BPTH :: Volume #5

#435: Pin Shendan

435 chapters of Middle-Rank Divine Pill 435章中品神丹 „!” “咻!” The peaceful night, the sky drops together the meteor suddenly, but this meteor actually in the past meteor was not the sole brilliant white or is the white yellow, this meteor had all colors ray sparkle, moreover speed Qi Kuai, flashed past in the sky of mainland, finally submerged in high Divine Mountain directly. 安静的夜里,天空突然落下一道流星,只是这道流星却不似往常的流星般是单一的亮白色或者是白黄色,这道流星却有五彩光芒闪耀,而且速度奇快,在大陆的天空一闪而过,最后直接没入了高高的神山上。 God city one year later, lowers the miracle in tonight once more, naturally this same nobody felt that surprised and prostrates oneself. Instead has the expression that more people show to despise. 神城时隔一年之后,在今夜再次降下神迹,当然这次同样没有人感到惊讶和膜拜。反而有更多的人露出鄙夷的表情。 Tu Shenwei and burns the god to protect, although is slightly stunned, but has not actually hurried to the god pavilion. 屠神卫和焚神卫虽然微微错愕,但是却没有赶去神主阁。 Jie Jie! Really does not have me to expect “桀桀!果然不出我所料啊” A moment later, god slaughter incisive laughter, transmits from the god pavilion, the sound is very recklessly and insolent. At this moment he is standing in the center of courtyard, the hand takes one to glow on the five colors appearance to inscribe the tedious mark the stone. This is the god special-purpose pass on message symbol, was that meteor. 片刻之后,神主屠尖锐的笑声,从神主阁传来,声音很是肆意和张狂。此刻他正在站在院子的中央,手拿着一枚焕发着五色神彩上面刻有繁琐符号的石头。这是神界专用的传讯符,也就是刚才的那道流星。 He is the god person, very clear god in 1000 a time Palace Master challenge tournament, one year ago that rides the handsome man of white horse to arrive at Flame Dragon Continent, he faintly has guessed correctly. Then he subpoenaed in the Hui, now finally got the accurate answer in clan. 他是神界的人,很清楚神界1000年一次的府主挑战赛,一年前那个骑着白马的英俊男人降临炎龙大陆,他就隐隐猜到了一些。而后他传讯回族中,现在终于得到了族中的准确答案了。 Jie Jie!” “桀桀!” Slaughter is grasping flood the dim light stone, looks up the north, the double pupil shines together the blood red ray, finally starts to laugh loudly. The incisive grating laughter flutters in god city, is startled absolutely terrified the god City Subjects. 屠手握着泛着幽光的石头,抬头望着北方,双瞳亮起一道血红的光芒,最后开始放声大笑起来。尖锐刺耳的笑声在神城内飘荡,将神城子民惊得一片毛骨悚然。 Sir, it seems like you must get back one's composure matter, was been clear by the slaughter inquiry!” “大人,看来你要回神界的事情,已经被屠打探清楚了!” In dark castle Tientai, Senior Nine respectful standing in Senior Shi behind, some worried look is looking at south one, then in a low voice reminded. 暗黑城堡天台内,九大人恭敬的站在噬大人身后,有些忧色的望着一眼南方,而后低声提醒起来。 Might as well, this is not any big secret!” Senior Shi is taking tea, an action one cup of blue tea, are placing mouth air flush gently, then min slowly a small mouth, the lid serving tea lid, lightly said: God in 1000 a time challenge tournament, regarding the material potential surface is a secret, doesn't god who know? Has the final say he to know that again I must get back one's composure, again?” “无妨,这本来就不算什么大秘密!”噬大人一手拿着茶盏,一手端着一杯蓝色的茶水,放在嘴边轻轻的吹着气,而后慢慢的抿了一小口,盖上茶盖,淡淡说道:“神界1000年一次的挑战赛,对于物质位面算是个秘密,神界何人不知?再说了就算他知道我要回神界,又如何?” Sir, I am worried that Little Black Senior Nine this time actually toward the east side toward one, the worried look on face is more abundant, he wants saying that is worried about Little Black and Ye Qinghan, but looks at the complexion that Senior Shi lets somebody cool off or calm down, actually does not dare to say. A fox face, reveals with the expression that the human worries about exactly the same unexpectedly, even seems like more sincere: Sir is not, I feared that cannot suppress him!” “大人,我是担心小黑九大人这次却朝东边往了一眼,脸上的忧色更盛,本来他想说担心小黑夜轻寒,但是看着噬大人冷冷的脸色,却没敢说下去。一张狐狸脸,竟然露出和人一模一样担忧的表情,甚至看起来更真诚一些:“大人不在,我怕压制不住他!” Does not need you to suppress, I have the arrangement!” Senior Shi beckoned with the hand lightly, the look is light, as if any matter does not care. “无须你压制,我自有安排!”