Underpositive of PrincipalPeggypromotes, quick, brokerage firm that the amusement parkandMs.sloware at2ndsignedonly.
98万!PrincipalPeggyproposed80,000 the pricebyherglib tongueupward, worthilyisshe!
The 1stcooperationtime, the Jiang Qientire journeyhas not made an appearance.
第一次合作的时候,江祺全程都没有露面。Cannot be in chargeas one ineffectiveidlerboss, the Jiang Qiprinciplecannot touch on slightlydoes not touch on slightly, heis only responsible forsigningwithtriesfinally. Only ifoppositedonorbigtoHanGuishanthisrank, in the ordinary circumstances his bosswill not personally act.
作为一个能不管事就不管事的闲人老板,江祺的原则是能不沾边就不沾边,他只负责签字和最终审理。除非对面的金主大到了韩贵山这个级别,一般情况下他这个老板是不会亲自出面的。But the 2nddifference, can being relatedflickerto a long-term contractopens the front door of entertainment worldsince then, Jiang Qinaturallyisunusualattaching great importance, personallyshowed up and receivedMs.slowandherpantingcolleagueas well asherteam.
The meetingplacedecidesin the principal's office.
见面的地点定在校长室里。If nothing else, in the principal's officeround table of thischoicebyPrincipalPeggyreallyhas the imposing manner of negotiationspersonallyvery much. Regardless what chattedwasanything, so long assattoward the round tablenear, the feeling of round table conferencehad.
别的不说,校长室里这个由佩吉校长亲自挑选的圆桌真的很有谈判的气势。无论聊的是什么,只要往圆桌边一坐,圆桌会议的感觉就有了。„Bossriverhello/you good, has heard so much about you. First meetingreallylives up to reputation, young and promising, the honorable persongrows and onlinepictureequallyis charming. Yourthisphysique, appearanceandmakingsdid not make the soap operareallyto be a pity, no wondercanhave such a bigfamily propertyyoung, with our average peoplewasdifferent.”
“江老板你好,久仰大名。初次见面果然名不虚传,年轻有为,真人长得和网上流传的照片一样帅气。您这身板、模样、气质不拍电视剧真是可惜了,怪不得这么年轻就能有一份这么大的家业,和我们这种普通人就是不一样。”Meets, Jiang Qiwas almost pattedby the managera series ofrainbowfart of Ms.Xu'signorant.
一见面,江祺就差点被徐女士的经纪人一连串的彩虹屁拍懵了。How can I say, if notJiang Qisees the malestaff who these in amusement parkhave chased the dreamentertainment worldfailurere-employment, healmostbelieved the nonsense of manager.
怎么说呢,如果不是江祺见过游乐园里的那些逐梦演艺圈失败再就业的男员工,他差点就相信经纪人的鬼话了。„my name is Xu, slowbeam, withXiaosame surname, youcalledmylittleslowwas enough.”OnslowbeamDi a name card, on the name cardwriteshisname, telephone, the unit of workandposition, but alsoattaches the WeChatdata matrix code, facilitatessweeps the codeto addhisWeChatmomentarily.
“我姓徐,徐梁,和晓晓同姓,您叫我小徐就行。”徐梁递上一张名片,名片上写着他的姓名、电话、工作单位、职位,还附有微信二维码,方便随时扫码加他微信。FinallyhasMs.Xu Xiao of xiaoslownameto echo the smilein the nearby.
终于拥有姓名的徐晓晓徐女士在边上附和微笑。Jiang Qilooked atslowbeam, lookedto dress to do one's toiletaccommodatesfine, finally was a little longlooks likeownXu Xiaoxiao, someindefiniteasking: „Are you relatives?”江祺看了看徐梁,又看了看边上妆容精致,终于长得有点像自己的徐晓晓,有些不确定的问:“你们是亲戚?”Xu Xiaoxiaosmiledbrightly, said: „Bossriver is really the mental perceptionlike the torch, slow the beamismycousin.”
