BFAMMGS :: Volume #3

#216: Relaxing

Sunflower, you treat because of the window good are good to look after the house, to add water makes the cavalry help you.” “向日葵,你就待在窗台上好好看家,如果想加水让骑兵帮你。” Race car, in the shop does not do business today, you are staying at home well. If wants to use scenario compilation Produces your exclusive scenario to make the cavalry help you, you do not want to jump to the computer keyboard to press. Your wheel according to not accurate did not say, but also easy my computer breaking.” “赛车,今天店里不营业,你就在家里好好呆着。如果想用【剧本编写器】生成你的专属剧本就让骑兵帮你,你不要自己跳到电脑键盘上去按。你的车轮按不准不说,还容易把我电脑给砸坏。” Cavalry, in the family/home asked you.” “骑兵,家里就拜托你了。” Lili, you determined that do not go out together? You treat watch the television at home, is moderate, the cavalry you helps me supervise.” “丽丽,你确定不要一起出去是吧?那你就待在家里看电视,要适度,骑兵你帮我监督一下。” Good boss mister!” The spirits of three toy with one voice. “好的老板先生!”三个玩具之灵异口同声。 Knows the board board, the board board bye-bye.” Lili has started to wave to see off, simultaneously turns on the televisions joyfully, cuts «XX Scare story» that she wants to look. “知道了板板,板板拜拜。”丽丽已经开始挥手送别了,同时快乐地打开电视,切到她想看的《XX恐怖故事》。 Boss mister, don't you really want me to deliver you? So long as you bring the full battery, I am quick.” The race car does not lose heart asks. “老板先生,您真的不要我送你嘛?只要您带足电池,我很快的。”赛车不死心地问道。 Does not use, the race car you delivered goods this period of time laboriously, today rests well at home.” Jiang Qi is saying with a smile , indicating him also awfully. “不用了,赛车你这段时间送货辛苦了,今天好好在家里休息一下。”江祺笑着道,表示他还要命。 Another side, king two he also with fat farewell. 另一边,王二丫也在和胖胖告别。 Fat, I first go out! Tonight I want to make one to pick the strawberry in the cake mountain, in the stum river fish the dream of sweet-and-sour fish, wants that type to eat, moreover eats specially delicious that. Is fat you to achieve?” “胖胖,我先出去啦!今天晚上我想做一个在蛋糕山里采草莓,葡萄汁河里钓糖醋鱼的梦,要那种可以吃的,而且吃起来特别好吃的那种。胖胖你可以做到吗?” Naturally.” Fat raises one's head with king two him diligently pastes the post, two his masters you could rest assured that I weave certainly the fond dream that you want tonight diligently.” “当然。”胖胖努力伸头和王二丫贴贴,“二丫主人你放心,我今天晚上一定努力编织出你想要的美梦。” Two his masters, come back to by rest on me tonight!” “二丫主人,今天晚上回来要靠在我身上休息哦!” Certainly!” “一定!” Several in living room had not found master the spirit of toy to look at the so warm picture, fired together the sigh of envying. 客厅里的几个还没找到主人的玩具之灵看着如此温馨的画面,齐齐发出了羡慕的叹息。 Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Knows knew, when I had money to open the toy store to help you look for the master! 知道了知道了,等我有钱了就开玩具店帮你们找主人! Johann and Huang Fugui have tidied up, had previous experience that goes to the amusement park, Huang Fugui prepared the paper napkin, the wet turban, washes to cut the good fruit, the meat egg sandwich that in the morning does on the spot, just soaked a good big cup with the hot tea and one bunch of scattered things that the insulated cup installs, installed a large package. 老约翰和黄富贵早就收拾好了,有了上次去游乐园的经验,黄富贵准备了餐巾纸,湿巾,洗好切好的水果,早上现做的肉蛋三明治,刚刚泡好的一大杯用保温杯装的热茶和一堆零零散散的东西,装了一大包。 Compared with well equipped Huang Fugui, in the hand only took a Johann of insulated cup to look like very much prepares Sir who went to the park to take a walk in the morning. 比起装备齐全的黄富贵,手上只拿了一个保温杯的老约翰就很像上午准备去公园遛弯的大爷。 Walks.” Jiang Qi urged in the entrance, nearly eight points, the amusement park nine points opened the door, but must go to the shop entrance to ride the minibus.” “走吧。”江祺在门口催促道,“都快八点了,游乐园九点开门,还要去店门口坐小巴。” For this group constructs, Jiang Qi wrapped a minibus to be used to send and pick up the staff specially. 为了这次团建,江祺特意包了一辆小巴用来接送员工。 