BFAMMGS :: Volume #6

#506: Let us give to Ms. slow the applause!

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«Picks Mulberry Female», top play script that let woof Xinghua Carvin more than half a year. 《采桑女》,一个让汪杏花卡文卡了大半年的顶级戏本子。 woof Xinghua this whole life few literature pursues possibly all spent on this play script, now difficult Carvin eventually finished, at this time demonstrated the achievement to the boss. 汪杏花这辈子为数不多的文学追求可能全都花在这个戏本子上了,现在艰难的卡文终于结束,这时候向老板展示成果了。 On gone back road, woof Xinghua sang one on impatient. 回去的路上,汪杏花就迫不及待伊伊呀呀的唱了一段。 As the only daughter of theatrical troupe impresario, woof Xinghua art or technique of singing is good. Although is inferior to the professional actor, but rides to be above mundane thoughts in the average person absolutely, the only issue enunciated is not very clear, making somewhat the song lyrics that was difficult to understand unable to understand obscurely. 作为戏班班主的独生女,汪杏花的唱功还是不错的。虽不如专业演员,但在普通人里绝对是一骑绝尘,唯一的问题就是吐字不是很清楚,让原本就有些晦涩难懂的唱词更加听不懂。 Sounds actually good, listens not to understand.” Listens to woof Xinghua scene to sing, Jiang Qi very honest telling the truth. “听起来倒是不错,就是听不太懂。”听完汪杏花的现场演唱,江祺非常诚实的有一说一。 King two he sits in the front nod echoes, her reading comprehension level is lower, Jiang Qi listens not to understand, she cannot understand completely. 王二丫坐在前排点头附和,她的阅读理解水平更低,江祺是听不太懂,她是完全听不懂。 Actually complete listens unable like this.” woof Xinghua explained earnestly, «Picks Mulberry Female» is the style is extremely good, does not calculate that is obscurely difficult to understand. The dialogue between characters has very simple transparent big vernacular, moreover this story is also very simple, is one picks Sang woman after the tribulation, the little growth, becomes the story of great merchant finally, big female lord who essential everyone loves.” “其实完整的听下来不会这样。”汪杏花认真解释,“《采桑女》是文笔极佳,不算晦涩难懂。人物之间的对话还是有非常简单明了的大白话的,而且这个故事也很简单,就是一个采桑女历经磨难,一点点成长,最终成为巨贾的故事,本质还是大家喜闻乐见的大女主。” You should have a dress rehearsal recently in private very multiple?” Jiang Qi asked. “你们最近应该私下彩排了挺多次的吧?”江祺问。 woof Xinghua Carvin was so long, how song lyrics of good play script should write some Jiang Qi many understanding. The song lyrics song lyrics, as the name suggests, first are sing are the word, song lyrics woof Xinghua of this original non- plagiarism not possible to close oneself in the room writes earnestly, writing is the end product, how needs Feng spirit to assist to sing one to have a look at the effect. 汪杏花卡文卡了这么久,一个好的戏本子的唱词该怎么写江祺多少还是有些了解的。唱词唱词,顾名思义,先是唱然后才是词,这种原创非抄袭的唱词汪杏花不可能把自己关在房间里埋头写,写出来就是成品,需要冯灵协助唱一遍看看效果如何。 Even if forming a coherent whole «Sovereign Female Biography», is rehearsal end product that changes to set finally. 哪怕是一气呵成的《皇女传》,也是边排练边改最终定下的成品。 Has been arranging.” woof Xinghua nods, mentioned this, had a matter I to want with the boss you to discuss.” “一直在排。”汪杏花点头,“说起这个,有件事情我想和老板你商量一下。” Jiang Qi looks at the driver who a front drove, asked calmly: What matter?” 江祺看了眼前排开车的司机,不动声色地问:“什么事?” Is the year later «Picks the Mulberry Female» first performance does not sell the ticket, the internal rehearsal.” “就是年后《采桑女》的第一次演出不卖票,内部试演。” Sure.” Jiang Qi readily agrees, I remember that " Sovereign Female Biography » 1st performance is not the interior performs, when the time comes considers the employee benefits of amusement park, arranging everyone to see a play.” “当然可以。”