BT :: Volume #9

#807: The lamp spark blooms

Chaotic of Imperial Academy, finished. 太学之乱,就此结束。 The face of Ancient Sovereign Star Great Emperor, sinks slowly, vanishes does not see, the head of Great Emperor statue also returns slowly, stands erect before Rainbow Bridge, again static. 古皇星大帝的面孔,慢慢沉下,消失不见,大帝雕像的头颅也缓缓转回,屹立在彩虹桥前,重新静止。 The ray of imperial palace, is returning at this moment ordinarily. 皇宫的光芒,也在此刻回归平常。 In the bustling place forgetting kindnesses building, in the ancestral temple the mud fox in shrine, chuckle, closes the eyes, changes to the mud vulture. 红尘忘情楼内,祠堂内神龛中的泥狐狸,轻笑一声,闭上双眼,重新化作泥雕。 The Imperial Academy backdrop, the Divine Domain slit also vanishes thoroughly. 太学天幕,神域缝隙也彻底消失。 But this because by the confusion that the say/way forms, although terminates in this time, but it has a great influence, leaves leeway the suspense in all influence innermost feelings, regarding affect of Imperial Academy scholar, is profound. 而这场因论道形成的混乱,虽在此时终止,可其影响巨大,在各方势力内心都留有悬念,对于太学学子的波及,也是深远。 The innumerable scholar, had the injuries in varying degrees. 数不清的学子,存在了不同程度的伤势。 Therefore is silent and complex, becomes now the Imperial Academy theme, particularly Imperial Academy sky, broken, many position obviously weakness. 于是沉默与复杂,成为了如今太学的主旋律,尤其是太学的天空,一片残破,多个的位置可见薄弱之处。 Some places, like the ablation, presented the corroded black hole, such as the ulcer on skin, is unable the self-recovery. 还有一些地方,如同冰面融化,出现了似被腐蚀的黑洞,如皮肤上的溃疡,无法自愈。 But the land is also no better, did not say tattered and torn, but naked eye many regions are also collapsing obviously. 而大地也好不到哪里去,不说千疮百孔,但也肉眼可见很多区域正在坍塌。 Overall looked, the feeling of collapse is especially rich. 整体去看,崩溃之感尤为浓郁。 Witnesses all these, the wrinkle on Imperial Academy mansion Lord face, seemed to be more than before, he sighed one lightly, the right hand lifted, toward sky one finger/refers. 目睹这一切,太学府主脸上的皱纹,似乎比之前更多了一些,他轻叹一声,右手抬起,向着天空一指。 Remoulds!” “重塑!” Coordinates the Imperial Academy mansion together Lord, in this Imperial Academy the lords of all schools, send Lord is also one of them including Divergent Immortal, each is lifting the right hand at this moment, the revolution as the Imperial Academy jurisdiction that sends Lord to have. 一同配合太学府主的,还有这太学内所有的流派之主,包括异仙派主也在其中,他们每一位都在此刻抬起右手,运转身为派主所具备的太学权限。 At once, white tower disperses the white ray, forms the air wave spreads the land at the same time , the respective ascension white light beam, breaks in the Imperial Academy backdrop. 一时之间,一座座白塔散出白色的光芒,形成气浪扩散大地的同时,也各自升腾白色的光柱,冲入太学天幕内。 Looks from afar, light beam startled days, next one flickers, the vault of heaven presented massive rune seal to record, the light of sparkle white, each shape was the star anise, the spread vault of heaven, overspread the land. 远远看去,一道道光柱惊天,下一瞬,苍穹出现了大量的符文印记,闪耀白色之光,每一个形态都是八角,蔓延苍穹,又铺满大地。 These rune seal record, each other arrangement, formed a huge Eight Trigrams (gossip) shape. 这些符文印记,彼此排列,形成了一个巨大的八卦形。 Among encirclements, each other according to some rule rotation, but each complete circulation, will let the shatter Imperial Academy space, has repaired. 其内一圈圈环绕,彼此按照某种规律转动,而每一个完整的循环,都会让破碎的太学空间,有所修复。 The land is also so, same Eight Trigrams (gossip), same rotations. 