BPTH :: Volume #5

#473: Please forever remember today

473 chapters please forever remember today 473章请永远记住今天 Emperor Han?” 寒帝?” Ye Qinghan doubts frowned slightly, looks toward nearby Ye Tianlong and Yue Xishui, why unclear Baiyanqian this group of people want the as even with such action. 夜轻寒疑惑的微微皱起了眉头,朝旁边的夜天龙月惜水望去,不明白眼前这群人为何要如此举动。 Little Master Han, this is three palace God Rank expert several thousand years ago blood oath that establishes, no matter, so long as can strike the deicide to advocate the slaughter, rescues the mainland presents him for the emperor, Hidden Island Master the thousand years ago joins this blood to vow. Now you struck to kill god slaughter, they represented certainly three palace islands to pledge allegiance to you!” 小寒子,这是三府神级强者数千年前立下的血誓,不管是谁,只要能击杀神主屠,解救大陆就奉他为帝,隐岛岛主千年前也加入了这个血誓。现在你击杀了神主屠,他们当然代表三府一岛向你归顺了!” Ye Tianlong just became the god soon does not understand that this blood vowed, but Yue Xishui was actually incomparably clear, sent greetings to explain hastily. 夜天龙刚成神不久不明白这血誓,但是月惜水却是无比清楚,连忙传音解释起来。 Originally as even with such! 原来如此 Ye Qinghan thought clearly the key of matter instantaneously. Struck to kill the god slaughter, was equal to rescuing everybody's life, but can strike the deicide to advocate the slaughter, that representative person of strength was more formidable than the god slaughter. Words that does not submit, if this person wholeheartedly discontented, strikes to kill with Hidden Island expert other two government offices completely, again the unified mainland is also same. With its waits to be killed, might as well submits on own initiative. 夜轻寒瞬间就想清楚了事情的关键。击杀了神主屠,也就等于是救了大家的命,而能击杀神主屠,那代表这人的实力比神主屠还要强大。不臣服的话,万一这人一心不满,将其他两府和隐岛强者全部击杀,再统一大陆也是一样。与其等着被杀,还不如主动归附。 Everybody has submitted to you, won't you feel all right the knife? 大家都对你臣服了,你不会还好意思动刀子了吧? Gets up, I have no interest to proclaim oneself emperor! Also the matter of god slaughter, cannot feel relieved again greatly!” Ye Qinghan beckoned with the hand, said lightly. When emperor? He does not have this interest, now except for Senior Shi were the mainland first person, went to be any emperor silly, all day a trivial matters big pile, he was not a fool. “诸位起来吧,我无心称帝!也不会再行神主屠之事,诸位大可放心!”夜轻寒摆了摆手,淡淡说道。当皇帝?他可没这个兴趣,现在自己除了噬大人算是大陆第一人了,还是去傻乎乎当什么皇帝,整天琐事一大堆,他又不是傻子。 Emperor Han, does not comply, we do not get up! This is the blood oath that three palace islands distribute. If we do not follow forever will fall nine quiet purgatories!” Hidden Island Master has the human to do obeisance once more, Gong body said. 寒帝,不答应,我们就不起来!这是三府一岛发下的血誓。如果我们不遵行将会永坠九幽炼狱的!”隐岛岛主再次带人拜下,恭身说道。 This “这” Ye Qinghan looks, but smiles bitterly, oneself turned into Zhao Kuangyin of previous generation, was forced to be acclaimed as emperor! When he noticed that nearby Ye Tianlong often winks toward him, hints him to comply. Also, had beckoned with the hand to sigh: Was good, gets up, I may state clearly, I only revere this title, after other matters, was saying!” 夜轻寒一看无奈苦笑起来,自己变成了前世的赵匡胤了啊,被强迫黄袍加身了!只是当他看到旁边的夜天龙不时朝他挤眉弄眼,示意他答应的时候。也就更加无奈了,摆了摆手叹道:“行了,都起来吧,我可明说了,我只尊这个称号,其余的事情以后在说吧!” Emperor Han this name, Ye Qinghan likes actually very much, sounds as if the old-style fan device. 寒帝这个称呼,夜轻寒倒是很喜欢,听起来似乎很拉风啊。 Passes through, when also emperor plays. However is very obvious, he decides, does not play the unification mainland, establishes monarchy anything. Is all right to bring Little Black to walk a dog, occasionally sexually harasses the beautiful woman, beats the feudal bully, this is the happy life of crossing over 穿越一回,也当个帝王玩玩。不过很明显,他打定主意,坚决不玩统一大陆,建立帝制什么。