徐晓晓笑得更灿烂了,道:“江老板真是慧眼如炬,徐梁是我堂哥。”Jiang Qiis suddenly enlighted, no wonderMs.slow the pantingsuch a long timemanagerhas not given upher, looks for the relationsto receive worktohereverywhere, evenprojects on the ideawith the amusement park that on the entertainment world are not related completely, originallyis one of us.江祺恍然大悟,怪不得徐女士过气这么长时间经纪人也没有放弃她,到处找关系给她接活,甚至都把主意打到和娱乐圈完全没有关系的游乐园身上,原来是自家人啊。Jiang QisawMs.slow the Nearbya man and a woman, a hairyellowredtwoyoungpantingartist, determined that thesetwoare longquitedoes not look likewithMs.slow, thismoves out of the way the line of sightnot to speak.江祺又看了看徐女士边上一男一女,头发一黄一红的两个年轻过气艺人,确定这两个长得和徐女士不太像,这才挪开视线没有说话。Aftersimpleexchanging greetings, slowbeamfrom the smalltalkmode switching the working pattern, pulled outhas prepared the gooddocument, startsto speak in detailthiscooperationwithJiang Qi.
经过简单的寒暄,徐梁从客套模式切换回了工作模式,掏出早就准备好的文件,开始和江祺详谈这次的合作。Thiscooperation, principalis a safety strip.
这次的合作,主打的就是一个暗箱操作。Possiblyisslowbeampasses throughthistimescarletafter the successhype of life, discoveredsincereis only need kill the technique. Regardless how youinplanscenarioat heart, how the ideapersonsupposes, the finalresultoftenwithdoes not have anyrelations that youform in one's mind.
可能是徐梁经过这一次大红靠命的成功炒作后,发现真诚才是唯一的必杀技。无论你在心里怎么谋划剧本,怎么构思人设,最终的结果往往和你构思的没有什么关系。In additionwoofXinghuathatby the influence that amusement parkrequest an ultralength of anglecaptures, slowbeamthought that designsscenariowithitcovertly, was inferior that frank and uprightinitiates an attack.
加上汪杏花的那一篇以一个游乐园的托的角度的超长攻略的影响,徐梁觉得与其设计剧本偷偷摸摸,不如光明正大主动出击。Thistimevlogisareatwo, the professional teamentire journeywith the racket, islooks forseverallarge characters of relationalbuying a ticketto writeuson the faceshiningly.
这次的vlog就是一带二,专业团队全程跟拍,把我们是找关系买票的几个大字明晃晃写在脸上。Contentslowbeam of thisphotographyhad been on good termswithPrincipalPeggyinWeChatShanggouincouple of days ago, amusement parkonly has a request. BecausethistimeMs.slowherepersonare quite many, in addition the photographeraltogether5people, withprevioustimeindependent combat, choose the luckypasser-bybig brotherto work as the photographypattern of photographerto be completely differentrandomly, thereforedefinitelywill havecertain impact on othertourists.
The onlyrequest that Jiang QiandPrincipalsPeggysetcannotaffectnormalplaying of othertourists.江祺和佩吉校长提出的唯一要求就是不能影响其他游客的正常游玩。Cannotwrest away the scene.
不能霸占场景。Cannot, becauseinpreviousvlogMs.slowasked that timeothertouristlook likenotlike the star, is goodlike the effect that whichstarcreates, the askingtourist'ssameissueinfluence that non-stopexperiences.
不能因为上一次的vlog里面徐女士问其他游客自己长得像不像明星,像哪个明星造成的效果好,就不停的问游客相同的问题影响体验。Cannotdo the detailed workinattending classfor the programeffectintentionally.
不能……In brief, amusement parkseeminglyonly has a request, in fact13requests.
The brokerage firmcompliescompletely, proposedcorrespondingrequirements- importantNPC of inconceivablewizard schoolincanin the situationgives1to tow2threepeople of groupsto turn on a green light.
After the provision on contractallconfirmedwas unmistakable, Jiang Qisets out, invitingslowbeamto go to the staffcafeteriato eat, while convenientwithslowbeamLiaodianandcontractirrelevantcontent.
合同上的条款全都确认无误后,江祺起身,邀请徐梁去员工食堂吃一顿,顺便和徐梁聊点和合同无关的内容。For exampletheirbosses.
比如他们的老板。For example the flamedependsto hold, firebylife, thenthislife, can actually go against heaven's willchangesto assign/life?
比如小火靠捧,大火靠命,那么这个命,究竟可不可以逆天改命?For example do youknow a telling fortunesveryfamousGrandmastersurnamed Wangagain.
