BT :: Volume #1

#52: Colleagues( is cigarette ash big pledge in addition)

This moment setting sun, close to dusk. 此刻夕阳,临近黄昏。 The afterglow sprinkles on the ravine alley, gradual dimness. 余晖洒落在山间小路上,正逐渐的黯淡。 Xu Qing at the back of the brocade box, looks at the weather, the mind recollection moon-face cultivator words, regarding this Seven Blood Pupils, the cognition are clear. 许青背着锦盒,望了望天色,脑海回忆圆脸修士的话语,对于这七血瞳,认知已经清晰。 He knows that this main city is seemingly ordered, may in fact hide the huge bad risk, particularly at night, the evil intentions from eight sides, always some people for a better survival, chooses to others reveals the fang. 他知道这座主城看似有序,可实际上藏着巨大的凶险,尤其是夜晚,来自八方的恶意更甚,总有人为了更好的生存,选择对旁人露出獠牙。 This not to wrong. 这没有对错。 But Xu Qing does not think that become others the nutritious thing that is good to survive, therefore he touched the back brocade box, prepares to look for a gloomy place, under no one detects, received own storage bag. 许青不想自己成为别人更好生存下去的滋补之物,于是他摸了摸背后的锦盒,准备找个阴暗之地,在无人察觉下,收入自己的储物袋内。 Therefore sped up the footsteps. 于是加快了脚步。 Soon, he follows the mountain road to get down, he saw in that at the foot of the mountain two forms that changes the gray Daoist robe. 不多时,他就顺着山路下来,在那山脚下他看到了换上灰色道袍的两个身影。 A man and a woman, are Zhou Qingpeng and Xu Xiaohui. 一男一女,正是周青鹏徐小慧 The Xu Xiaohui look is beautiful, although the grey robe hid its wonderful graceful physique, but blowing up of the slightly chest and buttocks, causes this grey robe on her body, were many some flavors of seduction. 徐小慧相貌秀丽,灰袍虽隐藏了其妙曼的身姿,但无论是胸部与臀部的微微鼓起,都使这身灰袍在她的身上,多了一些诱惑的韵味。 Was handsome as for Zhou Qingpeng, at this moment the gray Daoist robe in the body, his whole person looks very elegant, enabling Xu Xiaohui there in the eye to have the blurred meaning. 至于周青鹏本就俊朗,此刻灰色道袍在身,他整个人看起来很是飘逸,使徐小慧那里目中都有迷离之意。 Does not know, what she is blurred is Zhou Qingpeng this person, is his magic boat. 就是不知,她迷离的是周青鹏这個人,还是他的法舟 Saw that the Xu Qing form appears, Zhou Qingpeng laughs, walks toward Xu Qing. 眼看许青的身影出现,周青鹏哈哈一笑,向着许青走去。 Xu Qing, you got down finally, I waited for you to have a while.” 许青,你总算下来了,我都等你有一会儿了。” The Xu Qing look is usual, but the innermost feelings actually full are vigilant, has not approached, 78 ten feets away looks up to the neck of Zhou Qingpeng, right hand optional hanging in conceals by the black skewer pocket. 许青神色如常,但内心却满是警惕,没有靠近,在78丈外抬头看向周青鹏的脖子,右手随意的垂在藏着黑色铁签的口袋旁。 Everyone is the Seventh Peak disciple, is the same batch crosses the threshold, and in sect we are not very familiar, therefore I think that we should be intimate.” “大家都是第七峰弟子,又是同一批入门,且宗门内我们都不是很熟悉,所以我想我们应该多亲近亲近。” Such later has anything , can many friend, many personal connection.” The Zhou Qingpeng attitude is sincere, holds the fist in the other hand toward Xu Qing. “这样以后有什么事情,也能多一个朋友,多一条人脉。”周青鹏态度诚恳,向着许青抱拳。 Xu Qing hears word has not reduced vigilantly, but he felt some truth that the opposite party said that therefore nod. 许青闻言警惕没有减少,但他觉得对方说的有些道理,于是点了点头。 On the Zhou Qingpeng face the smile as before, said simply several, he sees the Xu Qing unhappy expression, therefore exchanged the communication information after by far, then saying goodbye brings Xu Xiaohui to depart. 