BPTH :: Volume #5

#467: Fair war

467 chapters of fair war 467章公平一战 „Was this little animal insane?” “这个小畜生疯了吗?” Tu Shenwei and Zhan Shenwei look at each other one, from saw the doubts and shock to the grid. They suspected very much Ye Qinghan was insane, was not insane, dared to do such matter? He is not clear, what situation the present is? Does he dare as even with such to be rampant unexpectedly? Comes out to dare to work as the god slaughter and mainland expert, the murdering god health/guard of light striking deicide city? After killing, but also smile calmly? What wasn't he insane is? 屠神卫斩神卫对视一眼,纷纷从对方眼中看到了疑惑和震惊。他们很是怀疑夜轻寒已经疯了,不是疯了,怎么敢干出这样的事?他不明白,现在是什么情况?他竟然敢如此嚣张?一出来就敢当着神主屠和大陆强者,轻飘飘的击杀神城的弑神卫?杀完之后,还若无其事的微笑?他不是疯了是什么? Little Han is Little Han! *** Was too aggressive!” 寒少就是寒少!***太生猛了!” Hua Cao and Feng Zi have wiped the control sweat, how many saliva swallowed continually, Ye Qinghan has played probably more and more in a big way, now dares to work as the god slaughters and several thousand expert surface, this Saint level expert calmly? 花草风紫擦了擦手心的汗水,连吞了几口唾沫,夜轻寒好像玩得越来越大了啊,现在竟敢当着神主屠和数万强者的面,就这样若无其事的把一名圣级强者咔嚓了? This is real man!” In the Long Sainan eye flashes through one to be enchanted by, in the consciousness the corner of the eye does not surge mist. The Divine Mountain capping is without turning a hair, under the as even with such situation, dares like this to kill people unexpectedly, but also as even with such of smiling face is bright, as even with such is charming, Ye Qinghan or past Ye Qinghan! “这才是真正的男人!”龙赛男眼中闪过一丝迷醉,不知觉中眼角涌起一丝雾气。神山压顶面不改色,如此情形下,居然敢就这样杀人,还笑容的如此灿烂,如此迷人,夜轻寒还是当年的夜轻寒啊! Hateful man! We hope that do not die today, this young lady also waits to make you lick the toe!” Is looking at face temperate happy expression Ye Qinghan, Yin Ling'er has mixed feelings , the taste well ups in every possible way. “可恶的男人!希望你今天别死啊,本小姐还等着让你舔脚趾哪!”望着一脸温和笑意的夜轻寒,隐灵儿的心情十分复杂,百般滋味涌上心头。 Ended!” “完了!” Ye Tianlong and Yue Xishui actually look at each other one, in the eye reveals a desperate color. But Emperor Dao Emperor Qiang Xue Family Ancestor on the Hidden Island Master face is slightly is also bitter and astringent. 夜天龙月惜水却是对视一眼,眼中露出一丝绝望之色。而刀皇枪皇雪家老祖已经隐岛岛主脸上也是微微苦涩起来。 Didn't say the impact god boundary? 不是说冲击神将境吗? Now how actually to investigate felt that just entered the God Rank appearance likely? Just stepped into God Rank, another is actually the deity peak, and has the feudal lord will attack of terrifying. The result does not need to look that is very certainly miserable, horrible to look. 怎么现在却怎么探查都感觉像刚入神级的样子?一个刚刚踏入神级,另外一个却是天神巅峰,并且拥有恐怖的领主意志攻击。结果不用看,一定很惨,惨不忍睹。 Jie Jie! Plants, man who has planting I likes!” “桀桀!有种,有种的男人我喜欢!” The god slaughter after Ye Qinghan appears, had not spoken, Ye Qinghan strikes to kill Ye Jian not to begin, at this moment is actually laughs. In the double pupil also emits the fiery vision, is staring at the body of Ye Qinghan just like the hunger and thirst old wolf, said with a smile deceitfully: I want to rip the mince meat you, now I changed the mind, so long as you handed over the Divine sword and Space Divine Tool, and accompanied me to play for ten years, how did I let off you and Ye Family?” 