再比如你们知不知道一位姓王的算命很有名的大师。slowbeamalsotook the pantingtwopeople of groupswhile convenient.
徐梁顺带把过气二人组也带上了。Finallyhas not waited forJiang Qito mention the geomancyEight Trigrams (gossip)on own initiative, slowbeamlord the opens the mouthto chatthesetwopantingtwopeople of groups.
Different withMs.slow, thesetwopantingtwopeople of groupsin the pastredtimenotred.
和徐女士不同,这两个过气二人组当年红的时候也没怎么红过。yellowFananislikes the beansingingjumps the family background, whenloves the beanhas not been the team leader, has not worked asCpositions. The followingtransformationdeveloped the soap operaflame, butalso was only similar toappears briefly, nowbasicallydoes not havethisperson.
The red hairfemaleis slightly good, is by training, does not understandto singjumps, just likemost the actors of regular professional trainingbirth, the red hairfemalehas not graduatedstartsto play third fiddle. Graduatedcontinuedto play third fiddle, thensigned the brokerage firmthento play third fiddle, after runningseveralyears of dragon embroidered costume, startsto meetsomesmallroles.
红发女稍微好一点,科班出身,不懂唱跳,和大多数科班出生的演员一样,红发女还没毕业就开始跑龙套。毕业了继续跑龙套,然后签了经纪公司接着跑龙套,跑了几年龙套后开始接一些小角色。Most peopledescribed that an actressis not how hot, said that sheisten thousandyears of femaletwo. The red hairfemaleis more miserable, shefemaletwohave not developed, year to yearreturnsinfemalefourpai.
大部分人形容一个女演员怎么都不火,说她是万年女二。红发女更惨,她连女二都没怎么演过,常年在女四徘回。Firsttwoyears can also perform in the starplay, now can only todevelop the ultrasmallinvestment, the trashdirector, far-fetchedfield worker, the smallreaching the goalplay of small and crude theatrical troupedramatic team.
前两年还能演上星剧,现在只能以演超小投资,垃圾导演,不靠谱场工,草台班子剧组的小破网剧。Howeverfortunately, thisreceivingnetplayis the femalelord.
不过还好,这一次接到的网剧是女主。Raiseswhile convenient, the malelordisyellowFanan.
顺带一提,男主是黄发男。Whythis is also slowbeamdecided that makesMs.slow1drag2reasons. Whomdragsis notdrags, is the artists.
这也是为什么徐梁决定让徐女士一拖二的缘故。拖谁不是拖呢,都是自家艺人。Whoaskedhimto have bad luck, underhandso manypantingartists.
谁叫他倒霉,手底下这么多过气艺人。Hearingthesetwopantingartistsis the male and femalelord of netplay, Jiang Qilooked at their hair.
听闻这两位过气艺人是网剧的男女主,江祺不由的多看了一眼他们俩的头发。yellowsend/hair, a red hair, your playverynon-mainstreams.
一个黄发,一个红发,你们这个剧挺非主流的呀。„Is thatnetplay that littleslow, theymake the idol drama?”Jiang Qicannot help butaskedone.
“小徐,他们拍的那个网剧是偶像剧?”江祺不由得多问了一句。„Right, idol drama.”
“对,偶像剧。”„Names? Waitedto broadcasthad free timeIalsoto have a look.”
“叫什么名字?等播出了有空我也去看看。”slowbeamsilent, said: „«OverbearingPresidentRuthlesslyLove».”
徐梁沉默了一下,道:“《霸道总裁狠狠爱》。”Twopantingartistshave the tacit understanding of lower the head, as if the floor tile of groundis attractive.
两名过气艺人非常有默契地低下了头,仿佛地上的地砖非常好看。Jiang Qi:?江祺:?Goododdandgoodfamiliarname.
Isn't thisouramusement parktrump cardHRpalacebrillantpalaceleads the pattingmodern play?
这不是咱们游乐园王牌HR宫晔宫导正在拍的新戏吗?Jiang Qithinks,directlyaskedthis/shouldplaymalelord: „Do youdirectare the surnamepalaces?”江祺想了想,直接问该剧男主:“你们导演是不是姓宫?”yellowFanan a faceis pleasantly surprised: „How does Bossriveryouknow? Originallyyouknew that wedirect! No wonder the palaceleadsin the squarewill talk over, ifcancome the inconceivablewizard schoolto makeseveralplaysto be good, originallyyourtwoare the friends!”
