BPTH :: Volume #5

#436: Palace

436 chapters of palaces 436章宫殿 The Senior Nine stay said goodbye to go, entire Ramble Pavilion peaceful, Little Black fell into the deep deep sleep, Ye Qingyu and Yue Qingcheng in absorbing the Old Lu arrangement territory field, Divine Pill overflowed a efficacy that dispersed. Ye Qingwu is still closing up, Old Lu has not actually absorbed the efficacy in territory field. This instilled the strength regarding cultivating tens of thousands years of him, dispensable, but he actually cannot abolish the territory field, otherwise the efficacy will overflow to disperse. Therefore very much he smiled closes one's eyes to sit cross-legged to perceive through meditation the principle to get up. 九大人停留告辞而去,整个逍遥阁都安静了下来,小黑陷入了深深的沉睡,夜轻语月倾城则在吸收鹿老布置的域场内的,神丹溢散的一丝药力。夜轻舞还在闭关,鹿老却没有吸收域场内的药力。这点药力对于修炼了几万年的他来说,可有可无,但是他却又不能撤销域场,否则药力会溢散出去。于是他很笑了笑的闭眼盘坐参悟法则起来。 Perfect is very peaceful, the martial arts room is also very peaceful! 完美很安静,练功房也很安静! Ye Qinghan is sitting cross-legged at this moment on the ground, the manner is serene, the breath is steady, just like old monk of sitting in meditation. He, is not certainly practicing, but was completing to continue one year of painful battle path. 夜轻寒此刻正盘坐在地上,神态安详,呼吸平稳,宛如入定的老僧。他,当然不是在修炼,而是在完成持续了一年的痛苦征途。 At this moment his spirit knowledge already in that eye by top of the head, divergence during that piece is void, unceasing in that woman toward the midair is approaching. 此刻他灵识已经透过头顶上那双眼睛,辐散在那片虚空之中,不断的朝半空中那个女人靠近着。 A front distance, he does not have the slight stop, just like cool breeze, has fluttered. Until arrived to that woman also dozens meters times, the speed starts to be slow, the spirit knowledge of his divergence, has encountered at this moment as if the hindrance, starts becomes walks with difficulty. Starts to run on flat land just like a person, then the sudden front presented a mire, every time goes forward one step to spend very big strength. 前面的一段距离,他没有丝毫的停顿,宛如一阵清风,一路飘过。直到到了离那个女人还有数十米的时候,速度开始缓慢起来,他的辐散的灵识,此刻似乎遇到了阻碍,开始变得步履艰难起来。宛如一个人开始在平地上奔跑,而后突然前方出现了一片泥潭,每前进一步都要花费很大的力气。 Advance, advance!” “前进,前进!” Ye Qinghan does not have the least bit to be discouraged, the bull that just like being in heat, made an effort , to continue to go the spirit knowledge divergence. 夜轻寒却没有半点气馁,宛如一只发情的公牛般,使足了劲,继续将灵识辐散而去。 30 meters, the speed of advance became slow. 30米,前进的速度又变得缓慢了一丝。 20 meters, his head started some to swell slightly! 20米,他的头开始有些微微发胀了! 15 meters, ten meters! 15米,十米! At this time his brains became the wonderful bulge are incomparable, previous time his direct brains thundered in this place, the spirit knowledge was forced to withdraw. 这时他的头脑已经变得奇胀无比,上次就是在这个地方他直接头脑轰鸣一声,灵识被迫退出了。 I can be good! Insisting!” “我能行!坚持!” If some people in martial arts room, definitely will be daunted at this moment, because this moment Ye Qinghan whole body muscle starts the convulsion, starts to twitch, on a face the blue edge strip rouses, is very the terrifying. Swaying that on the forehead the bean big grain of beads of sweat, do not ask for money , the whole body was already moistened several by the sweat. 如果此刻有人在练功房的话,肯定会被吓住了,因为此刻夜轻寒全身肌肉开始痉挛,开始抽动起来,一张脸上青筋条条鼓出,很是恐怖。额头上豆大一粒的汗珠,正不要钱的挥洒而下,全身早已被汗水打湿了好几遍。 Five meters, four meters, three meters! 五米,四米,三米! „It is not good is not good!” “不行了不行了!” Ye Qinghan felt that at this moment has bordered on the limit, the innumerable experiments, he is very clear, if continued the divergence to the limit spirit knowledge again, definitely again forcefully will be withdrawn void, returns to the mind. Then greets own is one hour of pain suffering. 