BPTH :: Volume #5

#440: Space static

440 chapters of spaces static 440章空间静止 The cultivation does not have the years, Ye Qinghan this cultivation, has practiced directly for one month. 修炼无岁月,夜轻寒这一修炼,直接修炼了一个月时间。 More practices the heart startled, because he discovered that so long as he as soon as the revolution fights the air/Qi, world vitality changes just like turbulent tidal crazy upwells toward his body, but this inside world vitality is unexpectedly thick fights the air/Qi just like liquid, his dantian shortly on will be fulled floaded operation, this speed compared with initially in Ghost Island , oneself digested that energy in Battle Beast Space transmitting to be fast unexpectedly. And the energy that this energy brings Dragon Crystal must be purer, very easily the solid state fights the air/Qi on the direct conversion, in pill nucleus of that rapid rotation by the dantian was held. 越修炼越心惊,因为他发现只要他一运转战气,身边的天地元气变宛如汹涌的潮水般疯狂朝他身上涌来,而这里面的天地元气竟然浓密得宛如液态战气般,他的丹田顷刻将就被灌满了,这速度竟然比当初在幽冥岛,自己消化战兽空间内传来的那股能量还要快。且这能量比龙晶带来的能量要更加精纯,很轻易的就直接转换成固态战气,被丹田中那颗快速旋转的丹核容纳进去。 The pill nucleus in dantian turned into the soybean size, sends out the dark golden ray. After entering the Saint level, pill nucleus is not changing is small, but starts to change color, start is the golden color, then gradually transforms the black, finally turned into the pure white to reach the Saint level peak. 丹田内的丹核已经变成了黄豆般大小,散发出暗金色的光芒。进入圣级之后丹核不在变小,而是开始变色,开始是金色,而后逐渐转变成黑色,最后化成纯白色就达到了圣级巅峰。 Ye Qinghan wants with the aid of fighting the air/Qi cultivation, is stabilized completely by own mentality, is the rapidness of this cultivation speed as even with such, he will decide to fight the air/Qi to practice Saint Realm 2-level to say again. Energy unceasing transformation that will emerge crazily, unceasing absorption. After him regards to see the pill nucleus in dantian turned into the black completely, this stopped the cultivation, has opened the eye. 夜轻寒本来只是想借助战气修炼,让自己的心态完全稳定下来,可是这修炼速度如此之快,他决定将战气修炼到圣人境二重再说。将疯狂涌入的能量不断的转换,不断的吸收。当他内视看到丹田内的丹核完全变成了黑色之后,这才停止了修炼,睁开了眼睛。 One month of war air/Qi broke through Saint Realm 2-level, this speed was a little scary, although Ye Qinghan almost was also 1-level 50% degrees, but this also indeed is the rocket speed. 一个月战气突破了圣人境二重,这速度有点骇人了,虽然夜轻寒原本差不多也达到一重一半的程度,但是这也的确是火箭般的速度。 Wiped the nose, Ye Qinghan has hesitated, a moment later, he has not gone to awaken Yao Ji, but continued to close one's eyes to sense Space Principle to get up. Fought the air/Qi cultivation speed he to see, now he wants to have a look the sensibility speed of principle in this, really with is the same, was outside double that Yao Ji said? 抹了抹鼻子,夜轻寒沉吟起来,片刻之后,他没有去叫醒妖姬,而是继续闭眼感悟起空间玄奥起来。战气修炼速度他是看到了,现在他想看看在这里面法则的感悟速度,是不是真的和妖姬说的一样,是外面的双倍? Tall and pleasing to the eye Illusion Palace continued to reply tranquilly, although inside had a man and a woman, but each other has not actually gone to disturb the idea of opposite party. 美轮美奂的梦幻宫继续回复了平静,虽然里面有一男一女,但是彼此却并没有去打扰对方的想法。 The time passes in the fingertip quietly, suddenly a half year passed by. 