BPTH :: Volume #5

#468: Sneak attack defeat

468 chapters of sneak attacks are defeated 468章偷袭失败 Little Master Han, you walk quickly, finding the way to go to god, practices successfully comes back to give us to revenge again, this is the order, otherwise I die do not recognize your this grandson!” 小寒子,你快走,想办法去神界,修炼成功再回来给我们报仇,这是命令,否则我死也不认你这个孙子!” When Ye Qinghan soars, the north desert island form soars together, simultaneously passes message together resounds near the ear of Ye Qinghan, is the Ye Tianlong sound. 就在夜轻寒腾空的时候,北面的荒岛一道身影跟着腾空,同时一道传音响起在夜轻寒的耳边,正是夜天龙的声音。 Awful!” “糟糕!” In Ye Qinghan heart suddenly one startled, he understands that meaning of Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong this is must study Ye Ruoshui, making oneself escape. His facial color changes, gives a loud shout, simultaneously the body flickers to move directly: God, do not begin, I process!” 夜轻寒心中猛然一惊,他明白夜天龙的意思,夜天龙这是要学夜若水,让自己逃命啊。他面色一变,大喝一声,同时身体直接瞬移出去:“神主,别动手,我来处理!” Ye Tianlong just sent greetings to Ye Qinghan, body braves the white flame, his guilty looked at one toward Yue Xishui, is preparing to flicker to move, suddenly the discovery shines together the purple ray at present, then his direct dizziness in the past. 夜天龙刚传音给夜轻寒,身子就冒起白色的火焰,他愧疚的朝月惜水望了一眼,正准备瞬移,突然发现眼前亮起一道紫色光芒,而后他直接眩晕了过去。 Tianlong!” 天龙!” Yue Xishui after Ye Tianlong lifts off responded, at this moment has flickered to move, was merely slower than Ye Qinghan half step. Sees Ye Qinghan to appear, Ye Tianlong faints suddenly, in he cherishes, Yue Xishui rejoices smiles, then thinks of anything, looks up Ye Qinghan, opened mouth to say anything. 月惜水夜天龙升空后就反应了过来,此刻已经瞬移过来,仅仅比夜轻寒慢了半步。见夜轻寒出现,夜天龙突然昏倒在他怀中,月惜水庆幸一笑,而后又想到什么,抬头望着夜轻寒,张嘴想说些什么。 Has the human to walk, believes me!” Ye Qinghan loses Ye Tianlong to Yue Xishui, then turns around to sweep off toward north desert island on, on the innumerable desert islands on several thousand faces has swept, suddenly cracks into a smile, said lightly: “带人走,相信我!”夜轻寒夜天龙丢给月惜水,而后转身朝北面荒岛上扫去,在无数荒岛上数万人脸上扫过,突然咧嘴一笑,淡淡说道: Is gawking doing? Waits to ask you to eat meal? All gets the hell out to the young master!” The last few words, he utilized supernatural power in addition to hold obviously, the sound just like the bolt from the blue, wants near the ear of people, to shake all person eardrum fresh pains. “都愣着干什么?等着请你们吃饭哪?全部给小爷滚蛋!”最后一句话,他明显运用了神力加持,声音宛如晴天霹雳般,想在众人的耳边,震得所有人耳膜生痛。 „!” “咻!” Innumerable Demon Clan and Barbarian Hidden Island expert, awakens, is with smile on the face in abundance, soars rapidly, flies toward the Hidden Island aspect. But War-God Prefecture innumerable expert , after is one, soars. Several thousand expert blot out the sky, soaring with overpowering momentum flies, this scene shocks extremely, on several billions sea-birds just like island, had been startled suddenly, all flies, has blocked from the sky of nearby sea area, dense scary! 无数妖族蛮族隐岛强者,惊醒过来,纷纷面带喜色,迅速腾空,朝隐岛方面飞去。而战神府的无数强者,也是一愣之后,跟着腾空。数万强者铺天盖地,气势磅礴的腾空飞起,这场面极其震撼,宛如一个海岛上的数亿只海鸟,被突然惊了,全部飞起,将附近的海域的天空都遮住了,黑压压的吓人啊! Few head of the clan!” “少族长!” Little Han!” 寒少!” Ye Qinghan!” 夜轻寒!” Ye Qingniu Ye Baihu as well as the Ye Family clansman has actually hesitated, but Feng Zi Hua Cao and Long Sainan as well as the Yue Family elders have also hesitated, in abundance facial color complex is looking at Ye Qinghan, yelled. 夜青牛夜白虎以及夜家的族人却迟疑了,而风紫花草龙赛男以及月家的长老们也迟疑了,纷纷面色复杂的望着夜轻寒,大叫起来。 You go back first, go to Moon Building to display 10,000 tables, waits for me to come back to be stewed to the gills for three days!” Ye Qinghan smile is looking at the familiar people, facial expression firm beckoning with the hand, in the eye the self-confident ray sparkle, the superficial words, making the people also shake with the spirit. “你们先回去,去月楼摆上10000桌,等着我回来大醉三天!”