BPTH :: Volume #5

#445: Absolute domain

445 chapters of absolute domains 445章绝对领域 Um?” “嗯?” Yao Ji drank tenderly, awakened Ye Qinghan, he somewhat confused eyes pupil has swept, nodded, subconscious saying: Right, I have Soul Devouring Beast, but again? Also is not useless!” 妖姬的一声娇喝,惊醒了夜轻寒,他有些迷茫的眼眸扫了过来,点了点头,下意识的说道:“没错,我是拥有噬魂兽,但又如何?还不是没用!” You determined that you do have Soul Devouring Beast?” The fine glow in Yao Ji eye was more abundant several points, this speech has used the supernatural power obviously, shakes Ye Qinghan binaural makes noise. “你确定你拥有噬魂兽?”妖姬眼中的精芒更盛了几分,这次说话明显动用了神力,将夜轻寒震得双耳作响。 Right, how?” “没错啊,怎么了?” Ye Qinghan was shaken, this completely awakens, saying of some surprise. Actually secretly wonders at heart, this is Soul Devouring Beast very also big in the god reputation? Shocks this flamboyant woman unexpectedly becomes this. 夜轻寒被一震,这才完全惊醒过来,有些诧异的说道。心里却是暗暗纳闷起来,难道这噬魂兽在神界名头也很大?竟然将这个牛逼的女人震惊成这样。 The Yao Ji complexion becomes incomparably serious, asking of treating a matter seriously: Is that only Soul Devouring Beast appearance that you have what appearance? What special place has?” 妖姬脸色变得无比严肃,郑重其事的问道:“你拥有的那只噬魂兽的样子是什么样子?有什么特殊的地方?” Is very small, the whole body black, the head has the alone angle, um, now also not grown, has achieved the strength of Saint beast. As for special place? Right, it very long first nine can send greetings with my soul, moreover we have the integration skill, Soul Chaos can the second kill same level!” Ye Qinghan starts to relate in detail, thinks of Little Black, on the face also cannot help but reappears to wipe the smile. “很小,全身黑色,头上有独角,嗯,现在还没成年,已经达到圣兽的实力。至于特殊的地方?对了,它很久前九能和我灵魂传音,而且我们拥有合体技能,灵魂混乱能秒杀同级!”夜轻寒开始细说起来,想到小黑,脸上也不由自主的浮现出一抹微笑。 Alone angle? Soul Chaos?” Yao Ji is the complexion is getting more and more dignified, has not waited for Ye Qinghan saying that said on the digression: How you will have this Soul Devouring Beast, behind what happened, tells me completely. If you can make me satisfy, I in one's power help your matter, or and your happy one time!” “独角?灵魂混乱?”妖姬却是脸色愈来愈凝重,没等夜轻寒说完,就插话说道:“你将怎么拥有这噬魂兽,后面发生了什么事情,全部告诉我。如果你能让我满意的话,我就力所能及帮助你一件事情,或者和你欢愉一次!” Scratches “擦” This good deed? 还有这好事? Ye Qinghan one hear of eye pupils enlarged suddenly, did this woman become as even with such is natural? However he secretly is actually vigilant that Yao Ji as even with such anxious Little Black? Is it possible that has what to scheme inadequately? Therefore he starts to hesitate, eye somewhat is also cloudy the clear uncertain twinkle. 夜轻寒一听眼睛瞳孔陡然放大了,这女人怎么变得如此大方了?但是他却又暗自警惕起来,妖姬如此紧张小黑?莫非有什么图谋不成?于是他开始沉吟起来,眼睛也有些阴晴不定的闪烁着。 Yao Ji eager waited for Ye Qinghan saying that was silent him, some hidden bitterness has swept his one eyes, [say / way] „! The little men, what do you hesitate? I will also harm you to be inadequate, you can obtain the soul to abstain and enter Illusion Palace, person who is my master has the relations. Also, Illusion Palace one day has not been born, I cannot leave here on the 1st, what do you fear?” 妖姬正眼巴巴的等着夜轻寒说,将他沉默下来,有些幽怨的扫了他一眼,道“呀!小男人,你犹豫什么?我还会害你不成,你能得到魂戒和进入梦幻宫,就已经算是和我主人有关系的人。再说了,梦幻宫一日不出世,我就一日不能离开这里,你怕什么?” This good!” “这好吧!” Ye Qinghan thinks is also, how oneself said that has the Divine sword soul to abstain with the Ramble Pavilion person, may be has with Soul Emperor relates very much. Also, didn't have invincible Senior Shi to cover Little Black? One fear anything, first takes the advantage that Yao Ji complied with said again. Therefore he starts slowly narrated that oneself obtained the soul abstention, because the soul abstained to summon the Little Black matter, the Senior Shi matter has not concealed, naturally he also had taking advantage of Senior Shi presses the meaning of Yao Ji. 