Four people go downstairs, Jiang Qi discovered that Jiang Bing and woof Xinghua have not come out at home, urged: Elder sister, the apricot blossom, haven't both of you melted the makeup?” 四人下楼,江祺发现江冰和汪杏花还在家里没出来,催促道:“姐,杏花,你们俩还没化好妆吗?” Quick!” woof Xinghua spreads the lipstick in a hurry, withstand/top Jiang Bing to help she entire makeup come out, lends her pink small satchel at the back of Jiang Bing, in the package is hanging the rabbit rabbit that sends out the aspic delicate fragrance, boss, when can I attain my surplus living expenses? I think the deciding to buy makeup atomization!” “快了快了!”汪杏花匆匆涂好口红,顶着江冰帮她化的全妆出来,背着江冰借给她的粉色小挎包,包上挂着正散发薰衣草清香的兔兔,“老板,我什么时候可以拿到我的剩余生活费啊?我想买定妆喷雾!” Obviously, when Jiang Bing helps she puts on make-up, woof Xinghua successfully grass the deciding makeup atomization of some sign. 很显然,在江冰帮她化妆的时候,汪杏花被成功种草了某牌子的定妆喷雾。 Your cosmetics have not bought anything to decide the makeup atomization.” Jiang Qi brutally complained, looked toward, elder sister, how didn't you have?” “你化妆品都没买买什么定妆喷雾。”江祺无情吐槽,往里看了看,“姐,你咋还没好?” I just thrush woolen cloth!” Jiang Bing withstand/top unsteady has not been drawing the good eyebrow to come out, today really felt strange how to draw is not how right.” “我刚刚画眉毛呢!”江冰顶着一高一低没画好的眉毛出来,“今天真是奇了怪了,怎么画怎么都不对劲。” Walked, under do not wait for everyone to arrive on we.” “走了走了,别等下大家都到了就等我们。” In the Jiang Qi urging sound, one group of people successfully go downstairs finally, walks toward the alley. 江祺的催促声中,一群人终于成功下楼,往小巷走去。 Jiang Qi in the workgroup the people with the time that agree on is the morning 8 : 20 in the small lane entrance set, because everyone rolls to construct surges upward warmly, Jiang Qi several people that the freeze point arrives at unexpectedly are finally. The Liu Lan home lives in the alley, yesterday had not returned to the school house directly, 7 : 30 went out. 江祺在工作群里和众人约定的时间是早上8:20在小巷口集合,由于大家团建热情高涨,卡点到的江祺几人居然是最后才到的。刘澜这个家就住小巷里的,昨天直接没回学校住家里,七点半就出门了。 Raises while convenient, Liu Lan and river have the class gracefully theoretically today, but they because exactly in the family/home has the matter to ask for leave successfully. 顺带一提,刘澜和江婉婉理论上今天都有课,但她们都恰好因为家里有事请假成功。 Hopes they send the friend encircles the time tonight, remembers that shields the instructor and fellow teachers. 希望她们今天晚上发朋友圈的时候,记得屏蔽辅导员和各位老师。 The minibus car(riage) that 8:25, Jiang Qi rents arrives. 8点25分,江祺租的小巴车到达。 People happy boarding , the new staff who because many people recruited some time ago, these new staff mostly at home looked respectively various rarely comes the electricity, therefore the new and old staff are actually not ripe. 众人开开心心的上车,因为不少人是不久前才招的新员工,这些新员工大多都在家各看各的本很少来电,所以其实新老员工们互相之间并不熟。 Not only the new and old staff are not ripe, Jiang Qi this bosses and his new staff are not quite ripe, how many him there are even not to recognize the face, sees is still thinking that who at heart this is, is he really my staff? 不光新老员工们互相之间不熟,江祺这个老板和他的新员工们不太熟,有几个他甚至连脸都不认得,看见的时候还在心里想了想这是谁,他真的是我的员工吗? Although the boss and new staff are not quite ripe, but among the new staff mutually is quite ripe. 虽然老板和新员工不太熟,但新员工之间互相还是比较熟的。 Jiang Qi this batch of new more than ten full-time employments / in concurrent job dm, overwhelming majorities are the staff who in these basically shop in December go out of business, a lot of employed time are very long. Employed time longest is the pony, he before was Boss Zhen the backbone in shop, made 4 years of dm, the job seniority and shopkeepers slow were similar. 江祺这批新招的十几个全职/兼职dm里,绝大多数都是12月倒闭的那些基本上店里的员工,不少从业时间都很长。从业时间最长的就是小马,他之前是甄老板店里的骨干,做了四年dm,工龄和徐店长差不多。 