BPTH :: Volume #5

#442: New murdering god health/guard

442 chapters of new murdering god health/guard 442章新的弑神卫 Ye Jian gently flutters the city wall in Ye Family fort, faces forward to walk resolutely, the footsteps have not thought of fondly, slightly regret. 夜剑轻轻的飘下夜家堡的城墙,毅然朝前走去,脚步没有丝毫眷念,丝毫后悔。 He knows himself, once treads this step, can never turn head, although is also surnamed the night, but forever no longer will be the Ye Family person, will include his three sons. 他知道自己一旦踏出这一步,将永远不能回头,虽然还姓夜,但是将永远不再是夜家的人,也包括他的三个儿子。 But he has trod firmly, he was only 50 years old, has practiced Saint Realm. In the life carving of peak, he does not want to let his next half a lifetime, passed in that damn condemning cliff. He was used to keeping aloof, the custom hugs concubines to drink the early tea, has been used to the life of riches and honors. 但他还是坚定的踏了出来,他才50岁,已经修炼到圣人境。正处于人生的巅峰之刻,他不想让他的下半生,在那该死的问罪崖度过。他习惯了高高在上,习惯抱着一个个小妾喝早茶,习惯了荣华富贵的生活。 Before being infatuated with the garden, the Ye Dao son has abandoned his son, killed Ye Rong, the Ye Tianlong anger has been condemning the cliff to close six years him. He endured, and by the biased mentality, the chance coincidence broke through Saint Realm, came out. 醉心园前,夜刀的儿子废了他儿子,杀了夜荣,夜天龙愤怒将他在问罪崖关了六年。他忍了,并且凭借偏执的心态,机缘巧合突破了圣人境,出来了。 However in a while, he goes to this place again, this time actually possibly wants the life! 但是没过多久,他再次来到这个地方,这次却可能要一生! He is not willingly, his exceedingly indignant, but he does not dare to run away, after all he must be three sons thinks. Then the god came, a palm Ye Family back side of the mountain flatting, but also has almost buried alive him, imprisoned the Ye Family fort! However he has not run away, his not clear Ye Ruoshui is lives dies, therefore, does not dare to run away. 他不甘心,他无比愤怒,但是他没敢逃,毕竟他要为三个儿子想一想。而后神主来了,一掌将夜家后山压平了,还差点将他活埋了,也将夜家堡囚了!但是他还没有逃,他不清楚夜若水到底是生是死,所以,不敢逃。 Four years passed by, Ye Ruoshui has not appeared, but he actually received one to send greetings, sending greetings from Zhan Shenwei, therefore he did not have to hesitate, being duty-bound not to turn back ran away. 四年过去了,夜若水还是没有出现,而他却接到了一个传音,一个来自斩神卫的传音,所以他没有在犹豫,义无反顾的逃了出来。 The Grey City night is very peaceful, peaceful somewhat depressing, in the past the extremely busy avenue, actually could not see the person's shadow at this moment, even does not have including the dog's bark sound. 苍城的夜很安静,安静的有些压抑,以往热闹非凡的大街,此刻却看不到人影,甚至连犬吠声都没有。 The Ye Jian footsteps have not stayed, the fast vanguard, directly sneaked in Grey City City Lord Mansion. 夜剑脚步没有停留,一路快速的前行,直接钻进了苍城城主府 City Lord Mansion original City Lord Mansion, as before is dignified and luxurious, however here master was actually not he. Ye Jian slightly somewhat desolate is looking at the familiar scenery, has walked into the hall in palace. 城主府还是原先的城主府,依旧威严而又奢华,但是这里的主人却不是他了。夜剑微微有些落寞的望着熟悉的景色,走入了府内的大厅。 The hall has the human, but has one. A big male defeated hand back to front door light standing, seems waiting for his arriving. 大厅有人,不过却只有一个。一个高大的男子负手背对着大门淡淡的站立,似乎在等待着他的来到。 See Zhan Shenwei!” Ye Jian slightly hesitates, finally stoops to cup one hand in the other across the chest, respectful saying. “参见斩神卫!”