BT :: Volume #1

#53: Takes the sea as to cultivate/repair( for cigarette ash big pledge in addition)

The moonlight sprinkles, for this great alligator all wore one moon/month splendor, looks from afar, seeming this boat ship lived was the same, is absorbing moon/month the essence, such as in expiration and inspiration. 月光洒落下来,为这巨鳄的全身披了一层月辉,远远看去,好似这舟船活了一样,正在吸收月的精华,如在吐纳。 Makes the moonlight richer was attracted by it, the flowing light overflows, the cold glow reveals completely. 使月光更浓郁的被其吸来,流光四溢中,寒芒毕露。 Xu Qing stared was very long. 许青凝望了很久。 The life of slum, is the scavenger camp, gives his new house besides Captain Thunder, the place that he lives is mostly crude. 无论是贫民窟的生活,还是拾荒者营地,除了雷队给他的新房子外,他居住的地方大都简陋。 But this like the alligator dark awning boat, under Yu Yueguang clean neat, has a sharp qi, making Xu Qing unable to bear squat down, lifts the hand to trace. 而这如鳄鱼般的乌篷舟,于月光下干净整洁,带着一股锐气,使许青忍不住蹲下,抬手摸了摸。 Icy cold, the material quality is very hard. 冰凉,材质很硬。 The most important thing is...... 最重要的是…… This is my.” Xu Qing whispered, just about to treads, but actually stopped, in the eye has the cold glow to flash, all around he feels has faintly has the malicious vision together, is staring at itself. “这是我的。”许青轻声低语,刚要踏去,但却停了一下,眼睛里有寒芒一闪,他感受四周隐隐有一道带着恶意的目光,在凝望自己。 But the opposite party hides is very covert, the Xu Qing short time is unable to find, therefore he restrains the in the eye cold glow, maintains the beforehand tranquility, did intentionally to look down own shoes. 但对方藏的很隐蔽,许青短时间无法找到,于是他收敛目中的寒芒,保持之前的平静,故作低头看了看自己的鞋。 The straw sandal is very worn-out, is mixing with a lot of mud and withered bloodstains, in the slit can see that his dirty foot refers. 草鞋很是破旧,夹杂着大量的泥巴与干枯的血迹,缝隙里能看到他脏兮兮的脚指。 Silent the moment, Xu Qing took off own shoes, looks fully is the both feet of dirt, he sits, in the one side enters in the sea water, flushes one to reveal until the fair skin of both feet. 沉默了片刻,许青将自己的鞋子脱下,看着满是污垢的双脚,他坐在一旁伸入海水里,冲洗一番直至双脚的白皙皮肤显露出来。 The entire process, he is seemingly quiet, but all around the observation, waits for the person of that malicious vision to appear in secret, is only the opposite party seems discrete, even if Xu Qing sat there revealed some meanings of idleness, this person has not come. 整个过程,他看似平静,但暗中观察四周,等待那恶意目光之人出现,只是对方似乎很谨慎,就算是许青坐在那里露出了一些懈怠之意,此人也不曾现身。 The Xu Qing look is usual, sets out to step the boat ship, swept dark boat awning. 许青神色如常,起身踏上舟船,扫了眼乌篷 The range in dark awning is not big, inside is also very simple, only has a bed, a rush cushion, place of washing the hands and face. 乌篷里的范围不大,里面也很简单,只有一张床,一个蒲团,一处盥洗之地。 Moreover the dark awning top is somewhat short, the average man is unable to stand completely, when sitting down should very be suitable. 另外乌篷的顶有些矮,常人在内无法完全站立,但坐下时应该会很适合。 After Xu Qing has swept one, has not stepped into, but sat on the deck outside dark awning, is listening to outside the clear ocean waves, felt the boat to fluctuate to sway with the sea level. 许青扫过一圈后,没有踏入,而是坐在了乌篷外的船板上,听着外面清晰的海浪,感受小船随着海面起伏而摇晃。 In this relative peace, his look appeared drifted, as if the train of thought is dispersing slowly. 