BPTH :: Volume #5

#466: You die while still alive inexpensively!

466 chapters of you die while still alive inexpensively! 466章你是活活贱死的! The god Tu words fall, countless person facial colors fluctuate, the slaughter must start to kill people, does not know today , about 100,000 people on the scene, how many can survive, or, all extinguishes? 神主屠话一落下,无数人面色变幻,屠又要开始杀人了,不知道今天过后,在场的近100000人,还有多少能存活下来,亦或者,全灭? Yes, god!” “是,神主!” Tu Shenwei respectful cups one hand in the other across the chest toward the sky, but the subsequent party refers, was saying to Ye Jian: Murders the god health/guard, your going in circular!” 屠神卫恭敬的朝天空一拱手,而后手一指,对着夜剑说道:“弑神卫,你进去通告一声吧!” I?” “我?” Cloudy facial color under Ye Jian [gold/metal] robe the great hardship gets up immediately, among this several days, he every time in the Ye Family clansman ridiculed that under the vision of ridicule passed, lets his whole body just like the acupuncture. Moreover Ye Tianlong and Ye Family elders eyes have not even looked, lets him is often the taste. 夜剑金袍下的阴沉面色顿时大苦起来,这数日之间,他每时每刻都在夜家族人嘲笑讥讽的目光下度过,让他浑身宛如针刺。而且夜天龙夜家长老们甚至一眼都没有望过来,让他更是不时滋味。 He also understands that the god city is using it completely, has not treated as the god health/guard him, but can he such manage? He can only endure, expected that one day can stand up from failure for the king. However now does Tu Shenwei let his going in circular? Let him represent god city going in circular, doesn't this clarify to make him bring death? 他也明白神城完全是在利用它,根本就没把他当做神卫,但是他能这么办?他只能忍,期望有一天能翻身为王。但是现在屠神卫却让他进去通告?让他代表神城进去通告,这不摆明让他送死吗? Subordinate is compliant!” The scruple moment, Ye Jian discovered the vision that the slaughter lets somebody cool off or calm down has swept, the whole body was killed intent to cover by one, smiles bitterly hastily, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward the sky, then flies toward Purple Island. “属下遵命!”迟疑片刻,夜剑发现屠冷冷的目光扫了过来,浑身被一股杀意笼罩,连忙苦笑一声,朝天空拱了拱手,而后朝紫岛飞去。 As the Ye Jian form disappears in the Purple Island light covers, outside atmosphere was more depressing, the vision of complete people brilliant locks Purple Island, was waiting for appearance of Ye Qinghan, was waiting for the matter that then has, is waiting for the future of being difficult to predict 随着夜剑的身影消失在紫岛的光罩内,外面的气氛更加压抑了,全部人的目光灼灼锁定紫岛,等待着夜轻寒的出现,等待着接下来发生的事情,等待着未卜的前途 Ye Jian came!” 夜剑来了!” Old Lu had kept Divine Knowledge outside, sees Ye Jian toward mountain valley Ben to come, lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, said. But Senior Nine and Yue Qingcheng they are also the expressions that shows to despise, their also not clear Ye Jian had revolted. Now Senior Nine and Yue Xishui one, very clear understanding Ye Jian already became the new murdering god health/guard. 鹿老一直留了一丝神识在外面,见夜剑朝山谷奔来,冷冷一笑,说道。而九大人月倾城她们也是露出鄙夷的表情,原先他们还不清楚夜剑已经叛变。现在九大人月惜水一来,就很清楚的了解到夜剑早已成为了新的弑神卫。 Ye Jian? Does he do?” Ye Qinghan hears the Old Lu sound, has opened the eye, stopped the cultivation, in the eye has shown a happy expression, has stood, immediately asked. 夜剑?他来干什么?”