夜剑略一迟疑,最后还是弯身拱手,恭敬的说道。 Sits!” “坐!” Zhan Shenwei turns the head, a happy expression of face, has referred to nearby chair very much kindly, said lightly. Although the facial expression seems like graceful, because that on mouth spoke just like garlic Dabiliang shakes, made him have one thick crazy tyrant makings imperceptibly. 斩神卫转头过来,一脸的笑意,很是亲切的指了指旁边的椅子,淡淡说道。神情虽然看似优雅,但是由于嘴上的那根宛如蒜头般的大鼻梁说话间一抖一抖的,却让他无形中产生一种粗狂狂霸气质。 Sir, my three waste sons where? What foolish matter has made? Actually wants the exhausted Sir to convey a message! If serious the Sir helps me teach directly then, is polite!” “大人,我的三个废物儿子在什么地方?是否做了什么蠢事?竟然要劳烦大人传话!如果严重的话大人帮我直接教训即可,无须客气!” Ye Jian has not restricted, sat very much naturally, Zhan Shenwei to him sent greetings a moment ago, only then a few words think that his three sons' situations, that comes to a City Lord Mansion to chat. He is very clear, this is the god city is borrowing his son to gather in him, therefore he introduces the subject beyond the shadow. What although asked was his three sons' safety, but the facial expression did not have the least bit to change countenance, a fierce and ambitious makings table without doubt. 夜剑没有拘束,很是大方的坐了下去,斩神卫刚才给他传音只有一句话“想他三个儿子的情况,那就来城主府一叙”。他很清楚,这是神城在借他儿子招揽于他,所以他开门见山的引入正题。虽然问的是他三个儿子的安危,但是神情却没有半点动容,枭雄气质一表无疑。 He he, the night brother was serious, your three young master having god-given wisdom people with outstanding ability, Tu Shenwei appreciate very much. Invited them to go to god city to be a guest specially, but also has delivered a big house, the innumerable beautiful woman efficacious medicines gave them, regarded as important very much!” Zhan Shenwei smiles lightly, rubbish, extended the olive branch directly: Naturally god city appreciates the night brother very much, wants to invite the night brother to go to the god city to be a guest, does not know the night brother, gives below this face?” “呵呵,夜兄严重了,你的三位少爷天纵英才,屠神卫很是欣赏。特意邀请了他们去神城做客,还送了一座大宅子,无数美女灵药给他们,很是看重!”斩神卫淡淡一笑,也没废话,直接抛出了橄榄枝:“当然神城很欣赏夜兄,欲邀请夜兄去神城做客一场,不知夜兄,是否给在下这个面子?” He he, many thanks two Sir deep affections!” “呵呵,多谢两位大人厚爱!” Ye Jian long smiles one, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest. He pursues the power and influence his entire life, naturally understands that Zhan Shenwei the meaning in words, Zhan Shenwei clarifies the meaning your three sons in my hands, you go to the god city, your three sons are delicious, the beautiful woman efficacious medicine are innumerable. If you do not go, ahem 夜剑长笑一声,拱了拱手。他一生追逐权势,当然明白斩神卫的话里的含义,斩神卫摆明意思你三个儿子在我手里,你去神城,你三个儿子好吃好喝,美女灵药无数。你如果不去的话,哼哼 Ye Jian naturally not by Zhan Shenwei coerces the threat to compel secretly, the facial color is as before unflustered, said leisurely: Ye Jian is also turns one's thoughts toward a loved one to the god city actually for a long time, quite respects to four adults as well as the gods. Ye Family this moment as even with such condition, doesn't Ye Jian how could abandoning attend to? The Ye Jian strength slightly was also low, goes to the god city perhaps is also disgraceful, was the multi- Senior Xie great kindness!” 夜剑当然没有被斩神卫的暗地要挟恐吓所迫,面色依旧从容不迫,款款说道:“夜剑其实对神城也是神驰已久,对四位大人以及神主也是颇为敬仰。