BPTH :: Volume #5

#446: The prestige of will

The prestige of 446 chapters of will 446章意志之威 After a glare, Ye Qinghan opens the eye slowly, actually discovery all around picture changed, that palace vanished, he flies high to stand unexpectedly, the following cliff, the front is the broad boundless sea, the cold wind is deep and clear, the ocean waves mighty waves are turbulent, the rock of unceasing whipping, the water splash scattered, has exuded the deafening sound. 一阵强光之后,夜轻寒慢慢睁开眼睛,却发现四周的景象变了,那个宫殿消失了,他竟然凌空而立,下面一座断崖,前方是宽阔无际的大海,寒风潇潇,海浪波涛汹涌,不断的拍打的岩石,水花四溅,发出了震耳欲聋的响声。 This “这” Ye Qinghan tries, suddenly discovers him to be able in the airborne optional flight, but all around picture also completely and real general, when he falls to the cliff near, felt that like really steps on the ground is ordinary, when he approaches the sea level, the ocean waves whip in his body, has actually dripped wet him, was transmitted just like him to the seashore really generally. 夜轻寒试了试,竟然发现他能在空中随意的飞行,而四周的景象也完全和真实的一般,当他落到悬崖边时,感觉就像真的踩在地面一般,而当他靠近海面的时候,海浪拍打在他身体,却将他淋湿了一身,宛如他真的被传送到海边了一般。 Little man, has any matter not to need to be surprised, I can guarantee that here you are absolutely safe, you feel relieved the sensibility! Good luck!” “小男人,发生任何事都不必惊奇,我可以保证,在这里你绝对是安全的,你放心感悟吧!祝你好运!” The ear suddenly resounds sending greetings of Yao Ji, Ye Qinghan feels relieved slightly, if here is completely real, waits if will watch to the war, oneself can be killed by two expert direct seconds 耳边突然响起妖姬的传音,夜轻寒微微宽心,要是这里完全是真实的话,等会要是观看对战,自己会不会被两位强者直接秒杀 Stands in the cliff, he has closed the eye slightly, the bone-chilling cold and rank salty sea breeze, blows his long hair and clothes robe flap flap makes noise, ear the ocean waves whip the rock by fits and starts crash-bang sound, but Ye Qinghan just like has not actually felt and hears. He starts his mind adjustment in the optimum condition, prepares to watch a startled day war. 站在悬崖边,他微微闭上了眼睛,凛冽而又腥咸的海风,将他长发和衣袍吹得猎猎作响,耳边是一阵一阵海浪拍打岩石的“哗啦”声,但是夜轻寒却宛如未曾感受到和听到。他开始将自己的心灵调整在最佳状态,准备观看一场惊天大战。 In his mentality is tranquil gradually time, the distant place hears a singing sound, some singing sound vicissitudes, the sound is not loud, however in the ocean waves roaring sound, actually clearly passed on. 正在他心态逐渐平静下来的时候,远处传来一阵歌声,歌声有些沧桑,声音不大,但是在海浪的咆哮声中,却清清楚楚的传了过来。 You, if the space said that I resemble in the clouds the bird, follows to rely on one another, is reflected in the sunlight the bath wind, if you in lake water., Nong Sishui the flowers of the mind, being on intimate terms love one another, makes the shade with the moon/month, why the world to assemble and part, the world what has the sorrow and joy, hopes to defend with the soverign, not does to appear briefly “君若天上云,侬似云中鸟,相随相依,映日浴风,君若湖中水。,侬似水心花,相亲相恋,与月弄影,人间缘何聚散,人间何有悲欢,但愿与君长相守,莫作昙花一现” A Ye Qinghan secret passage good song good word, to open the eye to look. 夜轻寒暗道一声好歌好词,睁开眼睛望去。 