周青鹏脸上笑容依旧,简单的说了几句,他眼看许青不喜言辞,于是远远的交换了通讯信息后,便告辞带着徐小慧离去。 Looks the form that they are going far away, Xu Qing looks down the status token in hand, the communication information that the opposite party just exchanged, uses this token as the medium. 望着他们远去的身影,许青低头看了看手里的身份令牌,对方刚刚交换的通讯信息,就是以这令牌为媒介。 Can speak?” Xu Qing curious sizes up, within the body spiritual energy floods into, immediately the mind appeared in the token own information. “可以说话?”许青好奇的打量一番,体内灵能涌入,顿时脑海就浮现出了令牌内自己的信息。 This makes him feel very strange, therefore research while vanguard. 这让他觉得很奇异,于是一边研究一边前行。 When enters in the city, he looked for a corner, the brocade box that will carry puts in storage bag, has not changed the gray Daoist robe, as before is that dirty fur-lined coat. 当走入城中时,他找了个角落,将背着的锦盒放入储物袋内,没有换上灰色道袍,依旧是那一身脏脏的皮袄。 If during the daytime, in this neat main city, his scavenger appearance will be very conspicuous, but the present is night, is more convenient he hidden at the same time, this dressing up, he thought that can also avoid the trouble that some are unable to solve. 若是白天,在这整洁的主城里,他这身拾荒者打扮会很显眼,可如今是夜里,更方便他隐藏的同时,这身装扮,他觉得也可以避开一些自己无法解决的麻烦。 After all, scavenger is very mostly poor, can stare at his nature unable to be what expert, therefore he can process. 毕竟,拾荒者大都很穷,能盯上他的自然不会是什么强者,所以他能处理。 Meanwhile he also understands the efficacy study of status token, knows how to send greetings, saw in own information, assignment department of labelling. 同时他也将身份令牌的功效研究明白,知道了如何传音,也看到了里面自己的信息中,标注的任职部门。 Homicide Department?” Xu Qing muttered, although did not understand the function of assignment department, but can guess correctly 12 from the wording, this department...... seemed savage is very dangerous. 捕凶司?”许青喃喃,虽不明白任职部门的职能,但从字面上可以猜出一二,这个部门……似乎很凶残很危险。 As for registration time, what in the information stipulates tomorrow will be, simultaneously in this status token, his dark awning small boat berth will be. 至于报到时间,信息上规定的是明日,同时在这身份令牌里,还有他的乌篷小舟泊位所在。 Regarding having the magic boat disciple, sect will assign the berth, and gives one month of exempt from taxation period, one month later needs to collect fees, the price is each month 30,000 contribution points, is three ten spirit stone, if not pay, then the berth cancels automatically. 对于拥有法舟的弟子,宗门会自行分配泊位,且给予一个月的免租期,一个月后需要收费,价格是每月三万贡献点,也就是三十灵石,若不缴纳,则泊位自动取消。 Port 79 profound character Thirty-three?” Xu Qing looks up to the great sea direction, in the hidden place form in a flash, brings the deep vigilance, does not reveal leading the way of rapidly trail as far as possible. “第七十九港的玄字三十三号?”许青抬头看向大海的方向,在暗处身影一晃,带着深深的警惕,尽可能不露踪迹的急速前行。 Then, the time passes, the quick dusk goes far away, at night arrives. 就这样,时间流逝,很快黄昏远去,黑夜降临。 When the everyone in city, the closure front door, the noise, changed in abundance during the daytime silent in this moment. 城池内的千家万户,纷纷关闭大门,白天时的喧扰,在这一刻化作了寂静。 But this at night, covers the Xu Qing form thoroughly, his eye narrows the eyes slowly, the footsteps are quicker, noticed gradually in this night city, night ominous intent. 而这黑夜,也将许青的身影彻底掩盖,他眼睛慢慢眯起,脚步更快,渐渐也注意到了在这黑夜的城池内,夜晚的凶意。 