BPTH :: Volume #5

#459: All sea is shocked

459 chapters of all seas are shocked 459章四海震惊 „” “哇” Yue Qingcheng looks at the stub that in the sky everywhere is dancing in the air to break the arm internal organs blood, spits in a complete mess, the facial color is pale, actually very strong does not have the stupor to get down. 月倾城望着天空中漫天飞舞的残根断臂内脏血液,吐得一塌糊涂,面色铁青,却很坚强的没有昏迷下去。 Old Lu when the [gold/metal] robe messenger crashes in crowd, moved sideways to retrocede, but was exploded as before does in an extremely difficult situation, looks mist and dust that is blotting out the sky. He and Senior Nine were simultaneously silent, the none remaining that in the eye pupil that but they narrow flashes has actually exposed their shock. 鹿老在金袍使者冲进人群的时候,已经闪身后退了,但是依旧被爆炸搞得狼狈不堪,望着那铺天盖地的烟尘。他和九大人同时沉默了,但是两人微眯的眼眸内闪动的精光却暴露了他们的震惊。 The slaughter was too ruthless! 屠太狠了! In order to express his determination, he actually took 10,000 human lives to show that 10,000 living life this suddenly did not have a moment ago, such thorough dissipation in world. 为了表示他的决心,他竟然拿了10000条人命来证明,10000条刚才还是活生生的生命就这样眨眼没了,就这样彻底的消逝在天地之中。 Ye Qinghan does not come out, every other cut to kill 10,000 people on the 10 th. After one month, Ye Family all people completely will execute outside Purple Island, in three months has not come out, entire War-God Prefecture cuts to kill completely, in five months within does not come out, Flame Dragon Continent executes completely!” 夜轻寒再不出来,每隔十日斩杀10000人。一月之后,夜家所有人将在紫岛外全部处死,三月还不出来,整个战神府全部斩杀,五月之内不出来,炎龙大陆全部处死!” Ten days kill 10,000, Yue Hou Ye Family several thousand juniors cut to kill completely, in five months, Flame Dragon Potential Surface 10 billion artificial Ye Qinghan are buried along with the dead. This is what kind startled day method, this is what kind savage tyrannical? This is one regards the human life for the worthless nine quiet devils simply, is that completely enchanted devil. 十天杀10000,一月后夜家数万子弟全部斩杀,五月之后,炎龙位面10000000000人为夜轻寒陪葬。这是何等的惊天手段,这是何等的凶残暴虐?这简直就是一个视人命为草芥的九幽恶魔,还是那种完全疯魔的恶魔。 Kills one person is the crime, kills 10,000 is male, the slaughter 9 million that is in Xiong Xiong, but slaughters 10 billion people? That absolutely is not a human, was not the god, had devils in nine quiet purgatory to meet the line of as even with such crazy matters. 杀一人是罪,杀10000是雄,屠得9000000那是雄中雄,但是屠杀10000000000人哪?那绝对已经不是人了,也不是神了,只有九幽炼狱内的恶魔才会行如此疯狂之事。 The slaughter was too sinister! 屠太阴险了! On the Senior Nine face also no longer is graceful, in five months, time that the god challenge tournament starts, the slaughter calculates that Senior Shi will not come back. Therefore he does not hesitate to threaten Ye Qinghan with the Flame Dragon Continent 10 billion people of lives, to obtain Divine sword, he is refuses to balk! Moreover the circular that the slaughter gives, does not want Ye Qinghan to hand over the Divine sword and Divine Tool, but wants him to exit, this clarifies wants him dead! 九大人脸上再也不复优雅,五月之后正是神界挑战赛开始的时间,屠算准了噬大人不会回来。所以他不惜拿炎龙大陆10000000000人的性命威胁夜轻寒,为了得到神剑,他是在所不惜啊!而且屠给出的通告,不是要夜轻寒交出神剑和神器,而是要他出去,这摆明是要他死啊! Purple Island resounds through the vibration of world, can feel in Hidden Island that naturally has not hidden the truth from God Rank expert of mainland, as well as the scouts of major influence families. 紫岛响彻天地的震动,远在隐岛都能感觉到,当然也没有瞒过大陆的神级强者,以及各大势力家族的探子。 From the beginning, they are not clear, Tu Shenwei has started out several hundred ships, has sent under escort several thousand people, going to Purple Island wants to do? Now they actually knew, has guessed correctly, the god slaughter wants to do, the slaughter must start to kill people. 一开始,他们都不清楚,屠神卫开出了数百条船,押解了数万人,去紫岛想干什么?现在他们却是知道了,也猜到了,神主屠想干什么,屠要开始杀人了。 By Dragon City has a beautiful small town, the name is very interesting to listen, initially sees the city. If the life only such as initially sees, what Qiu Feng Bei Huashan, here is the city that young men and women meet with, but actually turns into the place that Long Family sought asylum at this moment. 