The vision institute, in the difficult situation, a small boat is coming in waves, on the boat has the human, is a black clothed old man, old man one is taking a green wooden club, takes pot liquor is very being relaxed standing on the small boat. The small boat goes through in the dense and numerous black reefs and foam fast, along with the giant ocean waves, the high and low swing fluctuates, in the innumerable reef stone piles, is very relaxed rapidly and comfortable incomparable is going through. 目光所及,惊涛骇浪里,一叶扁舟正踏浪而来,舟上有人,是一个黑衣老者,老者一手拿着一根青色的木棍,一手拿着一壶酒很是轻松的站立在扁舟上。扁舟在密密麻麻的黑色礁石和白沫中快速穿行,随着巨大的海浪,上下摇摆浮动,在无数礁石堆中间,很是轻松的急速、自在无比的穿行着。 This person is very strong! Is space expert, the space fluctuation can feel the static thing unexpectedly?” “这人很强!是空间强者,空间波动竟然能感受静止的东西?” The Ye Qinghan eye shrinks, secret heart startled, if expert goes through in the ocean waves alone, this Emperor Realm can accomplish, but must control small boat such unscrupulous going through, he is unable to accomplish absolutely. 夜轻寒眼睛一缩,暗暗心惊,如果是一个强者单独在海浪中穿行,这帝王境就可以办到,但是要控制一叶扁舟这样肆无忌惮的穿行,他都绝对无法办到。 Fights the air/Qi revolution in the double pupil, his vision locks the form of this black clothed old man to follow unceasingly. The old man manner is really leisurely and carefree, left hand grasps the wooden club to whip gently on the small boat, the right hand drinks good wine once for a while, but the spray that all around pats, a drop has not actually moistened to his body, as if his side useful invisible strength automatic bypasses general from his side the spray. 战气运转在双眸中,他的目光锁定着这黑衣老者的身影不断跟随。老者神态甚是悠闲,左手握着木棍轻轻拍打在扁舟上,右手时不时喝上一口美酒,而四周拍起的浪花,却一滴都没有沾到他的身上,似乎他身边有用无形的力量将浪花自动从他身边绕过一般。 Is very strange, on him , if the domain of opening god, the spray should unable to whip? However does not open the domain, how does he achieve?” “很奇怪,他身上的如果是开启神之领域的话,浪花应该都不能拍打起来?但是不开启领域,他又是如何做到的?” In Ye Qinghan eye doubts numerous, he has seen the domain of God Rank expert opening god, in the domain is the God Rank peak is irremovable, let alone this spray. The spray outside domain, is actually cannot enter in the domain. Now this person is actually mysterious very much, the spray can in his side very natural has fluttered, but actually cannot bump into his point. Moreover walks randomly in water just like a fish, the unusual nature, does not have forced. 夜轻寒眼中疑惑重重,他见过神级强者开启神之领域,领域之内就是神级巅峰都不能移动,别说这浪花了。领域之外的浪花,却是根本不能进入领域内。现在这人却是神奇的很,浪花可以在他身边很自然的飘过,但是却不能碰到他身上一点。而且宛如一条鱼儿在水里游走般,非常的自然,没有一丝的牵强。 Ye Qinghan is thinking, while is locking this person. Suddenly, the small boat under this human foot towering stopped. Along with his small boat anchorage, nearby ocean waves also suddenly stopped the tumbling, the wind stopped moving, the ocean waves flap also suddenly stopped, nearby space just like static generally. But the distant place has howling sea Feng Chui to come unceasingly, unceasing has the turbulent sea surge to come, if entered Men in Black side dozens li (0.5km) changed stopped automatically. 夜轻寒一边思索着,一边锁定着这此人。突然之间,这人脚下的扁舟突兀的停了下来,。随着他的扁舟定住,附近的海浪也突然停了翻滚,风停止了吹动,海浪拍打声也突然停止,附近的空间宛如静止了一般。而远处不断有呼啸的海风吹来,不断的有汹涌的海浪涌来,但是一旦进了黑衣人身边数十里变自动停了下来。 