink clouds light on all fragments, dodge to pass. 它们本是虚幻,此刻随着碎裂,回归虚无,不见踪迹,可若仔细去看,能看到……在它们消散之时,有七彩霞光在所有碎片上,一闪而逝。 But Divine Ability was destroyed, brought backlash, makes that mysterious female spout the blood again, the aura is weak, the body staggers to back up. 神通被毁,带来的反噬,也使得那神秘女子再次喷出鲜血,气息虚弱,身体踉跄倒退。 This person and my making a move, so the sound, must be detected, Imperial Capital formation, is all influence, is impossible unable to feel.” “此人与我的出手,这般动静,不可能不被察觉,无论是皇都阵法,还是各方势力,也不可能感受不到。” The Xu Qing in the eye cold glow flashes. 许青目中寒芒一闪。 May to the present, here be still peaceful...... the night assassination that only if met with me initially is the same, otherwise, only then another possibility.” “可到现在,这里依旧安静……除非是与我当初遇到的黑夜刺杀一样,否则的话,就只有另一个可能。” This female status...... unusual!” “此女的身份……非同寻常!” Xu Qing thinks of here, body in a flash, in midair his three God state, disperses godly might instantly, with Xu Qing together, directly soars that female. 许青想到这里,身体一晃,半空中他的三尊神灵态,也是刹那散出神威,与许青一起,直奔那女子。 Although this mysterious female corners of the mouth have the blood, but in the obvious heart is not convinced as before, in the in the eye quiet glow, the meaning of provocation, is still staring at Xu Qing, her right eye closes suddenly, only leaves behind the left eye to open. 这神秘女子嘴角虽有鲜血,可显然心中依旧不服气,目中幽芒内,挑衅之意还在,盯着许青,她的右目突然闭上,只留下左眼睁开。 In the left eye, the baby of rolling up, moves slightly. 左眼内,蜷缩的婴儿,微微一动。 Under this moves, the female white Shan in black and white double fan, the expansion, launched behind rapidly on the backdrop, revealed in a picture scroll. 这一动之下,女子身后黑白双扇中的白扇,急速扩大,展开在了天幕上,露出了里面一副画卷。 That picture scroll is very simple, is only place of endless rivers and lakes. 那画卷很简单,只是一片无尽的水泽之地。 The appeared moment, in the female spigot spreads chants in a low voice. 出现的一刻,女子口中传出低吟。 Rivers and lakes, state!” “水泽,国度!” This, the world trades, Imperial Capital as if vanishes, but Xu Qing with the place that female was , the long street does not exist, changed to piece of vast rivers and lakes. 此声一出,天地一换,皇都似乎消失,而许青与那女子所在的地方,长街也不存在,化作了一片浩瀚的水泽。 The intense sense of crisis, ascends in the Xu Qing heart suddenly, next one flickers, under this rivers and lakes, there is a sound of startled day giant beast, caused a stir in this rivers and lakes space. 强烈的危机感,骤然间在许青心头升腾,下一瞬,在这水泽之下,有巨兽之声惊天而起,轰动了这片水泽空间。 A great corner/horn, same shoots up to the sky like the mountain peak from the rivers and lakes, then, toward Xu Qing here, incline. 紧接着,一根巨角,从水泽下如山峰一样冲天而起,一根接着一个,向着许青这里,倾斜而来。 Surging forward, arouses thousand Ze to spend, just like going full steam ahead, with overpowering momentum. 汹涌澎湃,激起千层泽花,宛如万马奔腾,气势磅礴。 The urgent time, Xu Qing does not have the least bit to hesitate, the body to/clashes, lifts in midair both hands, formed hand seals gathers ten, its all around three God state, come toward Xu Qing suddenly instantaneously, 11 fuse with his body. 紧急时刻,许青没有半点迟疑,身体一冲而起,在半空双手抬起,掐诀合十,瞬息间其四周的三尊神灵态,向着许青瞬间而来,一一与其身体融合。 Suddenly, forms that gathered three God state, appeared in the world directly. 眨眼间,一尊集合了三层神灵态的身影,直接就出现在了天地之间。 