神主屠在夜轻寒出现之后,一直没有说话,夜轻寒击杀夜剑也没动手,此刻却是大笑起来。双瞳内也冒出火热的目光,宛如饥渴的老狼般盯着夜轻寒的身子,奸笑道:“原本我想将你撕成肉末的,现在我改变主意了,只要你将神剑和空间神器交出来,并且陪我玩十年,我就放过你和夜家如何?” The words exit of god slaughter, in the field countless people the whole body had goose flesh immediately, felt that the whole body feels frightened. This rumor really. 神主屠的话一出口,场中无数人顿时浑身起了一阵鸡皮疙瘩,感觉浑身都发悸起来。这传言果然是真的了。 I!” “我呸!” In the field people many people understood, but actually nobody dares to speak irresponsibly a few words, but must go all out constrains itself, does not dare to be shown a special facial expression by own face on. 场中众人很多人明白了,但是却没人胆敢乱说一句话,还要拼命的压抑自己,不敢让自己脸上露出一丝特殊的神情。 In the field actually suddenly resounds a clear spitting sound, is startled the people half dead, looks askance. To have a look is that person not awfully, dares to make the as even with such sound in the as even with such moment. 只是场中却突然响起一声清脆的吐痰声,将众人惊得半死,纷纷侧目。想看看是那个不要命的人,竟敢在如此关头发出如此声音。 The direction that the sound conveys, on Purple Island, is Ye Qinghan, but in the Purple Island sand beach a camel is bringing the saliva of bubble, at this moment is sending out the clear ray under shining of sunlight. 声音传来的方向,在紫岛上,正是夜轻寒,而紫岛沙滩上一驼带着泡沫的唾液,此刻正在阳光的照耀下散发出晶莹的光芒。 I! I!” “我呸!我呸!” Ye Qinghan spits several saliva continually, as if swallowed a disgusting fly to be ordinary, then unexpectedly raised up a middle finger, in god slaughter toward sky, cursed angrily: „One side your this dead base man, dies to the young master, must play and your father plays!” 夜轻寒连吐几口唾沫,仿佛吞了一只恶心的苍蝇一般,而后竟然竖起一根中指,朝着天空中的神主屠一顶,怒骂起来:“你这个死基佬,给小爷死一边去,要玩回去和你爹玩去!” „” “哧” The Ye Qinghan words fall, in the field resounds a sound of holding breath cold air, the complexion of complete people just like the dying embers, countless people starts to revolve to fight the air/Qi monster strength brute force in secret, prepares to greet the god slaughter the dreadful spunk. 夜轻寒话一落下,场中响起一片倒吸凉气的声音,全部人的脸色宛如死灰,无数人开始暗中运转战气妖力蛮力,准备迎接神主屠的滔天怒意。 Jie Jie Jie plants, plants! I like!” “桀桀桀有种,有种!我喜欢!” The god slaughter face upwards to laugh wildly suddenly, body in airborne unceasing shivers, a scarlet Chinese-style gown along with dancing in the breeze, head big bald is shines dazzlingly. Long time under has stopped the happy expression, has not actually thought the general violent anger to get up with the people, instead narrows the eye slightly, said with a smile: Youth, you did not fear that I have killed you, did not fear that I have killed your entire clan? Did not fear that I have killed the following complete person?” 神主屠突然仰天狂笑起来,身子在空中不断的颤抖起来,一声大红袍子随着飘舞,头上的大光头更是亮得刺眼。良久之下才止住了笑意,却没有和众人想得一般暴怒起来,反而微微眯起眼睛,笑着说道:“少年,你就不怕我杀了你,不怕我杀了你全族?不怕我杀了下面的全部人?” The response of god slaughter made in the field all people be startled, hasn't the god slaughter actually been angry? Hasn't begun? However, then the Ye Qinghan words, let their hearts almost jumped. 神主屠的反应让场中所有人惊了,神主屠竟然没有生气?没有动手?但是,接下来夜轻寒的话,却让他们心脏的都差点跳了出来。 Ha Ha, you kill, you begin! Does not begin you *** is my grandson!” “哈哈,你杀啊,你动手啊!