黄发男一脸惊喜:“江老板你怎么知道?原来您认识我们导演!怪不得宫导会在片场念叨要是能来不可思议魔法学院拍几场戏就好了,原来您二位是朋友!”slowbeamalsolagged behindto respond: „littleChen, Iremembers that isyoufirst and companyraises the amusement park that cancomeBossriverpatsvlog?”
徐梁也后知后觉地反应过来了:“小陈,我记得是你最先和公司提可以来江老板的游乐园拍vlog的吧?”„Yes.”yellowFanansmiles, „before , Ilistened to the palaceto lead saying that in the square, thought that was an opportunity, butIam making a movieand without timeto raiseto the company.”
“是啊。”黄发男腼腆一笑,“之前我在片场听宫导说的,觉得是个机会,可是我在拍戏又没时间就向公司提了。”„Has not thought that the companywill arrangeSister Xufirstto arrange, Sister Xuhothad not forgottento takeus.”
“就是没想到公司会安排徐姐先排,徐姐火了还不忘带上我们。”„Really wasthanksBrother Xuyou!”
“真是太谢谢徐哥你了!”Jiang Qi:......江祺:……After a while, gets out of trouble, thisandentertainment worldrelatedbusiness, the palacebrillanthelp/gangamusement parkdiscussed!
搞了半天,兜兜转转,这个和娱乐圈有关的业务,还是宫晔帮游乐园谈下来的!Hereal, Icry.
他真的,我哭死。„Did yourplaysshoot?”Jiang Qiasked.
“你们的戏拍完了吗?”江祺问。„Patted, IandXiaohui'sactor's payheated bamboo strips for writing materiallast week. However the palaceleadsprobablyalsoin the dramatic team, some dramatic teamalsolensneedto make up the racket.”
“拍完了,我和小慧的戏份上个星期就杀青了。不过宫导好像还在剧组,剧组还有一些镜头需要补拍。”Jiang Qinods, reports the newsto the palacebrillant.江祺点点头,给宫晔发消息。Jiang Qi: The palaceleads, is the new year's celebrationinterested incoming the inconceivablewizard schoolto stay a whilesome time?江祺:宫导,过年有兴趣来不可思议魔法学院小住一段时间吗?Jiang Qi: The teachersingleluxuriousdormitory, remainsforyou.江祺:老师单人豪华宿舍,为您而留。
The square, is sittingin the monitoring devicefollowingpalacedetectedbrillant the cell phoneshakes. Looked,unexpectedlyis the news that Jiang Qisends.
片场,正坐在监视器后面的宫晔察觉到手机一震。一看,居然是江祺发来的消息。„Was Jiang Qisudden is so warm? The teachersingleluxuriousdormitory, previoustimehad not kept the singleluxuriousdormitorytome, letsmeandoldsidepushes a double room.” The palacesomewhatscratches the headbrillantobscurely, „ thatdouble roomis also good, the bedcansing the lullaby.
“江祺怎么突然一下这么热情了?还老师单人豪华宿舍,上次也没给我留单人豪华宿舍呀,让我和老方挤一个双人间。”宫晔有些费解地挠头,“不过那双人间也不错,床会唱摇篮曲。„Was the staffinsufficientlywants the hiring?”Palacebrillantboldguess.
“难道是员工不够又要招人了?”宫晔大胆猜测。Thinking, the palacebrillantis beckoningtodeputydirector.
“小罗啊。”„Palaceled, has the matteryouto say!”Deputydirectorcollectsattentively.
“宫导,有事您说!”副导演殷勤地凑上来。„Do our playalsoseveraldayspatprobably?”
“咱们这个戏大概还有几天拍完?”„Was quick, malethree have severalplays. In additionmakes uptakes the footage, mostoneweek.”
“快了,男三还有几场戏。加上一些补拍镜头,最多一个星期吧。”„A week......”palacemutteredbrillant, was pondering overat heart, the opens the mouth, „wasthis, did the previoustimelist have?”