夜轻寒想想也是,自己怎么说都是拥有神剑魂戒和逍遥阁的人,和魂帝可算是有很大的关系了。再说了,不是还有位无敌的噬大人罩着小黑吗?自己怕什么,先将妖姬答应的好处拿到手再说。于是他开始缓慢的讲述起,自己获得魂戒,并且因为魂戒而召唤出小黑的事情,就连噬大人的事都没有隐瞒,当然他也有借噬大人压一压妖姬的意思。 Cluck-cluck “咯咯” After Yao Ji hear, is long time has not spoken, then actually suddenly loudly laughs, a moment later actually starts to lower the head to hang the eyebrow, silent bursts into tears. That miserable facial expression, making the heart of Ye Qinghan feel that clutches to hurt. 妖姬听完之后,却是半晌没有说话,而后却突然放声大笑,片刻之后却又开始低头垂眉,无声的流泪起来。那楚楚可怜的神情,让夜轻寒的心都感觉一阵揪疼。 How? Yao Ji?” Ye Qinghan stares, has stood hastily, somewhat bewildered asking. “怎么了?妖姬?”夜轻寒一愣,连忙站了起来,有些莫名其妙的问道。 Good, is very good! Die Wu, has not thought that you are also living, but also lived to rescue it from the purgatory, good! Cluck-cluck in the Yao Ji eye flashes through a joy, twittering, then extends lotus root white hands in a low voice, cleans the tears gently. “好,很好!蝶舞,没想到你还活着,还从炼狱将它活着救了出来,太好了!咯咯”妖姬眼中闪过一丝欣喜,低声呢喃一句,而后伸出一只莲藕般的玉手,轻轻擦拭起泪水来。 A moment later turns the head, is looking at Ye Qinghan, a face just like the Empress Yu pear flower, has several points of character and style, attracts has smiled: Little man, you are very good, you are very good! Then, you have anything to request, my or you in one's power want to obtain my me to satisfy you!” 片刻之后才转头过来,望着夜轻寒,一张脸宛如雨后的梨花,更具几分风情,魅惑的笑了起来:“小男人,你很好,你很不错!说吧,你有什么要求,我力所能及的或者说你想得到我我都可以满足你!” Rumble!” “咕噜!” This “这个” Ye Qinghan was once more was ignorant, this happiness as if came some to be sudden, he somewhat could not accept, like this can obtain her? The news that said that is important regarding her as even with such? Must know that Yao Ji had said wants him in ten years to practice deity 2-level to give him this opportunity. Now such easily obtains? 夜轻寒却是再次懵了,这幸福似乎来得有些太突然了,他都有些接受不了了,就这样自己就能得到她了?难道自己说的这消息,对于她如此重要?要知道妖姬可是说过要他十年内修炼到天神二重才会给他这个机会。现在这么轻易就获得了? Naturally, he also at heart slightly excited, then Lima has cut off this idea. This attracts the unparalleled woman he, although thinks on one very much, but can have the lives of Ye Family several thousand juniors to be important? Therefore he is very excited asking: I must strike the feudal lord who kills our potential surface, what means do you have not to help me?” 当然,他也就只是心里微微激动了一下,便利马掐断了这个想法。这个魅惑无双的女人他虽然很想上一上,但是能有夜家数千子弟的命重要吗?于是他很是激动的问道:“我要击杀我们位面的领主,你有什么办法没有帮我?” Strikes to kill the feudal lord? That is the grave offense, if yeah, ok! She in should not have important matter “击杀领主?那可是重罪,要是哎,算了!她在应该没大事” Yao Ji one hear, a brow bunch, twittering, then starts the earnest ponder slightly secretly this issue. For a long time, sighed: You said that he is the fire is the deity peak, therefore the strict sense, you do not have possibly to strike to kill him! Even if Soul Devouring Beast breaks through God Rank, comprehended the talent magical powers, not possible, only if you achieve the god the boundary, otherwise, you have not hoped.” 妖姬一听,眉头微微一簇,暗自呢喃一句,而后开始认真的思考起来这个问题。许久之后才叹道:“你说他是火系天神巅峰,所以严格意义上来说,你没有可能击杀他!就算噬魂兽突破神级,领悟了天赋神通,也没可能,除非你达到神将境,否则,你没有希望。” Hasn't hoped?” “没有希望?” Ye Qinghan hears this not to hope once more that the look was also gloomy, shook the head slightly, somewhat dejected saying: I do not go to god, can cultivation the god the boundary?” 夜轻寒再次听到这个没希望,眼神又暗淡了下去,微微摇了摇头,有些垂头丧气的说道:“我不去神界,能修炼到神将境吗?” Cannot!” “不能!” Really, the reply of Yao Ji is simple, however Yao Ji below a few words, let his spirit suddenly one: Naturally, you have only means that if you can succeed, perhaps has the possibility!” 