不动手你***是我孙子!” Ye Qinghan contemptuous gaining ground looked at god slaughter one, was in the middle finger of midair to swing, a contemptuous facial expression table without doubt. The finger moves, the anger points at the god slaughter to sneer saying: You dare to move a following person, the young master ensure makes you regret! Or do you try?” 夜轻寒轻蔑的抬头望了神主屠一眼,身在半空的中指摆动了起来,轻蔑的神情一表无疑。手指一动,怒指着神主屠冷笑道:“你敢动下面的一个人,小爷保证让你后悔!要不你试试?” Um? Do you dare to threaten me?” “嗯?你敢威胁我?” The god slaughter complexion gradually changes cold, black red double pupil bursts out the blood red none remaining suddenly. Then a chill in the air silent start fills the air outside Purple Island, covers completely below 100,000 people. In the field about 100,000 people felt in this moment that was removed completely just like the winter had thrown into the snow drift, a chill in the air of frozen heart eclipse bone in each muscle of body, on each bone leaps. 神主屠脸色逐渐变冷,一黑一红的双瞳猛然迸发出血红的精光。而后一股寒意无声无息的开始在紫岛外弥漫,将下方100000人全部笼罩进去。场中近100000人在这一刻感觉,宛如冬日被脱光了丢进了雪堆中,一股冻心蚀骨的寒意在身体的每一处肌肉,每一根骨头上腾起。 Ye Qinghan had not answered, smiling that but lets somebody cool off or calm down, the middle finger continues to point at the god slaughter, is staring in the look of slaughter stubbornly in the contemptuous flavor, was actually thicker several points. The air in field coagulated in this moment thoroughly, individual cannot feel, own heartbeat in unceasing beat, and rapidness that more and more beats, the heart must explode 夜轻寒没有回话,只是冷冷的笑着,中指继续指着神主屠,死死盯着屠的眼神中内轻蔑味道,却是更浓了几分。场中的空气在这一刻彻底凝固了,没个人都能感觉,自己的心跳在不断的跳动,并且跳动的越来越快,心脏都要爆炸了 Jie Jie, good! The youth, you won! Said your condition!” “桀桀,好吧!少年,你赢了!说出你的条件!” In the people felt that wants quilt, in the field the depressing imposing manner suffocates, the slaughter has smiled suddenly, opened the mouth. As his words fall, the chill in the air in field dissipates suddenly traceless. Melts just like Bing Xue, warm sunlight has sprinkled, the sea level blows the moist cool sea breeze, the sweat drying up of countless person back. 就在众人感觉就要被,场中压抑的气势而窒息的时候,屠突然笑了起来,开口了。随着他话语落下,场中的寒意陡然间消逝无痕。宛如冰雪融化,温暖的阳光洒了下来,海面又吹来潮湿凉爽的海风,将无数人后背的汗水吹干。 The cold sweat that carries on the back although air-dried, however the innumerable expert heart cold sweat on the scene still has actually been flowing. What situation is this? Did the god slaughter actually admit defeat? Just entered the God Rank youth to admit defeat to Ye Qinghan one unexpectedly? Today this situation was really blind their dog eyes, has subverted their general knowledge, all people were muddled. 背上的冷汗虽然被吹干,但是在场的无数强者心中的冷汗却还在一直流淌。这是什么情况?神主屠竟然服软了?竟然向夜轻寒一个刚入神级的少年服软了?今天这情况真是瞎了他们的狗眼了,也颠覆了他们的常识了,所有人糊涂了。 Condition is very simple, puts them to walk! I and your fair war. You must take an oath with 180 generations of ancestors' reputation, if I lost, you cannot kill mainland any person!” “条件很简单,放他们走!我和你公平一战。还有你要用180代祖宗的名誉起誓,如果我输了,你不可以杀大陆任何一个人!” Puts them to walk? 放他们走? Fair war? 公平一战? Doesn't permit to kill any person? 