“一个星期啊……”宫晔喃喃道,在心里琢磨了一下,开口,“是这样的,上次的名单还有吗?”Luovice-leads the eyebrightlyone: „Can the amusement park of yourfriendalsoagain the hiring?!”
罗副导眼睛一亮:“您朋友的游乐园还要再招人?!”„Somehave, the palaceleadshereto havespeciallymanycandidates! Youdo not know, after thattwogroups of peopleincur, manypeopleholdto relate tohereto ask that alsolacksis not short of manpower. Alsosomepeoplegive a present, my isreceivesis not, does not receiveis not, maypressme. Mynative placealsotwonieces......”LuoFudaoalmostsaid inadvertently, hitoneselfcheeks, transferred the directionpromptly, „youcould rest assured that somewere the candidates!”
“有的有的,宫导我这里有特别多的人选!您是不知道,那两拨人招完之后,好多人托关系到我这里来问还缺不缺人。还有人送礼,我这是收也不是,不收也不是,可难为死我了。我老家还有两个侄女啊……”罗副导差点说漏嘴,打了自己一个嘴巴子,及时调转方向,“您放心,有的是人选!”„Ok, youfirstsieveinitially, when the time comeswanted the hiringIto contact withyou.”
“行,你先初步筛一下,到时候要招人了我联系你。”„Good the palaceleads!”
“好咧宫导!”Got through the matter, the palacehas the energyto return to the Jiang Qinewsbrillant.
The palaceis brillant: Live!
The palaceis brillant: Lives for a month!
……While the palacebrillantfor the performance of inconceivablewizard schoolperformsdistinguished service, the turnover of amusement parkis also growingday after day.
It is not becausestarting doing business of inconceivablewizard school, is notfanseconomy that becauseMs.slow the vlogexplodingfirebrings.
并不是因为不可思议魔法学院的开业,也不是因为徐女士vlog的爆火带来的粉丝经济。Because of the new year.
The direct effect that the new year's celebrationbringsis, Xue Villageis full.
过年带来的直接效应就是,雪村爆满。If the performance of inconceivablewizard schoolmainlybyperipheralsells, then the performance of Xue Villagedependsisoccupancy.
如果说不可思议魔法学院的业绩主要靠周边售卖,那么雪村的业绩靠的就是实打实的入住率。Alwayshas the richtouristto be tied down by care of one's familyto decide a log cabin, livesistendays of half a month, celebrates the new yearinXue Villagedirectly, Xue Village, when the resortlives.
总有有钱的游客拖家带口定一栋木屋,一住就是十天半个月,直接在雪村过年,把雪村当度假村住。These days, in the amusement parkcrest of wavemoststarreallywithout doubtisLilian. Has the tourist who sawMs.slowmuchvloggoes to the trouble of traveling a long distanceto run up to the amusement park, cannot buy the admission ticket of inconceivablewizard schoolto go to Xue VillageTavernto push, onlytolook atLilianreallyandin the videois equally attractive.
The bigbeautiful woman, whodoes not like.
大美女,谁不喜欢呢。Bigbeautiful woman who especiallycanexplain the Chinese classics.
尤其是会说书的大美女。OftentoLilianin the time of tavernstorytelling, the tavernwith huge crowds of people, pushedwatertight, insidecannot pushto arrangetoout of the windowthenpushes.
每每到了莉莉安在酒馆说书的时间,酒馆都里三层外三层,挤得水泄不通,里面挤不下排到窗外接着挤。It is fortunate thatLilianiszeroteacherpasses on the disciple, will see the oversizedworld is not frightenedbythisscenewith these years of zeroteacher. The crowdsmanyalsoexplained the Chinese classicsagainin the same old way, properbigstarstyle.
The newbigstarhas raisedslowly, oncepaststarhas also returned to the garden.
The bumper year28, tourseveralmonths of theatrical troupeto returnoutsidefinallycompletely.
大年二十八,在外巡演几个月之久的戏团终于圆满回归。A series oftours, the theatrical troupemembersarethinwas thinner, fatwas fatter.
一连串的巡演下来,戏团成员可谓是瘦的更瘦了,胖的更胖了。Toursbesidesmoneyoutsidemany, in factissticky business.
