BPTH :: Volume #5

#476: The god city palace fights is abandoned

476 chapters of god city government offices fight are abandoned 476章神城府战被废 Grey City, Ye Family back side of the mountain! 苍城,夜家后山! Being late at night, but the back side of the mountain as before just like the daytime, God Rank expert and Old Lu of Senior Nine mainland, as well as the celebrities of three government offices unceasingly was still discussing. Naturally Old Lu and Senior Nine also come to join in the fun, does not attend their discussions. 已经是深夜,但是后山依旧宛如白昼,大陆的神级强者鹿老九大人,以及三府的名人们还在不断的讨论着。当然鹿老九大人也就来来凑热闹的,并不参加他们的讨论。 I proposed that razes god city, then builds a state of mind hall in the god city, will give to rescue the mainland the senior heroes of sacrifice, setting up a stone monument commemorating. Meanwhile, builds the tablet to record completely the Emperor Han great achievements as well as the entire life events, prostrates oneself for posterity Wan Shi!” Emperor Dao ejects a proposition once more, is waiting for the people ***. “我提议,把神城夷为平地,而后在神城上建立一座神魂堂,将给为解救大陆而牺牲的前辈英雄们,立碑纪念。同时,将寒帝的丰功伟绩以及生平事件全部筑碑刻录上去,供后人万世膜拜!”刀皇再次抛出一个提议,而后等着众人***。 The result was needless saying that a piece seconded the motion, God Rank expert first agreed that other people do not certainly dare to say the non- character. Actually those present understand that Emperor Dao this proposition also has the selfishness, after all this stele is so big, matter also that many of Ye Qinghan person, other places happen to come up their names and fact also belts, everybody history left a good name together, hello my good hello! 结果不用说一片附议,神级强者们都首先同意,其余的人当然不敢说不字。其实在场的人都明白,刀皇这个提议也是存在私心的,毕竟这石碑那么大,夜轻寒一个人的事也就那么多,其余地方正好把他们的名字和事迹也带上去,大家一起青史留名,你好我好大家好嘛! That I have an issue! To consult Old Lu and Senior Nine!” “那个我还有一个问题!想请教一下鹿老九大人!” A subject gets down, Hidden Island Master actually really cannot bear, finally is anxious looks that Senior Nine and Old Lu asked. This issue complete person on the scene is keeping thinking actually, is only the present atmosphere is strong, the meaning does not raise, moreover they are also subconscious does not go to think. 一番议题下去,隐岛岛主却实在忍不住,最后还是面带忧色的看着九大人鹿老问了出来。这个问题其实在场的全部人都惦记着,只是现在气氛浓烈,不还意思提出来,而且他们也是下意识的不去想而已。 Island main please say!” Cultivation of Old Lu God Rank peak is, but Senior Nine is the status is more unique, although they are only static sitting in the corner, but is the focal points in field. They have not talked too much, tea, silently is listening to the field native of China's discussion. At this moment sees Hidden Island Master to ask, Senior Nine then puts down the teacup in hand, the smile should say. “岛主请说!”鹿老神级巅峰的修为,而九大人更是地位独特,两人虽然只是静静的坐在角落里,但是一直都是场中的焦点。只是两人都没有多言,品着茶,默默的听着场中人的讨论。此刻见隐岛岛主发问,九大人这才放下手中的茶杯,微笑应道。 „Before god slaughter dies, spoke those words, real? Is he dies, the god law enforcement team will lower infliction from god the Hidden Island Master words to fall to Flame Dragon Continent, in the field the atmosphere stagnates immediately, the complete person facial color sinks gets down, is staring at them. This issue has pulled rope actually in their mind, but everyone cannot think, does not dare to raise. “神主屠死前说那句话,到底是不是真的?就是他一死,神界执法队就会对炎龙大陆降下神罚”隐岛岛主话一落下,场中气氛顿时凝滞起来,全部人面色沉就下去,盯着两人。这个问题其实一直牵索在他们脑海内,只是每个人都不敢去想,也不敢提出来。 „The matter of god, I am not clear, Old Lu you said!” The Senior Nine complexion also sank, turns the head to look to Old Lu. Old Lu also slightly hesitates, then gains ground the nod saying: „The god iron rule has this, the material potential surface person strikes to kill the words of feudal lord, the god law enforcement team will lower the infliction from god, exterminates the mainland completely, as penalty. After all regarding god, a material civilization destroyed is not the important matter, could not need several thousand years born to multiply, but “神界的事情,我不清楚,鹿老你说吧!”