BPTH :: Volume #5

#443: Hidden spirit secret

443 chapters of Yin Ling'er secrets 443章隐灵儿的秘密 Hidden Island since several years ago had been patted a palm after by god, has been very tranquil. 隐岛自从几年前被神主拍了一掌之后,就一直很平静。 And because of a god palm, died several thousand people, gave back to Hidden Island to issue participated in the order that the palace fought. In the island countless people start to think that life is very frail, thought that should enjoy the daily life. 而且因为神主一掌,死去了数万人,还给隐岛下达了参加府战的命令。岛上无数人开始觉得生命很是脆弱,觉得更应该享受每一天的生活。 However these, Hidden Island actually had an important matter on , has shocked the entire Hidden Island important matter. 但是这几日,隐岛却发生了一件大事,一件震惊了整个隐岛的大事。 Little princesses under Hidden Island person of over ten thousand people, since by Ye Family that uncouthly man, after fan a palm of the hand. Unexpectedly again not in disaster respectable family unmarried girl, but vanished directly. 隐岛一人之上万人之下的小公主,自从被夜家的那个粗鲁的汉子,扇了一巴掌之后。竟然再也没有在祸乱良家闺女,而是直接消失了。 In several other day, the Saint outside hidden city actually spread the news, their little princesses, closed up for four years, finally went out, the boundary has achieved Saint Realm! 就在几日前,隐城外的圣上却传来消息,他们的小公主,闭关四年,终于出关,境界达到了圣人境 This news has shocked entire Hidden Island, even many people hear this news, cheers to celebrate on the avenue. 这一消息震撼了整个隐岛,甚至许多人听到这个消息,在大街上欢呼庆祝起来。 Four years, their little princesses break through Saint Realm from Emperor Realm 2-level unexpectedly. Is this how terrifying cultivation speed? Moreover their little princess ages have not reached 25 years old, 24-year-old Saint Realm broke the historic record. 四年时间,他们的小公主竟然从帝王境二重突破到圣人境。这是多么恐怖的修炼速度?而且他们的小公主年龄还没满25岁,24岁的圣人境可谓打破了历史记录。 Naturally, although they heard that fan a that uncouthly man of little princess palm of the hand is also Saint Realm, looks like also is very as if young. However their naturally excluded him, they started are Hidden Island leave a peerless talent to cheer, countless people decided that dissolute one year, celebrates their Hidden Island born a peerless talent. 当然,他们虽然听说,扇了小公主一巴掌的那个粗鲁汉子也是圣人境,看起来似乎也很年轻。但是他们自然而然的把他排除在外了,他们开始为隐岛出了一名绝世天才而欢呼,无数人决定荒淫一年,来庆祝他们的隐岛诞生了一名绝世天才。 „Doesn't island host, you have a look at Ling'er?” “岛主,你不去看看灵儿?” After hidden kills receives the news, first rushed to the seashore, told Hidden Island Master this news, but actually discovered that he was taking the fishing pole as before motionlessly, continued to fish, therefore could not bear saying of doubts. 隐杀接到消息之后,第一时间赶到了海边,把这个消息告诉隐岛岛主,但是却发现他依旧一动不动拿着鱼竿,继续钓鱼,于是忍不住疑惑的说道。 Attractively what has? She has not deliberately created trouble these many years, already broke through the Saint level, hasn't this blamed you?” Hidden Island Master actually does not return, said that then slightly somewhat gets angry: In the past you, if admitted her, perhaps in flame dragon history the position of first talent, but also is not one's turn Ye Family that boy. However mentioned also owes the palm of the hand of Ye Family boy, otherwise Ling'er is still continue deliberately create trouble now!” “有什么好看的?