夜轻寒听到鹿老的声音,睁开了眼睛,停止了修炼,眼中露出一丝笑意,站了起来,随即问道。 He he, it is estimated that represents the god city, making you exit!” Old Lu lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, said the Ye Jian matter fast, then once more dignified looks at Ye Qinghan saying: Little Master Han, do you have confidence? Really has not grasped do not exit, the real man, must be adaptable to the situation, Cheng Wang defeats the invader, the winner can be a king!” “呵呵,估计是代表神城,让你出去吧!”鹿老冷冷一笑,将夜剑的事情快速说了一遍,而后才再次凝重的望着夜轻寒说道:“小寒子,你有把握吗?实在没有把握就别出去,真的男人,要能屈能伸,成王败寇,胜者才能为王!” Is Little Master Han! You determined that has confidence? Really is not good, you are towing, the Sir is also about to come back!” Senior Nine is also saying that cares about. “就是小寒子!你确定有把握吗?实在不行,你在拖拖,大人也快回来了!”九大人也是关心的说道。 Elder brother!” Qinghan Little Master Han “哥!”“轻寒”“小寒子 The Ye Qingyu three people have not persuaded anything, has called the sentence in a soft voice, three pairs of beautiful pupils are gazing at Ye Qinghan affectionately, was expressing three people of determinations, three people of clear Ye Qinghan temper, Ye Qinghan definitely will exit. They only then prayed for him in behind silently that or accompanies him dead. 夜轻语三人却没有劝说什么,轻声唤了句,三双美眸深情的注视着夜轻寒,表达着三人的决心,三人都清楚夜轻寒的性子,夜轻寒是肯定会出去的。他们只有在背后默默为他祈祷,或者陪他去死。 Believes me! My certainly safe return! End point that this small Flame Dragon Continent can it be that I go on an expedition? Waits for me!” The Ye Qinghan vision sparkles to make a debut suddenly a different glow, on the scene takes a fast look around, bright has smiled. Finally the hand wipes, black Slaughter Divine Blade grasps in the hand, laughs, vanishes in Ramble Pavilion. “相信我!我一定平安归来!这小小的炎龙大陆岂是我征战的终点?等我!”夜轻寒目光突然闪耀出道道异芒,在场中扫视一遍,灿烂的笑了起来。最后手一抹,黑色的屠神刀握在手中,大笑一声,消失在逍遥阁内。 The Yue Qingcheng three people look at each other one, nodded, has not talked too much, is following Ye Qinghan behind, vanishes in Ramble Pavilion. In the Old Lu hand flashes before an iron rod baseless, looked at Senior Nine one, they also disappear in Ramble Pavilion. 月倾城三人对视一眼,同时点了点头,没有多言,跟随着夜轻寒身后,消失在逍遥阁鹿老手中凭空闪现出一根铁棍,望了九大人一眼,两人也同时消失在逍遥阁 Qinghan, finally found you! Quickly exits, the god slaughter wanted father they!” 轻寒,终于找到你了!赶快出去,神主屠要父亲他们了!” Ye Jian the [gold/metal] robe will already take off, ran in the jungle cautiously, actually saw that front wears the black warrior clothing, portable black appearance strange long blade youth, with long hurried strides walks toward oneself, who isn't Ye Qinghan is? The eye shrinks suddenly, then wear a look of the wild with joy expression, moved forward to meet somebody, excited big shouting. 夜剑早已将身上的金袍脱了下来,在丛林内小心翼翼的奔走了,却看到前方一个身穿黑色武士服,手提一把黑色的模样古怪的长刀少年,正大步流星的朝自己走来,不是夜轻寒是谁?眼睛猛然一缩,而后面带狂喜的表情,迎了上去,激动的大喊道。 „!” “咻!” Ye Jian actually discovered that Ye Qinghan complexion has not fluctuated, he in the long blade the hand, toward being subject to inserts, suddenly moves sideways toward own Ben to come! Speed just like lightning, quick scary, before he has not responded, a hand pressed firmly between the fingers his neck to raise him unexpectedly. 