噬大人淡淡摆了摆手,神色清淡,似乎什么事都不放在心上。 Arrangement? That necklace?” Senior Nine remembered Senior Shi to be delivered of past by oneself suddenly a short time ago seems like the ordinary necklace, was suddenly enlighted. “安排?那条项链?”九大人突然想起前不久噬大人让自己送过去的那条看似普通的项链,恍然大悟。 Senior Shi has not explained many, but has referred to a jade bottle on table, said: You are delivering to give Little Black this, I built up to melt for one year, days before just practiced, making it take, after entire Flame Dragon Continent, nobody can injure him. Even if Ye Qinghan died it to be also all right!” 噬大人并没有解释过多,而是指了指桌子上的一个玉瓶,说道:“你在把这个送过去给小黑,我炼化了一年时间,前几日刚好练成,让它服用下去吧,整个炎龙大陆以后无人能伤他。就算夜轻寒死了它也没事!” This good!” Senior Nine, looks at the Senior Shi elegantly beautiful face, with the heartless words, sighed slightly, finally has not said anything, bringing the jade bottle to vanish above Tientai directly. “这好吧!”九大人,看着噬大人冷艳的脸孔,和无情的话语,微微一叹,最终没有说什么,带着玉瓶直接消失在天台上方。 Purple Island! Small Valley . 紫岛小山谷 Senior Nine is only the time of expenditure moment, has flickered to move from the dark castle, dodges Small Valley without the stay directly, exchanged greetings several with several people, has given Little Black the jade bottle. 九大人只是花费片刻的时间,就已经从暗黑城堡瞬移了过来,没有停留直接闪进小山谷,和几人寒暄几句,就将玉瓶递给了小黑 Chirp?” Little Black blinked to look at the jade bottle, why as if had doubts Senior Nine to separate the time to give the thing very much to come, is not and previous time equally strange, did not have the gadget of least bit use. “唧唧?”小黑眨了眨眼睛望着玉瓶,似乎很疑惑为何九大人隔断时间又送东西过来了,不会是和上次一样稀奇古怪,却没有半点用处的玩意吧。 Do not ask my anything, I am not clear, this does not have Compound Drug, the Sir asked you to swallow directly and that's the end!” Senior Nine smiles , to continue saying: „Will Sir harm you?” “不要问我什么,我还是不清楚,这是没丹药吧,大人叫你直接吞下就是了!”九大人莞尔一笑,继续说道:“大人难道会害你?” Compound Drug?” 丹药?” Old Lu was actually puts out a hand to stop Little Black to draw out the action of jade bottle stopper, cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say toward Senior Nine: Compound Drug that he he, the Sir delivers definitely is the Low-Rank Divine Pill rank, Senior Nine, do you look enter Ramble Pavilion? Overflows the loose spiritual energy also quite to make two small girl receive to select to benefit!” 鹿老却是伸手制止了小黑就要拔出玉瓶瓶塞的举动,朝九大人拱手说道:“呵呵,大人送过来的丹药肯定是下品神丹级别,九大人,你看能否进逍遥阁?溢散的灵气也好让两个小丫头从中受点益!” This might as well but actually, walks enters Ramble Pavilion together, Space Divine Tool my greeting on first meeting, actually cannot go to have a look, this time must open mind but actually!” Senior Nine shows a faint smile, is looking in the courtyard the twinkle none remaining front door, has revealed an interest. “这个倒无妨,走吧一起进逍遥阁,空间神器我久仰了,却一只未能进去看看,这次倒要开开眼界!”九大人微微一笑,望着院子内闪烁精光的大门,露出了一丝兴趣。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black pushes to the front toward the transmission gate walks, several other people were also hopeful followed. 小黑一马当先朝传送门走去,其余几人也是满怀期待跟了进去。 Enters Ramble Pavilion, this deeply has shocked Senior Nine just like the scene of immortal palace, is very the calm graceful makings, at this moment is also dissipates traceless, a fox small mouth Zhang Boss, is very shocking. 一入逍遥阁,这宛如仙宫的场景深深震撼了九大人,一直很是淡定优雅的气质,此刻也是消逝无痕,一张狐狸小嘴巴张的老大,很是震惊。 He he, Senior Nine you can visit at will, Little Black start!” Old Lu shows a faint smile, as if the god pavilion of very satisfied master took to shock of Senior Nine, the hand wields has arranged a territory field, then signaled by nodding toward Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu. “呵呵,九大人你可以随意参观一番,小黑开始吧!”鹿老微微一笑,似乎很满意主人的神阁带给九大人的震撼,手一挥布置了一个域场,而后朝月倾城夜轻语点头示意。 Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu know certainly that this is the rare chance, has not talked too much to close one's eyes to sit cross-legged to sit down directly, transports the merit to practice. 