BPTH :: Volume #5

#462: Attacks the bottleneck

462 chapters of impact bottlenecks 462章冲击瓶颈 Elder Brother, Elder Brother!” “哥,哥!” The Ye Qingyu speed is fastest, at the same time shouted that breaks in Ramble Pavilion, after being difficult, looks around in all directions, has not actually discovered Ye Qinghan that familiar form. Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu whole face also flushed joyfully, is seeking for the Ye Qinghan form. 夜轻语速度最快,一边大喊,一路冲入逍遥阁,难后四处张望起来,却没有发现夜轻寒那熟悉的身影。月倾城夜轻舞满脸欣喜也跟着冲了进来,寻找着夜轻寒的身影。 Xiao Yu, Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), Xiao Wu should not be anxious first! The time press, I must close up half a month, attacks the final bottleneck, waits for me!” 小语,倾城,小舞你们先别急!时间紧迫,我还要闭关半个月,冲击一下最后的瓶颈,等我!” When three people directly soar toward the martial arts room flushes away, the Ye Qinghan sound suddenly resounds, making three people of the bodies of tantivying anchor. 就在三人直奔朝练功房冲去的时候,夜轻寒的声音陡然响起,让三人的急奔的身子停住了。 What situation? Little Master Han person that?” Old Lu and Senior Nine also followed, saw three people that is shocked asked hastily. “什么情况?小寒子人那?”鹿老九大人的也跟了进来,看到愣住的三人连忙问道。 He said that must close up half a month, attacks the final bottleneck!” Ye Qingwu somewhat angry has scratched tear stains on the face, saying of hidden bitterness. “他说还要闭关半个月,冲击最后的瓶颈!”夜轻舞有些气恼的擦了一下脸上的泪痕,幽怨的说道。 Bottleneck?” “瓶颈?” Senior Nine and Old Lu simultaneously are startled, then on the face simultaneously reveals one to be joyful and shocking. Ye Qinghan can send greetings a moment ago unexpectedly through Ramble Pavilion, explained that his soul was formidable incomparable, at least is God Rank 2-level 3-level, otherwise cannot send greetings. 九大人鹿老同时一怔,而后脸上同时露出一丝欣喜和震惊。夜轻寒刚才竟然能通过逍遥阁传音出去,已经说明他的灵魂强大无比了,至少都是神级二重三重,否则根本不能传音出去。 Now says the bottleneck? Can he attack the god boundary? 现在却说瓶颈?难道他要冲击神将境? This a little played in a big way, Saint Realm did 1-level, close up for 11 years to attack the god unexpectedly the boundary? This speed can be scary. They think that Ye Qinghan sending greetings was more joyful, after the half a month, he can leave Purple Island, to a god confession? Their more definite Ye Qinghan must break through the god the boundary, does not arrive at the god the boundary, how dares to exit? 这有点玩大了吧,圣人境一重,闭关11年竟然要冲击神将境了?这速度能吓死人啊。两人想到夜轻寒刚才的传音更加欣喜了,半月之后他会出紫岛,给神主一个交代?两人更加确定夜轻寒就要突破神将境了,不到神将境,怎么敢出去? Old Lu do you think this possibility?” Senior Nine controls itself extremely, making her makings maintain is being calm and graceful, but a words exit actually discovered that somewhat has stuttered. 鹿老你认为有这个可能吗?”九大人极度控制自己,让她的气质保持着淡定和优雅,但是话一出口却发现有些结巴了起来。 „It is not clear, but also has this possibility, Grace Mainland, the famous talent spends for hundred years to break through God King Realm from Heaven Immortal Realm. In material potential surface . Moreover the short 11 years, this rather too Old Lu swallowed a saliva, tries to convince itself, but more said that more he does not believe. “不清楚,但是也有这个可能,神恩大陆,有名天才从天神境花费百年突破到神王境。只是在物质位面,而且还是短短11年时间,这未免太”鹿老吞了口唾沫,试图说服自己,但是越说越连他自己都不相信了。 Their talks have actually brought to the attention of Yue Qingcheng , she listens respectfully to the moment, asking looking pensive: Grandpa Lu, your meanings, Qinghan in impact god boundary?” 两人的谈话却引起了月倾城的注意,她聆听片刻,若有所思的问道:“鹿爷爷,你们的意思,轻寒在冲击神将境?” God boundary?” Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu simultaneously shake, unbelievable is looking at the dew always with Senior Nine. “神将境?”夜轻舞夜轻语同时一震,难以置信的望着露老和九大人 Old Lu shook the head indefinite saying: I did not say certainly, after all the news was too astonishing, perhaps our guesses are wrong!” 