只是夜家此刻如此状况,夜剑岂能弃之不顾?再说夜剑实力略低,去了神城恐怕也是丢人现眼,还是多谢大人的盛情!” The Ye Jian words on have rejected the invitation of Zhan Shenwei outwardly, but Zhan Shenwei one hear was the happy expression is more abundant. Corners of the mouth the radian that bends, bigger several points that two big nostrils pulled. In the Ye Jian words the meaning he listened, turned one's thoughts toward a loved one to the god city explained for a long time he wants to join the god city. The roll-call Ye Family condition, somewhat has done *** must set up the meaning of memorial arch, the meaning he is very loyal, you can feel relieved to use. Is the strength slightly low? Fears disgracefully? This clarified wants the status and qualifications comes. 夜剑一番话明面上是拒绝了斩神卫的邀请,但是斩神卫一听却是笑意更盛了。嘴角的弯起的弧度,将两个大鼻孔拉扯的更大了几分。夜剑的话内含义他听出来了,对神城神驰已久说明他想加入神城。点名夜家状况,就有些做了***还要立牌坊的意思了,意思他很忠诚,你们可以放心用。实力略低?怕丢人现眼?这摆明是要地位和资格来了。 Since, has asked that to be easy to do! 既然,有所求那就好办! Zhan Shenwei slightly hesitates, does not have the Ye Jian words then, instead mentioned another matter: Four adults? The night brother has not to know, actually god city now be only three protected, murdered the god to protect at the unfortunate accident died a while ago. Then Tu Shenwei has chosen one person, but the god is not satisfactory. Therefore three of us are very troublesome, does not know that the night brother can have the good candidate? The strength only need reach the Saint level then, but must have the heart of respect to the god city god, must dare to hit the person who dares to put together!” 斩神卫略一沉吟,却没有接着夜剑的话语,反而说起了另外一件事:“四位大人?夜兄有所不知,其实神城现在只有三卫了,弑神卫在前段时间已经不幸意外身亡了。而后屠神卫选了一人,但是神主却不怎么满意。为此我们三人很是伤脑筋啊,不知夜兄可有好的人选?实力只需达到圣级即可,但是要对神城神主有敬仰之心,要敢打敢拼的人!” Murdered the god to protect the soul to turn over to Western Paradise unexpectedly?” “弑神卫竟然魂归西天了?” Ye Jian one hear of facial colors change, he naturally not for the death that to murder the god protects, but discoloration, but the great writers for god city shocks. Does the god city prepare to make him inherit unexpectedly to murder the position that the god protects? 夜剑一听面色大变,他当然不是为弑神卫的死而色变,而是为神城的大手笔震撼。神城竟然准备让他继承弑神卫的位置? Must know that god city for several thousand years, the Saint level master in hideaway are innumerable, but outwardly on Saint level expert only then god city four health/guard. Murders the god to protect, although placed end, but the status is incomparable tall Song, even if no Long Pifu before tenth god to see that he must salute, now unexpectedly 要知道神城数千年来,隐藏的圣级高手无数,但是明面上的圣级强者只有神城四卫。弑神卫虽然排在最末,但是地位还是无比的高嵩,就算是没成神前的龙匹夫见到他都要行礼,现在竟然 Although not the clear god city has what goal, but the Ye Jian preparation seizes this opportunity, the facial color returned to normal, moreover faintly somewhat sorrowful saying: Murdered god Sir Wei, Ye Jian had seen a time his heroic bearing in the past fortunately, one generation of Hao Xiong, has not thought that oh, this hurtful headache, I knows several people as for the personnel who the Sir said actually, can recommend for the Sir. These people dare to hit to dare actually to spell, respects to the god city very much, does not know how can express to the loyalty of god city?” 