BPTH :: Volume #5

#461: I am night Qinghan

461 chapters of I am Ye Qinghan 461章我是夜轻寒 He he, Senior Nine must kill me, I do not certainly dare to put to resist!” Tu Shenwei respectful cups one hand in the other across the chest to bend the waist, but the facial expression on face is having a ridicule. He believes that Senior Shi is not, Senior Nine does not dare to begin absolutely. “呵呵,九大人要杀我,我当然不敢放抗!”屠神卫又是恭敬的拱手弯腰,但是脸上的神情却是带着一丝讥讽。他相信噬大人不在,九大人绝对不敢动手。 Jie Jie “桀桀” At this moment, the sky actually resounds an incisive remnant laughter, the sound cuts nine to empty to come, to bring nine quiet cold air, covers the field in: Nine-Tail Fox, your courage is not small, wants to move my person?” 就在这时,天空却响起一声尖锐的残笑声,声音划破九空而来,带着一丝九幽的寒气,将场中笼罩进去:“九尾狐,你胆子不小,想动我的人?” Um?” “嗯?” The Senior Nine discoloration, nine tails of dancing in the breeze received suddenly instantaneously, a fox face cloudy clear uncertain, a moment later layer on layer one snort said: Slaughter removes your person, when Ye Qinghan went out, I make him hand over the Divine sword and you, how?” 九大人陡然色变,飘舞的九条尾巴瞬间收了进去,一张狐狸脸阴晴不定,片刻之后却重重一哼道:“屠将你的人撤回去吧,等夜轻寒出关了,我让他交出神剑与你,如何?” Jie Jie! Your commitment any effectiveness, that little animal has not come out, I make entire Flame Dragon Continent bury for him!” The slaughter continues to smile one, then lets somebody cool off or calm down to send greetings, the chill in the air in spoken language simultaneously feels such as the falling ice hole below several hundred steamship several thousand people. “桀桀!你的承诺没有任何效用,那个小畜生不出来,我就让整个炎龙大陆替他殉葬!”屠继续笑一声,而后冷冷传音过来,言语中的寒意将下方数百条大船数万人同时感觉如坠冰窟。 You whole body of Senior Nine air/Qi shiver, get angry: You are Flame Dragon Continent sooner or later to be destroyed by you like this, when the time comes Flame Dragon Continent nobody, did your this feudal lord have to use?” “你”九大人气的浑身一阵颤抖,怒道:“你这样做炎龙大陆迟早会被你毁灭,到时候炎龙大陆都没人了,你这个领主还有用吗?” Jie Jie, I spent several million Divine Stone to purchase Flame Dragon Potential Surface, how I want to play how play, wants to make it destroy destroys. How also completely exterminated, several thousand years, this potential surface will multiply several billions people, therefore this are many me, does not have what loss!” “桀桀,我花费数百万神石购买了炎龙位面,我想怎么玩就怎么玩,想让它毁灭就毁灭。再说了全部灭绝又如何,不出数万年,这个位面又会繁衍出数亿人,所以这多我来说,没有什么损失!” God slaughter light passes message, on the scene as well as is paying attention to here mainland God Rank expert Senior Nine and countless people frequently, shakes completely. 神主屠轻飘飘的一句传音,将九大人和在场的无数人以及时刻关注着这里的大陆神级强者,全部一震。 Therefore the human first felt that has two moods, sorrowful, angry! 所以人第一时间感觉到只有两种心情,悲哀,愤怒! As the potential surface feudal lord, can control all lives of potential surface dead at will. Even if has destroyed a civilization, he can also wait for several thousand years, the waiting next civilized birth. He is the Flame Dragon Potential Surface god, but Flame Dragon Potential Surface all people including God Rank expert are the ants, ants that cannot control oneself destiny, is the slaves of god. 做为位面的领主,可以随意掌控位面的所有人生死。就算毁灭了一个文明,他也可以等待数万年,等待下一个文明的诞生。他才是炎龙位面的神,而炎龙位面的所有人包括神级强者都是蝼蚁,不能掌控自己命运的蝼蚁,都是神主的奴隶。 You, your such perverse actions, sooner or later supremely will be lowered the infliction from god by the god emperor, moreover and other Senior Shi came back, will not let off your!” Senior Nine is dismal *** the corners of the mouth, have gotten angry once more said. “你,你你这样倒行逆施,迟早会被神皇至尊降下神罚的,而且等噬大人回来,也不会放过你的!”九大人悲凉的***了嘴角,再次怒道。 The god slaughter hears her words, actually once more laughs wildly: Jie Jie, Senior Shi? She does not dare to kill me, she came back you to ask her as for the reason. Nine-Tail Fox does not have the time and you rubbish, do not compel me to get rid to you. Tu Shenwei, but also is staring doing? Hasn't moved?” 