只是夜剑却发现夜轻寒脸色没有一丝变幻,他将手上长刀,往备受一插,突然闪身朝自己奔来!速度宛如闪电,快的吓人,在他没反应过来之前,竟然一只手捏住他的脖子将他提了起来。 „! Coughs Qinghan, were you insane? Am I your uncle let loose me quickly?” In the Ye Jian heart in great surprise, both hands closely grip that hand of Ye Qinghan, has not actually revolted. The Ye Qinghan speed he also saw a moment ago, this on were too absolutely more than him. Moreover Ye Qinghan grips the hand of his neck, Ling Lie a killing intent that spreads, making him understand, if dare to move, Ye Qinghan definitely meets first crumb own neck. “咳!咳轻寒,你疯了吗?我是你大伯啊快放开我?”夜剑心中大惊,双手紧紧握住夜轻寒的那只手,却没有反抗。刚才夜轻寒的速度他也看到了,这绝对比他强上太多。而且夜轻寒握住他脖子的手,传出的一道凌冽的杀意,让他明白如果自己敢动,夜轻寒肯定会第一时间捏碎自己的脖子。 Shut up, you again rubbish, I now have killed you! Also is able to discriminate puts to resist, I have stepped into God Rank, kills you to murder the god health/guard easily!” “闭嘴,你再废话,我现在就杀了你!还有别放抗,我已经踏入了神级,杀你轻而易举弑神卫!” On the Ye Qinghan face does not have the slight expression, let somebody cool off or calm down has suppressed Ye Jian one, said the sentence gratefully. Then raises Ye Jian, the stride is rushing toward Purple Island outside. 夜轻寒脸上没有丝毫表情,冷冷憋了夜剑一眼,毫不客气的说了句。而后提着夜剑,大步朝紫岛外奔去。 Murders the god health/guard? God Rank?” “弑神卫?神级?” The Ye Jian body suddenly just like falling into ice hole, the whole body is ice-cold, an innermost feelings despair, it seems like comes to the end of one's destiny today, regrets secretly that early knows sooner or later does not evade dead characters the words, he will not revolt absolutely, now dies must leave a stink for ten thousand years. 夜剑身子陡然宛如掉进冰窟,全身冰冷无比,内心一片绝望,今日看来命休矣,暗暗后悔起来,早知道迟早躲不过一个死字的话,他绝对不会叛变出来,现在就算死了都要遗臭万年了。 Tick-tock tick-tock! 滴答滴答! The crawl, the atmosphere outside Purple Island was even more dignified, but the red light in slaughter eye was also colder several points. 时间慢慢过去,紫岛外的气氛愈发的凝重了,而屠眼中的红光也更冷了几分。 How to have come out? Is it possible that was Ye Jian killed by the demon beast?” Zhan Shenwei is vibrating the big nose, sighed toward Tu Shenwei. “怎么还不出来?莫非夜剑被魔兽杀了?”斩神卫抖动着一下大鼻子,朝身边的屠神卫叹道。 Who knows? Or makes the god name God Rank expert to go in?” Tu Shenwei has suppressed in a sky the facial color even more gloomy god slaughter, said low voice. “谁知道?要不让神主叫名神级强者进去?”屠神卫憋了眼天空上面色越发阴沉的神主屠,小声说道。 Although they the speech is low voice, but clarified was saying that heard to the god slaughter, their for fear that slaughter got angry the Ye Family person killing, when the time comes Ye Qinghan did not come out to be difficult to manage. 两人虽然说话小声,但是摆明是在说给神主屠听得,他们生怕屠一发怒把夜家的人给杀了,到时候夜轻寒不出来就难办了。 Jie Jie! Does not use!” “桀桀!不用了!” In the sky, the slaughter has actually smiled, in the eye actually the red light dodges to stare on Purple Island on light cover, the corners of the mouth is showing a cruel happy expression, sneers: „Does little animal, you dare to come out finally?” 天空中,屠却笑了起来,眼中却红光一闪盯着紫岛上上的光罩,嘴角露出一丝残忍的笑意,冷笑起来:“小畜生,你终于敢出来了?” Came out?” “出来了?” In the field enters 100,000 people of complete spirits to shake, in eye one bright, looks in the direction of slaughter gaze. 