在外巡演除了钱多外,实际上是一件苦差事。Wherelives inhotelto havein the housecomfortable, lives in the hotelto live in the presidential suiteexcept forFengspiritthiscelebrity, the commercialsuite, othertheatrical troupemembersmostlyare occupied byordinarymarkgap/between.
The clotheschange and wash not convenientlyare an aspect, somepeoplerecognize the bed, somepeopleare unaccustomed to the climate, somepeoplecannot adapt to the localdiet.
衣服换洗不方便是一方面,有的人认床,有的人水土不服,有的人适应不了当地饮食。Is the smallissues, but the smallissuewere many, the timegrewannoyingly.
都是小问题,但小问题多了,时间长了也烦人。Thistimetouringis linkingdeveloping, 1-2weeksmustchange a place, mustrehearseto the placeurgentlythenperform, almostcannot idle.
这次的巡演是连着演,1-2星期就得换一个地方,到了地方就得紧急排练然后演出,几乎一刻都闲不下来。Although the theatrical troupemembersmajorityhave fought many battles, has the richperformanceexperience, buttheserichperformanceexperiencesarecentralizedin the local area. LikeFengimpresario, when these years of small and crude theatrical troupealsojustin the district, township near andvillageXunchengperformback and forth, let alonehave the province, having the cityare difficult.
戏团成员虽说大部分都身经百战,有丰富的演出经验,但这些丰富的演出经验都是集中在本地的。像冯班主,当草台班子的那些年也只不过是在浔城附近的县、乡、村里来回演出,别说出省,出市都难。Thistime the provincetours, rushes aboutback and forth, the theatrical troupememberssufferedmanyhardships.
The 1ststand that the theatrical troupegoes outto tour, isJiang Qipersonallyaccompaniesto passtogether. Nowtouredsuccessfullyended the return, Jiang Qinaturallymustmeeteveryoneas the bossin the amusement parkentrance.
The amusement parkentrance, Jiang QiandwoofXinghuaare waiting for the bus of full loadtheatrical troupemember.
The information that riverteagiveswill never make a mistake, after dozensseconds, drives the form of busgraduallyto be clearfrom the distant place, finallysteadystoppinginamusement parkentrance.
The vehicle dooropens, Fengspiritfirstfromvehicle.
车门打开,冯灵第一个从车上下来。„Boss!”FengspiritgreetedtoJiang Qiwarmly.
冯灵瘦了。Is thinveryobviously, the faceobviouslywas small, the clearattractiveoval facecansee the trends of someoval facesfaintly.
瘦得很明显,脸明显小了一圈,原本圆润漂亮的鹅蛋脸都隐隐能看出一些瓜子脸的趋势。„good work.”Jiang Qifrom the heartsaid/tunnel.
“辛苦了。”江祺发自内心地道。Fengspiritis notthattype, forattractivewill diet the person who speciallyloses weight, heroccupationdoes not allowherto dietto lose weight. Dietingwill makesheperforms the air/Qi not full, loses weightwill makesheveryattractiveappearance for a partis not attractive.
冯灵不是那种为了好看会特意节食减肥的人,她的职业也不允许她节食减肥。节食会让她唱戏的时候中气没有那么足,减肥会使她原本非常好看的扮相变得没有那么好看。Fengspiritturned intoat age 18that momentappearancefrom81years old, wassheis most suitable the appearance that mounted the stageto perform. After turning into the person, shehas also been intendingto controloneselfbuild, was maintained the appearance that is suitableto arrivebyoneself.
冯灵从81岁变成18岁时那一刻的模样,就是她最适合上台唱戏的模样。变成人后她也一直在有意控制自己的体型,让自己保持最适合登场的模样。Nowsuddenthin, obviouslyis very tired.
现在突然一下瘦了一圈,很明显是累的。„Okayrest.”Jiang Qisaid,„your timewent outto tourlaboriously, the theatrical troupemembershad over half a monthfalse, in January after 15, came backto go to work.”
“好好休息。”江祺道,“你们这次出去巡演辛苦了,戏团全体成员放大半个月的假,正月十五之后再回来上班。”„Thanks the boss.”Secondfromvehicle the actressis saying with a smile, was the same shealsoto be much thinwithFengspirit.
The theatrical troupemembersget outone after another, reorganizeoneselfbaggage.