没事带着小黑溜溜狗,偶尔调戏一下美女,殴打一下恶霸,这才是穿越者的幸福生活啊 Yes, Emperor Han!” “是,寒帝!” Ten people see Ye Qinghan to be so good to speak, was joyful, Demon Clan and Barbarian God Rank expert had been worried that Ye Qinghan will start to them anything. Now looks like as if Ye Qinghan completely has not unified the idea of mainland. 十人一见夜轻寒这么好说话,更是欣喜了,妖族蛮族神级强者本来一直担心,夜轻寒会对他们下手什么的。现在看来似乎夜轻寒完全没有统一大陆的想法。 Goes to Grey City to celebrate, was right!” “都去苍城庆祝一下吧,对了!” Ye Qinghan wholeheartedly wants to return to Grey City, returns that more than ten years not to see the family, has killed the god slaughter clearly, definitely the celebration must have. But actually remembers a matter, looks that Emperor Dao said cold: Emperor Dao! You have the human to go to the human god city to take completely, dare the resister to execute, regardless , the extreme date were trying their crimes, sentenced in the presence of everyone!” 夜轻寒一心想回苍城,回到那个十多年没有见过的家,也明白杀了神主屠,肯定庆祝是少不了的。但却想起一件事情,看着刀皇冷然说道:“刀皇!你带人去将神城的人全部拿下,敢反抗者格杀无论,过激日在审判他们的罪行,当众处刑啊!” Yes, Emperor Han! My this manages!” “是,寒帝!我这就去办!” In the Emperor Dao eye reveals a hatred ray, no matter in the past, said that this breaks the time, how many teenage boys and girls the god city has massacred? These people do not kill, how to do right by that many compatriots of dying? Then, a Emperor Dao person flickers to move to leave directly. 刀皇眼中露出一丝仇恨光芒,不管以往,就说这断时间,神城就残杀了多少少男少女?这些人不杀,如何对得起那么多死去的同胞?说完,刀皇一人直接瞬移离开。 Emperor Han, everybody goes to the hidden city first! Three palace some countless people are also waiting for here news!” Hidden Island Master cups one hand in the other across the chest to say toward Ye Qinghan that all expert on desert island outside Purple Island, may gather at Hidden Island a moment ago at this moment, is waiting for here news anxiously. 寒帝,要不,大家先去隐城吧!三府还有无数人在等着这边的消息哪!”隐岛岛主夜轻寒拱手说道,刚才在紫岛外荒岛上的所有强者,此刻可都聚集在隐岛,焦急的等待着这边的消息哪。 Hidden city? Walks!” Ye Qinghan has thought that these sexy people in hidden city country fair trade area favor, as well as Yin Ling'er that proud stature, he he smiles, after deciding on the attention, covertly strolls. Hidden Island is not far, does not flicker to move simply, takes the lead to fly directly toward Hidden Island. “隐城?走吧!”夜轻寒想到了,隐城集贸区的那些性感人宠,以及隐灵儿那傲人的身材,呵呵一笑,打定注意以后偷偷摸摸去逛一圈。隐岛不远,索性也不瞬移,带头直接朝隐岛飞去。 Tu Shenwei is leading god city ten thousand dark Wei Hunnu in the Purple Island east big islands, was waiting for the god sends the invincible might to kill, after attaining the Divine sword and Space Divine Tool, wantonly Feng Shang Ye Qinghan greatly. 屠神卫带着神城万名暗卫魂奴在紫岛的东边一个大岛屿上,正等待着神主大发神威把夜轻寒干掉,拿到神剑和空间神器后大肆封赏。 „After god can attain Divine Tool, goes to god, then grants Flame Dragon Potential Surface to me? Does not know how this feudal lord will does grant?” “神主会不会拿到神器之后,真的去神界,而后把炎龙位面赏赐给我哪?不知道这领主意志怎么赠与的?” Tu Shenwei is closing one's eyes lazily lying to lie down on several wonderful soul slaves, is enjoying their Shu comfortable incomparable massages, simultaneously at heart delicious is thinking the war later situation. He has not thought the god slaughter will lose, after all for several thousand years the innumerable wars showed that the god slaughter is invincible. 屠神卫正闭着眼睛懒洋洋的卧躺在几名美妙魂奴身上,享受着她们舒舒服无比的按摩,同时心里美滋滋的想着大战之后的情形。他根本就没有想过神主屠会输,毕竟数千年来无数的大战证明,神主屠是不可战胜的。 Well! What's wrong?” “咦!怎么?” Suddenly, Tu Shenwei is shutting eye opens suddenly, in the eye is the panic-stricken color. Because he discovered that the soul in soul planted has been separated suddenly, although felt that a soul comfort, the whole body had to plant to take off the control completely free feeling. However he is very panic-stricken, because the soul plants to be separated, only then a possibility god slaughter, died! 突然之间,屠神卫闭着的眼睛猛然睁开,眼中全是惊骇之色。因为他发现灵魂中的魂种突然脱离了,虽然感觉灵魂一片舒坦,全身都有种脱去控制完全自由的感觉。但是他却无比惊恐起来,因为魂种脱离,只有一种可能神主屠,死了! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The distant place, Zhan Shenwei and burns the god to protect also shoots up to the sky, everywhere panic-stricken looks toward him. They have discovered that at the same time the soul in soul planted to be separated. 远处,斩神卫和焚神卫也是冲天而起,满目惊骇的朝他这边望来。他们都发现了,同一时间灵魂中的魂种脱离了。 „Did soul plant to relieve? Were we free?” “魂种解除了?我们自由了?” „Did soul plant not to have? God he “魂种没了?神主他” A moment later in the island appeared externally blasts out pot to be ordinary, made noise in abundance. The majority of people were planted the soul to plant, simultaneously the soul planted in this moment is separated automatically. But they are very clear, a god slaughter day does not die, they to dying are the soul slaves, now actually 片刻之后岛上外露炸开了锅一般,纷纷喧闹起来。大部分的人都被种下了魂种,在这一刻同时魂种自动脱离了。而他们都无比清楚,神主屠一天不死,他们到死都是魂奴,现在却 Buzz!” “嗡!” The sky sudden fluctuation, a form emerges out of thin air, Emperor Dao that swiftly catches up with. Emperor Dao is taking a fast look around the ten thousand people on island indifferently, suddenly cracks into a smile, said loudly: 天空突然一阵波动,一个身影凭空出现,正是迅速赶来的刀皇刀皇冷眼扫视着岛上的万人,突然咧嘴一笑,放声道: Told you a good news, a bad news. The good news was you were free, the god slaughter died! But the bad news is, you have been arrested completely, you in three clan people front open trials, will decide the punishment according to the crime, Emperor Han said that if there is resister, kills without the amnesty!” “告诉你们一个好消息,一个坏消息。好消息就是你们自由了,神主屠死了!而坏消息就是,你们全部被捕了,你们将会在三族众人面前公开审判,按罪定刑,寒帝说了如有反抗者,杀无赦!” Died? Ended? 死了?完了? Tu Shenwei and Zhan Shenwei burn the god health/guard to look at each other one, despairs in abundance, the god slaughter died unexpectedly, how do they contend with angry mainland expert? 屠神卫斩神卫焚神卫对视一眼,纷纷绝望起来,神主屠居然死了,他们如何抗衡愤怒的大陆强者 Emperor Han! Has Ye Qinghan killed the god slaughter unexpectedly? Determines guilt, the crime that they put down, enough was killed 10,000 times! Ended, all ended! 寒帝夜轻寒居然杀了神主屠?定罪,他们放下的罪行,足够被杀10000次了!完了,一切都完了! Sky over the hidden city, has stood at this moment the human, three palace Hidden Island Emperor Realm above expert, flies after Purple Island, completely silently chooses in the hidden city waited. Is waiting for the final result, although many people are clear, the result is very definitely miserable, however instinct always of person is optimistic, always was expecting is hoping for the occurrence of miracle, therefore they decide to wait for the final result. 隐城上空,此刻站满了人,三府隐岛帝王境以上的强者,从紫岛飞回来之后,全部默默选择了在隐城等待。等待着最后的结局,虽然很多人清楚,结局肯定很惨,但是人的天性总是乐观的,总是奢望着期盼着奇迹的发生,所以他们都决定等待着最后的结果。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Under ten thousand people focus attention on, the east sky sudden fluctuation, wears rain clothes to appear with the old man of fishing pole in airborne. But this Hidden Island Master has not actually worn the bamboo hat, the facial features are also serious, are taking a fast look around dense and numerous several thousand expert. 万人瞩目之下,东边的天空突然一阵波动,一个身穿蓑衣手拿钓竿的老头出现在空中。而这次隐岛岛主却没有戴斗笠,面容也非常严肃,扫视着密密麻麻数万强者 Looks the people hope the wing eagerly is looking at him, he grins to laugh suddenly, then has poured into the supernatural power, making his each character resound around the hidden city: 看着众人眼巴巴的希翼的望着他,他突然咧嘴大笑起来,而后灌注了神力,让他的每个字都在隐城四周响起: Flame dragon subjects, please forever remember today, today is worth the common people revelry the day, being worth alwaysing remember the day that. Because we finally won! The god slaughter died! We were finally free! Now, asking everybody to greet our heroes together, struck the deicide to advocate the slaughter heroic Emperor Han! Ye Qinghan!” “炎龙子民们,请你们永远记住今天,今天是个值得万民狂欢的日子,值得我们永远铭记的日子。因为我们终于赢了!神主屠死了!我们终于自由了!现在,请大家一起迎接我们的英雄,击杀神主屠的英雄寒帝夜轻寒!”
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