He saw slaughtering, saw the person of escape, saw cold severe of chasing down, saw robbing. 他看到了杀戮,看到了逃命之人,看到了追杀的冷厉,也看到了抢夺。 Regarding this, sweeps in Xu Qing of hidden place, takes back the vision, does not participate , to continue to hurry along. 对此,在暗处的许青只是一扫,就收回目光,不去参与,继续赶路。 Nighttime his form, seems together the spirit. 黑夜里他的身影,好似一道幽灵。 In addition, he also saw some casinos, the place of banister, there brilliantly illuminated, revealed this city other aspect boom. 除此之外,他也看到了一些赌场,勾栏之处,那里灯火通明,显露出了这城池另一面的繁荣。 Perhaps because of Xu Qing this time discrete with sneaking, therefore has not met all the way to the person of his beginning. 或许是因许青此番更加的谨慎与潜行,所以一路上没有遇到对他动手之人。 But occasionally he can feel the vision from darkness, containing was indifferent and malicious, after may notices his scavenger to dress up, mostly elects Ze disregarding, such as he does not exist. 但偶尔他还是能感受来自黑暗中的目光,蕴含了冷漠与恶意,可注意到他的拾荒者装扮后,大都选泽了无视,如他不存在。 Xu Qing is silent, speeds away fast, passed a double-hour, he is away from the harbor to be getting more and more near. 许青沉默,飞快疾驰,又过去了一个时辰,他距离港口越来越近。 The place that here harbor enough more than 100, Xu Qing must go to is Port 79 of purple region. 这里的港口足足一百多个,许青要去的地方是紫色区域的第七十九港 But when seeking, the Xu Qing look moves suddenly, hides an alley mouth, looks to the front. 可就在寻找时,许青神色忽然一动,藏身一处胡同口,看向前方。 Intermittent sound of footsteps and howling sound, since the distant place transmits, quickly in Xu Qing in the eye, one crowd of cultivator that wears the gray Daoist robe, looks wither, shows the gloomy and cold aura from top to bottom, is speeding away rapidly. 阵阵脚步声与呼啸声,从远处传来,很快在许青目中,一群穿着灰色道袍的修士,一个个神色肃杀,浑身上下透出阴冷气息,正飞速疾驰。 Some on the road, some in all around construction, resemble is searching. 有的在路上,有的在四周的建筑上,似在搜查。 On their Daoist robes, brings a badge, above has blood-color catches character. 他们的道袍上,都带着一个徽章,上面有一个血色的捕字。 This, making the Xu Qing eye narrow the eyes, he felt these Seven Blood Pupils disciple spiritual energy fluctuations, inside had filled baleful aura. 这一幕,让许青眼睛眯起,他感受到了这些七血瞳弟子身上的灵能波动,里面有很多都弥漫了煞气 Homicide Department?” Xu Qing guessed. 捕凶司?”许青猜测。 At this moment, these Seven Blood Pupils cultivator, some people of Xu Qing that nosed corner, good that very even if he hid, but the opposite party person were many, full was vigilant, therefore is unable to avoid. 此刻,这些七血瞳修士,有人查探到了角落处的许青,哪怕他隐藏的很好,可对方人多,又满是警惕,所以无法避开。 The youth who inside has phoenix eyes, sweeps indifferently after Xu Qing, walks quickly. 里面一个有着丹凤眼的青年,冷眼扫向许青后,快步走来。 With nearness of opposite party, meaning of the evil spirit heads on, Xu Qing the body stretches immediately, he felt incomparably intense sense of crisis on the opposite party, the person had not arrived, the aura such as the cold wind has filled the air in all around. 随着对方的靠近,一股凶煞之意扑面而来,许青顿时身体绷起,他在对方身上感受到了无比强烈的危机感,人还没到,气息已如寒风弥漫在四周。 This baleful aura, only has murder extremely numerous, will have. 这种煞气,唯有杀人极多者,才会具备。 Xu Qing narrows the eye, he knows runs away at this moment, under the internal energy hauling, the opposite party acts surely, therefore he stands there, has not withdrawn, but looks to the opposite party, simultaneously the right hand falls , in leather bag that thinks of black skewer, can take out momentarily. 