她不是胡闹了这么多年,早就突破了圣级,这还不是怪你?”隐岛岛主却头也不回,说了一句,而后微微有些怒道:“当年你要是接纳了她,说不定炎龙史上第一天才的位置,还轮不到夜家那个小子。不过说来也亏夜家小子的一巴掌,否则灵儿现在还在继续胡闹!” This hidden kills from childhood to see that she grows up, when continuously she is a younger sister! That anything too ripe was not good to start!” “这个隐杀从小看到她长大,一直当她是妹妹!那什么太熟了不好下手!” Hidden kills by one is reproven, somewhat blushes slightly, somewhat awkward saying. Then actually suddenly remembers anything, startled [say / way]: Island host, you said Ling'er, if practices earnestly, will surpass Ye Qinghan? Ye Qinghan is 21 years old of breakthrough Saint level, this, the talent was also too terrifying 隐杀被一顿训斥,微微有些脸红,有些尴尬的说道。而后却突然想起什么,惊道:“岛主,你说灵儿要是认真修炼,甚至会超过夜轻寒夜轻寒可是21岁突破圣级的,这,天赋也太恐怖了吧” With talent irrelevant, you forgot more than 20 years ago how do I pick Ling'er?” Hidden Island Master then transferred has come to see hidden has killed one, but the hand was taking the fishing pole as before, did not have a vibration. “和天赋无关,你忘记20多年前我是怎么捡到灵儿的?”隐岛岛主这才把头转过来看了隐杀一眼,但是手却依旧拿着钓竿,没有一丝抖动。 „More than 20 years ago? Ling'er was not fished to fish by you?” Hidden kills saying of some doubts. “20多年前?灵儿不是被你钓鱼钓回来的吗?”隐杀有些疑惑的说道。 Hidden Island Master turning the head eye stares once more, curses angrily: Idiot, nearby this do hundred li (0.5km) have the habitation? Can a baby drift hundred li (0.5km) in the sea?” 隐岛岛主再次转头眼睛一瞪,怒骂道:“蠢货,这附近百里有人烟吗?一个婴儿能在海中飘浮百里?” Right!” “对啊!” Hidden kills pats the forehead, complexion was more awkward, the eye transferred the extension to continue to ask: „It is not comes, is it possible that is inadequate that the space falls?” 隐杀一拍脑门,脸色更加尴尬了,眼睛转了转继续问道:“不是海里来的,莫非是天上掉下来的不成?” Snort! You asked many!” Hidden Island Master, hands over a meaningful look, turns the head to continue to look floating that in the sea drifts floats. “哼!你问得太多了!”隐岛岛主,递过来一个意味深长的眼神,转头继续看着海中飘浮的浮漂。 Really is “难道真是” Hidden kills to see the Hidden Island Master look, suddenly one startled, then directly covers the mouth with the hand. The meaning of Hidden Island Master is very clear, Yin Ling'er is really the space falls unexpectedly. Clearly. Naturally will not have the pregnant woman to go to space to produce, then the only explanation is 隐杀看到隐岛岛主的眼神,猛然一惊,而后直接用手捂住嘴巴。隐岛岛主的意思很明确,隐灵儿竟然真是天上掉下来的。很明显。当然不会有孕妇去天上生产,那么唯一的解释就是 Long time , the mood of hidden killing returned to normal, actually looks at the east island, saying of some worries: Ling'er, because Ye Qinghan becomes the as even with such crazy cultivation, if she continues to practice with this speed, when the time comes feared Ye Qinghan to have difficultly!” 良久之后隐杀的心情才恢复了平静,却又望了望东边的海岛,有些担心的说道:“灵儿因为夜轻寒才变得如此疯狂的修炼,如果她继续用这种速度修炼下去,到时候恐怕夜轻寒要有难了!” He he, that is their issues, before original Ye Qinghan has not appeared, I hoping to entrust on Ling'er. We hope that she one day can go out of this dead well, now was actually more wonderful, their any person can succeed, Flame Dragon Continent could be saved. Does not know that on the day of we and others did not wait to obtain! Oh “呵呵,那是她们的问题,本来夜轻寒没有出现之前,我一直把希望寄放在灵儿身上。