鹿老摇了摇头不确定的说道:“我也说不准,毕竟消息太惊人了,或许我们的猜测都是错误的!” Now said that anything does not permit, do not guess that just wait, 15 days later result! Yeah, hasn't Little Black perceived through meditation? If he perceives through meditation, greatly came by the talent magical powers opportunity!” Senior Nine turns the head to look that in the left garden alcove is lying Little Black of deep sleep, sighing that regrets. “现在说什么都不准,都别猜了,等着吧,15天后将分晓!哎,小黑也怎么还不参悟完毕啊?要是他参悟完毕,凭借天赋神通机会就更大来了一些!”九大人转头看着左边的花园亭子内趴着沉睡的小黑,惋惜的叹道。 The people are silent, harbors disturbed mood waiting silently, comes right regarding them, time at this moment every second is such difficulty, the feeling like the suffering in the boiling hot wok with cooking oil is ordinary. 众人都沉默下来,怀着忐忑的心情默默的等待起来,对于她们来对,此刻的时间每一秒都是那么的难度过,感觉就像在滚烫的油锅内煎熬一般。 Ye Qinghan naturally not in impact god boundary. 夜轻寒当然没有在冲击神将境。 The time was too short, Ye Qinghan that fast knot has not tied finally, in he felt that he stands , on small boat, if has become aware, had actually been awakened by Yao Ji, ten years. 时间太短了,夜轻寒最后那个死结还是没有系上,就在他感觉自己站在扁舟上若有所悟的时候,却被妖姬叫醒了,十年时间到了。 Cluck-cluck, little man, although you have given me very big awakening, the elder sister also very much likes you! However was sorry very much that you did not have time to enjoy our Bewitching Demon Clan alone gate unique skill, ten years! Naturally, you have the opportunity, so long as you went to god, went to Star Sea, the Divine sword in your hand will direct you to go to Soul Emperor Pavilion, if you can enter Illusion Palace fortunately once more, I make certainly you feel for ten days ten nights, making you enjoy the unique wondrous use of my this small red thread to say goodbye, the adorable little man, I anticipated with your meet once more!” “咯咯,小男人,虽然你给了我很大的惊醒,姐姐也很喜欢你!但是很抱歉,你没有时间享受我们妖魅一族的独门绝技了,十年时间到!当然,你还有机会,只要你去了神界,去了星辰海,你手中的神剑将会指引你去魂帝阁,如果你有幸能再次进入梦幻宫的话,我一定让你感受十天十夜,让你享受一下我这根小红绳的独特妙用再见了,可爱的小男人,我期待和你的再次相遇!” Thinks after being sober , the vision of Yao Ji that affection, that intoxicant words, were transmitted that beforehand Yao Ji flickers to move to suddenly to be overwhelmed with emotion a kiss. Ye Qinghan smiles bitterly, this peerless ***, does not have the opportunity and her tangled up one finally, this makes his some regret slightly. 想到清醒之后妖姬那深情的目光,那醉人的话语,还有被传送之前妖姬突然瞬移过来的那销魂一吻。夜轻寒苦笑起来,这个绝世的***,最后却还是没有机会和她缠绵一宿,这让他有些微微遗憾。 However what makes him more regrettable is, the fusion of absolute domain has not broken through unexpectedly the last step, at that time he felt dimly almost must break through, had actually been awakened by Yao Ji, therefore has not achieved greatly completely. 但是让他更遗憾的还是,绝对领域的融合竟然没有突破最后一步,当时他朦朦胧胧的感觉差点就要突破了,却被妖姬叫醒了,所以没有达到大圆满。 Moreover he was transmitted, immediately has inspected one *** the situation of body. Although cultivation of soul for in intensity in soul silencing condition soaring rapidly, did not lose in Heaven Immortal Realm 2-level 3-level expert. However fights the air/Qi cultivation actually not to reach the Saint level peak. 而且他被传送出来的时候,立刻检查了一***体的情况。虽然灵魂的修为在强度在灵魂静寂状态急速的飞涨,已经不输于一名天神境二重三重强者了。但是战气修炼却没有达到圣级巅峰。 The pill nucleus in dantian, has not turned into pure white, but also a black mark of doping, this does not have the means that under the soul silencing condition the soul rises quickest, moreover he is fusing the principle, not having the time cultivation to fight the air/Qi, can break through to the as even with such boundary is the great good fortune 丹田内的丹核,还没化成纯白,还掺杂的一丝黑纹,这也没办法,灵魂静寂状态下灵魂涨的最快,而且他都在融合法则,没有时间修炼战气,能突破到如此境界已经算是大幸了 His all-round strength, 11 years ago, although there are very in a big way progressive, as a result of the promotion of soul boundary, it is estimated that under the ordinary God Rank expert sneak attack, fights the technique to be able the second to kill using integration absolutely. However copes with the god slaughter insufficiently also by far! 