江祺一口答应下来,“我记得《皇女传》第一次演出不也是内部演出嘛,到时候就当是游乐园的员工福利,安排大家去看戏。” Perhaps cannot work as the employee benefits of amusement park.” “恐怕也不能当游乐园的员工福利。” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? We knew in touring some peers, these peers want to look «Pick the Mulberry Female» first performance.” “我们在巡演的时候认识了一些同行,这些同行非常想看《采桑女》的首演。” „Didn't you altogether go to several cities to tour?” additional money Bai the finger is considering as finished, discovered that 10 hand fingers have more than enough to spare, I calculate that your theater knows 40 peers, now the repair of theater is you designs, is not the theater box has more than 500 positions, the person on one's own side does the standing-room ticket gasser, sits under.” “你们一共不就去了几个城市巡演吗?”加钱掰着手指头算了一下,发现十根手指头绰绰有余,“我算你一个戏院认识40个同行,现在戏院的装修是你设计的,不算包厢就有500多个位置,自己人搞点站票加塞,坐得下。” woof Xinghua shakes the head: Does not sit down.” 汪杏花摇头:“坐不下。” Jiang Qi:??? 江祺:??? woof Xinghua starts to break off the finger to calculate the population to Jiang Qi: Boss you thinks to look, this time we go out to tour, outside these theaters yield profit so many to us. «Picks the Mulberry Female» first performance cannot only invite the peer, manager, manager and boss what can also invite?” 汪杏花开始掰着手指头给江祺算人数:“老板你想想看,这次我们出去巡演,外面那些剧院给我们让利这么多。《采桑女》的首演不能只请同行吧,经理、主管、老板什么的也得请吧?” Jiang Qi nods, is the worldly wisdom. 江祺点头,都是人情世故。 „, not only actually this time helps I write play script has the peer in theater, the friend of peers, can the friend invite?” “其实这次帮我写戏本子的不光有戏院的同行,还有同行们的朋友,朋友得请吧?” Jiang Qi continues to nod. 江祺继续点头。 Then the friend of these peer and peer basically is a professional, now the drama turns into the small numerous entertainment from the mainstream entertainment, can with many a little fame that our theatrical troupe exchanges. Having much with flourishing same is the teacher of university, the personal connection is broad, under the hand has many students.” “然后这些同行和同行的朋友基本上都是业内人士,现在戏曲都从主流娱乐变成小众娱乐,能和我们戏团交流的多少都有点名气。有不少和殷菲一样是高校的老师,人脉广,手底下有很多学生。” „Before I come back, some people on WeChat asked that on the quiet I can help the safety strip carry out several tickets, he leads the students to come to our theater to see the world. The attitude is so sincere, the opposite party is also glad to the help to propagandize, there is a social position, can this favor sell?” “我回来之前就有人在微信上悄悄问我能不能帮忙暗箱操作搞几张票,他带学生们来咱们戏院见见世面。态度这么诚恳,对方也乐于帮忙宣传,又有社会地位,这个人情得卖吧?” Jiang Qi feels rational, then nod. 江祺觉得有理,接着点头。 „Others also likewise, do this line, family member friend who whose few like the drama? «Sovereign Female Biography» develops from last year this year, the box office reputation double harvest, these people more or less were strive.” “其他人也是同理,都是干这行的,谁没几个喜欢戏曲的家人朋友呢?《皇女传》从去年演到今年,票房口碑双丰收,这些人或多或少都是出了力的。” „Such a calculates, the ticket almost left.” “这么一算,票差不多都出出去了。” „The theater box in building not to mention, so many theater bosses, wasn't each boss theater box excessive?” “楼上的包厢就更不用说了,那么多剧院老板呢,每个老板一个包厢不过分吧?” «Picks Mulberry Female» not like «Sovereign Female Biography», «Sovereign Female Biography» is appealing, «Picked the Mulberry Female» audience wants to be slightly many on the other hand. This year's beginning of the year drama is «Picks Mulberry Female», if must tour at the end of the year, then definitely is also develops «Picks Mulberry Female».” “《采桑女》不像《皇女传》,《皇女传》是老少咸宜,《采桑女》的受众相对来说就要小很多了。