九大人脸色也沉了下来,转头望向鹿老鹿老也是微微一沉吟,而后抬头点头说道:“神界铁律是有这一条,物质位面的人击杀领主的话,神界执法队将会降下神罚,把大陆全部灭绝,作为惩罚。毕竟对于神界来说,一个物质文明毁灭了也不是什么大事,要不了数万年又会诞生繁衍出来,不过” The Old Lu words make the people facial color extremely ugly, but hears the Old Lu words also to have the transition finally, the complete spirit shakes, several people simultaneously open the mouth urgent saying: What?” 鹿老的话让众人面色变得极其难看,但是最后听到鹿老话又有转折,不禁全部精神一震,几人同时开口急迫的说道:“不过什么?” He he!” Old Lu was actually grins to smile: But, according to my estimation, this matter should not happen. Everybody thinks that the god six mainland eight monarchies, altogether eight law enforcement teams, god so is big, the matter of god cannot manage. Moreover the material potential surface reaches 10 billion, coming of god law enforcement team where control? Everybody feels at ease, in the god iron rule the matter of god is most important, the material potential surface I almost do not have, had heard the adults of law enforcement team have managed. He he!” “呵呵!”鹿老却是咧嘴笑了起来:“不过,据我估算,这事应该不会发生。大家去想想,神界六大陆八君主,总共才八只执法队,神界那么大,神界的事情都管不完。而且物质位面多达10000000000个,神界执法队哪里管的过来?大家安心吧,神界铁律中神界的事情最为重要,物质位面我几乎没有,听说过执法队的大人们去管过。呵呵!” Right! Right! Is this!” “对!对!就是这样!” Old Lu said well, god I heard that a mainland, has hundreds of millions Flame Dragon Continent to be so big! Definitely cannot manage.” 鹿老说得好,神界我可是听说一个大陆,就有几亿个炎龙大陆那么大啊!肯定管不过来的。” Ha Ha, Old Lu this saying, when drinks altar liquor!” “哈哈,鹿老这话,当饮一坛酒!” The Old Lu words made in the field all people put down the big stone in heart, the whole body was relaxed, mood comfortable to the extreme. Has constrained for several thousand years, at this moment finally obtained the liberation completely. The shoulder upper back the heavy load, was walking hundred li (0.5km), must be pressed the time of not being able to breathe heavily, finally has unloaded, this type is unable to express in the spoken language comfortably. 鹿老的话让场中所有人放下了心中的大石,全身轻松,心情舒坦到了极点。压抑了几千年,此刻终于完全得到了解放。肩膀上背着千斤重担,行走了百里,就要被压得喘不过去的时候,终于卸下了,这种舒爽无法用言语表达。 After several days dates, in Divine Mountain that mainland three palace intersection points, that keeping aloof. 数日后,大陆三府交界处,那座高高在上的神山上。 Buzz!” “嗡!” A space fluctuation, the sky has emerged out of thin air ten forms, what front line is Ye Qinghan of black clothing. 空间一阵波动,天空凭空出现了十多道身影,最前方的正是一袭青衣的夜轻寒 „!” “咻!” Under the god city departs five forms, they flies toward Ye Qinghan, these people fly in front of them, simultaneously kneels down the sinking sound to shout to clear the way: Pays a visit Emperor Han, pays a visit Sir!” 神城下方飞出五道身影,朝夜轻寒他们飞来,这几人飞到她们面前,同时下跪沉声喝道:“拜见寒帝,拜见诸位大人!” He he, Elder Tianqing, wind elder, the dragon elder, the Hua Family two elders, get up! Later sees me not to need to kneel down, this is the custom, remembered!” Ye Qinghan smiles lightly, then asked: „The people in god city evacuate similar! Did the utensil shift?” “呵呵,天青长老,风长老,龙长老,还有花家两位长老,都起来吧!以后见我无须下跪,这是规矩,记住了!”夜轻寒淡淡一笑,而后问道:“神城的人都撤离的差不多了吧!器物转移了没有?” Returned to Emperor Han, god city indigenous people all sent back, as for the treasure utensil, has passed Grey City completely! At this moment should in the halfway.” “回寒帝,神城原住民已经全部遣送出去了,至于宝物器物,已经全部转送苍城!此刻应该在半路。” Ye Tianqing looks at present a delicate youth of face temperate smiling face, feeling Vicissitudes, the humans affair is changeable. In the past hugged the youth who a platyrrhine dog was going out of nine color apertures in the battle beast hall, 20 years were less than actually became mainland's control. 夜天青看着眼前一脸温和笑容的清秀少年,不禁感觉沧海桑田,世事多变。当年在战兽堂内抱着一只狮鼻犬走出九彩光圈的少年,20年时间不到却已经成为了大陆的主宰。 He he, god city! After today, becomes the history!” “呵呵,神城!