他的综合实力,相对于11年前,虽然有很大进步,由于灵魂境界的提升,估计普通神级强者偷袭之下,运用合体战技绝对能秒杀。但是对付神主屠还远远不够! After coming out, he immediately opened martial arts room's ban, then a Divine Knowledge investigation actually discovered that only then Little Black in the deep sleep, investigates hastily toward Purple Island Divine Knowledge. Actually discovery outside mutation, therefore he sent greetings immediately to Old Lu, their Divine Knowledge sent greetings the moment, Old Lu the matter that recently had the mainland, said fast under. Ye Qinghan has not thought that the situation has developed the as even with such aspect, but decided to stand firm the god to say first again. 一出来之后,他就立刻打开了练功房的禁制,而后神识一探查却发现只有小黑在沉睡,连忙将神识紫岛探查出去。却发现外面的异变,所以他马上传音给了鹿老,两人神识传音片刻,鹿老将大陆最近发生的事情,快速说了下。夜轻寒没想到事态已经发展到如此局面,无奈决定先稳住神主再说。 The god slaughter looked like was completely enchanted, Senior Shi by chance returned to god, the entire mainland only had itself also hopefully to cope with the slaughter. However must cope with the slaughter, must protect oneself under his will attack, practices only the absolute domain greatly completely, moreover fights the air/Qi to break through God Rank, the war in body gasifies the supernatural power, can release the absolute domain self-preservation, relies on integration to fight the art of attack and defense to kill him again. 神主屠看来已经完全疯魔了,噬大人又恰巧回了神界,整个大陆唯有自己还有希望对付屠。但是要对付屠,要在他的意志攻击下自保,唯一将绝对领域修炼到大圆满,而且战气必须突破神级,身体内的战气化成神力,才能释放出绝对领域自保,再凭借合体战技击杀他。 For half a month! For half a month I must sense successfully! Certainly will succeed!” Ye Qinghan has cleared off the mentality rapidly, he knows that the time is very tight, since the slaughter has killed 10,000 people, moreover did not make noise a moment ago, thinks that is 10,000 human lives, then half a month later directly, definitely and does not know that will die many people! “半个月!半个月我一定要感悟成功!一定会成功!”夜轻寒迅速理清了思路,他知道时间很紧迫,屠既然已经杀了10000人了,而且刚才自己不出声,想必又是10000条人命,那么半个月之后直接不出去,肯定又是不知道会死多少人! He has had no way out! 他已经走投无路了! Mainland 10 billion people of he can, no matter, War-God Prefecture several billions people of he can also no matter, but the Ye Family common people juniors, Yue Family Feng Family Hua Family Long Family can he not manage? Wants that many people dead for him, but he actually vexed hiding in Purple Island? Helplessly looks that many people do die for him? This matter, he cannot do, if such did, he was also not Ye Qinghan. 大陆10000000000人他可以不管,战神府数十亿人他也可以不管,但是夜家万民子弟,还有月家风家花家龙家他能不管吗?要那么多人替他去死,而他却窝囊的躲在紫岛?眼睁睁的看着那么多人替他去死?这事,他做不来,如果这么做了的话,他也就不是夜轻寒了。 Does not think that half Yue Hou, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause! Yeah, this quick spirit skin wasted “不想了,半个月后,不成功便成仁吧!哎,这快灵皮浪费了” In the Ye Qinghan eye reveals crazy, he decided that half Yue Hou, either the breakthrough and slaughter fight, either dies! Puts out a hand to abstain in the ramble to wipe, the pink sparkle the spirit skin of light brilliance is appearing in the hand together. This is previous time in one of two spirit skins wild mountain range that only Fragrant Fox Divine Beast that does, previous time built up to melt one to obtain Space Lock to be mysterious. Now the time is extremely tight, Ye Qinghan does not have the time cultivation to fight the air/Qi, can only waste together the precious spirit skin, thus obtains to break through the God Rank pure energy. 夜轻寒眼中露出一丝疯狂,他决定半个月后,要么突破和屠去大战一场,要么去死!伸手在逍遥戒上一抹,一块粉红色的闪耀着淡淡光彩的灵皮出现在手中。这是上次在蛮荒山脉那只狸香神兽那搞来的两块灵皮之一,上次炼化了一块获得了空间锁定玄奥。现在时间万分紧迫,夜轻寒没时间修炼战气,只能浪费一块宝贵的灵皮,从而获得突破神级的纯净能量。 The spirit skin starts to send out the light flesh color ray, vanishes in the body of Ye Qinghan, but also made Qinghan also close the eye, started to attack the final bottleneck! 灵皮开始散发出淡淡的粉红光芒,消失在夜轻寒的身体内,而也让轻寒也闭上了眼睛,开始冲击最后的瓶颈!
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