龙城旁边有个美丽的小城,名字很动听,初见城。人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇,这里原本是一个年轻男女邂逅的城市,只是此刻却变成了龙家避难的地方。 War-God Prefecture five God Rank expert get together in a small garret, naturally Ye Family two figure position God Rank expert, actually have not been able to participate in this meeting, because they, as soon as comes out is dead characters. 战神府的五位神级强者齐聚在一个小阁楼内,当然夜家还有两位数位神级强者,却不能参与这场聚会,因为他们一出来就是一个死字。 Wind crosses the world to wither, after looks thanked, ruled the world, mounted the 9-level pagoda, looked for night, the meteor stack “风过天地肃杀,容华谢后,君临天下,登上九重宝塔,看一夜,流星飒沓” Yue Xishui curls to stand, leans against a railing to look out into the distance in the garret, is looking at distant place faintly visible grand Dragon City, disappointed sighing. 月惜水袅袅站立,在阁楼上凭栏远眺,望着远处依稀可见的雄伟龙城,怅然的叹道。 Yeah! Pities the water younger sister , did you have a mind to write poetry? Everybody has not discussed that what to do? Ye Qinghan has not come out, War-God Prefecture ended!” Xue Family Ancestor carries altar strong liquor, the thousand years have not drunk wine, today actually want drunk Fang Xiu. “哎!惜水妹子,都什么时候了,你还有心作诗?大家还不商议一下,怎么办?夜轻寒还不出来,战神府就完了!”雪家老祖端起一坛烈酒,千年未曾饮酒,今日却欲一醉方休。 Oh! Can have any means that in the past we, if the water is thick the facial skin to ask Ye Qinghan to go to god to find the way to rescue the mainland, now was once more thick the facial skin to ask him to come out!” On Emperor Dao face slightly ***, desolate of whole face, as the War-God Prefecture patron god, is actually at this moment incapable of protecting their subjects, Purple Island that explosive sound, the announcement that as well as the god city sends, making him each live in the suffering. “唉!能有什么办法,当年我们和若水厚着脸皮求夜轻寒去神界想办法解救大陆,现在只有再次厚着脸皮去求他出来了!”刀皇脸上微微***一下,满脸的苍凉,作为战神府的守护神,此刻却无力守护他们的子民,紫岛的那一阵爆炸声,以及神城发出来的公告,让他每一刻都活在煎熬之中。 Xue Family Ancestor layer on layer puts on the table the wine pot, the nod said: Right! We asked Ye Qinghan to come out, making him hand over the Divine sword, subsided the god the anger, this catastrophe may spend, such managed! Only can sacrifice Ye Qinghan one person, saved the War-God Prefecture billions people!” 雪家老祖将酒坛重重在桌子上一放,点头说道:“对!我们去求夜轻寒出来,让他交出神剑,平息神主的愤怒,这场浩劫可度,就这么办!只能牺牲夜轻寒一人,拯救战神府几十亿人了!” Must go, you go!” “要去,你们去!” Yue Xishui actually turns the head to let somebody cool off or calm down sweeps, facial features cold saying: Initially saw others to break Purple Island ten to close hopefully goes to god hopefully, we asked him to rescue the mainland. Now could not wait for him to go to god, the slaughter begins. Did we also ask him dead? Is he big? What qualifications do we have to ask him to come out to bring death? The meaning of god slaughter aren't you clear? He does not want Ye Qinghan to hand over Divine Tool, but wants him to come out! Wants him dead! Don't we have a face to ask him to bring death?” 月惜水却转头过来冷冷一扫,面容冷峭的说道:“当初见人家有希望破了紫岛十关有希望去神界,我们就去求他解救大陆。现在等不及他去神界,屠就动手了。我们就又去求他去死?他才多大?我们有什么资格去求他出来送死?神主屠的意思你们不明白?他不是要夜轻寒交出神器,而是要他出来!要他死!我们有什么脸去求他来送死?” The Yue Xishui words, said a several people of shame, long time , the Emperor Dao appearance sighed cloudy clearly: First has a look at the situation, is really not when the time comes good, I and old ancestor they put down go shamelessly!” 月惜水一番话,说得几人一阵惭愧,良久之后,刀皇面目阴晴叹道:“先看看情况吧,到时候实在不行,我和老祖两人搁下老脸去吧!” Is the luck is not the calamity, is the calamity does not evade, all are the destinies, cannot demand!” The Yue Xishui pity sighed, flickered to move to depart. “是福不是祸,是祸躲不过,一切都是命运,强求不来!”月惜水哀怜一叹,瞬移离去。 Emperor Qiang of after face veteran dry skin Yue Xishui walks, this is vibrating shamelessly, sighed: Actually, did we ask to be the same, one month later, Ye Qinghan has not come out, the god slaughter must cut to kill the person of Ye Family completely. When the time comes if Ye Qinghan does not come out, we did strive for being also useful? He does not manage Ye Family, but can also manage the world person?” 