大地也是如此,一样的八卦阵,一样的一圈圈转动。 On this day common bang, recovery of entire Imperial Academy space was also accelerated, until the time of burning a joss stick passes...... the vault of heaven to be sunny, all places of breaking vanish completely. 在这天地共同的轰隆中,整个太学空间的恢复也被加速,直至一炷香的时间过去……苍穹晴朗,所有破碎之处全部消失。 Land dustlessness, all places of collapsing, all return to original state. 大地无尘,所有坍塌之地,尽数还原。 All, before returned to discuss . 一切,都回归到了论道之前。 Said, finished.” “论道,结束。” Divergent Immortal School, wins!” 异仙流,胜出!” The Imperial Academy mansion lord in midair, the vision has swept all scholars, finally looks to the Divergent Immortal School circuit intendant, its looks at the key point, is sat down cross-legged Xu Qing. 半空中的太学府主,目光扫过所有学子,最终望向异仙流的道台,其所看重点,是重新盘膝坐下许青 This vision is profound, hidden has the sharp implication, resembling to completely understand the will of the people. 这目光深邃,隐有锐利蕴含,似能看透人心。 His words, what is also thorough is this field theory said, delimits to stop. 他的话语,也彻底的为这场论道,划下休止。 The form also after the words, goes floating, as for three imperial princes who behind him have followed, if before trading had not witnessed this event, most surfaces have a smile, encourages to the scholars, will then depart. 其身影也在话语后,飘然而去,至于他背后一直跟随的三皇子,若换了没有目睹这次事件前,最多表面含笑,向众学子勉励一番,便会离去。 But now, his respectful there one does obeisance toward Xu Qing, dares to get out of the way. 可现在,他恭恭敬敬的向着许青那里一拜,才敢走开。 But with their departures, after Imperial Academy intrinsic short silence, burst into the warm cheers, all sounds were to come from the Divergent Immortal School scholar. 而随着他们的离去,太学内在短暂的寂静之后,爆发出了热烈的欢呼声,所有的声音都是来自异仙流学子。 These before discussing, does not dare with the scholars who Divergent Immortal School recognizes each other, at this moment excited inspired. 这些在论道前,不敢与异仙流相认的学子们,此刻激动振奋。 Because they know, Divergent Immortal School...... said after this theory, and after defeating revealed melted the god, again the free from obstacle, surely will soar. 因为他们知道,异仙流……经此论道,且击败揭穿了融神后,将再无阻碍,必定一飞冲天。 Divergent Immortal situation, arrival. 异仙的大势,到来了。 This point, sparkles eight sides from the rainbow of his circuit intendant, can see 12. 这一点,从其道台的长虹闪耀八方,就可以看出一二。 Even many neutral scholars, is witnessing of today, filled to Divergent Immortal School yearned. 甚至很多中立的学子,也都在目睹今天之事后,对异仙流充满了向往。 But compares in surging upward Divergent Immortal School, God Fusion School as a side of failure, is the destiny is completely at this moment loose, all friendly theology, on arrive at the high-level seat of honor, below arrives at the ordinary disciple, the innermost feelings are all disturbed, vacant, but also in some people of hearts lamented. 但相比于高涨的异仙流,融神流作为失败的一方,此刻已经是气数尽散,所有融神学子,上到高层首席,下到普通弟子,无不内心忐忑,茫然,还有人心中悔恨。 All these, will change to the anger finally, to the Bai Xiaozhuo anger. 这一切,最终都会化作愤怒,对白萧卓的愤怒。 They then must face, inevitably is Imperial Academy and even Imperial Capital in view of the investigation of Bai Xiaozhuo, particularly melts the god high level, cannot escape, only if they can stand up to the examination, otherwise, the death was the only fate. 他们接下来要面对的,必然是太学乃至皇都针对白萧卓的调查,尤其是融神高层,一个也都逃不掉,除非他们可以经得住审查,不然的话,死亡是唯一的下场。 