BPTH :: Volume #5

#475: I am your sweetheart

475 chapters of I am your sweetheart 475章我做你的情人 That night, Ye Qinghan one *** fights three brave generals, the scene ratio and god slaughter war also wants the intense several points. On the bed, on the table, on the chair, on the floor, everywhere is the battlefields. Three unique florets, after these many years constraining, completely have let at this moment also loose, has fought 300 rounds with Ye Qinghan. 当夜,夜轻寒一***战三位猛将,场面比和神主屠大战还要激烈几分。在床上,在桌子上,在椅子上,在地板上,处处都是战场。三朵各具特色的小花,经过这么多年的压抑,此刻也完全放开了,和夜轻寒大战了300回合。 Tao Hua (Peach Blossom) is charming, the rose is warm, lotus flower is shy. 桃花妩媚,玫瑰热情,莲花羞涩。 Shouted! The emperor basic life of previous generation is not no wonder long “呼!难怪前世的皇帝基本寿命都不长” Ye Qinghan looks at three dressed carcasses of being overwhelmed with emotion, the row on the bed, is looking abreast in row three people of sleeping soundly brings two to wipe the bright red beautiful face, swallows several saliva once more, forces to suppress own impulsion hastily, to three female's lids gently quilt. Puts on went out of out of the door that the clothes are soundless. 夜轻寒看着三具销魂的胴体,在大床上并排横列着,看着三人熟睡的带着两抹嫣红绝美的脸,再次咽下几口唾沫,连忙强制压住自己的冲动,给三女轻轻的盖好被子。穿好衣服蹑手蹑脚的走出了门外。 Ye Qinghan exits, three pairs are shutting the beautiful pupil actually opened one pair, Yue Qingcheng had blinked does not have what to indicate that but was the corners of the mouth shows a faint smile, continued to close one's eyes to go off. She is an intelligent woman, but the intelligent woman to the strange action of man will often not go into seriously. 夜轻寒一出去,三双闭着的美眸却睁开了一双,月倾城眨了眨眼睛却没有什么表示,而是嘴角微微一笑,继续闭眼睡去。她是个聪明的女人,而聪明的女人往往对男人的怪异举动不会过于深究。 The men is a donkey, is catching up, is hitting the backlash. Control was strict, instead will make him dislike, only need hold the reins on his nose, then he could not be inescapable 男人就是一头驴啊,赶着不走,打着后退。管的严了,反而会让他反感,只需牵住他鼻子上的缰绳,那么他就怎么也跑不了了 Ye Qinghan was does certainly the suspicious matter, he entered Ramble Pavilion! 夜轻寒当然是去做偷偷摸摸的事了,他进了逍遥阁 In Ramble Pavilion had a bedroom to close for more than ten years, inside was lying down a coquettish incomparable proprietress, An'yue! 逍遥阁内有一间卧室已经关闭了十多年了,里面可是躺着一名风骚无比的老板娘,暗月 The god slaughter died, she should also awake! Captures his first time wind regarding this *** the human, Ye Qinghan has had a special sentiment, is hard to give, although she once held in the back a oneself blade. 神主屠死了,她也该醒了吧!对于这个夺取他第一次的风***人,夜轻寒一直有种特殊的感情,难以割舍,虽然她曾经在背后捅了自己一刀。 An'yue indeed awoke! 暗月的确醒了! She has had a very long dream, her dream to her parents, dream to that little man, the dream to crowds of the person who also puts on [gold/metal] Pao is laughing wildly to her. 她做了一个很长的梦,她梦到她的父母了,梦到了那个小男人了,也梦到一群群穿着金袍的人对着她狂笑。 Her parents are the soul slaves in god city, therefore she since childhood was also planted the soul to plant. Very small time, her parents died in a duty, she lingers in the streets and lanes, struggles to eat with the wild dog, with the earth with dormancy. Several times almost die of illness. 她父母是神城的魂奴,所以她也从小就被种下了魂种。很小的时候,她父母就在一次任务中死去了,她流连在街头巷尾,与野狗争食,与大地同眠。几次差点病死。 Afterward, she a procuress by brothel was adopted, became the young male servant in brothel, learned watching a person's every mood, has learned various of place the skill of playing with the man. Also the start study secretly fights air/Qi, when the procuress in brothel compels she sells into servitude, has a bloody road, ran away, that year, her Shísān year. 后来,她被青楼的一个老鸨收养了,成为了青楼内的小厮,学会了察言观色,学会了场所的各种玩弄男人的技巧。也偷偷的开始学习战气,并且在青楼的老鸨逼她卖身的时候,杀出了一条血路,逃了出来,那年,她十三岁。 