Space static!” Ye Qinghan looked, this is the space static utilization, he spent three -and-a-half years of time also to sense a short time ago. However surely does not have the black clothed old man might to be so big, can cover dozens li (0.5km) range. “空间静止!”夜轻寒一眼就看了出来,这是空间静止的运用,他前不久花费了三年半时间也感悟了出来。不过肯定没有黑衣老者威力那么大,能笼罩数十里的范围。 Buzz “嗡” At this time the distant place floated one person suddenly, this person wore a white long gown, the under foot is tumbling unexpectedly the raging flame, illuminated the red light sparkle the dozens li (0.5km) road of his side, just like treadonning red cloud, imposing manner crazy Ba Jingtian. Other people, the following sea water has gasified in abundance, braves the billowing water vapor, powerful several points that his dreadful imposing manner served as contrast. 这时远处突然飘来一人,此人身穿一身白色长袍,脚下竟然翻滚着熊熊烈火,将他身边的数十里路都照得红光闪耀,宛如脚踏一朵火烧云般,气势狂霸惊天。他人之所过,下面的海水纷纷气化,冒起了滚滚水汽,更加将他滔天的气势衬托的强悍了几分。 They rubbish, white clothing person appearance waves gloomy directly, front sparkles red light, the red light divergence goes like lightning, spreads to go toward the Men in Black directly. 两人没有废话,白衣人面目阴沉直接一挥手,前面闪耀出一片红光,红光闪电般辐散而去,直接朝黑衣人蔓延而去。 What is shocking, the red light, the Men in Black static space has been in abundance stave, the cold wind continues bone-chilling cold moving, the midair the ocean waves fall loudly, exude the huge sound, pounds piece by piece the water splash. 让人震惊的是,红光所过,黑衣人静止的空间纷纷破碎,寒风继续凛冽的吹动,半空的的海浪轰然落下,发出巨大的响声,砸起片片水花。 „Is fire mysterious?” “火系玄奥?” The Boss who the Ye Qinghan eye opens, looks at steadily closely is staring at them, for fear that leaves out one, they graces, the world is the vibration, the wind and cloud changes color, the scene shocks extremely. 夜轻寒眼睛睁的老大,目不转睛紧紧盯着两人,生怕漏掉一丝,两人举手投足之间,天地为震动,风云为之变色,场面极其震撼。 The red light fast divergence comes, has been suddenly the Men in Black front several li (0.5km). The Men in Black are actually without turning a hair, the white bamboo stick in hand to front space one finger, the ripples fluctuation along with is going to from his bamboo stick front radiation together. But the front red light had been stroked by this ripples, was decided again in the midair, but the entire sea level under this fluctuation, will shortly restore uneventfully. 红光快速辐散而来,眨眼间就达到了黑衣人前方数里。黑衣人却面不改色,将手中的白色竹棍对着前方的空间一指,一道涟漪般的波动随着从他竹棍前方辐射而去。而前方的红光在被这涟漪拂过,再次被定在了半空中,而整个海面在这波动之下,顷刻间恢复了风平浪静。 This is Space Lock!” In the Ye Qinghan eye the none remaining rises suddenly, this Space Lock he is very clear, moreover uses is very skilled. However this person of Space Lock are too obviously more than him, he does not have the means to lock a sea water of sea, this needs the high pulse energy! “这是空间锁定!”夜轻寒眼中精光暴涨,这空间锁定他无比清楚,而且还用的很是熟练。但是明显这人的空间锁定比他强太多,他可没办法锁定一片大海的海水,这需要多大能量啊! Snort!” “哼!” The white clothing person just like moved has gotten angry, cold snort, closed the eye suddenly, both hands has opened, his flame was fiercer, water vapor that under that moment tumbled braved also his form complete coverage, his all around completely was white one piece. 白衣人俨然动了真怒了,冷哼一声,突然闭上了眼睛,双手张开,他脚下的火焰在那一刻翻滚的更加厉害了,下方冒起的水汽也将他的身影完全覆盖了进去,他的四周全部是白茫茫一片。 