BPTH :: Volume #5

#441: He ran away

441 chapters of he ran away 441章他还是逃了 This place is very mysterious! 这地方果然无比神奇! Ye Qinghan is at this moment clear, why this place countless people want to come in one year of even one month well. One have practiced for one month, fights the air/Qi to cultivate to rise sharply, now has sensed the half of the day merely, could not trace side other three big Space Principle, senses one type unexpectedly immediately, the space was static. 此时此刻夜轻寒才明白,为何这地方无数人都想进来一年甚至一个月都好。自己修炼了一个月,战气修为大涨,现在仅仅感悟了半天,一直摸不到边的其余三大空间玄奥,竟然立刻感悟了一种,空间静止玄奥。 Although merely is basic, traces to a mysterious front door, but everything is difficult to do at very beginning. Does not fear the road to be difficult to walk, feared unable to find the road, since has crossed the threshold, then remaining continuously pushed to spread out, verified unceasingly, the space static mysterious accomplishment was the matter of being settled. 虽然仅仅是才入门,才摸到一丝玄奥的大门,但是万事开头难。不怕路难走,就怕找不到路,既然已经入门了,那么剩下的就是不断推衍,不断印证,空间静止玄奥大成算是板上钉钉的事情了。 No longer the waste time, Ye Qinghan starts pushing wholeheartedly to spread out to verify, this place every second is precious incomparable! 不再浪费时间,夜轻寒开始全心全意的推衍印证起来,这地方每一秒都是珍贵无比啊! In Ramble Pavilion. 逍遥阁内。 Little Black also in deep sleep, but Ye Qingwu has been building up Divine Crystal, looks at this stance, will not practice Saint Realm not to come out. 小黑还在沉睡,而夜轻舞一直在炼化神晶,看她这架势,不修炼到圣人境是不会出来了。 Purple Island peaceful very much, Old Lu is bringing Ye Qingyu and Yue Qingcheng , was settles down in Purple Island. Ye Qingyu steps into God Rank, the breakthrough was very slow. In Divine Crystal mysterious is ordinary just like the sea, but she perceives through meditation mysterious merely is a river, entered God Rank to perceive through meditation mysteriously is the important matter, therefore she has not entered the Ramble Pavilion cultivation supernatural power, but was closes up in Purple Island directly. 紫岛安静的很,鹿老带着夜轻语月倾城,在紫岛算是定居下来了。夜轻语踏入神级,突破已经很是缓慢了。神晶内的玄奥宛如大海一般,而她参悟的玄奥仅仅才是一条大河般,入了神级玄奥参悟才是大事,所以她没有进逍遥阁修炼神力,而是直接在紫岛闭关了。 Yue Qingcheng every day except for playing a stringed musical instrument, is one person takes a walk near Small Valley , is feeling the nature, is feeling in the world the mysterious temperament. What is very strange, she has actually surpassed Little Black in the Purple Island status, the Purple Island demon beast stems from the Divine Beast invincible might to Little Black. But to Yue Qingcheng is actually affectionate of the heart, every day she plays a stringed musical instrument, almost the high-level demon beast of island will gather Small Valley , then slowly diverges. Meets Yue Qingcheng that walks outside , will call one affectionate, expressed the respect to her innermost feelings. 月倾城每天除了弹琴,就是一人在小山谷附近散步,感受着自然,感受着天地中神奇的音律。很奇怪的是,她在紫岛的地位却已经超过了小黑,紫岛的魔兽对小黑是源于神兽的神威。而对月倾城却是发自内心的亲昵,每日她一弹琴,几乎全岛的高级魔兽都会聚集小山谷,而后慢慢散去。在外面遇到行走的月倾城,也都会亲昵的叫上一声,表达对她内心的尊敬。 Flame Dragon Continent is very peaceful these days. 炎龙大陆这段时间很安静。 Besides southwest the Demon Clan southeast and War-God Prefecture have sent some small disturbances, other do not have what important matter actually. 除了妖族东南部和战神府西南部发了一些小骚乱外,其余倒是没有什么大事。 Burns the god health/guard not to hesitate to expose the soul slaves in massive hidden city, unceasing in two place secret seizing appearance superior teenage boys and girls. Although War-God Prefecture and monster Shenfu is populous, however regularly is missing dozens over a hundred people, has initiated the tumult. 焚神卫不惜暴露大量隐城的魂奴,不断的在两处地方秘密抓捕容貌上等的少男少女。虽然战神府和妖神府人口众多,但是隔三差五的失踪几十上百人,还是引发了骚动。 This matter started to cause the attention of Dragon City and Sky Demon City some time, sending out massive expert to go to investigate, but investigated, found out the matter very much easily. However War-God Prefecture and monster Shenfu, not only does not dare ***, instead also on own initiative helps the god city suppress. 