BPTH :: Volume #5

#460: Negotiations

460 chapters of negotiations 460章谈判 The mainland flames of war day after day, the beacon-fire rocket is billowing, overnight the landscape exchanges ownerships, on Purple Island several bangs, ten thousand hominizations are the bones of the dead, countless people worried about the man, cried the liverwurst. In Illusion Palace is actually a tranquility, only has Ling Lie the quiet wind unceasing is swaying, tucks up the gauze account, fine gauze dishevel, often lightens an attractive spring scenery that wonderful dressed carcass. 大陆战火连天,烽火狼烟滚滚,一夜之间江山易主,紫岛上数声巨响,万人化为白骨,无数人急煞了须眉,哭断了肝肠。梦幻宫内却是一片宁静,唯有凌冽的幽风不断的吹拂着,将纱帐撩开,将轻纱吹乱,将那具美妙的胴体不时闪出一丝诱人春光。 Oh “唉” In the palace resounds a sighing sound baseless, lazy just like Yao Ji that the small kitty has rolled up. She looks is still closing one's eyes cultivation Ye Qinghan, reveals one to be a pity the color, the small mouth digs slightly, twittering gets up just like the mischievous young girl in a soft voice: 宫殿内凭空响起一声叹气声,正是慵懒的宛如一直小猫咪般蜷缩的妖姬。她望着还在闭眼修炼的夜轻寒,露出一丝可惜之色,小嘴微微撅起,宛如调皮的少女般轻声呢喃起来: Also ten days, it seems like that the elder sister I must only defend the spatial palace lonely thousand years alone, the small red thread can only continue to make you accompany me to pass through this painstakingly lonesome years the little man! How you do not make every effort to succeed, but also counted on that you can sense successfully, making the elder sister also well accompany you to be overwhelmed with emotion for night. Cluck-cluck, was I was too greedy, for several years time, even if there is Illusion Palace and Bewitching Demon Honey, as well as your marvelous soul silencing condition, thinks that cannot fuse successfully the absolute domain, after all this was Intermediate Rank Principle “只还有十天了,看来姐姐我又要独守空殿寂寞千年了,小红绳只能继续让你陪伴我度过这苦寂的岁月了小男人啊!你怎么那么不争气啊,还指望你能感悟成功,让姐姐也好陪你销魂一夜。咯咯,也是我太贪心了,数年时间,就算有梦幻宫妖魅之蜜,以及你那奇妙的灵魂静寂状态,想必也不能将绝对领域融合成功吧,毕竟这可是中级玄奥了” Yao Ji was saying was saying, self-ridicules has smiled. She discovered that was the extravagant demands were too many, Intermediate Rank Principle! Even if the talent of god perceives through meditation in god also needs hundred years most quickly. Although Ye Qinghan is in Illusion Palace , the chance coincidence entered the soul silencing condition, she also discards hundred years of cloudy Yuan, has delivered him drop of precious incomparable Bewitching Demon Honey, but wants the breakthrough in the several years time to be completely not possibly. 妖姬说着说着,也是自嘲的笑了起来。她发现是自己奢求太多了,中级玄奥!就算神界的天才在神界参悟最快也要百年。虽然夜轻寒身在梦幻宫,又机缘巧合进入了灵魂静寂状态,她还舍弃百年阴元,送了他一滴珍贵无比的妖魅之蜜,但是想要在数年时间内突破还是完全没有可能的。 Ye Qinghan is not certainly clear, outside is famous *** was sighing painstakingly does not have the opportunity and he is tangled up. Naturally if he knew, may stop cultivating fights one not to be uncertain first. At this time he felt that is standing in a small boat, incarnation for that Men in Black, in startled Tao gets angry in the wave, is treading the strange footsteps, dances lightly. 夜轻寒当然不清楚,外面有名绝世***正苦叹没有机会和他缠绵。当然如果他知道了,或许会停止修炼先大战一番也不一定。