今日之后就成为历史吧!” Ye Qinghan actually turns the head to look to the under palatial grand god city, Divine Knowledge sweeps, after definite below does not have anybody. Wipes single-handed, Slaughter Divine Blade appears in the hand, the blade wave instantaneous turnover, after a ray sparkles, a hundred meters super green fire dragon eats delicacies crazily, covers completely below god city. 夜轻寒却转头望向下方巍峨雄伟的神城,神识一扫,确定下面没有任何人之后。单手一抹,屠神刀出现在手中,刀浪瞬间吞吐而出,一阵光芒闪耀之后,一条百米长的超级青色火龙狂啸而出,将下方的神城全部笼罩进去。 Bang!” “轰!” Divine Mountain in one time sways, under the huge explosive sound, the mist and dust of covering heaven and earth leaps, under the huge shock-wave, everywhere crushed stone putty filings dance in the air, impacts a stretch of flat land around the god city luxuriant grove completely. Around god city innumerable bird beast in abundance panic-stricken escape in all directions. 神山在一次摇晃起来,巨大的爆炸声下,遮天盖地的烟尘腾起,巨大的冲击波下,漫天的碎石泥屑飞舞,将神城四周的茂盛树丛全部冲击成一片平地。神城四周无数的飞鸟走兽纷纷惊恐的四处逃逸。 A moment later, the mist and dust diverges, the entire god city turned into stretch of ruins, was razed directly, once military strides in God Rank, the vitality transforms the supernatural power, with the huge overbearing supernatural power support, a city can annihilate easily. 片刻之后,烟尘散去,整个神城变成了一片废墟,被直接夷为了平地,武者一旦跨入神级,元气转换成神力,在庞大霸道的神力支持下,举手投足间一个城市便可轻而易举的湮灭。 Walks!” Ye Qinghan looked at one to change into ruins the god city, the later matter had the human to arrange, now they must go to the next place. “走吧!”夜轻寒看了一眼化为废墟的神城,之后的事情自有人来安排,现在他们要去下一个地方。 South China Sea, the palace fights the island! 南海,府战岛! Because the palace of next round fights not to start, the transmission of bright city fights island to Yu Residence to close. However outside a moment ago, the Ghost Island three island three clans on protected the elder actually suddenly to discover that transmission in bloomed a moment ago suddenly a dazzling ray, then unexpectedly ruptured. 由于下一轮的府战开还没开始,所有神城对于府战岛的传送阵都是关闭的。但是就在刚才,幽冥岛外的三个小岛上的三族守护长老却突然发现,传送阵在刚才突然绽放了一阵耀眼的光芒,而后竟然爆裂了。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Fought in the island to occupy more than ten Emperor Realm expert as well as a Saint Realm protection elder at this moment, these people were the life are not many, fought the island in a retirement and protection, now suddenly discovered that transmission has gone bad, in abundance had doubts to move sideways. 战岛上此刻居住了十多名帝王境强者以及一名圣人境的守护长老,这些人都是寿元不多,在次养老并且守护战岛的,现在突然发现传送阵坏了,不禁纷纷疑惑闪身出来。 Bang!” “轰!” Towering 突兀的 Fights west on island Ghost Island , hears the innumerable fierce sounds, but the sky on Ghost Island actually shone a red light cover. But this light cover, resounds with the unceasing explosive sound, the red slowly changes pale, finally turns into thoroughly the brilliant color. 战岛西面的幽冥岛上,传来无数声剧烈的响声,而幽冥岛上的天空却亮起了一个红色的光罩。而这个光罩,随着不断的爆炸声响起,红色慢慢变淡,最后变成透明色。 „The transmission of Ghost Island and Bloody Prairie big was destroyed completely!” The protection elder, was more panic-stricken, but these big god spent the big price to construct in the past, at this moment was actually ruined. 幽冥岛的传送阵和血色平原的大阵全部被毁了!”守护长老,更加惊骇了,这些大阵可是神主当年花费大代价才建造而成的,此刻却被人毁掉了。 He is very clear, during Bloody Prairie big, can unknowingly to fall into slaughters crazily, therefore the palace fights almost three palace several hundred thousand people each time, finally only then the small number of people can live. Moreover this big can collect the ghost that died automatically, can take away the continuous refinement soul Yuan pill's material for the god. Now has actually been destroyed, the god is not angry is strange. 他很清楚,血色平原的大阵,能让人不知不觉的陷入疯狂杀戮之中,所以每次府战几乎三府几十万人,最后只有少数人才能活下来。而且这大阵能自动收集死去的冤魂,能为神主带去源源不断的炼制灵魂元丹的材料。现在却被人毁了,神主不大怒才怪。
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