The crystal is the bone, the soul silk is the meat, the poisonous fog armor, the Heavenly Dao brand mark, the three drying furnaces, burn in his chest fiercely, form the Horror imposing manner. 水晶为骨,魂丝为肉,毒雾化铠,天道烙印,更有三座烘炉,在其胸口剧烈燃烧,形成恐怖气势。 Back purple moon raises, but after purple moon, impressively is shadow of the huge sundial. 背后紫月升起,而在紫月之后,赫然是一个更为庞大的日晷之影。 The shadow also spreads out all over in this moment, covers eight sides, forms the meaning of forbidden area, the dead wood of deep place is hanging coffin, is also swaying rapidly, twittering the sound, spreads over the four directions. 影子也在这一刻铺展,覆盖八方,形成禁区之意,深处的枯木吊着的棺椁,也在飞速摇晃,呢喃之声,传遍四方。 This, is Xu Qing present shows most. 这,就是许青如今的最强展现。 His right hand lifts, presses toward the rivers and lakes, in mouth reverberation sacred sound. 其右手抬起,向着水泽一按,口中回荡神圣之声。 Dry flame sorcery main body said!” “枯炎妖法本尊道!” Xu Qing words, outside the body has seven pink clouds light to erupt instantly, after spreading eight sides, Nihility thunders, before have presented that mountains of three hanging upside down, appear unexpectedly again. 许青话语一出,身体外刹那就有七彩霞光爆发开来,蔓延八方后,虚无轰鸣,之前出现过的那三座倒挂之山,居然再次出现。 This, the looked mysterious female complexion changes instantaneously, revealing is unable to believe. 这一幕,看的神秘女子面色瞬间大变,露出无法置信。 You......” “你……” Did not wait for its words saying that the light of sparkles Xu Qing in the eye seven color, the right hand lifted toward land one finger/refers, immediately the first frost mountain, fell by the extremely heavy potential loudly, charges into the corner/horn of rivers and lakes raising. 不等其话语说完,许青目中七彩之光闪耀,右手抬起向着大地一指,顿时第一座冰霜之山,以万钧之势轰然而落,冲向水泽升起之角。 The loud sound is deafening, the rivers and lakes land thunders, is the second mountain, later is three mountains, three mountains suppression, the rivers and lakes sways, the space is not steady. 巨响震耳欲聋间,水泽大地轰鸣,接着是第二座山,随后是第三座山,三山镇压,水泽摇晃,空间不稳。 But finally strikes, from Xu Qing main body, its body like the meteor, falls in the midair suddenly, a fist falls in the rivers and lakes land. 而最后一击,来自许青本体,其身躯如流星,在半空骤然落下,一拳落在水泽大地上。 The rivers and lakes deep place, spreads roar of being unwilling, resembles hidden existence, wants radical running out, but concerned about some reasons, is unable the short time to achieve. 水泽深处,传出一声不甘之吼,似隐藏在内的存在,想要彻底的冲出,但碍于一些原因,无法短时间做到。 Therefore, this space, advances the collapse, world recovery. 于是,这片空间,先行崩溃,天地恢复 The mysterious female behind white fan picture, is split up, her look brings inconceivable, looks to stand there such as god demon general Xu Qing, will have a mind right eye of secret art to launch. 神秘女子身后的白色扇画,四分五裂,她神色带着不可思议,看着站在那里如神魔一般的许青,有心将右目秘法展开。 Holds the reason......” “掌缘……” Continuable backlash, making her right eye of old woman just move, back black fan-shaped for the first time a spreading, dissipated. 可连续的反噬,使她右目老妪刚动,背后黑色扇形乍一铺展,就自行消散。 The female blood spouts once again, the life and death crisis appears, she just about to opens the mouth. 女子鲜血又一次喷出,生死危机浮现,她刚要开口。 