许青眯起眼,他知道此刻逃遁,气机牵引下,对方必定出手,于是他站在那里,没有退后,而是看向对方,同时右手落在了装着黑色铁签的皮袋上,随时可以取出。 Status token!” After youth arrival, high and low sized up Xu Qing, the vision fell on his right hand. “身份令牌!”青年到来后,上下打量了一下许青,目光落在他的右手上。 His side many disciple, approaches, from eight sides the appearance of Xu Qing faint surrounding, in the look has ice-cold, resembling, so long as Xu Qing here reveals some is not normal slightly, they make a move immediately. 其旁不少弟子,也都临近,从八方将许青隐隐包围的样子,神色内都有冰冷,似只要许青这里稍微露出一些不正常,他们就会立刻出手。 Xu Qing notices the opposite party vision the falling position, the heart is firmer must change own custom, at this moment has swept all around, his discrete put out to hand over the status token. 许青注意到对方目光的落位,心底更加坚定要改掉自己的习惯,此刻扫过四周,他谨慎的将身份令牌拿出递了过去。 The youth received to look, the ice of look was desolate, were many some surprise, said with a smile toward companion. 青年接过看了看,神色的冰冷淡了点,多了一些诧异,向着身边同伴笑道。 Unexpectedly runs into the rookie who must come our Seventh Peak Homicide Department report.” “居然遇到一个要来我们第七峰捕凶司报道的新人。” Ok, everyone restrained, other little friend had not been killed by the villain, on the contrary was frightened by you do not dare to report.” As its words spread, all around aura receives mostly, but several, throughout Xu Qing locking. “行了,大家收敛一下,别小朋友没被凶徒弄死,反倒被你们吓的不敢来报道了。”随着其话语传出,四周气息大都收起,但还是有几道,始终将许青锁定。 Really is Homicide Department.” Xu Qing felt the locked internal energy was short most probably, but that phoenix eyes youth, gave back to Xu Qing the token at this moment, high and low sized up “果然是捕凶司。”许青感受到身上被锁定的气机少了大半,而那丹凤眼的青年,此刻将令牌还给了许青,上下打量了一下 little friend a little meaning, hurries, tonight in the city is very dangerous.” “小朋友有点意思,赶紧走吧,今晚城里很危险。” Xu Qing hears these words to nod, brings back the status token, just about to departs, but at this moment, in the dim light of night of distant place, a sad and shrill pitiful yell clear cutting expansive sky. 许青听到这句话点了点头,拿回身份令牌,刚要离去,可就在这时,远处的夜色里,一声凄厉的惨叫清晰的划破长空。 This sound is incisive, has to shout the reverberation. 这声音尖锐,更有嘶吼回荡。 The Xu Qing look concentrates, immediately turns the head to look, immediately saw the turret in distant place constructs, a shadow blowout blood, is treading speeds away spatially. 许青神色一凝,立刻转头看去,顿时看到远处的一座塔楼建筑上,一道黑影喷出鲜血,正踏空疾驰。 spiritual energy fluctuates, although is somewhat chaotic, but Foundation Establishment aura, making the Xu Qing mind shake. 身上灵能波动虽有些混乱,可一身筑基的气息,让许青心神一震。 But it behind, the middle age of wearing the purple Daoist robe, the look does not get angry from the prestige, powerful, spiritual energy fluctuates is away from even is very far, still same ascends like the flame, is more intrepid. 而其身后,一个身穿紫色道袍的中年,神色不怒自威,气势如虹,灵能波动就算是距离很远,也都如火焰一样升腾,更为强悍。 In the sky howls close, this purple robe middle age lifts the hand directly, a long spear/gun appears suddenly in his hands, before by, throws ruthlessly. 在天空呼啸临近中,这紫袍中年直接抬手,一把长枪蓦然在其手中出现,被前狠狠一扔。 Void seemed blasted open, starts the huge fluctuation during eight sides rumble the proliferation, then seemed the friction to get down the combustion the long spear/gun, changed to a fire dragon, directly soars shadow that ran away. 