神主屠听到她的话语,却再次狂笑起来:“桀桀,噬大人?她不敢杀我,至于原因等她回来你可以去问她。九尾狐没时间和你废话,你别逼我对你出手。屠神卫,还愣着干什么?还不行动?” Tu Shenwei gestured toward under hastily, Saint level expert imperial empties to fly immediately toward Purple Island. Senior Nine knows the matter to be irreversible, but smiles bitterly, turns around to fly toward Purple Island. 屠神卫连忙朝下方打了个手势,一名圣级强者立刻御空朝紫岛飞去。九大人知道事情不可逆转,无奈苦笑一声,转身朝紫岛飞去。 Looks at face bitter and astringent Senior Nine, Old Lu knows that definitely was the breakdown of negotiation, Senior Shi was not, facing god slaughter that the disposition split, no one is able to prevent his crazy action. 看着一脸苦涩的九大人,鹿老知道肯定是谈判破裂了,噬大人不在,面对性格分裂的神主屠,谁也无法阻止他疯狂的举动了。 „!” “咻!” Senior Nine behind, a [gold/metal] robe messenger serial comes toward here. The closing eye that Lu Xi and Senior Nine do not endure turns the head to rush toward the mountain valley, obviously is not cruel enough to see that the tragedy occurred again. But Yue Qingcheng three females in mountain valley are actually noticed that Lu Xi they come to turn around hastily, for fear that once more sees the flesh and blood flying in all directions the terrifying scene. 九大人身后,一名金袍使者跟着朝这边串行而来。鹿希九大人不忍的闭上眼睛转头朝山谷内奔去,显然不是忍心看到再次惨剧发生。而山谷内的月倾城三女却是看到鹿希他们进来连忙转过身去,生怕再次看到血肉横飞的恐怖场景。 Tu Shenwei has the command, implementation plan!” That Saint level [gold/metal] robe messenger, rushes, rubbish, loudly was shouting to clear the way to crowd in that leader. 屠神卫有令,执行计划!”那名圣级金袍使者,奔来过来,没有废话,对着人群中的那名首领大喝道。 Then in the leader eyes shows a cruel happy expression, holds up the long bow in hand high, must discard toward the mountain valley, then issues from exploding order. 那么首领眼中露出一丝残忍的笑意,高高举起手中的长弓,就要朝山谷内丢去,而后下达自爆的命令。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” In the ultra mountain valley Ben Hang Old Lu has anchored suddenly, on the face reveals a pleasantly surprised color, turns around suddenly, outward rushes, simultaneously drinks greatly. 超山谷内奔行的鹿老陡然停住了,脸上露出一丝惊喜之色,猛然转身,朝外奔去,同时大喝起来。 Old thing, what acrobatics do you want to play?” Then the leader just about to shouted words that were stopped up, very irritable indignation said. “老东西,你又想耍什么把戏?”那么首领刚要喊出的话被堵了回去,十分别扭的气愤说道。 Is waiting a while, gives me little while the time, if I cannot give the reasonable explanation, you die again are not late!” Old Lu spoke a few words seriously, then actually disregarded to close the eye. “在等一会,给我半刻的时间,如果我不能给出合理解释,你们再死也不迟!”鹿老一本正经的说了一句话,而后却不管不顾闭上了眼睛。 This “这” Several hundred [gold/metal] robe messengers have doubts is looking at Old Lu, finally is looking at behind Saint level messenger completely, as if waits for his decision. But the ten thousand people in field also stopped the sob cursing angrily, completely eager was looking at Old Lu and that messenger, was anticipating the occurrence of miracle. 数百金袍使者疑惑的望着鹿老,最后全部望着身后的圣级使者,似乎等待他的决定。而场中的万人也都停止了哭泣怒骂,全部眼巴巴的望着鹿老和那名使者,期待着奇迹的发生。 Senior Nine and Yue Qingcheng three people are also the surprise goes to Old Lu the vision, does not understand that what happened! 九大人月倾城三人也是诧异的把目光投向鹿老,不明白发生了什么事! Gives him the little while time! After the little while, immediately carries out.” That Saint level messenger silent moment, unexpectedly complied with this very bewildered request. “给他半刻时间!半刻之后立即执行。”那名圣级使者沉默了片刻,居然答应了这个很莫名其妙的请求。 Tick-tock, tick-tock!” “滴答,滴答!” In the heartbeat that the time in everyone accelerates passed, in field very peaceful, breaks wind can scare to death a piece of person, the atmosphere is extremely depressing, the wind stops moving, demon beast also peaceful hiding that all around gathers in thick patch of grass limb, looking at steadily is staring in the field. 