BPTH :: Volume #5

#444: Did not have the road

444 chapters did not have the road 444章没路了 Space Principle is expert the deity peak has expert of will to the flames of war? Can win?” The Yao Ji hesitation moment, is on the rise saying: Your this saying said is very general, the will is also divided several types, has the weakness, you do not talk clearly, may affect your observing effect.” 空间法则强者对战火系天神巅峰拥有意志的强者?要赢?”妖姬沉吟片刻,抬头说道:“你这话说的很笼统,意志是也分几种,有强有弱,你不说清楚,可能会影响你的观战效果。” „Does will have the weakness? This I am not clear strongly, this does such differentiate?” “意志有强有弱?这个我也不清楚到底有多强,这个这么区分的?” Ye Qinghan one startled, was somewhat anxious, he wants to draw support this to the war, studies, how oneself can strike the deicide to advocate the slaughter, if cannot simulate the god slaughter completely the strength, that loses his original intention. 夜轻寒一惊,有些急了,他本来是想借助这场对战,研究一下,自己怎么才能击杀神主屠,如果不能完全模拟神主屠的实力,那就是失去他的本意了。 What you said is the material potential surface will, this must think your this material potential surface in a big way, the material potential surface is bigger, the will of feudal lord is stronger, you can describe that your this material potential surface big, I can estimate the general will intensity.” A Yao Ji pair of beautiful eye happy expression however, as if can guess correctly that full the Ye Qinghan institute is ordinary. “你说的是物质位面的意志吧,这个要看你这个物质位面有多大,物质位面越大,领主的意志越强,你可以形容一下你这个物质位面有多大,我就能估算出大概的意志强度。”妖姬一双美目笑意盈然,似乎能猜到夜轻寒所想一般。 „! Right, my mainland bright city is so big, naturally is the ordinary small town!” The Ye Qinghan great happiness, moved the Old Lu words hastily. “哦!对了,我那个大陆有神界一城那么大吧,当然是普通的小城!”夜轻寒连忙大喜,把鹿老的话搬了出来。 This material potential surface is under the equipotential surface, the will intensity can only be ordinary. Basically the god can defeat him expert of rank, did you prepare? Or starts to give you to demonstrate now?” Yao Ji nodded, understood, looks at Ye Qinghan as if to wait for his response. “这物质位面算是中下等位面,意志强度只能算一般。基本上神将级别的强者都能击败他,你准备好了吗?要不现在开始给你演示?”妖姬点了点头,明白了,望着夜轻寒似乎等待他的回应。 God rank? No! Wait / Etc. “神将级别?不!等等” The Ye Qinghan hear in great surprise, beckoned with the hand to say hastily: Yao Ji, you have made a mistake, I must watch is not the god space expert of rank, but is Heaven Immortal Realm, this is very important!” 夜轻寒听完连忙大惊,摆了摆手说道:“妖姬,你搞错了,我要观看的不是神将级别的空间强者,而是天神境的,这点很重要!” Gods? 神将? Ye Qinghan wants to simulate and god slaughter to the war, Heaven Immortal Realm has not achieved now, looked that the god will get rid to have what using? 夜轻寒本来就想模拟出自己和神主屠的对战,现在自己天神境都没达到,看神将出手有何用? Yao Ji laughs suddenly, smiles the whole body to be beautifully attired, somewhat ridiculed slightly mysterious: Heaven Immortal Realm? Cluck-cluck, did the little man, you have a dream? Even if you were one were just enthralled expert of rank, cannot win to have the deity peak of will, let alone Heaven Immortal Realm, had Heaven Immortal Realm of will absolutely is the same level invincible! You also are really silly adorable 妖姬突然大笑起来,笑得全身都花枝招展,微微有些嘲弄说奥:“天神境?咯咯,小男人,你又做梦了?就算你是一名刚入神将级别的强者,也不能赢拥有意志的天神巅峰,更别说天神境了,拥有意志的天神境绝对是同级无敌的!你还真是傻的可爱啊” Anything!” “什么!” Ye Qinghan was ignorant, has no interest body that watches Yao Ji to sway from side to side, the complexion becomes is extremely suddenly cloudy. 夜轻寒懵了,无心观看妖姬扭动的身躯,脸色陡然变得极其阴沉起来。 