夜轻寒感觉这一刻已经濒临极限了,无数次的试验,他很清楚,如果到了极限灵识再继续辐散的话,肯定会再次被强行退出虚空,回归脑海。而后迎接自己的又是长达一个多小时的痛楚煎熬。 Spelled!” “拼了!” Is looking near at hand, but actually probably in the horizon, that flies high the vertical woman. 望着近在咫尺,但却又好像远在天涯的,那个凌空而立的女人。 Ye Qinghan decides to spell. At this time, he has not actually encouraged the actuation spirit knowledge altogether, continued the proceeding divergence. Instead starts backlash slowly, a backlash really pressure decreases suddenly, a soul relaxedness, withdrew two meters distance, he actually starts the crazy actuation spirit knowledge, spreads toward the front rapidly, the speed reaches the peak that he has been able to actuate. 夜轻寒决定拼一把。这时,他却没有鼓着劲一股脑的驱动灵识,继续往前辐散。反而开始慢慢的后退,一后退果然压力顿减,灵魂一阵轻松,退后了两米距离,他却开始疯狂的驱动灵识,朝前方急速蔓延,速度达到了他能驱动的巅峰。 Five meters, three meters, one meter! 五米,三米,一米! Bang!” “轰!” His brains thunders suddenly, the picture in mind fluctuates suddenly, at present the near at hand woman disappears directly. At that moment, his exceedingly indignant, almost, almost! 突然之间他头脑一阵轰鸣,脑海中的景象突然变幻,眼前近在咫尺的女人直接消失了。那一刻,他无比愤怒起来,就差一点,差一点啊! When he prepares to greet the pain suffering of that great pain and grief once more. He actually suddenly felt that the body starts becomes incomparably relaxed comfortable, the soul becomes incomparable serene and satisfied, warms. Just like the separate for a long time child, throws the arms of mother once more, at this moment he incomparably enjoys, almost thinks that comfortable light recited one. 只是,当他准备再次迎接那种肝肠寸断的痛楚煎熬的时候。他却突然感觉,身体开始变得无比轻松舒适,灵魂变得无比的安详、惬意、温暖起来。宛如失散许久的孩子,再次扑进母亲的怀抱,这一刻他无比享受,几乎想舒服的轻吟一声。 At this moment, that chart strange design of his top of the head, shines a gentle ray suddenly, covers his body, then his body suddenly baseless vanished. 就在这时,他头顶的那图诡异的图案,突然亮起一道柔和的光芒,将他的身体笼罩进去,而后他的身体突然凭空消失了。 Ye Qinghan as if felt that anything, has opened the eye slowly. 夜轻寒似乎感觉到了什么,缓缓睁开了眼睛。 However 但是 His eye sees, is actually not originally the familiar martial arts room, but went to a very strange place, arrives at a tall and pleasing to the eye palace? 他眼睛看到的,却不是原来熟悉的练功房,而是来到了一处非常陌生的地方,来到一处美轮美奂的宫殿? He somewhat is suddenly terrified, were oneself in unknowingly, shifted unexpectedly? In situation that in oneself have not responded completely, suddenly went to this strange place? Is the Saint level expert sensation how keen? However slightly had not actually realized that this little was terrorist! 突然之间他有些惶恐起来,自己竟然在不知不觉中,被转移了?在自己完全没有丝毫反应的情况下,突然来到了这个奇怪的地方?圣级强者的感知何其敏锐?但是却丝毫没有察觉,这就有点恐怖了! However, he is always the courage very big person, since 15 years old leave the Ye Family fort, matter each article that meet is strange strange. 不过,他向来是个胆子非常大的人,自从15岁离开夜家堡,遇到的事情件件都是离奇古怪。 The hesitation moment, he thinks that he is transmitted this in Ramble Pavilion suddenly, he thinks that besides Ramble Pavilion ban, basic nobody can achieve. 沉吟片刻,他想到自己是在逍遥阁内突然被传送到这,他想了想,除了逍遥阁本身的禁制外,根本无人能做到。 Since is Ramble Pavilion transmits own, then should not be dangerous, therefore he has relaxed the heart slightly, started to size up this to be beautiful has surpassed the Ramble Pavilion palace 既然是逍遥阁传送自己的,那么就应该不危险了,所以他微微放宽了心,开始打量起这个美丽得赛过了逍遥阁的宫殿 This palace is not big, probably only then the Ramble Pavilion main hall is so big, what is very strange does not have the gate unexpectedly . Moreover the wall is a green stone builds, is actually sending out the gentle white light, lets the person feeling is very comfortable. 