这事开始一段时间引起了龙城天妖城的注意,派出大量强者前去调查,但是一调查下来,很容易就把事情摸清楚了。但是战神府和妖神府非但不敢***,反而还主动帮神城压制下去。 God slaughter, unscrupulous getting rid in hidden city, and has Ye Family of relations to get rid to and Senior Shi. Finally Ye Qinghan is missing, Ye Ruoshui from exploding, moreover now also flagrant gave in dire straits Grey City. Mainland all God Rank expert were scared, they were worried, once angers the crazed god, first time will extinguish the world war to repeat. 神主屠,在隐城的肆无忌惮的出手,而且还是对着和噬大人有关系的夜家出手。最后夜轻寒失踪,夜若水自爆,而且现在还明目张胆的把苍城给困死了。大陆所有神级强者都被吓破了胆子,他们担心一旦惹怒丧心病狂的的神主,第一次灭世大战就会重演。 Although Dragon City and Sky Demon City, in unceasing secret shift appearance good teenage boys and girls, but the soul slaves in god city are ubiquitous. Every day is some unceasing people are being missing, the tumult is still continuing, words that War-God Prefecture and God Rank expert of monster Shenfu, is worried about to continue very much, entire War-God Prefecture and can the monster Shenfu be thorough *** gets up. 虽然龙城天妖城,在不断的秘密转移容貌好的少男少女,但是神城的魂奴却无处不在。每日还是不断的有人在失踪,骚动还在继续,战神府和妖神府的神级强者,很担心继续下去的话,整个战神府和妖神府会不会彻底***起来。 The Grey City person, was also worried. The Grey City sky was as before gloomy, several years had not seen to shine the ray. 苍城的人,也在担心。苍城的天空依旧阴暗了,几年了还不见放光芒。 Zhan Shenwei moved in Grey City City Lord Mansion already several years, Ye Family fort several years have not actually seen the human to come out, the Grey City day as if no longer has been surnamed the night. 斩神卫入住苍城城主府已经几年了,夜家堡却几年没见人出来了,苍城的天似乎已经不再姓夜了。 However in tonight, the Ye Family fort actually suddenly fluttered a shadow, this shadow speed Qi Kuai, has not brought to the attention of Ye Family fort convoy guard unexpectedly, suddenly vanished in the Grey City main street and small alley. 但是就在今夜,夜家堡却突然飘出了一道黑影,这道黑影速度奇快,竟然没有引起夜家堡护卫队的注意,眨眼就消失在苍城的大街小巷中。 He walked!” “他还是走了!” Ye Family back side of the mountain small garret, Ye Baihu looked at Ye Qingniu that the opposite was sitting cross-legged long to put out the one breath, in the eye has filled the endless disappointment and desolate. 夜家后山小阁楼,夜白虎望着对面盘坐的夜青牛长长吐出一口气,眼中充满了无尽的失望和落寞。 Snort! The head of the clan is tenderhearted, if I already struck to kill this bastard, the person of this grade of wild ambition does remain what is using? In the past killed small Ye Dao, behind repeatedly wants to harm Little Master Han. Now is booing, Ye Family suffered distress, rebelled and fled directly, snort! Irritated the father, next time will see him to me, certainly personally struck to kill this bastard!” “哼!族长心软,要是我早就击杀这畜生了,这等狼子野心的人留着何用?当年将小夜刀害死,后面又几次三番想害小寒子。现在倒好,夜家受难了,直接叛逃出去了,哼!气死老子了,下次给我看到他,一定亲手击杀这个畜生!” Ye Qingniu kicked to stand, scary of two eye drums, the tears chill in the air was threatening, combative, panting in indignation the ceaselessness in the room walked back and forth. 夜青牛扑腾一声站了起来,两个眼睛鼓的吓人,眼泪寒意逼人,杀气腾腾,在房间内气呼呼的不断走来走去。 Yeah Ye Jian is also Saint Realm, he must walk, we cannot defend, was good! Elder Brother Niu, does not need to be angry for this grade of rebel child. Did you recently make the breakthrough? Does the feeling have opportunity Cheng Shen?” Ye Baihu has rubbed the temples, several years were older, obviously by the Ye Family present situation and trivial matters tired. “哎夜剑也是圣人境,他要走,我们也防不住,行了!牛哥,不必为这等叛逆子生气了。你最近有突破吗?感觉有机会成神吗?”夜白虎揉了揉太阳穴,几年时间苍老了许多,显然是被夜家的现状和琐事所累。 