此时他感觉正站在一叶扁舟之中,化身为那个黑衣人,在惊涛怒浪中,踏着奇异的脚步,翩翩起舞。 He thought that the principle fused was similar, but he is actually not able to tread the last step. Just like him has drawn a lifelike big dragon on a white paper, but actually misses last, of adding the finishing touch, this big dragon cannot live, cannot change into a silent great sword, cuts broken void. 他觉得法则融合得已经差不多了,只是他却无法踏出最后一步。宛如,他在一张白纸上画了一条栩栩如生的巨龙,但是却差最后一笔,点睛的那一笔,这条巨龙还是不能活过来,不能化为一把无声无息的巨剑,斩破虚空。 A fishing net established, but last fast knot actually always was not on, this fishing net cannot go to the perpetual flow sea to catch fish, clashes to the spate rough seas will disperse the frame, will disintegrate easily. Ye Qinghan in the deep layer soul silencing condition, how long has not known, but he knows that the time were not much, if the time arrives, oneself were transmitted forcefully, will be very difficult to break through this checkpoint, is very difficult to get this fast knot. 一张渔网编制成了,但是最后一个死结却总是系不上,这渔网还是不能去长河大海中捕鱼,给大水大浪一冲将会散架,将会轻易土崩瓦解。夜轻寒在深层灵魂静寂状态中,不知道过了多久,但是他知道时间已经不多了,如果时间一到,自己被强行传送出去的话,将会很难突破这一关卡,很难打上这个死结。 He stopped dancing, stands erect on the small boat, static is standing. The sea breeze came, to blow his sending silk slowly, the mist that in the wind mixed with moistened his face, actually could not block from his pair of sad pupil. 他停止了起舞,矗立在扁舟上,静静的站着。海风徐徐而来,吹起了他的发丝,风中夹杂的水雾打湿了他的脸,却遮不住他那双忧伤的眸子。 Purple Island hears a pitiful yell and wail, several hundred [gold/metal] robe messenger driven by, walks toward Small Valley that in 10,000 people are absentminded. 紫岛又传来一阵惨叫和哭泣声,在数百金袍使者驱使下,10000人又失魂落魄的朝小山谷内走来。 Before ten day, 10,000 people walked, again has not come out, then the fierce explosion resounds in inside, they on outside steamship can clear seeing, the Purple Island above that purple light cover lower the innumerable [say / way] to extinguish the world the thunder and lightning. They incomparably wanted clearly, the result died, but if did not come in actually immediately dead! 十日前,10000人走了进来,就再也没有出来,而后剧烈的爆炸在里面响起,他们在外面的大船上可以清楚的看到,紫岛上空那紫色的光罩降下无数道灭世的雷电。他们无比清楚只要进来了,结局就是死,但是如果不进来却是马上死! Came, they came! Hum, the Xiao Wu elder sister, I is quite afraid, what to do Ye Qingyu does not endure to watch, will be burying the Ye Qingwu front, closely grasps her, the body of shivering is demonstrating her no use and frightened. “又来了,他们又来了!呜呜,小舞姐,我好害怕,怎么办啊”夜轻语不忍观看,将头埋着夜轻舞的胸前,紧紧的抱住她,颤抖的身躯显示着她的无助和恐惧。 Makes you not come out, can you actually come out? What to do? How do my I know what to do?” Ye Qingwu seems like the strange elf is bold, actually the innermost feelings are also very frail, sees Ye Qingyu this flurriedly sobs. “让你别出来,你却偏偏要出来?怎么办?我我怎么知道怎么办?”夜轻舞看似古怪精灵大胆泼辣,其实内心也很是脆弱,一见夜轻语这样子又跟着慌乱的抽泣起来。 Clank!” “铮铮!” The Yue Qingcheng congealing eyebrow slightly volume, the beautiful pupil shuts tightly, the surface such as the cold frost, sits alone in the courtyard, actually starts to play a qin. The tweedle did not have in those days melodious persuasive, has filled endless dreary and painstakingly lonesome. The bullet hit bullet hit, is sudden a string to break, the tweedle stops suddenly, then two drops of clear waterdrops fall, sprinkles two plum blossoms on the black guqin. 