虽然不清楚神城有何目的,但是夜剑准备抓住这次机会,面色又恢复了平静,而且还隐隐有些悲痛的说道:“弑神卫大人,夜剑当年有幸见到过一次他的英姿,一代豪雄,没想到,唉,这令人痛心疾首啊嗯,至于大人所说的人员我倒是认识几人,可以为大人推荐一下。这几人倒是敢打敢拼,也对神城很是敬仰,就是不知要如何表达对神城的忠诚?” Old fox!” “老狐狸!” Zhan Shenwei criticizes one, oneself eject such big bait, Ye Jian obviously was very excited. However also as even with such cautiously, he so as to avoid also rubbish said directly: God regards as important regarding god city four health/guard very much, the night brother thinks also knows that what the god city four health/guard represent is the god city, must manage the god city, as well as to bring the god inspection world. Therefore the god stipulated that holds the post of the person of god health/guard, must plant the soul to plant, is loyal by the table!” 斩神卫暗骂一声,自己抛出这么大一个诱饵,夜剑很明显非常心动了。但是还如此的小心翼翼,他也免得废话了直接说道:“神主对于神城四卫很是看重,夜兄想必也知道,神城四卫代表的是神城,既要管理神城,又要带神主巡视天下。所以神主规定,担任神卫之位之人,必须种下魂种,以表忠心!” „Does soul plant? This, somewhat was perhaps difficult to manage “魂种?这,恐怕有些难办了” The Ye Jian facial color slightly changes, oneself have not really guessed wrong, the god city really leaves leeway the subsequent party. He somewhat hesitates. After all, after planting the soul plants, he may for a lifetime become the soul slave, although is quite high-level soul slave. 夜剑面色微微一变,自己果然没有猜错,神城果然留有后手。他不禁有些迟疑起来。毕竟,种下魂种之后,他可就是一辈子成为魂奴了,虽然是比较高级的魂奴。 Night brother should not be anxious, I have not said that rule of god formulation, once does not hold the post of this position time, can relieve the soul to plant, and obtains a god city honor elder duty, time Rongchang. The person who if the night brother recommends does not want to hold the post of this position, I can guarantee that he returns to native place smoothly, his descendants are also the riches and honors enjoy endless!” Zhan Shenwei is looking at the Ye Jian gloomy uncertain look, has put potent drug once more. “夜兄别急,我还没说完,神主制定的规则,一旦不担任此职位的时候,可以解除魂种,并且获得神城荣誉长老一职,时代荣昌。如果夜兄推荐的人不想担任此职位了,我可以保证他顺利归隐,他的子孙也是荣华富贵享之不尽!”斩神卫望着夜剑阴沉不定的眼神,再次下了一剂猛药。 Ha Ha the as even with such excellent condition, I want to trade to do am everyone will not reject. That what does not know below, has achieved the condition of god?” Ye Jian ponders the moment, finally has set firm resolve, the present condition has gone far beyond his request. Moreover he, as soon as trod the Ye Family fort to break own escape route, at this moment has not known to take advantage of somebody's authority uphill, he was really a fool. “哈哈如此优厚的条件,我想换做是谁都不会拒绝。那什么不知在下,是否达到了神主的条件?”夜剑思考片刻,终于下定决心了,现在的条件已经远远超过了他的要求。而且他一踏出夜家堡就已经把自己后路断了,此刻还不知道借势上坡,他就真是傻子了。 Zhan Shenwei laughed to stand, put out a hand toward Ye Jian, said: Ha Ha! Naturally good, night brother! Welcome to join god city one, later you were the new murdering god protect!” 斩神卫大笑一声站了起来,朝夜剑伸出了手,道:“哈哈!当然行,夜兄!欢迎加入神城一员,以后你就是新的弑神卫了!” Extremely is honored!” “非常荣幸!” Ye Jian has also stood, grasps the hand of Zhan Shenwei, but the look actually fluttered to outside, fluttered to the Ye Family fort, the corners of the mouth has shown a brutal happy expression. 夜剑也站了起来,一把握住斩神卫的手,但是眼神却飘向了外面,飘向了夜家堡,嘴角露出一丝残酷的笑意。
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