在这相对的安静里,他的眼神出现了一些飘移,似乎思绪正慢慢散开。 Xu Qing thinks life that initially in the slum struggled, thinks oneself hides in the small nest, passed cold night, the winter every year, he in cold is vacant whether can see the next day Sun. 许青想到了当初贫民窟内挣扎的生活,想到了自己躲在小窝内,度过的一个個寒冷的夜晚,每一年的冬天,他都在寒冷里茫然是否能看到第二天的太阳。 Because of each cold winter, some people will freeze to death time. 因为每一次的寒冬,都会有人被冻死。 Therefore, he is sensitive to cold very much, perhaps fears is not ice-cold of body, but remembers. 所以,他很怕冷,或许怕的不是身体的冰冷,而是记忆。 At this moment sitting silently on the boat ship, Xu Qing is looking at outside night, is looking at the bright moonlight of sky, he thinks many years ago, the first person who oneself massacre. 此刻默默的坐在舟船上,许青望着外面的黑夜,望着天空的明月,他想到了多年前,自己杀掉的第一个人。 That person must eat him, finally was cut the head by him with effort, placed own small nest entrance, from then on, everyone looked at his look, the change. 那个人要吃了他,最后被他费力的割下了头,放在了自己的小窝门口,从那以后,大家看他的眼神,改变了。 The boat ship is still swaying. 舟船还在摇晃。 The Xu Qing in the eye train of thought seems to be still scattering, but the heart is muttering. 许青目中的思绪似乎还在飘散去,可心底却在喃喃。 Must here, puts one?” “要不要在这里,也放一个?” The innermost feelings words resound flickers, Xu Qing body fiercely backward one supine, wipes the cold light to howl from him. 内心话语响起的一瞬,许青身体猛地向后一仰,一抹寒光从他面前呼啸而过。 Avoids this cold glow instantly, Xu Qing in the eye scatters vanishes, as if all are false, true hidden cold severe, at this moment broken barrier! 避开这寒芒的刹那,许青目中的飘散消失,仿佛一切都是虚假,真正隐藏在内的冷厉,此刻破障而出! Finally came!” “终于现身了!” Next flickers, by the boat ship sea water sudden water splash raises, a Dao body shadow runs out from suddenly, directly soars Xu Qing to come, has the sharp cold glow, from the right hand sparkle of this form. 下一瞬,舟船旁的海水突然水花掀起,一道身影从内蓦然冲出,直奔许青而来,更有锐利的寒芒,从这身影的右手闪耀。 That is a dagger, under the moonlight is exuding the blue glow, obviously wiped violently poisonously. 那是一把匕首,月光下泛着蓝芒,显然抹了剧毒。 But with the aid of the moonlight, Xu Qing also saw clearly came the person, this was a disciple who wore the gray Daoist robe, has not covered up the face, seemed like over 30 years old, only then the Qi Condensation five appearances, may give the feeling of Xu Qing, threat. 而借助月光,许青也看清了来人,这是一个身穿灰色道袍的弟子,没有遮掩面孔,看起来三十多岁,只有凝气五层的样子,可偏偏给许青的感觉,有一丝威胁。 This moment this disciple face is fierce, in the eye the murderous intention fills the air. 此刻这弟子面部狰狞,眼睛里杀机弥漫。 The rapidness of speed, close, its in dagger toward the chest of Xu Qing, punctures instantly ruthlessly. 速度之快,刹那临近,其手里的匕首向着许青的胸口,狠狠刺来。 Xu Qing eye ice-cold, disregards the dagger of opposite party, the right hand stretches out at a quicker speed, an arm that holds the person, with the eruption of strength in within the body Body Refinement, one round, turns fiercely immediately directly the cultivator body that this to/clashes. 许青眼睛冰冷,无视对方的匕首,右手以更快的速度伸出,一把抓住来人的手臂,随着体内炼体之力的爆发,猛地一轮,顿时就将这冲来的修士身体直接轮起。 In this person with is unable believing, his body to be pounded by Xu Qing with amazement directly on the deck. 在此人的骇然与无法置信下,他的身体被许青直接砸在了船板上。 