今年的开年大戏是《采桑女》,如果年末还要巡演,那么肯定也是演《采桑女》。” This literary film reputation is very important, these professionals, reputation appraisal and promotion of the friends, are like peeled soaked green beans grading and movie critic's commentary. Seeming like not useful, in fact a little uses.” “这种文艺片业内口碑很重要,这些专业人士,业内朋友们的口碑评价和推广,就跟豆瓣评分和影评人的评论一样。看上去没有什么用,实际上还是有点用的。” If «Picks the Mulberry Female» box office when the time comes is not good, has the unanimous good marks of professional, we can also fall the reputation that applauds does not attract a large audience.” “如果到时候《采桑女》票房不行,有业内人士的一致好评,咱们还可以落一个叫好不叫座的美誉。” Therefore, this first performance also really has no unnecessary ticket to divide.” woof Xinghua summarizes. “所以,这首演还真没什么多余的票分出去。”汪杏花总结完毕。 Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Do you put this to hold the press conference? Or I spent please several reporters to have the advertisement to you. 你搁这开新闻发布会呢?要不我给你花钱请几个记者打广告得了。 News title Jiang Qi thought: 新闻标题江祺都想好了: «Picks Mulberry Female First performance, Professional Gets together in One Line, High praise like Tide, This Industry Was greatly old Says Unexpectedly Like this......» 《采桑女首演,业内人士齐聚一行,好评如潮,这位行业大老居然这样说……》 A piece silent, only then king two he supports to praise: „, The apricot blossom elder sister you are quite fierce! Goes out one to know so many people!” 一片沉默中,只有王二丫捧场夸赞:“哇,杏花姐姐你好厉害呀!出去一趟能认识这么多人!” …… …… Ices the driver who the ice people sleep to deliver to the amusement park entrance Jiang Qi one group. Driver big brother sees woof Xinghua suitcase to be many, originally wants to stop the entrance the car(riage), then helps woof Xinghua drag two suitcases to enter the amusement park. 冰冰民宿的司机把江祺一行人送到了游乐园门口。司机大哥见汪杏花的行李箱多,本来想把车停门口,然后帮汪杏花拖两个行李箱进游乐园。 In seeing woof Xinghua with an inconceivable strength outsize suitcase, the potential raised two suitcases with Mt. Liba simultaneously them raised after the automobile trunk, driver big brother extinguished the thoughts of help, smiled is gazing after Jiang Qi one group to enter preschool, oneself returned to the duty high neighbor to chat the Eight Trigrams (gossip) with the peers. 在看到汪杏花以不可思议的力气一手一个特大号行李箱,用力拔山兮之势同时提起两个行李箱把它们从汽车尾箱里提出来后,司机大哥就熄了帮忙的心思,微笑着目送江祺一行人入园,自己返回职高附近和同行们聊八卦。 From then on, in well-known Eight Trigrams (gossip) of amusement park, had/left a study art to be easy to look for the Eight Trigrams (gossip) of work. 从那以后,游乐园的知名八卦里,又多出了一条学一门艺术好找工作的八卦。 This year slightly wants to look to be good young to work is not really easy, must meet the public relations, must meet the organization, must manage, will write, but must sing songs. It is not really easy, drives! 这年头小年轻想找个好工作真不容易,又要会社交,又要会组织,要会管理,会写作,还要会唱曲儿。真是太不容易了,还是开车好啊! by anonymous driver big brother by一位不愿意透露姓名的司机大哥 woof Xinghua enters the amusement park directly soars repairs the good theater, the stage, the auditorium and backstage anything does not bring to look that inspected a ceiling of room with emphasis. 汪杏花一进游乐园就直奔装修好的戏院,戏台、观众席、后台什么的都不带看的,重点检查了一下自己房间的天花板。 On the ceiling of woof Xinghua Room has slipknot together, can buckle, is she leaves itself to put between -meal snack specially the space. 汪杏花房间的天花板上有一块活扣,可以扣开,是她特意留给自己放零食的空间。 Determined after own future zero cupboard does not have the issue, woof Xinghua then felt relieved that opens the suitcase, to the people demonstrated that she gives the gift that everyone brings. 确定自己未来的零食柜没有问题后,汪杏花这才放下心来打开行李箱,向众人展示她给大家带的礼物。 First is everyone has package duck blood fans soup. 首先是每个人都有一份的盒装鸭血粉丝汤。 