BPTH :: Volume #5

#474: Where does the female donor run away?

Where do 474 chapters of female donors run away? 474章女施主哪里逃? Said Hidden Island Master, has not left the fishing pole in hand, flings suddenly, *** the ground in hidden city, then east leading Shan Xichao kneels down! 说完隐岛岛主,从来没有离开过手中的钓鱼竿,猛然一甩,***隐城的地面,而后带头单膝朝东边下跪! Won? Did the god slaughter die? Heroes? Emperor Han? Ye Qinghan!” “赢了?神主屠死了?英雄?寒帝夜轻寒!” All people were shocked, was silly, opens eye eager vacant to look in all directions, then complete vision centralized in the east side. When they see one line of the east sky, flies rapidly, but the middle before a delicate youth, is smiling to express best wishes toward them. Therefore the human understood what happened. 所有人愣住了,傻了,睁大眼睛眼巴巴的茫然四顾起来,而后全部目光集中在东面。当他们看到一行人从东边的天空,急速飞来,而中间靠前的一个清秀少年,正朝他们微笑致意的时候。所以人明白了发生了什么事情。 Ye Qinghan is living! 夜轻寒活着! The god slaughter died! The mainland was rescued! 神主屠死了!大陆被解救了! Emperor Han long live, Ye Qinghan long live!” 寒帝万岁,夜轻寒万岁!” Does not know that was who takes the lead to shout, a moment later all people bellowed, used all strengths to shout that at this moment, the entire hidden city everywhere resounded such as the big roar of mountain sea, the roar was vibrating the world but actually, punctured the vault of heaven 不知是谁带头喊了起来,片刻之后所有人跟着大吼起来,倾尽所有的力气大喊起来,这一刻,整个隐城处处响起着如山倒海的大吼声,吼声震动了天地,刺破了苍穹 Entire entire Hidden Island was crazy, then this news rapidly spread over the mainland, the entire mainland was immediately crazy. Although many people do not understand that specifically what happened, does not understand that the god city has controlled their life and death actually secretly. However the conduct of recent god city, a god palm before the god city patted 1 million people particularly. All people had one type to the god city from hatred at heart. Now the god dies, all sorts of evil conduct of god city were transmitted rapidly, all talented people understand that today this fights regarding Flame Dragon Continent is important. 整个整个隐岛都疯狂了,而后这个消息迅速被传遍了大陆,随即整个大陆都疯狂了。很多人虽然不明白具体发生了什么事情,不明白神城其实暗自掌控了他们的生死。但是最近神城的行事,尤其是在神城前神主一掌拍死了1000000人。所有人都对神城有了一种发自心里的恨意。现在神主一死,神城的种种恶行迅速被传递开去,所有人才明白,今日这一战对于炎龙大陆有多么重要。 Is excitedly same as the plague, can be infected, when the night falls countless people have gone to the street in big city small town spontaneously, starts the spontaneous celebration, the world-wide revelry gets up. 兴奋和瘟疫一样,是可以被传染的,当夜幕降临的时候无数人自发的走上了大城小城的街头,开始自发的庆祝起来,举世狂欢起来。 Tonight dim light of night specially seems to be charming, outside Grey City just like daytime. 今夜的夜色似乎特别迷人,苍城外宛如白昼。 Outside Grey City previous time, because with a [gold/metal] angle god war, was already constructed a super big square, the square left set up a high British mourning hall. 苍城外上次因为和金角神主一战,早已被建造成了一个超级大的广场,广场的左边立起了一座高高的英灵堂。 But square at this moment chocked up the table, on the table slowed down the good wine delicacies. For evening's celebration, several God Rank expert even flickered to move innumerable, from Dragon City, from Sky Demon City, has brought the innumerable utensils from the day city, has brought countless servants, prepared in Grey City all night the revelry. 而此刻的广场上摆满了桌子,桌上放慢了美酒佳肴。为了晚上的庆祝,几名神级强者甚至瞬移了无数趟,从龙城,从天妖城,从天蛮城带来了无数的器物,带来了无数的仆人,准备在苍城彻夜狂欢。 Because the human are too many, innumerable expert can only squat in the corner, everyone can only obtain several altar good wines. However they had not minded that laughs this to take the wine pot to raise glass to urge to drink in all directions. 由于人太多,无数的强者只能在角落里蹲着,每人只能分得几坛美酒。但是他们并没有介意,大笑这拿着酒坛四处举杯劝酒。 In the square puts on military of grand person clan, grotesque or fantastic in appearance Demon Clan, Niu Gaoma big Barbarian, rascally Hidden Island vagabond. Has forgotten the hatred in tonight, has forgotten the race, puts arms around shoulders, very smiles is being silly crazy, smiles, crying, to be singing not the well-known song, was saying the talk under the influence of liquor that nobody could understand, has celebrated the victory of Flame Dragon Continent. 