虚空仿佛被炸裂,掀起巨大的波动向着八方轰隆隆的扩散间,那把长枪好似摩擦下起了燃烧,化作一条火龙,直奔逃遁的黑影。 Looks from afar, seeming the sky must be torn, making this fire dragon ray dazzling, gorgeous. 远远看去,好似天空要被撕裂,使得这火龙光芒刺目,绚丽非常。 The rapidness of speed, air-splitting, under the sound of more incisive howling, with irresistible force, the chest penetration of that shadow, has his body instantly directly bang, sewed on the street blue brick, the impact that started like the storm, swept away toward eight sides. 速度之快,刹那破空,在更为尖锐的呼啸之音下,势如破竹,直接就将那黑影的胸膛穿透,带着其身体砰的一声,钉在了街头青砖上,掀起的冲击如风暴,向着八方横扫。 Neat, easily accomplished! 干净利落,摧枯拉朽! This, the looked Xu Qing mind sharp shock, was cut the shadow that kills by the opposite party, in the feeling of Xu Qing, is similar to the Vajra sect old ancestor. 这一幕,看的许青心神强烈震动,被对方斩杀的黑影,在许青的感受中,与金刚宗老祖差不多。 But that spear/gun of purple robe middle age, powerful incomparable, he self-examined, if meet, does not have the slight opportunity avoidance, perishes surely. 而紫袍中年的那一枪,强大无比,他自问若自己遇到,也没有丝毫机会躲避,必定灭亡。 Is Department Chief!” “是司长!” Walks!” “走!” At this moment his side the disciples of these Homicide Department, the look has the excitement, no longer pays attention to Xu Qing, but launches full speed, directly soars the battlefield. 此刻他身边的那些捕凶司的弟子,神色都有兴奋,不再理会许青,而是一个个展开全速,直奔战场。 Until they walk away, the elegant demeanor of shock as well as that spear/gun of Xu Qing innermost feelings, fills the air as in the mind, after long time, he deeply inspires, in the eye reveals the hope. 直至他们走远,许青内心的震撼以及那一枪的风采,依旧弥漫在脑海,半晌后他深吸口气,目中露出渴望。 When does not know, I can also so!” Xu Qing muttered, deep looked at the eye purple robe middle age to vanish the direction that the turning around half step walks. “不知什么时候,我也可以如此!”许青喃喃间,深深的看了眼紫袍中年消失的方向,转身快步走去。 He felt at night was not peaceful, this moment speed launched, after the past half double-hour, finally found Port 79. 他感受到了夜晚的不太平,此刻速度展开,在过去了半个时辰后,终于找到了第七十九港 Harbor place and in city different, here ray is darker, although there is a guard to go on patrol, although brings vigilantly, when may see the pedestrian, their choices avoid, obviously their vigilance, not for order, but to prevent oneself was injured. 港口处与城池内不同,这里光芒更暗,虽有侍卫巡逻,虽都带着警惕,可看见行人时,他们的选择是避开,显然他们的警惕,不是为了秩序,而是为了防止自身被人伤害。 After seeing Xu Qing, they so, after sweeping the eye, has not inquired, immediately walks away. 在看到许青后,他们就是如此,扫了眼后,没有丝毫问询,立刻走远。 Xu Qing vigilance looks at these to walk away cultivating of patrol, is silent, regarding the Seven Blood Pupils bad risk, he were also many some cognition. 许青警觉的看着那些走远的巡逻之修,沉默下来,对于七血瞳的凶险,他又多了一些认知。 At this moment he approaches the harbor slowly, here, sea breeze moist is clearer, the spray sound fluctuates, can see the Port 79 bay to become the U-shape, the sea water sways, strikes against the shore unceasingly. 此刻他慢慢靠近港口,在这里,海风的潮湿更为清晰,浪花声起伏间,能看见七十九港湾成马蹄形,海水在内摇晃,不断地拍击岸边。 Among boat ship, mostly is gap certain distance, resembles each other has the protection, their size differs not much, but the modeling is slight, but carefully looks, the appearance of foundation mostly is such as in the Xu Qing bottle such dark awning small boat, enough more than 200. 