时间悄然在指尖流逝,眨眼间半年过去了。 In Ramble Pavilion, Little Black also in deep sleep, but Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu simultaneously have actually opened the eye, in their eyes actually in opening flashes through electricity glow instantaneously, is very strange. But Old Lu also feels their condition, has opened the eye. 逍遥阁内,小黑还在沉睡,而月倾城夜轻语却同时睁开了眼睛,两人的眼中却在睁开的的瞬间闪过一丝电芒,很是奇怪。而鹿老也感受到两人的状态,睁开了眼睛。 Well? I felt that has absorbed an efficacy, actually built up to melt for a half year, although the body faintly somewhat seemed to be different, but the boundary did not have half silk increase, what's all this about, Grandpa Lu!” “咦?我感觉吸收了一丝药力,却炼化了半年,身体虽然似乎隐隐有些不同了,但是境界却没有半丝增加,这是怎么回事,鹿爷爷!” After Ye Qingyu comes soberly, starts to inspect own strength, the discovery any has not actually increased, was the supernatural power strengthened a point merely. This is treating in Ramble Pavilion, itself on unceasing in absorbing god pavilion the air/Qi of god. Also was equal to that said this seems like fierce incomparable Middle-Rank Divine Pill, as if a use? 夜轻语清醒过来之后,开始检查自己的实力,却发现没有任何增加,仅仅是神力增强了一点。这在逍遥阁内待着,本身就不断的在吸收神阁内的神之气。也就等于说这看似厉害无比的中品神丹,似乎一点用处没有? Um, I am also same! However actually felt that as if my mind more static joy, this feeling is very good!” Yue Qingcheng hesitates slightly also opens the mouth saying that a half year of cultivation, making her as if Piao Miao leaves the dust, in the frown and smile, unknowingly released a holiness. “嗯,我也一样!但是却感觉似乎我的心灵更加静怡了,这感觉很好!”月倾城微微沉吟也开口说道,半年的修炼,让她变得似乎更加飘渺出尘了,一颦一笑中,不经意释放出一丝圣洁。 Concrete I am not clear, but the Middle-Rank Divine Pill energy and mystery, surpass your imagination absolutely, you slowly will feel in the future the change. Least, Little Qingcheng you cannot Cheng Shen, your life be have the thousand years absolutely!” Old Lu strokes the beard, the smile said. “具体的我也不清楚,但是中品神丹的能量和神奇,绝对超过你们的想象,日后你们就会慢慢感受到变化。最少一点,小倾城你就算不能成神,你的寿命绝对能有千年!”鹿老一捋胡须,微笑说道。 „In 1000?” “1000年?” They simultaneously one startled, life that must know the mainland average person, only then about hundred years, even if the Saint level expert life also can only amount to 200 years old, now they do absorb the little efficacy actually to achieve the thousand years lives? Did that absorb this Divine Pill Little Black completely, the strength will have what kind of change? 两人同时一惊,要知道大陆普通人的寿命,只有近百年,就算是圣级强者寿命也只能达到200岁,现在她们只是吸收了一点点药力却能达到千年寿命?那完全吸收了这神丹小黑,实力会有怎样的变化? Little Black? It can complete the evolution in the several years absolutely, is the mature period, turns into the real sense Divine Beast!” Old Lu sees surprised their is looking at Little Black, he he smiles very affirmative saying. 小黑?它绝对能在数年内完成进化,达到成熟期,变成真正意义的神兽!”鹿老见两人吃惊的望着小黑,呵呵一笑非常肯定的说道。 Hee hee, Little Black turns into Divine Beast, can it same speak with that Senior Nine? Can his strength be very fierce?” Ye Qingyu one hear of two eyes narrow a seam, Little Black one are summoned, she unusual liking, if can speak, that was more amusing. “嘻嘻,小黑变成神兽,它能不能和那个九大人一样会说话啊?