Suddenly, the Xu Qing form has disappeared in its in the eye, the next quarter, this female feels one to rumble vigorously, although she put together all, avoids an vital point reluctantly, but actually cannot avoid Xu Qing to change the fist for the palm of the hand of palm. 眨眼间,许青的身影已消失在了其目中,下一刻,这女子感受到一股大力轰来,她虽拼了一切,勉强避开一次致命要害,但却避不开许青改拳为掌的巴掌。 A palm of the hand, falls on her face. 一巴掌,落在她的脸上。 The mask collapses, reveals a Zhang Meili's face, but the spout and silt black profile of blood, destroyed the aesthetic sense, its body is also uncontrolled rewinding. 面具崩溃,露出一张美丽之脸,但鲜血的喷涌以及淤黑的半边脸,破坏了美感,其身躯也是不受控制的倒卷。 Has not waited to fall, the Xu Qing form thunders catches up, appears when her behind, the right hand lifts a dagger appears, toward the mysterious female fair neck, shears ruthlessly. 没等落下,许青的身影轰鸣间追上,出现在她的身后,右手抬起时一把匕首出现,向着神秘女子白皙的脖子,狠狠一割。 Who no matter the opposite party is, since the opposite party looks, acts on own initiative, custom that then Xu Qing has not killed. 不管对方是谁,既然对方找来,主动出手,那么许青没有不杀的习惯。 The blood emerges, the head flies. 鲜血涌现,头颅飞起。 Simultaneously the innumerable soul silk disperse, charges into this female body and head, swallows rapidly. 同时无数魂丝散出,也冲向此女的身与首,急速吞噬。 The mortal body of this female, changes to the flying ash. 这女子的肉身,化作飞灰。 But the brow of Xu Qing wrinkles, the soul silk has not swallowed any spirit and soul, this body...... does not have spirit and soul. 许青的眉头皱起,魂丝没有吞下任何灵魂,这身躯……没有灵魂 Next flickers, Xu Qing had detected, looked changes to the place of flying ash to the female, there innumerable dust is gathering at this moment, formed a radiant butterfly unexpectedly. 下一瞬,许青有所察觉,看向女子化作飞灰之处,那里无数的尘埃在此刻汇聚,竟形成了一只璀璨的蝴蝶。 This butterfly is overall, shining, dazzles beautiful utmost, two wings fan, the innumerable star light sprinkle, has the chilly sound, spreads from its within the body. 此蝶整体虚幻,流光溢彩,炫美之至,两个翅膀扇动间,无数星光洒落,更有清冷之声,从它体内传出。 You......” “你……” Suddenly, the soul silk flushes away, butterfly collapse. 眨眼间,魂丝冲去,蝴蝶崩溃。 But quick, forms again. 可很快,再次形成。 Xu Qing vision ice-cold. 许青目光冰冷。 But the voice of female, continues to reverberate. 而女子的声音,也继续回荡。 Killed also killed, should the air/Qi also disappear?” “杀也杀了,气也该消了吧?” Of bang, 1 million soul silk go again, the butterfly falls from the sky once again, but accidental/surprised, it forms. 轰的一声,百万魂丝再去,蝴蝶又一次陨灭,但不出意外的,它又重新形成。 Sufficed!” “够了啊!” Bang! 轰! After burning a joss stick, the Xu Qing unemotional trend distant place, its behind that butterfly follows, the sound continues to reverberate. 一炷香后,许青面无表情的走向远处,其背后那只蝴蝶跟随,声音继续回荡。 You are quite mean-spirited, has not calmed down, I was you cracked a joke before, if you also want to hit, you extinguished me again times 180.” “你这人好小气啊,还没消气啊,我之前是和你开玩笑,你要是还想打,那你再灭我百八十次的也可以。” Aiya, should not be angry, I know you to be curious to my cultivation technique, you should be also curious to my origin.” “哎呀,你别生气了,我知你对我的功法好奇,你应该对我的来历也好奇吧。” I, from the Glory Immortal palace.” “我,来自夏仙宫。” Presents the life of Palace Lord, inviting you to go to the Glory Immortal palace to see.” “奉宫主之命,邀请你去夏仙宫一见。” Xu Qing footsteps. 许青脚步一顿。
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