希望她有一天能走出这口死井,现在却是更妙了,她们任何一人能成功,炎龙大陆都有救了。只是,不知道我们等不等得到这一天!唉” Hidden Island Master said that then thorough quiet, but hidden kills is also secret sighs, thorough quiet! 隐岛岛主说完便彻底沉寂了下去,而隐杀也是暗暗一叹气,彻底沉寂了下去! Hee hee, Sister Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), Sister Qingyu, this Xiao Wu elder sister went out finally! Grandpa Lu is good!” “嘻嘻,倾城妹妹,轻语妹妹,本小舞姐终于出关了!鹿爷爷好!” In Small Valley , the transmission delivers in the black dim light together the fiery red form, same flushed just like gust, the face is having the self-confident and excited happy expression, a clear face and charming facial expression join completely are such is unique. 小山谷内,传送送门内黑色的幽光中一道火红的身影,宛如一阵风一样冲了出来,脸带着自信和兴奋的笑意,一张清纯的脸和妩媚的神情接合起来尽是那么的别具风情。 Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu saw the transmission gate ray to dodge, expression extremely pleasantly surprised. Then is actually sees is Ye Qingwu, somewhat loses slightly, but celebration of smile Ye Qingwu. 月倾城夜轻语本来见传送门的光芒一闪,表情极度的惊喜。而后却是见到是夜轻舞,微微有些失落,但是还是微笑的庆祝起夜轻舞来。 Small girl, good! Can close up for four years, your disposition was very at least mature! Continues to try hard, strives soon becomes god!” Worry in Old Lu eye also dodges to pass, the smile encourages. “小丫头,不错!能闭关四年,至少你的心性已经很是成熟了!继续努力,争取早日成神!”鹿老眼中的担忧也是一闪而逝,微笑鼓励起来。 Um! I will continue to try hard!” Ye Qingwu looks at several people of expressions, has guessed correctly faintly, the mood some meaning are dull immediately, turn the head to ask: „Didn't Little Master Han, have the news?” “嗯!我会继续努力啊!”夜轻舞看着几人的表情,隐隐猜到了一些,心情顿时有些意味索然,转头问道:“小寒子,还没消息?” Yeah, thinks that you also saw, Little Black in deep sleep, but the martial arts room has blocked, four years, how also didn't know Qinghan?” Yue Qingcheng sighed slightly, dangling view, the facial expression somewhat went down in the world. “哎,想必你也看到了,小黑在沉睡,而练功房一直封锁,四年了,也不知道轻寒怎么样了?”月倾城微微一叹,垂下眼帘,神情有些落魄。 „The Xiao Wu elder sister I thought the elder brother, was the elder brother so cruel-hearted? Passes message unexpectedly does not have, hum!” Ye Qingyu actually directly jumped into the Ye Qingwu bosom to cry, if there is a bystander to present, definitely surprised, a God Rank expert mind, so was unexpectedly frail! 小舞姐我想哥了,哥怎么这么狠心啊?竟然一句传音都没有,呜呜!”夜轻语却是直接扑入了夜轻舞的怀里哇哇大哭起来,如果有外人在场,肯定会大为惊讶,一个神级强者的心灵,竟然那么脆弱! Little Master Han also is really, at least should pass on words to come out! Oh Old Lu is also heavy sighs, on the face somewhat blamed slightly. 小寒子也真是的,至少应该传句话出来啊!唉”鹿老也是沉沉一叹,脸上微微有些责怪。 Small Valley in a heavy sighing sound, is once more silent. 小山谷在一声沉沉的叹气声中,再次沉默下去。 Ye Qinghan is not does not certainly want to send greetings, he did not pass on. 夜轻寒当然不是不想传音出来,他是传不了。 Six months ago, he completely space static mysterious comprehension accomplishment. Also this, making him shock once more. This place really mysterious very much, three -and-a-half years of time he mysterious senses the accomplishment one type unexpectedly completely. Although this speed is unable with building up compared with the profound mystery of god intracutaneous implication, but if Saint level military to mainland knows, definitely will fall down an eyeball of place. 