Of bang, the blood scatters the body of this person to drill a flesh tentacle suddenly, bringing the mucilage to pull out rapidly to Xu Qing, the aura that among contains, exceeded Qi Condensation five, achieved six appearances. 轰的一声,鲜血四溅中此人的身体突然钻出一条血肉触手,带着粘液飞速向许青抽来,其内蕴含的气息,超越了凝气五层,达到了六层的样子。 Xu Qing is unemotional, back Chief Shadow revealed suddenly, direct suppression. 许青面无表情,背后魁影蓦然显露,直接镇压。 Of bang, that tentacle paralyzes immediately, collapses. 轰的一声,那触手顿时瘫痪,崩溃开来。 Lost the tentacle, this cultivator blowout blood, the complexion is instantly pale, but must struggle, but next flickers the left hand of Xu Qing, takes a dagger, according to the neck of this person. 失去了触手,这修士喷出鲜血,面色刹那苍白,还要挣扎,但下一瞬许青的左手,拿着一把匕首,按在了此人的脖子上。 The dagger was very cold, lacerated the skin, only need make an effort slightly, may cut his throat. 匕首很寒,割破了皮肤,只需微微用力,就可将其喉咙划开。 This, making this cultivator body shake, looks to the Xu Qing vision, shows the fear. 这一幕,让这修士身体一震,看向许青的目光,透出恐惧。 How do you hide your? What you are tentacle?” Xu Qing coldly is looking at present cultivator, spreads the words. “你是如何隐藏自身的?还有你方才身上的触手是什么?”许青冷冷的望着眼前的修士,传出话语。 This is I transplants in hand of seal of the sea, can increase my strength, can make me hide the aura, in sect many people do, this Junior Brother, I can find the way to make up for making a move of this time, I was contribution was also insufficient, but I had an assignment, tomorrow......” this cultivator will open the mouth hastily, but his words have not waited saying that the dagger in Xu Qing hand sheared fiercely. “这是我移植在身上的海章之手,可以增加我的战力,也能让我在海里藏匿气息,宗门里很多人都这么干,这位师弟,我可以想办法去弥补这一次的出手,我也是贡献点不够了,但我接了个任务,明天……”这修士连忙开口,可他话语没等说完,许青手中的匕首猛地一割。 Immediately this cultivator eye opens, the pitiful yell has not waited to spread, by Xu Qing one according to the mouth, the whole body was twitched his blood to erupt, magic boat incarnadine a piece. 顿时这修士眼睛睁大,惨叫还没等传出,就被许青一把按在口上,浑身抽搐中他鲜血喷发出来,将法舟染红了一片。 After several time of breath, his body is motionless. 几个呼吸的时间后,他的身体一动不动。 Xu Qing looked at smeared magic boat, frowns, takes out Corpse Scatterer to scatter, until the corpse changes to the bloody water, all around also does not have any Seventh Peak disciple appears. 许青看了看被弄脏的法舟,皱起眉头,取出毁尸散撒下,直至尸体化作血水,四周也没有任何第七峰弟子出现。 As if everyone regarding this, becomes accustomed. 似乎大家对此,都习以为常。 This moment sea breeze blows, bringing the sea to be rank and bloody, fills the air in Xu Qing all around, he picks up the pocket of opposite party, inside is very spatial, no valuable goods. 此刻海风吹来,带着海腥与血腥,弥漫在许青的四周,他捡起对方的口袋,里面很空,没什么值钱的物品。 This person stares at me , because I have magic boat.” Xu Qing thinks daytime moon-face cultivator said that every month, will have disciple bewildered missing. “此人盯上我,是因我有法舟。”许青想到了白天圆脸修士所说,每个月,都会有弟子莫名其妙的失踪。 Therefore he touched oneself sharp iron skewer, in the eye cold glow flashes, later takes out the brocade box that oneself bring back, opened it, found jade slip of inside introduction boat ship, careful examination. 于是他摸了摸自己锋利的铁签,眼睛里冷芒一闪,随后取出自己带回的锦盒,将其打开,找到里面介绍舟船的玉简,仔细的查看起来。 Good after long time, Xu Qing puts down jade slip slowly, looks down this boat ship, eye. 好半晌后许青缓缓放下玉简,低头看着这艘舟船,目露奇芒。 