夜轻寒微笑的望着熟悉的众人,神情坚定的摆了摆手,眼中自信的光芒闪耀,轻描淡写的话语,让众人也跟着精神一震。 Walks!” Yue Xishui looks at the Ye Qinghan firm look, weak said toward the people that then brings Ye Tianlong to flicker to move to leave. “都走吧!”月惜水看着夜轻寒坚定的眼神,无力的朝众人说道,而后带着夜天龙瞬移离开。 Walks!” Ye Qingniu clenches teeth to stamp the feet, the violent has roared, stared one toward the Ye Family clansman, shoots up to the sky. “走!”夜青牛咬牙一跺脚,暴怒吼了一声,朝夜家族人瞪了一眼,冲天而起。 A moment later, clean that outside Purple Island the dense and numerous about 100,000 people all walk, the person in god city, walks cleanly. Naturally, many people have not walked away, but beyond dozens li (0.5km) airborne few faces one another. Is watching this startled day war, or was waiting for falling from the sky of mainland absolute first talent, naturally the small number of people are cherishing in history an expectation, is anticipating the birth of miracle 片刻之后,紫岛外密密麻麻的近100000人全部走的一干二净,就连神城的人,也走得干干净净。当然,许多人并没有走远,而是在几十里外的空中寥寥相望。观看着这场惊天大战,或者说等待着大陆有史以来绝对的第一天才的陨落,当然少数人还是心怀着一丝奢望,期待着奇迹的诞生 Jie Jie! Did the boys, you look to start?” “桀桀!小子,你看可以开始了吗?” God slaughter is very happy, on face is hanging the smiling face throughout, the temperament also quite well, after seeing all people all leave, this very polite asking. 神主屠心情十分不错,脸上始终挂着笑容,脾气也是相当的好,见所有人全部离开之后,这才很客气的问道。 Um, last issue!” “嗯,还有最后一个问题!” Ye Qinghan curled the lip to spread open, although his Cheng Shencheng morning, the appearance seems like indeed same as the youth, however thirty -year-old person, was shouted the boy or the whole body are uncomfortable. 夜轻寒撇了撇嘴巴,虽然他成神成的早,容貌看起来的确和少年一样,但是三十几岁的人,被人喊小子还是浑身都不舒服。 Does not wait for the god slaughter to get angry, in the Ye Qinghan hand the Slaughter Divine Blade sudden blade wave rises suddenly, the body vanished baseless. In place that god slaughter stands, beautiful purple is luminous, Ye Qinghan released integration to fight the technique directly, then Slaughter Divine Blade brought more than ten meters blade waves, the overhead to pound down in the god slaughter direction, who strikes the first blow has the advantage, sneak attacked unexpectedly. 不等神主屠发怒,夜轻寒手中屠神刀突然刀浪暴涨,身体凭空消失了。紧接着在神主屠站立的地方,一片妖艳的紫光亮起,夜轻寒直接释放了合体战技,而后屠神刀带着十多米长的刀浪,当头朝神主屠方向砸下,竟然先下手为强,偷袭起来。 Snort!” “哼!” The slaughter naturally is not a fool, his incomparably clear Ye Qinghan has integration to fight the skill, can let the same level expert Soul Confusion matter. In that moment that the Ye Qinghan body vanishes, he has flickered to move, a Ye Qinghan blade pounded in airborne, the supernatural power of rushing, shook the space, exuded grating light howls. 屠当然不是傻子,他无比清楚夜轻寒拥有合体战技能,能让同级强者灵魂眩晕的事情。在夜轻寒身子消失的那一刻,他已经瞬移出去,夜轻寒一刀砸在了空中,澎湃的神力,将空间都震荡起来,发出一道道刺耳的轻啸声。 Fire Dragon eats delicacies!” “火龙啸!” The god slaughter flickers to move, the body ignites the raging flame suddenly, both hands fast knot seal, a giant fire dragon detaches, roaring, is howling to go toward the body of Ye Qinghan like lightning. 神主屠一瞬移出去,身体陡然燃起熊熊烈火,双手快速结印,一条巨大的火龙脱体而出,咆哮着,闪电般朝夜轻寒的身子呼啸而去。 This death ray head, the vigilant heart strives to excel!” “这个死光头,警惕心好强!” Ye Qinghan secret passage was a pity that he thinks he exposed that scabs of god slaughter innermost feelings, he definitely meets the violent anger to get up, thus was sneak attacked successfully by oneself. Has not thought that the response thinks quickly the slaughter lived for several thousand years, the size fight experience are innumerable, now also live flavorful, definitely is not the idiot. The space fluctuation feels the back intense energy, Ye Qinghan was looking that does not have not to turn head to look at one, flickers to move to go toward the front. 