戏团成员陆续下车,整理自己的行李。Thistimetouredmost people same as woofXinghua, boughtbigpile of local products. The special product and costume have the item are separated, the formerbrings back to the home, the latterdelivers to the theater.
这次巡演大多数人都和汪杏花一样,买了一大堆土特产。特产和戏服还有道具是要分开的,前者带回家,后者送到戏院里去。In an numerousthinin a theatrical troupemember, fat a Fengimpresarioappearedthatconspicuous.
在一众瘦了一圈的戏团成员之中,胖了一圈的冯班主显得是那么的显眼。Originallyto the Fengimpresario of middle-agedputting on weightage, afterfatoneobviouslyprosperous-looking, seeminglyimitatesby far, if a landlordlandlord.
That „Fengimpresario, the sentimentalthiseveryone'sbodylosesfelltoyouongoes!”Sees the appearance of Fengimpresario, Jiang Qicannot bear the accentsay with a smile.
“冯班主,感情这大家的身上掉的肉都掉到你身上去了呀!”看到冯班主的模样,江祺忍不住调笑道。FengBanzhusmiles bitterly: „Bossyoudo not teaseI, my alsolived the most lifetimeto know,mysouthernergrew a stomach of northerner.”
冯班主苦笑:“老板你就别打趣我了,我这也是活了大半辈子才知道,我一个南方人长了一个北方人的胃啊。”FengQinghuacomplainedin the nearby: „It is not because the father you have a night-time snackdailyin the evening, eats itselflike this?”
冯班主:……Disobedient sons!
逆子!„All right, your ageselectsfat.”Jiang Qiis saying with a smile, „youusuallyindo not mount the stagein any case, «SovereignFemaleBiography»isfatisthinhas not affectedonyourrole.”
“没事,您这个年纪胖点好。”江祺笑着道,“反正您平日里也不怎么登台,《皇女传》是胖是瘦对您的角色都没影响。”Evenfatcourt eunuchbeing pregnantfeeling.
冯班主:„Theaterhas repaired, does not know that the apricot blossomtoldyou, nowin the theaterhas the specialstaff quarterarea, youcanmove to the theaterto comedirectly.”
“戏院已经装修好了,不知道杏花有没有告诉你们,现在戏院里面有专门的员工宿舍区,你们可以直接搬到戏院里来住。”„Eve of the Lunar New Year the amusement parkdoes not close, butclosesahead of time. The annual meetingdecidesin297 : 00 pm, placeortheater, for these daysyou , if there is time the baggageandindaily necessitiesanything's the staff quarter in moving totheater. Iced the icepeoplesleepingthat sideIto notifymyelder sister, broke a leasedirectlywas enough.”
“今年大年三十游乐园不闭园,只是提前闭园。年会定在二十九晚上7点,地点还是戏院,这几天你们如果有时间的话把行李、生活用品什么的搬到戏院的员工宿舍里。冰冰民宿那边我已经跟我姐打过招呼了,直接退租就行。”„Ifnaturallydoes not wantto live in the staff quarter , the amusement parkdoes not forceto request, otherthingsdirectlyaskedManagerwoof.”
“当然如果不想住员工宿舍的话也可以,游乐园这边不强制要求,其他的事情直接问汪经理。”Jiang Qilooked at a cell phone, discovered that immediatelymustbe the time of meeting, said: „Meunderalsohas a meeting, ifthere iswhatsituationor a software problem, firsttoldManagerwoof, thenpassed onbyManagerwooftome.”江祺看了眼手机,发现马上就要到开会的时间了,道:“我这边等下还有个会,如果有什么情况或者个人问题的话,先告诉汪经理,然后再由汪经理转告给我。”„Everyonethis period of timewas laborious, inamusement parknewly-openedseveralprojects, the interestedwordscanplay.”
“大家这段时间都辛苦了,游乐园里新开了几个项目,有兴趣的话可以去玩玩。”Jiang Qithinksto make up the sentencetoFengBanzhu: „Fengimpresarioyou, ifmustgo to the art centerto play, bestnot to go to the art museum, the amount of exerciseis a little big.”江祺想了想又对着冯班主补了句:“冯班主你如果要去艺术馆玩的话,最好别去美术馆,运动量有点大。”FengBanzhuthis period of timefatso many, Jiang Qifearshisrunningdarklyin the art museum.
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