月倾城凝眉微卷,美眸紧闭,面如寒霜,独坐在院子内,却开始抚琴起来。琴声没有往日的悠扬婉转,充满了无尽的萧瑟和苦寂。弹着弹着,却突然一根琴弦断裂,琴声戛然而止,而后两滴清泪滴落下来,在黑色的古琴上洒落两朵梅花。 Facing the as even with such aspect, their men are not, three people feel a deep void and incapability, innermost feelings vacant, no use, with frightened! They do not know that this such manages? Does not know that tomorrow will be what kind, does not know that this world is also full of the promise 面对如此局面,她们的男人不在,三人都感觉到一种深深的空虚和无力,内心一片茫然,无助,和恐惧!她们不知道该这么办?不知道明天会怎样,不知道这个世界还有没有希望 Makes your leaders come out to speak!” “让你们的首领出来说话!” Old Lu stands on the high hillside, the cold air of whole face, a black iron rod sends out Ling Lie the murderous intention, Senior Nine stands side him, ash-gray formal clothes are as before straight, but how actually to see no longer the past gracefulness at this moment. 鹿老站在高高的山坡上,满脸的寒气,一根黑色铁棍散发出凌冽的杀机,九大人站在他身旁,一身灰色的礼服依旧笔直,但是此刻却怎么看都不复往日的优雅。 I am, had what Huaqing to say!” In the [gold/metal] robe messenger stands a person, grasps a red long bow, the expression is very indifferent or spiritless. “我是,有何话请说!”金袍使者中站出一人,手持一张红色长弓,语气很是冷漠或者说死气沉沉。 Ye Qinghan is shutting life and death pass at this moment, unmanned energy circular he, therefore you completely have killed the Mainlanders, he does not know, will not come out, you convey a message, lets the slaughter and other year, one year later Ye Qinghan goes out surely!” The Old Lu iron rod raises, sinking sound said. 夜轻寒此刻正在闭生死关,无人能通告他,所以你们就算把大陆人全部杀了,他也不知道,也不会出来,你传话回去,让屠等一年,一年之后夜轻寒必定出关!”鹿老铁棍一扬,沉声说道。 [gold/metal] Paoren actually shook the head, a [gold/metal] robe along with swaying from side to side, is shining upon the motley sunlight, is especially dazzling: Sorry! The god said that not having the condition can discuss that this is the second batch of gifts please receive! The god city messengers obey orders 金袍人却是摇了摇头,一声金袍随着扭动起来,映照着斑驳的阳光,格外刺眼:“对不起!神主说了,没有条件可以谈,这是第二批礼物请接收!神城使者听令” Wait / Etc.!” Old Lu saw the eyebrow beard to be mad to fly, he had to see the murder, was also normal in god war casualty tens of thousands God Rank expert, however was in front of his to massacre the ordinary mortal, he was really actually unable to continue watching, got angry once more: Makes the god slaughter see me, I and he said or let any dog deng god city four Wei Laijian I! I and they discussed!” “等等!”鹿老一见眉毛胡子都气得飞了起来,他不是没见过杀人,在神界一场大战死伤几万神级强者也正常,但是当着他的面残杀普通凡人,他却是实在看不下去,再次怒道:“让神主屠来见我,我和他说或者让什么狗屎神城四卫来见我!我和他们谈!” Sorry, we do not have the right, the god and Sir will not come, must see you to go to see!” The [gold/metal] robe messenger is startled slightly, the hesitation moment said. “对不起,我们没有权利,神主和大人也不会进来,要见你们出去见!”金袍使者微微一怔,却沉吟片刻说道。 Old Lu cold snort, does not know that the reply, however nearby Senior Nine actually suddenly opened the mouth: Good, you are waiting in this, I leave the island to ask them to chat!” 