BPTH :: Volume #5

#447: War

447 chapters of wars 447章大战 On the small boat the Men in Black is facing such as the mountain but actually sea terrifying seven luck in gambling classes, complexion full garden slight fluctuation, look slightly cold, the facial expression is proud, before the mighty force, one from horizontal blade immediately, just like violent storm , a loosen from generously motionless. Front wind hisses Yun Yong, small boat actually static, if the rock, one static moves, unexpectedly that strange. 扁舟上黑衣人面对着如山倒海恐怖的七彩气流,脸色满园丝毫的变幻,眼神微冷,神情自傲,宛如千军万马之前,一将自横刀立马,又宛如狂风暴雨之中,一松自慨然不动。前方风啸云涌,扁舟却静若磐石,一静一动,竟是那么地怪异。 Seven luck in gambling classes passed over gently and swiftly rapidly, that in sky wipes the white vacuum gradually to expand, suddenly before arrived at the small boat. But remnant intent of opposite white clothing person corners of the mouth even more was also obvious, in eye flame sparkle, as if in anticipating small boat and Men in Black, after the air current has swept, turns into the powder pink / white, turns into that in sky to wipe white. 七彩气流急速掠过,天空中的那抹白色真空逐渐扩大,眨眼间已经到达了扁舟之前。而对面的白衣人嘴角的残意也愈加明显了,眼中火光闪耀,似乎在期待着扁舟和黑衣人,在气流扫过之后,变成齑粉,化成天空中的那抹白。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The Men in Black moved finally, he extends a hand, gentle lifts that white bamboo stick, the footsteps moves on the small boat, light Qingwu moves, the movement is very gentle elegant. Just like a Hanii, is dancing lightly to the moonlight plum blossom. 黑衣人终于动了,他伸出一只手,温柔的抬起那根白色竹棍,脚步在扁舟上移动,轻轻舞动起来,动作很是轻柔飘逸。宛如一个月下美人,正对着月色梅花翩翩起舞。 This stick law, this step “这棍法,这步法” The Ye Qinghan eye sends out just like the cold star brilliant ray, looks at the Men in Black to step on the strange step on the small boat, dances lightly. The laymen watch the fun, the expert looks at the way, naturally the Space Principle Ye Qinghan face initially ascends the palace not to be, five big foundations completely have not sensed mysteriously, let alone was more expert. However he vaguely can feel a marvelousness of implication. 夜轻寒眼睛散发出宛如寒星般的灼灼光芒,望着黑衣人在扁舟上踩着诡异的步法,翩翩起舞。外行看热闹,内行看门道,当然空间法则夜轻寒脸初登殿堂都算不上,五大基础玄奥都没有完全感悟,更别说内行了。但是他依稀可以感觉到其中蕴含的一丝奇妙。 In his eyes, the Men in Black treads every time one step, his space trembles, immediately a fluctuation fills the air to go just like the ripples, his each stick waves, can make the space have the shake to leave behind just like the white line fissure. But these fluctuations and fissures interweave unexpectedly mutually, forms a strange design, this design, just likes top Ramble Pavilion these ripple, making the human look very irritably, moreover in the unceasing migration, the unceasing combination, as if must form some type of special thing. 在他眼里,黑衣人每踏出一步,他那处空间都为之一颤,随即一股波动宛如涟漪般弥漫而去,他的每一棍舞动,都能让空间产生震荡留下一道道宛如白线般的裂痕。而这些波动和裂痕竟然相互交织起来,形成一幅诡异的图案,这图案,就犹如逍遥阁顶部的那些波纹般,让人看得十分别扭,而且还在不断的移动,不断的组合起来,似乎要形成某种特殊的东西。 The Men in Black tread 108 steps, dances 108 sticks time, his body does not have the indication suddenly stopped. From moving to calmly, actually that towering, seems he has not moved generally. As his body stopped, the airborne ripple and white fissure also stopped in that moment. Then he suddenly shows a faint smile, in the eye flashes through a happy expression, shouted in a soft voice: Absolute domain!” 黑衣人踏出108步,舞出108棍的时候,他的身子突然间没有征兆的停了下来。由动到静,却是那么的突兀,好似他从来就没有动过一般。随着他身子停了下来,空中的波纹和白色裂痕也在那一刻停了下来。而后他突然微微一笑,眼中闪过一丝笑意,轻声呼道:“绝对领域!” Buzz!” “嗡!” The airborne ripple and white crack disintegrate in that moment suddenly completely, turn into grains of black dust particles to stroll in nearby all spaces, but a moment later, in the Men in Black side emerges out of thin air a black light cover, the light covers black misty one piece, just like was covered by the black fog, anything cannot see clearly, the light covers outside actually to send out the cold and gloomy black dim light. 