Fact also indeed so, when this cheers surge upward, Imperial Academy black health/guard as well as Imperial Capital own health/guard, common arrival. 事实也的确如此,在这欢呼声高涨时,太学的黑卫以及皇都的亲卫,共同到来。 In front of all scholars, carries off God Fusion School all high levels completely. 当着所有学子的面,将融神流所有高层全部带走。 And seal that forces the return that melts theology, enabling them in the future, only to keep Imperial Academy, the waiting follow-up investigation. 且强制的封印了融神学子的回归,使得他们在未来的一段时间里,只能留在太学,等待后续调查。 But the God Fusion School white tower, just like initial Divergent Immortal School, was sealed! 融神流的白塔,与当初的异仙流一样,被封! Xu Qing stands up in this time, sends Lord as well as Chen say/way with Divergent Immortal goes down the circuit intendant together, surrounded by Divergent Immortal scholar, returned to the Divergent Immortal white tower. 许青在此时站起身,与异仙派主以及陈道则一同走下道台,一路在异仙学子的簇拥下,回到了异仙白塔。 Outside white tower, Divergent Immortal sends Lord deeply to inspire, announced toward the scholar, tomorrow Divergent Immortal School, will reopen. 在白塔外,异仙派主深吸口气,向着学子宣布,明日异仙流,重新开放。 The cheers are warmer, this Divergent Immortal sends the lord, bows toward Xu Qing does obeisance, his side Chen say/way, is so. 欢呼声更为热烈中,这位异仙派主,向着许青躬身一拜,其旁陈道则,也是这般。 Xu Qing understands, they have too many issues to ask itself, therefore walks into white tower. 许青明白,他们有太多问题要问自己,于是走入白塔。 Two people, also step into, the white tower front door is closed slowly. 二人在后,随之踏入,白塔大门缓缓关闭。 Scholars, knows is unsuitable to disturb at this moment, therefore the respective belt/bring the heart of surging, is paying homage to after white tower, chose departure. 外界众学子,也都知晓此刻不便打扰,于是各自带着激荡的心,向着白塔膜拜后,选择了离去。 In white tower, a peace. 白塔内,一片安静。 Under the bright lights, Xu Qing stands before the jade slip rack, is looking above the dense and numerous ancient books, he Divergent Immortal sends Lord and Chen say/way behind, is respectful and vertical. 明亮的灯火下,许青站在玉简架子前,望着上面密密麻麻的典籍,他身后异仙派主与陈道则,恭敬而立。 They have too many issues, but stands now here, facing Xu Qing, even if there is countless words, how also does not know to open the mouth, is really Divergent Immortal lineage/vein Sourcepoint, on Xu Qing, this has made they be swayed by personal gains and losses. 他们心里有太多问题,可如今站在这里,面对许青,纵有千言万语,也不知如何开口,实在是异仙一脉的源头,已在许青身上,这使得他们内心患得患失。 When some people can a few words, decide the rise and fall of your most precious matter, is disturbed and scruple, is inevitable. 当有人可以一句话,就决定你最宝贵之事的兴衰,那么忐忑与迟疑,自是必然。 This, is actually a great person. 这,其实就是大人物。 Great person these three characters, every so often are not absolute, but is relative. 大人物这三个字,很多时候不是绝对,而是相对。 Xu Qing understands that their feeling, the experience of Seven Blood Pupils as well as Sea-Sealing County, has let him from youth that goes out in the slum, rapid transformation and growth. 许青明白他们的感受,七血瞳以及封海郡的经历,已经让他从一个于贫民窟走出的少年,飞速蜕变与成长。 Therefore, the Xu Qing sound, reverberated in white tower. 所以,许青的声音,回荡在了白塔内。 Divergent Immortal Dao Seed, is my soul plants institute.” 