一脸老树枯皮的枪皇月惜水走后,这才抖动着老脸,叹道:“其实吧,我们去求不求都一样,一个月之后,夜轻寒还不出来,神主屠就要将夜家之人全部斩杀。到时候如果夜轻寒不出来的话,我们就算去求了也有什么用?他连夜家都不管了,还会管天下人?” Yeah, that waited for in one month, Soul Emperor Soul Emperor, you set up Luo Shen Mountain in Flame Dragon Continent, seems like to a Flame Dragon Continent opportunity, actually has gotten to the heart of the matter or harmed the mainland!” Emperor Dao closes the eye, shakes the head sighed painstakingly. “哎,那就等待一月之后吧,魂帝魂帝,你把落神山设立在炎龙大陆,看似给炎龙大陆一次机会,其实追根究底还是害了大陆啊!”刀皇闭上眼睛,摇头苦叹道。 God valley six barbarian god monster Divine Mountain four monster gods and Hidden Island Master, although is also very urgent, but does not have War-God Prefecture God Rank expert to be so anxious obviously. The circular that after all the god slaughter issues, Ye Family and War-God Prefecture first suffer disaster, they decides calmly to wait for in one month, can the Ye Family person by sentencing to beheading that moment Ye Qinghan appear. If Ye Qinghan has not appeared at that moment, this matter very big strip 蛮神谷六位蛮神妖神山四位妖神和隐岛岛主,虽然也很急迫,但是明显没有战神府神级强者那么急。毕竟神主屠下达的通告,夜家战神府可是最先遭难,他们都决定静静等待一月之后,夜家的人被处斩的那一刻夜轻寒会不会出现。如果那一刻夜轻寒还是没有出现的话,这事情就很大条了 Anything!” “什么!” After Ye Family back side of the mountain Ye Baihu and Ye Qingniu hear narration of Ye Tianlong, they simultaneously the surface like the dying embers, Ye Qingniu is the whole body is mad trembles, in garret hot tempered paces up and down. 夜家后山夜白虎夜青牛听完夜天龙的叙述之后,两人同时面如死灰,夜青牛更是浑身气得发抖,在阁楼内暴躁的来回走动起来。 Although Ye Tianlong has not exited, but the situation in mainland, Yue Xishui will separate for day to use Divine Knowledge to exchange the moment with him at this time, told the newest situation with him. 夜天龙虽然没有出去,但是此时大陆的情况,月惜水都会隔一天就会和他用神识交流片刻,把最新的情况告诉与他。 One month! Head of the clan, the slaughter said really for one month later can execute the Ye Family juniors completely?” Ye Baihu is shivering slightly, is some indefinite saying. “一个月!族长,屠真的说一个月之后就要将夜家子弟全部处死?”夜白虎手微微颤抖着,还是有些不确定的说道。 Ye Qingniu turns the head to get angry: White tiger! This also with saying? Definitely real, slaughter the Ye Family fort *** haven't that many years, clarified for this day? Aren't you clear?” 夜青牛转头怒道:“白虎!这还用说?肯定是真的,屠将夜家堡***了那么多年,摆明不就是为了这一天?你还不明白吗?” A Ye Tianlong face not slightly expression, numb saying: Absolutely true, moreover Ye Family except for the hidden several batch of seeds, completely was grasped now, is sending under escort toward Hidden Island.” 夜天龙一张脸没有丝毫表情,麻木不仁的说道:“千真万确,而且夜家除了暗藏的几批种子,现在全部都被抓了,正朝隐岛押解过去。” It seems like was the Ye Family predestined time of death arrived!” “看来是夜家大限已到了!” The Ye Baihu complexion actually has a moment later replied tranquilly, since the result has been doomed, has what significance eye excitedly? Flashed the moment, said: Head of the clan, you have not made Yue Clan Patriarch go to Purple Island, making Little Master Han not come out? He came out unable to change the Ye Family destruction result similarly, was finished with it together, might as well made him endure humiliation, some day revenged for us and that's the end! So long as Little Master Han can live, Ye Family was the present has dropped down, momentarily can get up!” 夜白虎脸色片刻之后却回复了平静,既然结局已经注定了,激动又有何意义眼睛?闪动了片刻,说道:“族长,你还不让月族长紫岛,让小寒子别出来?他出来同样改变不了夜家覆灭的结局,与其一同完蛋,还不如让他忍辱负重,有朝一日为我们报仇就是了!只要小寒子能活着,夜家就是现在倒下了,也随时能起来!” I already the secret sent, pities the water also to persuade one.” Ye Tianlong smiles bitterly, shook the head to look to the distant place, sighed: Was only you said that Little Master Han temperament, if he knew, can?” “我早已秘密派人去了,惜水也会去劝说一阵。”夜天龙苦笑一声,摇了摇头望向远方,叹道:“只是你们说,小寒子的脾气,如果他知道了,会不出来吗?” Ye Qingniu is startled, looks at each other one with Ye Baihu, from saw to the grid is incapable with desperately. 夜青牛一怔,和夜白虎对视一眼,纷纷从对方眼中看到了一丝无力和绝望。
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