This boat...... is very astonishing.” Muttered, the Xu Qing right hand lifted, toward a deck racket, within the body spiritual energy filled the air, according to the jade slip method, oneself spiritual energy will change to a mark, the brand mark on the boat ship. “这艘舟……很惊人。”喃喃间,许青右手抬起,向着身边船板一拍,体内灵能弥漫,按照玉简的方法,将自身灵能化作一枚印记,烙印在舟船上。 The entire boat ship shakes, resembles some type of equipment to be opened, sends out slightly humming sound the sound. 整个舟船一震,似某种装置被开启,发出轻微的嗡嗡声。 Xu Qing the breaking by biting finger, squeezes out a drop of blood immediately, on deck earnest draws simple rune/symbol writing, with rune/symbol Wen's draw, the entire boat ship shakes loudly, a dark relation, appears instantly in the Xu Qing mind. 许青立刻咬破手指,挤出一滴鲜血,在船板上认真的画出一个简单的符文,随着符文的画出,整个舟船轰然一震,一股冥冥中的联系,刹那就浮现在许青的心神内。 This is the boat ship that in jade slip records recognizes the Lord method, at this moment operates, the Xu Qing clear feeling oneself with this boat ship, as if melt in this moment for a body. 这是玉简内记录的舟船认主的方法,此刻操作完,许青清晰的感受到自己与这艘舟船,仿佛在这一刻融为了一体。 As his mind moves, immediately the protection light/only covers together, appears from the boat ship, after covering the complete hull, Xu Qing finally feels a security sense. 随着他心神一动,顿时一道防护光罩,就从舟船上浮现,笼罩全部船体后,许青终于感受到了一股安全感。 Therefore he lowers the head , to continue to examine jade slip about boat ship, after inside content multiple redundant memories, making it print firmly in the heart. 于是他低头,继续查看关于舟船的玉简,将里面的内容多次重复的记忆后,使其牢牢印在了心底。 The Seven Blood Pupils boat ship, indeed contained the extremely high growth potential. 七血瞳的舟船,的确是蕴含了极高的成长性。 The disciples can defer to oneself demand, in the speed, the protection, the attacks and special these four points, goes continuously to strengthen. Can strengthen solely, can be in full bloom comprehensively, must look own resources degree with liking. 弟子可以按照自己的需求,在速度,防护,攻击以及特殊这四个点,去不断地强化。可以单一强化,也可以全面盛开,要看自身资源程度与喜好。 The first three directions are concise, as for special, refers to the special capability excluding magic arts, for example enables the boat ship to submerge the seabed, or makes it be separated from the sea level flight in the day. 前三个方向简明易懂,至于特殊,指的是除法术之外的特殊能力,比如使舟船可以潜入海底,或者让其脱离海面飞行在天。 Also or was presents in some shapes to be separated from the change of boat ship. 又或者是出现一些形态上脱离了舟船的变化。 But special, is other three directions, decides their, only then, that is the material quality of hull. 但无论是特殊,还是其他三个方向,决定它们的只有一点,那就是船身的材质。 Generally speaking, the Seventh Peak disciple chooses the hull material quality, two directions, the first direction builds artificially. 一般来说,第七峰弟子选择船身材质,有两个方向,第一个方向是人为打造。 Replaces a higher level unceasingly the material, enabling it formation of carrying/sustaining higher might, causes boat ship promotion, is even more intrepid. 不断地替换更高层次的材料,使其能承载更高威力的阵法,来使舟船晋升,越发强悍。 This road, must practice a coordination with the second peak, the development trend had the artificial limit, but as before the first choice of a large number of disciples. 这条路,需与第二峰练阵配合,未来发展存在了人为局限,但依旧还是相当一部分弟子的首选。 Because of this road, the degree of hazard is not big, routinely, fair. 