异仙道种,是我的魂种所化。” Advantages that this soul plants, I when give for the first time sends Lord, in jade slip has said is very clear.” “此魂种的利弊,我在第一次送给派主时,玉简里已说的很清楚。” This soul plants, I indeed may read the recaption, takes back therefore the soul to plant cultivation base that the institute produces completely.” “此魂种,我的确可一念取回,收回全部因此魂种所产生的修为。” But I, will only do that in one case, that is...... is contrary to humanity.” “但我只会在一种情况下,这么做,那就是……有违人道。” Xu Qing said, turning around, the vision is swift and fierce, looks sends Lord and Chen say/way to Divergent Immortal. 许青说完,转过身,目光凌厉,望向异仙派主与陈道则。 Two people lower the head, does obeisance submissively. 二人低头,拱手一拜。 If traded did not know the Xu Qing status, then these words, they were also only half believing and half doubting, the protection was also good, vigilant, will not lack, even if lowered the head finally, was still only the plan of rights, the using each other choices. 若换了不知道许青的身份,那么这些话语,他们也只是将信将疑,防备也好,警惕也罢,不会缺少,就算是最终低头,也只是权益之策,相互利用的取舍而已。 But...... the present was different. 可……现在不一样了。 In the Xu Qing status, the status is important, that is the back sword person. 许青的身份之中,有一个身份至关重要,那就是背剑人。 Can be approved by Great Emperor, becomes the back sword person, then his words, natural had the belief strength. 能被大帝认可,成为背剑人,那么他的话语,天然就具备了信服力。 Therefore sends Lord as well as Chen say/way regarding Divergent Immortal, they said these to Xu Qing, is the trust. 所以对于异仙派主以及陈道则而言,他们对许青所说这些,是信任的。 The Xu Qing right hand wields, plants the 98 purple souls in within the body balance, takes out three again, delivered to front of two people. 许青右手一挥,将体内存余的九十八枚紫色魂种,再次取出三枚,送到了二人面前。 You may choose the appropriate person, integrates this purple soul to plant, but the Divergent Immortal School concrete methodicalness, you and others made a decision.” “你们可选择适当之人,融入这紫色魂种,而异仙流的具体章法,你等自行决断。” I later, drawing of new reference totem detail, will deliver here, following scholar cultivate can this be the direction.” “我之后,也会将新的参照图腾细节的绘出,送予这里,后续学子修炼可以此为方向。” Obeys the law the aim!” “遵法旨!” Divergent Immortal sends Lord deeply to inspire, later the dignified opens the mouth, incomparably treasures plants to receive that three purple souls, then after thought for a moment, cups one hand in the other across the chest again. 异仙派主深吸口气,凝重开口,随后无比珍惜的将那三枚紫色魂种收起,接着想了想后,再次拱手。 permits Zun, my status outside, is the Observance Palace adviser, if there is the place of need, but also please tell.” “许尊,我在外的身份,是奉行宫的参事,若有需要之处,还请吩咐。” Xu Qing had not asked that he in status, may be most core interest entanglement, Divergent Immortal sends the lord to think oneself should say. 许青没问他在外界的身份,可作为最核心的利益捆绑者,异仙派主认为自己应该说出。 His side Chen say/way , after is silent, low and deep opens the mouth. 其旁陈道则,也是沉默后,低沉开口。 permits Zun, I in 2000 has not left Imperial Academy, plants thanks to the soul, the recovery consciousness, controls the body, I initially status outside, was on the star emperor extremely one of the sect execution Elder, now the matter of Divergent Immortal comes to the end, I also planned to return to sect outside.” “许尊,我两千年没有离开太学,多亏魂种,才恢复意识,重新掌控身躯,我当初在外的身份,是星帝上极宗的执行长老之一,如今异仙之事告一段落,我也打算在外回归宗门。” On star emperor extremely sect?” Xu Qing looking pensive, he thinks guessed Team Leader the star emperor divides the sect, therefore nods. “星帝上极宗?”许青若有所思,他想到了猜测队长所去的星帝分宗,于是点了点头。 But with the Xu Qing driving opens the mouth, Divergent Immortal sends Lord and Chen say/way , the cultivation technique about Divergent Immortal soul silk, will inquire Xu Qing. 