Several boxes of package duck blood fans soup, woof Xinghua carries them to tour, looks, Jinling truly gave woof Xinghua to make very profound impression. 十几盒盒装鸭血粉丝汤,汪杏花就这么生生背着它们一路巡演,看得出来,金陵确实给汪杏花留下了非常深刻的印象。 Each person independent gift of is very interesting. 每个人单独的礼物就很有意思。 Lili's gift is an altitude, only then 8 centimeters Chinese-style clothing villain puppet, with woof Xinghua words this is the baby who gives to Lili, at the size of this toy, truly can work as Lili's toy. 丽丽的礼物是一个高度只有八厘米的唐装小人玩偶,用汪杏花的话来讲这是送给丽丽的娃娃,以这个玩具的尺寸,确实可以当丽丽的玩具。 The king two his gifts are one set of third year in high school review volumes, it is said buys in the bookstore of some famous key high school entrance, king two he liked, expressed that next year will certainly write. 王二丫的礼物是一整套高三复习卷,据说是在某着名重点高中门口的书店买的,王二丫喜欢极了,表示明年一定写。 Huang Fugui's gift is an abacus, seems like some ages, the weight/quantity also very sinks, does not know where woof Xinghua in washes. 黄富贵的礼物是一把算盘,看上去有些年代,分量也挺沉,不知道汪杏花在从哪儿淘来的。 Johann's gift is a pointer, pulls out the person to hurt not sore Jiang Qi not to know, pulls out the sound that the table makes to be very big in any case. Johann likes very much, expressed that on next time under the dwarf architecture stage will have the student to sleep he to pull out a whip pointer, to schoolmates awaking inducing resuscitation of getting sleepy. 老约翰的礼物是一根教鞭,抽人疼不疼江祺不知道,反正抽桌子发出的声响挺大。老约翰很喜欢,表示下次上矮人建筑学台下有学生睡觉他就抽一鞭子教鞭,给犯困的同学们醒醒神。 river tea the gift is one set of various types of red short Chinese-style jacket skirts, why said that is various red, because the color of this set of skirt looked like in Jiang Qi is the palette of red pigment overturned, red had to deeply anything from shallow. 江茶的礼物是一套各种红的襦裙,为什么说是各种红,因为这套裙子的颜色在江祺看来就是全是红色颜料的调色盘打翻了,从浅到深什么红都有。 Not crossing the river tea likes very much, basically delivers the river tea clothes, so long as is not green she likes. 不过江茶很喜欢,基本上送江茶衣服,只要不是绿色的她都喜欢。 Lilian's gift is unadorned, a treasure vase. 莉莉安的礼物非常朴实无华,一个聚宝盆。 The gift of Principal Petch is unadorned, a fortune tree. 佩奇校长的礼物更加朴实无华,一颗发财树。 The gift of zero teacher with on, incurs the wealth cat. 零老师的礼物同上,一只招财猫。 As for Jiang Qi and quarts...... 至于江祺和夸夸…… Their gifts are the same, woof Xinghua before going out to tour looks to praise the boasts to borrow several specifically to be used to preserve food the magic pocket. Ate anything to pack all the way two, left Jiang Qi, left praises the boasts. 他们俩的礼物是一样的,汪杏花在出去巡演之前找夸夸借了几个专门用来保存食物的魔法口袋。一路上吃了什么都要打包两份,一份留给江祺,一份留给夸夸。 Keeps one to Jiang Qi, represents her from the heart to respect and love to the boss, regardless of will eat anything not to forget that will give the boss also to have one. 留一份给江祺,代表她对老板发自内心的尊重与爱,无论吃到什么都不会忘记给老板也带一份。 Keeps one praising the boasts , because quarts study under the chef, the cook is good, learning capability clever, the luck good words will eat two to do much. 留一份给夸夸,是因为夸夸师从名厨,厨艺好,学习能力贼强,运气好的话多吃两口就会做了。 Regarding woof Xinghua to the gift that everyone prepares, Jiang Qi can only with a few words summarize. 对于汪杏花给大家准备的礼物,江祺只能用一句话来总结。 The value is not high, the detailed work are many. 价值不高,花活不少。 She understands to give a present. 她是懂送礼的。 woof Xinghua ahead of time return, has not brought to the amusement park much is too different. 汪杏花的提前归来,并没有给游乐园带来太多不同。 Who called the theatrical troupe not to come back, her theatrical troupe manager came back also uselessly, to start to propagandize the plan only at most ahead of time. 