时间在每个人加速的心跳中度过,场中的非常的安静,放个屁都能吓死一片人,气氛极其压抑,风都停止吹动,四周聚集的魔兽也安静的藏匿在草丛树丫中,目不转睛的盯着场中。 Time passing fast, to the agreement time, the ten thousand people before mountain valley, saw Old Lu still to close one's eyes quickly, countless people start the desperate closing eye, countless people start unknowingly shivers to tremble, even some people of below pants crotches start an excurrent canal yellow liquid 时间飞快的流逝,已经快到约定时间,山谷前的万人,见鹿老还在闭着眼,无数人开始绝望的闭上眼睛,无数人开始不经意的颤抖哆嗦起来,甚至有人下方的裤裆开始流出道道的黄色液体 Towering 突兀的 In the field has gotten windy, Old Lu suddenly has also opened the eye, all person spirits shake, that Saint level is the eye one brightly is also staring at Old Lu. Senior Nine and Yue Qingcheng their hopeful look to Old Lu, cocks the ears to listen respectfully. 场中起风了,鹿老也猛然睁开了眼睛,所有人精神一震,那名圣级也是眼睛一亮盯着鹿老九大人月倾城她们满怀期待的看向鹿老,侧耳聆听起来。 Old Lu has not actually opened the mouth, airborne actually baseless resounds together the young sound, just like the startling thunderclap, resounds together near the ears of all people: 只是鹿老却没有开口,空中却凭空响起一道年轻的声音,宛如一道惊雷般,响起在所有人的耳边: I am Ye Qinghan! The messengers in god city are listening, exits to convey a message to your death ray heads, he dares to kill people again, I have the human to overcome an obstacle immediately god, he will not be forever able to obtain the Divine sword. Half a month later, I can leave Purple Island, gave him a confession!” “我是夜轻寒!神城的使者听着,出去传话给你们那个死光头,他再敢杀人,我立即带人闯关去神界,他将永远得到不到神剑。半个月之后,我会出紫岛,给他一个交代!” Ye Qinghan!” God city several hundred messengers and 10,000 mortals stare suddenly, immediately reveals wild with joy, in the eye bursts out the fiery vision! 夜轻寒!”神城数百使者和10000凡人陡然一愣,顿时露出一丝狂喜,眼中迸发出火热的目光! Ye Qinghan! 夜轻寒 Ye Qinghan came out finally, they might not use very much, they could be saved! But the Saint level messenger also slightly is so stunned, immediately gestured toward the [gold/metal] robe leader, turns around outward like lightning to rush. 夜轻寒终于出来了,他们很有可能不用死了,他们有救了!而那么圣级使者也微微错愕,随即朝金袍首领打了个手势,转身朝外闪电般奔去。 Elder brother!” “哥!” Little Master Han!” 小寒子!” Qinghan!” 轻寒!” When this long-separated 11 years of familiar sound, resounds once more, Yue Qingcheng Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu simultaneously call out in alarm one, scattering that on three pairs of beautiful pupils the tears silent start, three people of Divine Beast will then wipe, proposes palace skirt not to flush away toward Ramble Pavilion in suddenly. 当这个阔别了11年的熟悉声音,再次响起的时候,月倾城夜轻舞夜轻语同时惊叫一声,三双美眸上泪水无声开始的散落,而后三人神兽一抹,提着宫裙头也不会朝逍遥阁内猛然冲去。 Little Master Han?” 小寒子?” Senior Nine was actually a facial color pain, Ye Qinghan ahead of time closes up, did not have, when Senior Shi came back to go out, was this luck or the calamity? When she heavyhearted vision will look to Old Lu, actually also discovered that Old Lu is also a dignity and bitterness and astringency of face. 九大人却是面色一苦,夜轻寒还是提前闭关出来了,还是没有等到噬大人回来就出关了,这到底是福还是祸?只是当她将忧心忡忡的目光望向鹿老的时候,却也发现鹿老也是一脸的凝重和苦涩。 After half double-hour, god city that Saint level messenger before the mountain valley, ten thousand people in the vision that hoped the wing to earnestly seek came back once more, brought one to let they incomparably inspired news: 半个时辰之后,神城那名圣级使者在山谷前,万人希翼渴求的目光中再次回来了,带来了一个让她们无比振奋的消息: God has the command, detains these 10,000 people. Simultaneously passed on to Ye Qinghan, after the half a month, will execute Ye Family all people outside Purple Island, Ye Qinghan, if dares to go back on word, he will slaughter not only Ye Family all people, simultaneously cut to kill the War-God Prefecture five respected family all people to bury for you.” “神主有令,将这10000人押回去。同时转告夜轻寒,半月之后将会在紫岛外处决夜家所有人,夜轻寒如果敢食言的话,他将不仅屠杀夜家所有人,同时斩杀战神府五大家族所有人替你殉葬。”
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