而随着许青主动的开口,异仙派主与陈道则,也将关于异仙魂丝的修行之术,问询许青 Xu Qing on cultivation technique, nothing can direct, but he has oneself comprehension regarding the Divergent Immortal School core, unifies God state, he oneself idea, informed two people. 许青功法上,没有什么可以指点的,但他对于异仙流的核心有自己的感悟,结合神灵态,他将自己的想法,告知了二人。 His words, regarding the Chen say/way two people, have the profound significance, lets their mind mighty waves. 他的话语,对于陈道则二人而言,具备深远意义,让他们心神波澜。 „The function of soul silk, simulates Godsource......” “魂丝的作用,模拟神源……” Combustion god shadow, breakthrough wall barrier!” “燃烧神影,突破壁障!” So-called Divergent Immortal, read is a god, read is the immortal......” “所谓异仙,一念是神,一念是仙……” Two people of thoughts constantly welling up, the time also pass slowly, until Xu Qing leaves white tower, when walks into Imperial Capital, is late at night, the vault of heaven was covered by the black theater curtain, appearing is especially profound and quiet. 二人思绪万千,时间也慢慢流逝,直至许青离开白塔,走入皇都时,已是深夜,苍穹被黑色的幕布笼罩,显得格外深邃而静谧。 The star is embellishing the nighttime sky, such as mysterious eye, is the world. 星星点缀着夜空,如一双双神秘的眼睛,窥视着世界。 The breeze has blown, by the peaceful street, exudes rustle the sound that the trees sway, falls in the ear of Xu Qing, his footsteps stop, light opens the mouth. 微风吹过,安静的街头两侧,发出树木摇晃的沙沙之声,落在许青的耳中,他的脚步停顿,淡淡开口。 Previous time, appears in dim light of night Imperial Capital in my front diving along with, has died not entire corpse.” “上一次,在夜色皇都出现在我面前的潜随者,已经死无全尸。” Xu Qing words, in its back moonlight, reveals together the form of female. 许青话语一出,其背后的月光里,显露出一道女子的身影。 This female wears the mask, in the eye has some surprised, one wipes the provocation. 这女子戴着面具,目中有一些惊疑,也有一抹挑衅。 You can give a try.” “你可以试试看。” That presents in star emperor the mysterious female who divides the sect! 正是那位出现在星帝分宗的神秘女子! Xu Qing turns around, the moonlight rises sharply instantaneously, becomes the purple moonlight, covers the long street. 许青转身,月色瞬间大涨,成为紫色月光,笼罩长街。 ...... …… Meanwhile, a change of bizarre existence(s), is appearing in Ancient Sovereign Star. 与此同时,一场诡异的变化,正在古皇星内出现。 Ancient Sovereign Star, the fog spreads, slowly flowing. 古皇星,云雾蔓延,缓缓流动。 Above the deep place imperial palace, in that vast pentagon altar, five golden coffin, disperse the Horror sovereign air/Qi. 其深处皇宫之上,那座浩大的五角形祭坛中,五口金色棺椁,散出恐怖的皇气。 These sovereigns are mad are corroded have attacked, the color is jet black, such as Black Dragon, is passing the death, exudes the sound of wailing, around center that lamp, rapid rotation. 这些皇气似被腐蚀侵袭过,颜色漆黑,如一条条黑龙,透着死亡,发出哀嚎之声,绕着正中那盏灯,飞速转动。 But this purple lamp, is the condition of extinguishing, may in this flash, the wick position, present one group of swaying fires. 而这盏紫色的灯,原本是熄灭的状态,可在这一瞬间,灯芯的位置,出现了一团摇晃的火。 That is the golden-red double fire, will be very weak, resembles the wind to blow will extinguish. 那是金红双火,很微弱,似风一吹就会熄灭。 In fire a flower that has the other shore and Heavenly Mandate characteristics, partly visible. 火中一朵有着彼岸与天命特征的花,若隐若现。 This flower, is Bai Xiaozhuo finally the flower of development, is his life final...... 此花,正是白萧卓最终展现之花,也是他人生最后的…… Exhibit article. 展品。
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