Same level invincible? God slaughter unexpectedly same level invincible? Does that also do a yarn? Can one cultivation the god to strike the boundary to kill him? Gods boundary! Old Lu has said that possibly has not broken basically through the god in the material potential surface the boundary, must cultivation God Rank first, then thinks the means to go to the god cultivation the god the boundary, is finding the way to return to Flame Dragon Continent? First did not say that can succeed! Even if feasible, how long that can wait for? 同级无敌?神主屠竟然同级无敌?那还搞个毛线?自己难道要修炼到神将境才能击杀他?神将境啊!鹿老可是说过,在物质位面基本没有可能突破神将境,难道自己要先修炼到神级,而后想办法去神界修炼到神将境,在想办法回到炎龙大陆?先不说,能不能成功!就算可行,那又要等多久? It is not right! 不对! Ye Qinghan thinks suddenly an issue, oneself are also same level invincible! integration fights the technique, but same level invincible skill! Ye Qinghan was blurry, they are the same level invincible, then after on, who is strikes to kill who? 夜轻寒突然想到一个问题,自己也是同级无敌啊!合体战技可是同级无敌的技能啊!夜轻寒迷糊了,两人都是同级无敌,那么对上之后,到底是谁击杀谁? Yao Ji, you can under the explanation, this will attack? This is very important to me!” The Ye Qinghan hesitation moment, decided that consults this looks like as if can at present the flamboyant woman. 妖姬,你能解释下,这意志是怎么攻击的吗?这对我很重要!”夜轻寒沉吟片刻,决定请教一下眼前这位看起来似乎能牛逼的女人。 Cluck-cluck, the little man, I did not have the duty to help you explain the doubts, but, who asked you such to tease to like? I give you to explain one time, is not to a precedent.” Yao Ji winked the big eye, the chuckle said: “咯咯,小男人,本来我是没义务帮你解答疑惑的,但是,谁叫你这么逗人喜欢哪?我给你解释一次,下不为例哦。”妖姬眨了眨大眼睛,轻笑说道: Actually will, is Space Principle, but cannot comprehend, can only be the world grants. You became this potential surface feudal lord, then you will obtain the approval of this material potential surface, can thus borrow this material potential surface the strength of space, forms the attack. Under general every level of military oppresses in the strength of space, will unravel directly. Although the deity has the deity domain, but is too small and weak, under the strength of space, the self-preservation is a problem, how can attack? Only then has the god to contend with the will domain military reluctantly, understood!” “其实意志,也是一种空间法则,不过是不能领悟的,只能是天地赐予的。你成为了这个位面的领主,那么你就会得到这个物质位面的认可,从而能借用这个物质位面的空间之力,形成攻击。一般的凡级武者在空间之力压迫之下,会直接灰飞烟灭。天神虽然有天神领域,但是太弱小,空间之力下,自保都成问题,怎么能攻击?只有拥有神将领域的武者才能勉强抗衡意志,懂了吧!” Ye Qinghan understood understood, but the innermost feelings were actually more bitter and astringent. 夜轻寒懂是懂了,但是内心却是更加苦涩了。 Yao Ji explanation expression clarity of, under the will, day supernatural might moves cannot move, how do oneself have integration to fight the technique? Cannot move, how to attack? Space that let alone Space Lock and comprehended a short time ago static. 妖姬的解释表达的很清楚,意志之下,天神武者动都不能动,自己就算有合体战技又如何?不能动,如何攻击?更别说空间锁定和前不久领悟的空间静止了。 What Space Lock and static use is only the strength of nearby space, but the words of god slaughter use will, have actually used entire Flame Dragon Continent the strength of space. This was equal to one drew support from a creek to contend with the god slaughter sea! 空间锁定和静止自己动用的只是附近的空间之力,但是神主屠动用意志的话,却是动用了整个炎龙大陆的空间之力。这等于自己借助了一条小河去抗衡神主屠的一片大海! Old Lu has said that has military of Flame Dragon Potential Surface aura, under the god slaughter will attack, the strength will reduce most, he finally understood now, that is Flame Dragon Potential Surface military, is in itself flame dragon space part, the god slaughter can certainly use the will to suppress your strength easily. 鹿老说过,拥有炎龙位面气息的武者,在神主屠意志攻击之下,实力会降低大半,他现在总算明白了,那是炎龙位面的武者,本身都属于炎龙空间的一部分,神主屠当然能轻易的动用意志压制你的实力。 Didn't have the road? Only then practices God Rank to go to god? 没路了?