夜轻寒暗道一声可惜,他以为自己揭开了神主屠内心的那块伤疤,他肯定会暴怒起来,从而让自己偷袭成功。没想到反应那么快不过想想屠活了数万年了,大小战斗经历无数,现在还活的有滋有味的,肯定不是蠢货。空间波动感受着背后的强烈能量,夜轻寒头看都没有没回头看一眼,朝前方瞬移而去。 Bang!” “轰!” The violent anger fire dragon, lost goal, in several hundred steamships toward below sea flushes away directly, the huge energy has initiated the super large explosion, several hundred steamships, at least have half to be rumbled instantaneously the sawdust, the blazing fire dragon moves the sea water, the sea water is evaporated immediately, leaps one group of dozens meters big mist, the sawdust that mixture everywhere flies, the Purple Island above sky became dim. 暴怒的火龙,失去了目标,对直朝下方的大海上的数百条大船冲去,巨大能量引发了超级大爆炸,数百条大船,至少有一半在瞬间被轰成木屑,炽热的火龙一碰触海水,海水顿时被蒸发,腾起一团数十米大的水雾,夹杂的漫天飞的木屑,紫岛上空的天空都变得昏暗起来了。 „The Emperor Ye seven types, open day to cut, the crack stands, expels wind from the body to cut 夜皇七式,开天斩,裂地站,追风斩” The Ye Qinghan rotation of the eye, had an idea, the under foot has from the sky trod the strange step, Slaughter Divine Blade in hand, locked the slaughter the direction, divided the innumerable blades instantaneously, the innumerable blade wave exsomatize, formed the innumerable green meniscus blade air/Qi, covering heaven and earth has encircled toward the slaughter from four sides means. 夜轻寒眼睛转动,有了一计,脚下在空中踏起诡异的步法,手中的屠神刀,锁定屠的方向,瞬间劈出无数刀,无数的刀浪离体而出,形成无数的青色半月形刀气,遮天盖地的从四面办法朝屠围了过去。 Meanwhile his soul shakes, utilizes the space fluctuation mysteriously fully sensation, the sensation each space in all directions is fluctuating, thus is judging the god slaughter, flickers direction and place that moves. 同时他灵魂一震,运用起空间波动玄奥全力感知,感知着四面八方的每一丝空间波动,从而判断着神主屠,瞬移的方向和地点。 Left! Space Lock!” “左边!空间锁定!” In Ye Qinghan eye ray suddenly one bright, the body shakes, a ripples space fluctuation from his body release, then like lightning toward the left sky transmission in the past, ripples fluctuation, a space piece of shake. Simultaneously the body of Ye Qinghan first, flickers to move to go toward the position that the left god slaughter presents. 夜轻寒的眼中光芒陡然一亮,身体一抖,一股涟漪般的空间波动从他的身体释放而出,而后闪电般朝左边的天空传递过去,涟漪般的波动所过,空间一片震荡。同时夜轻寒的身体第一时间,朝左边的神主屠出现的方位瞬移而去。 Jie Jie, Space Lock? Broken! Fire Dragon arrogance!” “桀桀,空间锁定?破!火龙气焰!” The god slaughter flickers to move, immediately felt neighbor the unusuality of space, the corners of the mouth actually reveal a ridicule, blooms suddenly the fiery red ray, both hands brandishes together fast, dark red flame changes to the innumerable small fire dragons, goes toward the lasing in all directions, actually does not have the difference to cover the attack comprehensively. 神主屠一瞬移过来,立刻感觉到附近空间的异常,嘴角却露出一丝讥讽,身上的猛然绽放出一道火红的光芒,双手快速挥舞,身上的暗红火焰化作无数条小火龙,朝四面八方激射而去,竟然是无差别全面覆盖攻击。 Mother!” “妈的!” Ye Qinghan just flickered to move, releases Soul Chaos without enough time, actually saw that front all over the sky fire dragon howls in all directions, the speed is much faster, the front was hit to fly upside down suddenly by a fire dragon, spouts a blood. The soul almost frightened leaves the hole, could not attend to thinks, could not give a thought to the injury of body, taking advantage of the momentum of flying upside down, flickered to move once more. 夜轻寒刚刚瞬移出来,来不及释放灵魂混乱,却看到面前满天的火龙四处呼啸,速度快得吓人,胸前陡然被一条火龙击中倒飞出去,喷出一口鲜血。灵魂吓得差点出窍了,顾不得多想,也顾不上身体的伤势,借着倒飞的冲力,再次瞬移出去。 Jie Jie, the youth, you are not my match!” The god slaughter immediately has not actually pursued to go, puts out a hand to trace his greatly baldly, toward the Ye Qinghan blinking skin , a red black double pupil electric power is full, said with a smile: Or under the consideration accompanies to play my ten years? I can forgive your life!” “桀桀,少年,你不是我的对手!”神主屠却没有立刻追击而去,伸手摸了摸他那颗大光头,朝夜轻寒眨了眨眼皮,一红一黑的双瞳电力十足,微笑道:“要不考虑下陪玩我十年?我可以饶你一命!”
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