半年前,他完全将空间静止的玄奥领悟大成了。这也,让他再次震惊了一把。这地方果然神奇的很,三年半的时间他竟然将一种玄奥完全感悟大成。这速度虽然无法和炼化神皮内蕴含的玄奥相比,但是如果给大陆的圣级武者知道的话,肯定会掉下一地的眼珠子。 Six months, he starts to sense that chart rain to hit the sand beach chart once more, but does not have the progress. Two types mysterious have not been able to cross the threshold throughout, makes him slightly anxious. If continues to sense actually not to progress, this precious chance may probably waste. 半年时间,他再次开始感悟那图雨打沙滩图,但是却丝毫无进展。还有两种玄奥始终不能入门,也让他微微焦急起来。如果继续感悟下去却没有进展,这宝贵的机缘可要浪费了。 „The Yao Ji beautiful woman, got out of bed 妖姬美人,起床了” Has sensed once more several days later, Ye Qinghan decides no longer to waste the time, he prepares to watch among expert to the war, look can sense anything. If not really good, again the cultivation fights the air/Qi sensed the rain to hit the sand beach to attempt, therefore he has stood decisively, was shouting to bed on that wonderful dressed carcass greatly. 再次感悟了数日之后,夜轻寒决定不再浪费时间,他准备观看一场强者之间的对战,看看能不能感悟到什么。如果实在不行,再边修炼战气边感悟雨打沙滩图了,于是他果断的站了起来,对着床上的那个美妙的胴体大喊道。 Was dying you? Does the repugnant little man, want to scare to death elder sister?” “要死了啊你?讨厌的小男人,想把姐姐吓死啊?” A moment later, Yao Ji lazy is straight the body, in Ye Qinghan opens under the eyeball gaze of Boss, stretched oneself, the curve reveals completely. However what is very mysterious is that fine gauze, really just like having a charm is attached to her not to fall, but that small red thread under as even with such fierce rocking, has not slid, as if rope took root general below 片刻之后,妖姬慵懒的直起身子,在夜轻寒睁得老大的眼珠子注视下,伸了个懒腰,曲线毕露。但是很神奇的是那轻纱,竟然宛如有种魔力般附在她身上没有掉下来,而那根小红绳在如此剧烈的晃动下,还是没有滑出来,似乎绳头在下面生了根一般 Elder sister is neutralizing a strong man war in the dream, was actually awakened by noise by you, dislikes, had any matter to say quickly!” A Yao Ji pair of beautiful pupil partly opens the semi-closure, infinite character and style and attractive words Ye Qinghan thoroughly Lei Zhu. “姐姐正在梦中和一个强壮的男人大战,却被你吵醒,讨厌死了,有什么事快说!”妖姬一双美眸半睁半闭,无限的风情和诱人的话语将夜轻寒彻底雷住了。 Hey, is strongly useful?” A Ye Qinghan hand holding down lower abdomen, the buttocks proceed, evil saying with a smile. “嘿嘿,强壮有什么用?”夜轻寒一只手按住小腹,臀部往前一顶,邪邪的笑道。 Then sees the Yao Ji beautiful pupil to open, some pondering looks at itself, does not dare to play again, said the proper business hastily: I request to watch one to the war, natural two also good, hey!” 而后见妖姬美眸睁开,有些玩味的看着自己,不敢再玩了,连忙说正事:“我要求观看一场对战,当然两场也行,嘿嘿!” You want to result in beautiful, said that what rank military to war?” Yao Ji flew, said with a smile. “你想得美,说吧,什么级别武者的对战?”妖姬飞了一眼,笑道。 The Ye Qinghan hesitation moment, in the eye shines a dazzling none remaining suddenly, slightly somewhat excited saying: I must watch, has sensed Space Principle expert, to fighting a fire is the deity peak has expert of will, moreover must win!” 夜轻寒沉吟片刻,眼中突然亮起一道刺眼的精光,微微有些兴奋的说道:“我要观看一场,感悟了空间法则强者,对战一名火系天神巅峰拥有意志的强者,而且必须要赢!”
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