这宫殿不大,大概只有逍遥阁正殿那么大,很奇怪的是居然没有门,而且墙壁都是一种青色的石头筑成,却散发着柔和的白光,让人感觉很是舒适。 The palace decorates very tediously luxurious, many are Ye Qinghan sees has not seen the goods. However makes people not feel luxuriously, instead the feeling is very refined, fresh. This feeling is very strange, is very marvelous. 宫殿装饰非常繁琐豪华,许多都是夜轻寒见都没见过的物品。但是却让人不感觉奢华,反而感觉很雅致,清新。这种感觉很诡异,也很奇妙。 Naturally, after having seen Ramble Pavilion, Ye Qinghan regarding this splendid palace already not many shocks. But makes him feel what incomparably shocks is the place above of palace, the jade bed, on the bed has the white translucent gauze account, but in the gauze account, the side is lying down woman! 当然,见过逍遥阁之后,夜轻寒对于这种富丽堂皇的宫殿已经没有过多的震撼。而让他感到无比震撼的是宫殿的上方,有一张玉床,床上有着白色半透明的纱帐,而纱帐内,有一个侧躺着的女人! Rumble!” “咕噜!” The gauze account has isolated the Ye Qinghan vision, making him unable to see clearly the complete picture of this woman, when Ye Qinghan first sees the body of this woman, both eyes burst out together the fiery ray suddenly. Throat nonchalant creeping motion, saliva in gulps starts to be swallowed 纱帐隔绝了夜轻寒的目光,让他看不清这个女人的全貌,但是夜轻寒第一眼看到这个女人的身体时,双眼陡然迸发出一道火热的光芒。喉咙不经意的蠕动起来,大口大口的唾沫开始被咽下 This, what female is! 这,是一个什么样的女子啊! Is away from the screen window, what Ye Qinghan first sees is pair of flesh and blood symmetrical barefoot, is fair and delicate, on ten construction neat foot nails is shining the pink gloss, on the ankle is bringing one string of purple small bells, coordinates her pair of fine tootsy, forms a unique enticement. In upward is double camber perfect calves and two makes the human look at bloodlines high to emit the light gloss the snow white thigh, merely one both legs seized completely the spiritual energy and good fortune between world. 隔着纱窗,夜轻寒首先看到的是一双骨肉匀称的赤足,白皙而又纤巧,十个修建整齐的脚指甲上正亮着粉色的光泽,脚腕上带着一串紫色的小铃铛,配合她那双精致的小脚,形成一种独特的诱惑。在往上是一双弧线完美的小腿和两条让人看得血脉亢张散发出淡淡光泽的雪白大腿,仅仅一双腿就已经夺尽了天地间的灵气和造化。 Conceivable, has the person of this kind of pair of beautiful leg, has made the world man sufficiently crazy 可以想象,拥有这样一双美腿的人,已经足以让天下男人为之疯狂了 On the swan slender neck neck, is actually a perfect face, to the extreme five senses, on the eyelash next pair of slightly close eye pupil of long curl wipes the gorgeous purple eye shadow fine, a light radian that the bright and clean corners of the mouth bend, makes the whole piece face is full of flavor 天鹅般修长的颈脖上,却是一张完美无瑕的面孔,精致到极点的五官,长长卷曲的睫毛下一双微闭的眼眸上是一抹艳丽的紫色眼影,光洁的嘴角弯起的一个淡淡的弧度,却让整张脸变得韵味十足 Said honestly that the face of this female can only share half and half with Yue Qingcheng , the stature can compared with Ye Qingwu, the skin just like Ye Qingyu, but the makings actually by far surpass three people of several points. This female whole body is releasing one everywhere, can stimulate man moral nature actually wild animal the makings of desire 坦白说,这女子的面孔只能和月倾城平分秋色,身材能比夜轻舞,皮肤宛若夜轻语,但是气质却是远远赛过三人几分。这女子浑身无处不在释放着一股,能激发男人心底却野兽的欲望的气质 Attracts, to attract the unparalleled makings! 魅惑,魅惑无双的气质! „Do you want me?” “你想要我吗?” At this moment, in the palace suddenly resounds a Piao Miao sound, this sound lazy profound actually incomparably attracts the will of the people, nearly made Ye Qinghan that almost could not dominate spurt directly! 就在这时,宫殿内突然响起一个飘渺声音,这声音慵懒深远却无比魅惑人心,险些让差点把持不住的夜轻寒直接喷了!
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