月倾城夜轻语当然知道这是难得的机缘,没有多言直接闭眼盘膝坐下,运功修炼起来。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black called two excitedly, then stretches out a small claw, works on the cover on jade bottle directly. 小黑兴奋的叫了两声,而后伸出一个小爪子,直接抓起玉瓶上的盖子。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The jar glowed a gentle ray unexpectedly, the jar has been separated from the claw of Little Black suddenly, drifted in the midair, secreted the fragrance of lung to scatter enjoyably from the bottle mouth, shortly in the small territory field is the delicate fragrance of this greeting the nostrils, making the human hear, completely relaxed, the spirit multiplied. 瓶子竟然焕发出一道柔和的光芒,瓶子突然脱离了小黑的爪子,飘浮在半空中,一股舒心泌肺的香味从瓶口飘散出来,顷刻间小小的域场内都是这股扑鼻的幽香,让人一闻,心旷神怡,精神倍增。 Suddenly! 突然! A jade bottle vibration, together fiery red shadow spatial bottle mouth ejection, unexpectedly in airborne unceasing dances in the air, as if must flee to go, is only as a result of the territory field blockade of Old Lu, throughout cannot run away, can only in several people of side top of the head unceasing twinkles. 玉瓶一阵抖动,一道火红的影子空瓶口弹射而出,竟然在空中不断的飞舞起来,似乎要逃离而去,只是由于鹿老的域场封锁,始终逃不出去,只能在几人身边头顶不断的闪烁起来。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black sees, was daunted, what is this thing? Will move unexpectedly? Two small eye unceasing fiery red shadow rotations, the body also keeps is sauntering in the ground. 小黑一见,被吓住了,这东西是什么?竟然会动?两只小眼睛不断的跟着火红的影子转动,身子也不停的在地面转悠着。 This Senior Nine is also first time sees this strange event, the calm calm expression once more becomes slightly stunned, blinked, as if some are not clear. “这”九大人也是第一次见到这种怪事,淡定从容的表情再次变得微微错愕,眨了眨眼睛,似乎有些不明白。 This is Middle-Rank Divine Pill! Sir writing skill was too big, Little Black, has not hurried to hold, immediately swallows!” Old Lu has been following Soul Emperor, is actually experienced, but slightly was also shocked, drinks greatly. This Senior Shi gets rid really uncommonly, it is estimated that previous that seems like the ordinary necklace is not every thing. “这是中品神丹!大人这手笔太大了,小黑,还不赶紧去抓住,立刻吞服了!”鹿老一直跟随着魂帝,倒是见多识广,但是也微微被震惊了一把,大喝起来。这噬大人出手果然不凡,估计上次那条看似普通的项链也不是凡物吧。 Little Black one hear was awakened, both legs one curved, the body throws like lightning toward the red shadow, during several capers, grasps this Compound Drug in the claw, under looks, was actually shocked. This Compound Drug shape unexpectedly and reduced the naked villain of non- several fold to be ordinary, eyes of grain of rice size sent out and honorable person general angry and pitiful expression of unexpectedly, as if held him to be very discontented to Little Black. 小黑一听被惊醒过来,双腿一弯,身子闪电般朝红色影子扑去,几个跳跃间,将这丹药抓在爪中,一看之下,却愣住了。这丹药的形状竟然和一个缩小了无数倍的赤裸小人一般,一双米粒般大小的眼睛竟然散发出和真人一般的愤怒而又可怜表情,似乎对小黑抓住他很是不满。 Little Black, a bit faster swallows, this is not an honorable person, without the soul, is only some intelligence, was later the drug efficacy to volatilize!” Little Black stares, Old Lu was anxious, shouted to clear the way hastily. 小黑,快点吞食,这不是真人,没有灵魂,只是有些灵性罢了,再迟些药效就要挥发了!”小黑一愣,鹿老却急了,连忙喝道。 Right! Hurry up!” Senior Nine also slightly worries, actually secretly rejoiced at heart that Old Lu knows this Divine Pill application method luckily, it is estimated that Senior Shi is also knows that Old Lu exists has not confessed itself. “对!快点!”九大人也是微微着急,心里却是暗暗庆幸,幸好鹿老懂这神丹使用方法,估计噬大人也是知道鹿老存在才没有多交代自己吧。 Little Black has not been hesitating, works on Compound Drug to throw into the mouth, then directly swallowed down. A moment later, the body of Little Black glowed unexpectedly with a moment ago the jade bottle same gentle ray, then unexpectedly directly fell to the ground whistling to rest greatly. 小黑没有在迟疑,一把抓起丹药丢进嘴里,而后直接吞了下去。片刻之后,小黑的身体竟然焕发出和刚才玉瓶一样的柔和光芒,而后竟然直接倒地呼呼大睡起来。
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