还有他实力会不会很厉害啊?”夜轻语一听两只眼睛眯成一条缝,小黑一被召唤出来,她就非常的喜欢,要是能说话的话,那就更好玩了。 Speech? Naturally the energy, Divine Beast enters God Rank to speak, moreover according to the rank of Divine Beast, but can also change from? So long as Senior Nine broke through one step to change the adult again, but Little Black belongs to that very abnormal Divine Beast, it must change from the estimate also to very long time.” “说话?当然能,神兽一入神级就能说话,而且根据神兽的等级,还能化形哪?九大人只要再突破一步就能变化成人了,不过小黑是属于那种很变态的神兽,它要化形的话估计还要很久的时间。” Old Lu as if to Little Black is very familiar, in the spoken language somewhat loved faintly, looks down Little Black that whistling has rested greatly, the facial color has one suddenly frantic and respect: After it becomes a god is fierce, this I am not clear, after all it is not independent Soul Devouring Beast, but turned into your elder brother's battle beast. However a little I can affirm, if it can awaken the Soul Devouring Beast talent magical powers, the mainland was lost in thought to advocate peace Senior Shi, does not have God Rank is its match, even can say that the second kills easily! Also including me!” 鹿老似乎对小黑是很熟悉,言语中隐隐有些疼爱,低头看了一眼呼呼大睡的小黑,面色却突然带起了一丝狂热和尊敬:“至于它成神之后厉害不厉害,这点我也不清楚,毕竟它不是独立的噬魂兽,而是变成了你哥的战兽。但是有一点我可以肯定,如果它能觉醒噬魂兽的天赋神通的话,全大陆出了神主和噬大人,没有一个神级是它的对手,甚至可以说轻易秒杀!也包括我!” What?” “什么?” They were shocked completely, enters God Rank by talent magical powers, can the second kill any God Rank expert unexpectedly? Listens to the Old Lu meaning god slaughter , if no feudal lord will, can the second kill easily? Can Old Lu of deity peak the second kill? What talent magical powers this is, how can as even with such be abnormal? 两人完全被震惊了,一入神级凭借一个天赋神通,竟然可以秒杀任何神级强者?听鹿老的意思神主屠如果没有领主意志的话,也能轻易秒杀?就连天神巅峰的鹿老都能秒杀?这是什么天赋神通,怎么会如此变态? Now said that this was too early, waits for Little Black to awaken the talent magical powers to say again!” The matter of Old Lu to Little Black, seemed not willing saying that excessively had not explained that then said: Walks, we go to Purple Island, making Little Black build up this Divine Pill well!” “现在说这个还太早,等小黑觉醒了天赋神通再说吧!”鹿老小黑的事情,似乎不愿多说,没有过多解释,转而说道:“走吧,我们去紫岛吧,让小黑好好炼化这神丹!” Ye Qinghan fights the air/Qi with the aid of the cultivation, finally has stabilized the mentality completely, at this time innermost feelings confident, is wholeheartedly quiet to practice. 夜轻寒借助修炼战气,终于将心态完全稳定了下来,此时内心一片坦然,一心沉寂在修炼之中。 He knows after military cultivation Emperor Realm, fought the air/Qi becomes insignificant. Comprehended the world principle, and Emperor Realm 2-level military who creates the intense attack, even can defeat to fight the air/Qi to cultivate to easily achieve emperor peak military. 他知道武者修炼到帝王境之后,战气变得无足轻重了。一个领悟了天地法则,并且创造出强烈攻击的帝王境二重武者,甚至可以轻易击败战气修为达到帝王巅峰的武者。 Therefore he decisively stopped fighting the air/Qi cultivation, started wholeheartedly, sensed the principle. He starts to recall in the world numerous marvelous, that [say / way] seven pink clouds light that starts to recall Yue Xishui Cheng Shen, with that terrifying purple thunder. Starts to recall outside Grey City Senior Shi that to be only great the hand, starts to recall that rain hits the sand beach chart 所以他果断停止了战气修炼,开始全心全意,感悟起法则来。