鹿老冷哼一声,不知道则么回答,但是旁边的九大人却突然开口了:“好,你们在这等着,我出岛去找他们谈谈!” Good! We and others your double-hour!” The eye in [gold/metal] robe messenger Chinese-style gown suddenly one bright, since does not use, he does not want dead, slightly saying of some hopes. “好!我们等你一个时辰!”金袍使者袍子内的眼睛陡然一亮,既然不用死,他也不想死,微微有些期盼的说道。 Old Lu you bring up the rear in this, I exit to chat!” Senior Nine really could not tolerate, actually baseless jumps toward the Old Lu nod body, outward rushes. 鹿老你在此压阵,我出去谈谈!”九大人也是实在看不过去了,朝鹿老点了点头身子却凭空跃起,朝外奔去。 The Senior Nine status is unique, naturally does not need to dread the god slaughter to strike to kill, if Old Lu exits to discuss that the terrifying first will be struck to kill by the god slaughter, by the enmity of news past years. 九大人身份独特,当然无须畏惧神主屠击杀,要是鹿老出去谈,恐怖第一时间会被神主屠击杀,以报当年之仇。 God city which god protects, comes out a to chat!” Senior Nine left Purple Island, flickers the emigration now sky over the god city dense and numerous steamships, then light saying. “神城哪位神卫在,出来一叙!”九大人出了紫岛,一个瞬移出现在神城密密麻麻的大船上空,而后淡淡的说道。 „!” “咻!” Under series countless people in the together hundred steamships was alarmed, then several hundred forms also lift off, said that Armor in body, eying covetously is looking at Senior Nine. 下方连环在一起的百条大船中无数的人被惊动了,而后数百道身影同时升空,道甲在身,虎视眈眈的望着九大人 Tu Shenwei, murders the god health/guard to pay a visit Senior Nine!” Tu Shenwei and Ye Jian on the ship, see are Senior Nine, makes god city expert get down hastily completely, then they cup one hand in the other across the chest to say politely. 屠神卫,弑神卫拜见九大人!”屠神卫夜剑就在船上,一见是九大人,连忙让神城强者全部下去,而后两人拱手客气说道。 Removes that 10,000 people, Ye Qinghan is closing up, you daily kill tens of thousands people of him not to know! Has killed uselessly.” Senior Nine being disinclined rubbish, said cold. “把那10000人撤回来吧,夜轻寒在闭关,你就算天天去杀几万人他也不知道!杀了也没用。”九大人懒得废话,冷然说道。 „, Sir! Is this meaning of your meaning or Senior Shi?” A Tu Shenwei actually eye revolution, once more cups one hand in the other across the chest to say. “请问,大人!这是你的意思还是噬大人的意思?”屠神卫却眼睛一转,再次拱手说道。 Um? My meaning how? The meaning of Sir how?” Senior Nine complexion slightly one cold, some anger said slightly. “嗯?我的意思又如何?大人的意思又如何?”九大人脸色微微一寒,微微有些怒道。 Is very simple, if the meaning of Senior Shi, asking her to send greetings to the god, the god will convey a message to me. If your meaning, that was sorry, follows orders to handle affairs below! Asked the Sir do not interfere the matter of god city! Perhaps otherwise anger Senior Nine of god cannot withstand!” The Tu Shenwei appearance looks like is very as if respectful, but in the spoken language disclosed one proudly and taunt. Clarifies meaning Senior Nine, if not because of the relations of Senior Shi, anything is not, does not have the qualifications in this gesticulation. “很简单,如果是噬大人的意思,请她传音给神主,神主会传话给我。如果是你的意思,那就抱歉了,在下只是奉命行事!请大人不要干涉神城的事!否则神主的怒火九大人恐怕也承受不起吧!”屠神卫样子看起来似乎很恭敬,但是言语上却透露出一丝傲然和嘲讽。摆明意思九大人如果不是因为噬大人的关系,什么都不是,也没资格在这个指手画脚。 You did not fear that I have killed you?” Senior Nine one hear, in the eye cold brightness was more abundant, the Divine Beast nine tails launch quietly, just like moved really hot. “你就不怕我杀了你?”九大人一听,眼中寒光更盛了,神兽九条尾巴悄然展开,俨然动了真火。
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