谁叫戏团没回来,单她一个戏团经理回来也没用,顶多提前开始宣传方案。 Peripheral has custom-made does not need woof Xinghua to be busy. 周边定制都不用汪杏花忙。 «Before Picking Mulberry Female» is more than half a year, has been settled treating that must perform to explode the new opera, the relation and amusement park of theater before more than half a year on had the business contact factory to have custom-made various peripheral. 《采桑女》是大半年前就已经板上钉钉要演出的待爆新剧,早在大半年前剧院就联系和游乐园有业务往来的工厂定制各项周边了。 Some peripheral has lain down in being far away from the warehouse of amusement park is covered with dust, if were not woof Xinghua «Picks the Mulberry Female» song lyrics taking advantage of Dongfeng of touring with the help of professional finished, since this batch peripheral will become woof Xinghua to take office the biggest decision error. 部分周边早就躺在远离游乐园的仓库里吃灰,如果不是汪杏花借巡演的东风在业内人士的帮助下把《采桑女》的唱词写完,这批周边就会成为汪杏花上任以来的最大决策失误。 The periphery has decided that the play cannot get up, isn't this white Xiaqian? 周边已经定了,戏上不了,这不是白瞎钱吗? …… …… A tranquil afternoon, Principal Peggy presents the financial report of new week of inconceivable wizard school to Jiang Qi. 一个平静的午后,佩吉校长向江祺递交新的一周不可思议魔法学院的财务报告。 This week the financial report of inconceivable wizard school is attractive, when the first donor is entertainment world panting female star Ms. slow. 本周不可思议魔法学院的财务报告非常漂亮,第一金主当属娱乐圈过气女明星徐女士。 1.97 million..., the entertainment world is really filthy rich, outstanding, Ms. slow this wants to turn the red determination to be very praiseworthy!” “197万…啧啧啧,娱乐圈果然是财大气粗,不同凡响,徐女士这个想要翻红的决心很是让人钦佩啊!” Looks the astonishing 1.97 million rates that Ms. slow asks, Jiang Qi expressed admiration. 看着徐女士开出的惊人的197万的成交价,江祺啧啧称奇。 If the entertainment world came such several to turn the red panting male and female star again to be good, average per person 2 million, one week received one, one month can also have 8 million. 要是娱乐圈再来那么几个想要翻红的过气男女明星就好了,人均200万,一周接待一个,一个月也能有800万。 According to this progress gets down, the moon/month revenue improper proper amusement park fault/chasm of inconceivable wizard school first? 照这个进度下去,不可思议魔法学院的月营销额不妥妥的游乐园断层第一? „The determination of Ms. slow is praiseworthy, but our amusement park also paid very big price, we even violated our principle to open the back door to Ms. slow. Boss, to be honest, this money earns to make my conscience be condemned very much.” Principal Peggy does intentionally the sorrowful said/tunnel. “徐女士的决心令人钦佩,但我们游乐园方面也是付出了很大的代价的,我们甚至违背了自己的原则给徐女士开后门。老板,说句实话,这个钱赚得让我的良心很受谴责。”佩吉校长故作悲痛地道。 But cannot see any sorrow from her face completely, and conscience receives the appearance of condemnation. 可是从她的脸上完全看不到任何的悲痛,以及良心受到谴责的样子。 How from 800,000 to talk about 1.97 million as for Ms. Xu's price, this must not come back before woof Xinghua mentioned. 至于徐女士的价格是怎么从80万谈到197万的,这还要从汪杏花没有回来之前说起。 On that day after Jiang Qi examined the price list, made reckless clear go to and Principal Peggy docks. Principal Peggy noticed unexpectedly has the fool to be willing to spend 800,000 price gasser coming in racket two days of vlog, immediately agreed that on own initiative brokerage firm that contacts with Ms. slow. 那天江祺审完价格单后,就让胡清去和佩吉校长对接。佩吉校长一看到居然有傻子愿意花80万的价格加塞进来拍两天vlog,当即就同意了,主动联系徐女士的经纪公司。 That side the brokerage firm is also very anxious. 经纪公司那边也很急。 