因为这条路,危险程度不大,按部就班,中规中矩。 As for the second direction......” “至于第二个方向……” That is by the body material of disassimilation lifeform, as the material quality of boat ship, does not need formation to join.” Some Xu Qing clear(ly) became aware, through jade slip of boat ship, he know that all disassimilation lifeform materials, contained natural formation. “那是以异化生物的身体材料,作为舟船的材质,不需要阵法加入。”许青有些明悟,通过舟船的玉简,他知道所有异化生物身上的材料,都蕴含了天然的阵法 Also can say its talent, the might is good, this kind of formation, was called the ban. 也可以说其天赋,威力都不俗,这一类阵法,被称之为禁制。 The body materials of different unusual animals, the implication different banned, has the different abilities. 不同异兽的身体材料,蕴含不同禁制,具备不同能力。 These two directions regardless of, extremely consumption resources.” In Xu Qing looks down to begin jade slip, realized Seven Blood Pupils Horror again. “这两个方向无论哪一个,都极为耗费资源。”许青低头看着手里的玉简,再次认识到了七血瞳恐怖 That because, as the disciple of new promote, he exchanged was only the first-level boat. 因为,作为新晋的弟子,他兑换的这艘只是一级舟。 But the Seventh Peak boat ship, is divided into the boat, ship, ship and wheel these four big levels, each level, is divided into ten ranks. 第七峰的舟船,分为舟、船、舰、轮这四个大层次,每一个层次,分为十个等级。 Even in round behind, jade slip also explained has a pinnacle level. 甚至在轮的后面,玉简还说明了存在一个极致的层次。 Named Great Wing. 名为大翼 Under the promotion, the needed resources...... Xu Qing does not have the means to go to the concrete computation layer upon layer, is only the preliminary judgment, makes him inspire. “层层提升下,需要的资源……”许青没有办法去具体计算,只是初步的判断,就让他吸了口气。 Therefore puts down jade slip, he will send will stay, looks down to oneself pocket, the leather bag or storage bag, the inside surplus commodities, were too few are too really few. 于是放下玉简,他发了会呆,低头看向自己的口袋,无论是皮袋还是储物袋,里面剩余的物资,实在是太少太少。 If wants the means to make money, one month later, the berth must collect fees.” Xu Qing hesitates, after long time, takes out another jade slip, studies. “要想办法赚钱,还有一个月后,泊位也要收费。”许青沉吟,半晌后取出另一枚玉简,研究起来。 In this jade slip, what record is Seventh Peak does not leak cultivation technique that named Sea Transforming Scripture. 枚玉简内,记录的是第七峰不外传的功法,名为化海经 As the top influence of South Phoenix continent, among various peaks cultivation technique, the heterogeneity separation degree, is might, the value is enormous, might is astonishing, is not other small influences and families can compare. 作为南凰洲的顶级势力,其内各峰的功法,无论是异质的分离程度,还是本身的威力,都价值极大,威力方面更是惊人,不是其他小势力与家族可以比拟。 It can be said that same cultivation base, big of disparity such as firefly insect and flare. 可以说,同样的修为,差距之大如萤虫与火把。 After careful research, the Xu Qing deep exhalation one breath, he knows finally, why after oneself come here, sees all Seven Blood Pupils disciples, obviously cultivation base does not seem like very high, reason that but actually gives itself some senses of crisis. 仔细研究后,许青深深的呼出一口气,他终于知道,为何自己来到这里后,看到所有七血瞳的弟子,明明修为似乎不是很高,但却都给自己一些危机感的原因了。 The cultivation technique level, decided all these. 功法的层次,决定了这一切。 For example when this Sea Transforming Scripture, altogether 10th floor, corresponds Qi Condensation 10th floor, cultivate must approach the sea area the place, if in the sea is better. 