In giving Boss Zhen works the beforehand pony is dm in Jiang Han friend shop, afterward the shop bankruptcy of Jiang Han friend, his short went to JC to do for two months, because had the irreconcilable contradiction with another backbone dm in shop, therefore the choice left job, finally was dug at the high salary by Boss Zhen. 在给甄老板打工之前小马是蒋珺朋友店里的dm,后来蒋珺朋友的店倒闭,他短暂的去JC做了两个月,因为和店里的另外一个骨干dm之间有不可调和的矛盾所以选择离职,最终被甄老板以高薪挖过去。 Because incurred the pony, Jiang Qi knows Boss Zhen, although can have the dusk to incur sometimes, but he can achieve the beforehand shop such greatly is a little business mind and level. 正是因为招了小马,江祺才知道甄老板虽然有的时候会出昏招,但他能把之前的店做到这么大还是有点生意头脑和水平。 Boss Zhen most starts is also a pure layman, he can make the shop is because dug several specialized dm + advertisement marketing from others shop, the business idea of Boss Zhen is actually similar to Yan Huaiyou, does not have Yan Huaiyou is so rich. 甄老板最开始也是个纯外行,他能把店做起来就是因为从别人店挖了几个专业dm+广告营销,甄老板的生意理念其实和闫怀佑差不多,就是没有闫怀佑那么有钱。 But the pony will unable to do initially in JC, Jiang Qi has asked Jiang Han on the quiet , because the pony temperament is not quite good, often quarrelled with another dm of their shop. 而小马当初之所以会在JC干不下去,江祺悄悄问过蒋珺,是因为小马脾气不太好,经常和她们店的另一个dm吵架。 It is said now the pony temperament good is not good, but also it is said that remains to be seen. 据说现在小马脾气好了不好,但也是据说,有待观察。 Now in the shop really effective Huang Fugui, Huang Fugui in name is the Starry River Scenario Club shopkeeper. The senior staff called his Uncle Huang like before, but the new staff will name be shopkeeper slow like the staff of C. C generally, politely called his shopkeeper yellow. 现在店里真的管事的黄富贵,黄富贵在名义上已经是星河剧本社的店长了。老员工都像之前一样叫他黄叔,但是新员工一般都会像C.C的员工叫徐店长那样,尊称他一声黄店长。 The wages are invariable, the post changes, Jiang Qi felt that his pictures of cakes level more came approximately to be high. 工资不变,岗位变,江祺感觉他的画饼水平越来约高了. Right, master your about 4 : 00 pm in parking lot our was enough. If we come out ahead of schedule, I will call you ahead of time.” Jiang Qi and driver exchanges the preparation to go back to sit, looks on the vehicle everyone's seat distribution, probably how can look at fellow staff's relations. “对,师傅你下午 4 点左右在停车场等我们就行了。如果我们提早出来,我会提前给你打电话的。”江祺和司机师傅交流完准备回去坐着,看着车上大家的座位分布,大概就能看出来各位员工的关系如何。 The left's first row is Huang Fugui and Johann, behind is white/shell Ru and Liu Lan, behind Liu Lan is Cai Min and river gracefully. The right's first row is he himself and Jiang Bing, behind is woof Xinghua and king two he, again behind is the orange and a looking familiar concurrent job. 左边第一排是黄富贵和老约翰,后面是贝茹和刘澜,刘澜后面是蔡敏和江婉婉。右边第一排是他自己和江冰,后面是汪杏花和王二丫,再后面是橙子和一个眼熟的兼职。 Other called not to have the name the full-time employment and hold concurrent jobs 22 to sit the same place, some are chatting some to play the cell phone, only then the pony sat in the last row lonely watches the television silently. 其余叫不太出名字的全职和兼职两两坐一起,有的在聊天有的在玩手机,只有小马孤独地坐在最后一排默默看电视。 Un, can look, interpersonal relationship truly not Taihang. 嗯,看得出来,人际关系确实不太行。 The king two his excited exert with woof Xinghua, Jiang Bing and orange say previous time story that goes to the amusement park. 王二丫正兴奋地跟汪杏花,江冰和橙子讲上次去游乐园的见闻。 „The ferris wheel in amusement park really super big, super fun, super attractive! We are the evening sit the ferris wheel, originally pitch-dark can only see moon and star is not very attractive, but the palace led to make a phone call, in the amusement park these not bright lamp shone completely, scattered like the star the ground really super attractive!” King two his praise to ferris wheel to the utmost. “游乐园里的摩天轮真的超级大,超级好玩,超级漂亮!我们是晚上去坐摩天轮的,本来黑漆漆的只能看见月亮和星星不是很好看,但是宫导打了一个电话,游乐园里那些原本不亮的灯就全部亮了,就像星星撒在地上一样真的超级好看!”王二丫对摩天轮极尽赞美之词。 