Afterward she had run into her life first man, a Dragon City dark health/guard, the man was very good to her, but died early! Afterward, she has replaced the work in male person hand, went to the city, opened a pub, called the An'yue hotel. 后来她遇到了她生命的第一个男人,一个龙城的暗卫,男人对她很好,只是死得早!后来,她接替了男人手中的工作,去了蛮城,开了一个小旅馆,叫暗月旅馆。 Is relying on various of brothel society the skill of enticing the man, by this Dragon City back support, she gets up in the rumor water that the city mixes, colorful of flower of god spreads over the four directions, she coquettish incomparable character and style plays with the world man in the palm, obtained by illegal purchase the massive information, has not made any person go well. Afterward, she has met Ye Qinghan, has the little man of same evil aura smiling face with that man who she died. 凭借着在青楼学会的各种勾引男人的技巧,凭借这龙城背后的支持,她在蛮城混的风声水起,蛮神之花的艳名传遍四方,她风骚无比的风情的将天下男人玩弄于手掌之中,套取了大量的情报,却没有让任何一个人得手过。只是后来,她遇到了夜轻寒,一个和她死去的那个男人有着一样邪气笑容的小男人。 She thinks that she will not fall in love with any man, when Ye Qinghan second time arrives at her courtyard, and overbearing announcement, after she is his woman. She perished, she was enchanted by in that little man overbearing hug, wallowed is unable to extricate oneself in the smiling face of her evil aura. 她本以为,她再也不会爱上任何一个男人,但是当夜轻寒第二次来到她的那个院子,并且霸道的宣布,她是他的女人之后。她又沉沦进去了,她迷醉于那个小男人霸道的拥抱中,沉迷在她邪气的笑容内无法自拔。 The god city had discovered she and Ye Qinghan relations, awakened the soul in her mind to plant. In the wild mountain range, she felt very much clearly the blade in oneself hand, *** Ye Qinghan front, before her deep sleep, in completely is brokenhearted of Ye Qinghan whole face, the painful penetrating heart of whole face. 只是神城发现了她和夜轻寒的关系,觉醒了她脑海内的魂种。在蛮荒山脉之中,她很清楚的感觉到了自己手中的刀,***了夜轻寒的胸前,她沉睡之前眼中尽是夜轻寒满脸的心碎,满脸的痛彻心扉。 Little man “小男人” An'yue sits on the jade bed, both hands are surrounding the knee, she is afraid very much, she does not know the soul where at this moment she, in the soul is separated from suddenly plants, the door of this room tight closure, makes her feel an inexplicable palpitation and panic-stricken. Before thinking the lethargic sleep, Ye Qinghan that brokenhearted look, An'yue is afraid, tears silent falling, the body rolls up toward the corner of bed. 暗月坐在玉床上,双手环抱着膝盖,她很害怕,她不知道此刻她在什么地方,灵魂中突然脱离的魂种,这个房间紧紧关闭的房门,都让她感到一种莫名的心悸和惊恐。想着昏睡前,夜轻寒那心碎的眼神,暗月更加害怕起来,眼泪无声的落下,身子更是往床的角落里蜷缩起来。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Towering 突兀的 The form emerges out of thin air in the room together, An'yue one startled, looked, when he sees clearly the look of person, was instead that has not actually been afraid, was looking at Ye Qinghan bitter and astringent saying with a smile: Little man, you are revenges, comes Suo Hun? Come I owe you! I am willing!” 一道身影在房间内凭空出现,暗月一惊,望了过去,当他看清楚来人的相貌时,却是反而没有那么害怕了,望着夜轻寒苦涩的笑道:“小男人,你是来报仇的吧,是来索魂的吗?来吧我欠你的!我心甘情愿!” Rope soul?” “索魂?” Ye Qinghan looks is rolling up in An'yue of bed leg, did not have the past character and style ten thousand ripe female makings, instead looks like a miserable concubine all alone to be ordinary. He knows that was she received frightening, was very heartache toward the past, by has sat down in her side, saying of apology: An'yue, was sorry very much that I came lately, should not be afraid, here was very safe, moreover later again also nobody can injure you! Did your soul plant has relieved?” 夜轻寒望着蜷缩在床脚的暗月,没有了往日的风情万种的熟女气质,反而像一个楚楚可怜无依无靠的小女人一般。他知道是她受了惊吓,不禁很是心疼的朝走了过去,靠在她身边坐下,歉意的说道:“暗月,很抱歉,我来迟了,别害怕,这里很安全,而且以后再也没人能伤害你了!你的魂种已经解除了吧?” Security? Relieves?” “安全?解除?” An'yue winked the big eye, she noticed that Ye Qinghan is emerges out of thin air, but she at that time was controlled the body, but the consciousness is actually continuously very clear feeling, oneself have stabbed the Chest of Ye Qinghan. He thinks that Ye Qinghan died, the present is the soul takes revenge. 