比如这化海经,一共十层,对应凝气十层,修炼之时必须在靠近海域的地方,若是海中则更好。 Each cultivation, will absorb the aura from great sea, lets within the body formed ten zhang (3.33 m) range spirit sea, after cultivate to 10th floor, is Qi Condensation great circle, the spirit sea range may be the hundred zhang (333 m) upper limit. 每一层的修行,都会吸收来自大海的气息,让体内形成十丈范围的灵海,修炼到了第十层后,也就是凝气大圆满,灵海范围可达到百丈上限。 This causes cultivation Sea Transforming Scripture cultivator, is quite prolonged, within the body spiritual energy exceeds above same boundary several times, the coordination changes endless magical technique(s), its battle efficiency naturally can suppress eight sides. 这就使得修行化海经修士,极为绵长,体内灵能超越同境数倍以上,配合变化无尽的术法,其战斗力自然可以镇压八方。 Stranger, when is acts, Forbidden Sea aura that the spirit sea embodiment contains, but can also form the oppression on mind, making his opponent invisible weak. 更为奇异的,是出手时,灵海内蕴含的禁海气息,还可以形成心神上的压迫,使其对手无形被虚弱。 The Qi Condensation boundary, is actually the accumulation in within the body spiritual energy, but the Forbidden Sea aura that this Huahai passes through, can make all spiritual energy be inferior one person, were shocked intensely. 凝气境,其实就是体内灵能的积累,而这华海经的禁海气息,可以让一切灵能不如自己之人,被强烈震慑。 Sea and Mountain Art is Body Refinement cultivation technique, Chief Shadow great accomplishment, is equivalent to Body Refinement great circle, just like Qi Condensation great circle, but concerned about the cultivation technique level , compared with similar high rank cultivation technique, same great circle, is weaker.” 海山诀炼体功法,魁影大成,就相当于炼体大圆满,与凝气大圆满一样,但碍于功法层次,与同类高阶功法比较,一样的大圆满,却弱很多。” Does not have heterogeneity because of my within the body, there are purple crystal in addition to hold, therefore when here, is only Sea and Mountain Art seventh, presented great circle can have Chief Shadow that the strength endures to compare great circle.” “不过因我体内没有异质,又有紫色水晶加持,所以在我这里,只是海山诀第七层,就出现了大圆满时才会有的魁影,战力堪比大圆满。” But in the final analysis, the Sea and Mountain Art level, is with this Sea Transforming Scripture, is unable to compare, Body Refinement, cultivation technique(s)......” in the Xu Qing heart exudes the mighty waves, thinks words that on the outlying hill of moon-face cultivator spoke. “可归根结底,海山诀的层次,还是与这化海经,无法比较,一个炼体,一个修法……”许青心中泛起波澜,想到了圆脸修士之前山上所说的话语。 After long time, Xu Qing in the eye reveals firmly, notices the jade slip inner point to leave, spirit sea that Sea Transforming Scripture forms, the upper limit not remain unchanged. 半晌后,许青目中露出坚定,更注意到玉简内点出,化海经形成的灵海,上限并非一成不变。 The physique of everyone is different, the disassimilation degree is also different. 每个人的体质不同,异化程度也不一样。 The disassimilation are less, then the spirit sea range upper limit is bigger, until now, in Seven Blood Pupils the highest record, before the sixty year cycle, some people when Qi Condensation great circle, formed 270 zhang (3.33 m) spirit sea. 异化越少,则灵海的范围上限就越大,至今为止,七血瞳内最高的记录,是在一甲子前,有人在凝气大圆满时,形成了二百七十丈的灵海 This person, is the present Seven Blood Pupils Seventh Peak front lord. 此人,就是如今的七血瞳第七峰的锋主。 Sees here, the Xu Qing eye concentrates, he knows that own within the body does not have heterogeneity...... 