After all heat degree thing very fast changing, possibly on the day before it searched for first hotly, 2nd day nobody will ask. What the emphasis of netizen shifts is quick, like wind by fits and starts, time when the next gust blows, what on gust blows was anything is forgotten by everyone. 毕竟热度这个东西非常的瞬息万变,可能前一天它还是热搜第一,第二天就会无人问津。网友的关注点转移的是很快的,就像风一样一阵一阵的,等到下一阵风吹过来的时候,上一阵风吹来的是什么早就被大家忘了。 Ms. Xu's brokerage firm is willing to start out 800,000 prices , because the heat degree of inconceivable wizard school is lasting enough, profitable. 徐女士的经纪公司愿意开出80万的价格,就是因为不可思议魔法学院的热度足够持久,有利可图。 Principal Peggy and brokerage firm almost fits in easily. 佩吉校长和经纪公司几乎是一拍即合。 Principal Peggy money-making, the brokerage firm is rubbing the heat degree anxiously anxiously, the black material and so-called the peach-color news before as for Ms. slow, Principal Peggy does not care. 佩吉校长急着赚钱,经纪公司急着蹭热度,至于徐女士之前的黑料和所谓的桃色新闻,佩吉校长根本就不在意。 Managing it is really false, so long as does not delay itself to make money to be all right. The peach-color news looks like in Principal Peggy is the most immaterial news, after all her marriage personal history suspends, enough startled falls a chin of piece of person. 管它是真是假,只要不耽误自己赚钱就没事。桃色新闻在佩吉校长看来是最无关紧要的新闻,毕竟她的结婚履历摆出来,足够惊掉一片人的下巴。 Almost in the earliest possible time that Principal Peggy and brokerage firm contacts, Ms. slow renewed a micro blog, suggested own luck was good to snatch the lodging ticket of inconceivable wizard school. 几乎是在佩吉校长和经纪公司接触的第一时间,徐女士就更新了一条微博,暗示自己运气好抢到了不可思议魔法学院的住宿票。 Then under the operation of brokerage firm, this micro blog on searched for quickly hotly. Because the former amusement park has asked the blogger and anchor to conduct the reason of propaganda frankly and uprightly, netizen who pays attention to this micro blog, does not have first to think that this possibly is a reverse business list, but pure thought that the big star is good, snatches some ticket people to help. 然后在经纪公司的运作下,这条微博很快就上了热搜。由于之前游乐园一直都是光明正大的请博主、主播进行宣传的缘故,关注到这条微博的网友,并没有第一时间想到这可能是一个反向商单,只是单纯的觉得大明星就是好,抢票都有人帮忙。 The thought disperses points slightly, thought was Ms. slow uses the relations to do the admission ticket. 稍微思维发散一点的,也只是觉得是徐女士动用关系搞到了门票。 After all before Ms. permits , because the influence of peach-color news is panting, lives not many, in a year has the less than half year to dig out the foot at home. At home, saw unemployed online has a popular amusement park to pass to play is also the way things should be. 毕竟许女士之前因为桃色新闻的影响已经过气了,活不多,一年中有小半年都在家抠脚。赋闲在家的时候,看到网上有一个热门的游乐园想过去玩一玩也是人之常情。 The brokerage firm looked this micro blog echo is good, immediately felt oneself chose right the direction, consulting was more positive. 经纪公司一看这条微博反响不错,顿时觉得自己选对了方向,接洽更加积极了。 Then Principal Peggy offered the evil olive branch. 然后佩吉校长就伸出了罪恶的橄榄枝。 Wants the safety strip? I do not have the principle! 想要暗箱操作吗?我可是没有原则的哟! Economical company:?! Wants! 经济公司:?!要要要! Then Principal Peggy pulled out her price tag list. 然后佩吉校长就拉出了她的价目单。 So long as money arrives, the safety strip of what rank can be in place. 只要钱到位,什么等级的暗箱操作都能到位。 NPC in entire inconceivable wizard school is the professional actor, the performing skill arrives, the vivid nature, the performing skill even can the second kill works as the red spiced chicken that part cannot act in a play. These professional actors will not show one's ignorance under the live broadcast, not to mention in vlog, absolutely does not have any extra worries. 整个不可思议魔法学院里的NPC全部都是专业演员,演技到位,生动自然,演技甚至可以秒杀一部分不会演戏的当红炸子鸡。这些专业演员在直播下都不会露怯,更不用说在vlog中,绝对没有任何后顾之忧。 