只有修炼到神级去神界吗? The issue is did cultivation god the boundary, Ye Family will exist? Ye Qinghan has known actually that god slaughter definitely will look for the trouble of Ye Family, but his always restrains itself do not think. But he comes the Purple Island reason, has to make the god slaughter know one living meaning. He is very clear, so long as he is living, he also in Flame Dragon Continent, then least Ye Family will not exterminate the clan completely. If the god slaughter determined one did go to god that? 问题是等自己修炼到神将境,夜家会存在吗?夜轻寒其实一直知道,神主屠肯定会去找夜家的麻烦,但是他总是克制自己不要去想。而他来紫岛的原因,也是有让神主屠知道自己活着的意思。他很清楚,只要他活着,他还在炎龙大陆,那么最少夜家不会被完全灭族。只是神主屠要是确定自己去了神界那? Yao Ji, should not be anxious first! Allows me to think well that my present heart is very chaotic 妖姬,你先别急!容我好好想想,我现在心很乱” Long time, Ye Qinghan felt one fell into the dead end, a dead end. The brains start to be chaotic, can only smile bitterly has been arching cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Yao Ji, then somewhat desolate sitting cross-legged on the floor, both hands is covering the head, starts to ponder. 良久之后,夜轻寒感觉自己还是陷入了死局,一条绝路。头脑开始混乱起来,只能苦笑着对妖姬拱了拱手,而后有些落寞的盘坐在地板上,双手捂着脑袋,开始思考起来。 Yao Ji also slightly smiled, has not talked too much, the eye pupil closes slightly, as if has not seen the Ye Qinghan desolate facial expression, plan that also has not gone to mind others'business. 妖姬也只是微微笑了笑,没有多言,眼眸微微闭上,似乎没有看到夜轻寒落寞的神情,也没有去多管闲事的打算。 Does not practice the god the boundary, is not the match of god slaughter, but cultivation god boundary, then must go to god, went to the god Ye Family fort to be perhaps infertile, then did practice to have what significance? 不修炼到神将境,不是神主屠的对手,而修炼到神将境,则要去神界,去了神界夜家堡恐怕寸草不生了,那么自己修炼有何意义? Ye Qinghan falls into during the vicious circle of one thought that a Yao Ji explanation, makes his thorough lost the direction. He also thinks one are very good, has Divine Beast, has the integration skill, can the second kill any same level expert, invincible. Thinks so long as breaks through God Rank to be able as usual, second easily kills Flame Dragon Continent all deities, a second of deicide advocates the slaughter, now wants to come, how laughable. 夜轻寒陷入一种思想的恶性循环之中,妖姬一番解释,让他彻底的迷失了方向。原本他还以为自己很牛,拥有神兽,拥有合体技能,能秒杀任何同级强者,战无不胜。以为只要突破神级就能像以往一样,轻易的秒杀炎龙大陆所有天神,秒杀神主屠,现在想来,是多么的可笑啊。 Was useless, the Ye Family person must die finally! Do I cultivation what use? I might as well do not pass away in Purple Island consider as finished entire life! Soul Devouring Beast? Soul Chaos? Does the second kill same level? Does this have what using? Cannot kill that bald, how many Divine Beast even if again also has what using with and how many masterstrokes? Ha Ha “没用了,夜家人最后都要死!我修炼又何用?我不还不如就在紫岛老死一生算了!噬魂兽灵魂混乱?秒杀同级?这又有何用?不能杀了那个光头,就算再用几头神兽和几种神技又有何用?哈哈” Thinks for quite a while painstakingly, Ye Qinghan felt one entered a blind alley, has pulled under the hair carelessly, he somewhat absent-minded twittering gets up, on the delicate face is bitter and vacant, he does not know what to do one should, completely lose the direction 苦想半天,夜轻寒还是感觉自己走进了一条死路,胡乱了抓了下头发,他有些失神的呢喃起来,清秀的脸上都是酸涩和茫然,他不知道自己该怎么办了,完全失去了方向 Soul Devouring Beast?” 噬魂兽?” But Ye Qinghan low voice twittering, actually suddenly awakened Yao Ji on jade bed, she opens the eye suddenly, a pair of beautiful pupil blooms the fiery ray, stands erect unexpectedly suddenly the body, is the anxious tenderness drinks very much: Little man, you said a moment ago you do have Soul Devouring Beast?” 夜轻寒小声的呢喃,却突然惊醒了玉床上的妖姬,她突然睁开眼睛,一双美眸绽放出火热的光芒,竟然突然直立起来身子,很是紧张的娇喝起来:“小男人,你刚才说你拥有噬魂兽?”
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