Towering 突兀的 Above his top of the head suddenly starts to condense seven color clouds, these seven color clouds are then getting bigger and bigger, color unceasing fluctuation in turn, in hundred li (0.5km) colorful of photo the appendix, the sky at this time suddenly had also gotten windy, this wind incomparable intensity, came from the distant place, from comes in all directions, just like going full steam ahead general, behind gathers toward him. 他的头顶上方突然开始凝聚出一片七彩的云朵,而后这七彩云朵越来越大,颜色也不断的轮流变幻,将附件百里内照的五彩斑斓,天空这时突然起风了,这风无比的强烈,从远处而来,从四面八方而来,宛如万马奔腾一般,朝他身后聚集。 Wind originally invisible, now wind at this moment actually just like visible colored, the Men in Black behind sky, after he has launched both hands, just like drawing on the mighty force was ordinary, nearby sky shortly will change color, the atmosphere becomes extremely depressing, Ye Qinghan felt that a depressing making one feels frightened, the feeling of suffocating. 风本是无形的,现在此刻的风却宛如有形有色般,黑衣人身后的天空,在他展开了双手之后,宛如招来了千军万马一般,附近的天空都顷刻间变色,气氛变得极其压抑,就连夜轻寒都感觉一种压抑的令人发悸,窒息的感觉。 My will is irresistible!” “我的意志不可抗拒!” The white clothing person opened the eye to give a loud shout, drank with his one greatly, the seven color clouds of top of the head disintegrated, turn into grains of various types of color dust particles, afterward and strong winds after white clothing person, have formed the scary heart and soul seven luck in gambling classes, blotted out the sky, the tyrant thinks that all faced forward hisses crazily. 白衣人睁开了眼睛大喝一声,随着他一声大喝,头顶的七彩云朵土崩瓦解,化成一粒粒各种颜色的微尘,随后和白衣人身后的狂风,形成了一股股骇人心魄的七彩气流,铺天盖地,霸觉一切朝前狂啸而来。 At this moment, Ye Qinghan felt that as if entire world has pressed, putty of anything before these seven luck in gambling flow surfaces just like general that makes, will be annihilated directly, melts a granulation grain of dust particle, piece by piece smoke pink / white. 这一刻,夜轻寒感觉似乎整个天地都压了过来,任何东西在这七彩气流面前都宛如泥做的一般,都会被直接湮灭,化成粒粒微尘,片片烟粉。 The vision institute, seven luck in gambling classes, the entire space has left behind vacuum one piece, anything does not have, the dreadful ocean waves vanished, the giant reef vanished, world all vanished, only leaves behind a blank. Just like the colorful drawing , the towering appearance has wiped pure white, this feeling irritably, makes the human have the impulsion of spitting blood irritably. 目光所及,七彩气流所过,整个空间都留下了真空一片,什么都没有,滔天的海浪消失了,巨大的礁石消失了,天地一切都消失了,只留下一片空白。宛如色彩斑斓的图画中,突兀的出现了一抹纯白,这感觉非常的别扭,别扭的让人有种吐血的冲动。 „Is the prestige of will unexpectedly terrorist in this way?” “意志之威竟然恐怖如斯?” Ye Qinghan felt that the heart must jump, but had not actually felt body any ill, cannot give a thought to the sigh, the Men in Black on vision locking small boat, looked at how hastily he explains the world to kill certainly, but looked that he is sudden in the eye one bright, on the face, in the eye pupil emerges suddenly wipes wild with joy 夜轻寒感觉心都要跳了出来,但是却没有感觉身体的任何不适,顾不得感叹,连忙将目光锁定扁舟上的黑衣人,看他如何破解着天地绝杀,只是一看他却突然眼中一亮,脸上,眼眸中陡然涌现一抹狂喜
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