暗月眨了眨大眼睛,她看到夜轻寒是凭空出现的,而她那时候虽然被控制了身体,但是意识却是一直很清楚的感觉到,自己刺中了夜轻寒的心口。他以为夜轻寒已经死了,现在是阴魂来复仇的。 Now actually suddenly hears the Ye Qinghan words, moreover felt temperature that his body transmits, surprise is looking at Ye Qinghan, then she suddenly extends a hand, holds the arm of Ye Qinghan, on the face reveals wild with joy immediately, called out: Little man! Haven't you died?” 现在却突然听到夜轻寒的话语,而且感觉到他身体传来的温度,不禁诧异的望着夜轻寒,而后她突然伸出一只手,抓住夜轻寒的手臂,脸上顿时露出一丝狂喜,叫道:“小男人!你没死?” Yes, I have not died! You were also safe, god city ended! You later can happy joyful life!” Ye Qinghan puts out a hand, is touching the face of An'yue, affirmative saying, the innermost feelings surge once more take pity on, this woman has definitely had many pain. “是的,我没死!你也安全了,神城完了!你以后可以幸福快乐的生活下去了!”夜轻寒伸出手,抚摸着暗月的脸,再次肯定的说道,内心涌起一片怜惜,这个女人肯定吃了不少苦。 Has not died! Good! Good!” An'yue sudden grasps Ye Qinghan, being able not help cries howlingly: Little man, my I do not want to kill your, I completely was at that time uncontrolled, I, hum “没死!太好了!太好了!”暗月突然一把抱住夜轻寒,情不自禁的嚎嚎大哭起来:“小男人,我我不想杀你的,当时我完全不受控制,我,呜呜” I know that my anything knows, I have not blamed you!” Ye Qinghan is supporting her gently, is patting her back, is comforting her, comforted completely has made good long while her mood restore to come, also explained for quite a while for her, from all sides explained these more than ten years of matters. “我知道,我什么都知道,我根本就没怪你!”夜轻寒轻轻拥着她,拍着她的后背,安慰着她,安抚了好半天才完全让她情绪恢复过来,同时又为她解释了半天,才把这十多年的事情前前后后的解释了一遍。 A An'yue charming big eye, closely is staring at Ye Qinghan, calmly is listening to his narration, hears the thrilling time was worried for him, hears he suffers hardships is grieved for him, hears to strike the deicide advocates the slaughter the time for him cheers. Pair of character and style ten thousand eye pupils completely are the affections. 暗月一双妩媚的大眼睛,紧紧盯着夜轻寒,静静听着他的讲述,听到惊险的时候为他担心,听到他受苦的时候为他心痛,听到击杀神主屠的时候为他喝彩。一双风情万种的眼眸尽是深情。 Listened to Ye Qinghan words An'yue is actually lowers the head long time, then has looked silent up Ye Qinghan saying: „Can little man, lead me to go to the city? I missed homeland!” 听完夜轻寒的话语暗月却是低头沉默了良久,而后抬起头望着夜轻寒说道:“小男人,能带我去蛮城吗?我想家了!” Returns to the city? Why can go back? In Grey City, I had said I will take responsibility to you, I will marry your!” Ye Qinghan as if somewhat understood the An'yue thoughts, urged. “回蛮城?为什么要回去?就待在苍城吧,我说过我会对你负责任的,我会娶你的!”夜轻寒似乎有些明白了暗月的心思,劝道。 An'yue bursts into tears, unceasing is shaking the head, the expression and look are actually the incomparable firmness: No! Does not use! You marry me not to marry, the posture of my woman who has lost her virginity, marries you to laugh to the world person your! Do not say, so long as you remember, the city also had a female to like you in the depth being good, but the backyard of An'yue hotel, forever can only a man be able to enter! Although I cannot become your wife, but I forever am your sweetheart.” 暗月流着泪,不断的摇头着,语气和眼神却是无比的坚决:“不!不用!你就是娶我也不会嫁,我残花败柳之姿,嫁给你会给天下人笑话你的!不要多说,你只要记住,蛮城还有个女子一直在深爱着你就行了,而暗月旅馆的后院,将永远只能一个一男人能进入!虽然我不能成为你的妻子,但是我永远是你的情人。” This good!” “这好吧!” Ye Qinghan felt that the firmness of An'yue, sighed, he understands that An'yue this was held his blade to the past years, has deep being offended at heart, this thing was not the short time can eliminate. 夜轻寒感觉到暗月的坚定,叹了口气,他明白暗月这是对当年捅了他一刀,心里有着很深的介怀,这个东西不是短时间能消除的。 Gently is supporting her, Ye Qinghan lightens the distant pavilion, then the body several times flicker to move, appears in the An'yue hotel backyard of city, in the backyard that pink bed is sparkling as before the gentle ray. 轻轻的拥着她,夜轻寒闪出遥遥阁,而后身体几次瞬移,出现在蛮城的暗月旅馆后院,后院内那张粉红色大床依旧闪耀着柔和的光芒。
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