场中进100000人全部精神一震,眼中一亮,朝屠注视的方向望去。 The purple ray that only coats dodges slightly, in the form covers from the light together slowly appears, this form is actually but actually . Moreover the body drifts in the midair, then the people discovered that this person unexpectedly is Ye Jian. As the body of Ye Jian appears is one is grasping the slender palm of Ye Jian neck, coated slowly from the purple light in the latter frail thin and weak body, a delicate face, full was the temperate happy expression. 光罩上的紫色光芒微微一闪,一道身影慢慢从光罩内出现,这身影却是倒着出来的,而且身体飘浮在半空,而后众人发现这人竟然是夜剑。随着夜剑的身子出现的是一只握着夜剑脖子的修长手掌,在后一个单薄瘦弱的身子慢慢从紫色光罩上走了出来,一张清秀的脸,满是温和的笑意。 Hello! Whish! Many people, are not for several years have not seen, does not need to do such big battle formation to welcome the young master! Ashamed, ashamed!” “大家好啊!哗!好多人,不就是数年未见嘛,也不用搞这么大阵势来欢迎小爷吧!惭愧,惭愧啊!” Ye Qinghan comes out, is raising Ye Jian, took a fast look around around one, shows an incomparably bright smiling face, waved toward all around, has embarrassed saying. The appearance feels extremely flattered very much, but also looks like one to exit the several years traveller far from home to turn over to the township, actually sends the village greets itself. 夜轻寒一出来,提着夜剑,扫视了一眼四周,露出一个无比灿烂的笑容,朝四周挥了挥手,有位不好意思的说道。样子很是受宠若惊,还真像一个出去数年的游子归乡,却发全村的来迎接自己般。 Then, he has not managed the people who is shocked completely, mentions Ye Jian suddenly at present, the look to change to be cold suddenly, the light sound has made a sound outside Purple Island: Ye Jian, you know that you, if died, while still alive inexpensively dies! Today I represent Ye Family to announce you, revolting clan capital crime!” 说完,他没有管全部愣住的众人,却突然将夜剑提到眼前,眼神为陡然变冷起来,淡淡的声音在紫岛外响了起来:“夜剑,你知道吗,你要是死了,就是活活贱死的!今天我代表夜家宣布你,叛族死罪!” „!” “咔嚓!” A clear incomparable bone crashes to resound, Ye Jian wants to say anything, actually discovered that anything could not say. Opens the head of eye, weak lets fall toward the one side, the body also slowly becomes soft. Afterward falls from the Ye Qinghan hand slowly, collapses in the sand beach 一声清脆无比的骨头碎裂声响起,夜剑本想说些什么,却发现什么也说不出。睁大眼睛的头,无力的朝一旁垂落下去,身子也慢慢变得柔软。随后缓缓从夜轻寒手中滑落,瘫倒在沙滩上 Silent! 寂静! An audience piece is silent, Purple Island nearby sea breeze, as if stopped moving in this moment. 全场一片寂静无声,就连紫岛附近的海风,在这一刻都仿佛停止了吹动。 After looking is killing the complete human, another face temperate happy expression stands in the sand beach, just like Ye Qinghan of neighbor big boy. Looks is collapsing in the ground eyeball explodes, died Ye Jian that cannot die again, all people wriggled the mouth, swallowed a saliva, winked the eyelid. God slaughter slightly *** the corners of the mouth, after being difficult, interestings is staring at Ye Qinghan, as if has discovered a novel toy. 望着杀完人后,又一脸温和笑意站在沙滩上,宛如邻家大男孩的夜轻寒。望着瘫倒在地上眼珠爆裂,已经死得不能再死的夜剑,所有人都蠕动了嘴巴,吞了口唾沫,眨起了眼皮。就连神主屠都微微***了嘴角,难后饶有兴趣的盯着夜轻寒,似乎发现了一件新奇的玩具。 Ye Qinghan came out, but, actually chose an powerful incomparable way to enter the stage! 夜轻寒出来了,但是,却选择了一种强悍无比的方式出场了!
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