广场上穿着隆重的人族的武者,奇形异状的妖族,牛高马大的蛮族,流里流气的隐岛浪人。在今夜忘记了仇恨,忘记了种族,勾肩搭背的,贼笑傻痴着,笑着,哭着,唱着不知名的歌曲,说着没人听得懂的酒话,庆祝了炎龙大陆的胜利。 Tonight was doomed to be sleepless. 今夜注定是无眠了。 Ye Qinghan they, have not certainly attended the celebration outside Grey City, but in the Ye Family back side of the mountain, has displayed dozens. Ye Tianlong is very natural the Ye Family back side of the mountain opening, the Ye Family elder had not notified the back side of the mountain that cannot enter in the past. At this moment has actually been filled with three clan people. 夜轻寒他们,当然没有参加苍城外的庆祝,而是在夜家后山,摆上了几十座。夜天龙很是大方的把夜家后山给开放了,以往夜家长老不通报都不能进的后山。此刻却坐满了三族中人。 In the Ye Family fort has also displayed dozens tables, here specification on high a point, Demon Clan Barbarian Hidden Island, although some people have also come, but is the status high strength reaches the Saint level, does not have the qualifications to come. But War-God Prefecture threshold actually lowered, the head of the clan of respected family had the qualifications to have a position in this. 夜家堡内也摆上了几十桌,这里的规格就高了一点,妖族蛮族隐岛虽然也有人进来了,但是不是地位高的实力达到圣级的,都没有资格进来。而战神府的倒是门槛低了点,大家族的族长都有资格在这有个位置。 Ye Family sent out all elders to entertain them, but these elders actually became the focal points of people. But Long Shuiliu that Feng Zi and Hua Cao Long Sainan even in a hurry catches up with became the focal point in field, person who these have the relations with Ye Qinghan, the relations have no alternative but to do well. 夜家派出了所有的长老招待他们,只是这些长老却成为众人的焦点。而风紫花草龙赛男甚至匆匆赶来的龙水流都成为了场中的焦点,这些可是和夜轻寒有关系的人啊,关系不能不搞好啊。 God Rank expert of Ye Qinghan and Ye Tianlong as well as mainland, as well as War-God Prefecture five respected family head of the clan great elders, actually start to celebrate in the Ye Family back side of the mountain. Ye Qinghan most was tired of this bored celebration, accompanied a people meeting at will, then after leaving behind a few words, then brought Yue Qingcheng they to leave. 夜轻寒夜天龙以及大陆的神级强者,以及战神府五大家族族长太上长老,却在夜家后山开始庆祝。夜轻寒最烦这种无聊的庆祝了,随意陪了众人一会,而后留下一句话之后便带着月倾城她们离开了。 A few words that Ye Qinghan leaves behind at will, actually caused that the people on the scene held a symposium. 夜轻寒随意留下的一句话,却引得在场众人开了一个讨论会。 Ye Qinghan must reissue one to three females *** wedding? 夜轻寒要给三女补办一个***的婚礼? This is the important matter! Although everybody knows that Yue Qingcheng they are the Ye Qinghan wife, but on actually has not held outwardly any ceremony. 这可是大事啊!虽然大家都知道月倾城她们已经是夜轻寒的妻子了,但是明面上却没有举办任何的仪式。 Now was equal to that Ye Qinghan wants big marriage, the Emperor Han big marriage! This is the mainland now the most important important matter! Audiences God Rank expert stopped drinking dozen of fart, started to discuss that tried Tu Shenwei their important matter collective unification to postpone. This matter is the matter that Ye Tianlong most should worry about, but actually just like did not need him to worry at this moment, three palace God Rank expert and Hidden Island Master decided that after revelry three day, starts flame dragon subjects that hung to read died, then entire Flame Dragon Continent mobilized, was Ye Qinghan reissues one historically *** wedding. 现在等于是夜轻寒要大婚,寒帝大婚!这可是大陆现在最重要的大事!众神级强者都停止了喝酒打屁,开始讨论起来,就连审判屠神卫他们的大事都集体统一推迟了。这事本来是夜天龙最应该操心的事情,但是此刻却俨然不用他操心了,三府神级强者隐岛岛主决定,狂欢三日之后,开始吊念死去的炎龙子民,而后整个炎龙大陆动员起来,为夜轻寒补办一个历史上最***的婚礼。 Father! Mother! Child led your wives to come to see you!” “父亲!母亲!孩儿带着你们的媳妇来看你们了!” Ye Qinghan has three people not to have chapter of Hanxin Pavilion , but arrives at the Ye Family newly-built ancestral grave. Left the Ye Family more than ten years, has not actually come to worship, Ye Qinghan was very guilty. Today he wins the return, naturally must first worship to have of raising parents to him. 