其内的舟船,大都是间隔一定的距离,似彼此都有防备,它们大小相差不多,但造型细微不同,可仔细去看,基础的样子大都是如许青瓶子里那样的乌篷小舟,足足两百多艘。 But these 79 bays are too big, dockings of these boat ships, occupied less than 20% regions. 但这七十九海湾太大,这些舟船的停靠,也只是占据了不到20%的区域而已。 Among although some are shining the lights, but is very silent, does not see the form that the disciple goes out, as if regarding everyone, night arrival, is the vigilant high point. 其内虽有一些亮着灯火,但却很是寂静,也不见弟子外出的身影,似乎对于每一个人来说,黑夜的降临,就是警惕的最高峰。 Meanwhile, Xu Qing also discovered that here spiritual energy is very rich, heterogeneity is also so, as if disperses from great sea. 同时,许青也发现这里的灵能很是浓郁,异质也是如此,似乎从大海内散出。 But the jet black sea water, covered the line of sight, making one unable to see the seabed to have anything. 而漆黑的海水,遮挡了视线,使人看不见海底存在了什么。 This unknown, discomforting at the same time, the seabed as if hides the huge bad risk, Xu Qing is looking at one, thought that the whole body fine hair raises up, feeling of forbidden area. 这种未知,让人不安的的同时,海底仿佛藏着巨大的凶险,许青只是看一眼,就觉得全身汗毛竖起,有一种禁区的感觉。 Here cultivate, the promotion is surely quick, and time is in whets......” Xu Qing to mutter, walked several steps to find profound character Thirty-three quickly. “在这里修炼,提升必定很快,且时刻都处于磨砺……”许青喃喃,快走几步找到了玄字三十三号。 There position somewhat leaning, all around air-to-air, the boat are not many. 那里位置有些偏,四周空空,小船不多。 Arrived here, all around the Xu Qing discrete observation, after determining unobstructive, he takes out the small bottle in brocade box, opened it, in the small bottle the ray flashed, inside dark awning small boat departed, falls enlarges when the water surface. 到了这里,许青谨慎的观察四周,确定无碍后,他才取出锦盒内的小瓶,将其打开,小瓶内光芒一闪,里面的乌篷小舟飞出,落在水面时自行放大。 Bang falls in the sea, after starting the intermittent ripples, maps in front of Xu Qing, is one width one zhang (3.33 m), long has three zhang (3.33 m) boat ship. 砰的一声落海,掀起阵阵涟漪后,映入许青面前的,是一艘宽一丈,长有三丈的舟船。 All over the body jet black, each deck carves lots of rune/symbol writing, disperses the darkening light at the same time, disperses spiritual energy to fluctuate, is very good. 通体漆黑,每一块船板都雕刻大量符文,散发乌光的同时,散出灵能波动,很是不俗。 dark awning the skin of some material quality unusual animals, the scale is clear, looks very solid, in the position of bow, a statue. 乌篷的材质似某种异兽的皮,鳞片清晰,看起来很是结实,更是在船头的位置,还有一个雕像。 This statue impressively is a giant alligator head, opens the dense big mouth, reveals the sharp tooth, fierce shows intense savage. 这雕像赫然是一个巨大的鳄鱼头颅,张开森森大口,露出锋利的牙齿,狰狞中透出强烈的凶残。 Looks from afar, this small boat seems one to float in the marine great alligator. 远远看去,这小舟就好似一条漂在海上的巨鳄。 ----- ----- This chapter is cigarette ash big shot in addition ~ 本章为烟灰大佬加更~ Later a chapter! 稍后还有一章! In the afternoon drank a young wine, I go to diligently the symbol 下午喝了点小酒,我去努力码字啦 Just discovered, beginning app understood probably very much my appearance, I in the speech that the chapter said that the following label unexpectedly was cool breeze youth!!! 刚刚发现,起点app好像很了解我的样子,我在章说的发言,后面的标签居然是清风少年!!! Beginning can app the intelligent analysis, the reality examination? 难道起点app可以智能分析,现实查看?
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