果然,妖姬的回答非常干脆,但是妖姬的下一句话,却又让他精神猛然一阵:“当然,你还有唯一的一个办法,如果你能成功的话,或许就有可能!” What means?” In the Ye Qinghan eye the none remaining sparkles, pursues hastily asks. “什么办法?”夜轻寒眼中精光闪闪,连忙追问道。 Watches one to the war, senses Space Principle to be mysterious, perhaps also hopefully wins him, naturally this is not absolute, I estimated that you have 50% winning percentage. Moreover you have seven years in Illusion Palace, you sense this mysterious possibility also very low!” “观看一场对战,感悟一个空间法则玄奥,或许还有希望赢他,当然这也不是绝对的,我估计你只有50的胜率。而且你在梦幻宫只有七年的时间,你感悟这个玄奥的可能性也非常的低!” Yao Ji slightly somewhat helpless saying: Therefore I urged you do not waste this opportunity, traded other, for example delivered you Divine Tool? Do I accompany you to play? I ensure can make you forget all worries 妖姬微微有些无奈的说道:“所以我劝你还是不要浪费这次机会,要不,换其他的,比如送你一把神器?或者我陪你玩玩?我保证能让你忘记所有的烦恼” What Space Principle? Such difficult to sense?” Ye Qinghan looked that had not looked body that Yao Ji starts to sway from side to side, now he does not have the least bit mood to think these. “什么空间玄奥?这么难感悟?”夜轻寒看都没看妖姬又开始扭动的身躯,现在他没有半点心情想这些。 I know can contend with the will Space Principle, the space absolute domain, but is actually Intermediate Rank Principle, needs to fuse three space foundations to be mysterious, yeah the little man, I more wants more to think that you do not have this possibility, ok, you trade other conditions!” Yao Ji was saying was saying also felt as if some are impossible, if Ye Qinghan can fuse two profound mystery, can Cheng Shen, actually want him to fuse three types now “一个我所知道的能抗衡意志的空间玄奥,空间绝对领域,不过却是中级玄奥,需要融合三种空间基础玄奥,哎小男人,我越想越觉得你没这可能,算了,你换其他条件吧!”妖姬说着说着也感觉似乎有些不可能,夜轻寒要是能融合两种玄奥,都能成神了,现在却要他去融合三种 Absolute domain?” “绝对领域?” The Ye Qinghan hear was silent, had pondered long time finally gains ground, is the look dignified asking fuses three types very much? Yao Ji, whether random three Space Principle?” 夜轻寒听完却沉默了,思考了良久最后抬头,神色很是凝重的问道“融合三种?妖姬,是否任意三种空间玄奥都可以?” This, is actually mysterious to the fusion of high principle, willfully fuses, naturally the difficulty of fusion is larger compared with the element principle. The little men, I thought that you do not need as even with such to be dedicated, when the time comes might waste the time very much in vain!” Yao Ji somewhat helpless sighing. “这个倒是,至高法则的融合玄奥,都是任意融合的,当然融合的难度比元素法则要大的多。小男人,我还是觉得你不必如此执着,到时候很有可能白白浪费了时间!”妖姬有些无奈的叹气道。 No! I insisted!” “不!我坚持!” In the Ye Qinghan eye ignites flaming fire suddenly, he decided to bet, was becomes is the defeat, gave to ascend the sky to arrange, at least currently also has the opportunity to wrestle to wrestle, he will certainly not give up. He is looking at Yao Ji categorical saying: I your this request, am using in this field modeling fight, please help me open!” 夜轻寒眼中陡然燃起熊熊大火,他决定赌了,是成是败,就交给上天去安排了,至少现在还有机会搏上一搏,他当然不会放弃。他望着妖姬斩钉截铁的说道:“我把你这个要求,用着这场模拟战斗上,请帮我开启吧!” Good, since you insisted that I fulfill my commitment! I in do not violate under the rule of master, making you feel this fight well. Naturally, finally can sense anything, looked at your luck, cluck-cluck! Little men, good luck, goes “好吧既然你坚持,我就履行我的承诺!我会在不违背主人的规则下,让你好好感受这场战斗。当然,最后能感悟到什么,就看你的运气了,咯咯!小男人,祝你好运,去吧” Yao Ji long smiles one, suddenly the hand wields, an invisible fluctuation production, but the gentle ray on entire Illusion Palace wall , at this moment suddenly bursts out a dazzling ray, snow white that the entire palace shines upon. 妖姬长笑一声,突然手一挥,一股无形的波动产生,而整个梦幻宫墙壁上的柔和光芒,也在此刻突然迸发出一道刺眼的光芒,将整个宫殿映照的一片雪白。
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