看到这里,许青眼睛一凝,他知道自己体内没有异质…… Then my cultivation this Sea Transforming Scripture, after great circle, how many scopes will form spirit sea?” “那么我修行化海经,大圆满后会形成多少范围的灵海?” The Xu Qing heart exudes the intense anticipation in this moment, he felt, if the disassimilation no longer prevents the upper limit, then own upper limit should be the maximum degree that can withstand. 许青心底在这一刻泛起强烈的期待,他觉得若异化不再阻止上限,那么自己的上限应该就是自身能承受的最大程度。 But Horror of his body very on recovery, the degree of therefore withstanding, will be naturally enormous. 而他的身体在恢复上很是恐怖,所以承受的程度,自然也会极大。 This makes in the eye of Xu Qing reveal the unprecedented ray. 这让许青的眼睛里露出前所未有的光芒。 Meanwhile he also notices, what this Sea Transforming Scripture cultivates is magical technique(s), is not Body Refinement, but with a Vajra sect war, Xu Qing profound realizes the pure Body Refinement flaw. 同时他也注意到,这化海经修的是术法,并非炼体,而与金刚宗一战,许青深刻的意识到单纯炼体的缺陷。 Therefore at this moment he has nothing to hesitate, after careful memory cultivation technique, closes eyes immediately, starts cultivation Sea Transforming Scripture. 所以此刻他没有任何迟疑,在仔细的记忆功法后,立刻就闭目,开始修行化海经 With cultivate, all around of dark awning small boat gets windy immediately, the sea level wave light is clear, spiritual energy that contained the Forbidden Sea aura innumerably, is mixing rich heterogeneity, directly soars the Xu Qing small boat. 随着修炼,乌篷小舟的四周顿时就起了风,海面波光粼粼间,无数蕴含了禁海气息的灵能,混合着浓郁的异质,直奔许青的小舟而来。 The protection light cover can stop magical technique(s), but will not intercept these spiritual energy, with flooding into, them drills following the Xu Qing whole body fine hair, forms silk threads. 防护光罩可以阻拦术法,但不会拦截这些灵能,随着涌入,它们顺着许青全身汗毛钻去,形成一道道丝线。 No heterogeneity body, after by multiple concise, all meridians are very insightful, this causes the spiritual energy flooding into not slightly barrier, is even more swift and violent. 没有任何异质的身躯,被多次的凝练后,所有经脉无比通透,这就使得灵能的涌入没有丝毫障碍,越发迅猛。 His body is similar to together the withered sponge, inhales these spiritual energy instantaneously, locates at its dantian, slowly gathering. 他的身体就如同一块干枯的海绵,瞬间就将那些灵能吸入,于其丹田处,慢慢汇聚。 In this cultivation, Xu Qing detected faintly own Sea and Mountain Art, seemed to be attracted by Sea Transforming Scripture, wish of instinct revolves, but is different because of the mobile meridians, therefore was suppressed by him. 在这修行中,许青隐隐察觉自己的海山诀,似乎被化海经吸引,也本能的想要运转,但因流动的经脉不同,所以被他压制。 After long time, the impulsion that as Sea and Mountain Art revolves is even more intense, the Xu Qing innermost feelings move, after hesitating, no longer controls simply. 半晌后,随着海山诀运转的冲动越发强烈,许青内心一动,沉吟后索性不再控制。 Next flickers, without suppressed Sea and Mountain Art, in revolution instantly, spiritual energy that floods into from eight sides, several times rise suddenly suddenly. 下一瞬,没有压制的海山诀,在运转的刹那,从八方涌入过来的灵能,骤然数倍暴涨。 Gathers his dantian spirit sea, is all of a sudden boundless. 汇聚到他丹田的灵海,也一下子磅礴起来。 This discovery, making Xu Qing somewhat unthinkable. 这一发现,让许青有些匪夷所思。 It seems these two cultivation technique in this moment, presented the fusion, Sea and Mountain Art does not compete with Sea Transforming Scripture, but is auxiliary. 