Cheng Shen “成神” The Ye Qingniu hear, no longer takes a walk, but turns the head by the front door, is looking at outside the smooth ground taking advantage of the gentle moonlight. Actually the Ye Family back side of the mountain cannot be the mountain at this moment, that palm of god, almost the back side of the mountain rolling, after the present small garret is, constructs. Long time, Ye Qingniu long puts out the one breath to be incapable of saying: Long Pifu actually two years ago Cheng Shen, the head of the clan estimated for five years to be able Cheng Shen, as for me estimated that this lived hopelessly!” 夜青牛听完,不再走动,而是转头透过大门,借着柔和的月光望着外面平坦的地面。其实夜家后山此刻都不能算是山了,神主的那一掌,几乎把后山给辗平了,现在的小阁楼都是后建的。良久之后,夜青牛才长长吐出一口气无力说道:“龙匹夫倒是两年前成神了,族长估计五年内能成神,至于我估计此生无望了!” In the Ye Baihu eye is also a gloom, he very as clear as their this ages, various body function aspects slowly was declining. Their peaks pass, Saint Realm and Heaven Immortal Realm, although only differ a boundary, but are actually day and the disparity of place. Saint level military is every level, is the mortal, cannot escape the fetter of world eventually, does not evade the destiny the prisoner's cage. But God Rank has actually gone against heaven's will changes to assign, obtains the approval of world, did not say that other only lives have 100,000 years 夜白虎眼中也是一阵暗淡,他很清楚到了他们这种年纪,身体机能各方面都已经在慢慢衰退了。他们的巅峰时期已经过了,圣人境天神境虽然只相差一个境界,但却是天和地的差距。圣级武者属于凡级,是凡人,终究逃不过天地的束缚,躲不过命运的囚笼。而神级却是已经逆天改命,得到天地的认可,不说其他的光寿元就有100000年 Does not know, Little Master Han and Xiao Wu they how? Can Little Master Han succeed?” In the Ye Qingniu vision selects, looks by the front light mountain shade to the distant place, in the eye is fondly remembered and anticipated. “不知道,小寒子小舞她们怎么样了?小寒子能成功吗?”夜青牛目光上挑,透过前方淡淡的山影望向远方,眼中都是怀念和期待。 Little Master Han?” 小寒子?” Ye Baihu gloomy look suddenly one bright, in the eye also completely is anticipates and fiery. 夜白虎暗淡的眼神陡然间一亮,眼中也尽是期待和火热。 He very clear, although Ye Family majority of juniors in diligent cultivation, but if by them, Ye Family cannot escape the extermination of the clan eventually the result. Even if Ye Tianlong Cheng Shen how? Even if they did become the god have been able to be what kind of? Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if the Ye Family fort talent poured forth, how dozens years did have dozens people of Cheng Shen? Who can defeat the god slaughter? Who can rescue Ye Family? 他很清楚虽然夜家大部分子弟都在勤奋的修炼,但是如果凭借他们自己的话,夜家终究逃不脱灭族的结局。就算夜天龙成神了又如何?就算他们两人都成神了又能怎样?退10000步说,就算夜家堡天才辈出,数十年有几十人成神又如何?谁能击败神主屠?谁能解救夜家 Only has Ye Qinghan! Because he has Divine Beast, has the integration skill of anomaly! 唯有夜轻寒!因为他有神兽,有变态的合体技能! They do not know after Ye Qinghan becomes a god, can fights the technique by Little Black and integration, strikes to kill or defeat the god slaughter. However besides him, who is hopeful? 他们不知道夜轻寒成神之后,能不能凭借小黑合体战技,击杀或者击败神主屠。但是除了他,谁还有希望? The Ye Family fort has been equal to a prisoner's cage at this moment, a dead prisoner's cage. Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu except for boosting the fighting spirit of Ye Family juniors struggle, practices diligently outside, has no other alternative. If not give them a hope, does not give them a goal, does not give them a matter to do, lest they cannot wait for Ye Qinghan to return, the Ye Family juniors already completely either rebelled and fled, either was insane! 夜家堡此刻已经等于是一个囚笼,一个死囚笼。夜青牛夜白虎除了激励夜家子弟们的斗志去奋斗,去努力修炼外,别无他法。如果不给他们一个希望,不给他们一个目标,不给他们一件事情做,两人唯恐等不到夜轻寒归来,夜家子弟早就全部要么叛逃,要么疯掉了! Hopes that Little Master Han can take to us really a miracle, otherwise Ye Family except for the extermination of the clan, has no other alternative!” Ye Baihu has stood, with Ye Qingniu abreast in row is looking at the east sky, but in two people of eyes besides, all hopes the wing. “希望小寒子真能带给我们一个奇迹,否则夜家除了灭族,别无他途!”夜白虎站了起来,和夜青牛并排的望着东边的天空,两人眼中除了无奈之外,全是希翼。 The moonlight like the water, perfuses the entire earth as before, however the Grey City night, actually resembled does not lose the past beauty. 月色依旧如水,洒遍整个大地,但是苍城的夜,却似不负以往的美丽。
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