他开始回想起天地之中的重重奇妙,开始回想起月惜水成神的那道七彩霞光,和那恐怖的紫雷。开始回想起苍城噬大人的那只巨手,开始回想起那副雨打沙滩图 Slowly, in his mind reappears, at that time was tranquil, breeze that from time to time the sea of surging forward, blew at that time, at that time fell, raindrop that from time to time stopped, that launched and restoration sand pit 慢慢的,他的脑海中又浮现出,那时而平静,时而汹涌澎湃的大海,那时而刮起的微风,那时而落下,时而停止的雨滴,那展开而又复原的沙坑 Well?” “咦?” Thinks that he has opened eye suddenly, then the pupil rapidly enlarges, the surprise and surprised of whole face. 想着想着,他突然睁开了眼睛,而后瞳孔迅速放大,满脸的诧异和惊讶。 It is not right! 不对! Probably one year of six months, oneself looked at the rain to hit the sand beach chart again. Except for that meeting of map-read, oneself can see clearly, can feel that chart, then after forcefully were withdrawn, how regardless in the mind in think that does not have the least bit rain to hit the sand beach chart the memory! Now? 好像一年半年前,自己再去看雨打沙滩图。除了看图的那会,自己能看清楚,能感受到那幅图,而后自己被强行退出之后,脑海内无论自己在怎么想,都毫无半点雨打沙滩图的记忆!现在怎么? It is not right! 还有不对! As if what saw is very fuzzy picture, now changed clear? 似乎原先自己看到的是很模糊的景象,现在怎么变清晰了许多? This This place was too strange, is not right! Was too mysterious! 这地方太诡异了,不对!是太神奇了! Ye Qinghan cannot think that for fear that the memory in mind eliminates, immediately is calm, senses once more. As he recalled unceasingly that in his mind reappears clear rain to hit the sand beach chart once more. 夜轻寒不敢多想,生怕脑海内的记忆消除,立刻凝神静气,再次感悟起来。随着他不断的回想,他脑海内再次浮现出一幅清楚的雨打沙滩图。 The sea one will rush, one suddenly static, the wind one will blow, one will stop suddenly, the rain one will fall, one will vanish, the sand pit one will launch, one will recover 大海一会澎湃,一会突然静止,风一会刮起,一会突然停止,雨一会落下,一会消失,沙坑一会展开,一会复原 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Qinghan looks is clear at present incomparable design, looks at present suddenly static all, in the mind induces anything suddenly, shone a lightning just like the jet black night, has cut the expansive sky, has illuminated the night. 夜轻寒看着眼前清晰无比的图案,看着眼前突然静止的一切,脑海中陡然间感应到什么,宛如漆黑的夜里亮起了一道闪电,划破了长空,照亮了夜。 Static, space static! Space static! I understood! Ha Ha “静止,空间静止!空间静止!我明白了!哈哈” Towering 突兀的 Ye Qinghan laughs loudly, the laughter has filled pleasantly surprised, was full of the pleased, laughter recklessly has reverberated in Illusion Palace, for a very long time. 夜轻寒放声大笑起来,笑声充满了惊喜,充满了快意,肆意的笑声在梦幻宫内回响起来,久久不息。 Repugnant, understood understood, it is necessary excitedly becomes this, quarrelled others to sleep is not relieved towering laughter actually to awaken by noise Yao Ji of deep sleep, she dug the small mouth twittering, continued to go off, beautiful pupil that but opened slightly that instantaneous, in the eye has actually been full of the appreciation and shocking color “讨厌,明白了就明白了,有必要兴奋成这样嘛,吵得人家睡觉都不安心”突兀的笑声却将沉睡的妖姬吵醒了,她撅起了小嘴呢喃了一句,继续睡去,但是微微睁开的美眸那瞬间,眼中却是充满了赞赏和惊艳之色
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