不准杀任何一人? The Ye Qinghan words resound sky over Purple Island, the temperate magnetic sound just like wisp of spring breeze, lets countless people simultaneously in eye bright, innumerable eyes the dazzling ray, locks Ye Qinghan and god slaughter completely. 夜轻寒的话语响起在紫岛上空,温和磁性的声音宛如一缕春风,让无数人同时眼睛一亮,无数双眼睛内刺眼的光芒,全部锁定夜轻寒和神主屠。 Jie Jie Jie! Your condition I can comply, but you, if dares to destroy Space Divine Tool, I will certainly make the Flame Dragon Continent blood stream river, the chicken dog not remain very much!” “桀桀桀!你的条件我可以答应,但是你要是胆敢毁坏空间神器,我必将让炎龙大陆血流很河,鸡犬不留!” God slaughter one hear of Ye Qinghan condition, complied refreshedly, laughs. 神主屠一听夜轻寒的条件,爽快的答应了,大笑起来。 The Ye Qinghan condition regarding him, at is not the condition. He only wants to obtain the Divine sword and Space Divine Tool, reason that a moment ago admitted defeat, was because Ye Qinghan built up to melt Space Divine Tool, moreover obviously had also understood controlled Space Divine Tool from exploding. Once Space Divine Tool from exploding, inside that parallel space will burst, all things in Divine Tool will enter in the space turbulent flow, when the time comes God Emperor do not want to find 夜轻寒的条件对于他来说,根本不是条件。他只想获得神剑和空间神器,刚才之所以服软,是因为夜轻寒炼化了空间神器,而且显然也懂得了控制空间神器自爆。空间神器一旦自爆的话,里面那个平行空间就会破裂,神器内的所有东西将会进入空间乱流中,到时候就算神帝也别想找到 Now Ye Qinghan pledges the condition unexpectedly, can with his fair war? He is certainly ecstatic, can renege on a promise as for Ye Qinghan, before dying, Space Divine Tool from exploding, he was not worried. Because the following person put them to depart, but can they run there? 现在夜轻寒竟然开出条件,要和他公平一战?他当然心花怒放,至于夜轻寒会不会反悔,死前把空间神器自爆了,他一点不担心。因为下面的人就算放了他们离去,但是他们又能跑那里去? My Double Eye Netherworld Clan slaughter, in this in the name of my ancestor 180 generations, takes an oath to the god emperor supremely, so long as night Ye Qinghan, from exploding Space Divine Tool and my fair war, I will not injure Flame Dragon Continent any person “我双瞳幽冥族屠,在此以我祖宗180代的名义,向神皇至尊起誓,只要夜夜轻寒,不自爆空间神器和我公平一战,我将不会伤害炎龙大陆任何一人” The god slaughter is very refreshed, Shan Xi kneels down, pledged to the world supremely. This oath is the god most grave pledge. Takes an oath god slaughter, this happy smile took a fast look around one toward, said: „The following person is listening, is very lucky, you did not use! All leave to me!” 神主屠很是爽快的,单膝下跪,对天地至尊发誓。这誓是神界最为庄重的誓言。起誓完毕神主屠,这才心情愉快微笑的朝下方扫视了一眼,道:“下面的人听着,很幸运,你们不用死了!全部给我滚吧!” Is gawking doing? Hasn't walked? Waits to eat meal?” “都愣着干什么?还不走?等着吃饭哪?” On the desert island of Ye Qinghan North Korea, completely silly the people let somebody cool off or calm down look at one, the anger shouted to clear the way. 夜轻寒朝北方的荒岛上,全部傻了的众人冷冷望了一眼,怒喝道。 Then backhandedly extracts Slaughter Divine Blade, the supernatural power revolves, puts out more than ten meters green blade waves, the body soars together slowly, the knife point direction god slaughter, has smiled: Heard that your this death ray is very flamboyant? Today the young master must have a look is really whether better than compelling of your mother!” 而后反手抽出屠神刀,神力运转,吐出一道十多米长的青色刀浪,身子缓缓腾空,刀锋指向神主屠,笑了起来:“听说你这个死光头很牛逼?今天小爷要看看是否真的比你娘的逼还牛!”
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