Right.” The next door approved in the river of p chart gracefully crazily, evening sits the ferris wheel of amusement park, turns on really attractively the following starry sky lamp, with patting idol drama.” “对对对。”隔壁原本在p图的江婉婉疯狂赞同,“晚上坐游乐场的摩天轮,把下面的星空灯一开真的好看,就跟拍偶像剧似的。” „.” On the orange face writes all over to yearn, original that broken amusement park skyscraping is so romantic, if we had known before me, played.” “哇。”橙子脸上写满向往,“原来那个破游乐场的摩天这么浪漫啊,早知道我之前就去玩了。” white/shell Ru's emphasis is different: „Does palace have the relations with the amusement park brillant? He does not open the bar? Why can his telephone lamp start?” 贝茹的关注点则不同:“宫晔还和游乐场有关系吗?他不是开酒吧的吗?为什么他一个电话灯就能开呀?” He calls side Jing.” Jiang Qi answered, on that day wasn't the group of side Jing company constructs? He rolled to construct actually met the promoted business list of amusement park, he should call the staff of amusement park, therefore the lamp started, usually that lamp should not start, because many lamp belts have damaged.” “他是打电话给方靖。”江祺解释道,“那天不是方靖公司的团建吗?他团建其实是接了游乐场的推广业务单,他应该是打电话给游乐场的工作人员了所以灯太开了,平时那个灯应该是不开的,因为有不少灯带都已经损坏了。” People suddenly. 众人恍然。 That today was really was a pity, tonight must have the buffet, then played mahjong , without the time to sit the ferris wheel.” The orange sighed. “那今天真是太可惜了,今天晚上还要去吃自助餐,然后去打麻将,没时间坐摩天轮。”橙子叹气。 Does not have the orange elder sister of relations, we can the daytime sit the ferris wheel. My previous time has not achieved the ferris wheel during the daytime, I want to know that during the daytime sits the ferris wheel is anything felt.” King two he had completed today's playing plan yesterday evening. “没关系的橙子姐姐,我们可以白天坐摩天轮。我上次白天都没有做到摩天轮,我想知道白天坐摩天轮是什么感觉。”王二丫昨天晚上已经做好了今天的游玩计划。 Under we go to the amusement park first to sit the roller coaster, then sits the big bob, does not know that the pirate ship can start, previous time has not played the pirate ship. Noon time we can go to the sales store to buy to roast the intestines and corn eat, then goes to the theater to rest, in the afternoon plays the bumper car, the ferris wheel, the Merry-Go-Round and several extensions the revolutions flies the project that flies.” King two he is calculating very happily the project that must go, then can come back to have the buffet.” “等下我们去游乐园先坐过山车,然后坐大摆锤,就是不知道海盗船会不会开,上次就没有玩到海盗船。中午的时候我们可以去小卖部买烤肠和玉米吃,然后去剧院休息,下午玩碰碰车,摩天轮,旋转木马和好几个转啊转飞啊飞的项目。”王二丫美滋滋地算着要去的项目,“然后就可以回来去吃自助餐。” I have not had the seafood buffet, previous time I just came the time boss to lead me to have the barbecue buffet.” “我还没有吃过海鲜自助餐呢,上次我刚来的时候老板带我吃了烤肉自助餐。” I have not had the seafood buffet, I have not eaten the barbecue buffet.” woof Xinghua nods, although she has not made the amusement park to capture/raid, but she made the buffet to capture/raid, „since I online checked the buffet should from anything to eat am most cost-effective, tonight I must eat greatly!” “我也没吃过海鲜自助餐,我连烤肉自助餐都没吃过。”汪杏花点头,她虽然没有做游乐场攻略,但她做了自助餐攻略,“我都在网上查了自助餐应该从什么吃起最划算,今天晚上我一定要大吃一顿!” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… I thought that you relax.” Jiang Qi urged. “我觉得你还是悠着点。”江祺劝道。 woof Xinghua:?! 汪杏花:?! Good, I little eat.” woof Xinghua whispered low voice, was planned to eat 20 jin (0.5 kg), that ate 15 jin (0.5 kg).” “好吧,那我就少吃点。”汪杏花小声嘀咕道,“原本是打算吃20斤的,那就吃15斤吧。” Heard the others of woof Xinghua words:??? 听见了汪杏花话的其他人:??? She spoke irresponsibly, do not manage her.” Jiang Qi said with a smile, pulled out the cell phone to report the news to woof Xinghua. “她乱说的,别理她。”江祺笑道,掏出手机给汪杏花发消息。 Jiang Qi: Eats 10 jin (0.5 kg)!!! 江祺:吃十斤!!! Jiang Qi: Steals food secretly, low-key, by that others discover!!! 江祺:偷偷吃,低调点的,不要被别人发现的那种!!!
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