What is most essential is the principal does not have the principle, recognizes money not to recognize people. 最关键的是校长没有原则,认钱不认人。 So long as money arrived, hidden the plot to hide the map, can arrive. 只要钱到位了,无论是隐藏剧情还是隐藏地图,都可以到位。 However fries CP not, zero teacher refuses the mirror to fry CP. 不过炒CP不可以,零老师拒绝出镜炒CP。 After looking at the price tag list, the brokerage firm is filthy rich, expressed with one stroke of the pen wants that expensively. 看完价目单后,经纪公司财大气粗,大笔一挥表示就要那个最贵的。 Then after intense negotiating, the price from 3 million cut 1.97 million. 然后经过一番激烈的砍价,价格从300万砍到了197万。 The seemingly economical company gained, was Principal Peggy gains the hemp actually. 看似经济公司赚了,实则是佩吉校长赚麻了。 What is most expensive is which? 最贵的是哪个? Is one of the Lilian's hidden plot opening mission. 是莉莉安的隐藏剧情的开启任务之一。 The inconceivable wizard school gets online half a month, Zhou Yuan and Li dream completed a hidden plot besides 1st day, will not have the tourist to complete the hidden plot over the following several days. 不可思议魔法学院上线半个月,除了第一天周媛和李梦完成了一个隐藏剧情外,接下来的十几天没有游客完成隐藏剧情。 However had the tourist to touch side that hid the plot, but has not achieved the complete completion condition. In this case, tourists are will feel, generally only needs 2 to brush can succeed the unlocking to hide the plot. 但是有游客摸到了隐藏剧情的边,只不过没有达到全部的完成条件。在这种情况下,游客们自己是会感受到的,一般只需要二刷就可以成功解锁隐藏剧情。 Then side these touch the tourist who arrives, because the hand fast issue cannot snatch the ticket, cannot come in two to brush, therefore the recent influence plot had not been completed. 然后这些摸到边的游客因为手速问题没能抢到票,迟迟不能进来二刷,所以新的影响剧情迟迟没有被完成。 However this does not affect. 不过这都不影响。 What is quite awkward is Lilian hidden the plot no one to touch until now side. 比较尴尬的是莉莉安隐藏剧情至今都没有人能摸到边。 From the beginning Jiang Qi and Principals Peggy felt, Lilian's hidden plot is very good to trigger. 一开始江祺和佩吉校长觉得,莉莉安的隐藏剧情是很好触发的。 Easiest triggering when is picks Lilian to attend class the explosion fragment, this thing Lilian will not hide, finished class Lilian to walk, the fragment stayed in the classroom directly, shining kept nearby the platform. 最容易触发的就是捡到莉莉安上课时的爆炸碎片,这玩意莉莉安又不会藏起来,下课了莉莉安就走了,碎片就直接留在教室里,明晃晃的留在讲台附近。 So long as the tourists went forward to turn slightly look to be able to find most important that. 游客们只要上前稍微翻找一下就能找到最重要的那块。 Then the inconceivable wizard school will conduct the entire tourist to notify, informs the ultra length hidden plot of everyone director Lilian to trigger, asking everyone to visit to live unremittingly explores. 然后不可思议魔法学院就会进行全游客通报,告知大家莉莉安校董的超长隐藏剧情已经触发,请各位参观生努力探索。 Finally no one turns obstinately. 结果愣是没有人去翻。 However behind this cannot blame to visit to live. 不过这也不能怪后面都参观生。 Also cannot blame Jiang Qi and Principals Peggy. 也不能怪江祺和佩吉校长。 Must blame only to blame that buddy who 1st day starts to sweep the floor! 要怪就只能怪第一天开始扫地的那个哥们! Why does no one turn? 为什么没有人翻? Because these fragments swept the floor actively, waiting triggering hidden the plot the visit fresh earliest possible time to sweep! 因为这些碎片都被积极扫地,等待触发隐藏剧情的参观生们第一时间扫走啦! A broom sweeps, who has the opportunity to turn! 一扫把扫走啦,谁有机会去翻啊! Everyone is pointing at the trash of each classroom to the performance, who can think in turns the trash have a look again to have can recycle. 大家都指着各个教室的垃圾冲业绩呢,谁会想着再翻一翻垃圾看看里面有没有可以回收的呀。 Now the hidden plot in school enters an endless loop, the hidden plot of sweeping the floor did not open, Lilian's fragment is very difficult to be discovered by everyone. 