空中的波纹和白色裂缝在那一刻突然全部土崩瓦解,化成一粒粒的黑色的尘粒漫步在附近的所有空间,而片刻之后,黑衣人身边凭空出现一个的黑色光罩,光罩内黑蒙蒙一片,宛如被黑雾笼罩般,什么都看不清,光罩外却散发出森冷的黑色幽光。 The everywhere seven luck in gambling classes howl, before the black light covers the sea water and reef vanish in abundance. Must spread shortly, however, this black light covered at this time actually suddenly fluctuated, original goose egg light covers turns into a big sword suddenly, does not draw back unexpectedly instead enters, silent has destruction myriad things the seven luck in gambling classes of terrifying aura to flush away toward the front directly. 漫天的七彩气流呼啸而过,黑色光罩前的海水、礁石纷纷消失。眼看就要蔓延过来,然而,这时这黑色的光罩却突然变幻了,原先一个鹅卵型的光罩突然化成一把大剑,竟然不退反进,无声无息的朝前方拥有着毁灭万物的恐怖气息的七彩气流径直冲去。 This “这” The ray in Ye Qinghan eye was more abundant, but actually narrowed the eyes tightly, left behind a slit alone, solidly was locking the front that black big sword, was extremely nervous. 夜轻寒眼中的光芒更盛了,但是却眯得更紧了,独留下一条缝隙,牢牢锁定着前方的那把黑色的大剑,神情万分紧张。 The black big swords and seven luck in gambling classes have bumped into finally, but had not actually expected that the super large explosion, does not have the powerful shock-wave, even has not sent out one including the sound. 黑色大剑和七彩气流终于相撞了,但是却没有预想中的超级大爆炸,没有强烈的冲击波,甚至连声音都没有发出一丝。 Vision institute, then black big sword strange sways from side to side, just like a small fish of swimming against the stream, in seven color air currents, is swinging unceasingly the tail, goes toward the front lasing. But those who let Ye Qinghan and that white clothing person is shocking, these have the seven luck in gambling classes of terrifying aura, when enters the black light cover, the inside black misty smog actually tumbles, has opened the mouth just like a monster, has swallowed seven luck in gambling classes, the seven luck in gambling class moments of entering completely vanished, finally turned into the black misty smog 目光所及,那把黑色大剑诡异的扭动起来,宛如一条逆流而上的小鱼般,在七彩的气流中,不断的摆动着尾巴,朝前方激射而去。而让夜轻寒和那白衣人震惊的是,那些带有恐怖气息的七彩气流,在进入黑色光罩的时候,里面黑蒙蒙的烟雾却翻滚起来,宛如一只怪兽张开了嘴般,将七彩气流吞噬了,进入的七彩气流片刻都全部消失了,最后都化成了黑蒙蒙的烟雾 Snort!” “哼!” Opposite white clothing person is looking, then black big sword silent comes toward his fast lasing, in underlines just like the sky of white paper in especially, moreover does not have the least bit sound, feeling completely that strange. His facial color changed countenance finally, not hesitant, both hands open once more, in the top of the head starts to gather seven color clouds once more, starts to draw on Ling Lie the aggressive endless cold wind. 对面的白衣人望着,那把黑色的大剑无声无息的朝他快速激射而来,在宛如白纸的天空上格外突显,而且没有半点声音,感觉尽是那么的诡异。他面色终于动容了,没有犹豫,双手再次张开,头顶上再次开始聚集七彩云朵,身后又开始招来凌冽霸气的无尽寒风。 My will is irresistible! Goes!” “我的意志不可抗拒!去!” The white clothing person this time condenses giant seven color treasured swords the will, to front that the silent black big sword, is in sharp opposition, howling with overpowering momentum goes, must crack-up the black big sword that directly. 白衣人这次将意志凝聚成一把巨型七彩宝剑,对着前方那把无声无息的黑色大剑,针锋相对的,气势磅礴的呼啸而去,要将那把黑色大剑直接撞碎。 Two big swords both are several hundred meters, dozens meters width, an imposing manner is dreadful, sends out seven color gods only, one actually silent, is in sole possession of wipes all black. In goes through just like the vacuum of white paper in like lightning, the front surface clashes to go. 两把大剑都是数百米长,数十米宽,一把气势滔天,散发出七彩的神光,一把却无声无息,独有一抹纯黑。在宛如白纸的真空上闪电般穿行,迎面对撞而去。 The swords of two big swords sharp quick have bumped into, does not have the fierce explosion, does not have to hit to rebound mutually, is a sound has not sent out. But is 200 great swords puts on unexpectedly mutually *** went, seven color great swords are direct *** that the black great sword, seven color gods only, in the ray that in the black was in full bloom, but black smog at this moment actually black light gloomy, as if game is as good as lost, must vanish into thin air general. 