夜轻寒带着三人却没有回寒心阁,而是来到夜家新建的祖坟。离开夜家十多年了,却没有来祭拜过,夜轻寒是很愧疚。今日他大胜归来,当然首先要来祭拜一下对他有养育之恩的父母。 „Did mother, you see? Elder Brother has completed finally in the past before the blood oath that your spirit distributes, you can rest!” “娘亲,您看到了吗?哥终于完成了当年在你灵前发下的血誓,你们二老可以安息了!” Ye Qingyu is with smile on the face, looks grave mound that is sticking out at present high, remembered the past mother dead of illness. Ye Qinghan pinches the broken bowl to shear the appearance that the [lineage/vein] pledged, has not thought that in the past mother and thinks the elder brother who cannot cultivation, actually stood in the peak of mainland at this moment. 夜轻语面带微笑的,望着眼前高高隆起的坟头,想起了当年母亲病死的时候。夜轻寒捏破碗割脉发誓的样子,没想到,当年娘亲和自己都认为不能修炼的哥哥,此刻却是站在了大陆的巅峰。 „Before the spirit , the blood vowed, he he! I achieved finally!” Ye Qinghan looks up to the sky, an innermost feelings elusiveness, presses in his heart mountain, finally was put down, the past Ye Family seventh child also turned into Emperor Han, thinks the father mother soul in heaven, for oneself proud! “灵前血誓,呵呵!我终于做到了!”夜轻寒抬头望向天空,内心一片空灵,压在他心头的一座大山,终于被放下了,当年的夜家老七也变成了寒帝,想必父亲母亲在天之灵,也会为自己骄傲吧! Hanxin Pavilion ! Old style!” 寒心阁!还是老样子啊!” The ancestral graves come back, Ye Qinghan has three people to come back Hanxin Pavilion , looks with memory exactly the same Hanxin Pavilion , before looking at the hall, familiar smiling must very charming eight door-gods, looks eyeful is Cuihua of star they, feels a familiar flavor, the flavor of family. 祖坟回来,夜轻寒带着三人回来寒心阁,看着和记忆力一模一样的寒心阁,看着大厅前,熟悉的笑得十分妩媚的八尊门神,看着满眼都是星星的翠花她们,不禁感觉到一丝熟悉的味道,家的味道。 Welcomed Emperor Han!” “恭迎寒帝!” Eight door-gods, physique at this moment supports compared at any time straight, the smiling face on face compared at any time charming. They incomparably rejoiced, Ye Family suffers disaster, they have not rebelled and fled, now actually became historically the greatest gatekeeper. Naturally, actually Ye Family suffers disaster, they have thought rebel, but their strength is mean, actually cannot run away, now actually turns misfortune into a blessing 八名门神,此刻的身板挺得比任何时候都直,脸上的笑容比任何时候都妩媚。他们无比庆幸,夜家遭难的时候,他们没有叛逃出去,现在却成为了历史上最伟大的门房。当然,其实夜家遭难的时候,他们想过叛逃,但是他们实力低微,却逃不出去,现在却因祸得福了 Called, few head of the clan!” “还是叫,少族长吧!” Ye Qinghan toward three female smiled lightly, leading them to enter Hanxin Pavilion . Peaceful sat in the hall, enjoyed with three people this warm time. 夜轻寒朝三女淡淡笑了笑,带着她们走进寒心阁。在大厅安静了坐了下来,和三人一起享受了一下这久违的温馨时光。 Walks, I lead you to look at the star!” “走吧,我带你们去看星星去!” A moment later, Ye Qinghan has stood, suddenly shows the expression that you understand, beckons toward three people, walks toward two buildings with a smile. 片刻之后,夜轻寒站了起来,突然露出一个你们懂的表情,朝三人招了招手,笑着朝二楼走去。 On the Yue Qingcheng face reveals a crimson, followed silently, but Ye Qingwu is actually the coquettish look such as the silk looked at Ye Qinghan back one, in the eye reveals a faint anticipation, instead Ye Qingyu nodded, followed very much jubilantly. 月倾城脸上露出一丝绯红,默默的跟了上去,而夜轻舞却是媚眼如丝的看了夜轻寒的背影一眼,眼中露出一丝隐隐的期待,反而夜轻语点了点头,很是兴高采烈的跟了上去。 Elder brother, did not say that looks at the star? How to see the star in the room?” “哥,不是说看星星吗?在房间里怎么看星星啊?” A moment later Ye Qingyu doubts sound resounds in two buildings, then the Ye Qinghan very profligate laughter resounds: Youngest sister, clever! The elder brother looks at two big stars to you, the candy cane eats, where do three female donors run away? Looks at old buddhist monk move of lotus mills, kills your wiped out to the last man 片刻之后夜轻语疑惑声音在二楼响起,而后夜轻寒很放荡的笑声响起:“小妹妹,乖!哥哥给你看两个大大的星星,还有棒棒糖吃哦,三位女施主哪里逃?看老衲一招观音坐莲,杀得你们片甲不留” The short separation wins newly-married, 11 years, but is the rude classification 都说小别胜新婚,11年了,可算是大别啊
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