现在学校里的隐藏剧情就进入了一个死循环,扫地的隐藏剧情不开启,莉莉安的碎片就很难被大家发现。 Lilian was easiest the found fragment is discovered by everyone, the players were very difficult to discover Lilian's hidden plot was ultra long combination mission. 莉莉安最容易被找到的碎片不被大家发现,玩家们就很难发现莉莉安的隐藏剧情是一个超长的组合任务 Then now discovers part sweeps the floor that buddy who hidden the plot not to snatch the ticket. 然后现在发现了一部分扫地隐藏剧情的那个哥们抢不到票。 The person who snatches the ticket has not discovered the hidden plot. 抢到票的人没发现隐藏剧情。 Jiang Qi Peggy Principal Lilian:...... 江祺佩吉校长莉莉安:…… Regarding the inconceivable wizard school, Lilian's ultra length hidden plot is a very important part. 对于不可思议魔法学院而言,莉莉安的超长隐藏剧情是很重要的一环。 Because Stage 2 will open works. 因为第二阶段会开启打工。 Plays the web people to know, works this thing, can become very interesting. 玩过网游的人都知道,打工这个东西啊,可以变得很有意思。 Ponders over to send one in Principal Peggy to hold, discovered forcefully Lilian's hidden plot time, Ms. Xu's brokerage firm delivers. 就在佩吉校长琢磨着是不是应该派一个托进来,强行发现莉莉安的隐藏剧情的时候,徐女士的经纪公司送上了门。 Then the brokerage firm flower 1.97 million, successfully snatch living that held. 然后经纪公司花197万,成功抢到了托的活。 Let us give Ms. slow and her brokerage firm the applause, thanked them for the brilliant contribution that the inconceivable wizard school made! 让我们把掌声送给徐女士和她的经纪公司,感谢他们为不可思议魔法学院做出的杰出贡献! ! Ms. slow is really a good person!” Jiang Qi said after a sigh, when did she come?” “徐女士真是一个好人呀!”江祺感叹道,“她什么时候来?” Ms. slow now already in inconceivable wizard school!” Principal Peggy said, was saying swings to monitor the mirror, you look, has been getting angry is the magic class.” “徐女士现在已经在不可思议魔法学院里了呀!”佩吉校长道,说着摇出监控镜子,“您瞧,都已经在上火系魔法课了。” In the mirror, Ms. slow is sitting in the first row, attended a lecture earnestly. 镜子里,徐女士正坐在第一排,认真听课。 Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… „The first row...... were our safety strips is a little obvious?” The Jiang Qi soul asked. “第一排……我们这个暗箱操作是不是有点过于明显了?”江祺灵魂发问。 Obvious?” Principal Peggy asked something already known, 1.97 million, a little privilege should be! Our inconceivable wizard school needs to use this direct way, lets Ms. slow and her broker team feels our service attitude and sincerity.” “明显吗?”佩吉校长明知故问,“197万呢,有一点特权是应该的!我们不可思议魔法学院就需要用这种直接的方式,让徐女士和她的经纪团队感受到我们的服务态度和诚意。” I heard that perhaps their company panting star, can receive the 2nd list incessantly.” “我听说他们公司过气的明星不止一个,没准还能接到第二单。” Lilian ultra long hidden a mission incessantly trigger condition in any case, 2nd also makes them trigger Lilian only, the foreign explanation is also good to explain. Said that is the colleague who Ms. slow goes back the later urging, the colleague conducted the detailed back accent, in addition luck, this successfully triggers.” “反正莉莉安超长隐藏任务不止一个触发条件,第二单还让他们触发莉莉安的,对外解释也好解释。就说是徐女士回去之后叮嘱的同事,同事进行了详细的背调,加上一点点运气,这才成功触发。” Makes me have a look at 2nd to trigger anything well......” “让我看看第二个触发什么好……” „The bill signed in acknowledgment of debt in my principal's office, this good, so long as I do not want to make them find no one to find.” “我校长室里的欠条,这个不错,只要我不想让他们找到没有人可以找到。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Principal Peggy, what you put this krypton gold/metal unlocking plot is? 佩吉校长,你搁这氪金解锁剧情的是吧? 1.971 million mission fragments, 3 gather 1 to open 1st point of mission. 197万一个任务碎片,三合一可以开启第一环任务 You understand the krypton gold/metal game. 你是懂氪金游戏的。
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