好似这两种功法在这一刻,出现了融合,其中海山诀不是与化海经争夺,而是辅助。 Therefore his whole body Qi and blood inflates simply, outside the body Chief Shadow transforms. 于是他索性全身气血膨胀,身体外魁影幻化。 The appearing moment, this Chief Shadow face upwards silent shouts, unexpectedly both hands outstretch seem move to the sea, causes Forbidden Sea spiritual energy such as the turbulent tide, suddenly erupts. 在出现的一刻,这魁影仰天无声嘶吼,居然双手伸开好似移海般,使得禁海灵能如汹涌的潮水,蓦然爆发。 Instantly, in the mind vibration of Xu Qing, spirit sea of his dantian was ten zhang (3.33 m) directly. 刹那,在许青的心神震动中,他丹田的灵海直接就达到了十丈。 Sea Transforming Scripture first, complete. 化海经第一层,圆满。 The Xu Qing body vibrates, excessively thinks without enough time, immediately cultivation second, shortly after time, Sea Transforming Scripture second, complete. 许青身体震动,来不及过多思索,立刻修行第二层,时间不久,化海经第二层,圆满。 Is so quick!” Xu Qing has not hesitated, immediately cultivation third. “这么快吗!”许青没有迟疑,立刻修行第三层。 spirit sea in within the body inflates unceasingly, 21 zhang (3.33 m), 22 zhang (3.33 m), 23 zhang (3.33 m)...... 体内的灵海不断膨胀,二十一丈,二十二丈,二十三丈…… Under erupts, even outside his dark awning small boat that this continues, flooded into spiritual energy formed an vortex gradually, making here wind bigger, the sea level presents the mighty waves, brought to the attention of shore guard. 在这持续的爆发下,甚至他乌篷小舟外,涌入的灵能都渐渐形成了一个漩涡,使这里的风更大,海面出现波涛,引起了岸边侍卫的注意。 Stares, the look has the change. 纷纷凝望,神色都有变化。 Which evildoer/monstrous talent disciple is this in cultivate?” “这是哪个妖孽弟子在修炼?” This absorbing spiritual energy speed......” “这种吸纳灵能的速度……” Shocks to look in them flickers, the vortex thunders suddenly, expands again, making the sea level of harbor even more fluctuate, large number of boat ships also sway, many disciples are frowning to go out, coldly to look, quick, in abundance look surprise. 在他们震撼看去的一瞬,漩涡突然轰鸣,再次扩大,使得港湾的海面越发起伏,大量的舟船都随之摇晃中,不少弟子皱着眉头走出,冷冷看去,很快,纷纷神色诧异。 What situation!” “什么情况!” Vortex, but also is inflating! 漩涡,还在膨胀! Xu Qing in boat, this moment whole body sharp shock, spirit sea in within the body in this flickers, had broken through 30 zhang (3.33 m), was 37 zhang (3.33 m). 舟内的许青,此刻全身强烈震动,体内的灵海在这一瞬,已经突破了三十丈,达到了三十七丈。 Still is continuing. 还在继续。 38 zhang (3.33 m), 39 zhang (3.33 m), until the 40 zhang (3.33 m)! 三十八丈,三十九丈,直至四十丈! The Xu Qing eye opens fiercely, among the purple ray dazzling sparkle, submerged shock of in the eye. 许青眼睛猛地睁开,其内紫色的光芒刺目闪耀,淹没了目中的震撼。 Sea Transforming Scripture, fourth layer!” 化海经,第四层!” ------ ------ For the cigarette ash big pledge in addition two chapters, about ten thousand characters. 为烟灰大盟加更两章,更了近万字。 Today these four chapters, almost 20,000 characters, before this was equivalent to me seven chapters...... wanted my cool breeze youth life 今天这四章,差不多两万字了,这相当于我以前的七章啊……要了我清风少年的命 Asked the monthly ticket, must ask the monthly ticket, the monthly ticket monthly ticket monthly ticket ~ ~ 求月票,必须求月票,月票月票月票~~ The words saying how was cool breeze youth, had the cool breeze young girl. 还有话说怎么都是清风少年了,有没有清风少女呀。 youth reported! 少年来报道! The young girls reported! 少女来报道!
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