两把大剑的剑尖很快就相撞了,还是没有剧烈的爆炸,也没有相互一撞反弹开去,更是一点声音都没有发出。而是200巨剑居然相互穿***去了,七彩巨剑直接***了那把黑色的巨剑内,七彩的神光,在黑色中怒放的光芒,而黑色烟雾在此刻却黑光暗淡,似乎大势已去,就要烟消云散一般。 Ha Ha! My will nobody can resist!” The white clothing person sees this, laughs wildly, the under foot emits the raging flame, the appearance is insufferably arrogant. “哈哈!我的意志无人能抗拒!”白衣人见此,狂笑起来,脚下冒出熊熊烈火,样子不可一世。 This “这” Ye Qinghan also slightly pressed drew out the brow, some doubts, did not say that space expert does win? Isn't this absolute domain as if how good? 夜轻寒也是微微蹙起了眉头,有些疑惑,不是说空间强者赢吗?怎么这绝对领域似乎不行了啊? Well? It is not right! 咦?不对! The Ye Qinghan sudden eye shrinks, in eye bursts out the none remaining once more, the facial expression also extremely rouses together. 夜轻寒突然眼睛一缩,眼中再次迸发出一道精光,神情也极度振奋起来。 Front that the black smog in black big sword, although seems like must be only annihilated by seven color gods, but actually just like the insect of centipede dies but not stiff, the unceasing tumbling, seems putting up a last-ditch struggle. 前方那把黑色大剑内的黑色烟雾,虽然看似要被七彩神光所湮灭,但是却宛如百足之虫死而不僵般,不断的翻滚起来,似乎在垂死挣扎。 However, with the lapse of time, the black smog has not actually dissipated, instead are getting more and more, seven color gods only just like unceasing was swallowed by the black fog, reduction gradually, turns into an pure blackness finally. 然而,随着时间的推移,黑色烟雾却迟迟没有消散,反而越来越多,七彩神光宛如不断的被黑雾吞噬,渐渐的减少,最后化成一片纯黑。 The mammoth seven color Divine sword vanish, sky independent silent black big sword. Dead quiet is standing erect in that just like one can the Shi Hun giant beast, open spooky both eyes, lets somebody cool off or calm down is looking at the front. 声势浩大的七彩神剑消失,天空独立一把无声无息的黑色大剑。静幽幽的在那矗立着,宛如一只能噬魂的巨兽,睁开幽幽的双眼,冷冷望着前方。 Absolute domain, in my domain absolutely invincible, even if will how?” The black great sword spreads the sound that lets somebody cool off or calm down together, then the great sword like lightning has slid the expansive sky, swallows silently the whole face panic-stricken white clothing person, then black great sword towering stopped, static in airborne stands as before horizontally. “绝对领域,在我领域中绝对无敌,就算意志又如何?”黑色巨剑传出一道冷冷的声音,而后巨剑闪电般滑过长空,将满脸惊恐的白衣人无声无息的吞噬进去,而后黑色巨剑都突兀的停了下来,依旧静静在空中横立。 This absolute domain is as even with such unexpectedly tyrannical?” “这绝对领域竟然如此强横?” In the Ye Qinghan heart a piece with amazement, has super expert of will, like this is quietly was cut to kill, this absolute domain can really the mechanical reactance feudal lord will! 夜轻寒心中一片骇然,一个拥有意志的超级强者,就这样悄无声息的被斩杀了,这绝对领域真的能力抗领主意志啊! Buzz “嗡” The black great sword sends out one to recite the sound finally lightly, then the great sword starts to distort, slowly in turns into a goose egg light cover, the light covers the black smog also in slow dissipation, finally completely vanishes, but that Men in Black form reappears slowly. In sky interwines the white fissure and space ripple also along with reappearing, the crack and ripple start to sway from side to side, starts decomposition slowly, finally completely vanishes. 黑色巨剑终于发出一丝轻吟声,而后巨剑开始变形,慢慢化成一个鹅卵型的光罩,光罩内的黑色烟雾也在缓慢的消逝,最后完全消失,而那个黑衣人身影慢慢浮现。天空中的交织在一起白色裂痕和空间波纹也随着浮现出来,裂缝和波纹开始扭动起来,开始慢慢的分解开去,最后完全消失。 Fluctuation? Crack? Interweaves? Fusion? Decomposition?” “波动?裂缝?交织?融合?分解?” Ye Qinghan has not actually cared about the Men in Black to leap the midair, urging the small boat to continue recklessly. But standing on cliff, both eyes are confused, are in trance, mouth also keeping was talking over anything, seemed thinking deeply about anything 夜轻寒却没有在意黑衣人跃下半空,驱使着扁舟继续肆意前行。而是愣愣的站在悬崖上,双眼迷茫,神情恍惚,嘴里还在不停的念叨着什么,似乎在思索着什么
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